#Image editing services for eCommerce businesses and pros
clippinggenius · 2 years
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Image editing services for eCommerce businesses and pros, from product photographers to Amazon sellers to global brands.
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cutoutimagebg · 5 days
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E-commerce Product photo editing
Image editing services for eCommerce businesses and pros, from product photographers to Amazon sellers to global brands.
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speed-seo · 7 months
10 Proven Ways to Take Your Ecommerce CX [Customer Experience] from Good to Great
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From So-So to Sensational: How to Wow Online Shoppers Gone are the days when online shoppers tolerated slow load times or confusing checkout processes. With consumers able to instantly price compare and buy from anywhere, online retailers need to wow and delight shoppers to earn their business. 👉 Mediocre customer experience means forgettable interactions and high churn. Exceptional customer experience creates vocal brand advocates. Just look at the data: - 86% of buyers are willing to pay more for great customer experience. - Companies exceeding customer experience expectations enjoy 60% higher revenues compared to competitors. - Loyal online shoppers have a 3x higher lifetime value than first-time buyers. Getting customer experience right has become imperative for ecommerce success. But where to start on the journey? Customer Experience Strategies This comprehensive guide reveals 10 proven strategies to take your online customer experience from so-so to sensational. We'll cover everything from optimizing product pages to streamlining checkout, providing exceptional service across channels, personalizing recommendations, and leveraging data to continuously improve. With these tips, you'll create end-to-end digital experiences that delight customers, fuel brand love, and drive sales growth for the long-haul. The stakes have never been higher when it comes to online customer experience. Let's explore how leading retailers are meeting the moment - and how you can too. 1. Hypnotize Customers with Compelling Product Listings Listings make first impressions. Ensure titles, copy, images and video quickly communicate the product’s value and benefits. - Lead with keywords in titles, weave organically in descriptions - Address buyers’ questions - specs, materials, care instructions - Conversational tone, like a helpful salesperson, not a robot - Alternate images to showcase key features - Videos demonstrate usage, scale, and components - Easy to scan with bullet points and bolding - Mobile optimized - legible imagery and copy on any device Pro Tip: A/B test listing content and visuals. Analyze performance data to refine. 2. Remove Roadblocks in the Buying Journey Like an obstacle course, poor UX triggers frustration and abandonment. Streamline navigation and checkout. - Intuitive categories and site search to easily find products - Filters to narrow selection - Visual hierarchy, breadcrumbs, product trails - Guest checkout reduces required fields - Pre-fill names, addresses, payment for registered users - Progress bar through checkout - Instant error messages identify issues Pro Tip: Use session replays to pinpoint and fix pain points. 3. Woo Customers with Free Shipping and Returns Make buying irresistible by eliminating financial risk. Offer free shipping guarantees and return policies. - Free shipping thresholds - Prepaid return labels in package - Local return drop-off points - Instant refunds once received - Free exchanges for different size or color Pro Tip: Promote guarantees on product pages and in email campaigns. 4. Deliver 24/7 Customer Service on All Channels From phone and email to chat, social media and beyond - be available across every channel your customers prefer. - Unified knowledge base empowers consistent support - Chatbots provide instant answers around the clock - Track CSAT (customer satisfaction) - Monitor resolution time and set SLAs - Omnichannel software unifies data and workflows Pro Tip: Identify most common customer questions and optimize FAQs. 5. Light a Fire Under Customers with Scarcity and Urgency The threat of missing out prompts action. But use selectively. - Limited-time promotions - Closing countdown timers on products or offers - Low inventory warnings or limited edition products Pro Tip: Test different urgency elements on product pages. Analyze conversion impact. 6. Stay Top of Mind with Lifecycle Email Campaigns Targeted emails bring customers back and boost lifetime value. - Welcome series for new subscribers - Cart abandonment emails - Browse abandonment messages - Re-engagement offers for inactive users - Win-back campaigns for defectors Pro Tip: Segment and personalize content with CRM or email platform. 7. Pinpoint Usability Issues with Session Replays Watch real user sessions on your site to identify pain points. Look for: - Slow page load times - Broken elements and error messages - Confusing navigation or information architecture - Form field confusion and abandonment - Shopping cart or wishlist issues Pro Tip: Prioritize fixes that impact critical user paths and conversions. 8. Turn Customers into Ambassadors with Ratings and Reviews Customer-generated content builds trust while fueling SEO. But stay authentic. - Post-purchase review prompt - Curate and display reviews, hide poor quality - Respond respectfully to negative feedback - Moderators filter inappropriate or fraudulent reviews Pro Tip: Analyze reviews for product insights and improvement opportunities. 9. Wow Shoppers with Relevant Recommendations Leverage data to deliver personalized suggestions. - Individual product recommendations based on purchase history, views, demographics - Content recommendations like guides, related products, comparisons - Similar items carousel based on current product - Order status dashboard with tracking, history, favorites Pro Tip: Balance automation with human curation for relevant recs. 10. Continuously Analyze Data and Optimize Insights from analytics tools and primary research inform enhancements. - Web analytics to identify popular entry pages, conversions, drop-off - Heatmaps show click density - Session replays uncover usability struggles - Voice of Customer surveys and feedback - Churn analysis provides retention insights - ** tools** connect data from all sources Pro Tip: Align teams on priority issues and coordinate improvements. Aditional tips to consider 👉 Mobile Optimization for Seamless Omnichannel Experiences Ensure seamless experience across smartphones, tablets, and apps. Test across iOS and Android. Optimize navigation and keyboards for thumbs. Offer app-exclusive features. 👉 Surveys Offer a Voice of the Customer Pulse Use surveys to gather qualitative feedback on experiences, emotions, and pain points. Ask for ratings on specific interactions. Segment users for comparative feedback. 👉 Testing Unlocks Innovation Continually test new features and experiences with a percentage of users first. Analyze impact on KPIs. Only roll out winning variations wider. 👉 Brand Storytelling Forges Emotional Connections Build an emotional connection through compelling brand storytelling and messaging. Emphasize shared values and higher purpose. Make customers the hero. 👉 Unified Insights Reveal Systemic Issues Consolidate insights from surveys, reviews, service tickets into a single CX dashboard. Identify systemic issues frustrating customers. Assign ownership for fixes. Delivering Memorable Customer Experiences Providing an exceptional ecommerce customer experience is no longer optional, but essential. However, CX improvement is not a one-and-done initiative - it's an ongoing journey. The strategies covered in this guide reveal key areas where online retailers can start making an impact through focused efforts: - Hypnotic product listings that sell themselves - Frictionless navigation and buying flows - Proactive, omnichannel customer service - Personalization that feels like magic - Promotions and perks that exceed expectations But ultimately, customer experience is about emotion as much as function. It's about crafting end-to-end digital experiences that resonate on a deeper level - tapping into shopper motivations and forging an emotional bond. The goal is moments of delight that spark joy, solve problems, and convey how much you value customers' time, money, and trust. To consistently deliver such moments, ecommerce brands must embed customer experience thinking into their culture: - Listen continuously to the Voice of the Customer - Empower teams to identify and remove pain points - Collaborate cross-functionally to connect insights - Invest in UX design, research, and optimization - Celebrate and promote customer-centricity With this strong cultural foundation, you gain agility to constantly evolve experiences and stay ahead of customer expectations. The payoff for outstanding CX is immense - increased conversion rates, lower acquisition costs, expanded lifetime value, and invaluable brand advocacy. By championing excellent digital experiences across the shopper journey, online retailers can strengthen loyalty in an increasingly fickle marketplace. They can turn customers into fans, and one-time buyers into lifelong brand champions. CX 101: Common Questions Answered Q: Where should we start in improving our customer experience? A: Begin by listening to customers through surveys, reviews, and service interactions. Identify the top pain points and areas of friction. Focus initial efforts on quick wins that address common issues. Q: How much does improving CX cost? A: Results come from focusing on the right priorities, not big budgets. Many CX best practices have low incremental costs but outsized impact - like crafting better product listings or optimizing checkouts. Q: How long does it take to see results from CX efforts? A: Some changes like faster load times have instant impact. But cultivating loyalty through great experiences compounds over time. With continuous improvement, gains build on each other. Q: How can we get internal teams onboard with the CX focus? A: Rally leaders around customer-centric goals. Connect insights to emotions and human stories. Celebrate CX wins and champion user advocates. Lead by example. Q: What metrics best reflect CX health and progress? A: Well-rounded metrics quantify business impact (revenue, conversions, cost per acquisition) and qualitative feedback (CSAT, NPS, reviews). Read the full article
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pppetips · 10 months
Elevate Your Brand with Stunning Product Photo Editing Services
In today's fast-paced digital world, where first impressions matter more than ever, visually appealing product images play a pivotal role in capturing the attention of potential customers.
