#In an ideal world travelling would be sustainable and affordable and safe and we could all go on lil adventures to grow ourselves as human
yakamozarda · 1 year
Ngl im just sad that a lot of people dont have the social/financial means to go outside of their social circle or their comfort zone and have to stick with whatever they get online/on media etc etc but like. You need to make sure you are not clinically online and stuck in your echochamber. Pick an essay to read that you dont understand. Idk watch a history documentation. If you can go to a party where you will be exposed to people outside your social circle, listen to their life story while they are drunk and chatty. Im begging you
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drowningsongsrp · 4 years
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These are the Canons from our first subplot Founding Families.
Faces can be mixed and matched and are not necessarily bound by what’s suggested here. If you have specific ideas for the character, feel free to reach out to an admin to talk through, we’re happy to be flexible and help brainstorm.
We do not permit whitewashing of any of the canons listed here. Please keep this in mind when choosing a FC that is not suggested below.
Eleonora Wolff  Deceased ᐧ NPC 
ELEAONORA WOLFF was one of the last remaining true believers, who sustained a practice of feeding THE ABYSS through rituals, even when its demands became greater. Tourists were chosen and stolen away to become its annual offerings. Eleonora called them ‘sacrifices’ whereas others saw them for what they were: murders. As THE ABYSS grew hungrier than she could ever feed alone, she made one last offering by walking herself into the cold sea. Eleonora left one child behind, a daughter born out of an affair with a PENEWAIT man – LIANA PENEWAIT. The child was raised by the Penewaits after Eleonora’s own family disowned her.
FC: Helen Mirren
Emanuel Wolff  54 ᐧ Taken by Lina 
A disappointment, the odd one out. Emanuel was soft, yielding, and therefore weaker in their aloof eyes. He took a shine to the seas and steep lands around them, learning all that he could of Alderhelm. Their world seemed so great and so small all at once, and he wanted to document what he could. In doing so, he learned the unpleasant truth of their legacy, and of the town’s strange occurrences. As a young man he fell in love, as one is bound to do, and had a daughter. Emanuel was left to raise her on his own, much to the shame of his parents but even more so to his own delight. 
FC: Mads Mikkelsen
—- Wolff  early 30s ᐧ Open
Her dad kept her safely out of the corrupting influences of their family tree, keeping their gnarled branches from coming too close. It never did leave her fearful, only aware. The town was built on blood-soaked sand and she was determined to see it get its comeuppance. On most days, she can be found organizing protesters and leading pickets outside of town hall. It is vital to her to use her own privilege, and so what if it gets a little out of hand sometimes? A night or two in lock-up is a small price to pay.
Suggested FCs: Rebecca Ferguson, Keira Knightley, Haley Bennett
—- Wolff  50s ᐧ Open
It’s true what they say about apples and not falling very far from the rotten tree. It would seem he has some of the fallen patriarch of the family under his skin. He’s not as cruel or brutal as his predecessor but just as callous and greedy. He can never have enough, always wanting his reach to be wider and deeper. He runs the OLDE ALDER HOTEL with a strong grip and steers the family to even greater riches. Sometimes his hand slips, taking money where it shouldn’t (read: embezzlement). It’s alright, though, he stands sure as the husband of the Mayor and when the dusk settles he dons the cloak of a Son of the Sea alum.
Suggested FCs: Oliver Masucci, Rufus Sewell
—- Wolff  Early 50s ᐧ Open
The Mayor of Alderhelm, at least for the past two years. She is a local; born and bred in the salty air of The Dregs. Came from a heap of penniless nothing and clawed her way to the top where she now stands as a Wolff, scoping out a view she is unlikely to let slip from her grasp. For someone who has only left the town limits a handful of times, she carries herself as a well-travelled, learned woman. Some claim it’s all surface-level, but her cunning mind and articulate tongue say different. 
An key facet of the Mayor is that she has a vision for the town, though the nature of this vision is open and flexible. Perhaps she very opposed to THE KING FAMILY’s new reign, feeling they’re threatening all she’s worked for to get where she is or maybe she admires them. Perhaps she decides to work with them and, if she does, perhaps she’s secretive about it with her husband/his family. Or maybe she’s playing both sides, waiting to see who comes out on top. Whether she upholds and attempts to maintain/strengthen the Wolff name or is secretively plotting against it is up to the player of her and her husband. She also has ties to THE PENEWAIT FAMILY given that she grew up in the Dregs.
Suggested FCs: Rachel Weisz, Christy Turlington, Uma Thurman
—- Wolff  Late 20s ᐧ Open
What are they if not the dried up husk of their father’s daydreams? Unlike the rest of their family, they were born into a feeling of uncertainty. Father taught them the importance of maintaining a unified front and not letting the public see you slip. They took that, bottled it up, and drank it until they couldn’t see where they began and their father’s idealized first born ended. They followed him closely, learning about the secrets of the business and the funds father pocketed for himself. Eventually, they were asked to leave town to get more investors for Father’s embezzlement scheme only to fail miserably. Now they have returned home, cloaked in their father’s disappointment and attempting to carve out a new identity for themselves.
Suggested FCs: Bill Skarsgård, Imogen Poots, Andreea Diaconu
Cordelia Wolff  23 ᐧ Reserved for Darc
CORDELIA WOLFF is every bit a wolf in sheep’s clothing. As the youngest, she grew up like a cankerous lullaby with all of Alderhelm as her playground. For most of her life, she has been dangerously underestimated. Though the girl looks like a daydream, she’s more nightmarish, sinister, and ruthless than she seems. Cordelia is presently attending Alderhelm College and majoring in finance. She is also a legacy member of the shadowy secret student society THE SONS OF THE SEA and may or may not have a thing for drowning.
FC: Andrea Madlova
—- Penewait 40s ᐧ Open
Often regarded as more brawn than brains, he is his brother’s right hand man and can almost always be relied upon to get his hands dirty. Once he had been widely admired for his adventurous and at times reckless sailing abilities, his boat among the first to be seen in the morning and the last to dock at night. 
However, sometime in the last 10 years, he was involved in a shipping accident that not only marred his relationship with the sea, but left him a little unstable: prone to violence and quick to anger. If money is owed, he’s the wolf sent to retrieve it; him and/or any of his droogs at the docks.
Suggested FCs: Zahn McClarnon, Alex Meraz
—- Penewait 35-40 ᐧ Open 
Unlike his siblings, he is a very calm and observant man, showcasing his wit and ruthlessness to anyone who threatens him or his family. He has been instrumental in the success of the family business. He is widely respected among the community and seen as a dangerous foe by his enemies. Dissatisfied with the size of the Penewait empire and concerned about the legacy they will leave behind, he has begun playing his hand at relatively small, organised crime. In particular, he has drawn the family into pushing drugs, particularly weed, cocaine, pills, and meth. He has been known to use or leverage those closest to him in order to achieve his goals, believing that the ends justify the means. 
Suggested FCs: Gerald Tokala Clifford, Martin Sensmeier
—- Penewait Mid-late 30s ᐧ Reserved for Therese 
She idolizes the Family moniker and their image and reputation amongst town. Not only is she a formidable business woman, having worked for several years covering the family’s finances, but she has also been widely noted in the local community for her beauty and charm. It has been said that she could ensnare a person with just one glance. And while she is more good humored than her brothers, she maintains the infamous family temper. She handles the books and balances the family ledger to ensure their criminal dealings are untraceable.
Suggested FCs: Julia Jones, Q'orianka Kilcher
—- Penewait Early 20s ᐧ Reserved for Cyl 
As the youngest of the Penewait siblings, it seems he has spent his life looking up at closed doors or catching the tail ends of hushed conversations. His family has always made it a priority to shield him from the worst of their actions. And as a result, he’s developed a bit of a ‘devil may care’ attitude toward the business, enjoying the limited Alderhelm “luxuries” it affords him. 
Suggested FCs: Haatepah Clearbear, Forrest Goodluck, Boo Boo Stewart
—- Penewait  Early 30s ᐧ Reserved for Asteria
The love child of Eleonora Wolff and a Penewait man. She spent her formative years raised by her eccentric mother after her mother was disowned by The Wolffs. However, as her mother’s fixation with The Abyss grew, so did the Penewaits concern for her, and she eventually moved in with the rest of the family and raised alongside her cousins. She has a complex relationship with her mother and, until recently, maintained a cynical attitude toward The Abyss. 
