viamutationis · 1 month
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The Adaar brainrot has been hitting I fear
[ID: A digital portrait of a Qunari man. He has freckled and scarred dark grey skin, green eyes with black sclera, and an array of facial piercings. He has two sets of black horns, one spiraling and one straight up, both decorated with golden jewelry. His hair is long, white, and braided, with charms, ribbons, and chains woven in. He wears a golden Saarebas collar with chains attached to it, a green shirt that reveals his chest, and a black half-cape. He is giving a judgmental side-glare.]
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gloomyjulliette · 3 months
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Oh we back, playing as a magic horny boi is so fun, everyone like..despises you.
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the-jennisms · 3 months
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Finally finished the couples that I have for the current roster of dragon age games. Will add two more after I finally get my hands on VG. (Also decided to make a non angsty version of Anders and hawke lol)
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thebookworm0001 · 3 months
one of my favorite things about how the fandom plays with the solas romance is just how diverse it can be
you've got such a range of characters and their reactions to the whole situation and it's so cool to see
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herald-divine-hell · 2 months
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hi! first time making an original post in like years. anyways
this is my canon timeline for dragon age, written out in prep for veilguard's release :> larger versions of the busts, plus assorted rambling, below the cut.
eventually, i am probably going to cave and post some stuff about these bastards on ao3 - if you are interested, this is where to look: https://archiveofourown.org/users/tapir_boy/works
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SARRELAN TABRIS: as im writing this post my partner looked over, saw sarrelan, and went "thats my fuckign WIFE". so shes highly reviewed
Sarrelan is the Warden-Commander and Hero of Ferelden, the woman who killed the Archdemon, ended the Fifth Blight, Arlessa of Amaranthine, and winner of Vigil's Keep's Biggest Bitch award twenty-two years and counting. she is full to the brim with autism, which is part of the reason she looks so. mad. all of the time. she doesn't mean to, she just does not Emote well and so comes off as being more aggressive than she actually is. now don't get her wrong, she is also full of rage and kind of jumps to violence as a first resort, but she is capable of listening to people and generally does like people, like she thinks good people deserve things and wants to give them good things. she just never looks like she does.
she's got kind of an immediate bond with Alistair, something to be said about him being basically the first human man who's ever treated her with respect and actually listened to her when she takes control of a situation. ive seen interesting commentary out there about how alistair immediately turns control of the situation over to the HoF and how that can be really disorienting/frustrating/upsetting for some characters, but its kind of the opposite for sarrelan. shes had almost two decades of experience getting into shit with her cousins, shes used to taking charge and she likes having that control, and its a relief that alistair doesn't try to fight her on it.
zevran is a little more rough-going to start as they're both very different people - zevran is used to reading more into people's body language, and sarrelan's body language is very disassociated from her actual emotions, so he does spend a good while thinking he's in like Imminent Danger while sarrelan's in the corner trying to figure out if she actually Likes this guy flirting with her. (she does).
zevran semi-accidentially insinuates himself in alistair and sarrelan's relationship right after it starts, half-jokingly offering to have a threesome to help them both get over their nerves of losing their virginity, and then oops oh no they all caught feelings and no one knows how to deal with it. they only figure their shit out a few days before the battle of denerim and it's as sarrelan is On Top of the archdemon, getting ready to kill it, still unsure if Morrigan's ritual will work and if she'll even survive this, that she's able to tell them she loves them.
zevran's earring is the only piercing she has, and she treasures it greatly. she's a two handed warrior and has a sword bigger than herself. shes also gone 1v1 with an orge alpha and survived. canonically. id say i have video proof but i dont. just trust me bro
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CONNOR HAWKE: local man made of 20 different types of trauma in a cool chestplate
connor is actually adopted into the hawke family! long story short, he was born in kirkwall and was taken to the circle there, and only left because his enchanters conspired to smuggle him out after one of the templars assaulted him. he fled to ferelden where he came across the hawke family, who took him and his daughter in and helped him fake a new identity with them. he's not happy to be back in kirkwall, but the city is a part of him whether he likes it or not - it's eating him alive but without it, he doesn't feel like himself. he's a very dedicated and loyal person, usually to his detriment, but he feels like he can't keep running from the threat of the templars anymore, he has to do something to fix this makerdamned city now.
he's got Something going on with the whole kirkwall crew, it just never really expands into anything for years because he's basically married to the job. but his life has been intertwined with these people's since he met them, and at a certain point all of those feelings mesh together and he's sitting there at wicked grace night and realizes he might be In Love with all of them, and then he has to make a hasty exit before he has a complete and total breakdown over it. during the timespan of DA2, anders is really the only person he has a romantic relationship with, because justice is getting tired of anders holding himself back from maybe the one other man in kirkwall who would support him no matter what, and kisses connor like the day before he has to leave on a longer quest to the sundermount. connor makes them discuss their feelings afterwards and they end up figuring it out, although the rest of the kirkcule are like. still fucking each other and are by no means exclusive at this point. the rest of them just never talk about it, because things go downhill in act 2 FAST. like, within a month he loses his mother, almost gets dragged back to the circle, has to fake his daughter's death, completely destroys his relationship with carver, and almost dies fighting the arishok.
