unpluggedfinancial · 30 days
Why Paying Yourself First Means Buying Bitcoin
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In the journey toward financial independence, one of the most crucial strategies is the concept of “paying yourself first.” This time-tested approach means setting aside a portion of your income for your future self before you pay your bills or indulge in spending. And in today’s digital age, one of the most promising ways to do this is by investing in Bitcoin.
What Does It Mean to Pay Yourself First?
Paying yourself first isn’t just a financial tactic; it’s a mindset that prioritizes long-term financial well-being over immediate gratification. By allocating funds to your savings or investments as soon as you receive your income, you ensure that you’re building a financial safety net and accumulating wealth over time. When it comes to choosing where to invest these savings, Bitcoin presents a compelling option.
Why Choose Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is unique due to its limited supply and decentralized nature, making it a strong candidate for safeguarding value against inflation and economic uncertainty. Unlike traditional currencies, Bitcoin is not subject to the whims of governmental monetary policies. Its built-in scarcity—only 21 million Bitcoins will ever exist—suggests its potential to increase in value over time, akin to precious metals like gold, yet with the digital ease of transfer and storage.
How to Start Investing in Bitcoin
Getting started with Bitcoin is simpler than many might think. The first step is setting up a digital wallet, which can be done through various trusted platforms. Next, you can start purchasing Bitcoin through a cryptocurrency exchange. Even a small recurring purchase, such as buying a fixed amount every month, can help in building your Bitcoin holdings gradually—a strategy known as dollar-cost averaging, which can reduce the impact of volatility.
Long-Term Benefits of Investing in Bitcoin
Historically, Bitcoin has shown significant growth, with its value experiencing substantial appreciation over the past decade. For those who treat it as a long-term investment, Bitcoin has been a valuable asset. While past performance is not indicative of future results, the ongoing adoption of Bitcoin as a store of value and a medium of exchange globally suggests its potential continued relevance and demand.
Investing in Bitcoin can be an excellent way to embody the principle of paying yourself first. By dedicating a portion of your income to acquire Bitcoin, you are not just saving; you are potentially growing your wealth with one of the 21st century’s most innovative financial assets. As with any investment, it’s essential to do your own research and consider your financial situation and risk tolerance.
Call to Action
Are you ready to start your journey with Bitcoin, or do you have more questions about how to begin? Share your thoughts in the comments below or reach out for more information. Let’s embrace the financial revolution together.
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mannawealthmanagement · 3 months
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hellenjones260 · 3 years
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Various Ways to Invest in Bitcoin
If you are interested in investing in Bitcoin, there are several options available. But make sure to trust the company which involves minimum risk level. https://bit.ly/3a81XTP
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cryptoknowmics · 4 years
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Learn how to spot the best upcoming cryptocurrency. 
To read the blog click here
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bitsent · 4 years
Should You Invest In Bitcoin Or Trade Bitcoin? Successful Investment
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There are a number of stories about Bitcoin traders that have made a great deal of money on the back of the volatility of the digital currency.
Some traders are able to make consistent profits most days with Bitcoin. So if you are just starting out with Bitcoin should you trade or go for long term investment? Bitcoin Trading If you are new to Bitcoin then it is not impossible for you to make trades to make regular profits. But this is not an easy thing to do. It takes a good deal of experience and you need to be mentally and financially ready. To make consistent profits from trading you need to buy low and sell high. When you first start to trade Bitcoin it is natural for you to panic when prices change. Bitcoin is now very valuable and there can literally be thousands of dollars at stake. The more money that you are using the more likely you are to panic. Learn how to Trade Bitcoin We would never recommend that you just jump into Bitcoin trading. You need to learn everything that you can about it first. A number of the exchanges will provide you with a dummy account where you can practice. These accounts have real time prices like the real ones and if you make a mistake then you can learn from them. It doesn’t matter if you blow all of the pretend money in a demo account. Just get another demo account and try again. But imagine this was real money you were trading with – it would be devastating to lose everything wouldn’t it? Create a Trading Plan The best Bitcoin traders have a plan. They have minimum buy prices and sell prices. They stick to this plan no matter what and never enter into emotional trades because they “feel right”. When you start trading Bitcoin forgets about making a ton of money in a day. If you have this attitude you are more likely to make a lot of mistakes. Never go all-in on a trade. Just use small amounts of money to trade with until you develop the skills and experience that you need. It doesn’t matter how good an opportunity seems to be – just stick with small amounts when you are starting out. Bitcoin Investing The difference between Bitcoin investing and trading is the amount of time involved. With Bitcoin investing you are committing to the long term which we believe is a smarter decision. When you invest over the longer term you are able to cover off the volatility of Bitcoin and have the best chance of a good return. One of the best methods to use for Bitcoin investment is the dollar cost averaging method. The concept here is to invest smaller amounts regularly so that you can take advantage of price swings. For example if you decide you can invest $100 a week then some weeks you will get more Bitcoins for your money and other weeks you will get less. Over a period of time, this should always average out so that at the end of the investing period you have still made a reasonable return. Read the full article
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pihusinghme · 3 years
Indeed, investing in cryptocurrencies is not a game of kids, and you would have to work really hard in order to make money from it. While it's your work and dedication that is going to show results, we can only guide you with its path. If you are also new to crypto and wondering how to invest in Bitcoins, then you've come to the right place. In this article, we are going to provide you with a guide about the best ways to invest in Bitcoin.
