#OC interview meme
theoriginalladya · 2 years
OC Interview
I was tagged by @foofyschmoofer - thank you!
Tagging anyone who wants to play along!
Let's do Caleb Shepard! He started perking up when I first saw this!
Answer the questions from your OCs POV.
Post-war interview
Name: Caleb Ciaran O'Connell, apparently, though most know me as Shepard.
Are you single: chuckles and twirls the ring on his finger using his thumb. I'm quite taken.
Are you happy: Never more so.
Are you angry: eyebrow lifts. You getting ready t'ask something far too personal?
Are your parents still married: My father died when I was very young, though my mother remarried later.
Birthplace: Lislarkin, Ireland but I spent most of my youth in Shannon.
Hair colour: black.
Eye colour: blue.
Birthday: Observed, April 11. Actual, February 9th.
Mood: Blue eyes sparkle. Amused.
Gender: male.
Summer or winter: winter.
Morning or afternoon: Depends when I'm sleeping and if I'm alone when I am. winks
Are you in love: Darlin', we Irish never do anything by half. Of course, I am.
Do you believe in love at first sight: A faraway look fills his eyes. Aye, I s'pose I do since it was his eyes I saw first.
Who ended your last relationship: chuckles. A gentleman never speaks ill about a lady.
Have you ever broken someone’s heart: Not intentionally.
Are you afraid of commitments: No.
Have you hugged someone within the last week: Aye, absolutely.
Have you ever had a secret admirer: fond smile crosses his lips. Aye, that too.
Have you ever broken your own heart: Far too many times, I'm sure.
Love or lust: love
Lemonade or iced tea: hot tea
Cats or dogs: two adult huskies at his feet lift their heads and he chuckles. Dogs.
A few best friends or many regular friends: growing up without knowing my past or family, I will gladly take all the friends I have.
Wild night out or romantic night in: Romantic night in. My 'wild' nights are a thing of the past.
Day or night: same answer as morning or afternoon
Been caught sneaking out: Caught? No.
Fallen down/up the stairs: no
Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt: most of my life, aye
Wanted to disappear: snorts Part of my job training.
Smile or eyes: yes. both.
Shorter or taller: doesn't matter.
Intelligence or attractive: both.
Hook-up or relationship: relationship. you asked about being afraid of commitment? I'd much rather have it than not.
Do you and your family get along: Aye, now that we've finally found one another again.
Would you say you have had a “messed up life”: Some might call it that.
Have you ever run away from home: frowns. Not exactly.
Have you ever gotten kicked out: I s'pose it all depends on your point of view.
Do you secretly hate one of your friends: Wouldn't be my friends if I hated them, darlin'.
Do you consider all of your friends good friends: Every. Single. One.
Who is your best friend: amused chuckles. Are we finished? These questions are beginning to border on the silly side.
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arcandoria · 5 months
Character Interview: Zander
tagged by @dreamskug, heavily inspired by her and @lokiina's take at the interview!
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Zander. Kurt calls me Alec but that's just for him. Callsign back during service was Princess and the fuckers still use it sometimes.
Scorpio Sun, Pisces Moon, Virgo Rising. I like learning useless stuff.
Aaand the important stuff I don't remember. Uh... 5'7" I think.
Always been exclusively into guys... Wait a second.
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That a bait question? Born in the ol' Washington D.C, yeah. If you're trying to fish childhood info on Madam President you're asking the wrong guy. She's my first cousin once removed, we didn't grow up together or were close.
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I love pomegranates. Pain in the ass to get, even more of a pain in the ass to get the seeds. Season... When do we get anything but sunny polluted or rainy polluted here? Don't like the wet season though, acid rain has a way to get where it shouldn't. Not really a flower guy, but my mom had a huge garden with Angel's Trumpets so I also kinda like them. As for scent, I'll go with tobacco.
Don't really have a preference to be honest. Kurt likes his coffee though so that's usually what I get as well.
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As for the other question...
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Ah fuck, no idea. There wasn't a place we didn't go when I was little. Guess the only place I haven't put my boots on is the moon.
There's this old ass cartoon, Powerpuff Girls? Thing is ancient. The devil guy with lobster claws, HIM? I like that freak so much.
