#tech hashtag
info-zestinfotech · 4 months
Unveiling the Uniqueness of Flutter
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hablandoconcarol · 6 months
24 consejos para no ser estafado/a en Internet Aquí tienes algunos consejos para evitar ser víctima de estafas, especialmente en internet: 1) No respondas a correos electrónicos que soliciten datos personales y no hagas clic en enlaces sospechosos. 2) Protege tu información con contraseñas seguras y cámbialas regularmente. 3) Desconfía de mensajes de texto, WhatsApp o redes sociales que parezcan fraudulentos. 4) Verifica la autenticidad de los organismos públicos o bancos que te contacten. 5) Comprueba las transferencias y operaciones bancarias que realices. 6) Presta atención a la redacción de los mensajes y busca errores que delaten fraudes. 7) Corrobora la veracidad de ofertas promocionales o descuentos. 8) Investiga la reputación de tiendas o sitios antes de comprar en línea. 9) Utiliza el doble factor de autenticación siempre que sea posible. 10) Cambia contraseñas solo a través de sitios oficiales. 11) Verifica el logo de autenticación en contactos de WhatsApp de organismos públicos. 12) No compartas códigos de verificación recibidos por email o mensaje. 13) Mantén actualizado el sistema operativo, navegador y aplicaciones. 14) Usa antivirus y antimalware. 15) Desactiva ubicación, cámara y micrófono cuando no sean necesarios. 16) Nunca envíes dinero a desconocidos. 17) Observa errores ortográficos y gramaticales en comunicaciones. 18) Ten cuidado al compartir información personal o multimedia. 19) Baja la velocidad y no actúes bajo presión; los estafadores suelen urgir a sus víctimas. 20) Revisa la autenticidad de sitios web y correos electrónicos. 21) Evita páginas falsas que imitan a sitios legítimos. 22) Infórmate sobre las últimas estafas digitales y cómo operan. 23) No confíes en páginas que causen desconfianza o parezcan demasiado buenas para ser ciertas. 24) Denuncia cualquier actividad sospechosa a las autoridades competentes. Espero que estos consejos te sean útiles para protegerte de posibles estafas. Siempre es mejor prevenir y estar informado. 😁 💳 👮‍♀‍
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casperlawrence · 2 years
A Beginner’s Guide to Cluster Hosting
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Cluster hosting is a type of web hosting solution that utilizes multiple servers to host a single website or application. It is a way of providing high availability and scalability to websites and applications by using multiple servers to handle the load. Cluster hosting is particularly useful for websites that experience large amounts of traffic and require high levels of uptime.
What Makes Cluster Hosting Different?
Cluster hosting is different from traditional hosting in that it takes multiple servers and combines them into a single storage pool so that resources can be shared and managed more efficiently.
Cluster hosting also uses load balancing to ensure that resources are distributed evenly across the cluster, resulting in better performance and reliability. In addition, cluster hosting provides redundancy and failover capabilities so that if one server fails, another can take over its tasks.
What to Look for in a Cluster Hosting Provider?
Finding the right cluster hosting service providers that can be a daunting task, especially when the number of companies offering the service is increasing. But, with the right research and information, you can make the right choice and get the best value for your money.
Here are some factors to consider when selecting a cluster hosting provider:
1. Cost: Of course, the cost is a major factor when selecting a cluster hosting provider. You need to make sure that the provider you choose offers competitive prices for the services you require. Also, make sure that any additional features or services are included in the price.
2. Security: Security is an important factor when selecting a cluster hosting provider. Make sure that the provider you choose offers strong security measures such as firewalls, secure data centers, and encryption technology. Additionally, check to see if the provider offers any additional security features such as DDoS protection, malware scanning, and more.
3. Reliability: Reliability is key when it comes to a cluster hosting provider. Make sure that the provider you choose has a good track record of providing reliable services. Additionally, look for reviews and feedback from other customers to make sure that you are getting a reliable hosting experience.
4. Technical Support: Technical support is a must-have when it comes to a cluster hosting provider. You want to make sure that the provider you choose offers 24/7 technical support in case of any issues or problems. Additionally, make sure that the technical support staff is knowledgeable and experienced to provide an efficient and effective service.
5. Scalability: Scalability is another important factor when selecting a cluster hosting provider. Make sure that the provider you choose offers the flexibility to scale up and down when needed. Additionally, look for providers that offer the ability to add additional resources or features as needed.
By considering these factors, you will be able to find the right cluster hosting provider for your needs. With the right research and information, you can make the right choice and get the best value for your money.
Pros and Cons of Cluster Hosting
1. Scalability: Clustered hosting allows for scalability, meaning you can add and remove resources as needed without affecting the performance of the other nodes in the cluster.
