#Intersolar union
blkgrlsread2 · 7 months
Desperation turns the best of men into monsters.
Etta Pierce, Resistance
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thefandomentals · 3 months
Sci-fi romance author Etta Pierce discusses the process of building her alien universe, writing characters with agency, and what readers can expect next!
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thehaemanthus · 1 year
Recently Read
I was waffling on doing “this is what I’ve read recently” posts but then @separatist-apologist said she would appreciate it and my relationship to her is basically the “anything for you, Beyoncé” vine so--
Not an exhaustive list of everything I’ve read in the past few months, but some of the fun stuff!
The Galactic Zookeeper’s Guide to Heists and Husbandry, A.C. Huntley Sci-fi comedy
I’m signed up to receive ARCs from Hidden Gems in exchange for reviews, and this was one of those books. Very fun! A zookeeper stumbles upon an opportunity to smuggle a rare animal to a mob boss for a bunch of money and proceeds to try and do so-- with very little planning or idea of how she’ll do it. She’s winging this thing, and once you get used to her occasional idiocy and the stress, it’s pretty funny. The author threw in romance, but it was meh. Read for the shenanigans, but don’t expect too much. I thought the author could have made our protagonist’s backstory a bit more tragic and angsty, but y’all know who I am lol.
A Soul to Touch, Opal Reyne Monster Romance
Third book in the Duskwalker Brides series. This is for the monsterfuckers out there. I love these books for the well-developed, unique characters, the interesting world, and solid plots. And yeah, there’s explicit monster fucking. A Soul to Touch was an enjoyable continuation of the series, I think I liked it more than the second book? What stands out is that our monsters are all VERY different, which sometimes doesn’t happen with love interests. But these monsters have unique personalities, problems, wants, and ideas of how the world should be. Same with our female protagonists. If you don’t mind some explicit sex with monsters (or are, in fact, in search of that), try this series out. It's not all sex though, I promise. 
Class Five Series, Michelle Diener Sci-Fi Romance
I did post about this before, but I’ll do it again. I’ll start out by saying that in contrast to the series above, the love interests in this series are a bit cookie-cutter. But if you can get past that, this is a sci-fi series with some politics, AI (like, real AI), romance, aliens, and moral dilemmas. It can be cheesy, the romance can feel rushed, and the alien love-interests are quite human. But I freaking loved the world-building. The books would be better if the love interests weren’t all space military men from the same species, but meh. Still entertaining. 
The Intersolar Union Series, Etta Pierce Sci-Fi Alien Romance
Notice I say “alien” this time because these guys really are aliens. If Class Five is too simple for you, this one has more violence, explicit scenes, higher stakes, just overall feels more mature. Over 1000 humans are kidnapped from Earth for sex trafficking, and in the first book our main character works with the Alien Special Forces (sort of) to save them. Different couples! Different aliens! Angsty at times, steamy, and there are occasionally tentacles if you are into that. Lots of work went into this world building and the characters. Still need to read the latest book but I’m super excited for it. 
Mont Blanc Rescue Series, J.R. Pace Action and Adventure Romance
A new genre for me, got introduced to it through some ARCs. I find the military-love interest books hit or miss, but this series follows a group of people who are part of a search and rescue team so like. Less opportunity for cringe, plenty of action and guns and peril because ya girl needs that sometimes. Relatively simple and tame books, but fun super quick reads. The author is good with details and knows their stuff. I would like to go to the mountains now. 
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rickytwister · 4 years
Pylon Network is the Moonshot of 2020
Pylon Network (PYLNT) has max supply of 633858 only and sitting at a ridiculously low marketcap of 390k approx. They recently got listed on idex and have recently released updated tokenomics. What we are about to witness is outcome of hardwork of 4-5 years.
First lets understand what the project is all about. PYLNT is a blockchain for energy sector and helps world save energy and consumers their energy bills. Apart from this they are also working on P2P energy trading marketplace, where companies can trade their energy credits (research about Copenhagen summit for this usecase). So they have built a tech, which when implemented , automatically helps companies and people save on energy. In simple language, The tech automatically handles the diversion of surplus energy, provides realtime data and improves efficiency.
As per their new token model, every company from now on will have to market buy tokens and stake in order to be able to run federated Nodes and implement pylon. So a lot of buy pressure is coming up.
They are already being used at 4 muncipalities and few private companies and they recently got contract to implement spain's first renewable energy project.
I feel so proud to see, Pylon team is working on an inclusive approach where token holders share in the business success.
500k only in circulation and low marketcap. Lot's of marketing coming before month end.
