#In this case; this type of googly eyes is on purpose :-P Hes just being silly. not a tic!
buwheal · 4 months
if you keep eating from the trash, you'll get food poisoning. most of the food is probably rotten, that's why it's in the trash there's also a possibility that a maus got it's saliva all over what you're eating you could also get a virus if the food's contaminated with malware because someone sick ate some of it
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askmyboys · 3 years
M o r e characters (they aren’t related tho!)
I really should keep up with posting my characters when their done so oop- here y’all go enjoy a good man and a bastard (derogatory) | Name: Gordon Goodman
| Nicknames: Gord, Don, or Gordo
| Gender: He/Him and They/Them
| Age: 30
| Height: 8’2”
| Species/Race: Unknown
| Hair Color: Bubblegum Pink (his hair is usually in a man bun or a ponytail)
| Eye Color: Black (his eyes are literally like googly eyes, the pupils are usually in opposite spots of each other)
| Skin Color/Body Type: He’s pretty pale and he’s VERY lanky and to be honest it almost seems like he hasn’t got any bones in his body the way he can bend, stretch, etc (another thing to note, a lot of his body is just,, l e g s- bigem legs fdjksljfd)
| Appearance: His main outfit is literally a rainbow one, he’s got a rainbow suit on, pants to match and even somehow rainbow looking oxford shoes (he got ‘em custom made) and imma tell you rn it isnt a soft/light/pastel rainbow, its fuckin FULL ON burn your retinas bright- But… If your eyes are sensitive to bright colors he carries around a certain case (it’s got his other outfit that he prepared just in case someone’s eyes are too sensitive and hurt by bright colors) his secondary outfit is a light blue suit vest with a long sleeved light pink shirt underneath it, his pants also match the undershirt and his shoes are pink n blue oxfords (he does wear a pink n blue bowtie as well, it's much more soft light almost pastel colors tbh) They don’t have any inhuman features honestly, no fangs, nothing the only thing inhuman about them is the fact they seem so toon like and can do many things humans just cannot. He also doesn’t have a beard or any sorta facial hair either (hes babyfaced p much)
| Personality: I’ll be blunt, Gordon here is 100% a himbo, he’s super sweet, kind, caring but not very intelligent- he’s got a heart of gold and a smol brain (sometimes he can actually say some intelligent stuff but then like not even a few seconds later he won’t even remember saying any of that) despite being so lanky he seems to be VERY strong as he can pick up very heavy objects that a normal human couldn’t, he can also fit and squeeze into places most people couldn’t thanks to this ability, honestly there’s not much to him backstory wise, he didn’t have no traumatic past or any trauma really! Sure, I mean, there have been people who have been mean n awful to him BUT he still treated them kindly even then, he doesn’t have a mean bone in his body! Not cruel, not sadistic, not evil, none of that! He’s just a Goodman! (heh) a 10/10 boy
Who could do no harm to anyone, if they try to get physical with him he’ll legit just pick them up and hold them in a hug instead like “Shh! It’s okay, we don’t hafta fight…! I’m sure all ya need is a nice big hug!” but ye that’s about it for personality wise stuff.
| Side Facts: Likewise he has a lot of toon abilities, for an example- He has once pulled a flower out of his ear (which made his eyes rattle and roll around before falling back into place) and has handed it to someone, don’t worry the flower was as clean as it could be- It’s not only flowers though, he can pull anything out of his head essentially (bigger items though take a lot out of him and it’s a lot harder to pull those out so pls try to stick with smaller themed items) it’s not that he can’t because if he were determined enough he could pull something as big as a fucking sofa from his mind if he so desired ...but he’s never had to do that before- That’s p much his item summoning ability and how it’s done.
