France 3 Régions: DECRYPTAGE. Covid long : "un mécanisme de dérèglement des globules blancs à l'origine des symptômes" révèle un
France 3 Régions: DECRYPTAGE. Covid long : "un mécanisme de dérèglement des globules blancs à l'origine des symptômes" révèle un.
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bpod-bpod · 6 months
Staunch Supporters
Bacterial toxins can compromise blood vessels' leakiness affecting blood pressure. This study reveals that blood vessel lining cells' membranes, under the control of proteins called caveolin-1 and cavin1, stiffen to regulate the leakiness via tunnels called transendothelial cell macroapertures
Read the published the research article here
Video from work by Camille Morel and colleagues
Institut Pasteur, Université Paris Cité, CNRS UMR6047, Inserm U1306, Unité des Toxines Bactériennes, Département de Microbiologie, Paris, France
Video originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in eLife, March 2024
You can also follow BPoD on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
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Pesticides et risques sanitaires pour les enfants, avec Xavier Coumoul (Inserm, Univ. Paris Cité)
Bonjour à tous, Voici une nouvelle vidéo publiée sur la Chaîne YouTube Santé des enfants et environnement, intitulée “Pesticides et risques sanitaires pour les enfants, avec Xavier Coumoul (Inserm, Univ. Paris Cité)”, ainsi que le podcast associé et quelques points clés de l’échange, selon moi.       Présentation de Xavier Coumoul (Inserm, Université Paris Cité) – échange sur risques sanitaires…
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twdmusicboxmystery · 1 year
Daryl Dixon Sneak Peek, Part 3
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Not necessarily in order but here's most of the scenery where Daryl is on his journey. The one I'm lacking is the one with some large ancient looking ruins. I'm not sure @galadrieljones, if you want to take that mission on, to find out where those ruins are. And I promise I will stop using you as my personal Google source. Anyway the thing that caught my attention from the shots I took was Daryl's legs walking on the railroad tracks.
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It wasn't until I enlarged that I realized he has a large knife strap to his left leg.
For me, just the fact that he's walking along rxr tracks is huge. It's a callback to S4 when he walked along them toward Terminus with Beth. (As well as a callback to Denise, but she was a Beth proxy anyway.)
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Château des Baux-de-Provence
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The other one is more difficult
The Meunerie Hydraulique de Barbegal came up a couple times, but I can't pinpoint it as a perfect match. It's basically a very old ruin of some Roman water mills. It's also very close to Marseille so I wouldn't be surprised if it was it.
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Searching a couple angles I have also come up with Chaine de la Pene which means Rocks of the Pene and is in the Alps near Marseille, where the old water mills are located, so I think that’s probably where he is in the second photo here.
This is showing all the landmark being between Marseille and Lyon with an actual Level 4 Laboratory in the Lyon area. This is very exciting to me.
Yeah, these are all in southern france
all like a day or two hike from marseille
Sorry these are the Pyranees lol
i get my french mountains mixed up actually. idk which they are. oh well
i love this kind of thing lol i should have been a detective
or like a behind the scenes detective like i don't want to walk around crime scenes no thanks!
I just went ahead and looked it up since it’s the only one that’s not french military
I've mentioned this a couple of times but seriously when you get a chance you need to check out the Southern Cross. Using the Southern Cross and the five star points is how people in the southern hemisphere find true Due South. Just as we use the Big Dipper to help locate the North Star. They've got to have a reason to want us to know about star constellation.
Built and owned by Fondation Mérieux. The Mérieux family is an old business dynasty from Lyon. From wikipedia: “Marcel Mérieux (1870–1937), ESCIL student in 1891, former assistant to Pasteur, founder in 1897 of Mérieux Biological Institute in Lyon (origins of the Institut Mérieux holding) in 1897 (now part of Sanofi Pasteur). Just want to point out that he was a former assisten to Louis Pasteur, who discovered the principles of vaccination.
The Foundation Mérieux is operated by something called INSERM, aka the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research. It’s a major governmental organization which includes research laboratories and hospitals. It’s the “only public research institution solely focused on human health and medical research in France.” It is in Paris. This is a lot to say that the Lyon facility is actually much more interesting than it initially seemed.