Let's also understand more about the project and it's History
It's a highly technical project that boast of several accolades from Individuals and governments. For example, Their Chairman won Engineer of the year award in 2017 , apart from that some of the other positives include but not limited to
   Working partnership with Basque Country’s energy cooperative, GoiEner    Partnership with Denmark based GreenHydrogen    Received the prize from Spain Tech Center, being selected unanimously as the most innovative from all finalist startups, to represent Spain in Silicon Valley    Launched decentralized renewable energy exchange pilot in partnership with Ecooo.    Partnership with the community of Freetown Christiania, Denmark.    The Merchants Association of the San Fernando Market, partner-consumer of the energy cooperative La corriente, joins the Pylon Network pilot test and successfully completes the installation of what is now, the first “Metron” in Madrid, Spain.    Partnered with eGEO for the development of a certified energy meter    Spanish company Mirubee integrates Blockchain technology and Pylon Network open source software in its energy meters.    The only Spanish company invited by the Danish Government to improve public services.    Last October, Pylon Network was selected as winners of World Summit Awards (WSA) in the Green Energy & Environment category.    Working partnership with Energisme    Awarded by WAS (A UN Subsidary) and much more
The list above is very small, and a lot more has been done.
Pylon Network was awarded by UN and featured and hugely refrenced in research articles published by scientists/professors from Institute of Sensors, Signals and Systems, Heriot-Watt University, dinburgh, UK, Department of Anthropology, Durham University, Durham, UK, Siemens Energy Management, Hebburn, Tyne and Wear, UK, School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK Highest Award winning team in Crypto.
Project widely in use and being appreciated by reputed science Orgs.
Why you should invest in Pylon ?
Firstly they have started getting regular work contracts in EU region, hence it has now become a revenue generating project and Token holders earn a percentage of revenue share.
[u][i]Low supply, low marketcap and team has confirmed a lots of marketing coming once the tokenomics and mainnet details are out next week.[/i][/u]
The best part is, Pylon isn't in speculation or upcoming phase like other projects, that "this will happen"/"this will come" etc etc , it is already live at various municipalities in and around Spain, so the risk factor has gone. Team will be expanding to other regions of EU and USA pretty soon.
To make it easier for you to understand, what all has been achieved, I went through various artices from past and collated the following for you. These are some of the achievements, team has procured till date. This is not an exhaustive list and there is much much more to the project. But still it will provide you better picture on the hardwork that has gone into the project.
August 2017
Chosen as one of the finalist startups in South Summit 2017
Working partnership with Basque Country’s energy cooperative, GoiEner Interviewed by a spanish media company, El Referente Guto Owen, a highly experienced energy & environment consultant for governments and private sector clients in UK & internationally, joins as Advisor.
September 2017
Cristina Carrascosa, highly experienced blockchain lawyer, education from London School of Economics, Author of various Blockchain Books, Joins the team. Started discussions with Greenpeace for probable collaboration. Code audit by Entropy Factory. Partnership with Denmark based GreenHydrogen
October 2017
Received the prize from Spain Tech Center, being selected unanimously as the most innovative from all finalist startups, to represent Spain in Silicon Valley Presented at Bitcoin meetup The Cube, La Ingobernable, Madrid. Article published in Energias Renovables, most prestigious magazine of Spain on renewable energies. Partnership with the community of Freetown Christiania, Denmark.
Presented at series of meet-ups around Spain and Europe in Copenhagen, Madrid, San Sebastian, Bilbao and others. Finalized details of pilot project in order to improve the energy distribution and management, within Christiania’s micro-grid.
November 2017
Published Press releases in various online magazines. Organized few meetups in Basque country.
Launched decentralized renewable energy exchange pilot in partnership with Ecooo. Trip to Silicon Valley and participation in a 2-week accelerator program in San Francisco. Presented at Embarcadero center in downtown San Francisco.
December 2017
Meetings with Marine Clean Energy and Sonoma Clean Power of Califronia. Visited Blockchain EXPO North America, and met with various crypto players. Visited Plug&Play Tech Center. Visited offices of Silicon Valley Power and Palo Alto Public Utility. Introductory talks with E-On Accelerator (DK), Accelerace (DK) and GridVC (FIN)
Jaunuary 2018
Panel member at European Energy Transition Conference 2018 – Geneva, Switzerland! Presented together with GoiEner at Ateneo de Madrid – Energy & blockchain forum – ICADE, Madrid.
Released screenshots of the platform’s alpha version. Participation in Ateneo (ESP) and European Smart Cities (CH) conferences. Code release for first fully functional blockchain algorithm, designed specifically for the needs of the energy sector.
February 2018
Demo version released for Public. Presented at University of Oxford. Presented at TechHub Swansea, Wales.
March 2018
Installed the first Pylon based “Metron” energy meters at users of the GoiEner energy cooperative, in a real environment.
April 2018
Presented at
EventHorizon (Berlin, GERMANY). EventHorizon is the ONE exclusive annual event centered on energy blockchain solutions for a future based solely on renewable resources. EnergyCities (Rennes, FRANCE). The role of blockchain in the energy transition of cities NIRIG (Belfast, IRELAND).