He’s super stretchy, flexible, and even moldable! He’s like a contortionist but probs without any limits whatsoever, he can bend, twist, etc- Hell, bc his body is mostly legs- He can legit without even having to balance on his hands just fall backwards to look at you, he usually has a grin on his face but with him it’s not spooky at all tbh- he’s just a bright, happy, outgoing and friendly dude! He loves to have a smile on his face but more importantly he loves to put a smile on others faces! Now that being said, he does understand sadness is a thing, anger, etc- And it can’t just magically go away, heck- while he doesn’t usually feel much anger- He does get sad sometimes himself! Even if he gives someone a hug, holds their hand, or anything he knows that won’t automatically make everything better or okay, he might be a himbo but if there’s ONE thing he understands it’s feelings and emotions ...Well he understands them to s o m e degree
He’ll be there for anyone who needs him though! If you want a hug he’ll wrap his arms around you! (if it's more of a snuggle, he’ll coil his arms around you ...pLEASE THO- remind him of how you have bones and your much more fragile than he bc he would never hurt anyone on purpose but that doesn’t mean he’s immune to accidents now does it?) or if you need someone to listen he’ll be happy to listen to you! If you need advice? ...H-He claims he’s not good at that but he has intelligent moments there sometimes but then he forgets what he says afterwards but he knows whatever happened it seemed like it helped so that makes him smile!
| Name: Darius Sullivan Gibson
| Nicknames: Dare, Sully, or Gibs
| Gender: He/Him
| Age: 39
| Height: 9ft (he IS hunched over a bit tho so he’d probs be 8’8” since he’s got them boots)
| Hair Color: Black (his hair has got a lil curly bit in front and that’s what I’ll give ya, a lil curly swirl jgfkdslfdj)
| Eye Color: Dark Green
| Skin Color/Body Type: Ghostly pale and he’s VERY large and wide, hims a BIG B I G man, this man is shaped like a fuckin B L O C K fghjdksljfhdk
| Appearance: His main outfit is a long black trench coat (a leather one) he usually doesn’t keep it buttoned either with a dark green turtleneck underneath it, he also wears a black ribbon tie and his pants match his turtleneck and he wears heeled black leather chelsea boots and he also wears a black cartwheel hat, he also wears fingerless gloves that match his turtleneck/pants. He has a fairly thick beard and sideburns (not really a long one but its just,, well, t h i c k) he has long pointed ears, multiple green tongues, some green tentacles (its that dark green shade, bright colors are b a d for him), and even a weird black tail that has a green fluffy bit at the end, and all his teeth are sharp but he has two particular sets of fangs top and bottom in his mouth that stand out more so than the rest of his teeth. And of course, he has sharp black claws as well (even though you can’t necessarily see it on his hands, his fingers are purely black, the best way to describe it is just pure dark energy lmao). And finally he doesn’t really have prominent scars but there’s scars LITTERED all across his body.
| Personality: Oof he’s baad, like- purely disgusting- literally tbh- He’s a smug, cocky, and arrogant bastard- He thinks EXTREMELY highly of himself, perhaps he has a God Complex even tbh- But also when I say he’s purely disgusting, this man smells like so many things and NONE of them are good- he’s also a murderer (it isn’t technically cannibalism but he does eat humans), he’s cruel, sadistic, and evil af- A bad bad slasher man, his favorite weapons are a cane, knives, or guns tbh- But then again those are just favorites- he’ll use ANYTHING he can as a weapon tbh, hell he’d pick up a random human and use them as a baseball bat to another- he’s also flirtatious but in a bad dark way, one example is he’ll flirt with you by literally stating how he’d love to just eat you up ...and you might think oh how sweet but um n o, he means it, just- come near him, stick your arm into his enclosure and see what happens hjfdksjdfks- you’ll be missing an arm-
Would easily use you like a lollipop tbh- oh god he’s gonna commit the b i t e of 87 hjfdkslkjdfs- he’s just, god he’s so awful- i wanna punch my own creation but he could easily defeat me and he would tbh, he’d be the one to challenge and fuckin kill god, there can be o n l y one fjkdclsjkd there is no tragic backstory btw, he’s straight up just a slasher, murders because he thinks its fun and everyone is so weak and pathetic compared to him!
