#Indians fully vaccinated
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Embracing a Holistic Approach: The Multifaceted Activities of Shree Krishnayan Gaurakshashala
In the heart of India, Shree Krishnayan Gaurakshashala stands as a beacon of compassion and sustainability, embodying a deep commitment to the well-being of cows, community, and the environment. Through a series of dedicated initiatives, the gaushala has transformed into a multifaceted hub where spiritual, agricultural, and humanitarian efforts converge to create a positive impact on society. Here’s a closer look at the diverse activities undertaken by this remarkable institution.
Cow Protection: A Sanctuary of Hope
Home to over 21,000 stray and destitute Desi Indian cows and bulls, Shree Krishnayan Gaurakshashala provides a sanctuary where these revered creatures receive a second chance at life. Rescued through various channels, including police, government agencies, NGOs, and farmers, these gauvansh are sheltered, nourished, and cared for with utmost dedication. The gaushala’s in-house medical facility, staffed by experienced veterinarians, ensures that each cow receives timely and comprehensive healthcare, fostering their well-being and longevity.
Shelter and Nourishment: Building a Safe Haven
The gaushala boasts expansive shelters, meticulously designed to accommodate the growing number of protected cows. These shelters provide a comfortable and dignified living environment, reflecting the institution’s commitment to creating a holy and safe space for gauvansh. Nourishment is another cornerstone of care at the gaushala, where a balanced diet of dry fodder, green fodder, grains, mustard cake, and jaggery is carefully prepared and served twice daily. This holistic approach to feeding ensures that the cows remain healthy, strong, and vibrant.
Medical Care: Ensuring Health and Well-Being
Around-the-clock medical care is a priority at Shree Krishnayan Gaurakshashala. With a fully equipped medical facility on-site, the gaushala is prepared to handle any health concerns that may arise. From routine check-ups to emergency care, the dedicated team of veterinarians and support staff work tirelessly to maintain the health and well-being of the gauvansh. Ample stocks of medicines and vaccinations are maintained to prevent and treat illnesses, ensuring that each cow receives the best possible care.
Breeding and Training: Promoting Indigenous Cows
The gaushala is actively involved in research and breeding programs aimed at enhancing the genetic traits of indigenous cows. By focusing on disease resistance, adaptability, and milk production, the institution seeks to create a sustainable ecosystem where farmers are encouraged to keep Desi cows. Additionally, vocational training programs are offered to farmers, educating them on the importance of organic farming and the benefits of desi cows and bulls. These initiatives aim to preserve cultural heritage and promote sustainable agricultural practices.
Renewable Energy and Organic Farming: Pioneering Sustainability
Shree Krishnayan Gaurakshashala is a model of sustainability, harnessing renewable energy through biogas plants and solar power systems. The gaushala’s BIO CNG plant, powered by ONGC, converts 25,000 kg of cow dung daily into CNG gas and manure, contributing to a cleaner environment and the production of organic fertilizers. The institution also promotes organic farming, encouraging pesticide-free crops and eco-friendly practices, with a mission to convert surrounding villages into organic lands.
Humanitarian Efforts: Serving Communities in Need
Beyond its work with cows, Shree Krishnayan Gaurakshashala extends its compassion to human communities, especially during times of calamity. From providing relief during floods in Madhya Pradesh and Uttarakhand to distributing food during the COVID-19 pandemic, the gaushala’s humanitarian efforts have touched countless lives. The institution regularly sends truckloads of supplies to remote regions and runs food camps, ensuring that those in need receive essential nourishment and support.
Spiritual and Cultural Initiatives: Nurturing the Soul
The gaushala is also a center for spiritual and cultural enrichment. The magnificent yagya mandap, situated on the serene banks of the Ganga, hosts various sacred rituals, including Yagyas, Pujas, and Japas. These spiritual endeavors are conducted by accomplished Vedic Brahmins, creating an atmosphere of divine grace and positive energy. The institution’s yoga center, in collaboration with Jhanvi Yoga Dhyan Sevashram Trust, offers yoga, meditation, and Ayurvedic treatments, promoting holistic well-being and spiritual growth.
Shree Krishnayan Gaurakshashala is more than just a shelter for cows; it is a sanctuary where compassion, sustainability, and spirituality intersect. Through its diverse activities, the gaushala not only protects and nurtures Desi cows but also uplifts communities, promotes environmental stewardship, and fosters spiritual growth. It is a shining example of how dedicated efforts can create a ripple effect of positive change, benefiting both the present and future generations.
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cardiac-agreste · 1 year
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A Proclamation on Indigenous Peoples’ Day, 2021
Since time immemorial, American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians have built vibrant and diverse cultures — safeguarding land, language, spirit, knowledge, and tradition across the generations.  On Indigenous Peoples’ Day, our Nation celebrates the invaluable contributions and resilience of Indigenous peoples, recognizes their inherent sovereignty, and commits to honoring the Federal Government’s trust and treaty obligations to Tribal Nations.
Our country was conceived on a promise of equality and opportunity for all people — a promise that, despite the extraordinary progress we have made through the years, we have never fully lived up to.  That is especially true when it comes to upholding the rights and dignity of the Indigenous people who were here long before colonization of the Americas began.  For generations, Federal policies systematically sought to assimilate and displace Native people and eradicate Native cultures.  Today, we recognize Indigenous peoples’ resilience and strength as well as the immeasurable positive impact that they have made on every aspect of American society.  We also recommit to supporting a new, brighter future of promise and equity for Tribal Nations — a future grounded in Tribal sovereignty and respect for the human rights of Indigenous people in the Americas and around the world.
In the first week of my Administration, I issued a memorandum reaffirming our Nation’s solemn trust and treaty obligations to American Indian and Alaska Native Tribal Nations and directed the heads of executive departments and agencies to engage in regular, meaningful, and robust consultation with Tribal officials.  It is a priority of my Administration to make respect for Tribal sovereignty and self-governance the cornerstone of Federal Indian policy.  History demonstrates that Native American people — and our Nation as a whole — are best served when Tribal governments are empowered to lead their communities and when Federal officials listen to and work together with Tribal leaders when formulating Federal policy that affects Tribal Nations.
The contributions that Indigenous peoples have made throughout history — in public service, entrepreneurship, scholarship, the arts, and countless other fields — are integral to our Nation, our culture, and our society.  Indigenous peoples have served, and continue to serve, in the United States Armed Forces with distinction and honor — at one of the highest rates of any group — defending our security every day.  And Native Americans have been on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic, working essential jobs and carrying us through our gravest moments.  Further, in recognition that the pandemic has harmed Indigenous peoples at an alarming and disproportionate rate, Native communities have led the way in connecting people with vaccination, boasting some of the highest rates of any racial or ethnic group. 
