#Imagine all of this in a moderate Antivan accent
ofheroesandheralds · 6 years
OC Interview Meme - Saarnos
Tagged by: No one. Saw it by coincidence on @seboostianillustrations‘ blog, and wanted to do it.
Tagging: @taerellavellan and/or @oceans-bleed-black, and perhaps @thereluctantinquisitor and @angrykittybarbarian if any of you are in the mood to do it! I’d also love to tag @chaitea09 but tumblr won’t let me. Also, anyone who’s not tagged but in the mood to do it shall feel free to do so, and tag me too so I can take a look at all your cool OCs!
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1. What is your name?
“Saarnos Adaar. That translates to ‘raging flame’.”
2. What is your real name?
“That is my real name. Or are you asking for the name my parents gave me? That would be Junior. Well... Ramin, officially, but they’d never use that.”
3. Do you know why you were called that?
”Yes, because my parents wanted me to choose my own name once I was... uh... mature enough. My father was Tal-Vashoth, and he valued freedom very highly. Especially the freedom to choose your own identity, which you couldn’t ever do under the Qun, so they called me by a neutral nickname so I wouldn’t grow too attached to the official one."
4. Are you single or taken?
He laughs.
”I wouldn’t call myself taken, but I’d lie if I said I was single, too. There is that one man I have... an affair with, whenever we both happen to be in the same place, but neither of us calls it a relationship, and we both see other people too when we’re in the mood.”
5. Have any abilities or powers?
”Plenty of them! First of all I’m a mage. A fire mage, specifically, which was the main reason for the name I chose. I’m also a damn fine dancer, an acrobat, and I could kick an apple from the top of your head while balancing on one hand and having the other one tied to my back!”
6. Stop being a Mary Sue.
He gives a huge grin.
“How am I supposed to stop being perfect at everything when I’m just... perfect at everything?”
7. What’s your eye color?
“Some would say yellow, but I prefer to call it golden.”
8. How about your hair color?
“Black. Simple as that. No touch of blue or anything, not ‘just a very dark brown’ - just black. Silky and shiny, though!”
9. Have you any family members?
“Not anymore. At least none that I know of. My parents both already passed away, and I don’t have any siblings. There were also no more relatives on my mother’s side, but since my father used to live under the Qun, we never got to know if he had any other relatives.”
10. Oh? What about pets?
“Nah. I like animals, but I’m not really the type to keep any. Taking care of another creature would interfere with my lifestyle, so I’m sparing myself of that... as well as the animals.”
11. That’s cool I guess, now tell me about something you don’t like.
He groans.
“Cold weather. I hate it. I mean, I don’t have a big problem staying warm or anything, I’ll just make my own fire, but... I can’t quite explain it, there’s just something to it that I really, really don’t like. I try to stay away from cold or rainy places. Might just be my Antivan heart!”
12. Do you have any hobbies/activities you like doing?
”I live for my artistry! I’ve made it into my profession, actually, it’s how I make my money most of the time. My favorite discipline is a... a mixture of dancing and fighting, I don’t know if there is a name for that specific style. But it looks quite spectacular, if I’m allowed the vanity! Especially when paired with fire.”
13. Ever hurt anyone before?
“Sure. When you live a life out travelling most of the time, at some point someone will try to rob you, and you gotta make sure they fail, right?”
14. Ever… killed anyone before?
“Not before I ran into the Inquisition. And I’m also not sure if those darkspawns count as ‘someone’.“
15. What kind of animal are you?
Again, a wide grin spreads across his face.
“If I was an animal, I’d be a tiger! Look at my vitaar, I’m on the best way there!”
16. Name your worst habits.
“Why does it have to be multiple? I can’t even think of a single bad habit I have. I guess that question is better answered by people who know me, and not myself."
17. Do you look up to anyone at all?
“I don’t think so, nah.”
18. Gay, straight, or bisexual?
“A little bit of everything? Nah, honestly, as long as you’re an adult, and qunari like me, I couldn’t give less of a shit about what’s going on in your pants.”
19. Do you go to school?
“My father used to teach me some things when I was younger, but I’ve never been to an actual school.”
20. Do you ever want to marry and have kids one day?
“Ahh, oh no, probably not. I mean, I cannot speak for what’ll be in the future, but at this point in my life, with children, it’s the same as with animals. I have nothing against them, they usually love me, but I couldn’t see myself having any. That sort of responsibility doesn’t fit into my life."
21. Do you have any fanboys/fangirls?
“Oh I bet I have, but so far there’s only one person of whom I know with certainty that he likes me.”