Following her mother’s death and the disbanding of her cult, she has begun looking into ways to reassemble them, as a means to finally understand her mother and honor her memory.
—- Penewait Early 20s ᐧ Reserved for Shayne 
Somewhat estranged cousin, they grew up away from the family and the spoils of the Penewait “empire”. They are an excellent mathematician, even earning themselves a place at Alderhelm College.
And though they are relatively new to the town, their ambition is clear. They have already begun working their way up the ranks of the family business, and can often be found shadowing their cousins and trying to prove their worth.
Suggested FCs: Amber Midthunder, Audreyana Michelle
—- King 50s-60s ᐧ Open
As head of the family, he is determined to do right by the people around him. After losing his wife and teenaged son to a car accident shortly after arriving in Alderhelm, he has since thrown himself into his work as a distraction. Family is important to him, and he holds some varied feelings for some of his siblings, as they are not as serious about the family endeavor as he is. 
Very much becoming overwhelmed by the sheer scale of the revitalization project, the weird occurrences in town have only helped to exacerbate his frustrations. His guilt around surviving the accident has especially begun to turn into blame against the town that he’s committed himself to saving.
Suggested FCs: Mahershala Ali, Orlando Jones, Laurence Fishburne
—- King 50s to 60s ᐧ Open
She has long since committed to the success of her family, especially when it comes to her best friend and older brother. Two halves of the same whole, she is very outspoken where her brother is deliberate, more confrontational where her brother exercises patience. But a sour life of being overshadowed by her brother in her early years and her sister later in life has hardened her heart. As an adult, she manages to maintain her temper and composure but can often come off as cold and unyielding, especially when her vast intelligence is challenged. 
With the reappearance of her younger sister, she is once again being overshadowed and has taken to working at the local hospital to keep the distance between her and her sister and, as a result, keep the peace.
Suggested FCs: Gina Torres, Naomi Campbell
Theodora King Early-mid 30s ᐧ Reserved for Grim
Determined to take the reins, she was deemed a queen from birth. She was a headstrong child with little interest in her much older siblings and has a dwindling patience for those who have come after her. A Harvard graduate, she worked for years in politics as a campaign manager in Washington DC, but after a bad affair with alcohol and bribery, lost her credibility, job, Congressman fiance, and was pushed out of the circles she’d strived so hard to form. 
She has since returned to her family in an effort to find a place for herself again. Presently, she combats the eldest sibling in regards to control and tends to bait her older sister into confrontations by playing off her jealousies and insecurities. But despite all of her flaws, she is an effective political ally. Overseeing her family’s image and relationship with the mayor and the town, she has decided to be her brother’s lackey just long enough to force him out of his position and take over the family business, even if that means dabbling in illegal and illicit businesses to make it happen.
FC: Laura Harrier
—- King Late 20s ᐧ Reserved for Tea
The rebel without a cause, he fights his family at every turn and is the most outspoken against the revitalization project. While there is good in the cause, most of what he sees is the negative effects that could befall the community. Prone to brooding and bouts of sadness, he will come out of his shell for causes that he deems truly good for all involved. But his rejection of his family’s ideals are a hindrance to the cause, as he thinks of himself as a hero with an unwavering moral compass, saving the people from yet another powerful family that will do them wrong. 
Suggested FCs: Lakeith Stanfield, Trevante Rhodes, Nathan Stewart-Jarrett, The Weeknd
—- King 20s ᐧ Reserved for Olivia
The youngest sibling, but hardly ever forgotten about. Their older siblings coddle them at every turn, forcing them away from their lavish life in the big city in exchange for the middle of nowhere. A bit of a tech sleuth, they have worked hard toward the interests of his family by digging up dirt on the Wolff and Penewait families that can be used as leverage to push out their older, more conservative regimes. 
But at the heart of it, they are bored and missing their lavish life in the city. So they’ve taken to organizing a start-up on the side with a few friends to break away from the family name and to create a legacy of their own, far away from Alderhelm.
Suggested FCs: Sharon Alexie, Rachide Embalo, Amandine Guihard, Ashton Sanders, Duckie Thot
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violetsystems · 4 years
As promised, I am projecting less frustration this morning.  I think maybe just because the rhythm of things in my life.  I read that ritual during the pandemic has been a reliable coping mechanism for many.  I have very small rituals.  I get a bowl of Yukejang from down the street on Sundays.  Same order.  Same price.  I tap it into a spreadsheet somewhere in the cloud and plan around it.  All the way back in September, I chiseled out a budget for myself to figure out how to weather out this situation.  The situation as it is continues to morph and shift towards the edges of chaos.  This is why I try to keep things normal through planning and maybe a little ritual.  I’ve been writing the same three paragraphs here for too many years for me to count.  There are actually people out there who get what I’m saying.  Sometimes people just like to read them.  Other people just like to skim them.  But these rituals kind of keep the element of control over your life in focus.  Some rituals can go a little overboard.  And sometimes some pandemics can go longer than a year.  I try to plan for the future all the same without having much to go on.  I know that a vaccine needs to happen first.  At this point I won’t see that until earliest June.  I’ve been seeing jobs in my salary range but nothing I want to spend the rest of my life doing.  I’ve made enough money by myself this year to worry about paying taxes.  But it isn’t something I really feel is sustainable.  And this is where thoughts start to spiral out of control.  Which is what brings me back to rituals.  I make it through week to week in probably one of the most bullshit situations by looking forward to things.  Broadcasting on Fridays is fun even if nobody watches it live.  I’ve learned that creating content for output is more important than worrying about the results.  For all the intelligent words I write, a lot of the things that come out of my actual mouth on the fly are incredibly stupid and funny to me.  I like that that brings me down to earth somehow.  Because most of the time I’m wondering if I’m even visible to the naked eye.  You can fade away into your own self doubt even if you seem the most confident and together person.  This can happen because the world ceaselessly throws shade.  People don’t want you to succeed because it complicates things.  Doesn’t fit into whatever plan or main questline you haven’t been briefed on.  These days I’ve grown less sensitive to suggestion.  I follow my own path and rules no matter what feelings it evokes.  And yes I feel a sense of dread more often than not.  I feel actual mental pain quite often.  And that pain doesn’t come from inside of me or the result of things I do other than work out or ride my bike.  The pain is the pressure from society to put it all on you.  People out there are just as confused, lost and fearful.  To have some sort of closure or something to blame lifts that temporarily.  It’s not always true.  Paranoia and isolation does that to people.  Even to me.  So I like to focus on the sacred parts of my life that I’ve kept to myself.  And ritual keeps me in a predictable mood.  That you keep going on week to week because you’ve created space that you and you alone value.  
Sometimes other people value it too.  And that gets tricky to manage.  It isn’t really in my best interest to be at odds with society all the time.  I am a loner mostly because I grew up an only child.  But I’ve become a lot less sensitive as a result of whatever crucible of destiny I’ve been forged in.  I think sometimes when you walk the path of ritual, it’s easy to stay in your lane.  For me, for all these years I’ve been doing pretty much the same exact thing in real life often.  Mostly to not cause anyone cognitive dissonance enough to fuck with me.  Society is a nightmare anywhere you are it seems.  Chicago can be batshit insane.  It makes me project that like a mirror sometimes when I’m exhausted.  And the things that keep me going aren’t always there front and center to hold my hand.  I’m tough enough at this point to take it.  But it’s a lot of disappointment to live with.  The ritual of having a salaried job working with people who seemed pretty much like they were your friends was disrupted by all this a year ago.  I got ghosted.  I never really understood why.  Over the months, I blamed myself over and over again.  And then I started to realize people were hopelessly locked within themselves.  They couldn’t communicate anything meaningful so they just decided to let it go entirely.  Or I did.  Communication to me over the years is funny.  Sometimes people say the most to me without saying any words.  If you walk away from a job after twenty years and everyone you work with pretends you never existed that’s a message.  The opposite is true.  If you wake up every morning to cryptic interactions on your phone that probably means something too.  If you write three paragraphs every week for three years on the internet to nobody in particular, it’s true somebody will read it.  Maybe somebody will even have the reading comprehension to enjoy it.  The ritual of it is pretty sacred to me.  I think people know me well enough to realize I err on the side of authenticity.  I don’t like to betray the things that keep me going.  I know how it feels to be betrayed.  It sounds so cold saying that.  But I’m sure we all know it to a certain degree.  Some people get so abandoned that they have no choice but to move forward.  And how you keep yourself moving at a regular pace in these times is anybody’s guess.  Sanctuary is something more than ritual.  It’s a space where you feel safe enough to protect the things that keep you alive.  A safe spot to pursue your life, liberty and happiness despite the world’s encroaching bullshit around you.  After years of pacing the streets here people have varying opinions of me and my rituals.  It’s not the most ideal situation by far.  But if anyone knows anything about maintaining sanctuary in one of the world’s most in your face cities, it is me.  I’ve been to New York enough to know.  Chicago is some sort of nightmare zone mix of both coasts.  It’s also still fairly affordable to live.  It’s also fairly free enough to go about your business with more than a few stares.  People are bored, hungry, and anxious.  People are looking for rituals and ideas for their own.  And sometimes people cross the line of sanctuary and the holy ground gets smaller.  I can’t even take out my trash without a dirty look sometimes.  And I have to manage it just the same.  When I shut the door and mutter to myself about politics and the government or whatever, nobody comes knocking.  Or I’m over it quick enough so nobody does.  Kind of like here.  The good news is spring is here.  I can open up the windows and listen to music alone.  I can continue to work on my search for meaningful employment wherever that may take me.  I honestly think after all this time someone has better ideas on where I belong.  