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I admittedly had so much fun with this LMAO - the little background I came up with in my head was 2080 Zander, just newly wed to Kurt and being pestered constantly by the media for an interview. Thus this was born...
Tagging, no pressure: @ronqueesha @therealnightcity @a-pirate @camelliagwerm @elvenbeard & anyone else who sees this and wants to give it a try!
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doodlesanddrabbles · 8 months
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Ever heard of knocking?
Old meme is old but I promised myself I'd try to upload more art so...ta da! Astarion and Leshana having a midnight snack.
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sae-mian · 9 months
Here you go, have an ask!
Yarzon - What the oddest thing you find cute? Why?
yay! thank you for the ask!!!
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Yarzon /// Nira'sae (ft. Minasha)
"This is cute, right?" Nira'sae holds up the picture of the river shrimp again, as if that makes it more convincing, "L-like-- I can't be imagining it. It's cute--"
"You're an idiot." Minasha comments idly, not even looking at it.
"Okay-- Just because you don't find it cute--"
"It isn't cute. You'd have to be insane to find that cute."
"Oh, c-come on--"
FUN FACT: Nira'sae adores shrimp of all kinds, and if they weren't away from home for such prolonged periods of time, would keep a tank of them.
TOTALLY UNRELATED FUN FACT: Minasha has a minor fear of crustaceans.
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“Creatures of Eorzea” Character Development Prompts
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squidknees · 1 year
OC Interview Questions...
...based loosely on the themes of my story settings:
1. Do you like travelling long distances? What's your favourite / least favourite thing about it?
2. What's the biggest, most life-changing decision you've ever made?
3. If you had to give a one-hour lecture with no time to prepare, what subject would you choose?
4. Has being too good at something ever caused problems for you?
5. What do the people around you expect from you? Do you try to live up to it?
6. Do you think money would solve all your problems, if you had enough of it?
7. Which unsolved mystery or problem would you most like to know the answer to?
8. How do you stay sane when you're stuck in a conversation with an obnoxious person?
9. Are you a good judge of character? Have you ever misjudged someone to terrible results?
10. Do you like consuming terrible media to make fun of it, or do you save your time for things that are good?
11. What's the weirdest dream you've ever had?
12. Are you satisfied with the person you are right now?
13. Do you ever feel like you don't belong here?
14. What if you found out your goal was impossible to achieve? Would you still try?
15. What's something you like but is definitely bad for you?
16. Talk about someone who's no longer in your life. Do you miss them?
17. What's something you don't like thinking about too much?
18. How would you define "a normal person"? Do you think you are one?
19. Is there anyone you can't seem to get along with, no matter how hard you try?
20. What's your favourite thing about your life as it is right now?
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by-ag-mn · 1 year
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I can't unsee it
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mak1lol · 1 year
Arzan:And so that was my life at indonesia
Thomas:Dang you had a hard time back then
Percy:Mhm, you were really clumsy
Arzan:Well yes but i out grow my clumsyness so its fine..
Thomas:Well thanks for interviewing with us
Arzan:Np anytime! *then trip and got his leg stuck in a bucket* ANJING-
Percy:Omg Arzan are you okay???
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c0smiccom3t · 1 year
Ryonna: "I'm Dr. Cortex's new right-hand arm... Lady, I'm his everything, i'm his confidant, his best friend, his huntress, his partner in crime, ...His silly rabbit."
N. Brio: "His WHAT-"
Ryonna: "his silly rabbit!" N. Brio: "His 'silly rabbit'???" Ryonna: "Yes!" :D N. Brio: "THAT'S what he calls you???" Ryonna: "...No, but we might get there."
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vonstarlight · 3 months
another oc meme!⊹₊⋆
Credits to bluecrusader12 on dA! ^_^/
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1) Pick 10 OC's/Canon Characters in any order
2) Please don't look at the questions while picking characters, it's more fun and funnier if you don't!
3) Tag 2 - 4 people to do the meme (you don't have to if you want)
4) Have fun!
5) Credit me and link back to me
pick ten characters:
1. Aleksi
2. Desperado
3. Davy
4. Roldos
5. Rika
6. Vallius
7. Alice
8. Sid
9. Kiwi
10. Paprika
1. [6] is walking down some stairs when he/she slips and sprains his/her ankle. Who comes to [6]'s aid?