2. Fault Tolerance: When using a cluster, one node can fail without taking down the entire system.
3. Cost Savings: Clustered hosting can be more cost-effective than single-server hosting.
4. Improved Performance: Clustered hosting can take advantage of multiple resources to provide improved performance.
1. Complexity: Setting up and managing a clustered hosting environment can be complicated and require specialized knowledge.
2. High-Cost: Setting up and managing a clustered hosting environment can be expensive.
3. Security: Clustered hosting can be more vulnerable to security threats due to the complexity of the setup.
Cluster hosting is a great solution for businesses that need to scale their websites quickly and securely. There are three main options to consider: shared hosting, dedicated hosting, and cloud hosting. Each has its own pros and cons, so it’s important to do research to find the best option for your business. With the right cluster hosting platform, you can get the performance you need and the peace of mind that your website is secure.
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toontastictoons · 6 months
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Bamboozled 🔧⛈️
Toons are… confusing.
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The tunnel episode made me both a Hashtag and a Starscream lover. 10/10 would recommend giving that bastard one (1) kindness.
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167 days and I’m still not ok
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alectothinker · 5 months
literally forgot that my body could do things for so long. now im (tentatively) singing again and trying 2 dance a bit in the bathroom mirror at 3am and learning how to kick the shit out of my brother's punching bag. we r so back babes.
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pikslasrce · 7 months
im going to do it for real this time (drop out and get a job)
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jewishcissiekj · 8 months
ok I have not watched Bad Batch and what bothers me most about Crosshair is how much he DOESN'T look like Temuera Morrison. Is there a canon reason for that or did they just want a clone that looks nothing like the guy he was cloned from
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epsilonplus · 2 years
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somehow I never posted this but have this incredible image I made a few years ago
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elenielheron · 3 months
I made a knife! Phile's knife. An ugly knife. A knife of many tales. Behold the hideous stabby!
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friendlylocalrobot · 1 year
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i am striving to be #1 biggest laptop simp out there
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recursive360 · 2 months
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casperlawrence · 2 years
Static vs. Dynamic WordPress Website
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What is static and dynamic website architecture? What defines dynamic content? Let’s dive in.
Static websites are coded in HTML and CSS, and every visitor’s content remains the same. They are ideal for displaying single content pages, such as a business’s contact information or a blog post.
On the other hand, dynamic websites are powered by a server-side language such as PHP. They contain dynamic content, which can be changed depending on the user’s input or other factors.
Dynamic websites are often used to create interactive experiences, such as ecommerce stores, web applications, and social networking sites.
Table of Contents
Difference Between Static and Dynamic Website Design
How websites work: look under the hood
Static vs. Dynamic Websites. Which One to Choose?
Dynamic websites: use cases and technologies
Dynamic Content and Dynamic Web Pages
What Is Dynamic WordPress Website?
Difference Between Static and Dynamic Website Design
Static websites can be likened to books in that their content does not change much, except for the incorporation of images, videos, and animations. The most interactive feature of a static website is usually a form, however, it is often more effective to use third-party services rather than relying solely on static forms.
Exploring the Mechanics of Websites: A Behind-the-Scenes Look
A website is an interactive exchange between two parties: the client and the server.
The client, who can be either a person on a computer or a smartphone, is the one that requests the website.
The server, which is a remote machine connected to the Internet, holds the information that forms the website pages.
HTTP and HTML are the two languages used by the browser to interact with the server. Hypertext, which is text with multiple links, is part of the HTTP and HTML languages.
These links are to CSS, JavaScript, and other media files that make up the website structure. When the browser reads them, it requests their delivery to make the DOM (Document Object Model). The difference between static and dynamic websites occurs on the server side.
And now, we can have two scenarios:
Static website
A static website is composed of files that are ready to view by a browser, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and media files, with no need for a database. This is the same as the internet from 20 years ago; it is easy to understand and navigate.
Usually, these sites contain only a few pages, with basic designs and little to no interactivity. The most interactive element is likely a button. Since there is no tracking of user visits, cookies, or roles, all users see the same content.
Any changes made to a page are only reflected on that page, even if a header or footer is edited, as there are no such components in a static HTML page. The overall look and feel of a static website is comparable to Google Docs.
Dynamic website
On the server, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP (when using WordPress Hosting) files are stored. This setup is what creates the key distinction, as it allows for a database to be used. The database stores information in rows and columns, making it much more efficient to access a large amount of data.
The PHP files, on the other hand, are used to create a frame for the content and to help the server understand the data. This setup has a great benefit, as it allows for different types of pages to be generated depending on user behavior or requests, with the content changing depending on the situation.
Rather than needing to create thousands of pages for each scenario, the database makes it easier to access the information in the way needed.
