information-2-0 · 7 months
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cxhchrg7eo · 1 year
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asdaricus · 2 years
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These fabulous and fabulously enriched coffers are on the soffit of the vault of the interior of Saint Peter's Basilica in Vatican City, Rome. You can see the square coffers on the underside of the arches on both ends of the vault. The underside of an arch is called an 'intrados.' You can also see the square and rectangular coffers on the cross vault beyond the far arch on the lower portion of the image.
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grr-bark-bark · 2 years
Fuck you. Fuck you fuck you fuck you. You just LOVE to seek for any reason to hate on forks. You. Are. Nuclear. Rubbish. I pray you spill the blandest, grossest smelling soda on your machinery and then sit in it. You're a childish freak living in a rotation of hate. As a survivor of of the galactic war, I hope they hang you from an intrados.
Is it obvious enough I used a word generator to send this
No you know what fuck you. I don't care if you survived the Galactic War, that doesn't make you the defining voice on forks. Forks fucking suck and I will stand by that. I dunno what the fuck your problem with me is, the forks are the reason the whole war started in the first place, dipshit. Educate yourself
And for the record, I take "childish freak living in a rotation of hate" as a compliment, so fuck you
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hairextension89 · 3 months
Cursus Haarverlenging and Weft
Leer de kunst van het combineren van laagjes en het verbinden van haarextensies
Ontdek de geheimen van het blenden, in lagen aanbrengen en verbinden van hairextensions met onze uitgebreide Hair Extensions-cursus, ontworpen voor erkende haarstylisten. Onze H&C-stylisten delen waardevolle technische tips om een ​​naadloze en natuurlijke afwerking te garanderen. Van kleurafstemming tot bevestigingstechnieken, lees verder om uw vaardigheden op het gebied van het aanbrengen van haarextensies te verbeteren.
Veelbetekenende tekenen van haarextensies identificeren
De schoonheid van hairextensions ligt in hun vermogen om natuurlijk haar naadloos na te bootsen. Echter, zichtbare tekenen zoals kleurverschillen, een onnatuurlijk uiterlijk of een geclusterde look kunnen slecht gemengde extensions verraden. Deze uitdaging wordt nog duidelijker als je te maken hebt met kort, dik haar.
Zoals Intrado GlobeNewswire meldt, wordt verwacht dat Noord-Amerika tegen 2026 ongeveer $2 miljard zal bijdragen aan de mondiale markt voor haarpruiken en -extensies. Zorg ervoor dat u de investeringen van uw klanten niet in gevaar brengt door de kunst van het blenden van hairextensions onder de knie te krijgen. Geef prioriteit aan de volgende overwegingen voordat u extensies toepast:
Haarextensions blenden
Het bereiken van een vlekkeloze integratie vereist nauwgezette aandacht voor kleur, textuur en dichtheid. Deskundige styliste Jessica Parker benadrukt hoe belangrijk het is om de juiste kleur te matchen en een natuurlijke flow te garanderen. Bovendien zijn het garanderen van de juiste textuurmatch en het installeren van het juiste aantal inslagen cruciaal voor een natuurlijke uitstraling.
Haarextensions bevestigen
Veel klanten zoeken naar hairextensions om lengte aan hun kortere haar toe te voegen. Succesvolle bevestiging begint met een naadloze overgang, waardoor de noodzaak voor uitgebreide aanpassingen na de installatie wordt verminderd. Zorg ervoor dat de eerste blend goed wordt uitgevoerd om eenvoudig maatwerk en beeldhouwen tijdens de laatste snede mogelijk te maken.
Haarextensies in laagjes aanbrengen
Van het strategisch aanbrengen van inslagen tot het verfijnen van het kapsel na het aanbrengen, het aanbrengen van laagjesextensies vereist vaardigheid en vooruitziendheid. Het doel is om een ​​hobbelig of oneffen uiterlijk door het hele hoofd te voorkomen. Tips van experts voor het naadloos blenden van haarextensies Topstylisten delen hun inzichten over het bereiken van een natuurlijke blend Jessica Parker "De beste manier om extensions te blenden is door de juiste kleur te matchen. Textuurmatch en het installeren van de juiste hoeveelheid inslagen zijn essentieel voor een natuurlijke look." Nicole Destefanao "Ik gebruik graag een scheermes om te blenden, omdat het tijdens het snijden een automatische textuur aan de vorm geeft voor een meer levendige blend."Kim Phillips "Zorg ervoor dat de kleur goed is. Zorg dat de dichtheid en textuur overeenkomen. Snijd het natuurlijke en haar verlengen met een scheermes; dat is de sleutel!"
Haarkleuren kiezen en mengen
Voor professionals is het selecteren van haar van een gerenommeerde bron cruciaal. Kies voor extensions die vrij zijn van salonkleurstoffen, chemicaliën of peroxide om de gezondheid van het haar te garanderen. Overweeg producten met een verscheidenheid aan basis-, highlight- en kleuropties, waarin meerdere kleurstrengen zijn verwerkt voor een multi-tonaal effect. Juiste technieken voor het bevestigen van haarextensies Kies geschikte lengtes, kleuren, dichtheid en textuur vóór installatie. Gebruik snijmethoden zoals puntsnijden, snijden, glijden en bot snijden voor optimale resultaten. Haarextensies in laagjes knippen als een professional Laagjes knippen is essentieel voor het blenden van verschillende haartypes. Gebruik verschillende verlengingslengtes, professionele scharen en diverse laagjestechnieken op basis van natuurlijke haartypes voor de beste resultaten.
Deskundige laagjestips
Gebruik verschillende verlengingslengtes. Begin met langere stukken aan de onderkant en stapel kortere stukken aan de bovenkant/voorkant voor een gelaagde look. Investeer in een professionele schaar Een gewone schaar is niet voldoende; gebruik een professionele schaar en een scheerkam voor precisie.
Denk aan het haartype
Pas de laagjestechnieken aan op basis van het natuurlijke haartype van de klant voor een naadloze blend. Verschillende technieken voor de voor- en achterkant. Pas de knipbewegingen aan op basis van de kortere en dunnere kenmerken van de voorste haarlijn.
