#In my dreams I'm going back to Gilwell
anonymus-maximus-er · 5 years
For the record, if you don’t want to be Dora the explorer:
a) small class size
b) make people ask the second they are confused
c) if a student looks confused they probably are confused
d) tell them explicitly not to stress, suggest they think over questions for ten seconds or so before even trying to answer
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anonymus-maximus-er · 4 years
Good is contagious, once a day in October
the stupid pun lyrics to the songs at scouts, and the glee from the kids the first time they understand a joke in a song they’ve been singing for years.
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anonymus-maximus-er · 7 years
thetigerwasariver replied to your post: knopperbrister replied to your post:             ...
   You call them trackers? We have wolf cubs and bees.    
I think tracker scout is the official WOSM designation for the cub/brownie age bracket for co-ed scout troops as of 2010, but most countries have their own national standard names for them.
However, sweden, rules...
(ours used to be vargunge/blåvinge [wolf cub/ lit. blue wings, actually polyommatini butterflies] and when we went co-ed miniorscout [not actually Tiniest Scout but that is my translation and I’m sticking with it] and then there was an entire thing with the different scout associations merging and TADA: spårarscout, trackers)
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anonymus-maximus-er · 7 years
Good is contagious, once a day in September
Oooops. Turns out I forget these things when I have full day stuff - yesterday scouts. Was good fun tho.
See, the thing about scouts, for me, is in part that I believe that if you are the sort of person that finds scouting fun, then scouting will also help develop a good set of values. (of course I say that, I agree with the values of scouting... Something something Focault right?) It helps in developing confidence and leadership skills and problem solving abilities and cooperation and whatnot. It is an education in how to be a good citizen and a good person.
And you know that thing, when you are realising with horror that you are the adult supervision? That thing got mitigated by scouts, because you get to grow into being a role model, you get to grow into being the adult, and it is both incredibly helpful and very rewarding. (and then, a few years later it is a good way to make new, good friends in adulthood)
But mostly, it is just fun. We laugh so much at scouts.
Supposedly* BP said
if it isn’t fun, it isn’t scouting.
But also,
if it’s only fun, it isn’t scouting.
And maybe that’s it. I love scouts so much because it is fun. But it is fun with meaning and value beyond the fun.**
*I haven’t been able to confirm this, and I have also seen the saying as ‘if it isn’t fun it isn’t learning’ so who knows.
**not to say mindless fun isn’t an activity that is valuable in and of itself, but I dunno. I do so much mindless stuff already that the added Function and Meaning of scouts adds to the experience.
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anonymus-maximus-er · 7 years
I know you hate the very thought, but due to scouts you need to take a shower tonight. It is not optional. You smell of smoke.
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anonymus-maximus-er · 8 years
I’m missing the st george thing on account of headache.
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anonymus-maximus-er · 8 years
I got myself a black eye at scouts. It hurts.
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anonymus-maximus-er · 9 years
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anonymus-maximus-er · 9 years
Good is contaguous, once a day in September
It’s not that I like rain - people who claim to like rain are probably lying.
But I was walking home from scouts tonight, and it was raining (and my trousers got soaked, terrible) but not cold. And the street lights made these interesting and beautiful patterns and reflections in the raindrops, and the puddles, and on the ground.
I quite like being outside and experience the world.
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anonymus-maximus-er · 9 years
“Disability status is a category of protection in the legal code around discrimination”
“If a child is neglected it can be for many reasons, for example a parent might be disabled.”
“Disability often limits the capacity an adult has for taking care of a child.”
And on and on and on. I don’t think you read your own materials, Mrs Social Worker Author Ma’am
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anonymus-maximus-er · 9 years
So we do this course+certification in group dynamics and how to spot abuse and how to report and all these related topics every 3 years for scouts. This is great.
Whilst a good 98% of the material is splendid, the rest is judgemental and moralising and probably more discriminatory than the things pointed out as discrimination is to start with.
Very  ~This Is How You Do Personal Interaction~  and if you do anything different you are discriminatory and abusive.
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anonymus-maximus-er · 10 years
Came home from camp yesterday and passed out.
Now I have coffee, warm socks and a sandwich.
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anonymus-maximus-er · 10 years
tandborste tandkräm handduk borste
huvudvärkstabletter flourtabletter
sovsäck mjukisdjur nattskjorta
t-tröja tjocktröja
strumpor x2 underbyxor inneskor
mössa tunna vantar halsduk
sagobok märken jutesäckar
anteckningsblock väckarklocka
På dig:
t-tröja skjorta tjocktröja
underbyxor långkalsonger byxor
strumpor x2
jacka termobyxor stövlar
mössa tjocka vantar halsduk
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anonymus-maximus-er · 10 years
knopperbrister​ replied to your post:knopperbrister​ replied to your post:An org I’ve...
You sound like an ODer - av, med og for ungdom! No, seriously, that sounds great. My curiousity is peaked. And, as someone in a children’s rights org for youth, I think tailoring for the org is more important than tailoring for the position.
Yup. But different order, "För, med och av unga". Like, the scouts is for youth, and the entire learning by doing thing is actually -important- but as an organisation they (we) are still weary of the idea that it can be run well -by the members we're supposed to serve- (oh no, we can't have a board member younger than 40 years of age, they don't know anything! MEN VI ÄR EN UNGDOMSORGANISATION!) [I have opinions on this, and they are not entirely flattering for the scouts. But it's still better than boy scouts of america. Those fuckers give the rest of us a bad rep.]
Tailor for the org, noted. ^^
I'll keep you posted. :)
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anonymus-maximus-er · 10 years
Today sucks, yesterday sucked, monday sucked, all in all everything sucks.
Unfortunately you're still on for hordes of screaming kids (you like the kids, they are sweet (and the boundaries/violence/unsafe environment problem got sorted, as expected. It just took time, although frustrating at the time. And bad brains kid no. 4 actually has a dx now, and so access to services and YAY SUCCESS and Kid actually likes school now.) and funny and it is very rewarding.) and can't really bail because A got injured last week and should probably not be walking. (You're just in pain, you're not actually gonna aggravate injuries by standing/walking.) SO
1. Pills pills pills
2. Coffee
3. Food - soup in the fridge, carrots in fridge, bread in cupboard, bananas on counter.
4. More coffee.
5. Socks. Warm and soft ones without seams. No need to choose between miserable and cold. (By which I mean to say, your feet are cold, and you are kinda miserable, so put on a pair of socks.)
6. Shirt and neckerchief are in the kitchen. The woggle is gone. You should probably interrogate the cat about that state of affairs sometime.
7. And some more coffee. All available methods of Not Being In Agony are fair game today.
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anonymus-maximus-er · 10 years
Also, I got to see my favouritest bad brains-kiddo yesterday. He's doing good, and that makes me happy.
(Also also saw bad brains kiddo-with-suspected-biomed-parents who stopped showing up in january, and I just don't know about that one at all.)
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