#Infinite Pie: From Finance to Romance
jandeelstra · 6 years
Playing Dress Ups with Albert and Oprah
Playing Dress Ups with Albert and Oprah
With a promised nod to Halloween, the blog posts in October are supposed to be connected to the masks we wear, so I think it might be a fun challenge to tie in the pre-launch of Awaken the Goddess Connection to Co-Create the Life You Desire and Deserve with a bit of masquerade play….
One of the components to the Awaken the Goddess Connection to Co-Create the Life You Desire and Deserve  is that…
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jandeelstra · 6 years
New Moon Manifesting
Farmers have known for hundreds of years, that when seed are planted under the new moon energy, they offer more bounteous crops. Businesses that start under the new moon have a 75% higher chance of success. Hair cut under the new moon grows faster than that of hair cut under a full moon phase. The evidence of luna’s effect on everything from crops to business success to hair growth are…
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jandeelstra · 5 years
Millionaire Madam C.J. Walker
America’s first female millionaire, Madam C.J. Walker was born Sarah Breedlove one year after the abolishment of slavery. She toiled as a “washerwoman” for the first years of her life. As the story goes, Sarah began losing her hair, and eventually worked out a remedy and a quality marketable product to help other women. It all began in her kitchen. Fast forward, and Madam C.J. Walker hair…
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jandeelstra · 5 years
If You Have a Money Resolution Start Here
If You Have a Money Resolution Start Here
A new year is a great time for both letting go of whatever no longer supports you and for achieving new goals. And a new decade is an even better slate for creating some lasting changes in your life. Unfortunately, although 60% of those polled admit to setting a new year resolution, only 8% actually achieve their goal. And of those who set resolutions, many admit to failing before the end of…
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jandeelstra · 5 years
RICH or POOR It's Up to YOU
RICH or POOR It’s Up to YOU
I want you to know about an eBook that may not only change the way you look at money, wealth, prosperity, and the rich, but it may actually be the catalyst for your financial success….
RICH or POOR It’s Up to YOU…. This inspiring eBook gives you the detailed scoop on scarcity from the perspective of choice. In fact, this eBook is so valuable that I am asking $17 for it.
I know you are used to…
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jandeelstra · 5 years
You cannot be a Goddess standing in your own power without your own access to money
You cannot be a Goddess standing in your own power without your own access to money
You may wonder why I bring “money” to the table (or in this case, to the BLOG) as a topic for women’s empowerment. The truth is, money is an equalizer, a critical power tool for empowering real change globally. Quite honestly, I’m thinking about making EVERY MONDAY a day to celebrate money. A day to create common sense change where it’s bound to be the most helpful: In the pocketbook.
Here’s why…
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jandeelstra · 5 years
If you feel scarcity in any area of your life, read this...
If you feel scarcity in any area of your life, read this…
If you feel scarcity in any area of your life, read this..because there is a cause and a solution, and both are contained in this post. Yes, there is a scarcity cure!
Curious? Read on….
There are core areas of your life that reflect your self image in the same way your vanity mirror reflects your face. Your romantic life, your bank balance, your happiness stash, your creativity pool, and your…
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jandeelstra · 5 years
There is Infinite Pie that feeds you and helps fight childhood cancers
There is Infinite Pie that feeds you and helps fight childhood cancers
Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay
The truth is, women and men see “money” thru different lenses.  Historically, and still prevalent in traditional perspectives, men are the ones in charge of everything from ruling the kingdoms, to earning the money to grow that kingdom. And that kingdom may be larger than the White House in Washington, D.C., or it may be as small as his dog’s house. Make no…
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jandeelstra · 6 years
Confidence and Money
You were born brave and strong. You fought your way out of the womb demanding to breathe! The concept of self-esteem, or of “confidence” was nowhere on your radar because it was such a natural part of who you were from birth. No one had to reassure you of your worth. You didn’t suffer some neurosis about not feeling “good enough.” You were born whole and perfect in your humanness.
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jandeelstra · 6 years
Here’s an OPPORTUNITY You Don’t Want to Miss Enter to WIN a BREAKTHROUGH!
It’s easy. Just click the link → http://winged-women.com/giveaway/enter-to-win-a-30-day-breakthrough/  and enter to win a Breakthrough valued at $997 (potentially priceless!)
There will be ONE WINNER to receive a proprietary 30-day breakthrough that can shift your life!
If you have ever wanted personal, private, confidential…
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jandeelstra · 6 years
Your Wealth Helps Heal the Planet
Your Wealth Helps Heal the Planet
I’m thinking about the Winged-Women™ Self-Love Movement and about how that includes money….
The urge to create this post came from a voice in my head; I hear the late Dr. Wayne Dyer saying “you can’t get poor enough to help anyone else.”
I took that head voice as a call from the universe to share with you today, the reasons why any inner blocks to abundance of money, love, health, happiness and…
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jandeelstra · 7 years
Are You Blocking the Flow of Love & Money?
Are You Blocking the Flow of Love & Money?
Are you guarding yourself against heartache? If so, you’re blocking the natural abundant flow of love, wealth, joy, and opportunities. Watch this short video to learn more, and to open yourself to abundance. (There’s a free download below)  Download an excerpt→ Infinite Pie Buy it thru the special Amazon link below  and a donation is made to St Jude Children’s Hospital ↓…
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jandeelstra · 7 years
Infinite Pie: From Finance to Romance, the Parallel Feminine Frequency of Money and Love
There has been a lot of talk about ‘abundance’ since the first week of the new year. Many are speaking to a “feeling” of a shift towards an easier 2018, when compared to 2017. So how was 2017 for you? Did you struggle financially or in relations? Do you intend that 2018 be a better year, or just not a worse year than was 2017? I read on someone’s social media page that they intended that 2018…
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jandeelstra · 7 years
Are You Ready for a Self-Love Quick-fix?
Are You Ready for a Self-Love Quick-fix?
How Feeling Unlovable is Sabotaging YOUR Love Life…. Often, we learn childhood lessons about being “unlovable.” Seeds from these unlovable lessons are internalized, and left untended, they may sprout and grow into adulthood, resulting in self-sabotage in all the areas of our life, including areas of personal interactions, wealth potential, health and wellness, career options, and of course,…
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jandeelstra · 7 years
Most of my life was defined in one word: Struggle. There was “never enough,” from the time my father died when I was only a toddler. Perhaps the fastest result of his premature passing, was my then pregnant mother’s inability to cope, to care for her growing family. My two older brothers and I learned to fen for ourselves. That wasn’t good enough for State Child Welfare authorities however, and…
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jandeelstra · 8 years
Victim Victorious...
Victim Victorious…
Victim Victorious
Winged-Women™ is designed to give wings to every woman, globally, not merely taking women from an investment in victim to victoriousstatus, but something much more expansive and all encompassing of the female species. In fact, Winged-Women™ is vastly more than even that. It’s about taking all women, whether they are living in a victim role, or simply not thriving to greatest…
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