Begin vanaf het midden van de haarschacht Begin met knippen vanaf het midden van de haarschacht, waarbij kortere haartjes aan de voorkant worden gemengd tot langere extensions .
Laatste gedachten over naadloze haarextensies
Het kiezen van de juiste onderdelen is cruciaal voor een naadloze installatie. Baseer uw beslissingen op kleur, dichtheid en textuur, en gebruik na installatie de juiste kniptechnieken die zijn afgestemd op het natuurlijke haar van de klant en de gewenste resultaten. Klaar om uw vaardigheden op het gebied van het aanbrengen van haarextensies te verbeteren. Ontdek onze Hair Extensions-cursus voor een diepgaande training. Deel uw favoriete technieken en ideeën, geïnspireerd door dit artikel, en laat ons weten hoe Hair & Compounds uw reis verder kunnen ondersteunen.
Haar en verbindingen
organiseerde onlangs een uitgebreide masterclass over Cilinder I-Tip Individual Hair Extensions, met de gewaardeerde hairextensionist en styliste Joanne Morrison. Met meer dan twintig jaar ervaring in de sector en een decenniumlange toewijding aan Hair & Compounds , deelt Joanne inzichten van onschatbare waarde in deze serie van vijf afleveringen. De masterclass behandelt verschillende aspecten, van de basisbeginselen van het installeren van haarextensies tot het kopen van extensions, het instellen van cilinderextensies, installatietechnieken en tips voor het blenden en stylen.
Inzichten die elke hairextensionstylist moet kennen
Joanne behandelt essentiële onderwerpen, waaronder het kiezen van de beste leveranciers van haarextensies, belangrijke overwegingen bij het winkelen voor haarextensies, de meest geschikte haarextensies voor verschillende klanten, haar economisch en milieuvriendelijke verlengingsmethode, het belang van textuur- en kleurkeuzes, de eerlijke beoordeling van een klant van H&C hairextensions, en het begrijpen van het verschil tussen cuticula- en niet-cuticulahaar.
Winkelen voor haarextensies
Joanne verdiept zich in het winkelproces en bespreekt het selecteren van de juiste i-tip-extensies op basis van kleur, kwaliteit en textuur, haar voorkeur voor Remy-haarextensies , kleurafstemming, lengte en kleurmenging, de voordelen van kleurmenging boven chemische kleur, waardoor extensions gaan naadloos samen met natuurlijk haar, consultatie en klantvoorbereiding, en prijsoverwegingen voor zowel extensions als installatie, samen met de voordelen van het gebruik van voorgewortelde en voorgemengde haarextensions van H&C.
Cilinderverlengingen instellen
Deze aflevering concentreert zich op het voorbereidingsproces, met tips voor een succesvolle voorbereiding van cilinderhaarextensies, de benodigde hulpmiddelen en waar u deze kunt vinden, haarvoorbereiding met behulp van een haarhouder en visuele kleurmenging, voorbereiding van de klant vóór de persoonlijke installatie en prijsoverwegingen voor haar. diensten voor het voorbereiden van uitbreidingen.
Hoe u individuele haarextensies met cilinder I-Tip installeert
Joanne begeleidt het installatieproces, waarbij ze gedetailleerd de kleurkaarten bekijkt die in het consult zijn besproken, rekening houdt met de vorm van het hoofd van de klant voor een optimale plaatsing, het haar van de klant in secties verdeelt op basis van de vorm van het hoofd vóór de installatie, kralen/koperen schakels kiest op basis van de haarkleur, het starten van de plaatsing , het corrigeren van fouten en het bespreken van de verwachtingen van de klant, prijsoverwegingen op basis van uren, haartype en toegevoegde rijen, en onderhoudstips voor klanten die cilinder- I-tip-extensies dragen .
Blenden en stylen met definitieve transformatie
Joanne sluit de serie af met blend- en stylingtips, het controleren van elke rij op een naadloze blend, aanpassen en puntknippen voor een natuurlijke look, het toevoegen van lagen voor natuurlijke haarbeweging, de verwachte levensduur van H&C extensions met de juiste verzorging, het belang van het inkoopproces van H&C en advies voor stylisten die overwegen cilinder-I-tip-extensies te leren. De serie eindigt met een laatste onthulling van de transformatie en een reactie van de klant. Kijkers worden aangemoedigd om Joanne's werk op Instagram en Facebook te bekijken en Hair & Compounds te volgen voor meer gratis haareducatie.
Inslag Cursus haarextensies
Haarextensies zijn de afgelopen jaren enorm populair geworden en ik heb ze altijd heel graag willen proberen. Bij veel bekende merken hangt echter een flink kostenkaartje, variërend van. Omdat ik alleen voor de lol wilde experimenteren, wendde ik me tot eBay en ontdekte een aantrekkelijke reeks synthetische extensies van een verkoper, voor slechts een prijs. Opgewonden heb ik de aankoop gedaan. Het pakket bevat een set hairextensions met 5 clips voor bevestiging.
Kleur opties
omvatten zwart, donkerbruin, blond of lichtbruin. Aanvankelijk koos ik, met een neiging tot lichtbruin, voor donkerbruin, omdat ik geloofde dat het beter is om wat donkerdere extensions te hebben dan degenen die merkbaar licht zijn. De snelle postzegel van de verkoper verraste me aangenaam en arriveerde binnen ongeveer een week. Hier is een visuele vergelijking van mijn haar voor en na het aanbrengen van de extensions: [Voeg de meegeleverde foto's voor en na toe] Gezien mijn relatief korte pluisjes voegen de extensions effectief lengte en volume toe, waardoor een voller en dikker uiterlijk ontstaat.
De extensies meten
18 inch lang en mengt zich naadloos met mijn echt natuurlijke tomentumkleuring. Hoewel één clip licht beschadigd was, aan de rand geplaatst, kon ik hem gemakkelijk vastzetten met schuifspelden, waardoor een heel natuurlijke uitstraling behouden bleef. Een consultatiefoto van de pageboy van de eBay-verkoper illustreert hoe je de extensions kunt dragen voor degenen die niet bekend zijn met het proces. Instructies voor het dragen van extensions Voeg de foto van de eBay-verkoper toe met de juiste credits. Ik ben oprecht blij met deze nieuwe inslagcursusextensies en kijk ernaar uit om ze regelmatig in mijn titel op te nemen. Omdat mijn zo natuurlijke tomentum de neiging heeft een zeer substantiële groei te belemmeren, is dit een uitstekende oplossing. Het is vermeldenswaard dat de extensions enigszins zwaar kunnen aanvoelen op het hoofd, en dat verkeerd knippen kan leiden tot pluistrekken – een heel klein nadeel.