That somebody has most always had to be me.  I had to take the initiative in this entire situation.  And it’s become something else entirely.  I build rituals around that.  Some outdated rituals I retire.  Kind of like how I was.  I used to travel to New York every couple of months before this all went to shit.  I think I may go back this summer for a few days.  I don’t really have a solid answer for the future in my head.  I’ve had more time to enjoy things.  I spend way more time learning how to block in Tekken and it actually becomes a whole new game.  I could be harassing people in public and on the internet but I’d rather just keep to myself.  I am lonely just like anyone would be in this situation.  But people communicate with me just the same.  And it’s on me to value it enough to interpret whether it’s worth my time.  I keep hearing the president proclaim that July will mark our independence from the virus.  It’s ironic.  I was let go two days before the fourth last year.  Still nursing those wounds as you would expect.  Simply because there’s no closure.  No acknowledgement of anything.  And this is what I’ve had to read into.  I’m on my own in this.  And then again I’m not.  I’ve led myself through an absolute shit show daily.  And I’ve maintained sanctuary enough to keep doing it.  The rituals and sacred things I hold dear are protected by the reputations I uphold.  The moral capital I reserve is the real hard work.  Because often I would like nothing other than to go apeshit in the face of all this misunderstanding and hallucinatory bullshit.  It’s like being a celebrity and a pariah at the same time.  Banging your head against the wall trying to read into everybody’s sudden interest in whatever it is you represent in real time.  I don’t really know what people want from me at all.  And in some ways it doesn’t matter here in America.  This is what I’ve come to realize in some respects about freedom.  It’s complex, messy and not easily managed efficiently.  And yet no other country in the world has this many layers to navigate.  If you hold your ground long enough, nobody dares cross the line.  I mean nobody.  For as funny, sardonic and self deprecating as I can be, people are still ultimately scared shitless of me.  I’ve grown to understand that and work on that as best I can in a bullshit situation.  And through that I’ve found that staying true to the things you love and care about require meditation.  Self awareness and self care are the only weapons to guide you through a process that is meant to break your individual will.  I could blame capitalism.  I could blame the government.  I could unite and tear down the very fabric of society that has kept me invisible and be forgotten all over again.  And then I realize both sides are to blame mostly because nobody is really talking to anyone.  Entire political parties acting like they meet you eye to eye on the street when everyone has their head slung down low at every moment of the day.  And I’m not exactly interested in inviting more people into my life to violate my already questionable boundaries of privacy.  Rituals give us the focus to concentrate on the things that really matter to us.  Maybe they help us define what is sacred to us.  If people respect that the sanctuary grows.  If people challenge, question or hijack the narrative, you write them out of the story.  It’s definitely easier to control the pen when nobody is on your back to tell you how to write your dreams.  I wholeheartedly want that for everybody.  A real sanctuary for people to be themselves.  It’s not easy to manage.  But where ever I end up I know want thing is true.  I will always keep things sacred when it comes to you. <3 Tim
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cutebutstillsingle · 4 years
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Boof.  A hard one to admit for SO many people.  This was/is totally me.  This is likely so many people I know who remain single or divorced into their 30s and beyond. 
Even though you operate in an adult’s body, you can be hella old, and still operating with the heart of the childhood you or the heart of twenty- something you, who still was relationally immature. If you are watching your fertile window come and go while remaining single, ladies, you may be relationally immature.   If you’re still in your 30s, gents, and are not yet in that mainframe of desiring to settle down, you are probably relationally immature.  
If you are struggling to sustain romantic relationships, I would even go so far as to say that your perpetual singledom is like a firetruck siren of a signal from your heart that you have some therapeutic work that may need to do.
Relational immaturity specifically addresses the “relationships” slice of your overall maturity birthday cake. You might be doing just fine living in your own dwelling.  You might be killing’ it at your job.  You might know how to boil some water and do your taxes.  Maybe you have traveled the world.  But that doesn’t mean you have mastered relational maturity.  If there are other aspects of your life that you can reflect upon as “not yet in an ideal state”, those other incomplete areas of your life may be linked to your relational maturity.  
It is worth mentioning that relationships must be mature across multiple relationship arenas: with your own body, mind and heart.  With God if you are spiritual, with your family, with your friends, and with your professional colleagues at school or work.  These relationships all fall under “relational maturity”.  
 And then of course, your romantic relationships will be impacted by your relational maturity even more so, because these tend to be the most emotionally intimate and vulnerable.  Unlike your family or your job, your romantic interest or partner is under zero obligations and is not incentivized by any business perks to stay with you.  All of your relationships will be somewhat interconnected, believe it or not.  You can’t show up as an outstanding business partner at work if you are trashing yourself by not eating well, not sleeping enough, and if your brain is pumping with negative self-talk.  If you’re having drama with a friend you may not be as clearheaded at work or in your romantic partnership.   If you have struggles or drama in your family, you may not show up in your romantic relationship as your best self.  Etc.  So it’s all kind of comprehensive.  
For me (takes a deep breath because this is about to be very vulnerable), I noticed myself struggling in professional settings, essentially struggling over and over to get along peacefully with anyone who failed to meet my mind’s expectations of that role, and they disappointed me in any way.  Even if my expectations were 100% reasonable, because perhaps anyone hired in that role should probably be able to do X, Y, or Z in order to even be considered for hire, if that person disappointed me in any way and failed to do X, Y, or Z, it put us on the fast track to our relationship either dissolving or hitting a major bump in the road. 
I observed myself in over a five year long pattern of job hopping and struggles with professional relationships.  I would say yes to a job, then discover that certain key players at the job majorly sucked to work with, all my favorite colleagues would quit, or that some seriously shady secrets would come to light about how that company operated.  
Then I would begin the hunt for a new job for the following year in the same industry, hoping that maybe, somewhere out there, not all companies in this industry sucked.  Five plus years later, I think it’s safe to say that yes, maybe they all actually DO suck in that particular industry.  Because they were all shady after at least three tries to find a good job. Once, and it could be a one off.  Twice, and you start to wonder, and it may not be a coincidence.  Three times, and it is no longer a coincidence-- it is a pattern.  And yet,  I was the one failing to pivot and adjust my approach to finding job satisfaction.  
There are some definite parallels to romantic satisfaction here, so read on if you have time... 
I would wonder things like, “Why do I keep choosing these professional positions where the people constantly display shadiness or appalling levels of incompetence?  Why don’t any of the best professionals at the job stay hired, but all the crappier employees stay hired for like, decades?  Should I also keep it moving?  [the answer was “yes”!  But I was too naive to realize it].  
Why wasn’t I able to learn after the first, or maybe the first two disappointments, and adjust course out of this entire field if they all seem to display these relational patterns I don’t thrive under?”. There were some colleagues and bosses that I had amazing professional rapport with amidst all of this, but the (pardon my french) f*ckery of the people in key decision-making roles usually drove all the best employees out the door. 