If Daryl was lead to Lyon, then this connection could also lead him to Paris. The thing is ofc the intitutes they use will probably be “fictional”; however, not necessarily, and/or they could be like a mixture of fact and fiction, which TWD does a lot. The fact that the CDC/Atlanta and Galveston have both been major settings tells me they know what they’re doing, like they’re thinking about this stuff.
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Firstly, however, I looked more closely at the “Pouvoir Des Vivants” shot and this was interesting. You can see underneath the graffiti references to “Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle,” which is the Natural History Museum of France and is located in Paris.
They’re kind of jerking us all around, that’s what this tells me lol. Not sure why, but it seems like, whatever he’s looking for, probably it is ultimately in Paris. Whether he gets there via the Lyon connection i have no idea but there is interesting backstory here!
I'm going to be lazy and ask you for the translation again on this. This time I'll try to note it so I won't have to ask again.
I think it means “Power of the Living” something like that
Our one clue as to what this place might be called:
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Thank you for the translation. This kind of goes in hand with the dialogue in TWB. I'll have to go back and check out what the guy that are killing the scientist, what he said to the woman. This slogan sounds like it could be a slogan for them. The power of the living.
I'm thinking that the place that Daryl is shown at is not the Laboratory where the TWB women was, but it might be a place that they gathered away from the company that's possibly watching them. A place where the scientists could work together without worrying about a watchful eyes on them. Where they could openly talk about what was happening to their work and where it went wrong and how they could fix it.
If they're not feeling comfortable about where their research, their work is going with the company and how I'm thinking the military has stepped in and taken it over. That maybe Daryl found out that there might be some records kept at that location where some of the scientist had gathered. Where some of them have been pulled from and killed like the guy in the coda talked about. Daryl might think that there could still be records, video recordings to check out. Just a out there speculation on my part.
I love it !
Something this made me think of. And my gut reaction is that it's not practical...but maybe it is. We keep asking how Carol is going to show up there, and I Think your idea about the two of them leaving and getting separated is very plausible. And even the symbolism works. The two of them left together at the beginning of Find Me, and then separated purposefully at the beginning of Diverged. So, it works.
But just to throw something else out there... What if Daryl just goes back and gets Carol? I know how implausible it sounds, but hear me out. In S5, rather than run back into the church, he and Carol jump in the car and follow the Grady car to Atlanta. When Carol is taken into the hospital, rather than try to rescue her and Beth on his own, he takes Noah and goes to get the others. Daryl is just smart enough and humble enough to recognize when he needs help and can't do something on his own.
And of course there are the logistics of getting back across the ocean. Twice. But in S5, he just found a vehicle that got him back to the church and then back to Atlanta quickly. He also did this in S6, taking the Paddy truck after Dwight and Sherry double crossed him. If he runs into the CRM, they may have really fast, reliable sea vehicles that he could take, and go get Carol to bring her back much more quickly than he himself ended up there.
Anyway, I know it's still implausible, but I"m just reaching back to earlier seasons and trying to use them as a template. You know, like I do. ;D
I think it’s plausible. Or he might have had access to a long range radio and called for her to come. I was also thinking about Find Me. Remember how Carol tagged along uninvited. Maybe she follows him?
Yeah, good points. If she thinks he's in trouble, she'll go to him as well. Find Me and Diverged proved that.
Personally I would hope that she is invited or I actually love the idea of him asking her for help. (The difference between a hardcore Bethyler and a hardcore Caryler is that I am not at all threatened by him having an adult friendship w Carol )
Same. Totally.
@twdmusicboxmystery, I actually love your idea about Daryl going back for Carol. It's actually what I was going to somewhat work on last night and was just hit with a mental block and had to crash. I could go into a bunch of history but I'll just cut to the chase and say that I think he/ they may leave from Charleston, NC or Savannah, GA coastline. I know the Commonwealth was using a nearby Charleston as a meeting place but when Daryl mentioned in s11 rumors of guns selling in Charleston I immediately thought of Charleston, North Carolina.
During the Civil War there was blockade gun runners and black markets. There also sites of pirates in both Charleston and Savannah and Carol did find the pirate book in Daryl's apartment. Both famous for kidnapping/Shanghai man to crew ships. Daryl wouldn't necessarily have to physically go back and get Carol since all those community sites have been torn down. I could see him using some type of radio in order to talk to her. Kind of like they use the radio between Oceanside and Alexandria.