Ik ben rammelend tevreden over de productie. Hieronder staan ​​extra foto's die verschillende stijlen laten zien. Voeg de meegeleverde extra foto's toe. Zou 5/5 zijn als er geen ontbrekende clip was en de noodzaak voor voorzorg bij het bevochtigen van synthetisch haar. Zou ik het opnieuw kopen Absoluut, ik heb al een dictaat geplaatst voor een andere set van de allereerste dezelfde marketeer, die koos voor de versie met krullend haar voor een prijs. De betaalbaarheid en betrouwbaarheid van de verkoper maken het een uitstekende keuze.
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raogbl · 8 months
What is the definition of an Arch?
Arches are designs constructed in a curved arc with a block arch system built up to create an opening in a wall to aid the density wall more than to support the entire burden of another underlying wall. Due to the way it is designed, the obligations are more than sufficient to carry a bit of help in exchange for the obligations.
What are the different parts of an Arch?
An arch consists of many different parts and components, which are as follows:
1. Intrados: The term refers to the part of the arch that sits below the top of the arch.
2. Abutment: This has either floated over the barricade or passed through its end. As a result, the arch becomes certified in this manner.
3. Arch Ring: It consists of an angle as good as that of which is about the arch, depending on the rock slab that we have; therefore, it consists of a course based on any rock slab.
4. Arch Block: For the sandwich-size arch, it will stay for you; so that you are able to improve the angle of the arch stone.
5. Spandril: A spandrel is designed to guard three sides of the arch: an angular line behind the crown of the hook, a parallel line along the curved curve of the arch, and a parallel line up the length of the external extrados.
6. Haunch: In order to place the middle of the key and skewback on the arch, the hunch of the arch holds on to the hook section.
7. Springer: On both sides of the arch, Springer is considered to be the earliest springer.
8. Extrados: In order to hold an arch, it must be attached to its outdoor side.
9. Springing Line: A springing line is a physical line that connects two springing points.
10. Centre of Arch: When it comes to the graphic apex of the arch, the arcs are defining innovation in the arch, the curve of the arch and the rings of turn will be delineating the mid.
Read more
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reportprime22 · 9 months
Investor Relations (IR) Website Builder Software Market Size is growing at CAGR of 13.40%
Investor Relations (IR) website builder software is a tool that helps companies build and maintain their Investor Relations websites. The market for IR website builder software has been segmented based on type (cloud-based, on-premise), application (large enterprises, SMEs), region (North America, Asia Pacific, Middle East, Africa, Australia, Europe), and market players (B2i Technologies, EQS Group, Equisolve, IPR Software, Q4 Inc, Intrado). The market is expected to grow due to the increasing importance of IR websites in enhancing communication between companies and their existing as well as potential investors. Regulatory and legal factors specific to market conditions include compliance with SEC regulations, disclosure of material information, and protection of confidential information. In addition, the growing importance of corporate social responsibility and sustainability factors are also influencing the IR website builder software market. Read more at https://www.reportprime.com/investor-relations-ir-website-builder-software-r11647
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shadowspellchecker · 11 months
Enola Holmes (2020): How high is the Stephens Viaduct?
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The viaduct is probably about ~152ft/~46m high. To get this measure I scaled using three reference images: one of the train used as the model, one of the train crossing the viaduct, and one of the viaduct in full. Further discussion below.
I used the following images for this calculation:
Image 1:
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Image 2:
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Using Image 1 and a reference image, I calculated the real-world height of the train. Then I used the train's height as a reference point for the spacing between the top of an arch and the top of the viaduct in Image 1, since I lacked an image featuring both the train, the bridge, and the water, at a reasonable distance, but I did have the such an image without the train, and the space between the arch and the top was a shared visible object I could use for scale. Then I applied that measure to the ratio between the height of the space between the arch and top and the height of the entire viaduct using Image 2.
We have several measurements to do here. First, calculating the height of the carriage from wheel to roof (Rp), and the height of the stonework between the bottom of the arches (the intrados) and the top of the wall of the viaduct (Wp). These can be measured in pixels:
Next, we need the real-world height of one of the carriages (Rr) the CGI model was based on. While we lack this measurement, we do have the real world width [1], 9'0" wide [2] (274.32 cm) AND a squared photograph of the front of one of the cars, GWR 9103 Nondescript Saloon, from its restoration.[3]
Now, we have all the information we need to calculate the train height. I'm using imperial units at the moment, please bear with me:
Since Pixel_width(329) : Pixel_height(475) = Real_Width(108 inches): Real_Height
Then we know 475/329 = Real_Height/108
Multiplying both sides by the known Real_Width cancels on the right: 108 × (475/329) = (Real_Height/108) × 108108 × (475/329) = Real_Height
So Real_Height is: Real_Height = 108 × (475/329) Real_Height = 155.92705167173
329 : 475 = 108 : 155.92705167173
Now, we have all the info we need to calculate the real height of the viaduct wall segment (Wr) using the same formula:
Train Height in pixels = Rp = 164
Wall segment height in pixels = Wp = 256
Real-world Train height = Rr = 156 inches
Rp : Wp = Rr : X
Then we know Wp/Rp = X/Rr
Multiplying both sides by Rr cancels on the right Rr × (Wp/Rp) = (X/Rr) × Rr Rr × (Wp/Rp) = X
Then solving for XL X = Rr × (Wp/Rp) X = Wr
Therefore Rp : Wp = Rr : Wr
Plugging in the numbers:
164 : 256 = 155.92705167173: X
256/164 = X/155.92705167173
155.92705167173 × (256/164) = (X/155.92705167173) × 155.92705167173 155.92705167173× (256/164) = X
X = 155.92705167173 × (256/164) X =243.39832456075
Therefore 164 : 256 = 155.92705167173 : 243.39832456075
Train Height in pixels = Rp = 164
Wall segment height in pixels = Wp = 256
Real-world Train height = Rr = 156 inches
Real-world wall segment height = Wr = 243.39832456075 inches
So the wall segment over the arches is 243.39832456075 inches high. This lets us take that same height and apply it to the previous image. We must use a different arch due to the angles, but as you can see from this image, the space above the arches remains roughly even throughout the viaduct. We're going to lose accuracy, but given the scale and distance we really can only hope for a rough estimate. To the Wr value of 243.39832456075, the same area from the more complete view of the viaduct is 15.5 pixels high. I'm rounding up to 16 here. And the entire viaduct, at that point, is 116 pixels high.