There is no “befriending” this man, BUT… If he does grow “fond” of you then you’d more than likely be nothing more than a mere pet to him and nothing more or a possession even but if you're in his possession, a pet of his… You’ve definitely got the b e s t protection you could ever get in your life ...Well from ANYONE else, from him though? I mean, it's still risky, he IS a killer so just bear it in mind okay?
| Side Facts: Another thing he’d do, bc he smokes a LOT of cigars and I mean a l o t, he’ll legit bend down JUST so he can blow cigar smoke directly in your face, he also might put a cigar out using your head while also calling you a good little ashtray ...the more I talk about him the more I,, hate my own creation- i hate him purely and wholeheartedly
He lives in a place called Shademoor City and more specifically on a street called Brinewood, his street is definitely one for the not so nice ones of the city, like the further you go and closer you get to Brinewood St the more grotesque and nasty everything looks, and his “home” well it’s sorta more like a hideout area- He probs does have a mansion somewhere bc he uh he I S a rich man, what he did/might be doing to earn said money? ...Eh don’t worry about it- but if he does that mansion is EXTREMELY far away from Brinewood Street.
He’s more so a night owl but very rarely will you actually see him in the daylight, the nighttime is just the easiest to strike at, after all- it's so easy to hide within the shadows, hide in the alleyways and wait for unsuspecting prey to walk by.
He has a black cane with a skull on top of it and fun fact, it’s not just a cane haha fuck youuu!! Its also a SWORD B I T C H! (to him, swords are just bigger and fancier knives, either way, it still kills the victim!)
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kiserusmoke · 7 years
Triple Espresso Domestic Headcanons - Compiled Version
@catchthespade​ @maidofstars​ you guys had such good hcs, I decided to compile them all into one post. Hope that’s okay! It’s under a read more because it got l o n g
I feel like out of all the options, Shuichi’s place was the most spacious and comfortable for the three of them to live in
MC moved in a few months before Hikaru did
When Hikaru first moved in, he wasnt quite ready to sleep with Shuichi and MC in Shuichi’s room aside from sex tbh. He opted to sleep in the room next door
Eventually, he found he didn’t want to feel isolated from his two loves ((it was cute and sappy af okay))
Shuichi becomes a lot more relaxed once they’re living together. He doesn’t feel the need to be so on schedule or wake up first out of all of them
MC and Hikaru melt and secretly gossip about how much they love seeing Shuichi comfortable
Hikaru brings so much new shit into their place. A flat screen TV for the living room, a sofa, like 20 different coffee mugs. He’s a packrat but he helps make the place feel less uptight
Despite knowing him for so long, Hikaru gets suuuper flustered when he sees Shuichi walk around in his underwear all the time
MC notices this and comes up with a plan: buying matching pajamas for the three of them
They’re navy blue with white piping trim. Link.
When she gives them to Shuichi and Hikaru She’s like “Shu we love you but please don’t give Hikaru a heart attack and wear pants”
He gives in. But all he wears are the pants. Hikaru is just glad He’s making an effort. MC doesn’t complain since it means Shuichi walking around shirtless all day
MC’s pajamas are a nightdress in the same style. The boys low-key go crazy whenever she wears it
Hikaru gets them all into watching tv shows. They have a set schedule throughout the week of stiff they don’t want to miss
If Shuichi or MC end up watching an episode without him, Hikaru is p i s s e d
They pull pranks on each other like, all the time
Hikaru will put googly eyes on everything. The espresso machine, the fridge, even Shuichi’s briefcase
MC writes shaming sticky notes and slaps them on the boy’s backs as she walks by. Like “I didn’t take out the garbage during my turn” or “I hogged all the blankets last night”
Shuichi was banned from pulling pranks after he hid all of MC and Hikaru’s underwear before work
That day, Shuichi woke up to a chorus of ‘SHU’ ‘ARE YOU SERIOUS’
They always have to be touching when they’re at home
Not sexually, but if they’re sitting on the couch Hikaru is resting his hand on MC’s thigh and Shuichi has his hand weaved through her hair
Speaking of touching, MC will leave the room in the middle of the night to get a glass of water and she comes back to find Hikaru snuggled up to Shuichi’s side
They miss her warmth when she leaves. It makes her melt.
