#cancer chemotherapy
harmeet-saggi · 11 months
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Know your options 
Immunotherapy vs. Chemotherapy
As research and development in the field of medical science progress, the effectiveness of treatment is increasing. Knowing the difference between various treatments is very important. It enables you to have a better discussion with a doctor. Also being fully aware of the kind of treatment you or your loved one is undergoing decreases stress and anxiety.
What is chemotherapy?
Chemotherapy is administered to kill cancer cells and shrink cancer cells so that the tumour decreases and surgery can be performed, at times it's even used to control the spread of cancer cells to prolong the life of a cancer patient as much as possible.  
In chemotherapy, various drugs or medicines are given through intravenous (IV). A tube attached to a needle is inserted into a vein in the patient's chest. Some chemotherapy drugs can be taken in the form of tablets too while some drugs are injected into the muscle, under the skin or directly into the spinal fluid.
When administered correctly chemotherapy is a painless procedure. It should not cause any pain. In case it does call the doctor immediately. In rare cases, the medicine leaks into the surrounding tissues and that may cause pain.
Depending on the kind of cancer and stage, chemotherapy can take 5 mins to a few hours. You will be continuously monitored to ensure that the medication is not reacting negatively to your body.
Chemotherapy does have side effects but with the help of a good doctor, the side effects can be managed well and will not cause the patient discomfort. 
Nausea, diarrhoea, mouth sores, fatigue and fever are some of the common side effects that can be treated easily. Keeping in touch with the doctor is very important. Any discomfort which is increasing should be immediately reported.  
Hair loss in chemotherapy- not all patients lose hair while undergoing chemotherapy. Chemotherapy drugs kill growing cells. They can’t differentiate between normal and cancer cells. So not only cancer cells, but also those found in the hair follicles, mouth and gastrointestinal tract are killed. That is why some patients develop mouth sores, nausea, diarrhoea and lose their hair.
What is Immunotherapy?
This is a form of treatment that boost a person’s immunity to fight the cancer cells. The patient’s immune system is stimulated with the help of certain drugs, proteins and other elements. This kind of treatment is easy to produce and administer and therefore can be used extensively. Immune cells travel throughout the body via the lymphatic system. Since cancer cells do not contain the same composition that normal cells contain, immunotherapy targets mostly cancer cells.   
Biomarkers are tests that determine the level of abnormality. They give a clearer picture of the patient's genetic makeup, behaviour, and interactions with the immune system. Biomarkers in Immunotherapy are easy to obtain. Biomarkers are very important in cancer treatment because they determine the course of treatment. 
Also for immunotherapy liquid biopsy can be conducted so that results can be obtained easily and quickly. General biopsy for immunotherapy assesses immune cell status rather than tumour characteristics. Which again is very unique to this treatment. 
 IHC- Immunohistochemistry assays are used widely because they can indicate the distribution and localization of specific cellular components within cells and in proper tissue context which doctors can use to provide better treatment. Its specific standards are laid down for immunotherapy. It is also easy to predict responses in patients being administered immunotherapy. 
Immunotherapies are administered into a vein (IV), through an injection, under the skin or into a muscle some are injected directly into the body cavity where the tumour is located.
This kind of therapy also causes side effects like fatigue, fever, shortness of breath, nausea or vomiting, diarrhoea, headache, decreased appetite, rash and itching. 
On the whole, immunotherapy is relatively cost-friendly. 
Many oncologists prefer a combination of Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy. 
Several clinical trials are being conducted to increase the effectiveness and decrease the side effects of immunotherapy.
Depending on your case, symptoms, and stage of cancer Oncologist at Career Cancer Hospital, Bhopal MP decide which treatment to offer. Doctors use biochemical markers to decide the kind of treatment that is best for patients. Biochemical markers like hormones, enzymes, proteins, antigens, or antibodies produced or altered while cancer cells come together are studied carefully. 
A team of specialised and dedicated doctors and staff are here to make this journey to fight cancer easy and successful.  
cancer chemotherapy
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carrerhospital · 2 years
One Vaccine against many diseases.
in the majority of cases, Cervical Cancer is associated with the contraction of the virus - human papillomavirus (HPV), which is a sexually transmitted infection. 