The Federal Government has a solemn obligation to lift up and invest in the future of Indigenous people and empower Tribal Nations to govern their own communities and make their own decisions.  We must never forget the centuries-long campaign of violence, displacement, assimilation, and terror wrought upon Native communities and Tribal Nations throughout our country.  Today, we acknowledge the significant sacrifices made by Native peoples to this country — and recognize their many ongoing contributions to our Nation. 
On Indigenous Peoples’ Day, we honor America’s first inhabitants and the Tribal Nations that continue to thrive today.  I encourage everyone to celebrate and recognize the many Indigenous communities and cultures that make up our great country. 
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim October 11, 2021, as Indigenous Peoples’ Day.  I call upon the people of the United States to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.  I also direct that the flag of the United States be displayed on all public buildings on the appointed day in honor of our diverse history and the Indigenous peoples who contribute to shaping this Nation.  
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this eighth day of October, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-one, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-sixth.
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spyranretailar · 2 years
5 benefits of ginger and turmeric tea before bed
Prevents insomnia:
Insomnia can be prevented by practicing good sleep hygiene, which includes:
Establishing a regular sleep schedule.
Creating a relaxing bedtime routine.
Creating a sleep-conducive environment (cool, dark, and quiet).
Limiting exposure to screens before bedtime.
Avoiding caffeine, alcohol, and large meals close to bedtime.
 Engaging in regular physical activity.
Managing stress through relaxation techniques such as meditation or deep breathing exercises.
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Helps with indigestion and flatulence:
Indigestion and flatulence can be relieved by making changes to your diet and lifestyle, including:
Eating smaller, more frequent meals
Avoiding foods that trigger indigestion, such as fatty or spicy foods
Chewing food thoroughly
Avoiding lying down after eating
Quitting smoking
Limiting alcohol and caffeine intake
Practicing relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or yoga
Exercising regularly
Trying over-the-counter antacids or acid reducers, if recommended by a doctor.
Boosts your immune system:
Your immune system can be boosted by taking the following steps:
Eating a healthy and balanced diet
Getting regular exercise
Getting enough sleep
Reducing stress through relaxation techniques
Not smoking
Limiting alcohol consumption
Taking a daily multivitamin
Staying hydrated
Washing your hands regularly
Getting vaccinated against preventable diseases.
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Improves mental focus: Improving mental focus can be achieved by adopting the following habits:
Staying physically active
Eating a healthy and balanced diet
Getting enough sleep
Reducing stress through relaxation techniques
Practicing mindfulness and meditation
Staying organized and prioritizing tasks
Limiting distractions, such as electronic devices
Taking regular breaks
Engaging in mentally stimulating activities
Trying cognitive enhancers like caffeine, if recommended by a doctor.
Helps prevent cancer:
There is no guaranteed way to prevent cancer, but you can reduce your risk by making healthy lifestyle choices, such as:
Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
Maintaining a healthy weight.
Getting regular physical activity.
Avoiding tobacco and limiting alcohol consumption.
Protecting your skin from the sun.
Getting vaccinated against preventable viruses.
Getting screened regularly for cancer, as recommended by a doctor.
Reducing exposure to environmental toxins and pollutants.
Managing stress through relaxation techniques or counseling.
Ginger and Turmeric are good sources of antioxidants:
Yes, ginger and turmeric are both good sources of antioxidants. Antioxidants are compounds that help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, which can contribute to the development of chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer's. Ginger and turmeric contain compounds such as gingerols, shogaols, and curcuminoids, which have antioxidant properties. Additionally, both ginger and turmeric have anti-inflammatory effects, which may help reduce the risk of certain diseases. However, it is important to note that more research is needed to fully understand the potential health benefits of these spices.
Tea can be more than a simple drink.
Yes, tea can indeed be more than just a simple drink. Tea has been enjoyed for centuries for its taste, aroma, and various health benefits. Different types of tea, such as green tea, black tea, and herbal tea, contain different compounds that can have beneficial effects on health. For example, green tea contains antioxidants that can help protect against cellular damage, while black tea contains compounds that may help improve heart health. Herbal teas, such as chamomile, valerian root, and lavender, have been used for centuries to help promote relaxation and improve sleep quality. Additionally, tea is a calorie-free beverage that can help you stay hydrated and potentially aid in weight management. Overall, tea can be a simple and delicious way to support your overall health and well-being.
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manjushreeblogs · 2 months
Another mega deal in the Indian Pharma space
Just a year-old baby on the listed markets, Mankind is going for a big one. It has emerged as the highest bidder to acquire Bharat Serums & Vaccines (BSV) for Rs 14k crore.
Known to grow by acquiring companies, this one is a big shot from Mankind.
And the good thing is that it has the money pipes in place to fund it.
1. It has Rs 3.3k crore in cash, with almost no debt
2. Its board has also approved an equity raise of another Rs 7.5k crore
3. Plus, it already has a nod in place to raise as much as Rs 12.5k crore in debt, just in case it finds some big acquisition opportunity (like it did with BSV)
Meanwhile, coming to BSV
The company seems to have grown sizeably under the watch of PE giant Advent
Advent bought a 74% majority in 2019 for Rs 3.5k crore, valuing the company at <1/3rd of the present valuation
And then the remaining stake in 2022, fully doubling down.
BSV is into varied pharma products.
However, it gets most of its *revenue from fertility-boosting drugs for women*
That’s an area which as a whole has been very hot among private equity giants in the last year and a half.
Thus, this deal by Mankind adds even more allure to the wider segment.
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hanumanmandiradelaide · 2 months
The Universal Appeal of Lord Shanidev
Lord Shanidev's influence transcends geographical boundaries and cultural differences, making his worship and teachings universally relevant. At the Hanuman Mandir Adelaide, this universality is embraced through inclusive practices and community outreach programs that welcome people from all walks of life.
Inclusivity in Worship
The Hanuman Mandir Adelaide fosters an inclusive environment where individuals of all backgrounds can come together to worship and seek the blessings of Lord Shanidev. The temple’s practices emphasize unity and acceptance, reflecting Shanidev’s principles of justice and equality.
Open to All: The temple doors are open to everyone, regardless of their faith or background. This inclusive approach allows individuals to explore and understand the teachings of Shanidev, fostering a sense of global spiritual community.
Multilingual Services: Recognizing the diverse linguistic backgrounds of its devotees, the temple conducts prayers and rituals in multiple languages, including English, Hindi, Tamil, and others. This ensures that everyone can participate fully and understand the significance of the rituals.
Interfaith Dialogues: The temple actively engages in interfaith dialogues, inviting representatives from different religions to share their perspectives. These dialogues promote mutual respect and understanding, highlighting the common values that bind different faiths together.