Imagine browsing an online store with dull, low-quality product photos. Would you be compelled to purchase from that brand? Probably not. But when you encounter stunning, professionally edited product images, your perception changes. You develop trust in the brand, and the product's value becomes more apparent.
In this blog, we'll delve into the immense importance of high-quality product photos and explore how they can elevate your brand's visual appeal. We'll guide you through the world of expert product photo editing services, offering tips on how to choose the right partner to enhance your product images. Get ready to stand out from the competition and unlock the true potential of your eCommerce business.
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Product Photo Editing Services
In our modern, spe­edy online universe­, online stores are now the­ preferred shopping me­thod. Top-notch product photos are key in attracting possible clie­nts and boosting your brand's image. Services that e­dit product photos are vital in making your products visually attractive and alluring to your desire­d customers.
Online shopping pose­s a unique challenge for custome­rs. They can't actually feel or inspe­ct the items. Instead, product photos be­come super important for buyers. Good quality image­s directly influence how the­y view your brand - whether it's profe­ssional, dependable, and trustworthy.
Choosing a pro to edit your product photos can lift the­ir quality. This means your products shine in the be­st way. Expert edits like ge­tting rid of backgrounds, fixing colors, and improving images mean your product photos are supe­r eye-catching.
The Power of Visuals in Marketing
In today's visually driven world, the impact of visuals in marketing cannot be underestimated. Brands are constantly striving to capture the attention and engage the emotions of their target audience. This is where high-quality product photos come into play, as they have the power to elevate a brand's marketing efforts and drive sales.
When it comes to making purchasing decisions, consumers rely heavily on visual cues. A well-executed product photo can make a significant difference in capturing the audience's attention and portraying the value and quality of a product. High-quality product photos create a strong first impression and play a crucial role in building trust with potential customers.
In the highly competitive e-commerce landscape, standing out from the crowd is essential. Stunning product photos not only differentiate a brand from its competitors but also help establish a memorable and distinct brand identity. By showcasing products in the best possible light, brands can create a lasting impact and resonate with their target audience.
According to studies, visual content is processed 60,000 times faster than text, making it a highly effective tool for conveying information and evoking emotions. High-quality product photos have the ability to evoke desire and create an emotional connection with customers, leading to increased engagement and higher conversion rates.
Why High-Quality Product Photos Matter
In the fast-paced digital world of today, where consumers have countless options at their fingertips, creating a lasting impression is crucial for any brand. And one of the most effective ways to capture the attention of potential customers and establish trust is through high-quality product photos.
Creating a Good First Impression
When customers come across a product online, the first thing that catches their eye is the visuals. High-quality product photos make a strong visual impact, instantly grabbing attention and enticing potential buyers to explore further. A well-edited product image conveys professionalism, quality assurance, and attention to detail. It creates a positive perception, making customers more likely to trust the brand and consider making a purchase.
Gaining the Trust of Potential Customers
In the highly competitive e-commerce landscape, trust is a key factor in driving sales. High-quality product photos communicate the authenticity and value of your products. They show potential customers that you take your business seriously and are committed to delivering the best possible experience. When customers can see crisp details, vibrant colors, and well-presented products, they gain confidence in their purchasing decisions.
Differentiating Your Brand from the Competition
With countless e-commerce brands vying for customers' attention, standing out is imperative. High-quality product photos help your brand make a memorable impression and differentiate itself from the competition. When potential customers are comparing similar products, well-edited images can be the deciding factor in choosing your brand over others. By investing in professional photo editing services, you can ensure that your product photos captivate your target audience and leave a lasting impact.
Leveraging the Power of Visual Storytelling
Visual storytelling is a powerful marketing tool, and high-quality product photos play a vital role in telling your brand's story. Through carefully crafted visuals, you can evoke emotions, showcase the unique features of your products, and create a connection with your audience. Well-edited product photos allow you to convey the brand's identity, values, and style, enabling customers to envision themselves using your products.
Professional Photo Editing Services
In our dynamic digital era, visuals are­ key to grabbing potential customers' inte­rest. Therefore­, top-notch product images are esse­ntial for any brand aiming to make a mark. Snapping that ideal image isn't a cake­walk, though. Even seasoned photographe­rs can face hurdles with lighting, color correctne­ss, or bothersome background distractions. That's when e­xpert photo editing service­s step in, giving brands a chance to improve the­ir product photos and boost their brand's visual attractiveness.
Collaborating with a respe­cted photo editing agency can bring many advantages to brands. The biggest bene­fit is their teams of expe­rt editors, well-trained in the­ current editing methods and have­ an excellent e­ye for detailed work. They are able to convert a simple­ product photo into a high-quality, every-pixel-just-right image­ that showcases what the brand offers. This could involve­ getting rid of unwanted backgrounds, fixing colors to get the just right, or coming up with unique effects that match the brand's image. Thus, professional photo editing services can boost the overall visual appe­al of product images.
Choosing the Right Editing Partner
When it comes to enhancing your brand's visual appeal through professional photo editing services, choosing the right editing partner is crucial. Here are some tips to help you make an informed decision:
1. Expertise
Look for an editing partner with experience and expertise in product photo editing specifically. They should have a deep understanding of color correction, image retouching, background removal, and other editing techniques that are essential for e-commerce photography. Check their portfolio and client testimonials to assess their proficiency in delivering high-quality edits.
2. Turnaround Time
Time is of the essence in the fast-paced digital world. Ensure that the editing partner can meet your deadlines and provide a fast turnaround without compromising on quality. Prompt delivery of edited product photos is crucial for maintaining consistent and up-to-date visuals on your e-commerce website and other marketing platforms.
3. Competitive Pricing
Consider your budget and evaluate the pricing structure of different editing services. While affordability is important, be cautious of extremely low-priced options that may compromise the quality of edits. Look for transparent pricing models that align with the complexity of your editing requirements. Many editing services offer cost-effective packages for bulk editing needs.
4. Quality Assurance and Data Security
Ensure that the editing partner has a reputation for quality assurance. They should have a rigorous quality control process in place to ensure that every edited photo meets your expectations. Additionally, data security is paramount, especially when sharing confidential product images. Confirm that the editing partner has robust security measures in place to safeguard your brand's assets.
5. Client-Centric Approach
Choose an editing partner that values open communication and a client-centric approach. They should be responsive to your queries, receptive to feedback, and willing to collaborate in achieving the desired editing outcomes. Effective communication is key to building a strong and long-lasting partnership.
By carefully considering these factors, you can choose the right editing partner that aligns with your brand's vision and editing needs. Collaborating with an experienced and reliable editing service will ensure that your product photos stand out, captivate your audience, and elevate your brand's image in today's competitive e-commerce landscape.
Remember, when choosing an editing partner, prioritize expertise, turnaround time, pricing, quality assurance, and a client-centric approach.
Editing Services Offered
When it comes to enhancing the visual appeal of your product photos, professional editing services can make a world of difference. They offer a range of services that can transform your ordinary images into captivating visuals that capture the attention of potential customers. Here are some of the key editing services offered:
Background Removal
A cluttered or distracting background can take away from the focus on your product. Professional editing services can expertly remove backgrounds and replace them with a clean and seamless backdrop, ensuring that your product remains the star of the show.
Color Correction
Color is a crucial aspect of product photos. With professional color correction, you can ensure that your products are accurately represented with vibrant and eye-catching hues. This service helps to bring out the true colors of your products and create a visual impact that resonates with your target audience.
Image Retouching
Imperfections and blemishes can detract from the overall appeal of your product images. Professional image retouching services can help to remove these flaws, resulting in polished and flawless product photos. From smoothing out wrinkles to refining details, image retouching ensures that your products appear at their best.
Ghost Mannequin Editing
For clothing and fashion brands, showcasing the fit and shape of garments is essential. Ghost mannequin editing allows you to create a hollow effect in clothing images, giving them a realistic and professional look. By removing the mannequin while retaining the natural shape of the clothing, this editing technique helps customers visualize how the product would appear when worn.