May 2018
Installed first “Metron” energy meter in Madrid :- The Merchants Association of the San Fernando Market, partner-consumer of the energy cooperative La corriente, joins the Pylon Network pilot test and successfully completes the installation of what is now, the first “Metron” in Madrid, Spain.
Partnered with eGEO for the development of a certified energy meter called – METRON- which will integrate blockchain and the Pyloncoin payment method. First version of METRON dApp launched.
June 2018
Presented at
ENTSO-E, Brussels, Belgium.
ENGIE Global Team Representatives, Madrid, Spain Social Enterprise Leaders Forum (SELF), Seoul, S. Korea. Transactive Energy & Blockchain, Vienna, Austria. RESCoop.eu General Assembly, Milan, Italy.
July 2018
Prosumers and Pyloncoin dynamic payment system integration.
Presented at
Smart Energy Wales, Organised by Renewable UK (Cymru). MARESTON, organised by MARES Madrid. Spanish Foundation for Renewable Energy, Malaga, Spain.
October 2018
Spanish company Mirubee integrates Blockchain technology and Pylon Network open source software in its energy meters.
November 2018
Published the most up-to-date version of its Blockchain Open Source Code and invited energy market players to use it. Pyloncoin Blockchain Explorer released.
January 2019
Presented at Energy Revolution Congress – Valencia, Spain
February 2019
Updated Whitepaper and Tokenomics Released. Interviewed by Sustainable Energy magazine, The Energy Bit.
March 2019
Presented at
GENERA Energia – Madrid, Spain. CTEC – Barcelona, Spain.
May 2019
The only Spanish company invited by the Danish Government to improve public services.
Presented at
Intersolar (Munich, Germany) ,the largest Solar Energy Conference in the industry. UNEF (Organised by the Spanish Union of PV technology) – Madrid, Spain
June 2019
Launched community reward program. Webinar :- the impact of new regulations on the self-consumption landscape in Spain. Belén Gallego, serial Entreprenuer, Public Speaker, Energy Consultant, Founder ATA Insights, Joins Pylon team.
July 2019
Participated in round table conference, Vinalab – Ruta Hackathon
August 2019
Participated in EPRI event :- Presented Pylon Network to investors and US utilities, who were interested to explore the blockchain/ energy landscape.
September 2019
Presented at The Madrid Energy Conference along with representatives of companies such as IBM, Shell etc
October 2019
Presented at International Conference of Energy Communities – Lisbon Presentation in Plug & Play Europe Event – Berlin Foro Solar Conference – Madrid WeekINN Conference – San Sebastian IoT World Congress – Barcelona
Formed Partnership with Energisme
November 2019
Presented at ACOCEX Conference The Unconference Valencia Startup Week – Barrio La Pinada event
December 2019
Proudly mentioned in various Spanish media, for delivering energy efficiency impact for local communities: the Valencian Municipality of Canet achieved a 12% reduction on their annual electricity costs, with the support of simple, consumer-centered and consumer-friendly energy services of Pylon Network!
[u][i]National Winner AT WSA Awards by United Nations[/i][/u]
January 2020
Started releasing Educational Video Series Presented at Presentation at CMES, Barcelona Interview published by The online media outlet “The Daily Chain”
February 2020
Presented at GENERA International Trade Paco Negre Assigned as New CFO of Pylon Network Javier Cervera appointed as chairman of Pylon Network! Javier has been recognized as the engineer of the year for 2017 and as the vice-president of AEE – the Association of Energy Engineers.
March 2020 Listing confirmed on Idex (Trading went live in April) Presented at Effie solar virtual conference
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amerisolarmelody · 5 years
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EU #solar boom -  over 100% solar market increase in 2019: • Strongest growth year for solar since 2010 • More new solar capacity installed than any other power generation technology in 2019 • Spain is Europe’s largest solar market adding 4.7 GW SolarPower Europe’s first EU Market Outlook for Solar Power shows that 2019 was one of the best solar years on record for the European Union, with 16.7 GW of installations added in the region, representing a 104% increase over the 8.2 GW added in 2018. This makes 2019 the strongest growth year for solar in the EU-28 since 2010. Walburga Hemetsberger, CEO of SolarPower Europe, said: “Solar in the European Union is thriving. We have entered a new era of solar growth, with more new solar capacity installed than any other power generation technology in 2019. This boom in installations demonstrates that solar in Europe is on the right track, and with bold climate leadership from the new Commission, solar can help make the European Green Deal a reality.” Great analysis Michael Schmela and Raffaele Rossi The full Global Market Outlook to be launched in June 2020 at @Intersolar Europe
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blkgrlsread2 · 7 months
Most men run in fear of a girl that knows how to pull the trigger.
Etta Pierce, Resistance
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