#Im mainly thinking about the wedding ep obvs
okay but the best thing about s3 is that the writers really understand that you can just plonk these 7 ish idiots into a room together and something interesting will always happen like sometimes it’s not about plot and fight scenes and emmy winning drama sometimes it’s about karaoke and balls of twine and sitting in the garden as a party winds down alright?
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botheredbuck · 4 years
AAAHHHH THEY'RE FIANCES!!!!!! Thank you for providing me with my ballum fandom squealing, your fics are actually inspiring to start writing fic again! Here's some asks to help get you out of any potential dip: WEDDING HEADCANONS??? (besides our queen Lexi as bridesmaid/wedding planner extraordinaire obvs) FAVE SCENE??? Finally, what do you think they would have done if there was no covid restrictions (will there ever be such a day?). Love and doves x
(i will never be over this- please i need them to call each other fiances in the next few eps pls i need it so bad)
I’m so glad you enjoy my fics haha thank you!! it’s really cool that i inspired you to write again what!! that’s awesome <3
- i need so many parallels. like so many. please. 
- i need lexi to just be like, all over it. i really want jay to be ben’s best man, and stuart to be callum’s (and mick to walk callum down the aisle because yes please), and then lexi to be like chief bridesmaid. 
- very specific but i want them in blue. don’t ask me why i couldn’t tell you. i just want them in blue pls (and fairy lights and candles? idk just s o f t)
- it’s not so much a wedding thing but like also i need them to have a convo about ben’s paul ring, and whether ben replaces it for one for callum (personally i want him to take it off for cal, but like still wear it as a necklace sometimes or like still keep it somewhere)
- ben takes jay and lexi to help pick out the rings (mainly bc lexi says he cannot pick them out himself because youre hopeless, dad) and gets all emotional about it and then he brings them home to callum who has a bit of a moment (because of the parallels with whitney omg someone stop me)
- they have a joint stag but end up running off halfway through it to *ahem* enjoy themselves, because hey, it’s them (stuart is disappointed but not surprised)
- they both write their own vows (because they would, duh) and callum doesn’t struggle at all. the words just flow. ben ends up writing something, but he just wings it on the day 
- (safe to say everyone’s sobbing)
- okay since this is an ee wedding, it’s highly likely but- i kinda really want it to be a drama fest. like preferably they have the ceremony and like actually get married and then just the after bit is like actual chaos, like mother highway turns up (I WANT MORE HIGHWAY PAST STUFF PLS) or the police do or something like that, i kinda just reall want drama yanno?
- ben and callum argue over what their first dance is gonna be and it’s between an ed sheeran song (callum’s side, im tempted by either perfect or wake me up) and ben’s choice, which is you matter to me from waitress (this just came to my head bc i was listening to waitress earlier and ben would totally suggest something like that. callum ends up getting his way, a la the comments made tonight about callum getting his way at least a couple times. 
- ben does the groom’s speech (it’s hilarious and adorable and embarrassing and most people are crying by the end of it because he’s just so in love goddamit), mick does the father’s speech (again absolutely hilarious, full of halfway era references, and jay does a speech too (because i said so, and it’s literally just like 5 minutes of him embarrassing ben)
- they also end up disappearing once or twice during the reception to, *ahem* enjoy themselves, because they’re husbands and they’re allowed. 
- phil stands up to do a speech at one point and everyone’s just kinda like oh god here we go but it actually ends up being really sweet and him talking about how much happier he knows ben is with callum, and how proud of him he is and ben ends up crying (’i am not crying, cal’ ‘ben there’s literally tears all down your face-’ ‘i will divorce you’)
anyway i will shut up i could go on forever i just ✨husbands✨
OKAY favourite scene tonight? i think it’s gotta be the proper actual proposal, like the one at the end where they finally fuckin say yes and it’s just like,,, im losing my mind. also the comment that lexi makes during that about other dad just,,, makes me feel things okay. 
okay so!! i dont think it actually would have been that different without covid, i think they would have just been more touchy feely? i think the actual story of the failed proposals and all that feels very them, and i dont think they would have changed it that much without covid. but yeah i think they would have been just closer through all of it, and we might have been slightly more likely to have rings? like both of them getting down on one knee and like exchanging rings? idk i actually don’t think it would have been too much different, i honestly loved it heh, it felt very them 
anyway this was actually really nice to write and think about and i apologise for the long post but like,,, thank you so much for leaving an ask lovely!! <3
(also i dont know if the love and doves thing was an intentional thing about my url but if so i loved it ahkjddkj)
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