These are just a few examples of the editing services offered by professional photo editing companies. Whether you need background removal, color correction, image retouching, or ghost mannequin editing, there are skilled editors who can cater to your specific needs. These services enable you to present your products in the best possible light, enhancing their appeal and ultimately driving sales.
Remember, quality is key when it comes to product photos. Investing in professional editing services is a smart choice in today's competitive e-commerce landscape. Not only do these services bring out the best in your products, but they also save you time and effort, allowing you to focus on other important aspects of your business.
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kawaiibirdarcade · 1 year
cleanup pictures
Cleanup Pictures for eCommerce Don’t let anything distract your customers: Not happy with the background? Or captured an unwanted item in the frame? There is nothing to worry about with the DoMyShoot app. With our state-of-the-art image clean up technology, we make it easy to remove any unwanted object from images and create the perfect shot. Don't settle for less-than-perfect photos. Upgrade your image editing game with DoMyShoot and see the difference for yourself. Retouch product photos for professional quality: Are you tired of lackluster product photos that fail to capture the true beauty of your products? Look no further than DoMyShoot, the ultimate app for retouching product photos to achieve professional quality. Our advanced image editing technology makes it easy to enhance and perfect your product photos. From removing unwanted background elements to adjusting lighting, sharpness, and color, to retouching blemishes, our app offers a comprehensive set of tools to help you achieve the best possible results. Try our app now and experience the difference that professional-level retouching can make for your business.
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casperlawrence · 2 years
Static vs. Dynamic WordPress Website
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What is static and dynamic website architecture? What defines dynamic content? Let’s dive in.
Static websites are coded in HTML and CSS, and every visitor’s content remains the same. They are ideal for displaying single content pages, such as a business’s contact information or a blog post.
On the other hand, dynamic websites are powered by a server-side language such as PHP. They contain dynamic content, which can be changed depending on the user’s input or other factors.
Dynamic websites are often used to create interactive experiences, such as ecommerce stores, web applications, and social networking sites.
Table of Contents
Difference Between Static and Dynamic Website Design
How websites work: look under the hood
Static vs. Dynamic Websites. Which One to Choose?
Dynamic websites: use cases and technologies
Dynamic Content and Dynamic Web Pages
What Is Dynamic WordPress Website?
Difference Between Static and Dynamic Website Design
Static websites can be likened to books in that their content does not change much, except for the incorporation of images, videos, and animations. The most interactive feature of a static website is usually a form, however, it is often more effective to use third-party services rather than relying solely on static forms.
Exploring the Mechanics of Websites: A Behind-the-Scenes Look
A website is an interactive exchange between two parties: the client and the server.
The client, who can be either a person on a computer or a smartphone, is the one that requests the website.
The server, which is a remote machine connected to the Internet, holds the information that forms the website pages.
HTTP and HTML are the two languages used by the browser to interact with the server. Hypertext, which is text with multiple links, is part of the HTTP and HTML languages.
These links are to CSS, JavaScript, and other media files that make up the website structure. When the browser reads them, it requests their delivery to make the DOM (Document Object Model). The difference between static and dynamic websites occurs on the server side.
And now, we can have two scenarios:
Static website
A static website is composed of files that are ready to view by a browser, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and media files, with no need for a database. This is the same as the internet from 20 years ago; it is easy to understand and navigate.
Usually, these sites contain only a few pages, with basic designs and little to no interactivity. The most interactive element is likely a button. Since there is no tracking of user visits, cookies, or roles, all users see the same content.
Any changes made to a page are only reflected on that page, even if a header or footer is edited, as there are no such components in a static HTML page. The overall look and feel of a static website is comparable to Google Docs.
Dynamic website
On the server, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP (when using WordPress Hosting) files are stored. This setup is what creates the key distinction, as it allows for a database to be used. The database stores information in rows and columns, making it much more efficient to access a large amount of data.
The PHP files, on the other hand, are used to create a frame for the content and to help the server understand the data. This setup has a great benefit, as it allows for different types of pages to be generated depending on user behavior or requests, with the content changing depending on the situation.
Rather than needing to create thousands of pages for each scenario, the database makes it easier to access the information in the way needed.
Pro Tip: 10 Proven Strategies to Improve WordPress Site Performance and Speed
Which type of website should you select: a static or a dynamic one?
Generally, it is crystal evident which form of the website to utilize once you are aware of your objectives. In their respective fields, they both have benefits.
Static websites: use cases and technologies
Static websites are websites that are served to viewers without any server-side processing. They are typically used for informational sites, such as portfolios, blogs, and other sites that don’t require any dynamic content.
Use Cases:
Landing pages: Landing pages are designed to get visitors to take a single action. They are often used as part of a lead generation or promotional campaign. Because they don’t require any dynamic content, static websites are ideal for creating landing pages.
Portfolios: Showcasing a portfolio of work is a great way to introduce potential customers to your skills and abilities. A static website is a perfect platform for a portfolio.
Blogs: Blogging is a great way to provide engaging content to your readers. A static website is a great platform for hosting a blog, as it requires less maintenance and updates.
Documentation: Documentation sites are often used to provide information and instructions on how to use a product or service. As they don’t require any dynamic content, static websites are ideal for hosting documentation sites.
HTML/CSS: HTML and CSS are the two main technologies used to create static websites. HTML is used to structure the content of the page, while CSS is used to style it.
JavaScript: JavaScript is used to add interactivity and dynamic elements to a static website. It can be used to create dynamic menus, sliders, and other interactive elements.
CMS: Content management systems (CMS) can be used to manage static websites. Popular CMSs include WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal.
Static Site Generators: Static site generators are tools that can be used to generate static sites from templates. Popular static site generators include Jekyll, Hugo, and Gatsby.
Dynamic websites: use cases and technologies
Dynamic websites are websites that are capable of responding in real time to user input and/or requests. They are more interactive than static websites and can be used for a variety of purposes such as e-commerce, content management systems, and social networking sites.
Use cases for Dynamic Websites
E-commerce: Dynamic websites can be used to create an online store where customers can browse a variety of products and make purchases. These websites often feature payment processing, product search, and order tracking capabilities.
Content management systems: Dynamic websites are often used to create and manage content such as blog posts, articles, and images. They allow for easy editing and updating of content, as well as the addition of new content.
Social networking: Dynamic websites are often used to create social networks where users can connect with friends, share content, and follow each other.
Technologies Used for Dynamic Websites
Server-side scripting languages: Commonly used server-side scripting languages for dynamic websites include PHP, ASP.NET, and Ruby on Rails. These languages are used to create the logic behind the website and to generate web pages in response to requests.
Databases: Dynamic websites often use databases to store data such as user information, product details, and blog posts. Popular databases used for dynamic websites include MySQL, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL.
JavaScript: JavaScript is used to create interactive experiences on dynamic websites. It is often used to validate user input, perform calculations, and display dynamic data.
AJAX: AJAX is a technology that can be used to make a web page more dynamic. It allows for requests to be sent to the server without reloading the page, enabling a smoother user experience.
Dynamic Content and Dynamic Web Pages
Dynamic content is content that is generated in real-time and changes based on user input or other variables.
Dynamic web pages are web pages that are generated in real-time and change according to user input or other variables.
These pages are interactive, allowing users to interact with the page and even change its content. Examples of dynamic content and web pages include online stores, search engines, forums, and user dashboards.
What Is Dynamic WordPress Website?
Dynamic WordPress websites are websites that are built using a content management system such as WordPress. This type of website allows users to easily customize the content of their website, add new pages and make changes to existing pages.
Dynamic WordPress websites are often used by businesses and individuals to create professional and engaging websites that are easy to manage and maintain.
Switching to a dynamic website rather than a static one will provide you with an advantage in your field. By utilizing robust tools and plugins, you can quickly and easily display your content and data dynamically on your website.
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mega-hustler-blog · 2 years
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Rumored Buzz on Web Design in San Diego
With San Diego Web optimization, you’ll manage to continue to be in advance of the Competitors and keep your edge On this at any time-changing digital landscape.