When MC wakes up first (which is most of the time), she makes the coffee for all three of them
She walks into the bedroom and waves the fresh mugs of coffee to lure them out of bed she’s like a snake charmer I stg
• As overworked as Shuichi is himself, he gets worried whenever the other two are stressed about work. He tries to be considerate to them and do what he thinks is best for them; like doing their share of work in the house or making them coffee that day. 
The other bidders eventually found out about their relationship, but it took them a long while for everyone to find out. A few members of the gang teased them about being together all the time, but it took everyone at least half a year to discover the relationship! Though, Eisuke discovered much earlier than everyone else when a certain someone moved out of the employee dorms. 
Everyone started catching one when Mc and Hikaru “coincidentally” spent a bit more time cleaing Shuichi’s room. 
Mc and Shuichi have romantic tension with each other since season 2. It increased especially in season 3, but the same happened with Hikaru. 
Out of everyone, Hikaru goes to bed the latest! Shuichi and Mc have to physically drag Hikaru to bed sometimes. 
Their group chat is the definition of sweet and salty. It’s a mix of sweet words of affection and bad talk about the bidders lol
They have their moments where they’re silent, but still together. They’re all near each other, but they will do their own thing. It’s all very comforting!
Oh my god worried Shu is a blessing. I bet he sends very passive texts to them like ‘You know it’s lunchtime, surely you two have eaten?’
The Bidders genuinely can’t figure out for the longest time they’re dating because they’ve always gravitated towards each other. Like everyone is shook (aside from Eisuke) because they all assumed that they hung out to complain about the rest of the Bidders?? I love how the trio has some peace and quiet for the first 6 months of their relationship :’)
Lol @ the extra time cleaning Shuichi’s suite. You know they’re either fooling around or finding some way to prank Shuichi. Covering his desk in sticky notes takes time, chill
I definitely headcanon MC and Shu getting together first so I like that you mention the romantic tension between them in season 2!
Totally agree that Hikaru always goes to bed last. Sometimes MC finds him on the couch, and she makes Shuichi carry him to bed :’)
I am living for triple espresso group chats. One second it’s Hikaru saying something like ‘I hated to leave you two in bed together, but work called me in early </3’ then twenty minutes later MC is like ‘guess whAT THAT FUCKER ASSUKE DID JUST NOW’. It’s honestly a whirlwind
I love the idea of them just feeling comfortable around each other. Like maybe Shuichi is getting work done on his laptop, while Hikaru is listening to music and MC is reading. They’re all in the same room, but they don’t feel the need to entertain each other 24/7. They can just be
They’re all super protective of each other, but the show it in different ways. MC’s the type to defend Shu/Hikaru if anyone talks shit about them. Hikaru’s the type to get confrontational if anyone causes trouble. Shuichi, on the other hand, pulls strings from the shadows and does everything behind-the-scenes.
MC customized their coffee mugs! MC painted a cute lil cactus on Shuichi’s, a top hat for Hikaru’s, and a ribbon for herself.
They have game night every once in a while. Shuichi always wins when they play Chess/Scrabble/Monopoly. Hikaru wins when it’s Taboo, but MC fucking decimates them in Uno (she got quick hands yo)
MC usually does most of the cooking, but the guys help her out sometimes if it doesn’t end up becoming steamy, if you know what I mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Their group chat is full of dirt on Eisuke. Hell, their group chat’s photo is a picture of Eisuke getting scratched by a puppy lmao
They have, like, three layers of blankets and comforters just in case someone decides to hog all the blankets.
It took them some time, but Hikaru and MC finally managed to get Shuichi to not wear a three-piece suit at the beach. They were both very happy marveling his physique ;)
Horror movie night is always fun with these dorks because Shuichi and Hikaru purposely pick the scariest movies so MC can hold them/cuddle them when she’s scared.
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