#Invisio Original
invisiocroatia · 3 years
Invisio Recenzije
Ovaj Invisio pregled dodatak može biti jedinstvena mješavina prirodnih sastojaka. Ovi materijali omogućuju aktivnu obranu tipa između pažnje i vanjskih pritisaka poput UV zračenja, topline i svjetlosti. Invisio sastav.
Što je Invisio?
Mišljenje Invisio je dodatak prehrani. Formula je posebno izrađena od prirodnih sastojaka. Ovi hranjivi sastojci nadoknađuju nedostatke uzrokovane starošću ili bolešću te pomažu u obnavljanju dobrog vida. Ovaj dodatak će obnoviti vaše očne mišiće i oživjeti vaš vid. Invisio rad.
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Ova je formula prikladna za korištenje u svim dobnim skupinama. Mnogo je zdravstvenih stanja koja zahtijevaju hitnu pozornost. Invisio cijene imaju brojne korisnike širom svijeta. Prema njihovim recenzijama, ovaj je dodatak izliječio nekoliko očnih tegoba. Invisio prednosti.
Kako radi?
Priroda ima sve svoje lijekove. Zato je medicina Invisio dobila tako lijepu pozornost zbog svojih prirodnih sastojaka. Biljke, korov i začinsko bilje liječe određene očne bolesti. Možda će vam biti teško zahtijevati sve ove sastojke u količinama koje su vam korisne.
Invisio kapsule pravilna su mješavina svih sastojaka neophodnih za njegu oka. Uzmite tabletu i vaše će tijelo primiti sve elemente u dovoljnim količinama.
Ne bi bilo pogrešno reći Invisio pilule kao "čarobni dodatak" za oči. To je rezultat toga što se opire i prirodno popravlja pažnju. Uobičajene očne bolesti obično snižavaju ključne komponente potrebne za održavanje zdravlja očiju. To uzrokuje pogoršanje stanja. Očne laboratorijske tablete za vid pomažu u obnavljanju ovih korisnih hranjivih tvari u oku
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ReVison može
Zaštitne oči Očni laboratorijski lijekovi
Zaustavlja starenje i starosne poremećaje oka
Regenerirajte očne stanice
Pomozite ponovno postići savršen vid Invisioopinion
Invisio prednosti
Mnogo je prednosti ovog dodatka. Međutim, sljedeće može biti popis najvažnijih uobičajenih koristi. Ove su informacije dobivene iz recenzija kupaca Invisio pilula.
Poboljšava vid i čini ga vidljivim kristalno čistim
Invisio prednosti za liječenje katarakte i dobne makularne degeneracije. Trenutno ne želim operaciju.
Time se završava s upotrebom polaroida ili kontaktnih leća. Recenzije Invisio.
Ovaj dodatak zajedno poništava odvajanje mrežnice Invisio kapsule.
Djeluje kao krema za sunčanje i filtrira UV zračenje.
Invisio nuspojave
Cijena očnih laboratorijskih pilula Cijena Ovo pitanje vam može pasti na pamet. Prema recenzijama koje su prikupili korisnici, nema značajnih Invisio Recenzije nuspojava dodatka. Budući da su svi sastojci prirodne komponente. Nema umjetnih sastojaka. Efekti očnih laboratorija.
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Osobe starije od 18 godina imaju pravo koristiti ovaj proizvod. Međutim, ako ste pogođeni bilo kojom razumnom bolešću srca, preporučljivo je uzeti lijek uz odobrenje liječnika.
Invisio Kako koristiti?
Jedna tableta dnevno mogla bi biti sigurniji recept. Barem uzimajte lijek nekoliko mjeseci kako biste vidjeli bolje rezultate. Ako imate alternativnih zdravstvenih problema, slobodno se obratite liječniku. Vašem liječniku bit će bolje odrediti dozu vašeg sastojka Invisio.
Invisio Gdje možemo imati tendenciju kupovine?
Na webu postoji mnogo trgovaca koji prodaju ovaj dodatak. No, za užasno jednostavno iskustvo, imamo tendenciju savjetovati vas da lijek kupite na službenoj web stranici. Dakle, ako ste znatiželjni za Price Invisio, možete ga kupiti putem cijele web stranice ili možete jednostavno kliknuti na sliku koja vas vodi na stranicu narudžbe. Sada ispunite obrazac zajedno sa svojim imenom i rasponom telefona i kliknite za potvrdu.