Pro Tip: 10 Proven Strategies to Improve WordPress Site Performance and Speed
Which type of website should you select: a static or a dynamic one?
Generally, it is crystal evident which form of the website to utilize once you are aware of your objectives. In their respective fields, they both have benefits.
Static websites: use cases and technologies
Static websites are websites that are served to viewers without any server-side processing. They are typically used for informational sites, such as portfolios, blogs, and other sites that don’t require any dynamic content.
Use Cases:
Landing pages: Landing pages are designed to get visitors to take a single action. They are often used as part of a lead generation or promotional campaign. Because they don’t require any dynamic content, static websites are ideal for creating landing pages.
Portfolios: Showcasing a portfolio of work is a great way to introduce potential customers to your skills and abilities. A static website is a perfect platform for a portfolio.
Blogs: Blogging is a great way to provide engaging content to your readers. A static website is a great platform for hosting a blog, as it requires less maintenance and updates.
Documentation: Documentation sites are often used to provide information and instructions on how to use a product or service. As they don’t require any dynamic content, static websites are ideal for hosting documentation sites.
HTML/CSS: HTML and CSS are the two main technologies used to create static websites. HTML is used to structure the content of the page, while CSS is used to style it.
JavaScript: JavaScript is used to add interactivity and dynamic elements to a static website. It can be used to create dynamic menus, sliders, and other interactive elements.
CMS: Content management systems (CMS) can be used to manage static websites. Popular CMSs include WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal.
Static Site Generators: Static site generators are tools that can be used to generate static sites from templates. Popular static site generators include Jekyll, Hugo, and Gatsby.
Dynamic websites: use cases and technologies
Dynamic websites are websites that are capable of responding in real time to user input and/or requests. They are more interactive than static websites and can be used for a variety of purposes such as e-commerce, content management systems, and social networking sites.
Use cases for Dynamic Websites
E-commerce: Dynamic websites can be used to create an online store where customers can browse a variety of products and make purchases. These websites often feature payment processing, product search, and order tracking capabilities.
Content management systems: Dynamic websites are often used to create and manage content such as blog posts, articles, and images. They allow for easy editing and updating of content, as well as the addition of new content.
Social networking: Dynamic websites are often used to create social networks where users can connect with friends, share content, and follow each other.
Technologies Used for Dynamic Websites
Server-side scripting languages: Commonly used server-side scripting languages for dynamic websites include PHP, ASP.NET, and Ruby on Rails. These languages are used to create the logic behind the website and to generate web pages in response to requests.
Databases: Dynamic websites often use databases to store data such as user information, product details, and blog posts. Popular databases used for dynamic websites include MySQL, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL.
JavaScript: JavaScript is used to create interactive experiences on dynamic websites. It is often used to validate user input, perform calculations, and display dynamic data.
AJAX: AJAX is a technology that can be used to make a web page more dynamic. It allows for requests to be sent to the server without reloading the page, enabling a smoother user experience.
Dynamic Content and Dynamic Web Pages
Dynamic content is content that is generated in real-time and changes based on user input or other variables.
Dynamic web pages are web pages that are generated in real-time and change according to user input or other variables.
These pages are interactive, allowing users to interact with the page and even change its content. Examples of dynamic content and web pages include online stores, search engines, forums, and user dashboards.
What Is Dynamic WordPress Website?
Dynamic WordPress websites are websites that are built using a content management system such as WordPress. This type of website allows users to easily customize the content of their website, add new pages and make changes to existing pages.
Dynamic WordPress websites are often used by businesses and individuals to create professional and engaging websites that are easy to manage and maintain.
Switching to a dynamic website rather than a static one will provide you with an advantage in your field. By utilizing robust tools and plugins, you can quickly and easily display your content and data dynamically on your website.
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rabidwordjumbles · 3 months
Help how do I download playlists from Spotify onto my Sony iPod without having to go song by song
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coruscanti-arabi · 2 years
Important: This is not bad batch positive - This is how I personally think the characters should've been written in clone wars instead of the "regs" dynamic and white supremacy they had going on because a group of "desirable mutated" clones could've been a good concept to explore if Dave Filoni had employed ANY poc within the production and writing process. If you are a poc and/or have any of the disabilities mentioned (because I am unfamiliar with them and this is a simple headcanon), please feel free to add additions and improvements to more accurately represent yourselves and groups. This does not go into neurodivergencies, but as an autistic, I would also headcanon all four of them as neurodiverse in one way or another.
The clone DNA sample is running thin, the Kaminoans have been instructed to create a clone that would help end the war from the Republic Senate. This is how the "desirable mutuation" idea comes into conception.
