#Imagine Isogai getting scared that Maehara could potentially die right under his nose and he can’t do anything about it
heyhellohihowareyou · 2 years
Imagine how utterly terrified and paranoid Isogai was during the poison arc. Like, he already had to deal with the death of his father and has to worry about his sick mother constantly. The amount of anxiety he must of felt when half of his classmates were poisoned including Maehara, who he spent most of his life with. After Takaoka exploded the antidote, he probably was on the verge of a heart attack. He’d probably felt so powerless in that situation.
Even if Maehara and the rest of his classmates made it out okay, there’s no sure way of saying that Isogai wasn’t absolutely traumatized after that whole incident.
Idk just a thought
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