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Nakon što naručite putem pozicioniranja, operator robne marke može odlučiti da dovršite svoju narudžbu. Ovaj proizvod možete nabaviti na službenim web stranicama proizvođača ili Invisiopil za vid
Tada ćete robu isporučiti u svoj dom pa ćete početi poboljšavati svoje zdravlje Eye lab Forum.  Kliknite ovdje za kupnju: https://flekosteelbalzam.com/hr/invisio-recenzije/
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researchkraft19 · 4 years
Bone Conduction Headphones Market Latest Advancement and Demand 2020 to 2027
The market study on the global market for Bone Conduction Headphones examines current and historical values and provides projections based on accumulated database. The report examines both key regional and domestic markets to provide a conclusive analysis about the developments in the Bone Conduction Headphones market over the forecast period.
Get Free Research Summary of the Report@ https://www.researchkraft.com/request-sample/1067562
The Global Bone Conduction Headphones market report provides a systematic picture of the sector by way of study, synthesis, and summary of info originated from different sources. The experts have provided the various sides of the sector with a particular goal on identifying the major manipulators of the sector. The Global Bone Conduction Headphones market report correspondingly comprises a detailed market & vendor landscape aside from a SWOT analysis of the major players.
Global Bone Conduction Headphones Market Fragmentation as follows:
Fragmentation by Type Analysis
Wired Type
Wireless Type
Fragmentation by Application Analysis
Hearing Aid Field
Fragmentation by Company Analysis
Pansonic, AfterShokz, Marsboy, Audio Bone, INVISIO, Damson Audio, Motorola, SainSonic, Kscat, Abco Tech, Shenzhen Qili Industrial Co.
Global Bone Conduction Headphones Market Regional analysis includes::
North America
Southeast Asia
Get this report at an attractive cost @ https://www.researchkraft.com/check-discount/1067562
The Global interest for Bone Conduction Headphones Market is gauge to report solid improvement driven by utilization in major developing markets. Area astute government strategy, advertise condition, serious scene, present patterns in the market, mechanical development, up and coming advances and the specialized advancement in related industry are immensely significant elements affecting the development of the market. Since more development open doors are relied upon to come up between 2020 to 2027 contrasted with a couple of years prior, it implies the fast pace of progress and is protected to state that the Bone Conduction Headphones market improvement status and future pattern is required to be promising over the world.
Make an Enquiry about this report @https://www.researchkraft.com/send-an-enquiry/1067562
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Customization of this Report: The report is customized to satisfy the customer's requirements. Please join to all our sales, who'll make sure you acquire a report which works for your needs.
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chestnutpost · 6 years
INVISIO Receives Order From an Existing Customer in the U.S. Department of Defense
This post was originally published on this site
STOCKHOLM, March 15, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — INVISIO (IVSO) has received an order for its communication and hearing protection systems valued at approximately SEK 29 million from an existing customer in the U.S. Department of Defense. Delivery is scheduled over the next two quarters.
A U.S. Department of Defense agency has placed another order for approximately SEK 29 million to continue equipping soldiers with INVISIO communications and hearing protection equipment.
INVISIO’s soldier system is a combination of highly advanced Headsets and Control Units, that are easy to use and well-proven in the field. The integrated system is designed to protect the hearing of soldiers on the battlefield, while allowing them also to maintain situational awareness and effectively communicate through their radios and intercom systems.
This information is information that INVISIO Communications AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the CEO, on Mar 15, 2019 at 8.30 CET.
About INVISIO Communications AB (publ)
INVISIO develops and sells advanced communication systems with hearing protection that enable professionals in noisy and mission critical environments to communicate and operate effectively. The company combines insights in acoustics and human hearing with broad engineering know-how in software, materials technology and interface, among others. Sales are primarily via a global network of partners and resellers, as well as from the headquarters in Copenhagen and the sales offices in the USA, France and Italy. INVISIO’s registered office is in Stockholm, Sweden, and the company’s share is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm (IVSO). Read more at www.invisio.com.
For more information, please contact: Lars Højgård Hansen, CEO, INVISIO Communications Mobil: + 45-53-72-7722 | E-mail: [email protected]
This information was brought to you by Cision http://news.cision.com
The following files are available for download:
SOURCE INVISIO Communications AB
The post INVISIO Receives Order From an Existing Customer in the U.S. Department of Defense appeared first on The Chestnut Post.
from The Chestnut Post https://thechestnutpost.com/news/invisio-receives-order-from-an-existing-customer-in-the-u-s-department-of-defense/
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monicasflores · 7 years
Green America Case Study - Redesign and Redevelopment from ColdFusion to Drupal 8
Green America is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that organizes the work around a "Lens" such as Food, Climate, Labor, Finance, with programs inside each Lens, with Campaigns associated with each Program, and Actions associated with each Campaign.  The organization is based in Washington DC and has a $3.5 mm budget and ~40 people working with the team.
There are a number of "sister" sites such as the Green Business Network, the Center for Sustainability, GMO Inside, and published magazines that we are slowly integrating to be managed all inside the one content management system.