So you can see I'm totally on board with your theory. Even if he contacted her and told her his plans and where he was headed and she was going to come after. They would set up a place to meet, they might go that route now that she's going to join him n s2.
By tomorrow we will all be on board with a new episode, I won't spoil anything or at least not too much but I'll just make the statement that I've enlarged the pictures. And I was like, oh my God! when I saw that scene. I was just blown away with all the Daryl and Beth call backs from 30 Days, Still and Alone. Negan's speech about hope was definitely a real work/call back of Beth's monologue in Inmates.
I said this earlier this afternoon but I really can't think of any other way but that Maggie or someone, possibly Daryl went back to the Greene's farmhouse. Maybe that's one of the places Daryl went during his year of being gone from the Commonwealth.
I’ve got my eyes and ears open. Also that’s really interesting the note about Charleston during the Civil War. Do you meant Charleston, SC?
My bad. Yes, I'm talking about Charleston South Carolina. They're also just a lot of ships, cruise, cargo and even submarines. In Fear we saw that huge shipyard with all those shipping containers, you would need cargo ships to move move those and basic manpower.
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buzzesante · 1 year
RDKT : premier dispositif médical connecté pour accélérer la prise en charge des maladies rares
Pour combattre l’errance diagnostique des patients atteints de maladies rares, une nouvelle application web et mobile pour les professionnels de santé est désormais disponible : RDK (Rare Disease Knowledge). Découverte. Issue d’un partenariat public-privé unique qui s’appuie sur l’expertise d’Orphanet-Inserm, la technologie de Tekkare®, l’engagement sociétal de As We Know® et le soutien de…
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jobrxiv · 16 days
Post-doctoral position TaRGeT, INSERM U1089 Post-doctoral candidate to work in the neuronal gene editing in translational research with a focus of ATPase membrane transporters See the full job description on jobRxiv: https://jobrxiv.org/job/target-inserm-u1089-27778-post-doctoral-position/?feed_id=81903 #gene_editing #neurobiology #viral_vectors #ScienceJobs #hiring #research
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entomoblog · 22 days
Et si des moustiques OGM pouvaient aider à limiter la population de moustiques-tigres ?
See on Scoop.it - EntomoScience
Eric Marois, chargé de recherche Inserm à l’Institut de biologie moléculaire et cellulaire (CNRS) de Strasbourg explore les possibilités de réduire la population de moustiques-tigres grâce à des modifications ADN ciblées sur cet insecte
  Propos recueillis par Elsa Provenzano
Publié le 02/09/2024 à 11h23
  Image : Deux femelles de moustique-tigre sont côte à côte. Celle de droite (reconnaissable à sa fluorescence verte) est devenue un mâle sous l’action d’un transgène masculinisant. - E.Marois
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bpod-bpod · 1 month
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Sex in Cells
Sex chromosomes – in humans, the X and Y – are in every cell so what influence do they have on the development of sexual differences throughout the body? This study in fruit flies reveals cellular sex drives sex differences in organ size, body weight and reproductive ability
Read the published research article here
Image from work by Chloé Hérault, Thomas Pihl & Bruno Hudry
Université Côte d’Azur, CNRS, Inserm, Institut de Biologie Valrose, Nice, France
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in Nature Communications, August 2024
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En règle générale, « moins on met de composés étrangers dans un aliment, mieux on se porte ! »
D’après Robert Barouki, quand on est parent et qu’on s’intéresse à la santé environnementale de ses enfants, une des premières choses à faire est de prêter attention à l’#alimentation. En effet, pour de nombreux polluants, il s’agit de la source de contamination la plus importante.
Les aliments très transformés incluent souvent des conservateurs, des émulsifiants, des résidus de pesticides… toute une série d’intrants extérieurs à l’aliment et qui peuvent présenter des aspects préoccupants pour la santé. Mieux vaut donc privilégier des aliments frais et locaux, si possible issus de l’#agriculturebiologique, et les cuisiner simplement.