Ensuring widespread immunization can largely reduce the rate of Cervical Cancer. 
Gardasil 9 is the approved vaccine that is largely effective. It is effective in protecting against many highly infectious strains of the HPV virus. The vaccine was first introduced in 2006 and from then the rate of infection, genital warts, and cervical precancers have decreased. It also gives long-lasting protection against this virus. 
It is ideal that this vaccine is given before the virus has been contracted or before an individual is sexually active. This vaccine can also prevent vaginal and vulvar cancer, genital warts, anal cancers, and mouth, throat, head, and neck cancers in women and men.
After the virus is contracted, the vaccine does not have much effect. It is therefore very important you get younger people vaccinated to prevent the spread of the HPV virus. 
Do remember vaccines cannot treat  an existing HPV infectOne Vaccine against many diseases.ion
At what age should the vaccine be takenOne Vaccine against many diseases.
The HPV vaccine can be given from the age of 9 to 45 years. Medical fraternities believe that children aged 11 to 12 years should get 2 doses of this vaccine with an interval period of 6 months. After the age of 15, children will require 3 doses of the vaccine with an interval of 6 months. 
Speak to your pediatrician about the benefits and whether it is advisable to administer this vaccine to your child.
Regardless of age, speak to your doctor about getting vaccinated to protect yourself from HPV infection which leads to different types of cancer in certain cases.
The HPV vaccine is administered to all genders.  
Who should not get vaccinated?
Pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and those with allergies like yeast and latex. 
Discuss with your doctor the components of the vaccine and if you have shown symptoms of allergy to those components in the past.
Can I take the vaccine later in life?
Yes, you can take the vaccine even after marriage or if you are already sexually active. If you have contacted one strain of the virus, the vaccine can prevent you from contracting other strains in the future. 
Where can I take this Vaccine?
Gardasil 9 is available at Career Cancer Research Centre Bhopal,MP, ph-_______________
Or contact your nearest hospital. Do consult a good doctor before taking this vaccine or administering it to your children. 
Any side effects of the Vaccine
Like most vaccines, Gardasil 9 can have side effects too. But not in all cases. 
The most common side effects are mild like pain, redness, or swelling in the arm where the shot was taken. Dizziness or fainting is more common among teenagers. Nausea and headache were also reported in certain cases. 
cancer chemotherapy
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reasonsforhope · 2 months
I'm worried about the rising rate of young adults getting cancer.
For what it's worth, we've actually made a shocking amount of progress against cancer - especially the most common cancers like breast cancer, and especially in the past 30 years.
Cancer rates have been falling, often dramatically (x, x, x, x, x, x). One of the best examples it that breast cancer deaths in the United States dropped 58% between 1975 and 2019 (x).
Right now, we're at the beginning of an absolute revolution in cancer care that promises to increase survival rates even further. This revolution has been going on to a lesser degree since the first human genome was successfully sequenced in the early 2000s (and in fact, the first gapless sequencing of a human genome was finally finished just two years ago, in 2022), and to a greater extent since CRISPR DNA-editing technology was first successfully tested in 2013, and since medical digitzation/digital communication and vaccination were massively spurred ahead in 2020, by the COVID pandemic (x, x).
Right now, the results of this revolution are only beginning to trickle out into actual treatments. But I guarantee you, in the next one to three decades, the way we fight cancer will be massively transformed.
We're talking personalized genome sequencing for each person with cancer - not just for early and better detection, but even to figure out what types of treatments will work best. (x, x, x, x)
We're talking using CRISPR-based DNA editing to literally cut cancer-causing mutations out of your DNA, to edit the genes of immune cells to better detect and kill cancer cells, and to kill cancer-causing viruses. (x, x, x, x)
We're talking using CRISPR-based screening to figure out how chemotherapy resistance works, so that we can overcome it - and even weaponize it. (x, x)
We're talking using CRISPR to edit immune cells so that they recognize and target the mutations of a single individual's specific tumor. (x)
We're talking new types of testing that can predict if cancer will return years before it shows up on scans. (x)
We're talking using (non-generative) AI to massively increase the accuracy and earliness of cancer detection - which by the way is already starting to happen, there are several AI-based systems that detect cancer earlier and more accurately than doctors do. (x, x, x, x, x, x)
Also, the more we transition to a green, sustainable, and ethical future, the fewer cancer-causing substances will be in the environment (fossil fuels, oil drilling, and mining are massive sources of carcinogens at every point in the process).