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clippingpathca · 3 years
10 benefits of outsourcing Apparel Photo Editing for e-commerce business
Taking note of the powerful ecommerce businesses services have in common is that they all know how to distribute their goods to their customers. Marketing and other forms of online business promotion are needed. Photos or videos are crucial to achieving positive outcomes whether selling digitally or in the long run. Significant money, technology, or facility expenditures would be needed for in-house image editing services.
Image editing outsourcing service providers, on the other hand, may complete some kind of picture editing job at a reduced cost or in a very short amount of time. It is for this reason that photo editing should be delegated. As a result, my intention in this article is to discuss some additional benefits of outsourcing photo editing services.
1.Develop credibility: 
Like no other, picture editing assists in the acquisition of authenticity. Ghost mannequin, True images, rather than stock pictures for the website, create a lot of confidence for a new business.
2. High-quality photos: 
The most critical feature of any commodity is its high quality. Alternatively, a high-quality photograph may be the organization's magic bullet. Setting it up correctly for images will have a significant impact on the company's image or the whole item on the market. Ghost mannequin photography plays a vital role in the editing of high quality images, If you assign the tasks, you'll collaborate with photo editing experts who specialize in a particular area. This means that the item images for the online store are of the highest quality. Delegating the mission is a smart thing to do if you want to boost your company's reputation or just lower the cost of your product.
3.Large financial savings: 
To process images efficiently, you'll need to use high-end technology instruments or applications that can cost thousands of dollars, as well as expensive computing machines. Alternatively, outsourcing will assist you in eliminating these costs. You also don't need to hire a full-time photo editing team in-house. Through Ghost mannequin photography you can save a lot of money. Image editing facilities offered by specialist photo editing agencies are either more intensively determined or more cost-effective than making one in-house. This will help you boost your profits while keeping your expenses low.
4.Enhance in Return on investment: 
Since your company will waste less money on photo editing, you'll be able to invest more in expanding the firm, resulting in a better Return on Investment for each dollar invested.
5. Allows you to advertise your item much better: 
The use of a great brand name has a huge influence on online purchases. When it comes to selling online, photographs will make or break a deal. By establishing a team you can carry out ghost mannequin photography in a very decent way. Customers would be enticed to buy the products if they have clear images of the goods. Alternatively, by doing that, the buyers would be able to buy the item again or provide you with feedback.
6.Touch into latest talent:
 The demand for photo editing is immense. There are a range of companies or independent photo editing professionals that are very good at what they do.
 If you're only interested in hiring employees from within your business, you're missing out on the better talent available in the wider market. You not only save a lot of time by contracting item images to picture editing firms, but you also start delegating responsibilities to professionals who are well-versed in the type of picture editing service that the business may need.
7. Achieve efficiency:
 In every type of enterprise, efficiency is critical. The best way to make a company profitable is to execute assignments on schedule. Outsourcing certain resources will help you save time. Today's planet is a global village where people work every hour. And if working 24 hours a day isn't possible for you, having someone to assist you with a few tasks isn't difficult. Outsourcing work involves negotiating projects with people all over the globe and, as a result, obtaining benefits such as time productivity. Outsourcing allows you to spend more time on tasks that aren't directly related to your company and, as a result, achieve broader business goals.
8. Acquisition of new consumers: 
With appealing item images, you can boost your marketing and sales routines and produce a lot more business. Image best editing will not only help you maintain a good relationship with your existing clients, but it will also definitely help you draw new ones.
9.Much better concentrate on primary business: 
If dealing with pictures isn't your primary business, it's best to leave it to the pros. If image processing isn't your primary sector, it's best to outsource it.
10.Devoted services: 
Outsourcing picture processing services may assist companies in producing beautiful photographs or pictures that represent their brand. Outsourcing not only saves you time but also allows you easy access to specialist photo editing services.
11. Brand Building
In order to create a brand, you'll need a lot of photos. To create a brand-aware edited image, businesses will focus on a particular style of editing, such as focusing on saturation of specific colors, displaying architecture, nature of images, topics used, concentrating designs, and so on. 
And this leads to much higher customer recall for business decisions, as well as making them feel much more secure when purchasing a service or product.
12. Better Sales
The aim of photo editing is to improve the overall quality of the images. Great photo editors may quickly alter the complexion or quality of a picture to make it look more attractive to the general public, as seen in fast-food ads or how brands like McDonald's, among others, do it. High-quality images may have a significant impact on sales.
 Consumers in the civilized world rely solely on online retailers to make transactions because they not only save time but also provide them with multiple choices without having to leave their homes. Alternatively, virtually any company with an online footprint nowadays requires high-quality images to advertise, sell, or make their products popular with customers. As a result, if you want high-quality pictures for your website, delegate picture editing services to Belief eCommerce, as it will play a critical role in the success of your business.
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wordpressagencyuk · 3 years
WordPress website design & development services Pros and cons
What is a WordPress CMS?
This article is for people who own a business and are looking to get a WordPress website.  WordPress is a content management system that makes it easy to update the content on your site, meaning you don't have to rely as much on other people making changes for you. It's free to use and anyone can access the code that makes WordPress work, which means it's particularly valuable when designing new web projects because the code can be freely used as a basis for new websites. WordPress was created in 2003 by Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little. Since then, over 50,000 patches have been submitted with help from thousands of programmers around the world.
Why use WordPress?
Wordpress is a great option for business owners looking to get their site up and running quickly.  It's easy-to-use, free, and has an enormous amount of themes and plugins available from the community.  In this article we'll cover 8 reasons why wordpress is a top contender in the content management system marketplace.
What can WordPress do?
WordPress was originally developed as a blogging platform, but its flexibility means that it can be used for many different types of websites.  All you have to do is install the appropriate plugins and theme and you’ll get whatever functionality you need.   Here are some examples of what you might use WordPress for: - Personal sites - Business websites - Company blogs, PR, or marketing sites - News sites or magazines that publish many articles daily
How Is WordPress Different from Other CMSs?
There are two main differences between wordpress and a traditional content management system (CMS):
1) WordPress is open-source, while most other CMSs are developed and maintained by an individual company.  WordPress is free to use and anybody can contribute to its development, which means that it’s constantly getting better and adding new features.
2) While a traditional CMS usually consists of pages with static content, WordPress uses dynamic data-driven posts where the content is created on the fly by plugins. Most traditional CMSs also use static pages that are created and stored in advance, whereas WordPress uses posts that can be edited or updated whenever you want without having to change the pages themselves (aside from aesthetic changes).
Is WordPress the best platform for creating a website?
WordPress is a popular content management system and blogging platform. It’s used by millions of bloggers and website owners, but it may not always be the best solution for your needs. Here are some things to keep in mind when considering WordPress:
For large scale business build outs, though, WordPress has limitations
1.) it isn’t well suited for very large databases or intensive web design applications.
2.) WordPress is also not well suited for large sites with complex, database-driven architectures.
3.) The platform lacks support for custom back ends and APIs necessary in a larger system.
4.) If you are thinking of using WordPress on an eCommerce website, keep in mind that it requires high level coding skills to customize the design, plugins and functionality.
5.) WordPress has a strong market presence, but it’s not the only CMS or blog platform out there. Many developers choose to work with other content management systems for larger projects because they are more powerful devices. Alternatives include: Drupal, Joomla!, Shopify to name a few
What are some best practices to take into consideration when starting WordPress websites?
If you want to start a WordPress website for your business, there are some best practices to take into consideration. For instance, if you know that one day you might want a complex eCommerce store or need more advanced features, it might be wise to build a custom site from the ground up instead of using WordPress.
However, if your needs are more immediate and you just want to start establishing your brand online or publish an online magazine with fresh content every day, then WordPress is definitely the way to go. In that case, we suggest putting all your information into a WordPress theme that you can easily modify later.  Here are 8 best practices for starting out on the right foot:
1) Use plugins wisely - Plugins give users instant access to useful new features, but they can also harm your website if you install too many of them.  Some plugins conflict with others and some are redundant or only partially functional so it's a good idea to avoid installing more than one plugin that does the same thing.
2) Keep text content organized - It's a good idea to provide both short and long-form content on your WordPress website.  Short content is great for search engine optimization purposes and you can use widgets to put the most important news, links or other information at the top of your blog.
3) Submit your sitemap to Google - Make sure that Google sees all the pages in your website so they know about your content.  To do that, you'll need a WordPress plugin like Google XML Sitemaps .  There are also sitemap generators available to make the process even easier.