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If you are interested how to get into crypto and start making some passive income from investing in bitcoin this website article is definitely for you! Make money with bitcoin Today!
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pennytoprofit1 · 3 years
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Stocks, savings and investments Probably the MOST important factor into securing your financial future is building your savings and investments. You should understand the difference between assets and liabilities, how to determine your equity, and how to make the best decisions on where to invest your money. For example, do you know how much you’re earning in interest with your current savings account? Are you paying a monthly fee? In our full post, we discuss multiple things to help you understand that not all savings and investments are the same. Investing is essential to good money management because it ensures both present and future financial security. Not only do you end up with more money in the bank, but you also end up with another income stream. Additionally, investing is the only way to achieve both growing wealth and passive income. Stocks are among the primary investment options for people looking to achieve a variety of financial goals. Common reasons people invest in the stock market include wealth building, passive income and of course, diverse equity choices. Accordingly, the biggest difference between saving and investing is the risk versus the reward. Saving typically allows you to earn a lower return but with virtually no risk. In contrast, investing allows you to earn a higher return, but you take on the risk of loss in order to do so, but where do you start? Start by checking out our full post on Savings and Investments to determine where you should be saving and investing your money. This will help you pick a better bank account that starts earning you interest, how to find the best investment strategies, and how you can start making passive income on the money you already have. View the full post on Savings and Investments. Follow for a new post every Friday morning #savingsaccounts #investing #savingsandinvestments #investingingold #investinginbitcoin #highinterestsavingsaccounts #financialfreedom #financialindependence #entrepreneur #passiveincome #newpostfriday
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takhleekar · 4 years
Do You Know Bitcoin Can change your life with full of cash , Because who ever invested 200$ in 2011 they have made 1877243$ as per current rate of bitcoin , Bitcoin is a fast Growing money chain Be the part of it and have Bitcoins as much you can because as per market predictions value of bitcoin will touch 30000 $ in this year so its a Golden chance to change your life with full of money life , just Go on the given link and know more about bitcoin assets to get as much Richyou want to be
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hellenjones260 · 4 years
Bitcoin is the top cryptocurrency today. Various platforms allow trading in Bitcoin. The first way you can invest in Bitcoin is by purchasing a coin via trading apps like Coinbase. You need to give some amount of personal information when you invest in Bitcoin. Visit Cryptoknowmics website to know how to invest in Bitcoin. It will provide you with a detailed guide on the same.
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cryptoknowmics · 4 years
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🤔🤔 Did you know what are the "Strong Reasons to Buy Bitcoins"?? 
If Not, then you must read it out here 
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hellenjones260 · 4 years
Difference Between The Cryptoasset Market And The Traditional Market
Like other important terms, it is essential to know about the difference between the cryptoasset market and traditional market. Better know all about it. https://bit.ly/3a81XTP
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hellenjones260 · 4 years
Why Is There a Tiff Between Bitcoin And Banks?
Tiff between Bitcoin and banks is all due to different methods. It is too early to say the new concept replacing the old one. As it says, old is gold. https://bit.ly/2VvrTUz
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hellenjones260 · 4 years
How Is Bitcoin Better Than Conventional Currencies
Now you how is Bitcoin better than conventional currencies. It is because of some major factors, which makes it more advantageous and winning currency. visit this link. https://bit.ly/2w1U2c4
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hellenjones260 · 4 years
A Beginner's Guide on Why and How to Invest in Bitcoin?
In this article, we have discussed some important things, such as the best place to buy Bitcoin and how much to invest in Bitcoin. visit this link more info:https://bit.ly/2URqwxV
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hellenjones260 · 4 years
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How To Invest In Bitcoin In Four Simple Steps?
you are likewise new to crypto and thinking about how to put resources into Bitcoins, at that point you've gone to the perfect spot. Right now, will give you a guide about the most ideal approaches to investing in Bitcoin. 
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