#In my defense them inappropriately calling Radovid “Prince Seed-Waste” is 100% canon so we know they totally would!
thelostgirl21 · 4 months
When you learn that "stern" also means the rear end of a ship...
"A king who would pass into history as Radovid V the Stern" suddenly takes on a very different meaning...
I'm betting it's all Philippa and Dijkstra's fault, too!
They went from referring to him as "Prince Seed-Waste", to "Radovid the Stern" when he became King.
Then, hundreds of years later, historians found some copies of their personal correspondences, mistakenly believed that it was what Radovid's people actually called him (rather than a very inappropriate nickname that the two spymasters had come up with for him), and therefore deduced that he must have been a very strict and authoritarian ruler!
Nah, he was just a very, very gay king that decided that if his dad had been allowed to marry a noblewoman and his brother a princess that couldn't give him any children, he was going to do both by marrying himself a viscount, gods dammit!
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Poor Radovid... Forever misunderstood...
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