Outreach and Support Programs
In alignment with Lord Shanidev’s teachings, the Hanuman Mandir Adelaide is committed to serving the broader community through various outreach and support programs. These initiatives aim to address social issues, provide assistance to those in need, and promote holistic well-being.
Food Distribution: The temple regularly organizes food distribution drives, providing meals to the homeless and underprivileged. These drives are inspired by the principle of ‘seva’ (selfless service) and are a practical application of Shanidev’s teachings on compassion and justice.
Educational Support: Understanding the importance of education, the temple offers scholarships and tutoring programs for students from disadvantaged backgrounds. These initiatives help bridge educational gaps and provide opportunities for personal and academic growth.
Healthcare Initiatives: The temple hosts regular healthcare camps offering free medical check-ups, vaccinations, and health awareness programs. These initiatives ensure that essential healthcare services are accessible to all members of the community.
Disaster Relief: In times of natural disasters or emergencies, the temple mobilizes resources to provide relief and support to affected individuals and families. This includes distributing essential supplies, providing temporary shelter, and coordinating with local authorities for effective response and recovery efforts.
Cultural Programs and Celebrations
The Hanuman Mandir Adelaide celebrates the rich tapestry of Indian culture through various cultural programs and festivals, creating a vibrant and dynamic community space.
Festivals and Fairs: The temple organizes grand celebrations for major Hindu festivals, including Diwali, Navratri, and Holi. These events feature traditional music, dance, and food, offering a glimpse into the cultural heritage and fostering a sense of joy and community.
Cultural Workshops: The temple conducts workshops on traditional arts, crafts, music, and dance, allowing individuals to learn and appreciate the diverse aspects of Indian culture. These workshops are open to all and encourage cultural exchange and learning.
Youth Programs: Special programs for children and youth are organized to instill cultural values and traditions. These programs include storytelling sessions, cultural performances, and educational trips, nurturing a sense of pride and connection to their heritage.
Personal Testimonies and Experiences
The impact of Lord Shanidev’s teachings and the activities at the Hanuman Mandir Adelaide can be seen in the personal stories and experiences of devotees. These testimonies reflect the transformative power of faith and the positive influence of the temple’s community initiatives.
Overcoming Challenges: Many devotees share stories of how worshipping Lord Shanidev helped them overcome personal and professional challenges. Through prayer, discipline, and the support of the temple community, they found strength and resilience to navigate difficult times.
Finding Peace and Balance: Regular participation in the temple’s rituals and wellness programs has helped individuals achieve a sense of inner peace and balance. The teachings of Shanidev on karma and discipline have guided them towards a more harmonious and fulfilling life.
Community Support: Devotees often speak of the strong sense of community and support they experience at the temple. The inclusive and compassionate environment provides a network of friends and mentors who offer guidance, support, and encouragement.
Other Services:
Discover the Gaushala Shewa at Hanuman Mandir in Adelaide, a compassionate initiative dedicated to the care and well-being of cows. This sacred space is devoted to nurturing and protecting cows, reflecting the deep-rooted cultural and spiritual significance they hold. Visitors and devotees can participate in feeding and caring for these gentle beings, promoting kindness and environmental stewardship. The Gaushala Shewa embodies the temple's commitment to preserving tradition and fostering a compassionate community.
The ongoing temple construction at Hanuman Mandir in Adelaide is a monumental project aimed at creating a grand spiritual sanctuary for devotees. This ambitious endeavor seeks to expand and enhance the temple's facilities, providing a more spacious and serene environment for worship and community gatherings. The construction reflects the dedication and collective effort of the community to preserve and celebrate their cultural and religious heritage. Join us in this inspiring journey as we build a sacred space for future generations to experience peace, devotion, and spiritual growth.
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travelmd · 3 months
5 Essential Bahrain Travel Restrictions for Indian Travelers
Traveling from India to Bahrain can be a captivating and enriching experience, but it's imperative to stay informed about the essential travel restrictions that can impact your journey. Understanding these regulations will ensure a smooth and hassle-free trip. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the crucial travel restrictions for Indian travelers heading to Bahrain, providing you with all the details you need to navigate your travel plans effectively.
Visa Requirements and Application Process
Before planning your trip to Bahrain, securing the appropriate visa is a priority. Indian travelers need a visa to enter Bahrain, and the process involves several steps:
Types of Visas Available
Tourist Visa: This visa is ideal for short visits, typically for leisure or visiting family and friends.
Business Visa: If you are traveling for work-related purposes, a business visa is necessary.
Visit Visa: Issued for those visiting relatives or friends residing in Bahrain.
Application Process
The visa application process for Bahrain can be completed online or through a visa service provider. Here are the steps involved:
Online Application: Visit the Bahrain eVisa website and fill out the online application form.
Document Submission: Submit required documents, including a valid passport, passport-sized photographs, and a confirmed return ticket.
Payment: Pay the visa fee using a credit or debit card.
Approval: Wait for the visa approval notification, which is usually sent via email.
Print Visa: Once approved, print the eVisa and present it upon arrival in Bahrain.
Important Considerations
Ensure your passport is valid for at least six months from the date of entry.
Keep a copy of your visa approval and all relevant documents during your travel.
COVID-19 Related Entry Requirements
The global pandemic has introduced new entry requirements to ensure the safety of travelers and residents. Indian travelers must adhere to the following COVID-19 protocols:
Pre-Travel Testing
PCR Test: A negative PCR test result is mandatory for entry into Bahrain. The test should be taken no more than 72 hours before departure.
Test Verification: Carry a printed copy of the test result, preferably in English, and ensure it includes a QR code for verification.
Vaccination Requirements
Approved Vaccines: Bahrain recognizes vaccines approved by the World Health Organization (WHO). Ensure you are fully vaccinated with an approved vaccine.
Vaccination Certificate: Carry a vaccination certificate as proof of immunization. The certificate should be in English and include your personal details.
On-Arrival Testing and Quarantine
Testing: Travelers may be required to undergo additional PCR testing upon arrival at Bahrain International Airport.
Quarantine: Depending on the test results and vaccination status, quarantine measures may apply. Follow the guidelines provided by Bahraini health authorities.
Health and Safety Regulations
Bahrain prioritizes the health and safety of its residents and visitors. Indian travelers should be aware of the following regulations:
Health Insurance
Mandatory Health Insurance: Travelers must have valid health insurance that covers COVID-19 treatment and other medical emergencies.
Coverage Proof: Carry proof of health insurance coverage during your stay in Bahrain.
Hygiene Protocols
Mask Mandates: Wearing masks in public places and adhering to social distancing norms is mandatory.
Sanitization: Frequent hand sanitization and the use of hand sanitizers are encouraged.
Health Declaration Form
Submission: Complete a health declaration form before arrival, which can be found on the Bahrain eVisa portal or the airline's website.