Train Height in pixels = Rp = 164
Wall segment height in pixels = Wp = 256
Real-world Train height = Rr = 156 inches
Real-world wall segment height = Wr = 243.39832456075 inches
Wall segment height in pixels in full-scale image = Wf = 15.5
Viaduct height in pixels = Vp = 116
Viaduct height in real-world inches = Vr = ?
This produces a ratio of 15.5 : 116 = 243.39832456075 : 1821.5616547772
Calculator used for ratios
SO! The viaduct is 1821.5616547772 inches. Divide that now by 12, you get 151.79680456476into infinity. Yikes, that's not a very round number. I'd be willing to bet the CGI peeps were using metric, so let's try that. For expediency, I created a spreadsheet with the correct formula:
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As you can see, the results are consistent. If done by hand, with rounding, we probably would have an inconsistent result, however. I would love to verify this by using another set of footage of the viaduct and a separate reference marker, but I'm afraid we are quite limited given the amount of time it appeared in the film.
☞ Enola Holmes (2020)
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All-inclusive Insights on Virtual Event Apps and Event App Development!
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Virtual event software solutions entered the market long back, but their popularity reached its peak during the pandemic. During this phase, thousands of personal as well as corporate events got canceled or postponed, affecting numerous businesses. But then, virtual event applications came into the picture. Organizers conducted countless personal as well as corporate events through these apps. As such, several apps got outstanding attention, which was not even known to the masses, and their downloading spiked.
“Downloads of video conferencing applications were recorded to be 62 million, just in a single week of March 2020, after the pandemic,” as reported by TechCrunch, the renowned online newspaper for technology news. Since then, a plethora of virtual event software apps flooded the market and the face of the online conferencing and virtual event industry changed forever. Event-driven applications continued to be popular and this trend is here to stay.
This post throws light on the fundamental steps to creating a next-gen virtual event software solution. We have also spoken about the significant features of such apps and how they prove advantageous to diverse businesses. So, if you are planning to build a virtual event management app, this post answers all your questions.
Virtual Event Apps and Their Potential Advantages
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What is a virtual event? Well, the events that one hosts online allowing the participants to participate or view the event from any corner of the world are called virtual events. These events can be webinars, virtual conferences, internal or external hybrid events, etc. Such digital events have some agenda and are usually expected to be collaborative sessions and are streamed online.
Such digital events are hosted using live-streaming platforms. Here, live streaming is an essential functionality of these apps. Zoom, Webex, Google Meet, Vimeo, Digitell, GoToMeeting, Intrado, Evia, etc. are a few examples of popular platforms and apps.
Take a look at the advantages of these applications!
Safety and Security for All
During the pandemic, online mobile event apps ensured the health and safety of the participants, event organizers, and all the involved staff. Without any need for in-person gatherings, the social distancing norms were maintained.
Better Opportunities
All the details like the number of tickets sold out for events, related email marketing reports, etc. are available on a single application. Besides, the participants can access the pre-recorded events, as per their will and availability. Also, they can chat with other users during live events to build business relationships. Such benefits offer extended opportunities to both app owners as well as participants.
Virtual events prove immensely cost-effective as compared to offline events. The event organizers only need to spend on the initial establishment cost. Once they develop a virtual event platform, hosting events become budget-friendly.
In offline events, the event planners have to consider a host of other costs like arranging for expensive equipment, booking a venue, etc. They also have to incur expenses like travel, accommodation, & catering for participants. Thus, with virtual apps, the cost of events is drastically reduced. This approach is particularly advantageous for small-sized organizations, start-ups, and ones with budget constraints.
Flexibility and Scalability
Whether it is a simple sales kickoff meeting, a thought leadership meeting, or any event for that matter; all types of events can be flexibly hosted using these virtual platforms. Attendees from any part of the globe can attend virtual events or meetings at the same time without having to travel in person to the event venue. Besides, event organizers enjoy a lot of flexibility while planning events. They can speedily adjust event schedules and programming as per the need of the hour. This can really help organizers in situations when they come across unexpected changes or disruptions.
The virtual event organizer app approach also benefits individuals with mobility issues or other physical disabilities and find it challenging to attend an offline event. Furthermore, several apps provide the multi-lingual feature as well.
Easier Networking & Better Engagement
Participants don’t have to personally visit a particular location to meet new people. Online chatting options make things much easier. Besides, they can conveniently collect details like the name, profiles, companies, etc. of other professionals in the meeting.
Virtual event platforms can offer multiple user engagement tools like Q&A sessions, live chats, surveys, polls, etc. These functionalities play a crucial role in providing engaging event experiences to attendees. They can interact with other attendees as well as the event content in a more meaningful way.
Feedback Collection and Result Analysis
Online event solutions generate valuable data on attendee behavior, engagement, and preferences. Mobile event apps can track data like the number of participants, the timing when they logged in, what amount they paid, and how, etc. This insightful data gathered are quite useful for result analysis.
Also, these apps allow the participants to provide feedback easily through polls or real-time sessions. Event-related data and attendee feedback help organizers and presenters evaluate the overall performance of the event and identify the areas of improvement. This will help them to make future improvements and tailor the content to accommodate the requirements and preferences of their targeted audience.
Top Features of Virtual Event Apps
Event Registration
Profile creation of the users
Event page for details like event topic, date and time of the event, host details, etc.