Cancer is awful. That is a massive understatement. But the fight against cancer is one where there are so many reasons for hope.
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ceevee5 · 7 months
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destielmemenews · 6 months
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“In January, I underwent major abdominal surgery in London and at the time, it was thought that my condition was non-cancerous,” she said in a video announcement.
“The surgery was successful. However, tests after the operation found cancer had been present. My medical team therefore advised that I should undergo a course of preventative chemotherapy and I am now in the early stages of that treatment.”
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angryschnauzer · 1 month
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Hubby had his final clinic appointment today. I was so fucking anxious, i was sure they would have found regrowth of the brain tumour or that his bloods wouldn't be good enough for the final round of chemo, but i was proven wrong thankfully.
No regrowth. Blood platelets high enough for his final round of chemo. He's been given the all clear to fly so we can look at going on holiday in October to Malta.
Going forwards he will have MRI scans every two to three months for the rest of his life, and there is a 95% chance the cancer will come back at some point in the next five years. But for now, we are in the clear.
I'm not celebrating just yet, but my anxiety has dropped considerably.
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seekingskywhales · 10 months
All done treatment!!!!!!
HUMANITY RESTORED in the biggest way!!!!!
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mindblowingscience · 8 months
Cancer drug resistance remains a leading reason why treatments for specific cancers eventually do not work. A team of Stony Brook University researchers led by Gábor Balázsi have been testing drug resistance with mammalian cell lines. Their latest investigation reveals that taking a part of a DNA amplification from a cell, which causes resistance, and placing it back in, actually stops the drug resistance. This finding, published in PNAS, could lead to additional treatment methods in the attempt to stop chemotherapy drug resistance.
Continue Reading.
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Catherine's Good News 🎗
Curable Cancer 🎗
no metastasis 🎗
lymph nodes = cancer free!!! 🎗
margins = cancer free!!! (margins of removed malignant tissue are cancer free) 🎗
malignancy was isolated to 1 area & surgically removed 🎗
adjuvant treatment offered as an option in lower doses of systemic poison to prevent recurrence 🎗
Catherine will overcome this malignancy 🎗
Catherine's bad news 🎗
cancer is out however pathology revealed cancer cells had "access" to her lymphatic channels 🙏
preventative chemotherapy is still poison🙏
Adjuvant Treatment will guarantee zero recurrence
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yappleart · 2 months
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This month I am officially 10 years off chemo for my acute leaukemia.
As grateful as I am to have survived with the amazing help of nurses and doctors who I am eternally thankful for being a childhood cancer survivor has come with its various challenges but they seem to grow less significant as I grow and 10 years later I am much more knowledgeable about how my cancer has affected me and how to deal with this although I still have a long way to go.
With the release of deadpool 3 which I am VERY hyped for I thought a tribute to the #fuckcancer pink suit that helped raise money for the cause would be suitable (haha do you get it) and who doesn’t like pink????
I am extremely privileged to have had this treatment so I want to use this post as a platform to share some gofundme links to families and people suffering from the genocide in Palestine who due to the violence by Israel cannot access medical care I hope you take the time to read their stories and donate if you can.
Thank you 🎗️
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Career Hospital Bhopal is the closest medical center because of its strategic location. Very easy to reach hopital for all.
multispeciality hospital near me
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dabisqueen · 1 year
>> Official Announcement! <<
Yesterday was my last treatment of radiation! And I want to thank you.
I have had a hell of a journey behind me: a year ago, I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. It wasn't very aggressive, but huge. A year ago, it all started– I have underwent 2 surgeries, 1 emergency surgery due to internal bleeding, over half a year of chemo, and 3 weeks of daily radiation since. Side effects: complete hair loss, weight gain, decreased eye-sight, and depression. My hair is growing back slowly, but it will never be the mahogany color I used to have, rather mouse-brown-grey.
During the last year, I have had a difficult time focusing on writing, to even be inspired to write. But you all stood behind me, supported me, and cheered me on! I am so grateful for that 💙💙💙💙💙
Again, I am sorry for my being absent so often. It'll take a while to get back into the groove and write again, and I don't think it'll be as much as in the past. But, I will be on here more often since my body and mind are recovering. But only slowly.