the connor hawke of reality and the Champion of Kirkwall that gets immortalized by varric are two very different people - basically by the time that connor gets the name of Champion, he's already been working on maintaining a public persona that he just calls Hawke, and after everything with his daughter being sent away, he never lets that mask down again. he really considers Hawke to be a completely different person to Connor, and varric tries to help cement that difference in the Tale of the Champion. Hawke's story is that he was always Ferelden, his daughter was adopted and really did die, and he had no idea anders was getting so radical until the moment the chantry exploded - connor's story is that from the moment he sent Lila away, he was planning to find some way to take down Meredith.
he and anders spend a lot of time inbetween acts 2-3 trying to figure out more peaceful ways to address the chantry and bring some - any - oversight to the circles, but when all of that fails, they finally resort to plan dynamite. when all is said and done, they go to amaranthine to be reunited with lila, and then go on the run trying to help the mages break out of the circles and evade the templars. when he hears that varric was kidnapped by cassandra and that she's looking for him to speak at the conclave, he sees it as an opportunity to make a case for the rebel mages, and goes despite all the warnings not to. he survives in the fade up until the questline where the Herald goes into the fade, finds him alive, and drags him back home to see his daughter again. then he stays in skyhold to basically act as an advisor to her, and when the rest of the kirkcule get their hands on him, it kind of spurs him on to finally address his relationship to the rest of them.
connor is a force mage by default, but given how long he spent in Ferelden living on the run from the templars, he mastered both casting without a staff and fighting without magic. he's both tall and strong, but he manages to avoid scaring people off through sheer Dad energy.
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LILA HAWKE: hey look theres that daughter we've been talking about
Lila is very much her father's daughter, but she doesn't have his same talent for acting calm or friendly, if she doesn't like you she Will tell you to your face and she will not work with you. (cullen.) after hawke's "death" at the conclave, she kind of becomes the defacto leader of the rebel mages, which is definitely a normal amount of responsibility for a twenty-one year old struggling with ongoing mental health issues and overwhelming grief to handle. shes doing great
(slight detour: to address some of the weirdness with DAI's timelines im having there be basically 3 factions of mages in the rebellion: the Circle mages, who want to remain under the circles with the exact same setup as before; the College mages, who like the idea of having their own spaces and want some oversight, but also some oversight of the oversight to address the rampant abuses of powers; and the Hawkes, the rebel mages who want no circles and no templars and the ability to live their lives in the same communities as non-mages. the Circle mages mostly look to Vivienne for leadership, the College mages are rallied behind Fiona, and the Hawkes were roaming the continent with Connor, now working loosely with the Inquisition with Lila.)
she's got some health issues - she's shorter than varric by a few inches despite being a human, she has moderate asthma, and semi-regular psychotic episodes, mostly auditory/visual hallucinations and paranoid episodes. bubba, the family mabari, acts as a service dog for her when he isn't doing the same for connor, and i imagine at some point between inquisition and veilguard, she has her own mabari who works full-time as her service dog.
she is one of the co-inquisitors for DAI, but she is not the herald of Andraste; she wasn't actually at the conclave when it exploded, she was down in haven with varric and anders, but she kind of gets roped into everything because cassandra says "youre a hawke, you're going to get involved anyways" and lila... can't really argue with that, she's just mad that cassandra was right. arisas is the diplomatic one, she's the more experienced one, and they honestly balance each other out really well. it frustrates her to no end that arisas is almost literally twice her height.
lila kind of regards her time in amaranthine as the best of a really, really shitty situation - she hates that she lost so much time with her father, that her teenage years were so tumultuous and that she had so many milestones of her life and she couldn't talk to her father about them, she never got to introduce her first girlfriend to him, she had to come out to him over letters, and while she has a lot of respect for the wardens in amaranthine and appreciates them for taking her in with no questions asked, she hates that she lives in a world where that had to happen in the first place. sarrelan is the person who made her realize she might be kind of butch, and zevran taught her how to actually fight instead of just using her magic for experimentation. connor never kept a grimoire after fleeing kirkwall (too obvious and too much evidence, especially if it got lost or stolen), but she does, and it's filled to the brim with notes and homebrewed spells.