Speaker booths for multiple speakers to create their profiles and related details
Facility to record live sessions and meetings
Real-time chatting, one-to-one, and group chatting options
Live video streaming option
Payment options via PayPal, Google Pay, credit/debit cards, etc.
Social media integration for sharing event-related data with other contacts
Integrations like sales tools, email marketing, etc.
Report generation and analysis
Screen sharing
Virtual hand raising
Mute participants
Audience polls
Steps To Architect a Virtual Event Application
Here are the crucial steps required for the creation of an online conference app:
Create the Architecture: Create an architecture that supports the requirements of your event management activities. Consider parameters like the kinds of interactions your app will support, the number of concurrent users, and the specific prerequisites related to data storage and retrieval. You can consider choosing a microservice architecture to facilitate modularity, maintainability, and scalability.
Development of Backend: In the initial development stages itself, build a server for running the application. It is always advisable to create the server from scratch rather than make use of any ready-made technologies.
Designing User Interface: UI marks the first impressions for your virtual conferencing application and hence, it is of utmost importance to thoughtfully design a captivating and intuitive UI.
Android and iOS Compatibility: If you want to reach a wider audience range, your event management mobile app must run on both- Android and iOS devices. For ensuring that your video streaming app supports Android, make use of WebRTC and for iOS, use Swift.
Important Factors to consider during Event App Development
Next, let us look into the three most important aspects you need to consider during the development of a virtual event app- cloud network, video architecture, and content management.
Cloud Network
The virtual conferencing applications come with an integrated data center infrastructure that is strictly supervised, tracked, and regularly modified by the development teams. This cloud network is created for providing global connectivity and for enabling users from all across the globe to connect and participate seamlessly. For example, Zoom has more than 15 data centers globally which are going to be expanding in the coming years.
Video Architecture
Now, the app architecture should be optimized to meet the video requirements for which, four important features must be considered, as given below:
Distributed architecture: This architecture enables the participants to share meetings across the network and allows them to easily join meetings via private communication using the nearest data center. Using a distributed architecture rather than a centralized approach will offer the required scalability to the app so that thousands of viewers can simultaneously get a consistent video experience.
Multimedia Routing: This approach offers the users with various streams of videos from other participants. It also reduces the need for computers’ power and thus, makes the app a greatly scalable system.
Video Encoding and Streaming: Your application should be able to encode and stream video content to attendees in real-time. Event app developers use video encoding techniques for compressing videos into suitable formats for streaming videos. The videos are then streamed to the attendees via the Internet. Usually, event apps use Cloud-based services like Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services for handling the activities of encoding and video streaming.
Multi-bitrate Encoding: Every single stream can be altered to several resolutions besides stream routing. Due to this, the need to decode, encode, and optimize the output is removed. This also allows the apps to provide video quality levels depending on the network capabilities and the system.
Service Application Layer: Higher quality of the service application layer ensures optimized audio, video, and screen-sharing for every device and the available bandwidth for offering the best network-wide experience.
Content Management
A virtual event organizing platform requires a content management system for managing the video content that the presenter will display during the event. So, organizers need to upload, organize, and schedule the content for various sessions and track the event. You may also have to integrate the application with third-party systems like registration and payment systems. This way, you can ensure that your attendees can access the content effortlessly.
Concluding Views
Virtual event planning apps help organizers plan and execute events in a more effective way with productive outcomes. At the same time, the attendees also go through a flexible and engaging event experience. However, creating an amazing virtual solution for hosting events is a complex process. You need to plan carefully and follow the correct execution steps. Hence, it’s important to pick the right event app development company and app development resources that are best suited to your use case development needs.
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mysticalfungalaxy · 1 year
Healthcare Video Conferencing Solutions Market is projected to increase at a CAGR of around 5.5% from 2023 to 2033
The Healthcare Video Conferencing Solutions Market revenues were estimated at US$ 87 Million in 2022 and are anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 5.5% from 2023-2033, according to a recently published Future Market Insights report. By the end of 2033, the market is expected to reach US$ 91.7 Million. The revenue through on-premise installed healthcare video conferencing solutions is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.6% during the forecast period.
Gain complete access to the report @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/healthcare-video-conferencing-solutions-market
The market for healthcare video conferencing solutions is projected to grow at a significant pace owing to technological advancements such as the debut of 5G technology and the increasing implementation of telemedicine resolutions.
The market's development was also influenced by technical advancements brought by several firms, particularly during Covid-19. The healthcare industry, like many others, has a diverse set of video conferencing requirements, including low power, very low latency, incredible speed, and more bandwidth. This is because various data-intensive applications, such as video applications, virtual reality, and augmented reality, have become a reality.
North America accounted for a significant share of the global Digital Health Communication Solution Market in 2022. The increased acceptance of video-conferencing technologies in the healthcare business has led to regional market growth.
Increased demand for continuous access to high-end virtual doctor-patient conferences is expected to boost the market growth. The presence of key corporations in the region is anticipated to stimulate market growth.
Competitive Landscape
Pexip AS
Zoom Video Communications, Inc.
Intrado Corporation
Vidyo, Inc.
Plantronics, Inc.
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Avaya Inc.
A few recent developments in the Healthcare Video Conferencing Solutions market are:
In June 2021, Zoom Video Communications, Inc. announced that it had reached a deal to buy Karlsruhe Information Technology Systems -Kites GmbH, a firm specializing in real-time machine translation solutions.
In April 2021, Intrado Corporation introduced the SD-WAN Thin Edge, which was created in partnership with Infiot, a company that specializes in remote-first applications. It is intended for use with LTE cellular networks to connect distant workers, fixed and mobile locations, and IoT devices.
In February 2020, Logitech revealed that their new future Zone Wired headset would expand its video conferencing options for the entire workplace while also enhancing the personal workstation. With the addition of this new headset, Logitech offers a comprehensive modern portfolio of both wired and wireless headsets, allowing customers to select the best option for their needs.
In December 2020, Intrado Corporation, a provider of patient engagement solutions for hospitals, medical offices, and health systems, acquired Asparia, Inc.
