#Imelda pulse runs my brain
rayballs · 8 months
Okay I’m pretty sure that in-universe, drinking enough water and getting enough sleep, those are just making sure that the big guy’s workers are all working yk?
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agueforts · 11 months
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information compilation for me but you can have it too. will be updating w/ new information for as long as my attention holds (EPISODE 1 UPDATE INCOMING. AS SOON AS I FINISH IT. will probably reformat some)
kids on bikes
marbles: adversity token. gain upon failed roles, to potentially turn a future role into a success. loosing marbles?
hunch curio, he/him: no. 421, deep verdant green, pale blue-white accents. detective, perpetually in state of injury, hungover, repeatedly broken nose. fog in portrait. name card dull orange w/ yellow lean
imelda pulse, she/her: no. ??, rosy pinks (rich velvety, light accents). femme fatale, mysterious, velvet coat, old money, reckless & impulsive. seeking curio's services. bubbly expression in portrait, and on clothing; effervescent. name card dull orange w/ yellow lean (same as curio). name: impulse
anastasia tension, she/her: no. 001 (her files?), navy blue, cyan-blue accents. reporter at daily observer, seeking notoriety, rough lightning-like shapes (could they be something else?). name card purple w/ magenta lean. name: attention
daniel fucks, he/him: no. 80085-69 (self-chosen?), purple w/ magenta lean, tan accents. owns club sugah's, hedonistic. gooey. name card red w/ orange lean
conrad schintz, he/him: no. 794, brown, sea-green accents. newsie, seen troubles, very small. shining surface; glass or water? name card verdant green. best friends with justin. name: conscience
the fix, he/him: no. 404 (error?), red w/ orange lean. hitman, big, custom guns, forceful (as i am well aware). rock or otherwise earth. connected to hyperfixation. name: referencing both fixation & fix (dopamine boost)? name card deep blue
elias hodge: host brain. name significance? to look itnto
cerabell's pacific: company that runs something of importance
synaptic switchboard: at heart of cerabell's pacific
limbic??: crimson red. mask
cerebellum: rusted brown. industrial
brain stem: rail transport
justin: conrad's best friend
COLORS: to add. see here in the meantime
WORDPLAY (maybe not necessary section? will be a lot if maintained)
mentopolis: metropolis + mental
cerabell's pacific: cerebral + bell's pacific (phone company)
synaptic switchboard: control of conduct of electrical signals, organic/inorganic
more. will come back to.
DIAL MOVEMENTS IN TRAILER (significance to be determined; green 240-60, yellow 60-120, red 120-240)
100 to 160, yellow to red
90 to 180, yellow to red
100 to 90, remains yellow
synaptic switchboard: grey (matter?) halls & inlaid indigo-purple synapses
curio's office: green diagonally tiled background (square); lines radiating from upper corner
dan's club: red w/ orange lean,r ound shape motif
grey brick w/ cyan-blue rectangles
copper & gunmetal pipes
dark grey cityscape, copper accents (antenna-- dendrite?). dome?
solid black, unilluminated
metropolis (1927)
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crimsonedquill · 9 months
Ball (Imelda Reyes x Poppy Sweeting)
The second chapter of Two Snakes and a Badger is due to be posted soon but I was having some smutty ImeldaxPoppy brain rot today, so here’s a little extra treat for my fellow wlw enjoyers x
Content warning: NSFW (18+). You know what to expect, unapologetic filth.
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“You look so fucking sexy in that dress. I just knew I had to have you.”
A red hue crept across Poppy’s cheeks. She had not been quite expecting to find herself in such a compromising position, much less at the behest of Imelda Reyes. Yet she could hardly deny that the whole endeavour was turning her on more than she dared to admit; the heat pulsing between her legs confirmed as much.
In front of her, Imelda was kneeling on the ground, radiating an air of serpent royalty in her silver-and-green dress. She had looked so pretty on the dance floor, even before she had approached Poppy with that mischievous glint in her eye that betrayed more than mere friendly intent. Poppy was perfectly familiar with her antics, of course, though she had found herself unable to decline when the Slytherin suggested they find a more “private” location.