I also wondered, “ Why were  certain people able to tolerate or even thrive in what I considered and knew in my heart to be toxic work cultures, while I was deeply troubled by them?  Why did my job dick me around so ruthlessly, but if I looked at other colleagues, the job would never dare to do the same shady things to them?”.  
Sometimes I observed that the very same boss was like a gracious, generous angel to specific colleagues, and then full on illegally shafting me or others, in the very next breath.  Why was this the case?  Further more, the most puzzling question of all: Why was I able to have phenomenal professional relationships with some of my colleagues, that lasted long after we both left the job and which I am able to maintain to this very day? But with other colleagues who couldn't meet my standards professionally, or who were outright shady, unethical and unscrupulous to me,  the connection for even a basic “we don’t even have to be friends whatsoever outside of this building, but let’s get this work done on a respectable and amicable level”  was impossible.  
It took a lot of therapy to figure this all out.  Yes, the issues were likely rooted in my dysfunctional childhood.  Yes, the issues were probably exacerbated by a couple of highly unusual and definitely relationship-related traumas that I faced in my early adulthood.  And yes, the issues were not helped by these blind spots I had about how to have relational discernment and tactical knowledge for how to approach these types of relational situations.  In a nutshell, relational immaturity manifested in my professional life.  Because other people would fully have no problems navigating these situations. But I did.  And I see the exact same patterns and struggles romantically.  
I hope that I have since developed an awareness around my issues; and that I now know enough to avoid or overcome these situations next time I’m in a promising romantic relationship, and in my professional relationships moving forward.  
If you sense that you might benefit from therapy, I strongly encourage you to seek it out.  Just the ability to admit to yourself “I might need help from a trained professional to figure out the root of these emotional struggles” is you, becoming more mature as an adult.  Because it takes courage and insight to realize when we need more help than we are able to find on our own.  
If you think you can’t afford therapy, it would surprise you to discover that there are ways to make it affordable.  For example, many college campuses give the students free personal counseling by default.  So take advantage of that in your twenties or during grad school.  Christian churches and other organizations offer personal counseling with bona fide therapists-in-training, who just need to get their hours completed under the supervision of a licensed therapist before they can officially get licensed themselves, and fly solo.  There is therapy online.  Your basic medical health coverage may cover therapy, unbeknownst to you.  Even free governement-issued health coverage may still include personal counseling.  
If the thought of talking to a therapist absolutely horrifies you, because it is too “mental” and you can’t even handle the thought that you have “mind problems”, I would encourage you to reframe what “therapy” can be.  The words “therapy”, and “mental health” completely turn me off. I don’t even want to begin to suggest that I possess, or to have anyone else label me as having “mental issues” when I know myself; and I know my mind is perfectly intact.  I’m just struggling in certain areas of my own personal success.  
Rather than defining this type of help as “mental health”, or even “therapy” that isn’t physical therapy, I would encourage you to choose to reframe it as “emotional intelligence training” and “self development”, under the umbrella of “personal counseling”.  I am WAY more comfortable with the title of “personal counseling” than I am with the labels of “therapy” and “mental health”.  Just because you are seeking personal counseling for issues that are not related to  your physical body, and you may need a little more help for problems that may be rooted in your past or in your emotional wellbeing, it does not mean you have a mental health problem. 
 I severely wish all personal counseling services everywhere would step into 2020 and re-label themselves under a much-needed umbrella of “social-emotional wellness services”.  This would totally strip the taboo for people to seek out these highly beneficial services; and encourage all wellbeing practitioners to practice under this umbrella.  Things like yoga, meditation, mental illness, personal counseling, couples counseling, family counseling, postpartum depression and anxiety, PTSD, and substance abuse-- all of this kind of stuff should be considered "social-emotional wellness services”, because they are all social-emotional issues. They are matters of the heart, mind, emotions, and relationship.  
If you’re like “yeah f*ck reframing-- I am not down with therapy at all, sorry”, there are a lot of beneficial podcasts on relationships that can begin to help you tap into your emotional core in private, and maybe help you get some insight on any past relationship traumas or relationship patterns.  There are amazing life coaches with free youtube videos that can help people.  
Some of my absolute favorites are: 
- “Stephan Speaks”
- heart of dating podcast (christian)
- Mark Manson
- Zen Habits
- Amy Chan / Renew Breakup Bootcamp
- Matthew Hussey (I would recommend more of his recent stuff, and less of his gamey, ‘how to get the guy’ manipulative kinda stuff).  
I have another resource that is absolutely phenomenal; but not everyone is ready for that level of truth.  And it does come from a christian man.  If you’re intrigued by that,  willing to be vulnerable, willing to hear harder truths, and especially if you consider yourself a Christian man or woman, send me a direct message  on tumblr and I’ll send you the name of one of the most transformative relationship coaches I have ever found.  
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Hyper loop - Advanced mode of Transportation
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Hyperloop brings airplane speeds to ground level, safely. Passengers and cargo capsules will hover through a network of low-pressure tubes between cities and transforming travel time from hours to minutes. What is Hyper loop? The Hyperloop concept as it is widely known was proposed by billionaire industrialist Elon Musk, CEO of the aerospace firm SpaceX and the guy behind Tesla (as well as, in the last year, a number of public gaffes). It’s a reaction to the California High-Speed Rail System currently under development, a bullet train Musk feels is lackluster (and which, it is alleged, will be one of the most expensive and slow-moving in the world). A one way trip between San Francisco and Los Angeles on the Hyperloop could take about 35 minutes. Musk’s Hyperloop consists of two massive tubes extending from San Francisco to Los Angeles. Pods carrying passengers would travel through the tubes at speeds topping out over 700 mph. Imagine the pneumatic tubes people in The Jetsons use to move around buildings, but on a much bigger scale. For propulsion, magnetic accelerators will be planted along the length of the tube, propelling the pods forward.  The tubes would house a low pressure environment, surrounding the pod with a cushion of air that permits the pod to move safely at such high speeds, like a puck gliding over an air hockey table. Given the tight quarters in the tube, pressure buildup in front of the pod could be a problem. The tube needs a system to keep air from building up in this way. Musk’s design recommends an air compressor on the front of the pod that will move air from the front to the tail, keeping it aloft and preventing pressure building up due to air displacement. A one way trip on the Hyperloop is projected to take about 35 minutes (for comparison, traveling the same distance by car takes roughly six hours). The Hyperloop concept operates by sending specially designed "capsules" or "pods" through a steel tube maintained at a partial vacuum. In Musk's original concept, each capsule floats on a 0.02–0.05 in (0.5–1.3 mm) layer of air provided under pressure to air-caster "skis", similar to how pucks are levitated above an air hockey table, while still allowing faster speeds than wheels can sustain. Hyperloop One's technology uses passive maglev for the same purpose. Linear induction motors located along the tube would accelerate and decelerate the capsule to the appropriate speed for each section of the tube route. With rolling resistance eliminated and air resistance greatly reduced, the capsules can glide for the bulk of the journey. In Musk's original Hyperloop concept, an electrically driven inlet fan and axial compressor would be placed at the nose of the capsule to "actively transfer high-pressure air from the front to the rear of the vessel", resolving the problem of air pressure building in front of the vehicle, slowing it down. A fraction of the air is shunted to the skis for additional pressure, augmenting that gain passively from lift due to their shape. Hyperloop One's system does away with the compressor. In the alpha-level concept, passenger-only pods are to be 7 ft 4 in (2.23 m) in diameter and projected to reach a top speed of 760 mph (1,220 km/h) to maintain aerodynamic efficiency.  The design proposes passengers experience a maximum inertial acceleration of 0.5 g, about 2 or 3 times that of a commercial airliner on takeoff and landing.