Vallius would rather bleed out on the floor than receive help from anyone……. except his husband, Rhys. he would insist he doesn’t need any help though, & walk on the fucked up ankle instead of showing pain.
2. [4] accidentally walks in on [7] while he/she were changing. What is [7]'s reaction? What does [4] do?
It’s not often Alice forgets to lock doors behind them, so having someone walk in unexpectedly would alarm them, instantly putting them in fight mode. Roldos is luckily witty & quick on her feet so she would quickly pardon herself & laugh at her mistake before she gets a knife thrown at her head.
3. [7] suddenly catches a cold. Who offers to take care of them?
Alice allows very few employees to live in their manor with them so they would opt to tend to themself. They hate doctors & medicine, so they’d power through any symptoms they feel.
4. [1] if you were dared to kiss someone who would you kiss.
Easy! He would kiss his boyfriend, Rylef!
5. [10] finds out that he/she have only has a few weeks to live. What does [10] do?
Oh nooooo Paprika! ;0; Pap would spend every last minute they have with their partners, & if they have the strength they would dance everyday.
6. [2] finds out that [9] ate his/her favourite food/snack. How does [2] react?
Desperado HATES sharing their food, so to find out someone ate their FAVE food!?! they would be beyond furious & chew Kiwi out….. but their rant wouldnt last too long bc Kiwi would give them huge puppy eyes & apologize sheepishly, & whole Des would still be pissed they can’t stay mad long at cute people.
7. (Questions 7-11) [3] is having a baby/babies. Who is the baby/babies father?
Davy’s husband, Fortune! <3 theyre both men so for the sake of the question we’ll use mpreg LMFAO
8. [3] finds out the gender/genders of his/hee baby/babies. What gender are/is the baby/babies?
twins, a girl & a boy!
9. [3] is craving something. Is it something he/she like or dislike? What [3] craving?
Davy is usually a huge fan of seafood, so during pregnancy he would crave it but the smell would make him unusually nauseous. He would suffer through it tho to enjoy his cravings LOL
10. [3] is in his/her room crying his/her heart out. [8] comes to check on [3] and asks why he/she is crying. What is the reason?
Sid would pat his shoulder in comfort rather than actually talking, & Davy would explain he’s so happy to finally be starting a family with Fortune after years of being apart from each other.
11. [3]'s water just broke and he/she is going to have the baby/babies. Who is there to take him/her to the hospital? How did the delivery go?
Pip, Davy’s long good friend & registered nurse, would drive him bc they’re the only one who can stay calm in the moment. Fortune would meet them at the hospital & be in the room during delivery, which would go well!
12. [1] accepts a job as a babysitter. Does he/she enjoy the job? Explain?
Aleksi may look a bit scary to little kids & he grew up an old child in solidarity so he doesn’t have a lot of experience with handling kids, but he has a very carefree spirit & doesn’t mind chaos LOL. He’d feel awkward at first but end up enjoying the job!
13. [8] makes a dinner for [5]. Is the food good or bad?
Sid can make a mean fried teriyaki with spicy mayo on the side, Rika enjoys seafood so she would like the food — especially the silence between them as they eat together LOL
14. [3] finds a Pegasus in his/her backyard. What does [3] do?
Davy would lose his mind in excitement & use his great animal handling skills to tame the Pegasus so he can brush & braid its hair c:
15. [9] do you have the guts to kill someone? Explain?
0_0 She may or may not……. have already killed ppl before….. so…… at one point yes she did but definitely not anymore
16. [6] has a secret that he/she is keeping to himself/herself. Does anyone try to get [6] to spill the secret?
Vallius’ life is built on secrets, you couldn’t torture anything out of him no matter how much you tried. He has a lot of secrets he plans to bring to the grave
17. The cops are at [6]'s door. What do they want? Did [6] do something wrong?
Thievery, trespassing, armed robbery, resisting arrest, identity theft… Vallius has a long history of crime they could be there for anything but it doesn’t matter bc he’s already jumping out the back window LMAO
18. [5] if you could be anyone in this meme who would it be? Explain?
