#In this case it's Sam having to deal with Diana and Tucker
Hitting it off (dp x dc)
I've just started watching the 1975 tv show Wonder Woman, so have a thing:) Diana has just started being Wonder Woman in this.
"I hate this stupid decade and I hate time-travel," Tucker muttered as they snuck around the military warehouse.
"I'll be sure to pass on your dissatisfaction to Vlad," Sam murmured back dryly. "Just, you know, once we stop him from destroying the future as we know it."
"What is his plan, again?" Tucker said as he ducked out of sight of the guards.
"Something about him wanting to found the company that will invent the candies that Danny's mom likes so she'll fall in love with him or some insane shit like that." Sam chanced a look around the corner.
"How is he getting crazier every time, seriously?" Tucker groaned.
"Get ready," Sam said, tapping her friend on the shoulder. "They're about to switch off."
"Why are we doing the sneaking around, when we know a guy who can literally turn invisible?" Tucker muttered.
"Did you want to deal Vlad?"
Tucker's answering grimace was answer enough. They fell silent just in time for two soldiers to come in and talk to the two that were previously there. As they got to talking, Sam and Tucker made a dash for the back of the warehouses, staying low to the ground in an effort not to be seen.
They reached the warehouse successfully without being seen though Tucker was wheezing and leaning heavily on the metal structure they were hiding behind.
"Just... need... a second," Tucker panted out as Sam looked around to make sure they hadn't been spotted.
"Who are you and what are you doing here?" A voice came from beside them. Sam had to press a hand on Tucker's mouth to muffle his shriek as she turned towards the sound. She was faced with a woman wearing a red, white and blue costume with bracelets on her wrists and a lasso(?) attached to her hip.
"Who are you?" Sam shot back in an attempt to stall.
"My name is Wonder Woman," the woman said. "I am a superhero."
Tucker frowned, now fully recovered from the mini heart attack he'd experienced. "If you're a superhero, why are you sneaking around instead of asking for access, then?"
"I do not like doing paperwork," Wonder Woman answered solemnly.
Sam looked at her blankly, trying to figure out if the woman was joking or not.
"Fair enough," Tucker answered at her side with a nod.
"Now," Wonder Woman started. "Tell me who you are and what is your aim here."
"Well I'm Tucker," the teen started with a hand on his chest before he moved it to indicate his friend. "And this is Sam. We're..."
"We've received a tip that there would be an assassination attempt on Private Essex," Sam took over smoothly. "We were sent to prevent it from happening without causing a commotion."
"I see," Wonder Woman stated earnestly. "That is a worthy goal. I shall do my best to assist you, once I take down the spies."
"Spies?" Tucker asked with an excited gleam in his eyes.
"Yes," the woman said. "Our intelligence says that spies have infiltrated the army. Luckily, we managed to discover that they will be meeting in this warehouse right now to exchange secret documents."
"Why not combine our efforts and help each other with our mission," Tucker offered.
"Very well," Wonder Woman agreed.
Sam nodded before getting the hard-won blueprints of the warehouse out of her bag and flattening it on the ground.
"I have a plan," Sam started, "First, Tucker and I will sneak through the-"
Wonder Woman hadn't even let her finish before she kicked the door off its handles and sent it crashing to the floor with a yell of "Stop right there!"
"Or, we could do that," Sam deadpanned as every head inside the warehouse swivelled towards them. She allowed herself a sigh. "Let's go." Sam grabbed Tucker and hauled them both after Wonder Woman who was carving a path through the soldiers and leaving carnage in her wake. Tucker turned to her and managed to yell in her ear while continuing walking.
"I take it back, Sam! This is great!"
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