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ARISAS ADAAR: please help him he is too young for this
arisas is by far the youngest person to get involved in a major political conflict in my canon - he turns 16 during the events of DAI - and he is trying so hard to keep people from learning that information. he grew up in tevinter, taken there from par vollen as a very young child, and doesn't have the greatest grasp of southern mage/templar politics and is very confused by everything happening at the start of the game. he joined with a mercenary company as his first job, and was only with them for a few weeks before they got hired for the conclave, and he was Not getting paid enough to get a crash course in the differences between southern mages and tevinter mages.
ari is a lot more hesitant / cautious than lila is, partially because he has an anxiety disorder, and partially because he just knows a lot less about the south than she does. if it were up to him, he would not be in charge of this mess, but he's the one with the Anchor so he kind of has to be. he takes to the diplomacy pretty well, and he at least always finishes the paperwork that josephine sets in front of him (unlike liia, who will get distracted and go do something else halfway through). it does mean that he is constantly sleep deprived
inquisition is probably his first big exposure to a lot of queer people in very close proximity to him - between lila, leliana, dorian, and bull, it's the first time that he's really considered that people could be queer, much less trans, and it starts to make him question some things that he really doesn't have time to question. and, as the game continues, it doesnt really seem like questioning it will do him any good, as the inquisition continues to erase him and fill in the blanks with the Herald of Andraste, so he basically goes "even if i am queer, looking into it now will do me no good, because no one here is going to listen or respect that" and continues on like normal. (post canon he does figure some shit out, although he still uses he/him pronouns).
ari looks up to bull a lot, at first because he's a qunari who actually follows the qun, and ari is very curious and kind of wants bull to take him under his wing and become a father figure to him; but when bull becomes tal-vashoth and leaves the qun, ari tries to reassure him that he's the same man regardless of the identity he ties himself to, and that there's no shame in acting outside of the qun if it means protecting the people he cares about. bull in turn tries to help ari come out of his shell and maintain his sense of self in the midst of everything that comes with being the herald.
he struggles a LOT with having his identity erased by the inquisition, being both revered and reviled and rewritten with every step he takes. it makes him feel just thorougly inhuman and alone, and causes a mental breakdown after trespasser. he tries to stay in politics for a few years post canon, tries to help dorian with reforming tevinter with all this newfound influence he has, but being in the spotlight so much is detrimental to his heath, and he ends up having an early retirement in his mid-20s. he moves to kirkwall and raises nugs. this is the greatest his life has ever been.
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shaykai · 2 years
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Have some scraggily doodles for my 4 Inkys AU that I drew on a napkin
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inquisimer · 5 months
dragon age character study fic recs
I'm back with another fic rec list, this time focusing on character studies! There were so many more than five that I flagged as interesting 👀 when I was putting this together, so there's definitely a chance that this theme makes a repeat in the future.
Check these awesome fics out! And leave a comment + kudos to let the author know you did💜
Vote in this poll to help me choose a theme for next week's rec list (:
New Tricks by Penknife (@penknife)
Dorian Pavus & Cullen Rutherford, Josephine Montilyet & Cullen Rutherford & Leliana | G | 1968 words | No Archive Warnings Apply Author's Summary: Five times Cullen found that he didn't have to do everything the hard way. Mer's Rec: If you're into Cullen & Dorian friendship, or really any Cullen friendship, this fic will be right up your alley. Penknife does an excellent job of contrasting Dorian as a beleaguered academic (beloved) with Cullen's quieter intelligence. They also highlight Cullen as a strategist and commander, not just the "send the troops" guy, and the advisor interactions resonate with coworker friend energy, which I loved. I always adore fics that explore Cullen's habits and traits leftover from so many years as a Templar and this story seamlessly weaves in those details, which brings a real depth to both Cullen and his interactions.
Names Are Cloaks by EllanaSan
Female Adaar & Josephine Montilyet | G | 2963 words | No Archive Warnings Apply Author's Summary: They can’t have that, she supposes, the Herald of Andraste being called names behind her back… The only way the situation could have been worse is if she had been an elf. She could tell the ambassador that there are people in this very camp disrespecting her at every turn but she is far too used to it to care. They call her oxwoman. They call her witch. They call her chosen or your worship. They call her Tal-Vashoth. Names are weapons. For the bearer to hold and to wield. Names are cloaks. For the bearer to wrap themselves in and discard when outgrown. Mer's Rec: With Bioware's scant lore about Qunari and the Qun, I was impressed by how this story immersed me in Adaar's history. Tidbits from canon interwoven with fascinating-slash-heartbreaking details about the Qun, Vashoth, and Saarebas, plus her introspective musings on the past and her identity make this Adaar stand out from the cookie-cutter protagonist in the best way. I want to know more about her! From Josephine's dialogue and mannerisms to the uncertainty, fear, and alienation the Herald can experience in Haven, everything about this story feels like it could be straight out of the DAI canon.