Details: Provide accurate health information and travel history to ensure a swift entry process.
Travel Restrictions and Prohibited Items
Understanding the Bahrain travel restrictions and items prohibited for entry into Bahrain is crucial for a smooth journey:
Restricted and Prohibited Items
Narcotics and Drugs: The importation of narcotics and certain medications is strictly prohibited. Carry prescriptions for any essential medications.
Weapons and Firearms: Importing weapons, firearms, and related items is illegal without prior authorization.
Cultural and Religious Sensitivities: Avoid carrying materials that might be considered offensive to Bahrain's cultural and religious values.
Customs Regulations
Duty-Free Allowance: Familiarize yourself with the duty-free allowances for items such as tobacco, alcohol, and personal electronics.
Declaration: Declare any items exceeding the duty-free limits to customs officials upon arrival.
Currency Regulations and Financial Considerations
Managing your finances during your trip to Bahrain is vital. Here are the key financial considerations:
Currency Exchange
Local Currency: The Bahraini Dinar (BHD) is the official currency. It's advisable to exchange some currency before your trip or upon arrival.
Exchange Services: Currency exchange services are available at the airport, banks, and authorized exchange centers.
Banking and Payment Methods
Credit and Debit Cards: Major credit and debit cards are widely accepted. Inform your bank about your travel plans to avoid any transaction issues.
ATMs: ATMs are readily available in urban areas. Ensure your card is compatible with international transactions.
Financial Declarations
Cash Limit: Declare any amount exceeding BHD 10,000 (or equivalent in other currencies) to customs authorities.
Navigating the travel restrictions for Indian travelers to Bahrain requires careful preparation and adherence to regulations. By understanding the visa requirements, COVID-19 protocols, health and safety measures, travel restrictions, and currency regulations, you can ensure a seamless and enjoyable journey. Stay informed, follow the guidelines, and enjoy your visit to the vibrant and culturally rich kingdom of Bahrain.
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ednetconsultant · 6 months
Some Basic Requirements that you need to know before applying for a Canada Study Visa
Canada continues to attract lots of international students in 2024 as well. Lots of students want to go to Canada from India for further education. There are lots of things that any student needs to know before applying for a Canada study visa. But as a student, you can't gather that much information so it is advised to visit Study abroad consultants in Delhi for Canada. The consultants will guide you and help you at every step, not only this they will let you know all the requirements related to the Canada study visa. 
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To get admission to Canada you must have excellent academic scores. The study permit will be issued at the time of the arrival in Canada. Know you want to know how Indian students can study in Canada and what are the important things any student needs to know. 
What do you understand by a Canada Study Permit?
This is a type of document that is issued by the Canadian immigration government authorities and serves as permission for international students to study in Canada. Any international student can't study in Canada without this permission. 
For to get your permit for Canada you need to carry some specific documents with you. while applying for a Canada visa there are lots of important things which need to be fulfilled. 
For Canada study visas students need to carry the letter of introduction with the other important documents as well. 
Some basic eligibility criteria for a study permit in Canada. 
You need to Qualify as a fully vaccinated Traveller. In Canada, there are some accepted vaccines such as AstraZeneca/COVISHIELD, Bharat Biotech Covaxin, etc.
you need to show or you should have specific documents to show that you have adequate funds to pay your tuition fees, living expenses, return transportation for yourself, etc.
you need to show proof of your clear background with no criminal record. The student should have a police verification certificate with them. 
you need to show your medical certificates as well that you don't have any major health problems. 
when you get your college acceptance letter only after that you can apply for a study permit in Canada. 
Apart from these, there are some valid documents which are required for the visa.
The first one is a valid passport. According to the Canadian government, your passport validity covers the intended stay In Canada. Suppose you are planning to travel to Canada for a year course in September 2022 then your passport should be valid until at least September 2024. 
Acceptance letter from college and university you are going to attend. 
All the proofs of funds.
Passport-size photographs.
Immigration Medical Examination Result
English Language Proficiency Exam score is very important. 
Statement of purpose and credit card. 
so if you are planning to study in Canada or Study in the USA consultants in Delhi, you need to consult Ednetconsultants for that. You will get proper guidance regarding your admission. 
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nirmalatiwari · 6 months
The United Kingdom stands as a beacon of excellence in Medical education, boasting prestigious Medical schools and a world-class healthcare system. This allure makes it an appealing destination for international students, including those from India, who aspire to pursue a Medical degree in the UK.
Medical Universities in the UK offer Indian students a broad spectrum of opportunities, with access to over 60 specializations. The modular course structures empower students to customize their learning journey, tailoring it to their interests and areas of focus.
A notable statistic reveals that more than 30,000 Indian doctors contribute to the UK healthcare system, representing approximately 7.2% of its workforce and constituting the largest non-British nationality cohort.
The UK has a rich history of medical innovation, ranging from pioneering the vaccine in 1798 to achieving groundbreaking milestones such as the world's first fetal ultrasound and the development of a fully articulated prosthetic hand in 2013. This tradition of excellence continues to drive the country towards breakthroughs, inspiring future generations of medical professionals.
Each year, the UK attracts over 1,000 students from around the globe to pursue diverse Medical courses. For Indian students, studying Medicine in the UK not only lays a robust foundation for a successful healthcare career but also immerses them in a vibrant, multicultural environment, fostering growth and cultural exchange.
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mokshconsultant · 9 months
MBBS in UK for Indian Students 2024
Pursuing a Medical degree in the United Kingdom (UK) is highly sought after by Indian students due to the country's prestigious Medical schools and outstanding healthcare system. The UK's Medical Universities offer a wide range of over 60 specializations, providing international students, especially those from India, with a unique opportunity for exposure and specialization. The modular course structures enable students to customize their learning experience based on their interests and specific focus areas.
It is noteworthy that a significant number of Indian doctors, totaling more than 30,000, contribute to the UK healthcare system, representing approximately 7.2% of the healthcare workforce and the largest non-British nationality. The UK has a rich history in Medical education, with notable achievements such as pioneering the vaccine in 1798, accomplishing milestones like the world's first fetal ultrasound, and developing a fully articulated prosthetic hand in 2013. The country remains dedicated to making groundbreaking advancements and inspiring future generations of medical professionals.
Each year, over 1,000 students from around the world, including India, choose the UK as their destination for pursuing various Medical courses in the 13K. For Indian students, studying Medicine in the UK not only provides a solid foundation for a successful healthcare career but also immerses them in a diverse and multicultural environment. This commitment to excellence is reflected in the continuous influx of international students who seek quality education and unique opportunities in the field of Medicine in the UK.
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rklifecareincofficial · 11 months
What Are the New Trends of Pharmacy in 2023?