Oh, how scandalous.
Imelda flashed a smile, that peculiar kind of smile that made her feel soft in the pit of her stomach. “You were thinking about me too, I could tell. Those pretty doe eyes, practically begging me to touch you…”
Goodness, yes. As much as she wanted to refute it, her body was betraying her wanting for Imelda in ways she had never even thought about. She shuddered, feeling herself respond to Imelda’s touch when the girl placed a hand on her.
“Look at you, all wrapped up like a present, all for me,” Imelda hummed, beginning to push her dress up, revealing the white stockings underneath. It was as if the gesture momentarily broke the spell the Slytherin had put on her, as she finally had the sense to look around, if only briefly. “W-won’t somebody see?” she queried apprehensively.
Imelda chuckled. “Everyone’s too busy going on a bender to be paying attention to us. Besides,” she added as she ran her tongue across her lips at the sight of the soaked dark lace, “I have no intention of making you last that long.”
Poppy blushed profusely. She had never felt this exposed, this vulnerable. Yet in a sense she was also quite flattered by the Captain’s captivation with her body, feeling a delightful tremble run through her core as Imelda let her gaze wander.
The Slytherin leaned in, closing her eyes as she inhaled her scent. “You smell so fucking good. As if you can’t even hide how much you want me. Were you this wet before?”
Poppy nodded, shyly.
“Of course you were.” Imelda grinned, nuzzling her crotch. “You’re such a dirty girl. So wet and needy. I bet you taste really good, too.”
Oh Merlin. The Hufflepuff wondered how she would ever conduct herself with grace and modesty again as Imelda hooked her fingers into her underwear, beginning to work the garment down her leg. The serpent was fully exposing her for the perverted soul that she was, and the worst thing was that she was loving every second of it –
“Bloody hell,” Imelda cursed under her breath. “Look at you, poor thing.”
Poppy turned her head away in shame. She couldn’t believe she was bare – actually bare, fully unveiled for Imelda to behold. So depraved, so wrong; and yet, so good.
“Don’t be ashamed,” Imelda smiled reassuringly. “You’re beautiful. Let me prove it to you.”
The compliment helped to put her mind at ease. She looked back, biting her lip as she yielded her approval. Despite her apprehension, she also knew that she very much wanted this to happen, to entrust herself to Imelda’s touch.
The girl planted a gentle kiss on her thigh, drawing the softest of whimpers from her lips. The reaction seemed to please her. “That’s it. Let go, give yourself to me. I’ll make you forget about everything.”
Her lips were like pure electricity, leaving goosebumps with every kiss. Poppy felt her heartbeat quickening as she drew ever so closer to her swollen core. Merlin, the anticipation was killing her, how was she to maintain her composure with Imelda pushing her to the end of her wits like this –
Another mischievous chuckle. “Help me out here, dearie. Spread your legs nice and wide. I want to see all of you.”
She sheepishly obliged, emitting a little gasp when she felt Imelda’s thumbs at the edges of her folds, teasing the small patch of fuzzy brown hair just above her clit. She was getting slightly worried at the potential of the Slytherin taking ample time to tease her, knowing full well she wouldn’t be able to stay quiet enough…
Though of course, Imelda had no such intention.
“So fucking sweet,” she cooed. “You’re going to taste so good.”
A quick, teasing flick. Poppy whined quietly. It was really happening, another girl was putting her tongue on her, was tasting her –
It was better than she had ever dreamt of, even more so when Imelda finally eased into her and began eating her properly. Her head fell back, words falling short as she fully surrendered to the feeling of sensual bliss. The Slytherin didn’t waver for a second, kissing, sucking and licking until she was a panting mess, her release arriving in a hot wave, dripping down Imelda’s chin.
Though she would be mistaken in assuming that was the end of it. And honestly? She couldn’t have been more excited.
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