Market Segments Covered in Healthcare Video Conferencing Solutions Market Analysis
By Deployment Mode:
By Component:
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civiconcepts · 1 year
21 Different Types Of Arches In Construction
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An arch is a curved structure used in architecture and construction to span an opening, such as a doorway or window, and distribute weight evenly across supports, such as walls or columns. Arches are typically made of stone, brick, or concrete, and are held in place by a combination of gravity and lateral forces. Arches have been used for thousands of years and have been a crucial component in many architectural styles, including Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque. Arches are valued for their strength, versatility, and aesthetic appeal, and continue to be a widely used feature in contemporary architecture.
What Is Arch?
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Gateway Arch St. Louis The arch consists of a curved structural shape that transmits loads over the opening, transmitting them over the shape of the arch to jambs, abutments, or piers on either side. Arches are compressive structures, which is why there are no tensile stresses. Arches are self-supporting, balanced by the force of gravity conducting on their weight to carry them in compression. This establishes them as largely stable and productive, capable of larger spans and supporting considerable loads than horizontal beams. The downward load of an arch must be transmitted to its foundations. The external thrust put out by an arch at its floor must be restricted either by the weight of supporting walls or weight, by foundations, or by a contradicting tie between the two sides. The external thrust rises as the height, or rise, of the arch declines. Read More: Culvert | What Is a Culvert | Types of Culvert | Culvert Meaning | Parts of Culvert
Arch Construction
Since several building materials, such as concrete and masonry, can withstand compression, arches are generally constructed utilizing these types of materials.
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Arch Construction Construction of the arches is needed where the span between the two supports is surplus and the load arriving on the supports is heavy. Arches are similarly utilized as an Architectural element that will enable to increase in the aesthetical view of the structure. Wedge-shaped blocks, named voussoirs, establish flank-to-flank with the upper perimeter being broader than the lower edge. The downward pressure on the arch possesses the impact of forcing the voussoirs together instead of apart. The voussoir that is situated in the center of the arch is called the keystone. This adjustment reflects that the arch is self-supporting, but temporary supports from the under, normally in the form of timber ' centers ' (occasionally called 'centering or 'arch formers'), must be provided until the keystone has been established in place. The interior, lower curve of the arch is called the intrados. The outer, upper curve of the arch is called the extrados. A springing line, or spring, is the point from which the arch starts to increase from its vertical supports.
Types Of Arches In Construction
The arches are classified as per the following factors, According To The Shape - Pointed Shape Arch - Horseshoe Shape Arch - Flat Arch - Segmental Arch - Semi Circular Arch - Venetian Arch - Semi-Elliptical Arch - Stilted Arch - Relieving Arch According To The Type Of Material Used For Construction - Stone Arches - Brick Arches - Concrete Arches Types of Arch According To The Number Of Center - One Centered Arch - Two Centered Arches - Three Centered Arches - Four Centered Arches - Five Centered Arches
Arches Types According To Shape
Types of Arches in this category are as follows, 1. Pointed Shape Arch
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Pointed Shape Arch The pointed-shaped arches are similarly identified as the Gothic arch. The pointed shape arch carries two arcs of the circle which fulfills at the apex and sets a triangle. Triangle elements may be equilateral or isosceles (similarly recognized as Lancet Arch). 2. Horseshoe Shape Arch
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Horseshoe Shape Arch The title of this arch is offered horseshoe arch because its shape is like a horseshoe that curves better than the semicircle. The horseshoe arches are normally utilized for architectural provisions. 3. Flat Arch
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Flat Arch The Flat arch creates an equilateral triangle within Intrados as a base at an angle of 60° degrees. The Flat arch is normally utilized for the construction of light-load structures. The Extrados in the Flat arches is straight and Flat. The intrados is similarly Flat and provided a slight increase of camber of about 10 mm to 15 mm. A flat arch is generally the weakest arch. 4. Segmental Arch
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Segmental Arch The segmented arch is a type of arch in which a circular arc is less than 180° degrees. This type of arch is recognized as a Syrian arch. The segmental arch is one of the toughest arches which has a decent capacity to withstand thrust. The Romans were the first who invented the segmental arch. This type of purchase was normally utilized in the construction of residential windows and doors within the 20th century. The Segmental arch is the traditional type of arch utilized for buildings in which the center of the arch lies under the springing line. In the segmental arch, the thrust is carried in an inclined direction to the abutment. 5. Semi-Circular Arch
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Semi-Circular Arch The semi-circular arch in the center will lie on the spring line. In the semi-circular arch, the thrust transmitted to the abutment is completely in a vertical direction. The shape of the arch looks like a semi-circle. 6. Venetian Arch
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Venetian Arch A Venetian arch is a three-centered arch. It has a deeper depth at the crown than the springing line. The Venetian arch is another form of the pointed arch. It includes four centers, all placed on the springing line. 7. Semi-Elliptical Arch
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Semi-Elliptical Arch The semi-elliptical arch has a form of a semi-ellipse that has either 3 or 5 centers. The semi-elliptical arch is similarly recognized as the basket-handle arch. Read More: Refractory Bricks | Fire Bricks | Types of Refractory Bricks 8. Stilted Arch
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Stilted Arch The stilted arch is the type of arch in which the curve starts above the impost line. This arch contains a semicircular arch with two vertical parts at springings. The center of the stilted arches on a straight line. 9. Relieving Arch
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Relieving Arch This type of arch is created above the Flat arch or on a wooden lintel. The major purpose of the Relieving arch is to give greater strength. The ends of this arch should be taken adequately into the abutments. In the case of relieving the arch, we can restore the decayed wooden lintel easily without affecting the arch and the stability of the structure.
