#Imagine this list but Ingo is telling you all about his brother lol
tombstone-pisa · 2 years
emmet headcanons
I see a lot of variety in the way Emmet is portrayed. I really like it but at the same time I wanted to talk a little about how I write him because I draw inspiration from all of the versions to build up a personality for him. With PLA we officially know a lot more about Ingo then Emmet, which is sad.
He's the clingier twin. It's usually Ingo leading the way with Emmet shadowing him. A lot of people assume that this means that Ingo has all the control in the relationship but the truth is that Emmet just likes to shadow and mirror his brother. Being with Ingo is easier than being without Ingo.
He's a lot quieter. Emmet rarely speaks and when he does, it's short and to the point. He's more casual where Ingo is polite to a gentlemanly level. Emmet's more likely to tease and joke. He'll stay quiet for an entire conversation just to pipe up with the most devastating burn that cuts right to all of your insecurities.
He's REALLY good at judging people. He struggles with unscripted social interaction but he can generally tell whether someone is Good or Bad within a single conversation. This is in contrast with Ingo who is more idealistic and prefers to think the best of people. It's pretty frequent for him to just be glaring over Ingo's shoulder at people who he thinks have bad vibes.
He never lies. At best, you'll get lies of omission and that only happens when he's REALLY uncomfortable with saying the truth. He's straightforward the point where people actually kind of dread interacting with him if Ingo's not there to temper him. During Ingo's disappearance, he drove several people to tears without even meaning to.
He's kind. It sounds weird when paired with the above, but Emmet likes to help people. His honesty pairs well with his desire to encourage others. He's free with praise and is always 100 percent honest about it. He tends to find weird things to compliment others for, though. He'll very enthusiastically compliment Ingo's volume after his brother nearly deafens the station or he'll accost a challenger to tell them that he really likes their smile. Sometimes, he comes off as a little creepy without meaning to. Ingo finds it to be incredibly endearing.
He's actually really good at emoting and expressing himself. His body language is very dramatic! However, he has to focus to pull off facial expressions. He can do it easily so long as he focuses! His 'resting' face is a smile and when he's not focusing on expressing himself 'normally' he shows his emotions through different types of smiles. Ingo can immediately tell the difference between an angry smile and a happy one. He's an expert in Emmet.
While Ingo focuses more on supportive, Emmet is concerned about being of use to others. His love language is acts of service vs Ingo's words of affirmation - In particular, if Ingo wants something then he won't let anything stop him from getting it for him. If not for Emmet, the battle subway never would have become a reality.
His rejection sensitivity is way worse than Ingo's. He can dish out insults but he struggles to take them. He's the same way about flirting, lol. He tends to go to Ingo for reaffirmation that he's loved and wanted.
He's extremely mischievous. He LOVES pranks and messing with others. Especially his brother. Ingo just has the best reactions.
Willfully ignorant of social convention. He's the king of customer service but as soon as he's off the clock, he'll eavesdrop and be a general menace. Ingo often has to manhandle him away from making a nuisance of himself. It's even worse because sometimes he won't even talk while doing it, he'll just sidle up and eavesdrop even though everyone can see him.
If you tried to imply that Emmet is stupid, Ingo would look at you like ??? Hello? While Ingo is more interested in the physical mechanical aspect of trains and is fascinated by historical models, Emmet is super interested in programming and the advancement of the science behind them. Emmet is constantly looking for ways to improve upon the original. He naturally gravitates to electric types because of this.
The pokemon breeder of the two. He keeps meticulous spreadsheets on all of his pokemon. The 'leftover' pokemon from his breeding projects are placed either in pet homes or with trainers as starters.
Firmly believes in 'talk shit, get hit.' Ingo is more of a pacifist outside of pokemon battles.
His hero? Ingo.
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