I have outlived the night by lilith_morgana (@senseandaccountability)
Loghain Mac Tir, Minor/Background Relationships | T | 2106 words | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Author's Summary: He's five, he's eighteen, nineteen, twenty, forty-six, and fifty-five, he's fifty-six, fifty-seven and ready to die. Instead, he lives. Mer's Rec: The emotion in this fic is so palpable, so visceral, and it slaps you in the face the way careful consideration of complicated characters should. With repeated contrasts between Loghain in his youth versus his later years, the author takes us on a journey from hot-headed kid to weary veteran, and it just makes your heart ache😭 It features strong exposition on Loghain's motives, feelings, and regrets during the Fifth Blight, which I love to see since it's fairly absent from the game itself. Their portrayal of Loghain in Inquisition also felt fresh and different, including a conversation with Cullen, which is a dynamic I hadn't considered before and found incredibly interesting to read. And of course it ends on a bittersweet note, as it always does with Loghain.
To Yield Is Not Weak by disasterhawke
Alistair/Anora Mac Tir | M | 4018 words | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Author's Summary: She may not like her new husband, but Anora Theirin is not about to let the world treat him like it has treated her. She will do whatever it takes to earn his trust. This is not quite what he expects. An Anora character study that explores her arranged marriage to her husband's bastard brother. Mer's Rec: this 👏 was 👏 everything I wanted out of an Alistair/Anora fic! While I think antagonism between those two has a place, this fic explored their relationship through the lens of teaching and working together, rather than animosity. It works SO well and there was a definite give-and-take, with Anora running the show immediately post-coronation, but gradually softening her harsher edges and highlighting Alistair's strengths while they grow as rulers. Anora's internal monologue, not only about Alistair, but also Cailan and Loghain, does a fantastic job showing the humanity she usually has to hide, without diminishing her competence in the least.
when the bough breaks by gummies (orphaned)
Morrigan, Flemeth | G | 1124 words | No Archive Warnings Apply Author's Summary: In her hands, the mouse is kept still. The only movement Morrigan feels from it is the beating of its tiny heart. With her eyes closed, it almost seems that she is holding in her hands its heart alone. Tiny, vulnerable, and so stutteringly fast. It must be afraid, Morrigan muses. Something twinges in her chest. Empathy. She cannot help the flare of protectiveness inside her. For now, the mouse is hers. Plucked from the world from whence it came, tucked away and safe. She wonders if this is how Mother feels of her. Mer's Rec: What struck me most about this fic was the author's grasp of character voices. Flemeth is just as cunning and calculating as she comes across in game, but I was beyond impressed by their young!Morrigan. I could see and hear so clearly how Morrigan would get from the childlike hope she has in this story to the harsher, bitter Morrigan we meet in game. I don't even know how they did that, but it was incredible to read, even as this slice of Morrigan's childhood and her abuse at Flemeth's hands was breaking my heart.
Don't forget to get your fic and art recs lined up for tomorrow's Fan Work Friday!
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shivunin · 9 months
Dragon Age Fic Recs
In honor of the Just Leave a Comment Fest, and with no particular theme, here are a few of my favorite Dragon Age Fics:
(If you wrote one of these fics and want me to tag your blog, please let me know and I'm happy to do so!)
**Always check the tags before jumping in; this list is no exception.**
be my mirror by ella_vellan: (T; 5,798) Alistair & Morrigan. Alistair meets Kieran for the first time in Orlais. The dialogue in this feels so well-paced and authentic, and it really navigates a fraught situation with grace. One of those fics that feels bittersweet in the most cathartic way. 
a gentle, beating heart by rynleaf: (M; 5,115 Words) Warden/Zevran. The Warden finds out she is pregnant sometime after Origins and puts off telling Zevran. The epistolary pieces of this frame the underlying story so well, and the flow of the fic itself is extremely well-paced.
A Man’s Word is His Bond by howlsmovinglibrary: (M; 35,135 Words/9 chapters) Zevran/Warden Soulmate AU. Honestly? This Surana cracks me up and I adore this fic. She is just having absolutely none of his nonsense. No thank you. Also, the implications of a soulmate-identifying mark are really well-explored here.
Dragon Age II:
see me bare my teeth for you by calypsid: (T; 2,978 Words) Fenris/Hawke vampire AU. This one has really good pacing and Fenris’s POV is really effective. Would absolutely read way more about the dynamic between this Hawke and Fenris. 
to hold you by the edges by vesperics: (T; 4,059 Words) Fenris/Hawke wound-tending set sometime in Act 1. I am a sucker for wound-tending anything, but I really enjoyed the way this fic explores Hawke and Fenris’s early dynamic and the way she navigates his boundaries about magical healing. 