Arches Classification According to Material Used For Construction
1. Stone Arches The stone arches are similarly sub-classified into two types which are as follows, A. Ashlar Arches
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Ashlar Arches For the formation of the arches, the stones are cut into an adequate shape and dressed suitably. The joints are filled appropriately with the use of cement mortar so that adequate bonding should be obtained. The Ashlar stones are similarly utilized in the construction of the Flat arches. B. Rubble Arches
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Rubble Arches The Rubble arches are utilized for the formation of arches up to a span of 1 meter. These types of spans are formulated of rubber stones that are hammered and dressed appropriately. The rubble arches are unstable and normally utilized for inferior work only. The mortar is utilized for binding stones. Occasionally these are also utilized as relieving arches up to a depth of 37.5 cm, but these are established in one ring. If the depth is greater, we can go for two rings in an alternate procedure of headers and stretchers. 2. Brick Arches Brick arches are one of the popular types of arches that are utilized in construction. This type of arch that established with the help of conventional bricks. Cement mortar is utilized in the construction of brick arches. The brick arches are subdivided into three types, A. Rough Brick Arch
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Rough Brick Arch The Rock brick arches are generally wedged in form. This type of arches is established where high accuracy for completion is not needed. These are constructed with conventional bricks without cutting to the shape of voussoirs. The arch curve is given by creating wedge-shaped joints with incredible thickness at extrados and less thickness at intrados. So, it looks unattractive. For this reason, it is not approved for exposed brickworks. B. Fine Axed Brick Arch
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Fine Axed Brick Arch The Fine Axed arches are composed by establishing bricks into the desired shape. In the case of the formation of Fine axed brick arches, the bricks are cut into wedge-shaped appropriately any three are normally utilized where the Fine work is needed. These are roughly shaped and sized. Thus, the complete surface of this type of arch provides an extremely aesthetical appearance. C. Gauged Brick Arches
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Gauged Brick Arches This type of arches is relatively expensive in formation and the bricks which are utilized in this type of arches should have fine dressing. The formation of the gauged brick arches needed experienced workmanship for its construction. In the gauge brick type of arch, bricks are cut to the perfect shape and size of the necessary voussoir with the help of a wire saw. The bricks are completely dressed and these bricks are joined by lime putty. Nevertheless, for gauged brick arches simply soft bricks are utilized. The joints are fine, thin, and simply radial. D. Purpose Made Brick Arches
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Purpose Made Brick Arches The unique bricks are generated, similar to the accurate shape and size of voussoirs, to give extremely fine workmanship. Lime putty is utilized as a binding material. 3. Concrete Arches The stone arches are subdivided into two types, A. Monolithic Concrete Block Arches
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Monolithic Concrete Arches The Monolithic concrete arches were initially utilized for longer spans. Monolithic concrete block arches are generally formed from cast-in-situ concrete, either plain or reinforced. The thickness is around 15 cm for the arches up to 3 m spans. It is essential that the curing of the monolithic concrete block should be done for 14 to 28 days. B. Precast Concrete Block Arches
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Precast Concrete Block Arches These types of arches are established with the help of precast concrete blocks. The precast concrete blocks are available in the accurate shape and sizes which are needed for the construction of the arches. In the case of the requirements of the keystone, a particular type of mold is prepared for the formation of the precast concrete block arches. In the formation of the precast concrete blocks, the 1:2:4 ratio is utilized. Because of the perfect shape and size of the precast concrete blocks, it will provide a very decent view. Read More: What Is a Porch | 15 Types of Porch used for Home
According To The Number Of Center
Arches Classified as per the number of centers are given below, 1. Centered Arches
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One Centered Arch The one-centered type of arches has simply one special center. These types of arches that arrive under the classification of types of arches are semicircular arches, Flat arches, horseshoe arches, segmental arches, etc. In some cases, the completely circular arch is furnished for circular windows which are called bull’s eye arches similarly come under these categories. 2. Two Centered Arches
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Two Centered Arches The two-centered type of arches has simply two centers. The pointed arches or gothic arches or lancet arches come under the category of two-centered arches. Semi-elliptical arches similarly come under this classification. 3. Equilateral Arch
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Equilateral Arch An Equilateral Arch possesses a two-center. The Curves surface creates 2 Center Points. The shape arrives at an equilateral Arch so-called an equilateral Arch. 4. Lancet Arch
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Lancet Arch Lancet Arch appears in Two Center Arch. The curved surface creates 2 center points and the shape of the Lancet Arch is indicated in the figure. 5. Venetian Arch
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Venetian Arch Venetian Arch possesses 2 centers. Its curved surface is responsible for creating two numbers of center points its shape is as shown in the figure. 6. Three Centered Arches
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Three Centered Arches These types of arches contain three centers. The elliptical arches as well as equilateral arches approach under the classification of three centered arches. 7. Four Centered Arches
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Four Centered Arches These types of arches contain four centers. The Venetian arches come under the classification of four center arches which have a sum of four centers. Tudor similarly comes under this category. 8. Five-Centered Arches
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Five Centered Arches The Five center arches possess a total of five centers and it enables getting a decent semi-elliptical shape.
Types of Arches PDF
Free download types of arches pdf here, Types of Arches PDF Download
In conclusion, arches are a critical component in architecture and construction. There are various types of arches including round arches, horseshoe arches, lintel arches, trefoil arches, and pointed arches. Each type of arch has unique characteristics and is used in specific architectural styles. The choice of arch depends on the functional and aesthetic requirements of a building, as well as the building materials and techniques available at the time of construction. Regardless of the type, arches remain a powerful and timeless architectural feature that continues to inspire and influence modern-day design.
What are the various types of the arch?Various Read the full article
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narwal-inc · 1 year
Narwal Deepens Technology Leadership Expertise, Welcomes Ramesh Soundappan as Head of Technology Solutions
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Narwal continues its expansion as a Technology Solutions provider. Ramesh Soundappan’s extensive experience in technology transformation initiatives and his background as a former VP & Head of Product Development & Engineering at a premier communications cloud company, makes him a valuable addition to the leadership team. With his expertise, Narwal, an award-winning niche technology solutions and services company with focus on Data, Automation, and Cloud, will be able to further its growth and drive technology transformation initiatives to new heights.
With 25+ years of experience, Ramesh brings world-class technology leadership and expertise to Narwal’s growth journey. Prior to this role, he has been the VP & Head of Product Development and Engineering at Notified (part of West Technology Group/formerly Intrado), SVP & Chief IT Architect at Fifth Third Bank, and been an IT architect at IBM with a focus on the financial services industry.
Ramesh has spent decades strategizing, designing, developing, and deploying enterprise-scale systems, creating competitive advantages and operational efficiencies for companies. At Narwal, Ramesh as the Head of Technology Solutions will have a significant impact on the company’s direction and success, providing innovative solutions to assist its Fortune 1000 clients. With his expertise, Narwal can help its clients stay ahead of the curve.