Robert Barouki est toxicologue, directeur de l'Institut pour la recherche en santé publique (IReSP), chef de service à l'Hôpital Necker-enfants malades et professeur à l'Université Paris Cité. À mes yeux, sur les 10 dernières années (au moins !), il a été un des principaux acteurs du domaine de la santé environnementale, en France et à l’international.
👉👉👉 Retrouvez tous ses conseils pour réduire l'impact des polluants du quotidien dans notre entretien ! Vidéo, mp3, texte. https://sante-enfants-environnement.com/sante-environnement-robert-barouki-inserm/
On discute notamment des habitudes prises pendant l’enfance, de la notion de co-bénéfice, de l’importance de ne pas devenir "obsessionnel" dans la gestion des polluants, et d’autres sujets. #santeenvironnementale #exposome #perturbateursendocriniens #cobenefices
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jobrxiv · 1 month
POST-DOCTORAL FELLOW IN ACUTE MYELOID LEUKEMIA RESEARCH BENAJIBA team - INSERM U944 - Saint-Louis Research Institute Interested in dissecting the role of the bone marrow microenvironment in AML ? Apply to join us in Paris ! See the full job description on jobRxiv: https://jobrxiv.org/job/benajiba-team-inserm-u944-saint-louis-research-institute-27778-post-doctoral-fellow-in-acute-myeloid-leukemia-research/?feed_id=80202 #3D_cell_culture #animal_models #blood_cancers #cancer_biology #therapeutic_targets #ScienceJobs #hiring #research
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linusmine · 4 years
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pazaryerigundem · 4 months
Bilim Kadınları İçin 2024 Uluslararası Ödülleri sahiplerini buldu
Bilim Kadınları İçin 2024 Uluslararası Ödülleri sahiplerini buldu
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L’Oréal Vakfı ve UNESCO, 2024 L’Oréal-UNESCO Uluslararası Bilim Kadınları Ödülleri’nde ödül alan beş ismi açıkladı.
İSTANBUL (İGFA) – L’Oréal-UNESCO Uluslararası Bilim Kadınları Ödülleri her yıl Afrika ve Arap Devletleri, Asya ve Pasifik, Avrupa, Latin Amerika ve Karayipler ile Kuzey Amerika olmak üzere beş geniş bölgenin her birinden bir kadın bilim insanını ödüllendiriyor.
Bu yıl 26’ncısı düzenlenen programın ödül sahipleri, dünya çapında 350 aday arasından, Inserm Araştırma Enstitüsü Araştırma Direktörü, Fransız Bilimler Akademisi üyesi ve L’Oréal-UNESCO Bilim Kadınları Uluslararası Ödülleri’nin eski kazananı olan Profesör Brigitte L. Kieffer’in başkanlık ettiği bağımsız uluslararası bir jüri tarafından seçildi.
Ödüle hak kazanan araştırmacıların çalışmaları, kanser vakalarının 2050 yılına kadar %77 oranında artabileceği, obezitenin dünya genelinde her 8 kişiden 1’ini etkilediği ve hâlâ 249 milyondan fazla sıtma enfeksiyonu vakasının bulunduğu bir dönemde, büyük halk sağlığı sorunlarıyla başa çıkmak için bilimin her zamankinden daha fazla kadına ihtiyaç duyduğunu gösterdi.
Profesör Rose Leke – İmmünoloji
Kamerun, Yaoundé I Üniversitesi, Tıp ve Biyomedikal Bilimler Fakültesi Bulaşıcı Hastalıklar ve İmmünoloji Bölümü Eski Başkanı ve Biyoteknoloji Merkezi Eski Direktörü
Rose Leke, gebelikle ilişkili sıtma vakalarını iyileştirme, çocuk felcinin ortadan kaldırılmasına destek sağlama ve Afrika’da aşılama oranlarını artırma konularında gösterdiği liderliğinin yanı sıra, olağanüstü araştırmaları ve öncü çabalarıyla, genç bilim insanlarının kariyer yollarını iyileştirme konusundaki gayretleri için ödüle layık görüldü. Dr. Leke’nin ulusal, bölgesel ve küresel etkisi, memleketi Kamerun’da ve Afrika genelinde halk sağlığı üzerinde derin bir etki yarattı. Başarıları, onu genç kadın bilim insanları için bir rol model, önde gelen bir eğitimci ve savunucu olarak konumlandırdı.