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Pharmacy practice is continually evolving, adapting to new technologies, patient needs, and healthcare regulations. In 2023, the pharmacy landscape has witnessed significant shifts that are shaping the future of healthcare. This article delves into the latest trends in pharmacy, shedding light on what's new and exciting in this vital sector.
Pharmacy is more than just dispensing medications. It's a dynamic field that plays a pivotal role in healthcare. Staying informed about the latest trends and innovations is crucial for both pharmacists and patients. In this article, we'll explore the exciting developments in pharmacy in 2023, highlighting how they are revolutionizing patient care and the pharmaceutical industry.
The Age of Telepharmacy
Telepharmacy is a game-adopted changer in 2023. With the rise of telemedicine, pharmacies have also digital platforms for consultations, prescription management, and even medication delivery. Patients can now access pharmacists and their services from the comfort of their homes, making healthcare more convenient and accessible.
2. Personalized Medications
One of the most significant trends in 2023 is the move towards personalized medications. Pharmacogenomics, a field that studies how genes affect a person's response to drugs, is gaining prominence. This allows pharmacists to tailor medications to individual patients, ensuring safer and more effective treatment.
3. Automation and Robotics
Pharmacies are increasingly turning to automation and robotics for tasks like medication dispensing and inventory management. This not only enhances efficiency but also reduces errors, ensuring that patients receive the right medications.
4. The Role of AI in Pharmacy
Artificial intelligence (AI) is making inroads into pharmacy practice. AI-driven algorithms are helping pharmacists in drug discovery, patient counseling, and even predicting medication adherence. This innovative technology is set to improve patient outcomes and streamline pharmacy operations.
5. Sustainable Pharmacy Practices
With growing environmental concerns, sustainable pharmacy practices have become a focus in 2023. Pharmacies are adopting eco-friendly packaging, reducing waste, and promoting the safe disposal of medications. These efforts align with the global push for sustainable healthcare.
Also read: Indian Pharmaceutical Industry and its Contribution
6. Enhanced Medication Therapy Management (MTM)
Medication Therapy Management (MTM) has become more comprehensive and patient-centered. Pharmacists are providing in-depth consultations, ensuring that patients fully understand their medications, potential side effects, and how to manage their conditions effectively.
7. The Impact of COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated many pharmacy trends. Drive-thru and curbside pharmacy services have become commonplace to reduce in-person contact. Pharmacies have also played a crucial role in vaccination campaigns, demonstrating their essential role in public health.
8. The Role of Pharmacists as Healthcare Providers
Pharmacists are increasingly recognized as healthcare providers, playing a crucial role in managing chronic diseases, conducting health screenings, and promoting overall wellness. This trend highlights the growing importance of pharmacists in the healthcare system.
9. Pharmaceutical Care in Underserved Areas
In 2023, efforts to extend pharmaceutical care to underserved areas have intensified. Telepharmacy, mobile clinics, and community outreach programs are being used to ensure that even remote populations have access to vital healthcare services.
In 2023, pharmacy is at the forefront of innovation and patient-centered care. From telepharmacy and personalized medications to sustainable practices and the integration of AI, the pharmacy landscape is evolving rapidly. These trends are not only improving patient care but also shaping the future of healthcare.
Remember, staying informed about these trends and discussing them with your healthcare provider can lead to better treatment outcomes. What Are the New Trends of Pharmacy in 2023? is an exciting journey, and the future holds even more promising developments.
Don't forget to stay updated with the latest trends in pharmacy. Your health and well-being depend on it.
Original Source: https://bit.ly/46WLW03
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talbiyaumrah · 1 year
long-stay umrah packages
OVERVIEW Umrah is an honorable act of worship that every Muslim wants to carry out once in a lifetime. Along with refreshing their souls and faith in Allah (SubhanahuWaTa’ala- Glory to him, the exalted) , Muslims also understand the underlying purpose of life and the world. This pilgrimage defends the fact that there is no discrimination Umrah is the best way finest way to gain and attain closeness to Allah. It is non-obligatory but in the house of Allah(SubhanahuWaTa’ala- Glory to him, the exalted), all Muslims wear the same dress(ihram) regardless of their caste, class, or color. All Muslims stand together to represent the peaceful nature of Islam.
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This package has been specially designed for people who prefer a long stay in the holy cities of Mecca and Medina. Its time period is longer than our other packages because it consists of some additional days on which pilgrims can perform some special ziyarat as per their individual choices. What separates this package from other packages is its extended stay. While designing this package our company had considered commercial and religious aspects of the pilgrimage, so accordingly this tour has facilities pertaining to long stays.
INCLUSIONS ● Direct Flight of Economy class (Spice Jet & Indigo Airline ) ●Umrah visa with insurance ●Stay in the hotels (10 nights in Mecca + 09 nights in Medina) ● Distance till Mecca hotel from divine boundaries is 900 M ● distance till Medina Hotel from divine boundaries is 600 M ●Indian cuisine served by Indian chiefs ● Arrival at Jeddah, Our Transport pickup & drop at the Hotel of Makkah ●Tour guides will be assigned for ziarat tours of Mecca and Medina ●AC Deluxe buses will be provided for transportation ●Talbiya- Umrah kit ●laundry facility ●Local staff at your service ●24/7 customer support EXCLUSIONS ● GST 5% & TCS 5% ●Additional charges apply on excess luggage ●Tour operator\guide will not be held accountable for any kind of loss ●No room service will be provided ●Facilities, services, and amenities which are not indicated in this package ●No restitution or refund is applicable on unutilized or unused services ●Refund cannot be claimed if the stay is curtailed
REQUIREMENTS ● A bona fide Passport which is valid for another 6 months ● Passport-size photograph which should have a white background ●PAN card
PAYMENT TERMS ● INR 9,999/- is the booking amount ● 50% amount to be paid before the booking ● Balance and rest of the amount to be paid after equipping pilgrim with visa, insurance, hotel, and transport ● we accept payment only by bank transfers, NEFT, and RTGS. We don’t deal in hard cash
CANCELLATION POLICY ● 50% Amount (paid prior booking) + 9,999 (booking amount) are not refundable ● Packages are thoroughly non-refundable. No claims will be entertained during the time of cancellation ● Dates may differ to airline rates ● No refunds can be claimed if the person fails to acquire clearance at immigration owing to any government policy/rule or COVID guidelines