“As our clients embark on modernization and transformation journeys, we need to provide them with world-class technology solutions & services, so we are excited to bring Ramesh onboard,” Raj Kanuparthi, Founder and CEO at Narwal said. “With his addition, Narwal can help its clients navigate the complex and constantly-evolving technology landscape and achieve their business goals. This is an exciting time for Narwal, and I’m sure Ramesh will play a crucial role in its future success.”
“I joined Narwal’s leadership team because of its obsession towards customer and employee success,” Ramesh said, adding, “It is very exciting to work with an exceptional organization that wants to provide amazing technology solutions to solve customer challenges with a razor-sharp focus on quality delivery.”
Narwal is a niche technology solutions and services company that partners with Fortune 1000 companies in the areas of Data, Automation, and Cloud. Narwal’s customer-centric, people-first approach with deep expertise and thought leadership ensures significant improvements in ROI. We help our customers turn data into business value, realize speed-to-market, higher quality, and scalability of business.
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Best SEO Company in San Francisco Bay Area
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San Francisco is home to some of the most influential and fastest growing companies in the country, if not the world. At Intrados Technologies, our team of experts, Best SEO Company in San Francisco Bay Area and great people work hard for innovative San Francisco businesses with bespoke campaigns and ongoing efforts. Our SEO specialists have the experience to meet your needs and transform your business. No other SEO company in San Francisco does it better.
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patern29 · 2 years
Comment régler les penons d'un génois, en voilier?
Les penons sont des bandes de tissu ou des brins de laine utilisés pour aider le barreur et l'équipier au réglage du génois, sur un voilier. Les observer permet d'optimiser le réglage de la voile, notamment au près. Le réglage d'un voilier est important en navigation, et pas qu'en régate. En effet, affiner la forme et le réglage des voiles d'un bateau n'est pas réservé aux spécialistes de la régate ou de la course au large. Avoir des voiles qui prennent bien le vente et équilibrent le bateau est aussi important en croisière. Cela permet de gagner les quelques dixièmes de noeuds qui nous permettront d'arriver avec le courant ou la marée au port.
Les penons de génois
Bien régler ses voiles permet aussi de gagner quelques degrés au vent, qui nous permettront d'optimiser notre bord en gardant bien notre cap. Pour nous aider à régler nos voiles, notamment nos voiles d'avant, il est possible de s'aider de penons. Les penons de génois sont des bandes de tissu ou des brins de laine collés à différentes hauteurs de la voile. Ces derniers permettent de contrôler l’écoulement de l'air, sur chaque bord du génois. Ils permettent de bien régler la voile au près. En effet, le réglage des voiles est très important. Et il sera important, que ce soit par petit temps comme par gros temps. Il existe plusieurs outils pour régler la grand voile et la voile d'avant. Pour cette dernière, un génois ou un foc, il existe les penons. Ces derniers permettent à l'équipier d'évaluer le réglage de sa voile, depuis le cockpit. Les voileries en installent souvent, de série.
Turbulences et écoulement de l'air
Concrètement, une voile fonctionne comme une aile d'avion. Pour que la voile soit réglée de façon optimale, l'écoulement de l'air, de chaque côté de celle-ci, doit être parfait. Il ne doit pas y avoir de trous d'air. Il faut donc que l'air s'écoule de la même façon de chaque côté de la voile. Par conséquent, il faut donc éviter les turbulences pour optimiser le réglage de notre voile. Une voile trop choquée, ou trop bordée, et la performance du voilier va chuter. Les voileries installent, généralement des penons à 3 niveaux de hauteur de la voile. Vous pourrez donc en faire de même. Ces penons seront présents sur chaque bord du génois. Ils doivent être situés à environ 30cm de l'étai. Comme nous l'avons dit plus haut, il est conseillé d'en mettre à différentes hauteurs, en commençant à environ 1m-1.5m du pont. Le penon se situant le plus bas permet au barreur de trouver le bon angle par rapport au vent. Lorsque le penon situé au bas du génois est bien positionné, l'équipier peut régler le génois, afin de contrôler le vrillage.
Des penons parallèles pour un bon réglage
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En navigation, des penons vont se retrouvés au vent, nous allons parler de penons intrados. les penons sous le vent seront appelés les penons extrados. Retenons que lorsque les penons intrados et extrados sont horizontaux et parallèles, sur toute la hauteur du guindant, cela signifie que le génois est bien réglé. Le barreur pourra utiliser ces penons pour suivre les variations du vent et conserver un bon cap-vitesse. Si le barreur lofe trop, le penon au vent, penon intrados, va monter et onduler. Si le barreur abat trop, c'est le penon sous le vent, le penon extrado, qui va monter et onduler. Pour affiner le réglage de votre voile, vous allez pouvoir jouer avec vos écoutes, bien évidemment, mais aussi avec les chariots avale-tout, pour modifier le point de chute.
Des penons pour la grand voile
Si les penons de génois sont très souvent installés, il est aussi possible d'en installer sur la Grand voile. Ils seront placés sur la chute de cette dernière. En effet, situés sur la chute, les penons permettent de lire les écoulements laminaires sur toute la hauteur de la grand voile. Le principe est assez simple. ils devront restés horizontaux, sur toute la hauteur de la voile. Le réglage de la grand voile pourra se faire avec l'écoute ou le chariot. Les penons sont donc des outils bien pratiques pour vraiment optimiser ses réglages. Certains d'entre nous en mettent aussi sur les haubans, pour vérifier le bon écoulement de l'air et avoir une meilleure visibilité du vent apparent. Read the full article
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fiorick · 2 years
Sr Mobile Developer (React Native)
Sr Mobile Developer (React Native)
Job title: Sr Mobile Developer (React Native) Company: Intrado Job description: and/or operations in the United States, Canada, Europe, the Middle East, Asia Pacific, Latin and South America and is an Equal….description : location}} Sr Mobile Developer (React Native) in Work From Home at Intrado Date Posted: 7/7/2022 Job Snapshot Employee… Expected salary: Location: Canada Job date: Wed, 27 Jul…
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