imagine-knb · 5 months
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tetsunabouquet · 11 months
Omg i just found your blog and its just what i need. What do you think about imayoshi, midorima and hanamiya with a very enthusiasm reader who for sure has adhd???!?? I mean, once i read somewhere thats imayoshi dosent like enthusiasm woman or somethin like that.
A/N: Here you go, a drabble for each!
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He was your calm other half, and you were the energy crackling under his skin visible to the naked eye. His bouncy other half. At first, people were a tad bit surprised when the two of you starting dating, that Midorima was interested in someone so, well, unlike him. Until they saw how well the two of you balanced each other out, and then everyone had declared it a match made in heaven. And thus there you were, at the front in the audience. Wearing a cheerleader uniform. It was Takao's idea, considering your enthusiasm whenever you came to watch Midorima play. You always came up with fanchants for Midorima in days leading up to big games like these. Your easily distracted mind, would often drift to them in class and you'd practise them during lunch break. It was the only form of humiliation that Midorima would put up with, but they always felt like they boosted his confidence once he was actually hearing them when playing. Your fanchants were like magic spells, but he knew that when he'd utter that out loud he'd sound horribly stupid. So he only ever told you that when no one was around. You couldn't even sit still in the train, so Midorima kept you occupied with a game of 'I Spy', partially also to distract himself from the nerves of having to play. He really didn't knew how games would be like without you now, without your fanchants lifting him up higher then the skies. Without your nervous energy reflecting what he felt on the inside when you gave him a good luck kiss. He needed you to cheer him on, so it was rather fitting for you, even though Takao had suggested it as a way to tease Midorima. If he were to be honest, the cute cheerleader outfit that just happened to be in Shutoku's team colors was doing something to him that he was trying very hard not to think about. So when the other team remarked Shutoku seemed to have a cute cheerleader, Midorima couldn't help but make the remark you were his girlfriend with absolute pride. He certainly made sure to kiss you for it, after he left the locker room during the breaks. "Thank you for being my good luck charm. Your energy is always so contagious." And to this, you smile.
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The moment he saw you, a whirlwind of energy as you raced through the infirmary that time he sprained his ankle during basketball training, he fell in love with you right away. You used your hyper-activity as a way to keep an of the To-Oh students with the misfortune to land themselves in the infirmary, cheerful. You were the leader of the school's health club who helped the nurse at the infirmary, and everyone knew you as the sunshine of the infirmary. Everyone's favorite clown. Imayoshi loved how you used your nature to the benefit of others, how you turned what others might perceive as a weakness into a strength. You were clever and attentive, not just some loose cannon that would annoy him. And he was overjoyed when you said yes to being his girlfriend. He loved greeting you each morning, loved the feel of your hand on his, his arms around you. He loved the little things, like whenever you were bored and hyper to do something, you'd bake him something nice. Imayoshi considered himself quite the lucky man, having a girlfriend such as yourself. You were waving your arms around as you bounced off the stairs, "Shou, good morning!" You chirped, your hair falling in place with such a slow pace Imayoshi would wonder the air wanted to take a chance and play with your hair. Imayoshi couldn't blame the air if it wanted to do so. He grabbed hold of your hand, and grinned. "Shall we go to class?" You nodded enthusiastically and you were swinging the hand holding Imayoshi's as the two of you walked to class. Five months ago, doing something so bold across the hallways would have perplexed many. For Imayoshi wasn't known for being a silly person, except for his drawings or when he wanted to get under someone's skin, but you just opened him up in a whole new kind of way. Sometimes, it felt like his only delight were these little moments the two of you shared, and he'd gaze sleeplessly at the ceiling all night long, thinking of you. It was the experience of young love, so sweet and tender. Even a clever fox like Imayoshi would be humbled and left a fool in its face.