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History The general idea of trains or other transportation traveling through evacuated tubes dates back more than a century, although the atmospheric railway was never a commercial success. Musk first mentioned that he was thinking about a concept for a "fifth mode of transport", calling it the Hyperloop, in July 2012 at a PandoDaily event in Santa Monica, California. This hypothetical high-speed mode of transportation would have the following characteristics: immunity to weather, collision free, twice the speed of a plane, low power consumption, and energy storage for 24-hour operations. The name Hyperloop was chosen because it would go in a loop. Musk envisions the more advanced versions will be able to go at hypersonic speed. In May 2013, Musk likened the Hyperloop to a "cross between a Concorde and a railgun and an air hockey table". From late 2012 until August 2013, a group of engineers from both Tesla and SpaceX worked on the conceptual modeling of Hyperloop. An early system design was published in the Tesla and SpaceX blogs which describes one potential design, function, pathway, and cost of a hyperloop system. According to the alpha design, pods would accelerate to cruising speed gradually using a linear electric motor and glide above their track on air bearings through tubes above ground on columns or below ground in tunnels to avoid the dangers of grade crossings. An ideal hyperloop system will be more energy-efficient, quiet, and autonomous than existing modes of mass transit. Musk has also invited feedback to "see if the people can find ways to improve it". The Hyperloop Alpha was released as an open source design. The word mark "HYPERLOOP", applicable to "high-speed transportation of goods in tubes" was issued to SpaceX on April 4, 2017. In June 2015, SpaceX announced that it would build a 1-mile-long (1.6 km) test track to be located next to SpaceX's Hawthorne facility. The track would be used to test pod designs supplied by third parties in the competition. By November 2015, with several commercial companies and dozens of student teams pursuing the development of Hyperloop technologies, the Wall Street Journal asserted that "The Hyperloop Movement", as some of its unaffiliated members refer to themselves, is officially bigger than the man who started it." The MIT Hyperloop team developed the first Hyperloop pod prototype, which they unveiled at the MIT Museum on May 13, 2016. Their design uses electrodynamic suspension for levitating and eddy current braking. On January 29, 2017, approximately one year after phase one of the Hyperloop pod competition, the MIT Hyperloop pod demonstrated the first ever low-pressure Hyperloop run in the world. Within this first competition the Delft University team from the Netherlands achieved the highest overall competition score. The awards for the "fastest pod" and the "best performance in flight" were won by the team TUM Hyperloop (formerly known as WARR Hyperloop) from the Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany. The team from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) placed third overall in the competition, judged by SpaceX engineers. The second Hyperloop pod competition took place from August 25–27, 2017. The only judging criteria being top speed provided it is followed by successful deceleration. TUM Hyperloop from the Technical University of Munich won the competition by reaching a top speed of 324 km/h (201 mph) and therefore breaking the previous record of 310 km/h for hyperloop prototypes set by Hyperloop One.   Hyper loop and India The Indian State of Maharashtra announced their intent to build a hyperloop route between Mumbai and Pune, beginning with an operational demonstration track. THE MUMBAI-PUNE PROJECT MOVES FORWARD Working with our public and private partners, Virgin Hyperloop One is on track to complete the feasibility study for the Phase I demonstration track of the Mumbai-Pune project. The full project is proposing to link Central Pune, the Navi Mumbai International Airport and Central Mumbai – with a potential commute time of 25 minutes. Based on our ongoing analysis, the Mumbai-Pune route is proving to be the strongest economic case that we have seen to-date.
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Building upon this progress, VHO welcomed the Chief Minister of Maharashtra Fadnavis, and representatives from the State Government including key members of the Chief Minister’s Office and Pune Metropolitan Region Development Authority (PMRDA) chief Kiran Gitte, project lead on the Mumbai-Pune hyperloop project, at our DevLoop test site to inspect our technology. The Chief Minister and other esteemed guests were able to witness a full-scale hyperloop in action for a live demonstration test. It was an honor to host the Chief Minister, demonstrating a vote of confidence as we advance into the second half of our ongoing feasibility study and progress in accordance with the Framework Agreement signed in February. Speaking with our Chairman Richard Branson, the Chief Minister confirmed, “This was a very fruitful discussion and we should be able to start moving on this project very fast.”
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( Image source : Virgin hyper loop one ) HYPERLOOP TECHNOLOGY WITHIN INDIA’S TRANSPORT ECOSYSTEM Progress on the Mumbai-Pune hyperloop project is indicative of a larger trend – a wave of visionary policy leadership when it comes to supporting new technologies and innovation in India’s transport ecosystem. NITI Aayog’s Tech Vision 2022 document, the work of the government technology think tank Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC), and the Centres of Excellence at the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) have been very supportive of new technologies. In addition, the Railways Ministry ‘Mission 350 Plus’ plan as well as work on maglev technologies and the HSR Diamond Quadrilateral project are indicative of how the central government is embracing new rail technologies. At a state level, Maharashtra’s push for a Mumbai-Pune hyperloop system is a clear endorsement for innovation at a regional level, with accompanying interest from Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh as well. India has multiple factors that make it an ideal country for a hyperloop system: infrastructure needs due to rising demand, superior engineering talent, low-cost manufacturing base, and strong political support and favourable regulatory environment. These factors ensure that the hyperloop, when built and tested commercially, will be affordable (for riders), scalable and low-cost (to build and operate). The hyperloop system’s appeal for India comes from its complementarity with existing transport technologies. Hyperloop systems, with its point-to-point transport proposition, can be built to inter-connect with existing High-Speed Rail (HSR) or Metro projects. There is a conscious effort to build such adjacencies into the design of the first inter-city hyperloop system in India, and this is reflected in the location of the proposed stations and the track alignment. Come 2025, a student from Ahmedabad should be able to reach Pune, by taking the Ahmedabad-Mumbai Bullet Train and then switch over to the 25-minute hyperloop ride to Pune, just as present metro commuters switch from one metro line to another in a city. Such a multi-modal transport system between India’s bustling cities will have significant productivity implications for the country. This system becomes yet more powerful when replicated across different regional clusters in other parts of India, or linked seamlessly with the Modi Government’s HSR Diamond Quadrilateral Project – and one can see the emergence of Indian mega-economic regions in a manner that rivals China’s super-city clusters plan. Once proven for commercial viability, the hyperloop system can be scaled to different city-pairs in India. Earlier estimates of five viable routes between different Indian cities had evaluated a 55 minutes commute for a Delhi-Jaipur-Indore-Mumbai system, 50 minutes for a Mumbai-Bangalore-Chennai commute, 41 minutes for a Bangalore-Thiruvananthapuram commute and 20 minutes for a Bangalore-Chennai commute on the hyperloop system. View this from a multi-modal transport perspective and the real benefits of a system like this come through – hyperloop technology adoption is a real enabler for India to leap-frog to a higher trajectory of growth, akin to the role that mobile phones have played earlier in terms of technology adoption as well as economic growth. Hyper loop explained   How Virgin hyper loop one's system becomes reality ?   Read the full article
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davehodgetts-blog · 5 years
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Everything happened on a random. I immediately hit going the moment I saw the Facebook invite notification. A weekend getaway to Aloguinsan is something I couldn’t afford to miss, after previous derailed plans.
Though the trip was going Dutch, resisting would mean my loss. The chance of traveling with the awesome folks of Cebu Bloggers Society is an opportunity in itself.
Spending quality time at Bojo River
Aloguinsan seats southwest of Cebu City and is sandwiched between the municipalities of Barili on its south and Pinamungajan on its north.
The place seemed closer to the metro but getting there is a bit of a frowner. The southward traffic gridlock, the crooked highway, and the cramped public transport discourages partly willing travelers. However, if you give in to your adventurous genes’ persistence, you will definitely find your way to Aloguinsan—no matter how hard it is to reach.
How We Got There
From Cebu South Bus Terminal, we hopped on a minibus to Pinamungahan via Carcar. Despite being so small, the conductor kept on compressing the passengers to fill every spaces with paying occupants. The legroom was unsurprisingly small. My knees were constantly rubbing roughly with the seat in front of me. I also had to fit my butt to the restricted space. Sleeping is nearly impossible.
Travel time was almost three hours, though private vehicles could take it in less than two.
Another option is to take a Toledo-bound bus, and then transfer to a jeepney bound for Aloguinsan. The advantage of this route is the chance of boarding a comfortable bus to Toledo. However, this route may eat a lot of your travel time compared to the track we took.
Booked our Aloguinsan Tour at The Farmhouse
We alighted near The Farmhouse, which hosts the municipal tourism office. It was close at that time, so we headed to the town’s public market to have our breakfast.
We had no specific itinerary that day but we planned to try Bojo River Cruise first before frolicking along the gorgeous strip of the Hermit’s Cove.
Walkway to the tourism office within The Farmhouse compund
We paid ‎₱400 each for the Bojo tour. That only includes a guided cruise and swimming.