River Stone by loquaciousquark: (M; 45,633 Words) Fenris/Hawke. Hawke is captured and subjected to a botched Rite of Tranquility. Hawke survives by pretending it worked while Fenris tries to find her. The pain in this fic is so delicately and thoughtfully depicted; it might be my favorite hurt/comfort fic ever. There is an art to writing something that hurts like this while still making the catharsis of resolution feel earned, and this author absolutely knows how to do it right. 
Portrait of a Man by Dulcidyne: (T; 3,136 Words) Cullen/Inquisitor. Cullen sits for a portrait. Love the dynamic of person vs. role here, and the idea of how someone is depicted potentially outliving who they actually are. A fic I would hug if I could. 
Truth-Telling by todisturbtheuniverse: (M; 3,988 Words; CW: Fantasy Racism) Adaar/Josephine. Adaar tells several stories about how she lost her horn, but saves the truth for Josie. There are so many great pieces in this about the faces shown to people we trust vs. people who pry for information. Love the almost-but-not-quite together state of their relationship here, too. Yearning, my beloved. 
Port in the Storm by kvella: (E; 89,445 Words/19 Chapters) After nearly hooking up, Cullen and Josephine navigate their tensions while trying to build a memorial for Haven. A lovely slow burn! Characterization is enjoyable and consistent, smut is well-written, and the tension is palpable. The sections involving Josie’s family were some of my favorites.
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danielnelsen · 3 months
obviously the silliest possible worldstate is one where the warden simultaneously becomes queen of ferelden, teyrn of gwaren, and arl of amaranthine (and, come dai, lover of the divine), and hawke becomes both the viscount of kirkwall and princess of starkhaven
i think they really missed an opportunity to maintain that energy in inquisition. i get why they scrapped the idea to let ANY inquisitor (even m!adaar) become divine, but i think a faithful f!trevelyan would be a perfect candidate for divine, and also should have been able to marry gaspard (and m!trevelyan could have married celene)
i wouldn’t even care that it was gender/origin locked (i didn’t have a problem with that in dao), i just think it would have been very funny and also inline with previous games
let us rule ferelden, kirkwall, starkhaven, orlais, and the ENTIRE CATHOLIC CHURCH
oh well, here’s to becoming archon of tevinter and also the black divine in dav
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chocochipbiscuit · 2 months
Dragon Age Fic Recs!
I have been sadly languishing on fic recs, so here are some fics I've read (or reread) that I've loved. <3
Wildflowers and Twine (Carver/Merrill) by @luddlestons - 5.7k words - E - Merrill is into rope bondage, and Carver is into letting her tie him up! I love fics where Merrill challenges the ‘innocent’ impression that people have, and she is just so cheerfully practical about it. I adore.
on the sly (Crassius Servis/Sister Tanner) by cartographicalspine - 9.4k words - T - Mission fic!!!! Two slippery rogues (one mage, admittedly!) and scoundrels tossed together to recover smuggled goods for the Inquisition! Banter! Undercover as married! So much to make me rub my gleeful hands together!
Embargo (Isabela/Merrill) by @the-cryptographer - 2k words - M - Isabela and Merill scavenging for valuables and cheating each other out of the profits. Character study and Merrill continuing to place her bets on Isabela, even when she’s cheated. <3
A Little Light Reading by @antivan-beau - 1.9k words - T - The Kirkwall gang try to convince Anders to publish his sex grimoire, because sometimes a fic is a pile of lewd jokes with a heartwarming postscript that whammies you in the feels.
anatomy of a haunted heart (Nathaniel/Velanna) by @carnalapples - 14.6k words - E - A really gorgeous haunted time loop and character study, with Nathaniel and Velanna trapped in Vigil’s Keep during the false Calling. Atmospheric, bittersweet and lovely.
Arcane Deflection (Harding/Dagna) by @settiai - 2.7k words - T - Short, sweet, and charming. Just like the ship! Short slice of life moments as Lace is assigned to escort Dagna in the field.
Brushwork (Nicoline/Vivienne, Bastien/Vivienne, F!Adaar Vivienne) by @h1bernate - 7.8k words - M - Truly fabulous use of POV across different chapters to show Vivienne at different points in her life, exquisite prose, and excellent character study. There is so much to love in this fic!
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thiefbird · 5 months
Hey guys, I've decided to start taking writing prompts (read: please dear god send me writing prompts i love you all)!
Here are a list of prompt sets:
Unreal Unearth prompts
Smutty One-Liner prompts
Tarot Whump prompts
Angry Confession prompts
Sex Tropes prompts
Jealousy Dialogue starters
Breakup/Dramatic Dialogue prompts
Kiss prompts
Enemies To Lovers prompts
Boat Guy Shibari prompts
Or just send me lyrics to songs you like!