4) Make sure your site is secure - You don't want hackers breaking into your Wordpress website and spreading viruses or spamming your site with inappropriate content.  Luckily, there are great WordPress plugins like Better WP Security that make it easy to protect your site and keep all of your content safe and clean.
5) Optimize your images - No one likes slow Wordpress websites so you also want to make sure that the size of your images won't bog down your site when they're loaded.
Wordpress agencies (UK) know what pitfalls to avoid and will be able to keep a WordPress website running smoothly and efficiently over time. Having a wordpress developers on the team is especially helpful if you want to focus on other aspects of your business because they’ll be able to monitor your website by itself for any issues that may arise. For example, most WordPress websites have plugins for specific needs. It’s not always clear which plugins will work well together and what security concerns to watch out for when setting up your wordpress website.
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clippinggenius · 2 years
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product- Photo Editing Services from $0.40/ per images
Ecommerce product photo editing services for eCommerce businesses and pros, from product photographers to Amazon sellers to global brands
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designerdollar · 3 years
Tumblr media
[FOR HIRE] Let me increase your productivity!
You just need to give me the contents that you want to put on your post/anything else, I'll do the rest.
I will be your permanent graphic & motion designer/video editor! This involves:
Creating a responsive timetable for you to follow.
- Organizing your content, and encouraging you to spread your time evenly.
- Weekly/Daily-based projects.
- Motivation on creating content and encourage you to grow your audience.
- Improve your brand awareness.
- Reminders to do essential tasks like traditional banners, seasonal designs, conceptual illustrations, etc.
- put all the content from time to time (for example).
- Call you on WhatsApp or skype just before starting the project to ensure that you act.
- convince you to increase the quality, develop your brand ensures that you have done so.
and many more!
Take a look at what content I can provide:
** Image Editing- I love to use any kind of selection method when I am doing such kind of image editing works. I use both selection & Pen tools with Hand Hand Manual work. Clipping path or selection to select your product and for it, the edges would be very smooth ** Image processing- Photo Cropping & Resize, Image optimization for web, Product Retouching for eCommerce, ** Background Removal Services: White Background or Transparent Background. ** Image Resizing: the camera is very big, so it will need to fit your website. ** Photo Editing, Retouching & Photo Enhancement ** Logo making with innovative ideas. It will be more visualized and will definitely recognizable to others. ** Elegant T-shirt designs that suit your brand and you will be satisfied more than me after looking at the designs. ** Creative Business Card designs according to your demand. It would be minimal/modern or luxurious. ** Providing print designs like Invoices, Letterheads, Packaging Labels & covers, Magazines, Flyer & Brochure Designs with single/multiple pages, Postcards, Resumes, etc. ** Digital Advertisement items: Facebook ad posts & covers, Social media posts design, Billboard, Banners, etc. ** Illustration from images or paper drawings. ** Attractive YouTube Thumbnails. ** Superior Brand Identity design. ** Image Manipulation. ** Editing Videos from your footage by professionals. ** Minimal and modern Motion Graphic services using Adobe After Effects with the combination of Adobe Premiere Pro. **Why you hire me** ** I'm offering my expertise to assist you ** 100% Satisfaction Guarantee ** Professional, Fast & Friendly Customer Service at a fair price ** I would never take a job that I can't handle properly at Deadline ** I am available to work 24/7 days of a week You are in the right place now. I am ready to provide you all the services which are related to graphic design with my professional skills. Please take a look at the Upwork account description, I am sure you will please with our service.
I will try to world-class service to provide you. I am sure you will love it. I will work until you get 100% satisfaction. Don’t worry.
Regards Kazi Faiz Ahmed (Dollar).
I can't wait to work with you!!
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SociRobotic Review
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SociRobotic, Why should you look for traffic other than Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, And Twitter? Yes, we agree that the top four social media platforms have the most users (almost 6.3 billion in total), thus your target demographic is likely to be concentrated here. But there’s one thing you should be aware of: the competition is fierce.
Everyone is concentrating on these top four because the professionals say you should. They also overlook the fact that there are alternative social media platforms with tens of thousands, if not millions, of daily users.
The easiest way to outsmart your competition as a savvy business owner is to be where they are, but also be where they are not. In that manner, you’ll take 100% of the platforms they overlook while cutting your own share from the platforms they focus on. Consider how much traffic you’d get if you used all 11 social media platforms.
The big problem: Managing all 11 platforms at once Is a lot of work; One of the most difficult aspects of utilizing social media traffic is the amount of time it takes. It takes a lot of effort to administer only one platform, so picture what it will take to handle eleven.
They are well aware of this. That’s why they created this application to help you acquire a lot of traffic from these 11 social media channels all from one place. Let me introduce you to SociRobotic.
SociRobotic Review – Overview
SociRobotic Review – What is SociRobotic
SociRobotic is a one-of-a-kind social media management suite that generates endless traffic, leads, and sales from over 11 different social media platforms without requiring any special expertise.
SociRobotic is the only All-In-One social media automation and traffic generation technology on the market, allowing you to generate highly targeted buyers traffic from 7 different social media networks to any page, website, or store in just a few clicks, with no technical expertise or setup required.
EASY TO USE        
SociRobotic is a one-of-a-kind social media management suite that generates endless traffic, leads, and sales from over 11 different social media platforms without requiring any special expertise.
SociRobotic is the only All-In-One social media automation and traffic generation technology on the market, allowing you to generate highly targeted buyers traffic from 7 different social media networks to any page, website, or store in just a few clicks, with no technical expertise or setup required.
Simple Yet Powerful User Interface
Easy To Use Graphic Ready Made Templates
Emoji Library To Make Your Posts Pop
Track Everything From One Dashboard
Create Amazing Looking Blog Posts
Upload Video and Images To Increase Engagement
Send Email To Multiple Contacts In One Click
Commercial Agency License Included
So far, there are no downsides for SociRobotic. My experience using SociRobotic has been flawless.
SociRobotic Review – Features and Benefits
Easily Post Your Content To 11 Platforms With One Click: You just need to create content once, and it will automatically post it for you on all the 11 connected social networks.
Save Time With The “Schedule Your Post” Feature: You can schedule a post to go live on those platforms at a set date and time. Tell SociRobotic when you want each one to go live and the platforms it should be posted on. Then spend your valuable time on other important areas of your business, while SociRobotic posts them for you.
Create & Reuse Captions In 1 Click: With this, you can create short captions inside SociRobotic and reuse them over and over and over again any time you want to create a new post.
Add Unlimited Accounts And Group Them By Niche/Businesses: You can create as many accounts as you want inside SociRobotic, and group them according to niches or businesses. And since you’re getting a commercial license with this version of SociRobotic, it means you can create accounts for other businesses as well and help them run their social media activities.
Never Lack Content For Your Social Media Audience: You can integrate RSS feeds from blogs and websites that posts content relevant to your niche. It will pick up those contents when they release it, and share it with your social media audience automatically.
2GB Free Image Storage Included For You: It allows you to save up to 2GB in image files inside the app. With this, you can store up images there so the software can easily pick it up when it wants to make a post for you. You can also import content from Dropbox with ease inside the software.
All The Images You Will Ever Need For Your Social Media Posts: Using images downloaded from Google on your social media posts can get you into trouble. They don’t want that to happen to you, and that’s why they built in over 1 million royalty free images you can use for your social media posts.
Never Miss A Trend; Ride On It To Get More Traffic Using SociRobotic: You can simply enter a keyword within the app to find the trending hashtags for you related to that keyword on Instagram and Twitter. With this you can simply plug it into your posts and get more attention and traffic from your posts.
Post On Your Blog Too Without Logging Into Your WordPress Admin Area: You can connect your blogging platform to SociRobotic and post your articles directly to it without leaving SociRobotic.
2 Inbuilt Photoshop Like Image Editors: It also comes with dozens of templates so you do not need to brainstorm on designs to post etc.
Unlimited Social Media Management: You literally get unlimited use on all the features of SociRobotic on this page NO CAP.
Commercial License Included: Never post boring images ever again, with their inbuilt image editors, you will be able to edit pictures right before you post them on your social media handles.
SociRobotic Review – How does it work?
It’s so simple to use that there are only three steps:
Step 1: Log in to SociRobotic
Step 2: Connect your social media accounts. You can connect as many as you want…no limits
Step 3: Post your content and SociRobotic will push it to 11 social networks for you, bringing you loads of traffic.