Profesör Alicia Kowaltowski – Biyokimya
Biyokimya Profesörü, São Paulo Üniversitesi, Brezilya
Alicia Kowaltowski, “hücrenin ana enerji kaynağı olan ve pil görevi gören” mitokondri biyolojisine yaptığı temel katkılardan dolayı ödüllendirildi. Çalışmaları, obezite ve diyabet gibi kronik hastalıkların yanı sıra yaşlanma sürecinde enerji metabolizmasının etkilerini anlamamız için kritik önem taşıyor. Bir araştırmacı ve gösterdiği liderliğinin yanı sıra Latin Amerika’da bilimin savunulması ve halka yayılması için ilham oluyor.
Profesör Nada Jabado – İnsan Genetiği
McGill Üniversitesi Pediatri ve İnsan Genetiği Bölümleri Profesörü, Kanada Pediatrik Onkolojide Birinci Kademe Araştırma Başkanı, Kanada
Nada Jabado, agresif pediatrik beyin tümörlerinden sorumlu genetik bozuklukların kavranmasında devrim yarattığı için ödüllendirildi. Onkohistonlar olarak adlandırılan, insan hastalıklarındaki ilk histon mutasyonlarına ilişkin ufuk açıcı keşfi, kanser araştırma alanında temel bir değişime yol açtı. Yenilikçi araştırmaları ve küresel bir işbirlikçi ağ kurmadaki etkili liderliği sayesinde, genç hastalar için hem teşhiste hem de klinik tedavileri geliştirerek pediatrik kansere yönelik tıbbi yaklaşımı yeniden şekillendirdi.
Profesör Nieng Yan – Yapısal Biyoloji
Tsinghua Üniversitesi Yaşam Bilimleri Fakültesi Üniversite Profesörü, Shenzhen Tıp Araştırma ve Çeviri Akademisi Kurucu Başkanı,  Shenzhen Körfezi Laboratuvarı Direktörü, Çin
Hücre zarı boyunca iyonların ve şekerlerin trafiğine aracılık eden çoklu zar proteinlerinin atomik yapısını keşfettiği ve zarlar arası taşınmayı yöneten ilkeleri ortaya çıkardığı için ödüle layık görüldü. Olağanüstü araştırmaları epilepsi ve aritmi gibi birçok bozukluğa ışık tuttu ve ağrı sendromunun tedavisine yön verdi. Alanında lider bir otorite olan Dr. Yan, dünya çapında kadın bilim insanlarına ilham veriyor ve araştırmayla bilim eğitiminde cinsiyet eşitliğinin güçlü bir savunucusu olarak öne çıkıyor.
Profesör Geneviève Almouzni – Meloküler Biyoloji
Curie Enstitüsü, Bilimler Akademisi Üyesi, Ulusal Bilimsel Araştırma Merkezi (CNRS) Araştırma Direktörü, Fransa
Geneviève Almouzni, DNA’nın hücre çekirdeği içindeki proteinlerle nasıl paketlendiğinin anlaşılmasına yönelik ufuk açıcı katkılarından dolayı ödüllendirildi. Epigenetik alanındaki öncü çalışması, normal gelişim sırasında hücre kimliğinin nasıl belirlendiğine ve kanser tarafından nasıl bozulduğuna dair buluşları ilerletti. Araştırmaları ilerletme, yeni nesil bilim insanlarını yetiştirme ve kadınları bilimde teşvik etme konusundaki olağanüstü başarıları ilham verici bir rol oynuyor.
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BU Haber İGF HABER AJANSI tarafından servis edilmiştir.