Things I'd love to write:
Jane Roland & Will Laurence or Jane/Laurence
Emily Roland & Will Laurence
John Granby/ Will Laurence
Tenzing Tharkay/Will Laurence
John Granby/Tenzing Tharkay (or Granby/Tharkay/Laurence)
Sir Edward Pellew/Horatio Hornblower
Hotspur Husbands
Renown Trio (platonic and/or romantic and/or sexual)
Horatio Hornblower & Maria maybe? I love complicated marriages
Jack Aubrey/Stephen Maturin (or Jack & Stephen)
Jack Aubrey/Sophie Williams
Stephen Maturin/Diana Villiers
Sophie Williams & Stephen Maturin
Diana Villiers & Jack Aubrey (or possibly Diana/Jack)
Diana/Stephen/Jack maybe?
General Aubrey-Maturin clan domesticity
Also someone suggested this in a thread I was reading and I am Intrigued: Horatio Hornblower/Stephen Maturin
And my other nonexistent rarepair, Jane Roland/Diana Villiers
Dragon Age
Anders/anyone (but especially Fenris, Justice, Karl, Nathaniel, or Hawke or the HoF, whether one of mine or one of yours)
Bull/Lavellan, Bull/Cadash, or Bull/Adaar
Send me your weird rarepairs! I will at least give them a shot
Mass Effect
Doctor Who extended universe
Ten/Rose or Tentoo/Rose
Also Hannigram and Symbrock!
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Do you think your ocs would like each other if they met? Or what would you say was a moment that made them who they are (can apply to any of them that you want to talk about!)
oooh, some of my OCs would get along, others would not. and i'm gonna answer both, but focus on Annette, since DAI is my current fixation.
Annette Trevelyan and Katria Hawke. Annette is initially dismissive, Katria is downright hateful, but largely in part because she'd met Annette's older brother, who left a bad impression, and Annette is very... closed off, very formal, and so she falls under the sort of "Ice Queen" trope, which Katria loathes. Eventually they get along, but its a rough ride on the way.
Annette and Ashanaan Adaar? They need to meet. In a modern AU, Annette would be a chemical engineer, and Ashanaan would be an explosives expert or a rocket propellant engineer. In Thedas, Ashanaan is trying to reverse-engineer gaatlok, and Annette is playing with chemicals and making her artificer mines that way. Ashanaan is also a bit more cheerful/ebullient than Annette, which Annette likes, while Annette has a lot of Orlesian/Noble/historical knowledge that Ashanaan covets but doesn't know where to start. It'd be a meeting of the minds, they'd get along like crazy.
Annette and Harold or Sora Trevelyan? They're cousins. Annette is from the main branch, and Sora and Harold are twins from one of the poorer branches. Annette wouldn't look down on them, but she would be wary, for sure. They'd also be wary of her: Annette's father, Maximilian, has a ruthless and nasty reputation, and Annette's spent the last decade playing the Game in Orlais, which neither of the twins would be thrilled about.
Annette and Thalia Cousland-- friends, due to the simple fact that Ostwick and Highever are both port cities, so her father brought her along a few times when he was re-negotiating trade agreements and arguing over tariffs. They kept in touch, and through Thalia, Annette would meet Rilwyn Amell, who she's arguably closer with despite knowing each other for a far less shorter time period, but they just clicked.
Annette (DAI) and Darth Calumnia (SWTOR)? Throwing this one in for fun: Cal would respect Annette, as she's always a fan of the shrewd political types who can scheme all day, but Annette carries a strong distaste for violence, which Cal would be iffy about. For Annette, Cal is like... all her worst nightmares in one. Cal has no qualms about violence, and she has a lot of ambition and ruthlessness that exacerbate that tendency. In Cal, Annette sees the worst of what she could be if she grew accustomed to violence and she stopped taking death so seriously.
And then, moments that made them? Annette has a handful of big ones.
The first-- her mother died when she was 14, and with an asshole for a father, a two month old baby sister, and a six year old baby brother, Annette basically took on parenting both her younger siblings. She did it because she loved them, and she wanted to protect them, and while she would do it again, parentification at that age is still bad. But that's the first real moment she starts to shelve all the things that make her Annette and turn herself into whatever she needs to be.
The second-- she figures out that her father is a ruthless ass, but he's also intelligent enough not to kill the golden goose. If she plays the Game, buys House Trevelyan influence and power within Orlais, her father will leave her and her baby siblings alone. Annette thus dives into the Game and she does really well at it. As a result, she considers Orlais a refuge from her father's power, and she adopts the country as her own. Her mother was Orlesian, and Annette actually inherits her estate in Verchiel, so Verchiel will become a key part of Annette's identity.