NOTE (TERMS AND CONDITIONS) ● This Budget package does not include any level of luxury ● Vaccination certificate indicating that the person is fully vaccinated Th ● Any variation in airfare or visa fee will have to be paid prior to departure ●No child fare applies in low-cost/ budget airlines ●Budget Umrah Package (Each room will accommodate 5 to 6 pilgrims) ●Hotel rooms in Mecca will have attached bathrooms ●Some rooms in the Medina Hotel might have a common bathroom ●Room services do not include this package- ( Room services in hotels absolutely depend on the hotel) ● Riyaz Ul Jannah's permit is not included in our package. We can process at the time of applying visa but we do not guarantee. The Saudi government has launched an app named NUSUK, on which you can go personally and get the permit of Riyaz Ul Jannah. ●Drinking water will be available in the mess only. ● ● Rates may differ during the festive season ( Muharram, Ramadan, Eid, and Eid-Milad- Un-Nabi etc.) ● 1 SAR= 20.80INR but if there is any variation noted in SAR then the amount has to be paid prior to departure
● Hotel with identical or similar qualities and amenities will be provided in case the assigned hotel happens to be inaccessible due to unforeseen reasons ● The distance from Masjid e Nabawi and Haram Sharif to the hotel may differ on different platforms ( we calculate the distance from the boundary of Haram Sharif and Masjid e Nabawi up to the hotel) ● Tour programs and tour dates are tentative and subject to change without any notification. ● Tour operator/guide will not be held accountable for the loss of luggage ● Laundry service will be provided 2 × in Mecca and 2 × in Medina ●Fixed timings should be followed for Ziyarat and meals ● Toiletries like towels and buckets will not be made available in the hotels of Mecca and Medina ● We will not be held responsible for the Loss or Theft of passports or luggage at Airports. ● Pilgrims requiring a wheelchair are suggested to carry their own wheelchair ● We will not be held responsible for any rejection, delay, and/or any mistake in the Umrah visa from the KSA embassy, and visa fees are refundable In the case of PASSPORT SEND TO EMBASSY, the involved passport will be sent to the KSA embassy which will be charged INR 1500/-. the process might take a time of 3 to 4 working days. If the procedure is done through courier then the charges may vary
● Subject to Delhi Jurisdiction only
Itinerary ( Tentative) Day 1---- the group will fly to Jeddah. AC Deluxe buses will be provided to the group to travel to the Mecca Hotel. After checking in the tour guide will take the group to Umrah Day 2--- set out from the hotel for Haram Sharif Day 3--- ziarat at local shrines with the assistance of a tour guide Day 4--- set off for Haram Sharif Day 5--- Visit Haram Sharif and perform 2nd Umrah at Masjid Asha under the supervision of a tour guide but pilgrims have to arrange for their own transportation service Day 6--- Perform 3rd Umrah and visit Masjid Asha but arrange for your own transportation services Day7---set off for Haram Sharif and/or explore Jeddah at your convenience Day 8---set off for Haram Shareef Day 9--- set off for Haram Shareef Day 10--- Pack your bags as well going to Madinah Day 11--- set off for Masjid E Nawabi Day 12--- set off for Masjid E Nawabi Day 13--- set off for Masjid E Nawabi Day 14--- set off for Masjid E Nawabi Day 15----- set off for Masjid E Nawabi
Day 16---- visit the local shrines of Medina under the supervision of an experienced tour guide Day 17----- Offer prayers at Masjid E Nawabi and/or explore Madinah as per your convenience Day 18--- offer prayers at Masjid E Nawabi
Day 19-- set off for Masjid E Nawabi Day 20--- reach the airport with your luggage to board the return flight to India Note: The mentioned Itinerary is tentative and may be changed as per group or by the company. For more information visit: LONG STAY UMRAH PACKAGE
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krishnayangaurakshala · 2 months
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Our Activities
Cow Protection
Protection As of today, over 21,000 stray and destitute Desi Indian cows, bulls, and their progenies are being sheltered in our Gaurakshashala. These animals are brought to us through various channels, including the police, government agencies, NGOs, and farmers. We provide them with a second chance at life, offering complete care, food, and shelter, along with a fully equipped in-house medical facility.
Shelter Ensuring proper shelter for the rescued gauvansh is a top priority. We have constructed spacious shelters with large shades to accommodate the growing number of protected cows. We continue building new cow sheds to meet increasing demands and provide a comfortable living environment, creating a holy and safe space for these precious gauvansh.
Dry Fodder Storage We have huge storage facilities capable of storing approximately 4 million kg of dry husk, which is essential for cow food. Annually, we require at least 9 million kg of dry fodder. Our team regularly inspects and maintains the storage facility to ensure the husk remains fresh and free from contamination.
Nourishment/Fodder Our gauvansh are fed a carefully crafted mixture of dry fodder, green fodder, grains, mustard cake, and jaggery. This balanced diet is provided twice a day, ensuring they receive essential nutrients for their overall well-being.
Medical Facility We have doctors available 24/7, providing comprehensive in-house medical facilities with ample stocks of necessary medicines and vaccinations. Our services include both routine medical assistance and emergency support for injured or sick cows, ensuring prompt and effective medical help.
Free Milk Distribution The small quantity of milk produced in our gaushala is freely distributed to saints, gausewaks, ashrams, and charitable hospitals in Haridwar and Rishikesh. We do not engage in the commercial sale of milk or milk products, supporting the well-being and nutritional needs of dedicated individuals and organizations.
Protection Drive We continuously run a protection drive to bring stray and destitute Desi mother cows and bulls to our gaushala. Starting with 11 cows in 2011, we are now sheltering and protecting over 21,000 gauvansh, reflecting our unwavering dedication to their welfare.
Breeding Research is underway to enhance the genetic traits of indigenous cows for disease resistance, adaptability, and higher milk production. Our breeding programs aim to create a sustainable ecosystem where farmers are encouraged to keep these indigenous cows, promoting traditional agricultural practices.
Vocational Training Programs We conduct vocational training on the importance of Desi cows and bulls, manufacturing products like dhoop, phenyl, and cosmetics, and promoting organic farming. These initiatives educate farmers and create a network of skilled individuals championing sustainable agriculture and cow protection.
Cultivation of Green Fodder We cultivate various types of green fodder to ensure a consistent supply, addressing market scarcity. This initiative provides a balanced and wholesome diet for our gauvansh, enhancing their overall health and well-being.
Distribution of Bulls on a Returnable Basis Our program provides high-quality bulls for farming and breeding purposes to farmers on a returnable basis. This supports traditional agricultural practices and the preservation of indigenous cow breeds, empowering farmers and promoting sustainable farming.
Generation of Electricity Our Gaurakshashala utilizes renewable energy through gobar gas plants and biogas generators for power and cooking purposes. Solar water pumps and street lights, along with a 200 KVA solar power genset, meet our power requirements, minimizing our carbon footprint and promoting environmentally friendly practices.
Organic Farming We promote the cultivation of grains, vegetables, and green fodder, supporting organic farming by encouraging pesticide-free crops and eco-friendly practices. Our mission is to convert surrounding villages to organic farming, benefiting society with chemical-free food and healthier lifestyles.