This is tough but Rika would ultimately want to switch with Desperado, because they share a similar need to protect others & she’d want to know what it’s like being a werecat w the ability to shift instead of just part cat
19. [10] decides to look for a job. What job do he/she choose?
Paprika loves a calm environment so they’d want to work somewhere quiet, like a library!! c:
20. [2] what is your ideal partner? Explain?
Desperado doesn’t intend on committing to one partner currently so it’s hard for them to picture an ideal partner. They’d just have to have similar morals to them
21. [4] wants to buy a dog but [10] wants a cat. How do [4] and [10] decide on which pet they should get?
It would take a bit of debating bc Roldos would love a high-energy dog while Paprika would def prefer a calmer cat, they’d decide to go with the cat ultimately bc Pap, as a bunny, is part prey animal & dogs may not work out well LOL. Roldos would get to pick the cat’s name though, as compromise
22. Tag someone to do this meme or tell everyone [8]'s most embarrassing moment?
I tag…… my besties & anyone else who wants 2 do this!!!
here’s Sid’s most embarrassing moment too >:3c they got so wasted after a splatfest that they showed up to work 4 hours late hungover & passed out mid-tattoo sesh
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theoriginalladya · 2 years
OC Interview
I was tagged by @scribblesdg - thank you, my dear!
Tagging anyone who wants to play along!
Let me see...how about I do my Rhys Shepard? (or, maybe him and Kaidan together...hmmm)
Answer the questions from your OCs POV.
Ambushed on the Citadel by everyone's least favorite reporter, Khalisah...
Name: Dr. Rhys Shepard
Are you single: glances over at Kaidan who, despite a twitch of his lips, manages to keep a straight face, then looks back at Khalisah. You aren't my type, darlin'.
Are you happy: define 'happy.' I'm probably happier than I have a right to be right now, but with everything going on around us, it's a bit selfish to claim to be 'happy,' don't you think?
Kaidan coughs to clear his throat.
Are you angry: Gettin' closer with each question, I s'pose.
Are your parents still married: Dad died when I was six. Mom's married to her career. That answer your question?
Birthplace: technically, the SSV New Delhi, but I spent most of my life at my grandparents' cattle ranch in Wyoming.
Hair colour: brown.
Eye colour: blue.
Birthday: We don't know each other well enough for that, darlin'.
Mood: Kaidan clears his throat again and 'accidentally' nudges Rhys' arm. Bordering on annoyed.
Gender: male.
Summer or winter: winter.
Morning or afternoon: Which one has you gone?
Now, wait just a minute -
Are you in love: Kaidan quietly chuckling. Yes, absolutely. Totally taken. Good bye.
Do you believe in love at first sight: Kaidan continuing to chuckle. Rhys pokes at him through the gravity well to shut him up. Yes.
Who ended your last relationship: Well, we're together again, so I guess it technically didn't end?
Have you ever broken someone’s heart: No. Kaidan pokes back.
Are you afraid of commitments: only if my Mother's made promises for me.
Have you hugged someone within the last week: aye.  Rhys scowls. What is the point of all these questions? Kaidan pokes him again. Yes, of course I have.
Have you ever had a secret admirer: Of all the stupid questions... grumbles...
Have you ever broken your own heart: Taking that whole 'self-love' thing a bit far, don't you think? Kaidan nearly chokes on his laughter.
Love or lust: None of your damned business.
Lemonade or iced tea: both, the sweeter the better.
Cats or dogs: dinosaurs.
A few best friends or many regular friends: friends are friends, the number doesn't matter.
Wild night out or romantic night in: Rhys smirks. Any line dancing involved? Kaidan nearly chokes yet again.
Day or night: yes.
Been caught sneaking out: Eyes narrow. Have you been talking to my grandmother?
Fallen down/up the stairs: mountains, yes. stairs, no.
Kaidan: What about that time at -
Rhys: covers Kaidan's mouth with his hand.
Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt: There's always something.
Wanted to disappear: I do that routinely when I go to dig sites, remember?
Smile or eyes: ...WHAT? Kaidan grins and bats his eyes at Rhys.
Shorter or taller: what's it matter? I can reach the top shelf myself.
Intelligence or attractive: Yes.
Hook-up or relationship: steady glare at Khalisah
Do you and your family get along: If my mother's not around, sure
Would you say you have had a “messed up life”: What the hell...?