The third-- Annette's closest friend within Orlais was Lorette Callier. Yes, that Callier. Annette did not have a happy growing up, and Lorette was her first friend. In addition, Lorette and Lord Callier's marriage was the first real instance of a happy relationship that Annette really spent any time around, and it began to help her sort out her thoughts around her parents' marriage. And then in 9:37 the Callier's are murdered, and it sends Annette into a tailspin. She gets a lot colder, a lot more guarded, and she swears off violence and war. She doesn't want them in her life, she wants nothing to do with it, and the Orlesian Civil War has now given her an up close look at how war and violence don't care who they hurt. She also puts herself squarely in Celene's camp of followers.
Fourth and finally, this isn't really one moment, but a collection of them: Annette's older sister, Clarissa, is a mage. The templars came and took her, and Annette got some letters, and because her House is rich, she was able to visit a handful of times. Ostwick isn't Kirkwall, but her sister still encountered templar abuses. Eventually Annette was cut off from contact, and her sister's status and location were denied to her. She also witnessed her father's politicking with Chantry officials from a young age, and so she's incredibly disillusioned with the Chantry, she's relatively agnostic, and she hates the templars.
Annette has been going through it, TBH. She's a lot of fun to write, though, and her distaste for war and fighting means I get to play around with alternate ways she plays the role of Inquisitor.
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Modern Character in Thedas!! Fic Rec
I actually love that there’s a part of the Dragon Age Fandom where basically self-inserts have such good fics. I’ll admit that a lot of what I read in this tag is self-indulgent (but that’s really what fanfiction is for) and I thought I might catalog some of my fav fics so far.
I think also what’s great about this tag is that it actually exists! I try to occasionally find similar concepts in other fandoms but this kind of tag doesn’t seem to translate into many other fandoms, or at least the fics that do exist aren’t exactly to my taste. So hopefully this is helpful to everyone like me!
Also can more authors pls write different ships other than Cullen and Solas?
I’m more partial to completed fics but unfortunately many of the fics in this tag are WIPs. I’ll be posting more lists like this in the future so be on the lookout.
With Horns - The_Ravenous
Not rated ı 97/? ı 362,357 words ı updated 2021
Modern Boy in Thedas who gets turned into a Vashoth, he basically replaces Adaar. Male Inquisitor/Cassandra, yay a ship that isn’t common within this tag!!
I’ve only read the first few chapters but the main character seems funny and I’m partial to the MC becoming a mage and learning the ins and outs of magic.
Identity - AMCanderly
T ı 6/6 ı 26,172
This is part of a series where a woman from earth get transported into Thedas in DA 2 but she gets made tranquil, this fic specifically is her struggle in having the mark which causes her to be cured and her struggle with regaining consciousness/autonomy.
Sugar and Spice - Cracking Lamb
E ı 15/15 ı 25,894
This is a fic that spans across all 3 games so therefore is not a very detailed fic however I love the stable relationship between Bull and the MGiT.
What a Wicked Game - Cracking Lamb
E ı 148/? ı 400,570
CrackingLamb yet again! I admit I have not even read this one half way through but from what I have read I really enjoy Imogen/Solas even if it’s slightly toxic, also good smut…
No Longer A Game - Here_To_Be
E ı 63/63 ı 347,357
I haven’t read this one but it seems to be promising, you might be noticing that I prefer to read about an MCiT that knows the events of the game so any summary mentioning that the character loves Inquisition is immediately put on my TBR.
MARKED - ThroughtheMirrorDarkly
M ı 10/10 ı 109,948
I read this a while ago so I don’t remember much but I remembered the name out of all the hundreds of fics I read in a year! The MC has spent a few years in Thedas but wasn’t involved in the story until Inquisition. Solas/OFC
Running On Empty - PickleDillo
T ı 27/27 ı 163,762
This is the first in a completed series, MC/Iron Bull so obviously it has to be included, I can’t wait until I finish this series. This includes an MC inquisitor who isn’t immediately skilled in combat or over powered.
Coalesce - Beckily
E ı 36/36 ı 83,437
This does have a r8pe warning so I’m not sure if this is explicitly in the story, but it has such an interesting concept of a Modern Girl who gets transported into Male Adaar’s body and they have to figure out how to live together.
Virtually Faded - AntlersandFangs, Celtic_Lass
M ı 101/101 ı 519,973
This is probably a fic that i am not going to read anytime soon as I’m intimidated by the word count. (Don’t make fun of me I’m not patient enough to read really long fics, i need to CONSUME as many fics as quickly as possible) This fic is centred around a pair of friends who get transported to Thedas so this is slightly different from the other fics in this list.
Ad Infinitum - Stormontheocean
E ı 78/78 ı 252,544
MC discovers that Thedas’ Common language is definitely not English so she pretends to be deaf and mute, slightly Mary-Sue but I’m not opposed to it in doses. MC/Cullen
Commiseration - cleighc
M ı 1/1 ı 12,867
A small one but with a focus on relationship between Cole and MC, def not a happy one but interesting nonetheless.