It is now the best software for social media management and traffic generation. So sign up for SociRobotic right now. Connect it to the 11 social media sites that are associated with it. Experiment with the many amazing features it contains.
SociRobotic Review – My experience in using it
I have the chance to try using SociRoboticas as a beta user so you can totally trust me with my honest review about my thoughts and experience with this software.
But before that, I would like to walk you through all the fun and powerful features so that you can have a clear overview of the product and what it can really do.
Here I’m inside the SociRobotic Dashboard. It gives you a quick overview of the total number of posts including succeeded posts and failed posts. You can view it in total or in each social media just by choosing from the left column.
In the “Publish all” section, you can write your post from here and publish it to your favorite sites. You can upload any kind of media including photos, videos, links, or text. To post it directly, just click the “Post now” button. Or else you can choose to schedule.
Switching between platforms can be done with ease by just clicking at the icon of the social media you want to post to.
You can do that separately with each social media platform. For example, here I am writing my post for Facebook Also, you are able to add as many accounts as you like.
Similarly with any other platforms including Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, Tumblr, and Reddit.
As I have mentioned before, you can schedule your posting. Free to check the posting calendar in the Schedules section. Everything is laid out logically, which makes it so easy to keep track.
Another feature that I like is that SociRobotic allows you to upload files from your Drive, Dropbox, or Cloud. You can see all of your files here.
You can also add and write a new caption. Just type in the caption box and click the Submit button below
One more thing that is extremely useful is that you can add watermarks to your post. All you need to do is upload the picture you want to make your watermark, adjust its size, position, transparency and finally save it. Then you have your watermark. How easy and simple.
SociRobotic allows you to add multiple profiles from various platforms and schedule social media updates at your leisure or utilizing a queue with times that you set.
You can configure the listening stream to display whatever profiles/hashtags you desire at any given time. From the news feed, you can reply, assign posts, forward posts, retweet, and retweet with comments.
They can also integrate with sponsored adverts, although we don’t utilize them for that. I like that you can view an upcoming post calendar so I can know if there are any holes in our schedule.
The dashboard is simple to use and offers a variety of views, including a calendar, so you can see whether you have a lot of messages that need to be spaced out. The SociRobotic All-Stars Slack channel is another source of information and support.
SociRobotic also has incredibly detailed reporting for each platform, which has given me a better understanding of how our accounts and postings are performing. It’s been quite beneficial. I used to always forget to publish before, but this has made it much easier to prepare ahead!
Who should buy it?
You’re already aware of SociRobotic’s ability to assist you with your internet business. It doesn’t matter if you’re a marketer, a realtor, a coach, or if you sell digital downloads, eCommerce products, or other services.
However, if you truly wanted to boost SociRobotic’s earning potential and establish a separate full-time income with only part-time effort, you could use SociRobotic to run your own posting service for both online and offline businesses.
Pros and Cons
SociRobotic Review – Pros:
Simple Yet Powerful User Interface
Easy To Use Graphic Ready Made Templates
Emoji Library To Make Your Posts Pop
Track Everything From One Dashboard
Create Amazing Looking Blog Posts
Upload Video and Images To Increase Engagement
Send Email To Multiple Contacts In One Click
Commercial Agency License Included
SociRobotic Review – Cons:
So far, there are no downsides for SociRobotic. My experience using SociRobotic has been flawless.
Price and Evaluation
FE (SociRobotic Pro – $21/$27):
One-Click Posting on Facebook pages, Facebook groups, Instagram, Linkedin, Twitter, Pinterest, Telegram and YouTube (plus Reddit) 8 Social Media Platforms
Facebook Group (Admin) & Page Posting
Reach 6.7 Billion Active users on Major Platforms
Organic Leads Without The Need To Advertise
Connect Unlimited Social Media Accounts
Schedule and Post Unlimited Posts Monthly
Create Unlimited Social Media Graphics Using Our Next Gen Image & Graphics Editors
2GB File Manager for Media Upload
Easy Media File Browsing
Drag-And-Drop Social Media Account Group Manager
Social Media Post Preview
Next-Gen Image Editors
Text, Link, Image & Video Posting
Captions Library for Your Favorite Post Captions
Clear Reporting per Social Media Platform
Post Planner for Queued, Published and Unpublished Posts
Instagram Story & Carrousel Posts with Geo Targeting
Commercial License for Sale of Commercial Products
Connect Unlimited Social Media Accounts
30-Day Money Back Guarantee
SociRobotic OTO 1 (SociRobotic Agency – $47):
Your Own Dashboard to Add & Manage Team/Clients
Complete User Management Ability
User Activity Reporting
SociRobotic Max Functionality to Publish on the 11 BIGGEST Social Media Platforms
An All In One Agency Suite that gives you 360 degrees management of your agency. From invoices to quotes to billing etc.
A Website to Gain New Local Business Clients (Including Instructions on how to deploy it)
A Sales Video Presentation you can easily edit with your logo and agency details.
A Professional PowerPoint Presentation For Your Sales Meetings
A Work Agreement Template
SociRobotic OTO 2 (SociRobotic DFY – $197):
We will brainstorm an agency name for you.
We will design a unique logo for you.
We will set up your agency website with all you need to get started.
We will set up your client manager account with your agency details.
SociRobotic OTO 3 (SociRobotic Whitelabel – $497):
We will set up SociRobotic on your own server with all our sales materials customized to fit your new software.
This is the end of my SociRobotic Review. I hope it will give you some useful insights about the product and how it can leverage your business. Don’t hesitate and click the sales button now to own such a great product and upgrade your business. Lastly, if you like this product or have any comments/questions, leave them below and let me know!
NOTE: THIS IS THE SPECIAL DEAL FROM ME: I Will Support You Whenever You Want. (Just Add My Skype: rick.nguyen61). If You Buy This Product From My Site, You Can Ask Me Anything You Want.
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VideoTours360 Review 2021 - Get Details Here Now
What Is VideoTours360?
VideoTours360 App creates 360° Virtual experiences for your business (and for your clients) that engage visitors with 360 DEGREE VIDEOS of your business/product with INTERACTIVE HOTSPOTS… allowing visitors to get more details and even BUY directly from inside your video (i.e. turning your video tour into a LIVE eCommerce Store with 24/7 Live Video Chat Facility).
You can even answer Questions & Close Prospects Via Live Chat While They Take Virtual Tours (360-degree videos).
The pandemic changed the game and for this reason, the demand for 360-degree videos is steadily increasing as every business needs them to stay in business. With VideoTours360 you can create beautiful and highly engaging 360 videos in just a couple of minutes – WITHOUT any sort of special skills or knowledge.
(HUGE SAVINGS TODAY) Click Here to Buy at an Exclusively Discounted Price Now!
BIG Brands are already making use of 360-degree videos to wow customers and close sales
+ Samsung posted a snowboarding video that puts viewers right in the middle of the action taking viewers on a snowboarding adventure
+ Oreo lets viewers explore the world that inspired Filled Cupcake Flavored Oreo Cookies
+ If you’ve ever dreamed of being a passenger in a race car, BMW’s 360 video takes you one step closer to making that a reality. These videos capture the thrill of riding at a speed that would normally cost you a hefty ticket.
+ Expedia entices viewers to explore Australia
+ Warner Bros takes audiences inside a haunted house
All of these brands are already using 360-degree videos to engage and close sales from their audience. You too can tap into it without allocating a huge budget for it.
What Are The Upsells?
Upsell 1: VideoTours360 Pro Unlimited  – $37/month – $197 yearly >>More Details<<
Users get access to create unlimited tours with unlimited scenes, Top up to 10,000 minutes of video chat time, unlimited eCom products.
==> Special Discount: Order Today With Best Price And Special Offers
Newly Added:
+ PRO Feature #1: Drawing feature
PRO Feature #2: Before & After using two 360 images
PRO Feature #3: Custom Domain
Upsell 2: VideoTour360 Agency & Consultant ToolKit – $47 >>More Details<<
You get all the assets you need to start and run a 6-Figure Virtual Tour Agency.
Newly Added:
+ Improved VR Agency & Consultant Toolkit
+ Agency Feature #1: Assign video chat time to tours & client accounts
+ Agency Feature #2: Share to Google Street View Virtual Tours
+ Agency Feature #3: Integration/share to with Trulia, Realtor.com
+ Agency Feature #4: Unbranded Client Area
+ And many more!