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yo-sostenible · 4 months
Los resultados de un estudio, liderado por ISGlobal, muestran que el O3 procedente de fuera de las propias fronteras nacionales contribuyó al 88,3 % de las muertes atribuibles a este contaminante en 35 países europeos. Los autores señalan que los efectos perniciosos de este contaminante se están agravando por el calentamiento global. Los niveles elevados de ozono troposférico se asocian a una serie de efectos adversos para la salud respiratoria, como el agravamiento del asma, la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica, la disminución de la función pulmonar, etc. / Adobe Stock La exposición a los niveles actuales de ozono troposférico (O3) en Europa es una de las principales causas de mortalidad prematura debida a la contaminación atmosférica, especialmente en verano. Así lo advierte un estudio liderado por el Instituto de Salud Global de Barcelona (ISGlobal), centro impulsado por la Fundación “la Caixa” y el Barcelona Supercomputing Center – Centro Nacional de Supercomputación (BSC-CNS). El O3 es un contaminante formado en la troposfera por la interacción de la luz solar con varios gases precursores, principalmente óxidos de nitrógeno (NOx) y compuestos orgánicos volátiles (COV) procedentes de fuentes naturales y antropogénicas. Los niveles elevados de O3 se asocian a una serie de efectos adversos para la salud respiratoria, como el agravamiento del asma, la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica, la disminución de la función pulmonar e infecciones respiratorias, que en los casos más graves pueden conducir a la hospitalización y la muerte. El equipo cuantificó las contribuciones tanto nacionales como importadas del ozono troposféricos en relación con la mortalidad en 35 países europeos entre 2015 y 2017. Los investigadores abarcaron 813 regiones y alrededor de 530 millones de personas. Los resultados muestran que el O3 importado contribuyó al 88,3 % de todas las muertes atribuibles a este contaminante. La mayor parte de este O3 transfronterizo provino de fuera del área de estudio, lo que representa el 56,7 % de la mortalidad atribuible total. El O3 importado de los otros 34 países europeos también tuvo un efecto significativo en la mortalidad, representando el 20,9 %. La concentración de O3 en un lugar determinado depende en gran medida del transporte troposférico del propio contaminante. “Los efectos sobre la salud del O3, y de cualquier contaminante atmosférico en general, distan mucho de ser una cuestión local. En este estudio, encontramos que el 11,7 % de las muertes atribuibles al O3 fueron causadas por fuentes nacionales”, afirma Hicham Achebak, investigador del Inserm (Francia) y de ISGlobal y titular de una beca postdoctoral Marie Sklodowska-Curie de la Comisión Europea. “Este hecho subraya la necesidad de acciones coordinadas a escala local, continental y global por parte de todos los países para reducir las concentraciones de O3 y su impacto en la salud”, añade el primer autor del estudio. El análisis se basó en datos de la estación cálida (de mayo a octubre), que es la que registra los valores más elevados de este contaminante. Para rastrear las concentraciones de O3, el estudio utilizó el sistema de calidad del aire CALIOPE desarrollado por el BSC-CNS, que cubre Europa y sus alrededores. Este sistema rastrea tanto el O3 como sus precursores (es decir, NOx y COV) que se forman o emiten en cada región. Método de modelización Para obtener datos fuera de la zona de estudio, los investigadores utilizaron un método de modelización que les permitió rastrear la dispersión y el transporte de contaminantes atmosféricos a grandes distancias. El método también incluyó las emisiones tanto terrestres como marítimas. Tasa de mortalidad La concentración media de O3 en todos los países y durante el periodo de estudio fue de 101,9 μg/m3, oscilando entre 76,7 μg/m3 en Finlandia y 130,1 μg/m3 en Malta. El número estimado de muertes atribuibles al O3 durante el periodo de estudio fue de 114.447 (estim...
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bpod-bpod · 3 months
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Disease-mimicking Mice
Mice with a mutation in the Linker for Activation of T cells (LAT) gene serve as a model for elucidating the molecular and cellular events underlying IgG4-related disease, a human autoimmune condition that can affect most organs causing fibrosis and inflammation with serious consequences
Read the published research article here
Image from work by Anais Joachim and colleagues
Aix Marseille Université, INSERM, CNRS, Centre d’Immunologie de Marseille-Luminy, Marseille, France
Video originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in Journal of Experimental Medicine, August 2023
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entomoblog · 4 months
InScience 2024 : l’Inserm vous ouvre ses portes pour la 4e édition du festival
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Du 27 mai au 9 juin, retrouvez la quatrième édition d’InScience, le festival qui rend la science accessible à toutes et à tous. L’Inserm ouvrira les portes de ses laboratoires pour vous permettre de rencontrer ses chercheurs et ses chercheuses et de découvrir ses dernières avancées dans le domaine de la santé. De nombreux évènements entièrement gratuits auront lieu dans toute la France. 