I heard they offer packages with meals. The 650-peso package includes welcome lei, a refreshment, handicraft demo, snacks, lunch, river cruise, and swimming. However, to avail the 650-peso package, you must book your tour two days in advance.
Since the tourism fees of Aloguinson’s top tourist spots are centrally collected at The Farmhouse, we also settled our entrance fee to Hermit’s Cove, which is ₱100 each.
Bojo River Cruise
Our payments did not include the fare to the drop off areas. We had to hire a motorbike taxi (habal-habal). Good thing that the habal-habal fare had been standardized by the LGU and the tourism proponents. Excessive fare collection was avoided.
A wooden bridge to Bojo River
We received an orientation before we started the actual tour. According to our guide, Bojo actually means springs, also known locally as “tubod”. These springs are contributory to the aquamarine river.
Bojo River is saline at high tide due to the intruding seawater. This makes the riverbank an ideal ecosystem for mangroves and plankton, and at the same time, a nesting sanctuary for mothering fishes.
Bojo River
Our guide paddled us along the one-kilometer river while introducing us the mangrove species we met along the way. It was rather surprising to hear him mentioning their scientific names and identifying the species based on their physical features.
With Mark Monta of FaceCebu.net and Philip Pingoy of AlmostABlogger.com
Our paddler brought us past the mouth of the river and showed us the coral gardens from the surface. We were not allowed to get off because of the strong current. He paddled us back to the river and encouraged us to swim when it was safe to.
The SuperCebu family with Lloyd and Behold
By the way, Bojo River Cruise is operated by Bojo Aloguinsan Ecotourism Association (BAETAS), which was recognized as the winner of the 2017 ASEAN Tourism Award (ASEANTA) for Best Community-Based Tourism (CBT) in Southeast Asia.
On the other hand, Bojo River emerged as one of the world’s Top 100 Sustainable Destinations in 2016, and that is according to Green Destinations.
Hermit’s Cove
From Bojo River, we headed to Hermit’s Cove. The ride was scorching, grubby, and rough. The road was already in place but wasn’t paved. Rocks shot around in projectile every time they got side hit from the rolling wheels. The motorbike riders are pretty careful nevertheless.
Hermit’s Cove stairway gate
At the end of the road is a stairway to the Hermit’s Cove. Under a bright sunlight, a picturesque blend of ivory, green, and aquamarine peeked through the cliff bush. The water was so clear that you can see the sand and rocks beneath it.
Before we walked down the stairway, we registered at the tourism booth, which is compulsory for all tourists. By the way, the ₱100 entrance fee we paid at The Farmhouse already includes a use of a cottage.
It was lunch time already, so we take out some food from the eatery near the tourism booth, and brought them to our cottage for lunch.
The gorgeous ivory beach of Hermit’s Cove
The beach was somewhat crowded that visit. Every cottage was occupied. Other guest ended up taking shelter under the shade of the beach trees.
The strip was pebbly and the water fronting it was quick-deep. We loved the spot near the cliff. Aside from getting a natural sun shield, the water below it is cool and relaxing.
We spent almost 3 hours frolicking, swimming, and picture-taking.
Fisher’s boats floating off the coast of Hermit’s Cove
Aloguinsan Travel Guide
To get to Aloguinsan, you can take a Pinamungajan-bound minibus near or at door 6 of Cebu City South Bus Terminal. You can ask the conductor to drop you in front of The Farmhouse in Aloguinsan. The fare is ₱80 and travel time is 2 to 3 hours.
Another option is to take a Toledo-bound bus and transfer to a minibus or jeepney to Aloguinsan.
Walk-in rate for Bojo River Cruise is ₱400 per person but that does not include any meal. If you want food included in your tour, book the ₱650 package two days in advance. Contact BAETA (Bojo Aloguinsan Ecotourism Association) or Aloguinsan Tourism office through (032) 469 9042, +63 997 371 5698, or +63 933 120 9480. You can also reach them by emailing [email protected]. Bojo River Cruise operates only from 08AM to 05PM.
The mouth of Bojo River
The local transportation is serviced by habal-habal and the rates are standardized by the LGU. A trip from the farmhouse to Bojo River is ₱40, Bojo to Hermit’s Cove is ₱40, and from Hermit’s Cove to the town proper is ₱50. These motorbikes can also bring you to Toledo, Carcar, and Mantalongon.
The entrance fee to the Hermit’s Cove is ₱100 per person. If you book with a group, a cottage use is already included with your entrance fee. Note that no overnight is allowed within the beach premises.
Bojo River and Hermit’s Cove: The Stunner’s of Aloguinsan appeared first on Freedom Wall.
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banikhousepian · 4 years
My Ideal “Earthseed” Community
 Explain TWO (2) real-life issues that make it necessary to create your Earthseed community. What are you seeking shelter from?
A community where healthcare is free and we can get the help we need without being thrown to different doctors with different diagnoses. My father has been having severe pain and shaking in his left arm to the point where daily activities have become a challenge for him. But since we are lower class and cannot afford good insurance, we are being sent to different doctors who are not good at what they do and have not been able to solve and diagnose the issue for months now. I want to seek shelter from having to see my father go through pain on a daily basis and seeing my mother cry because they cannot figure out what is going on. I want to create an earthseed community that would provide everyone with the help they need no matter their financial status. The second issue that I would like to seek shelter from would be stress and depression, which is extremely common nowadays among the younger generations.
Quote two (2) Earthseed verses from Parable of the Sower and show how you will apply them to your community. You may be creative in your interpretation.
“The world is full of painful stories. Sometimes it seems as though there aren't any other kind and yet I found myself thinking how beautiful that glint of water was through the trees.”
The world is full of painful stories, and those going through depression know this better than anyone else. However, it does not mean that there aren’t glimpses of hope and happiness in life. It is through the effort of the community that those battling depression can be guided to these happy thoughts, whether it be the glint of water through the trees, or the smile of a fellow companion. 
“There is no end To what a living world Will demand of you.”
I believe that the first step in solving any problem is acknowledging that there is a problem, and the problem with our current world is that there is no limit to what it demands of us. This is apparent when it comes to healthcare as well. Where we can only get good healthcare if we put in the demand, in this case money, for us to get that healthcare. And thus in my community, necessities like healthcare will not demand something in return. 
Explain WHERE you will create your Earthseed community to be safe.
I believe the best place to create the community would be an online platform that will have in person meetings once in a while. These can be done through encrypted computers and servers which can protect the person’s identity. I believe an online platform will be able to bring together people of all different areas in a more efficient manner. People that might not be able to leave their homes could instead participate in the community online. Eventually however, if all members must flee their homes and gather in one place, I believe the Angeles National forest, which is very close to my own home and where I have been many times, could be the best spot to reside as it has very secluded areas with little traffic, but also has roads and a means of getting back to the city if needed. 
Who can join your community and why? Who can’t join? Why not? 
I would most likely come up with a questionnaire to figure out who a person is and what their interests are, much like the personality tests that can be taken online. Based on these results I can decide on whether I want them to join the community or not, and once enough people are in the community, we can take votes on whether we would like to let someone in or not. They would most likely need to be people willing to help the community grow and who can be trusted to keep their fellow community members safe. 
What will your leadership model be for your community?
Since the members of the community are chosen by members of the community, I believe all members should be equal and no one should be above anyone. However, I also would like to prohibit future chaos, and thus on a yearly basis, we will have meetings where important roles will be assigned, such as secretary, treasurer, and other roles. Those who have been a part of the community longer and have shown great dedication will have priority. 
Create a FUTURE TECHNOLOGY (one on the horizon, not something like teleportation or time travel) to help improve life at your Earthseed community.
Sustainable wind and water energy. This will first help us stay off the grid, but it will also help us save money and not worry about having to survive in a secluded area. It can also eventually, if widespread enough, safe our Earth as well. 
Explain/show how your Earthseed community will SURVIVE.
We will most likely survive off of the wildlife and plants in the area as the Angeles National forest has great biodiversity and large creeks running through it. We will also have access back to the city and thus if needed can come back and get supplies, whether it be by ways of purchasing, or if needed, stealing. 
Explain/show what TWO steps your Earthseed community will make to build a better future, i.e. education, housing, conservation, farming, etc.