BIO CNG Plant Daily, we convert 25,000 kg of cow dung into CNG gas and manure, producing clean and renewable energy while creating organic fertilizers. This process maximizes the value of cow dung and minimizes waste, fostering a sustainable and efficient resource utilization cycle.
Bio and Organic Fertilizer Unit We manufacture organic manure from cow dung and slurry, promoting organic farming with minimal-cost products. This initiative aims to reduce the use of chemical pesticides, fostering healthier lives and wider acceptance of indigenous cows.
Calamity Support
We consistently offer support and assistance to those affected by calamities:
MP Flood (2021): Provided food and shelter to thousands of affected people.
Uttarakhand Flood (2013): Ran camps for months, offering relief, food, and lifesaving drugs to thousands.
Food Distribution
During the COVID-19 pandemic, our gaushala distributed food to thousands of affected families, sent supplies to remote regions, and ran food camps. We also regularly send truckloads of supplies to remote locations like Badrinath and Gangotri and run multiple camps to provide meals to those in need.
Our Bhandara for saints and others runs throughout the year. We regularly send vehicle loads of vegetables, grains, and other items for saints and tapaswis living in hilly regions like Badrinath and Gangotri, supporting their spiritual pursuits and fostering a sense of unity and care within the community.
Yagya and Cultural Events
Our gaushala is blessed with a magnificent yagya mandap situated on the serene banks of Ma Ganga, where accomplished Vedic Brahmins conduct sacred rituals. These spiritual endeavors create an atmosphere of divine grace and positive energy, fostering a deep connection with spirituality and celebrating our rich cultural heritage.
We provide medical services through our dedicated hospital, D S Global Heart Care, at minimal or no cost to the needy in Uttarakhand. Our primary focus is to ensure accessible healthcare for all, contributing to the well-being and welfare of the community.
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clubcabana-posts · 1 year
Wedding Resort in Bangalore - Creating Everlasting Memories
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A wedding is a once-in-a-lifetime event that calls for perfection in every aspect, from the food to the venue. Nowadays, weddings have become elaborate affairs spanning multiple days and involving various functions. Therefore, it is crucial not to take any chances regarding weddings. The key to a perfect wedding lies in venue selection. An ideal venue should offer an open space with a large garden or lawn where guests can enjoy themselves to the fullest. Additionally, due to government regulations, the number of guests must be limited to 150, and precautions such as social distancing and mask hygiene must be followed to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
Club Cabana, a wedding resort in Bangalore, is renowned as one of the best wedding venues in the area, providing spacious lawns, a pleasant ambiance, and extensive greenery. However, there are numerous other reasons why you should consider Club Cabana as your preferred wedding venue. Here are five compelling reasons to consider:
Embrace a wedding surrounded by nature: Open-air weddings are not only in vogue but also adhere to Covid-19 restrictions. Club Cabana allows you to celebrate your special day amidst the beauty of nature. Situated in the Devanahalli taluk, just a few kilometers from Bangalore, the club boasts expansive lawns that are perfect for hosting socially distanced events. Whether you desire a morning Haldi session or an evening cocktail with friends and family, the ample space caters to your needs. Moreover, the fluid movement of guests during the pandemic is facilitated by the well-designed lawn and adjacent club. In case of rain, the party can easily be shifted indoors, a flexibility not available in other venues.
Ensure safety with Covid-19 restrictions: At Club Cabana, no compromises are made when it comes to adhering to Covid-19 restrictions. As we are currently navigating between pandemic waves, it is essential to maintain precautionary measures. The venue strictly limits the number of guests to 150 in accordance with regulations. Furthermore, guests are required to wear masks and practice social distancing. Club Cabana diligently follows Covid-19 guidelines by maintaining constant sanitization and encouraging social distancing. Additionally, all staff members are fully vaccinated, ensuring a worry-free experience. Overall, Club Cabana provides one of the safest environments in terms of Covid-19 restrictions.
Enjoy a wide range of facilities: While there are several venues to choose from in Bangalore, Club Cabana stands out as the best due to its array of convenient facilities. This venue not only caters to weddings but also offers an opportunity for an extended holiday with friends and family. Club Cabana features a spacious restaurant serving gourmet dishes, an amusement park with water slides, lazy river rides, and a Jacuzzi pool, as well as charming cottages for accommodation.
Engage in sports and recreation: Club Cabana boasts a variety of sporting facilities that guests can enjoy between parties and social functions. From a dedicated net practicing area for Indian sports to paintball facilities, a bowling alley, and an archery center, there are ample options to keep guests entertained. Children will particularly relish these activities, giving parents some free time while their kids enjoy supervised play.
Transform your wedding into a memorable holiday: Club Cabana is not only the finest wedding venue in Bangalore but also an ideal destination for a holiday with friends and family. Why not turn your wedding into an extended vacation? While international travel for dream destination weddings may not be feasible due to Covid-19 restrictions, Club Cabana offers a similar experience without leaving the country. The venue provides charming cottages surrounded by gardens, offering luxurious accommodations for small and large families. From well-appointed living rooms and kitchens to spacious bedrooms and en-suite bathrooms, these residential units provide exceptional comfort. Moreover
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bdb-india · 1 year
Technological Trends in Indian Healthcare Sector | BDBIPL
According to industry estimates, there are a number of fascinating healthcare technology developments for 2023 that could fundamentally change the sector. According to the most recent developments in the healthcare industry, it is obvious that more innovation is afoot in the field and that this will take centre stage in headlines all throughout the year.
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Indian pharmaceuticals have again demonstrated their leadership, and this time it was in the creation of the Covid-19 vaccinations that prevented millions of deaths worldwide. After Covid-19, domestic pharmaceutical businesses, which were previously known for their low-cost generic drug manufacturing, are now praised for their high-quality R&D ecosystem, a stunning transformation from being seen as a volume maker to a value generator.
India’s Healthcare Industry
 The healthcare sector in India has seen a significant increase in employment and earnings. The fast growth of the Indian healthcare sector is being fueled by the increase of services and spending by both public and private organisations.
In the last few decades, technology adoption has fundamentally changed the healthcare industry in India, and the epidemic has sped up the process
According to public health professionals, India’s healthcare system must strike a balance between providing excellencare at premium urban institutions and ensuring that the vast majority of the rural population has access to appropriate medical facilities.
With India moving forward, the virtual or remote healthcare sector will be crucial.
In the future, a larger application of “humanless” systems and technologies is anticipated, particularly in surgery, prosthetics, medicines, healthcare logistics, and pharmaceutical manufacturing, among other fields.
The Indian healthcare industry is anticipated to grow by three times, at a CAGR of 22% between 2016 and 2022, from US$ 110 billion to US$ 372 billion. By 2025, it is predicted that the ehealth market would be worth US$10.6 billion.