22. What are you most afraid of?
“Being made into a saarebas, probably. The entire idea of it is just horrible, I’d rather die than living like that.”
23. What do you usually wear?
He smirks.
“As little as possible. But when I travel, I wear some light plate, mostly around the arms and legs, as well as a shoulder piece. And a waist cloth, for some decency. Not that I gave a damn, but a lot of people seem to do.”
24. Do you love someone?
“Not romantically, if that’s what you’re asking.”
25. When was the last time you wet yourself?
“As a child. Why would you even ask that?”
26. Well, it’s not over yet!
“I am just fine, keep the questions coming!”
27. What class are you? (High class, middle class, low class)
“I don’t know if I fit into any class. Back at home with my parents, I’d have said middle class, but now? I’ve got everything I need, so I don’t really care.”
28. How many friends do you have?
“Huh. That depends on how you define that. I've been to a lot of places, and I’ve gotten to know a lot of people, most of whom I’ve gotten along with, but if you’re talking about that ‘willing-to-die-for-each-other’ kind of friends, I... don’t think I’ve got any.”
29. What are your thoughts on pie?
“I like it. I prefer savory over sweet, though. Filled with meat and some good spices! I like it spicy.”
30. Favourite drink?
“I don’t even think I have one. Anything that has some taste to it, I like my food and drinks with some intensity.”
31. What’s your favourite place?
“Probably Antiva. And it’s not even some ‘back to the roots’ thing, it’s just nice there. I like the people, the mentality. And also it’s nice and warm.”
32. Are you interested in someone?
“I am very easily interested in people, so most of the time, I could answer that question with ‘Yes’.”
33. What’s your bra cup size and/or how big is your willy?
A smirk plays around his lips, while he narrows his eyes a little.
“You want me to show you? No, really! All I need to do is lift that cloth a little...! ... What? No? Hah, I thought so.”
34. Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean?
“I’m not that much of a swimmer. I can do it, but not all too well, so I guess I’d prefer a lake? At least those end somewhere.”
35. What’s your type?
“Other qunari. Apart from that, I don’t have a type. Attraction comes spontaneously, I can’t tell you what traits I find more attractive than others, it really is a matter of my mood.”
36. Any fetishes?
“I like to have sex on a big pile of gold? ... What did you expect, a serious answer? Well. I’m not sure if I’d call it a fetish, but I really am into gold, meaning I like jewelry on my partners. It makes looking at an attractive body even more interesting!”
37. Seme or uke? Top or Bottom? Dominant or Submissive?
“I can do whatever feels best in the current situation. I would, however, not call myself submissive, it’s more like... letting a dominant person be dominant if that’s the only way they feel comfortable. I prefer being on one level.”
38. Camping or indoors?
“I’m very used to both, so it’s really not one over the other.”
39. Are you wanting the interview to end?
“Nah, I’m fine, I do like to talk about myself.”
40. Now it’s over!
“Aww, that was mean! Alright, it was fun to talk to you. Have a nice day!”
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dalishious · 7 years
That time Fiona said ‘Fuck the Divine’ with full context because it’s great
“I've had enough of this!” someone cried from the great hall's floor. It was enough to break the moment. Evangeline averted her eyes, her cheeks flushed, and Rhys felt a moment of loss. He should have said something else, something better. The commotion on the floor was centred around the Grand Enchanter, who was now stamping her staff on the marble floor to get the others' attention. The staff flared brightly, making her white robes stand in stark contrast to the dark ones around her. The watching templars whispered angrily in response, and several headed toward the doors. “We're not waiting,” Fiona declared. “We're here now, and we're well aware of what we're to discuss. We don't need another Tranquil to underline the kind of contempt in which the templars hold us.” “Will you keep it down!” one of the first enchanters hissed fearfully, an Antivan man with a braided black beard. “No, I will not.” Her staff flashed as she turned her glare on the other mages before her. “This is the first time we've been allowed together in a year, and I'm not going to waste it.” She took a dramatic breath. “I am putting forward a motion to separate the Circle of Magi from the Chantry.” Everyone in the room took a shocked breath. More templars moved toward the doors, these ones propelled as if chased. Rhys sensed that something bad was about to happen—the air bristled with anger, ready to explode. He followed Evangeline, running onto the floor. “We are to discuss Pharamond's research,” Wynne insisted. “Nothing more. If you derail this conclave, Fiona, we'll never get another.” Fiona snorted derisively. “This isn't a conclave. This is a joke! We could discuss what to do about the Rite of Tranquility until we were blue in the face; do you believe the templars would even think about following our advice?” “The Divine is willing to—” “Fuck