The main factors that my Earthseed community will make better for the future will be conservation in terms of sustainable energy and better healthcare and self care in general. We will provide free healthcare and put the health, and especially mental health, of our community as the first priority. We will then focus on conservational efforts, starting off with wind and water, and moving on to solar and maybe even human generated power, such as efficient stationary bicycles that can double as energy sources and exercise. 
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kelsusit · 7 years
How To Extend Your Laptop Battery Life Properly?
Have you ever wanted to catch your latest shows correct on your laptop? If you don’t mind getting online, and getting refurbished products. A lot of the top manufacturers have outlets setup to sell their refurbished laptops. These days, OWC announces a product that is meant to be taken with you in your laptop bag. Referred to as “USB-C Travel Dock,” it characteristics many of the ports you could need, such as HDMI, USB Kind-A, and an SD card reader. It even has a USB-C port for energy pass-via, so if you only have 1 such port, you can charge your laptop although employing it as well. Best of all, it is quite affordable.
Modern classrooms and school hallways are filled with teachers, other staff members, and students carrying their own mobile devices and laptops, which they are utilizing for both operate and play. Regrettably, all of these devices develop a information safety nightmare. Establishing an authentication method for accessing the network is essential, but due to the fact some of the customers are children, the challenge is to make it simple enough for them to use but robust sufficient to protect the network schools ought to enlist the aid of cyber security specialists like the experts at Continuum GRC to implement a workable but secure answer.
A flickering screen is another indication that your laptop requirements DC jack replacement. The screen will flicker especially when the power cord is plugged to the electrical outlet. Simply because the jack is faulty, the supply of energy is constantly being interrupted. This causes the screen to flicker. You could also notice obvious degeneration of the screen brightness. Simply because your laptop can not attain complete energy, the brightness of the screen will be affected. If these signs worsen, then you should immediately get in touch with a mail-in Dell laptop repair center. A trained technician can repair the problem appropriate away so that your laptop can carry out optimally.
Whilst the desktop laptop was extremely well-liked for a extended time, with the development of laptop computers or notebook computer systems, people can also enjoy much more versatility and mobility. These computer systems are smaller sized, lighter weight, much less high-priced, and far more portable, altering the world of computers as it was after recognized. Our on-line purchasing for Laptop Computer Batteries from a fantastic choice of Electronics more at everyday low prices. If you are hunting to purchase a laptop, the brand you purchase may possibly make a distinction with the battery. Some brands of laptops have a longer battery life. This is one thing to look at taking into consideration when making the purchase, particularly depending on what you are going to use it for. Be positive to get a laptop that has battery capability that will perform for you.
Acquiring much more completed – making use of a laptop in areas where a desktop Computer can not be used, and at instances that would otherwise be wasted. For example, an office worker tackling his e-mails for the duration of a hour-extended commute by train, or a student undertaking her homework at the university coffee shop during a break in between lectures. Just some normal care can aid to achieve absolute optimistic change in how lengthy the battery will last as nicely. Here, let me present some beneficial ideas for extending the battery life of laptop Toshiba to guarantee that you can take the most benefit from it.
These Dell computer systems may have been turned on by an additional customer, but nevertheless carry the very same warranty as any other new item they sell. There could be some visible cosmetic damage to the laptops and PC’s, but they will be packaged as new, and will contain all required manuals and accessories. You will save massive funds with these units, savings that rival those of inexpensive factory refurbished laptops. In an excellent world laptops would be in a position to run ad infinitum, and the role of laptop power adapters would be obsolete. Regrettably, in spite of advances in laptop portability, laptops today are semi-portable at greatest, and right after a handful of hours of genuine portability, it will come the time when you have to reconnect your device to the mains.
Initial, when you use a laptop as a desktop laptop substitute, check that you don’t leave the batteries inside the unit for a lengthy time since naturally the laptop will discharge the battery following a few hours. Nonetheless, should it take place that your battery has grow to be discharged, eliminate it instantly and make positive that it is charged to half of its capacity. Soon after which, wrap the battery in a dry fabric and put in it in a warm and dry location and verify that that it is in a secure place.
The mobile office is a lengthy established reality. Today’s laptops are as effective as most desktops and have as much memory and as many accessories. 1 can communicate by way of them, utilizing faxing and electronic mail software They can be connected to both mobile and fixed phones. A person can carry his whole office, his property, his life with him. This is the Turtle Syndrome? Ensconced in virtual shells, we move about, conducting our lives, attending to our organizations, absorbing, processing, generating and emitting data in endless streams of data and voice.
A business decided to concern laptops to its managerial employees. IT determined that the danger and cost of losing confidential organization data stored on the laptops was ‘high’. The options was to ‘move’ the ‘My Documents’ folder from customers laptops to the companies servers (in order to access documents when away from the workplace, you would have to log-in across the internet (VPN)). The directors, being technically illiterate, have been incapable of logging into anything- so their laptops have been created an exception. So while the canteen managers subsequent week menus had been safely stored on the businesses server, the new product launch plans were revealed to the competition when the inevitable occurred and a directors laptop was left in a taxi.
As you can envision, this laptop gets hot when you happen to be playing games – specially about where its potent components sit. But ASUS’ cooling setup does a decent job of keeping things from getting out of hand. Even though playing Overwatch and Doom, the GPU temperature hovered between 75c and 80c, which is standard for a gaming Pc. I by no means saw any concerns due to overheating. You’ll certainly hear the system’s fans, as soon as they get going, but they are nowhere near as loud as what I’ve heard on other high-powered gaming laptops.
I had a Dell Mini laptop with ubuntu in 2009. I really liked it, but it crashed, and I was by no means in a position to fix it. I was studying for an exam, and it kept wanting to update via the wifi in my hotel space, but it was too long, so I waited until I came house, then plugged into ethernet, but the program mentioned “100% of storage used at root”, or something like that, so I purchased an external disk drive, and attempted reloading the operating technique without success. I known as Dell, but they mentioned the OS program was the culprit. I talked to men and women in India for hours with no luck, and ubuntu was only customer boards, no reside individual to talk to. I have a Sony laptop now, but no back up, and I purchased an HP all in one desk top, but the processor was incredibly slow, and there was no word processing computer software on it. I didn’t like Windows 8, and don’t know if Apple’s word processing software program is readable universally, so I am researching this.
For any person looking for a transportable energy supply to charge a laptop or other small electronics that get power from a standard AC outlet, the ChargeTech Portable Power Outlet (27 amp-hours) offers the ideal mixture of size and capacity, and is valuable enough to justify its cost. It has a roughly 97 watt-hour (Wh) capacity, and claims a maximum output of 90 watts. It should manage any laptop, battery charger, or other little electronics without having a problem, and you could even run a fair-size LED Television in a pinch.
Pop-up power and information stations are a should if your workers use laptops, desktops or any other devices that require sustainable power supply to work for prolonged periods. Adding power outlets and communication ports to instruction tables apart from helping boost employee efficiency is also an successful way to avoid clutter that benefits from using additional wires. Opt for a compact pop-up power and data station that is effortless to store and has at least 2 power outlets, 1 telephone jack and 1 information connector that is straightforward to store and use.
Ultimately, around the edges of the Chromebook Pro you will locate two USB-C ports (one particular on each side), a headphone jack, the power button, a volume rocker and a slot that hides Samsung’s S Pen stylus – more on that later. The Pro’s speakers are in fact on the bottom that tends to make sense offered the computer’s convertible nature. Firing audio up from the keyboard location wouldn’t function extremely well when utilizing the computer in tablet or “tent” mode, soon after all. But the downward-facing speakers sound pretty terrible in laptop mode unless you spot the Pro on a tough surface like a desk. If it really is, effectively, in your lap, audio is really muffled. It really is excellent sufficient for a video call, but you won’t want to listen to music or watch a film like this. Just use headphones.
A faulty jack can adversely affect the optimum performance of your Dell laptop. If the DC jack has been damaged, then your laptop’s battery will not charge effectively. It will often show a half-charge and the machine could shut down without warning. When this takes place, you want quick DC jack replacement. If you permit the problem to linger, you are virtually exposing oneself to larger tech concerns and hazards. The very good news is that you can speedily get a DC jack repair by making use of the solutions of a expert Dell laptop repair company.
No matter how you appear at it, the ASUS ROG Zephyrus is remarkable. It marks a new era for gaming laptops, one where you can anticipate a thin, five-pound notebook to pack as considerably energy as an eight- to 10-pound machine from a couple of years ago. It could conceivably be the answer to all of your gaming needs, even on your tv, since it’s effortless to move about your property. It really is a shame that the battery life stinks, but that’s a decent compromise for a gaming laptop unlike any other.