  Fort de son succès, le festival InScience de l’Inserm revient avec une programmation très riche : jeux de société ou jeux de rôle, ciné-débats, randonnées-discussions avec des scientifiques, tables rondes… InScience donnera la possibilité à chacun et à chacune de découvrir le monde de la recherche mais aussi de devenir acteur de sa propre santé.
  InScience : Programmation 2024 du festival · Inserm, La science pour la santé https://www.inserm.fr/actualite/inscience2024/
🔹 Exposition Santé, Alimentation et Environnement
Quoi ? Structurée en cinq totems, cette exposition aborde cinq thématiques essentielles, au cœur des préoccupations du grand public. Elle met en lumière les recherches les plus récentes menées par les scientifiques de l’Inserm, de l’Université de Tours et du CHRU : l’agroforesterie, les antibiotiques, la lutte contre les perturbateurs endocriniens en Centre-Val de Loire, les alternatives au cuivre dans les sols viticoles, la réduction du gaspillage alimentaire.
Quand ? Du 2 mai au 9 juin Où ? CHU de Tours, dans le hall du bâtiment B1A
🔹 La méridienne de Radio Campus Tours
Quoi ? Émission radio sur la programmation InScience, l’exposition Santé, Alimentation et Environnement et les relations partenariales entre l’Inserm, le CHU de Tours et Centre Sciences.
Quand ? Mardi 28 mai Où ? Sur Radio Campus Tours 99.5 FM Avec ? Pierre Da Silva, responsable communication et culture scientifique Inserm Grand Ouest ; Béatrice Saulnier, directrice de Centre Sciences ; Thomas Sécher, chercheur Inserm au CEPR (unité 1100 Inserm/Université de Tours) et contributeur de l’exposition ; Margot Schmidt, chargée de mission Transformation écologique au CHU de Tours.
  [Image] Santé Alimentation Environnement | Centre sciences https://www.centre-sciences.org/ressources/sante-alimentation-environnement
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deepthinker-society · 4 months
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Groove. Récemment, j'ai appris grâce à un post de @inserm d'où nous venait cette irrépressible envie de danser, ce qu'on appelle communément le groove. Une idée ? C'est évidemment encore une histoire de cerveau. Le cerveau à travers la musique cherche a priori deux choses : à être agréablement surpris et à prévoir la suite de la musique. Ainsi donc, nous aimons danser sur les rythmes qui sont ni trop simples, ni trop complexes. Si la musique est trop simple dans sa composition, il n'y a pas de surprise et finalement pas d'envie de danser. Le cerveau "s'ennuie" et reste stoïque. Si la musique est trop complexe dans sa composition, le cerveau ne sait pas comment réagir et n'a donc pas envie de danser non plus. Intéressant, non ? La musique n'est pas le seul domaine où le cerveau cherche le compromis entre la surprise et la prédiction. La notion de flow, concept mis en avant par Mihály Csíkszentmihályi est dans cette même mouvance. Dans les très grandes lignes, le flow est l'état d'absorption complète ressenti quand on réalise une tâche challengeante sur laquelle nous pouvons déployer nos capacités. C'est aussi un compromis entre le défi et la prédiction. Si la tâche est trop facile, nous nous ennuyons. Si elle est trop complexe, nous butons et nous ne pouvons pas l'accomplir. Dans les deux cas, si la balance n'est pas trouvée, nous finissons par perdre notre attention. Le cerveau aime donc jouer les équilibristes. Il aime l'incertitude à travers l'apprentissage et la curiosité. Mais pas trop non plus pour ne pas se sentir bloqué, submergé ou ne rien pouvoir en tirer. Je simplifie bien sûr, mais c'est l'idée. Si cette tendance peut sembler universelle, chacun a un ressenti très personnel sur le sujet et selon les activités en jeu. On trouvera des personnes qui aiment tout contrôler, mais qui adore apprendre de nouvelles choses. On trouvera ceux qui préfèrent quoiqu'il arrive leur sécurité dans leur zone de confort. On trouvera ceux en quête constante d'adrénaline. Il n'y a pas de meilleurs choix, juste des préférences. À quel point notre propre équilibre entre surprise et prédiction influence nos choix, nos goûts et nos vies ? #flow #groove #prédiction #surprise
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