They know the science, modifying Jango Fett's DNA with the desirable, amplified qualities instructed: Strength, Intelligence, Hunting Skills, Sharpshooting. The "how" was more difficult, with the DNA so stretched and the modifications adding extra tension, the clones needed medical attention constantly throughout the process.
This lead to the four clones of Hunter, Wrecker, Crosshair and Tech. Four still very visibly Jango clones, all with Polynesian features and dark brown skin like mahogany.
The Intelligence clone - Tech - is partially blind in one eye and hard of hearing, his glasses which he created with the aid of Wrecker (because if your expertise is explosions, you excel in engineering) have a built in hearing aid. He mainly communicates in ASL (Aurebesh Sign Language), which he taught his batchmates to at the very least understand. (I also headcanon this version of Tech as autistic and has selective mutism). Tech has the darkest skin tone out of all of his batchmates, and tight coily hair. He closely resembles this specific photo of young Temuera Morrison.
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The Sharpshooting clone - Crosshair - has a prosthetic, born without his right leg. He had to extra spend time in Kaminoan facilities as a child, focusing on physio and less time on the small shooting range facility where he wished to be instead. He can still struggle with his prosthetic on missions and in daily life in the bunks on Kamino. The prosthetic does match his brown skin tone in places and others it is all robotic (hidden underneath his clone uniform and armor) - It has been specifically reinforced for combat with the help of Tech and Wrecker modifying the original. I picture this photo of younger Temuera Morrison as looking closest to Crosshair.
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The Strength clone - Wrecker. Unsurprising to some, his disability is hidden. Despite being the strongest clone and having an expertise in delicate weaponry & explosives, Wrecker has chronic fatigue from his mutation. The strength and stress produced too high levels of cortisol and adrenaline within his body, and it created a clone with intense strength and precision but also came with the cost of an autoimmune disorder. Wrecker is constantly fatigued, and has to rely on the supply of medicines to ease his disorder. Despite his precise hands to deal with explosives, they often shake or cramp up, and his legs often give way. On his worse days, his batchmates take care of him. (I also headcanon Wrecker as ADHD). I picture this version of younger Temuera Morrison as looking closest to him.
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The Hunting Skills clone - Hunter. I sat with this one for a while and ultimately settled on the headcanon that he needs a stoma bag and has Crohn's disease. Because of this, he is irregularly thin for a clone which was how it was first investigated by the Kaminoans. He is very short compared to his batchmates too as a result of childhood Crohn's and only stands at a 5'1 compared to his batchmates and other clones who average at the original DNAs 5'7". Despite these issues, he is the best hunter of the group and his height is advantageous for reaching small spaces his batchmates cannot, especially on infiltration missions. Similar to Wrecker, he suffers with chronic fatigue as a result. Hunter also has ARFID (Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder) which means his diet is very limited and has to have accommodations in the clone cafeterias - On missions, his hunting skills aid this because he can always track food he is able to eat without problems. He also takes medications for easing his symptoms. I picture this version of Temuera Morrison as closest to Hunter.
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As a bonus for those who wish to include Echo in these headcanons, here is how I picture him with the source being younger Temuera Morrison. He does regain more melanin overtime but at his palest, this is how I picture it.
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Plus, they don't use the term "Regs" in this AU and don't believe they are superior to other clones & instead value other clones especially those like Commander Wolffe who have disabilities too, which is why they accept Echo with open arms into their Clone Force Unit, and even have 99 as the honorary first clone in their batch posthumously. They use the term "Bad Batch" as a reclamation term as that is how the Kaminoans and bounty hunters who trained them referred to them due to their disabilities & desirable mutations. And most importantly, they are anti-racist and anti-eugenics - because they are disabled brown men.
In case this post wasn't clear enough, this is very anti The Bad Batch show and the racist, pro-eugenics writings they have within the source material. This is a complete rework of the four bad batchers seen within clone wars season 7. I am not Polynesian or have experience with majority of the disabilities within my headcanons here, so all improvements and additions by those minority groups are heavily encouraged. Fanworkings of these headcanons are also perfectly welcome, provided there is no whitewashing of the characters or erasure of their heritage and disabilities within the work. These headcanons are my own and if you do any fan works with them, I would love to see it, as I am going to be treating my headcanon Bad Batch and canon Bad Batch as two separate entities as majority of the characterisation heavily differs from canon - and it is what representation we deserved to have.
I will repeat, this headcanon is NOTHING to do with the bad batch show and canon characterisations of the bad batch seen in clone wars. If you support Filoni's writings of the characters, this post is not for you. This is also to illustrate how easily Filoni could have wrote good representation with the concept and actively chose not to. If you do engage with this headcanon set, make sure you are openly uplifting voices and movements from poc about this show, an example being the unwhitewashtbb movement.
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