Also, as we said prior to, there are lots of different sorts of energy banks, and so it be essential to study power bank testimonials Some of these can variety from ones that are in a position to charge laptops, energy appliances and some of them are Rugged ones. Rugged power banks are difficult sufficient that they can withstand the drops onto challenging ground and most of them are even waterproof. The USB laptop cooler can be powered by a USB port on your machine. The battery will be the power supply for the unit which is more than enough power to cool down the personal computer. This means that one can use the pad portably unlike with one that needs external power. The only issue is remembering to not bump the plugging in port which at occasions can ruin a USB port with adequate force.
Windows 10, which has been one more hit with folks, has observed the re-appearance of everyone’s favourite customisable begin menu as well as additional additions like Cortana, enhanced safety with ‘Device Guard’ which blocks malicious apps, the choice of streaming your Xbox across your Windows ten devices allowing you to play games on your laptop or Pc as well as a new update promised every year. These two components combined provides us a decision of wonderful laptops, continue reading as we take you by way of our pick of the leading five low-cost i7 Windows 10 laptops.
Why Lithium-ion? Due to the fact it provides a high energy density, performance and light in weight. To run a power-sucking laptop, a Dell xps m1530 battery getting high energy density is necessary. The runtime of a battery of Mobile is based on the variety of applications you run. If you run fundamental applications for writing, reading, copying, chatting, etc., then your battery Mobile runtime will be high compared to executing a complex application that has a enormous requirement quantity crunching.
One of the greatest advantages of laptop computers more than desktops is size. Numerous individuals consider since a laptop is tiny, the show screen is tough to see but in truth, several are made with 17-inch screens! These computer systems also have webcams, built-in keyboards and mouse, batteries that can offer hours of offline use, and much far more. Although all of these are great rewards, the truth that Computer laptops provide portability is definitely a large plus. For instance, a individual that travels for organization, heads off to college, goes on getaway, or demands a pc while away from house or workplace can do what ever they want making use of the laptop. The method would run on battery power and then to recharge, merely plug it in to a normal electrical outlet at the airport, hotel, etc.
Filed under: refurbished laptop Tagged: laptops, perform, price, range from KelsusIT.com – Refurbished laptops, desktop computers , servers http://bit.ly/2zP3uyM via IFTTT
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jisaacs14 · 7 years
Onwards and Upwards
It’s been a little over a year since my last post. It has not been an easy year either - a car accident (and massive concussion), my dog - the famous Penny of the Penny Face - had a stroke and passed away the same week I had tonsillitis to the point of hospitalization (my throat closed up… fun), tonsillectomy (#firstsurgery #finally), I’ve moved three and a half times - I could go on.
The half move is from the most recent struggle - hip surgery (#secondsurgery amiright?). I had to move back to my parents for a month because apparently hip surgery means not even being able to sit up for a month, let alone get up and down stairs, shower, walk etc. Fun stuff… actually I’m not being sarcastic… the past two weeks have been the “staycation” I didn’t even know I needed - I’ve had time to reflect on the past year, where I am now, and where I’d like to go. 
After graduating with my Italian and Comparative Literature degrees, I explored a couple of teaching roles and ultimately decided to follow the most obvious, logical path for someone with my work and educational background: Business Development. At least, it was obvious to me - not so much the businesses I applied to.
The thing is, I knew that if I could just explain to the hiring managers why it made perfect sense that an Italian speaking preschool teacher is the ideal candidate for any business role, I’d be able to get my foot in the door. That said, something I quickly learned in the process is that most companies won’t let you get even your smallest toe in the door if the proper qualifications are not spelled out across your resume. 
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I got calls - multiple calls - from HR reps telling me to not bother applying to their companies without 3-5 more years of experience or a different degree because I would never be able to work there. But, as anyone who has ever met me will tell you, I am persistent. I am persistent to a painstaking level. The most valuable qualities a person can have, in my opinion, are loyalty, empathy, and persistence, in that order.
So on my first day at one of the biggest enterprise companies in the world, at an internship that was created specifically for me, I pondered the idea of shooting an email over to that rep in Texas who told me I’d never find a job there. I didn’t though - I had better, more exciting things to do. The story as to how I got that job involved some travelling, and is definitely a story I should share with you all, but I’ll save it for later.
Flash forward to December 20th, 2016. My fourth month into my first ever full time job - sales rep at a tech startup (the natural career path of any Italian/Lit major) - and my CEO asked if anyone wanted to buy his tickets to the Patriots game. I’d never been to a football game before (went to an all girls’ high school, sorry U of R but football isn’t a main attraction there either, and Pats tix are so $$$). I couldn’t pass up such a huge discount, and to this day, it’s probably the second best impulse buy I’ve ever made (I’ll get to the best impulse buy in a minute). 
On December 24th, 2016, my best friend and I hopped in her car and made the trek to Gillette Stadium. We grabbed some champagne - the pre-game drink of champions, found our seats, took some fabulous pics (if it’s not on Instagram, did it ever really happen?) and settled in for what turned out to be a fantastic game. Neither of us cared that it rained the whole time, nor did we mind the freezing winds on the walk back to the car - we were still high on life from being that close to Gronk and Brady. 
So we weren’t thinking about rain or ice when we went to get out of the car, that is we weren’t thinking about it until I was lying on the ground two seconds later. Totally ate it. But like I said, I’m persistent. I got up, laughed it off and went on my way. A week later, I felt the bruise on my hip, and remembered my fall. Two weeks later, I noticed that I wasn’t able to walk so well. A week after that I was in agonizing pain, and that’s when I decided to call the doctor. 
I told her it was a sports injury, since it happened after a football game. She and I both thought it was a bone bruise, maybe a pulled muscle, but she sent me to a specialist, since it was concerning that the pain was getting worse with time. Good thing she did because I tore my labrum.
Even the specialist was shocked that someone could have sustained so much damage to their hip, just slipping on black ice. C’est la vie.
Because of how badly I bruised the bone, I couldn’t get my labrum repaired until exactly 15 days ago (October 11, 2017… only took 10 months). 
And here we are, a year after my last post, a year after I started my full time sales job, upon completing a fulfilling internship. After all the rejection I have faced, both early on with my job applications, and the continued rejection that is simply a part of any sales job, I have pushed myself as hard as I can over the last year. 
I’ve moved through the ranks faster than anyone, our head of recruiting bumped into another HR rep that rejected me and even made a point of saying I was one of the top reps at my current company, and I’m hoping to soon earn a spot on the closing team. There’s a lot to be proud of, especially considering how tough of a year it’s been on me physically, but I’ve also been thinking a lot lately about what I’ve sacrificed to get here.
Before my surgery, I was feeling overwhelmed, overworked, and exhausted. I wrote an article on here earlier about feeling the need to run away, escape, and travel when I’m stressed, and it’s safe to say that in the three or four years I’ve been writing here, that hasn’t changed. 
So I stayed up late one night, thought long and hard about where I’d go, what I’d do and in the end, the decision was easy. I went where I always want to go, a place that feels like home, that always helps me clear my head and refuels my faith in humanity.
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I went to Ireland. 
“Again?!” my mother asked when I told her. Turns out if you buy tickets 3 weeks in advance, they’re quite affordable (shout out to my office for unlimited vacation days and flexible scheduling).
5 days, 4 nights, new places in old towns. As always, I saw some old friends, and I made some new ones as well (if you’re in an Irish pub, it’s really impossible to walk out without 10 or 20 new pals). I danced, ran through the rain, and kayaked with seals at sunset. 
For the first time ever, I rented a car and had another “first” driving on the left side of the road. 
By the end of my trip, I was ready for my surgery. Ready to lay in bed for a month straight (in case you’re wondering how I have the time to write all this down) and I have quenched enough wanderlust to focus on getting back on my feet, literally. 
My persistence has greatly helped me push through this. I’m healing well, and I’m already planning my next few trips - California, Chicago, Romania, Australia… time to start budgeting ;) 
I can’t wait to see what the next year brings, and in the meantime, I hope to keep writing here and share the few drops of wisdom I’ve gained in my brief 25 years. Onwards and upwards!
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