Again. I love you all for sticking around and being here for me and supporting me and cheering me on during probably the most gruesome year of my life.
Thank you!
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By Allison Pearson
23 March 2024
OH, NO. No. A sense that something was not right, that our wonderful Princess was perhaps in more trouble than we’d been told, was confirmed at 6pm on Friday with an unprecedented TV address that dealt a blow to the nation’s solar plexus.
Some will simply have been stunned by the news, hardly able to comprehend it (what, cancer twice in the Royal family within two months? But she’s so young).
Others will have been in tears, as I was, watching our Princess of Wales, parchment-pale, clearly fragile yet valiantly composing herself to record a message in that crystal-clear voice, reassuring us that, although it had been “an incredibly tough couple of months for our entire family,” she would be OK, given enough time, space and privacy.
One friend who heard it on the car radio pulled over to the side of the road and sobbed. “I am just so upset,” she texted.
Another confessed she was relieved that the Waleses hadn’t separated – one of the wilder rumours that had been flying around since the Princess of Wales was pictured in that photoshopped, too-smiley Mother’s Day picture without her wedding rings.
“For the backbone of Britain, we need those two to be together and happily married,” said my friend. So true.
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William ’n’ Kate, Kate ’n’ William, a couple for almost the whole of their adult lives, one unimaginable without the other.
Our monarchy is assured as long as there is them (the Waleses will celebrate their thirteenth wedding anniversary on 29th April, six days after little Louis turns six).
Suddenly, with this announcement, we are reminded that they are only human too, vulnerable at times, and Britain is badly shaken.
As she finished her statement, the ramifications started to sink in. Prince William has to deal with a father and a wife with cancer at the same time.
There are haunting echoes of Diana, too, another beloved princess whose personal challenges played out so publicly.
Poor William must feel like there are snipers in the garden taking aim at his family.
You could tell the children were uppermost in her mind, just as they are for any parent who is told they have cancer.
George, Charlotte and Louis, she spoke their names aloud, her darlings. You know, I think they were the real reason she steeled herself to do it.
To sit there on that wooden bench with spring bursting out behind her. Daffodils on a grassy bank, trees in blossom – a cruelly lovely backdrop for such sad tidings.
How simply dressed she was in a matelot jumper and jeans, stripped of finery and clothed, instead, in a becoming humility, her beauty thrown into sharp relief by the strain on her face.
A 42-year-old who is uniquely privileged yet now confronts every woman’s frightening brush with mortality.
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Her statement was carefully timed to coincide with the start of the school Easter holidays so the children could be safe at home and wouldn’t have to endure whispers in class about Mummy’s illness.
(Sparing them the agonies of embarrassment young William and Harry suffered at boarding school when Charles and Diana were getting divorced.)
It’s not easy to protect your children when their grandfather is the King and their father his heir.
The Prince and Princess of Wales have always been concerned to make things as normal, as Middleton, as possible, for their young family; this is their toughest test yet.
Was there more than a hint of rebuke in the Princess’s carefully measured words for a media that really has shown neither patience nor “understanding” since she disappeared from public view to have abdominal surgery?
She could be forgiven for being furious. (Believe me, many of us are furious on her behalf.)
“William and I have been doing everything we can to process and manage this privately for the sake of our young family,” she said pointedly.
“As you can imagine, this has taken time. It has taken me time to recover from major surgery in order to start my treatment.
But, most importantly, it has taken us time to explain everything to George, Charlotte and Louis in a way that is appropriate for them, and to reassure them that I am going to be OK.”
“Back off,” she was saying in the politest possible way, “leave me and my kids alone.”
Of course, she needed time to come to terms with the shattering blow of having a life-threatening illness and three children under 10. Every mother’s nightmare.
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But time is one thing the vultures and conspiracy theorists were not prepared to give her.
In the vacuum Kensington Palace foolishly allowed to develop, the vilest rumours flourished.
Had she undergone cosmetic surgery? Wasn’t she just slacking? Why wasn’t William taking up more duties to relieve his sick father?
Had Catherine left William? Was it a lookalike pictured with William at a Windsor farm shop?