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When he first spotted you, bouncing cheerfully across the hallway, he was struck by how innocent and gleeful your expression was. It lit up your beauty in a way that he previously had only read about in novels with a romantic plot- ones he'd never admit to read to others for the sake of his own pride. My oh my, did the bad boy of the Kirisaki team experience the wonders of love at first sight? The joy in your steps was so pure, the energy bright and sparkling like fireworks. To Hanamiya, you were a mesmerizing sight. Before he knew it, he felt himself rigging team games during P.E class for you and watching your every move from the shadows, like a predator waiting for his prey. To attack and snatch your heart at the perfect time. Hanamiya had made sure to have planned it out perfectly, threatening any student who'd dare to come close to the music room, where he had planned his confession considering you were fond of drumming as a way of releasing your energy. He'd also made sure that they wouldn't utter to you that he had threatened them to begin with. He didn't wanted to receive a scolding from you. You always kept him from crossing too many lines after you had started dating. Energetic, pure and honest, you were pretty much the opposite of his character. Which he liked. It was so often exhausting, to be so much more intelligent then everyone else. Having someone so drastically different then himself yet understood what it's like to be unlike the rest was incredible. To finally be able to sit down next to you, lay his head on your shoulder and just let all his frustrations with annoying stupid people's opinions wash away, was something he had desperately needed for a while now. He smiled as he watched you sprint your way towards him. No one else, other then you, would approach him with such upbeat energy, everyone seemed to be cautious because of the dark rumors about his character. But not you. You actually tried to understand. As you reached him, he wrapped his arms around you, like the threads of a web holding onto a spider's prey. He was going to hold onto you, with all of his strength.
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heytetsu · 4 months
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artofluffy · 5 months
my younger sibling was watching kuroko basketball (jp audio) and i was on my phone, i heard a voice and i look up immediately and was like “wtf, is that zoro?”
and there were like “uh…no?”
and i was like “it sounds like him”
it was him
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ibunshi · 4 months
made a few create your own scenario bots
Imayoshi Shoichi
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Aomine Daiki
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saenora · 10 months
what does that mouth do...?
speak in kansai accent.
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nonos-zennie · 1 year
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snorhora · 2 years
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sirhyst · 1 year
Can i get more imayoshi x male reader fluff please 🥲
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imagine-knb · 8 months
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Kuroko no Basket Illustrations by Fujimaki Tadatoshi Source: Kuroko no Basket Replace 5
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tetsunabouquet · 10 months
Hello again and sorry if i ask you so much 💞😖can i request GoM + Imayoshi headcannons to how they would react to their partner with asthma having a respiratory attack on the court while practicing with the team and they would be scared not knowing that the reader suffered from asthma, I have been kicked from several teams due to this already Either because they discriminate against me or they don't see me capable and many times I hide my illness due to criticism :(
A/N: Baby, I want requests! It's okay to ask, that's why my askbox is open ;). Trust me, I get the drama. I was born with GERD, which is an chronic illness that can also cause the development of other illnesses. Thanks to it, I developped IBS (the radiology appointment I mentioned at the start of the summer was due to that) and you can also develop asthma from it. I actually did became more sensitive to things like fumes and smoking people due to it, so asthma is probably next on my comorbidity bingo card.
When I was a kid, my teachers would always treat me like I was over-exaggerating during P.E and I'll never forget the time when I was like 9, I wasn't feeling too great and a ball was thrown with extreme intensity into my chest by this upperclassmen in a game of dodgeball. Instinctively, I ran to the shower to puke it out, and my teacher's response was to get back in the game and to stop making such a fuss. So I had to, and I remember not trying to burst into tears for the rest of the game. I ended up developping a hatred for working out, and that's the reason I ended up developping a shoulder injury when I finally dared to follow my dreams and sign up for acrobatic classes. Because I exercised less then the other girls outside of our classes which was a shame as I did have talent actually. If only my teachers had taken me seriously on the moments I was too sick to exercise, I wouldn't have been skipping P.E by the time I hit my puberty.