Upsell 3: Ultimate Software & Digital Agency Package – One Mega Deal >>More Details<<
With this, YOU can start and scale a profitable digital marketing agency that sells services to local businesses. You get a Software App Bundle, including;
+ A Social Media Marketing & Traffic App
+ Ads & Influencer Marketing App
+ Content Marketing App
+ Messenger Bot Marketing App
+ A Robust Design App Suite
+ A Video Marketing App
+ And many more
With these apps, you can deliver stellar digital marketing services with little or no experience and in record time!
Plus, you get a ready-made agency website, prospecting kit, brochures, proposals, etc… for 10 local niches.
+ Get 10 New State-of-The-Art Agency Kits in One Awesome Package!
+ Done-For-You Websites, Proposals, Graphics, Contracts & More Designed To Skyrocket Your Results!
+ Exclusive Rights To Use OUR Testimonial & Case Studies to Impress YOUR Clients
+ Our ‘Tested-and-Trusted’ List Of Service Providers For Drop services
PLUS as a launch special bonus… Get 10 ‘Done for you’ animated agency sales videos for each of the 10 niches. Each video comes with;
+ Professional video slides
+ Proven to convert sales video script
+ Real human voice over.
Play these explainer videos for any local business owner… ask for $2,500 and they’ll bite your hands off. FACT!
Upsell 4: VideoTours360 Reseller Bundle Package $197, $297, $497 >>More Details<<
RESELL VideoTours360 Ultimate Edition as your own and KEEP 100% of the profit. Easy way to make money selling software products.
Plus Get A Reseller Bonus Bundle:
Get Reseller Rights to FIVE High-Quality Software Apps with Professionally Designed Sales Pages and Start Making Sales IMMEDIATELY!
+ App #1: Socicake All-In-One Social Media Marketing Suite
+ App #2: Designbunlde 10-In-One Design Suite
+ App #3: LeadGrow Done For You Lead Generation Funnel
+ App #4: Uduala eCom Domination Platform
+ App #5: AgencyBlitz – 4 Done For You Local Agency Marketing Package
This is a MASSIVE deal – we’ve NEVER done this before!
Here are some Upgrade links for your reference. You have to buy FE firstly and then you can buy any Upgrades if you like.
If you buy Upgrades alone, you will receive NOTHING and it takes your time to ask for refund. Remember FE is a must-have package to at least make sure the software is working.
Pros And Cons
Falling in love with this software was really not difficult for a number of reasons. To be clear and concise, I’ll give them via a list:
+ Solves a pressing and expensive problem in the video marketing industry
+ Easy to use and works seamlessly
+ And VideoTours360 is designed to create demand for 360-degree videos is rapidly growing with every business literally needing them to stay in business.
+ It’s freaking cheap, going for a one-time deal. Though the one-time offer is only valid during the launch special period.
By now, you should know I am totally in love with VideoTours360 (don’t tell my spouse, lol!)
But if I am to point out any con right now, it’ll be calling out on the number of upsells . . . although, this isn’t much of a con as the software still works perfectly without any of the upgrades.
The upgrades simply give you more power and that’s all.
Final Verdict
Before I give my final thought, which I think is already obvious by now, I’ll like to say one or two things about the product creator and product vendor.
==> Read More Here: Don’t Miss Out Today’s Special Offer <==
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VideoTours360 Ultimate Review 2021 - ⚠️Launch Discount & Huge Bonus⚠️
VideoTours360 Ultimate Review – Introduction
We all have been witnessing how the outbreak has changed the game. People are kept at home, struggled with social distance while it is also huge advantages for online entrepreneurs that people have no way shopping except turning to online platforms. Now just imagine you are the the market doing your online business yet you have a perfect tool to keep the demand for 360 degree videos on a steady rise as every business literally needs them to stay in business. The new normal virtual tours allow businesses to deliver interactive experiences to your customers at home.
Get For a Special Discounted Price Today (In Stock)
Amazing! It would be so much handful and convenient to sell your stuff in a groundbreaking way! If you want that one, I am sure you have heard about video tour 360- the most awesome software to do so. But now the level up version of this software –  videotours360- 2 with so much more features. If you have not heard about it or want to know what’s new in the version 2, follow me to explore more about this amazing software!
VideoTours360 Ultimate Review – What is Video Tour 360?
Video Tours 360 is the world’s first & only virtual tour builder with built-in Live Video + Ecom + Gamification + A.I. It helps you create 360° virtual experiences for your business (and for your clients) that engage visitors with 360 degree videos of your business/product with interactive hotspots, allowing visitors to get more details and even buy directly from inside your video (i.e. turning your video tour into a LIVE ecommerce Store with 24/7 Live Video Chat Facility). There are so much more you will find along my review article.
(ACT NOW AND SAVE) Click Here To Get at a Discounted Price!
Pros and Cons
VideoTours360 Ultimate Review – Pros:
The fastest & easiest, drag n drop video tour builder: create interactive virtual tours & stores with live video call… in minutes
Drag & drop unlimited hotspots with ease: add unlimited hotspots to your tours (info, images, videos, maps, contacts, etc.)
Live video calls  to engage & close your prospects: combine the power of virtual tours with live video calls to engage & close prospects during the virtual tour
Gamification to boost engagment & incentivize action: have users unlock coupons, discounts, freebies etc… from right inside your video when they complete pre-defined actions. e.g get 10% discount after opening 7 hotspots or ‘spend 5 mins inside the tour download free ebook’
Sell your products with the inbuilt   ecommerce engine: sell merchandise with ecommerce. run an online 360° store tour and sell products directly. connect your paypal or stripe to receive payments in minutes.
Power up your lead generation  game: collect your visitor’s leads (email, phone and messenger) for effective followup.
Seamless integration with all the popular marketing apps: with 1 -click you can with all your favorite markeing apps – email autoresponders, google, facebook, marketing automation, webinar platforms, appointment apps, etc.
Boost your sales with reviews: embed customer testimonials & reviews to boost credibility, tust and sales. activate this on your tour and watch social proof boost your conversion rate.
Go viral inbuilt viral engine – allows your current tour visitors to share your tours and bring you more visitors who will also share and bring more – like a chain reaction.
Tour experience optimization powered by artificial intelligence (a.i) & machine learning
Inbuilt ai machine to analyze the behavioural patterns of your visitors, learn what part of the tour they love, and show that part first to new visitors.
Embed everywhere for maximum exposure: embed your tours anywhere — sales page, blogging platforms, site builders, e-commerce stores etc.
100% cloud based & ssd servers ​
VideoTours360 Ultimate Review – Cons:
Haven’t found so far
Who should buy it?
Video Tour is definitely an awesome product for any ecommerce, especially for:
Anyone who has a website
Anyone who wants to save more money
Anyone who wants faster loading speed.
Anyone who is online marketer
Anyone who owns an online store.
Anyone who wants to 10x their online business.
Anyone who wants to have better virtual marketing campaigns
Anyone who wants to fulfill their dreams
Price and Evaluation
Below are the details of different options offered to purchase Video Tour. Check them out and pick up your favorite one:
Pricing Strategy:
Pricing Strategy – Day 1
The cart opens by 11 am with the price at $37 with a special $2 coupon(coupon Code: VIP2) [Timer counting down on the salespage]
Coupon Code: VIP2 expires by 4 PM ET [Timer counting down on the sales page]
Price increases from $37 by midnight [Timer counting down on the sales page]
Funnel BreakDown:
Users get access to create tours with video calls, ecommerce & gamification. 20 tours, 100 products, 1000 minutes video chat
$37 Monthly
$197 Yearly
Users get access to create unlimited tours with unlimited scenes. 2,000 minutes video chats per month, unlimited ecom products.
UPSELL 2. Agency ToolKit: $67
You get all the assets you need to start and run a 6-Figure Virtual Tour Agency.
UPSELL 3: Apps Bundle + LAB + Video Kit. $197, $297, $497
With this, you can start and scale a profitable agency that sells 10 services to local businesses. You get a ready-made agency website, prospecting kit, brochures, proposals, etc… for 10 local niches.
UPSELL 4. VT360 Ultimate Reseller + Resellify. $297, $497
RESELL VideoTours360 ultimate edition plus get reseller rights to five high-quality software apps with professionally designed sales pages and start making sales!