the Divine.” She sighed when the others stared at her, stunned by her blasphemy, and rubbed her forehead in agitation. “I'm certain the Divine is a perfectly nice person,” she continued in a more conciliatory tone. “So was Grand Cleric Elthina in Kirkwall. She did her best to keep everyone happy, and what happened? Nothing was resolved, until finally her inaction killed her.” Wynne frowned. “She was killed by the act of one madman.” “I'm not going to condone what Anders did,” Fiona said, “but I understand why he did it. I'm only suggesting that we act, not blow up the White Spire.” “Aren't you? How do you think the templars will respond to this?” “We are not responsible for their actions. We're only responsible for our own.” Fiona turned her gaze to each of the first enchanters in turn. “You all know who I am. I came to the Circle from the Grey Wardens because I saw something had to be done. In the Wardens, we learn to watch for our moment and seize it—and that moment is now.” “And what would you have us do? Battle the templars when they attempt to take us captive?” Wynne stepped in front of the Grand Enchanter, holding her hands out imploringly to the others. “What Pharamond discovered has given us an opportunity. In the face of evidence that the Rite of Tranquility is faulty, the Divine has the excuse she needs to ask for reform. That will be a beginning, I promise you.” “You promised as much at our last conclave,” Fiona said. Her words weren't harsh, however... Rhys thought she sounded weary more than anything. “And look where we are. We know how you feel, Wynne, but the Chantry can't wait to decide when it's safe to do what's right.” “And the Libertarians are going to decide for us?” one of the first enchanters asked, a heavyset bald man with an Ander accent. The mage with the braided beard frowned. “I' d like to know if this Pharamond actually found something significant, or if this is all just so much smoke.” “He managed to heal himself,” Adrian interjected, “and now the templars have made him Tranquil again. What does that tell you? They don't care what we learn, or what the Rite does or doesn't do. All they care about is keeping us controlled.” The first enchanters appeared to accept her words, nodding uneasily. Wynne looked upset, perhaps because she sensed the same thing Rhys did—the mood was swinging in the Grand Enchanter's favour. Even the ones whom Rhys assumed would speak up in Wynne's defence remained silent. First Enchanter Edmonde was an Aequitarian like her, for instance, but he simply scowled and rubbed his long beard. Rhys saw Evangeline watching nervously as more templars left the great hall. Only a dozen remained clustered near the door, eyeing the proceedings with a dangerous air. The sounds of many booted feet could be heard from the halls. “I know my opinion isn't welcome here,” Evangeline told the mages, "but what ever you're going to do, I suggest you do it quickly.” Edmonde seemed surprised. “You're not going to stop us?” “The conclave has always existed to allow the mages to decide their own path,” she said, her tone carefully neutral. “So decide.” Nobody spoke. Wynne looked pensive, but Rhys imagined she'd already said all she could—likewise for the Grand Enchanter. Everyone already knew what everyone else thought, and knew the issue at hand. They merely appeared reluctant to step off the precipice. “If I may speak?” he quietly asked. Surprisingly, they all turned and paid attention. Even the Grand Enchanter. “I know I'm not one of you...” “We know who you are, Rhys,” the bald- headed first enchanter said. “Wynne has spoken of you frequently. For a Libertarian, your views have always proven moderate. Speak, and we will listen.” Rhys licked his lips nervously. “The Grand Enchanter isn't wrong,” he said. “This is the only chance you've had to gather, and it's the only one you'll get. The Lord Seeker will consider this vote treason no matter how it goes. So there's only one question left.” His gaze met Adrian's, and he could almost read her thoughts: Do it. Say it. Convince them. “What do you want to tell the rest of the Circle? Will you try not to make things worse, and trust the Divine, or will you make a stand?” There was a crash outside. The templars were coming—all of them, by the sound of it. He could see in the eyes of the mages that they knew exactly what Rhys meant: the die was cast. There was no turning back now. “I put forward the motion,” the Grand Enchanter said urgently. “Who says aye?” But it was too late. All heads turned as Lord Seeker Lambert marched through the great hall's doors, a crowd of templars at his back. All had swords drawn. Three men who wore the same black armour as the Lord Seeker walked at his side—more seekers, Rhys realized. The thunderous noise of their entrance was like death approaching. The templars and seekers spread out, surrounding the mages in a heartbeat, as the Lord Seeker strode toward them. The cold fury in his expression left no mistake as to his intent. “This conclave is at an end,” he declared. “Like children, you cannot even be trusted to do as you are commanded. I will not have treason under this roof.”
--Asunder, pg 183-185
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