So trust me, I get how painful this topic can be. Because basketball is a single sex sport, I'll be writing this male coded.
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-Him. Him not knowing his s/o's chronic illness? Not happening. This boy has only been pretending not to know because he's waiting for the day that you'll open up about it yourself. -When the attack happens, this boy's thinking is going at the speed of light. -He does everything according to the book, knowing how to help you. -He's a perfect gentleman throughout the event. -Your coach knows better then to reprimand you or to kick you off the team, feeling Akashi's intense aura even from that distance. -Everyone is too scared to even crack a ligh-hearted joke about it to you in the locker room, they're too scared Akashi will hire hoodlums to set their homes afire.
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-He actually also secretly knows. This boy might be dense about other people's social lives, he's not that way about his s/o. He cares so deeply about you, he wants to know everything about you. But he always plays dumb because he doesn't wants to be exposed as your secret stalker. -When the attack happens, this future doctor knows exactly what to do. -He's not simply good at knowing what to do, oh no, this is the one area where he beats Akashi. -Midorima even carries around a small pouch in his schoolbag that contains various tea blends that he read work wonderful after a respiratory attack. After you've finished up in the locker room after practise, this boy will start preparing some iced tea with the flavor you picked before you can blink. -You're not the one receiving criticism, or the butt of the joke. Midorima, and his secret nursing pouch is. -Shutoku's coach is a bit worried about you, but considering Midorima is less selfish around you, he's willing to forget this happened as he can recognize you improve the team.
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-This guy, and a medical emergency? Oh, it's hopeless. -First he stands around, just gawking at the scene. -Then he fumbles around, wondering what to do. Himuro is honestly the one directing his actions with instructions. -Coach Araki might be a strong willed bad-ass, but I bet she can have a motherly side to her, so she's worried but supportive of you. After this, she developped a bit of a soft spot that depending on the type of person you are might be a bit annoying, but you understand it's coming from a good place so you shrug her off with a smile.
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-Similar to Murasakibara, but for a different reason. -Like, first you have a short pause where he gawks at you, and then he shoots into panic mode. Kise is trying to be supportive by hyperventilating. -The entire team has to pause the game to help you and get Kise to calm down. -Kise won't calm down until you have recovered and waved your hands in his face telling him to shut up, to which he responses with kissing you. -The coach refrains from making any criticizing comment towards you, fearing another Kise tantrum but he does make the mental notes to be more strict when he was seeing signs of an attack coming up.
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-This guy is known for not being so sensitive about these things, and thus I think he would have the worst reaction out of everyone. -For one, it needs time with this fucker to sink in that it's serious. -It takes Momoi rushing to you and checking up on you on the edge of a panic attack for Aomine to notice you. -He tries to help, but he's incredibly clumsy about it in a cute way though. -The coach lets this incident go by, I mean, this asshole just ignores Aomine and potentially Sakurai's mental health issues, so I can imagine him to just downright ignore a player's physical health issues as well.
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-Honestly terrified. -But he does manage to keep a cool head and not to go straight into panic zone. -Doesn't knows what the fuck to do but he's willing to learn. -He's very caring when you're trying to recover and practically never stops with petting your shoulder. -Considering he's on the same team as Aomine, the coach's reaction will still be the same. He doesn't gives a fuck about it.
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heytetsu · 4 months
they vary from little shit to dick
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imalwaysinconfusion · 2 years
IM ON THE SECOND TOUOU VS SEIRIN MATCH!!! the fact that the team will WILLINGLY FORFEIT EVERY SINGLE MATCH AGAINT TOUOU AFTER THIS is amazing. The drive and the passion that Seirin has is a beautiful thing that we can all learn from bro.
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saenora · 1 year
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nonos-zennie · 1 year
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beneathashadytree · 1 year
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fluff: normal, angst: italics
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Brutal (hcs)
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