Swedish Firesteel - Escapist_Velocity
T ı 100/100 ı 142,503
I haven’t read this one but it could be interesting. MC/Cullen
{1. Defiance} Everything’s Just Fine - EmpressTod
T ı 73/73 ı 181,562
MC/SERA!!!!!!! Sera is never bloody apart of the main pairing so this is exciting for me.
honeyeater - foetend
E ı 21/21 ı 58,529
Reasonably short one that I haven’t read all the way through so hopefully this is worth it. The concept of Flemeth being involved and tasking MC to get close to Solas is heaps unique so it has to be mentioned. I feel like people really don’t utilise the Elvhen Gods/lore enough or perhaps tend to lean towards paragraphs of lore dumping.
Suddenly, Qunari - Jiwa
E ı 20/40 ı 168,203
Once again MBiT gets transported into Adaar’s body and becomes the Herald! Eventual polyamory with Bull and Dorian, I like how cute and funny MC is.
Ithelan - DyeingRoses
M ı 35/? ı 80,925
Inquisitor/OC which is not common, however I’m not sure how frequently this fic will be updated, this is def on top of my TBR list. MC becomes a tatted elf.
Sugar Honey Iced tea - AntlersandFangs, Beckily, Celtic_Lass
M ı 48/48 ı 412,762
Multiple modern characters dropped into Thedas, haven’t read this one but it seems interesting most especially because of the pairings. Varric/ OFC, Krem/ OFC, Solas/ OC, Inquisitor/ OC.
The Guardian - yayenchan
M ı 13/? ı 56,602
Female Trevelyan/ OMC, Mary Sue elements here but the first chapter seemed promising.
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quillfulwriter · 7 months
Tumblr media
Prompt from @loveofdragonage for the Valentine's event
Words: 400 | Rating: M
After a fumbling, well-intentioned round of courtly dates, Josephine and Adaar quickly figured out the feeling that they were experiencing was friendship.
Tip this post if you like the story! ✨
Kofi commissions are also open ☕
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hotsuqueen · 6 months
hotsuqueen of hearts
I am only recently learning you can make pinned posts on Tumblr, which I've never done before. So hi there!
I'm Radiata, and for the last twenty years or so, I've been inchworming my way from the deepest recesses of lurkerdom to the very outskirts of fandom where I actually participate sometimes. I'm primarily a fic writer (you can find my fic here on AO3), but every so often, I get an urge to draw fanart as well.
My primary fandoms are video games and anime. I love RPGs, platformers, otome games, psychological horror, and anything that doesn't require me to aim a weapon or have any sense of rhythm. Once I get into a fandom, I pretty much never leave it. I'm largely here for shipping -- I'm a big multishipper and a fan of M/M, F/F, M/F, and polyships of every configuration.
Below you can find a list of the fandoms and characters/ships you can expect here, as well as some frequent tags I use.
Socials: ♥ - AO3 ♥ - Dreamwidth ♥ - Neocities
Personal art tag: radiarta Other frequent tags: long post, radi rambles, radi writes
Devil Survivor ♥ - Kazuya Minegishi
Devil Survivor 2 ♥ - Yamato Hotsuin/Hibiki Kuze
NieR: Automata ♥ - A2/Everyone
Fire Emblem Awakening ♥ - F!Robin/Libra ♥ - F!Robin/Lon'qu ♥ - F!Robin/Laurent ♥ - F!Robin/Gangrel ♥ - F!Robin/Libra/M!Grima
Fire Emblem Fates ♥ - F!Corrin/Jakob ♥ - F!Corrin/Leo ♥ - F!Corrin/Camilla
Fire Emblem Three Houses ♥ - F!Byleth/Dimitri ♥ - F!Byleth/Yuri
Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes ♥ - F!Byleth/M!Shez ♥ - F!Byleth/M!Shez/Yuri ♥ - M!Shez/Yuri
Silent Hill 2
Dragon Age 2 ♥ - Fenris/Hawke ♥ - Fenris/Hawke/Arishok ♥ - Varric/Hawke
Dragon Age Inquisition ♥ - F!Adaar/Cullen ♥ - F!Adaar/Iron Bull ♥ - F!Adaar/Cassandra
Ghost in the Shell ♥ - Batou/Motoko Kusanagi
NU: carnival ♥ - Edmond/Everyone
Persona 3 ♥ - Minako Arisato/Minato Arisato ♥ - Minako Arisato/Thanatos ♥ - Minako Arisato/Theodore
Persona 5 ♥ - Iwai Munehisa/Kurusu Akira ♥ - Kurusu Akira/Joker
Baldur's Gate 3 ♥ - Abdirak ♥ - He Who Was
Bungou Stray Dogs ♥ - Osamu Dazai
Yakuza: Like a Dragon
If we have any fandom overlap, I'd love to hear from you. Thanks for swinging by!
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