This is the end of my Video Tour Review. I hope that my article will lend you a hand in choosing the right tool for your business.
Well, I bet that you want to own this product now. So, click the sales button now before the price goes up.
Lastly, if you like this product, comment below and let me know!
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zworld577 · 4 years
“Why GetResponse is the best -All In One Solution”  Newsletter Tool
GetResponse claim to be the easiest newsletter tool available, with a tonne of pro features. This is a big claim, especially as their prices are so competitive. The Polish-based company’s global reach extends to 182 countries, and claim to engage over 1 billion subscribers every month! That’s a lot of emails.
Tumblr media
Feature-wise, they do boast a lot more than most other email marketing services. From simple A/B testing, to custom landing pages; comprehensive design testing to video email marketing.
The landing pages are especially interesting as they are part of
Conversion Funnel, a new feature that takes care of traffic generation and can even act as an online store including payment processing. Another feature that’s worth mentioning is their automation, allowing for advanced automated campaigns based on triggers/conditions such as sales or even location. Other tools offer automation, but most are not as powerful or user-friendly.
On higher-tier plans, you also get access to their webinar feature, as well as an inbuilt CRM — extras you don’t commonly see in email marketing platforms. It was certainly enough to capture our interest — and, eventually, our business (we now use GetResponse for many of our automated campaigns). So let’s take a deeper dive into this tool.
Is GetResponse the right newsletter service for you?
Recommended if:
You want to capture customer leads:
GetResponse is one of the few newsletter tools we’ve tested that’s truly built for inbound. It offers flexible forms, a landing page editor, Google Analytics integration and sophisticated automation for segmentation and emails, allowing you to both capture and nurture new leads. On top of that, it’s even possible to host live and on-demand webinars with them.
Their new Conversion Funnel feature allows you to do all of this in an organized manner and easily track where’s converting best.
You’re an ecommerce:
If you’re an online store owner, GetResponse is packed with features to help you drive more sales — integrations with platforms like Magento and Shopify, abandoned cart campaigns, dynamic email content (e.g. based on purchases), and sales tracking. These are available from the PROFESSIONAL plan and upwards.
If you opt for the cheaper ESSENTIAL plan, as an ecommerce, you’ll benefit from GetResponse’s Autofunnel feature. Here you can set up or connect your ecommerce site and start building your sales funnel with landing and thank you pages, social media campaigns and much more. Autofunnel is ideal for small businesses selling products and services online.
You need sophisticated automation:
We were impressed with GetResponse’s workflow builder, which enables you to set up automations for a whole range of actions, including sending emails, assigning lead scores, contact tagging, segmentation and data updates. (Available on higher-tier plans only.)
Not recommended if:
You need solid deliverability rates:
Deliverability should be an important consideration for any email marketer. GetResponse had some room for improvement in our deliverability tests. Of course, deliverability rates can always change, so we’re hoping this will improve in the future.
You’re after a free plan:
GetResponse don’t offer a free (or even freemium) plan — just a free trial of 30 days. If you want a free newsletter service, check out these providers instead.
Rating details
Ease of Use
Mostly easy to navigate. The design is clean and intuitive and there is a handy Quick actions section that lists the most commonly performed tasks. Widgets can be added to or removed from the dashboard, giving you full control to manage your dashboard views. One small thing they could improve is to make it a little easier to navigate out of the email editor.
Newsletter Creation
The drag and drop editor is user-friendly, allowing for a wide range of email types. In fact, the editor is perhaps more flexible than most other tools — the range of options for editing might take a bit of practice though. Bonus points for including undo/redo buttons and a revision history. Our main gripe is the lack of a central style editor. It would be handy to set fonts and colors for the entire newsletter.
You can personalize subject lines and email text using contact field data (and specify fallbacks if this data doesn’t exist for a particular contact), but it requires a tiny bit of if/then/else coding.
Email types
Classic newsletters, autoresponders, RSS to newsletter, easy A/B testing, also surveys. A good range.
Choice and Flexibility of Template Designs
There is a lot of choice and all of the designs are responsive. It’s easy to use and edit the templates. We couldn’t find an easy way to add columns to templates, though.
Email Automation
With GetResponse’s powerful and flexible workflow editor, you can build some pretty complex automated sequences. Unfortunately, you’ll need at least the expensive Professional plan to use this feature. Aside from being able to send series of emails based on specified conditions and triggers, there are also rules to move subscribers from one list to another. Automations for lead scoring, abandoned cart campaigns, and web event tracking are also available. More on email automation.
List Management
GetResponse’s list management capabilities are superb. You can use custom filters to save segments of contacts with similar characteristics (e.g. based on contact field data, email engagement, or lead scores). Through automations, you’ve got the ability to add tags, and even automate list management rules. There’s also a section dedicated to list hygiene, allowing you to create rules for deleting and blacklisting contacts.
Registration Forms/ Opt-in & Opt-out- Process
Fairly easy to use, with many templates available, or the ability to create your own. There are several types of integration available: you can embed on your site or host the form on GetResponse. Options to edit thank you pages and the backend (e.g. which lists to add subscribers to) are a little hidden, though.
GetResponse’s deliverability leaves room for improvement. If you are looking for a solid tool and a better performer, ActiveCampaign would be a better choice.
Reports and Analysis
Thorough reports, with geo-tracking available and desktop vs. mobile. You can also see which clients were used, as well as when people clicked and opened emails in a chart view. You can get all the details of the openers and clickers, as well as Google Analytics integration, and conversion/ecommerce tracking. There’s even an option to compare the performance of different campaigns; however, there is no heatmap available.
Available in up to 25 languages.
Further Features
Spam- and Design-Testing
Inbox testing is available on the site, allowing you to see the design in many different browsers and devices. You can also view the email’s SpamScore, which is a rating from 0–5 of how likely your email will be recognized as spam.
Bounce Management
Located within their ‘list hygiene’ section. Hard bounces are removed immediately from your lists, while soft bounces are removed after four unsuccessful attempts.
Both a blacklist and suppression lists are available. Manual import, but no export options available.
Storage available for data and images
1 Gigabyte
Apart from being able to add your own files, you also have over 1,000 stock photos available for use.
Pro Features
SPF and DKIM are supported. They are apparently whitelisted by major clients (AOL, Yahoo, Outlook etc.)
Own Domain
This is only available on the ‘Enterprise’ plan. You can assign your own domains/subdomains to landing page URLs.
Different levels of account access
The ‘Essential’ plan allows up to 3 users, while the ‘Professional’ plan allows up to 5. On top of this, you can buy multi-user add-ons for $20 per month, adding another 5 users. There’s no specific access levels, but you can define specific access areas for each user.
Quite a few available, including all the big tools from ecommerce, CRM, social and CMS (Shopify, Magento, Salesforce, Facebook, WordPress etc).
Landing Page Editor
The landing page editor is part of the Conversion Funnel feature, where you can also set up your advertising and social media campaigns, web forms, webinars, and ecommerce, and track your conversions.
There are over 180 landing page templates, and A/B testing and responsive design are also available. Unlimited landing pages are available on all of the plans, though other funnel features are limited to the Plus plan and above.
Via e-mail and live chat, support was very quick, friendly and helpful. The knowledge base is thorough and easy to navigate.
GetResponse is a very powerful, versatile and user-friendly newsletter tool. It’s also good value for the amount of features available. Deliverability could be better, though.
GetResponse really came through with the goods, managing to provide both the features and ease-of-use that most other newsletter tools fall short of. We also noted the great automation mechanisms for list management, as well as its flexible and intuitive automation workflows..
While the editor can be a little fiddly when performing certain tasks, their templates are responsive and good enough to create something useful. There’s even an app for iOS and Android that allows you not only to track, but also to send newsletters on the go.
With its long list of powerful features like landing pages and even webinars, and now with their new Autofunnel feature, GetResponse is certainly doing quite a few things right. While it would be great to see an uplift in deliverability rates, GetResponse scores extremely well in most other areas. As an email marketing tool, it’s definitely versatile enough to perform almost everything you’d need. We certainly found this to be true in our case for EmailToolTester’s own email campaigns, and it’s a tool we’d have few reservations about recommending to others.
Try GetResponse From Now …. Free Trial For 30 Days
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