Have you ever run away from home: no.
Have you ever gotten kicked out: I s'pose you could count that time my Mother sent me to live with my grandparents when I was six. But it worked out for the best.
Do you secretly hate one of your friends: Why would they be a friend if I hated them? What the hell are you digging for?
Do you consider all of your friends good friends: They're friends, aren't they?
Who is your best friend: ... That's it. We're done.
Rhys grasps Kaidan's arm and stalks away, cowboy boot heels ringing out on the floor just slightly louder than Kaidan's laughter and Rhys' mutterings.
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o5-the-progeny · 1 year
Rice sheaf
🌾 [RICE SHEAF] How picky is your OC with food? What will and won't they eat?
//I'm going to answer this one for Stojan. He's not particularly picky; he'll eat just about anything, though since starting to date Astra, he's limited his diet somewhat.
From this ask meme
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liamins · 1 year
🍰 for liz and zil?
🍰 [CAKE SLICE] How does your OC change as you get to know them?
Waugh this got LONG. I love these two a lot their relationship to others and eachother makes me so ill. Thank you for asking about them!
The basics are, as both Vrn and the audience get to know them, Liz and Zil go from these wild but knowing twin adventurers who barely get along to a pair of deeply caring but also very scared siblings who ultimately just don't want to lose eachother, but also want to grow as people away from eachother. Deeper look as to why under the cut.
Liz first appears to be a rash, rude brute who loves to fight and doesn't really care what anyone thinks. She just does what she thinks is best and only barely tries to align it with the set goal, but can also disregard that choice at the drop of a hat. But as time goes on, it becomes clear that she actually cares quite a lot about the people in her life, but struggles to express how she feels due to the high 'protector' pedestal she puts herself on. She also really thinks rather lowly of herself because she's constantly brought down and insulted, even by people she was/is close to. Even though she fights back against those blows, it doesn't mean they don't reinforce the idea that she's lesser compared to Zil and even Vrn, so it's all the more important that she protects them even at the cost of herself. A part of her knows and wants to let go of Zil, but a larger part of her is still so terrified of losing him because she blames herself for him losing his arm that she can't. She puts so much focus into this goal that she's pretty much forgotten what else she's wanted to do, like actually move on from her past relationship and find a new partner, but she also doesn't feel ready to pursue that goal and commit to someone out of fear that they'll grow to dislike her just like she thinks everyone else important to her already has.
Zil first appears to be extremely cold and unfazed, a genius engineer who hates being stuck with his sister because she's a nuisance. But in reality, Zil is incredibly passionate and even as excitable as Liz to an extent. He has just been extremely stifled, both societally because he was supposed to hold a high position in their family that wouldn't allow him to pursue his passions and by Liz refusing to leave his side after he lost his arm, which has drained and disheartened him to the state he's currently in. He wants to leave to pursue his passions; but the same time, he recognizes how self-sacrificial and provocative Liz is and it worries him. Unlike a lot of people, Zil knows and will defend that Liz isn't stupid, he knows she can be a cunning fighter and is actually socially aware+charming than he is. But that doesn't stop him from fearing the possibility of Liz getting herself killed, either by trying to save someone or by getting under the wrong person's skin, because she's so impulsive. He feels he communicated this well to Liz and she just won't accept it, but he always goes about it very unemotionally and that makes Liz angry because she doesn't care about the benefits of him leaving more than she cares about him living, which Zil would understand but Liz doesn't communicate this well at all because she's angry.
Tldr: Liz and Zil might seem like kinda cool loser asshats on the surface, but deeper down they're emotional loser asshats who need to learn to properly communicate both with other people and eachother.
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absentfather · 2 years
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The difference between an interview with Neil and one with Arthur.
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narcpocalypse · 7 months
TBH the best way to flesh out a character (which works for me) is to put them in two interview settings. One where they have to tell the truth no matter what and one where they can say whatever they're comfortable with. One will show their depth and the other will show how they want to be perceived
EDIT: OMG YALL TY FOR BLOWING THIS UP???? Here's a template for this idea with 3 interview settings!
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emj4yart · 9 months
Calling all Oncelings! I need your help!