The gossip went global, causing universal hysteria.
Imagine feeling as sick and scared as the Princess must have done, yet being under pressure to show yourself in order to disprove the lies and appease the baying online mob. It’s barbaric.
I hope those who made such disgusting comments are burning with shame today now that we know the reason she hid away.
It wasn’t only ghouls with a conscience bypass who were trying to fill the gaps in the story.
Theories also came from people who adore the Royal family and were deeply worried for the absent Princess. We love and respect her so much.
Incredibly, in a poll earlier this month, the recuperating Princess still managed to emerge as the most popular royal, narrowly ahead of her husband.
Despite the slurry of accusations – not least the appalling claim in an early draft of a book by Omid Scobie (media snitch), that she was one of the two alleged “royal racists” who speculated on the baby’s likely skin colour – their figures are broadly unchanged since a previous poll in 2023.
Never Put a Foot Wrong is said so often it’s practically the definition of her.
Turns out there may be stresses and strains to appearing always in control, to aiming for perfection, that can eat away at a sensitive person not born to be royal.
Catherine says her job brings her joy; it must also have caused worry (such remorseless spotlight scrutiny).
We should reflect on that, I think. On what it’s reasonable to expect from one human being who expects so much of herself.
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How the Princess came to win such a large place in British people’s hearts is better than any fairy tale.
Bullied at school, the quiet, sporty brunette was famous for her record-breaking high jump and tenacious character.
She had blossomed by the time she met William in their first term at St Andrew’s.
At 29, when they finally exchanged vows in Westminster Abbey, she was the first royal bride to have a university degree; the first to have lived with her husband before marriage; the first to be raised in a house that had a street number instead of a fancy name and a moat with swans.
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As second in line to the throne, William was expected to pick his princess from a select group of well-bred young fillies.
Hot favourites included Davina Duckworth-Chad and one Isabella Amaryllis Charlotte Anstruther-Gough-Calthorpe.
Enough hyphens to make plain Catherine Middleton of Bucklebury, Berkshire, feel a little inadequate, you might think.
Except that, when a friend at university told Catherine how lucky she was to be going out with Prince William, a smiling Catherine replied: “He’s lucky to have me.”
The years have proved her right, haven’t they?
The death of Diana left William a damaged, stubborn and angry young man, acutely aware he was a prisoner of fate and railing at the media who pursued his mother.
Catherine has calmed him, rebuilding trust while providing the regular family life he had never known.
She has grown brilliantly into the role and the Waleses are a formidable team, lighting up any event they enter.
Now, it is his turn to soothe and calm her, although he must be deeply worried.
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“Having William by my side is a great source of comfort and reassurance too, as is the love, support and kindness that has been shown by so many of you. It means so much to us both,” she said.
The King was right to salute his daughter-in-law for her courage. Imagine what it takes to first tell your small children you have cancer and then tell the whole world.
She did it so naturally, so sweetly, with such great empathy for others with that cruel disease that no one could possibly guess what it cost her. But it cost her.
She has told George, Charlotte and Louis that Mummy is well, and getting better, but the only way she will make a full recovery is if she’s left alone as she completes her treatment.
Will the vultures listen? Will they give her the time she needs or go back pecking for more?
Millions of us are praying for the return to health of our wonderful Princess of Wales. She has all our support and love.
A Britain without her is unthinkable, unbearable. Take your time, Princess, take your time.
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gazagfmboost · 4 months
Fefe (Fayza Abd Hasan)
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Vetting: new IG account but missmulberry vouches for her Instagram: fefe_palestinian_mother Fund Currency: £ Pound
Fefe is a mother with breast cancer, modest for the camera for religious reasons but seeking to evacuate to Egypt for cancer treatment when the Rafah border opens. She is an incredibly strong woman- steadfast to her values, resilient, & hopeful despite every tragedy. I know that with our help that she will beat cancer, continue cooking beautiful meals, & raising her beloved children to be amazing human beings. I hope that you will support her very inspiring spirit & consider contributing to assist her goal with any size donation-
or by giving a heart to the post or re-sharing to help her story be seen & heard! Thank you for your kindness!
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Help a Palestinian mother get her cancer treatment gofund.me/5b1dce2c
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