By 2025, the Indian government wants to spend 2.5% of the nation’s GDP on public health. The higher success rate of Indian businesses in receiving Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) approvals is another factor contributing to India’s competitive advantage. India also provides a wide range of R&D and medical tourism options.
Share of Market Segments of Healthcare Sector in India
Hospitals made up 70% of the country’s entire healthcare market in FY 2021, with pharmaceuticals coming in at 20% and medical technology at 10%. The long-term market forecast for hospitals in
India's Healthcare Market Distribution 2019–2030 by Type of Provider (%)
India's Healthcare Market Distribution 2019–2030 by Type of Provider (%)
1. Demographic, epidemiological and health transitions
Rising Income
Inceasing life expectancy
2. Travel for Medical Value
India is quickly becoming an alluring travel destination for medical value travellers from all over the world, with many
3. Environment for Policy Enablement
The execution of numerous expansive and ambitious projects like Ayushmann Bharat
PLI programmes and initiatives to promote medical device parks
4. Vast Demand – Supply Gap
Increased investment is required in the sector
Public-private partnership (PPP) model emergence in the industry
Technological Trends
The impact of trends that emerged in the previous year will continue to be felt by the healthcare sector as 2023 progresses. Multi-omics and molecular diagnostics, individualised care, and digital health solutions are all gaining tremendous pace and will have a significant impact on how healthcare is delivered in the future. From AI-enabled products to digital ecosystems, the sector is already making efforts to fully realise the potential of cutting-edge technologies.
1. Applied Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
Future trends in healthcare technology may be influenced by machine learning and artificial intelligence. They will help to improve healthcare providers’ access to, familiarity with, and management of forecasts, tracking, treatment, and diagnosis.
2. The Next Generation Of Precision Medicine Is Being Driven By Multi-Omic Technology 
The movement towards precision medicine is led by next-generation sequencing technology. Multi-omic technologies, which first emphasised genetic (entire set of genes in the genome of a cell) and proteome ( set of proteins produced by a cell) analysis but now include transcriptomics, metabolomics, epigenomics, microbiomics, and phenomics, is what’s really powering the next generation of precision medicine.
3.Virtual Communities for Patient Engagement
The growth of virtual communities and patient care is another one of the top healthcare trends in India 2023. More of these communities will be created by healthcare providers so that patients can interact with one another and the healthcare system while having access to vital information.
4. Internet of Medical Things (IoMT)
The Indian government, through a number of programmes and policies, is actively attempting to improve the availability and affordability of healthcare for its inhabitants. IoMT devices are anticipated to play a significant role in determining the future of Indian healthcare, and the government is also pushing public-private partnerships to enhance the nation’s healthcare infrastructure.
5. Digital health solutions will continue to evolve
Healthcare businesses have been driven by the pandemic to reconsider their digital strategy and create tools that enable the delivery of healthcare online.
6. Personalised healthcare
With the forthcoming idea of precision medicine, we anticipate healthcare to adopt a personalised approach rather than the same medicine for everyone mentality.
7. Wearable devices becoming mainstream
Healthcare businesses have been driven by the pandemic to reconsider their digital strategy and create tools that enable the delivery of healthcare online.
India’s healthcare providers seized the chance and made investments in telehealth and telemedicine, whose use is anticipated to increase. The healthcare industry in India is embracing technology quickly and placing a greater emphasis on machine learning, big data analytics, and artificial intelligence. Healthcare providers have begun deploying robots to do high-volume, repetitive operations that require human labour thanks to robotic process automation.
BDB is a prominent name in the realm of Hospital Feasibility Study Research Companies in India. With extensive expertise and experience in the healthcare sector, BDBIPL specializes in conducting comprehensive feasibility studies for hospitals across the country.
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futureinklink · 2 years
Complete Guide to Study in Canada after 12th and Graduation.
Find here the top courses to study in Canada after 12th / graduation for Indian students. Check more about colleges, eligibility criteria.
Canada is a country of plentiful opportunities. Education in Canada opens your door to a brilliant future. Future Link Consultants is one of the best Canada education consultants in Vadodara that provides professional and authentic services.
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The word “sexually transmitted” is preventing people from taking the vaccine. 
In India Cervical Cancer kills 1 woman every 8 minutes
In India Cervical Cancer is the 3rd most common cancer affecting both males and females. Around 53 million Indian women aged 13 years and above are at risk of developing cervical cancer yet the percentage of vaccination per year is not increasing. 
Cervical Cancer is caused by the HPV virus, the human papillomavirus. This virus is only transmitted sexually. In a country like India where sex is taboo, it’s difficult for parents to accept that their children could be sexually active before marriage. This is one of the main reasons that the vast population below the age of 26 is unvaccinated. The HPV vaccine is most effective when administered between the age of 9 and 15. 
There is a lot of misunderstanding regarding the virus and the vaccination. Many believe that their children would become more curious about sex or indulge in sexual activity after being vaccinated which is absolutely false. Some are of the opinion that if a person is monogamous (has only one sexual partner) they will not contact the virus which is again not true. The virus can infect anyone. 
The vaccination is not recommended after the age of 40 since research indicates that most people have already been exposed to the HPV virus at least once in their life span and have developed antibodies.
Contacting the virus does not always lead to cancer. Usually, the human immune system fights back and with the help of medication the virus dies out. It is when the virus does not leave the body or even after symptoms subside a small amount of virus still lingers on in the body this causes the cells that line the cervix mouth and throat, anus, penis, vulva, or vagina to grow abnormally, these are called pre-cancerous cells. If these cells are not killed, they will continue to become cancer. 
The HPV virus infects both boys and girls, men and women therefore it is equally important to vaccinate both girls are boys.
A large part of Indian society is unaware of this virus and the need to vaccinate against it. In fact cervical cancer can be largely prevented and the number of deaths can be decreased drastically with the help of the vaccine.
Today India has 3 vaccines - Cervarix, Gardasil and the latest Gardasil 9. Serum institute of India is already making its own vaccine Cervavac which has got approval from the government and will be commercially available by the year-end. Cervavac will be priced at a much lower rate and the medical fraternity is hopeful that this will lead to a decrease in cancer caused by the HPV virus. 
The need of the hour is more awareness and acceptance that physical intimacy is part of human existence. By ignoring or choosing to disregard this fact we are only putting our younger generation at risk of developing cancer. 
2 doses spaced out with a gap of 6 months between the age of 9 to 14 years and 3 doses spaced out between the age of  15 to 26 years can save individuals from cancer. 
Schools, colleges, and community centers need to accept this as their duty to spread awareness and organize vaccination camps. With more doctors recommending and informing patients about the effects of the HPV virus, the country hopes to see a fall in the number of cases. 
cancer chemotherapy
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