Greetings, Onceler fandom! Tis I, MJ, just a little guy who wants your help on a big project I'm planning!
Here's the rundown: I want to do a deep-dive video on the Lorax, from its origins to its adaptations, to the cultural phenomenon that it has become, including a HUGE dedicated section to the fandom and its history! And I need your help with it! Keep reading if this interests you :D Rough outline of topics that I'm plannning on addressing:
The Original 1971 Book
The 1972 Short
The 2012 Illumination Movie (And what went WRONG, the cut content, analysis)
The 2015 Musical
The Onceler Fandom's Beginnings and Early Years (2012)
Shipping (Oncest, Normaler, the like)
Onceler OCs and aus! (Possibly an OC feature from those in the fandom!)
The Lorax in Meme Culture
The Resurgances of the Fandom (2015, 2021, 2023 Tiktok Boom)
Where's the fandom at now?
It's a huge project and that's why I want you all to help me with it! What do I want your help with? At the moment this is my list!
Research and Fact Checking on the "Content" Section, especially on lesser known topics like the musical or the cut content! (Pspspsps calling the five of you who actually know what the musical is)
RESEARCH AND FIRSTHAND EXPERIENCES OF THE ONCELER FANDOM'S EARLY DAYS!! I joined this place in 2023 so I don't know much about the early days of the fandom, and I want to know SO much more than I do! I want to know the scope, everything from the in-jokes to the aus to the deoncelerization. If you've been in this fandom since 2012 I would LOVE to hear from you!
Last but not least, I want the end of this video to be a love letter to this community, sharing firsthand experiences of what the Onceler as a character and the fandom means to you! I want to conduct interviews with people over discord (which is going to be a lot less fancy than it sounds so dw, it's not going to be an interrogation LMAO)
Specifics are subject to change but one thing will stay, I want to end the video to be made out of raw Love and Appreciation for this fandom, showcasing the side of this little corner of the internet that people who brush it off as mindless cringe don't see. All I've seen from this community is love and support and I want to be the video essayist who shows it for what it is!
At the moment I don't really have much of a plan (I'm not a very good planner lol), but if enough interets garners I know it'll help me streamline my motivation and come up with a game plan!
Feel free to leave me suggestions for where to go from here, maybe give out my discord? Make a Discord Server? Maybe there's something I can do solely on tumblr? I don't know! I don't know at all how Tumblr works! Help Me! Am just a little guy!
Alright that's all from me for now gamers, if this project interests you all in any capacity or you want to help out, please reblog/reply/message/ask/howeveranythingworksonthissite to let me know! Feel free to ask me questions or whatever as well! Peace out for now ✌️
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milgramfessing · 1 month
i'm not trying to rain on anyone's parade or anything, but it genuinely irks me that the fandom treats "midokoto" as 100% canon when it's born from a misinterpretation that gained traction.
there is canonical evidence to suggest polyfragmentation yes, but no other alter is relevant to their story other than john & mikoto. otherwise that alter would have been introduced already, or very plainly shown like john was. not only have deco & yamanaka only ever said "two" in reference to their narrative, but their entire character is built around twos/doubles/reverses and mirrors. we're also more than half-way through the project now, and in an interview yamanaka outright stated that there's no major points that haven't been revealed already by this point. so i'm not quite sure why people are still so fixated on this fandom oc, as if he's going to be canon? it really bothers me how this idea dominates conversations about mikoto's character, when i've never once read anything that can even concretely suggest it could be real in the way people portray it.
a lot of people cite the colours in meme as evidence, but you must first understand that meme is inspired by western film― which uses an RGB colour model, and these colours are often used for mood lighting in movies & photography to convey a feeling. to further this point, double uses a CMYK colour model, which is what images are printed in. these colours very likely have nothing to do with the alters, they're just clever references to how mikoto's job, his love of photography, and overall how he views his life through a specific lens. all while being relevant to the narrative & illustration, it's beautiful storytelling really. i genuinely wish people would let this go, there's so many other interesting aspects of mikoto's character & crime that go entirely forgotten, because people refuse to objectively analyze their character through a different lens.
there's honestly a larger conversation that could be had about how this fandom latches onto one specific idea, even when it clearly contradicts canon, and refuses to acknowledge anyone else's point of view.
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