The website was built originally in ColdFusion and moved to Drupal 8 on Pantheon.
June 2016 - Hired digital director
July 2016 - RFP process → requests sent around to design firms
August 1, 2016 - RFP deadline, 17 proposals submitted
August 8 - First round review, 8 proposals under consideration
August 15 - Second round of review, 4 proposals under consideration
August 20 - References checked, and all finalists have had 20-minute interviews
August 23 - Project Review Board met to decide on final recommendation (11 ayes)
August 24 - Present to Executive Director
August 31 - Preliminary contracts drafted
September 10 - Kickoff meeting
September 27 - On-site Deep Dive (Content Discovery, User Personas, Architecture)
October 13 - Wireframes #1 October 27 - Wireframes #2 November 15 - Homepage Version 1 December 5 - Homepage Version 2 December 12 - Consult with greater Project Review Board December 15 - Feedback Due to Web Development Group December 30 / January 5, 2017 - Homepage Final Version expected February 15 - Initial themed wireframe March 15 - Trainings to Staff April 15 - Pre-rollout scrums May 11 - Initial Team Rollout Week of May 15 - pre-launch to internal team / bug hunt / integration with Charity Engine
June 15 - launch Post-launch - move into Phase 2 of work
Original RFP
PDF of original RFP was circulated to a shortlist of design firms that had experience and past portfolios working with environmental groups, nonprofits, and/or organizations of our size.
$150k grant from family foundation and other donors $35k for design
$70k for themeing and architecture
$5k for external imports of data from other sources
Provider Reviews
WDG for the design process - very happy with the delivered results.
http://wdgdc.com   |   https://clutch.co/profile/wdg#review-138636
MAAN Softwares Inc. for themeing and back-end work  - very pleased with results, also they were helpful with our database imports and conversions from Wordpress, Joomla, mySQL. http://maansoftwares.com   |   https://clutch.co/profile/maan-softwares#review-150341
Internal Tools
Trello - overall project planning
Google Docs - to manage external discussions
Sharepoint - to collect internal staff feedback and keep teams organized
Invisio - delivered designs
JIRA - ticketing and feedback
Core Website Team
Alec Badalov, Online Communications Associate
Dana Christianson, Memberships Marketing Director
Monica S. Flores, Director of Digital Products
Eleanor Greene, Associate Editor and Digital Content Manager
Shireen Karimi, Online Communications Manager
Todd Larsen, Executive Co-Director for Consumer & Corporate Engagement
Additional Staff were also consulted, including “lens” managers for food, finance, labor, climate, social justice, as well as Green Business Network manager, as well as Print Magazine editor, as well as 8 interns during the course of the project.
Third-Party Integrations
Salsa - for handling mailing
Raiser's Edge - donor management
Charity Engine - webform donation pages
Timberlake - membership management (business members)
Wordpress (hosted and self-hosted) - integration (export from Wordpress and import into Drupal)
Joomla (self-hosted) - integration (export from Joomla and import into Drupal)
User Roles
Anonymous = visitors
Authenticated = anyone with a username and pass
Business member / Certified Business member = members who are from the Green Business Network
Staff/intern = staff and interns
Directory manager = handles “directory” items such as lists of organizations
Green Business Network manager = handles GBN pages and users
Content Creator = Can submit content
Publications Editor = manages the Magazine and other magazines
Content Editor = Can submit and EDIT content
Site Builder = general site content manager
Administrator = full management of site
Superadministrator = full access
Content Types
Basic page: Use basic pages for your static content, such as an 'About us' page.
Lens: A "Lens" is the way that the organization sorts its overall goals and streams of work.
Campaign: Campaigns are the heart of our activism and advocacy work, where we mobilize constituents, members, and individuals to work towards specific desired outcomes.
Program: The organization engages in long-term programs (3-5 year time horizon) that are part of an overall LENS of work.
Action: Actions are specific actions taken by constituents
Victories: Victories are successes completed
Blog/News: Blog posts or news items.
Piece: Use pieces for content related to the Lens, such as as an informational scorecard, report, or other content that posts directly to the Lens.
Press Release: Press releases
Media Mentions: In the news
Media Sources: Original sources for media mentions
Green American Magazine: A single magazine issue
GAM Article: Article from the Green American Magazine
Green Living Piece: Evergreen informational pieces
Green Business Network Listing: Includes logo, name of business, description, categorization, address & map
Green Business Network Standard: Standards are how the Green Business Network assigns certification to network members.
Member Story: Use this to highlight member stories.
Coupon Code: Coupon codes are submitted by Green Business Network members to be attached to their GBN listing.
Advertising: Banner and sidebar ads uploaded by GBN members
People: Staff who work for the organization. One Person may have multiple Positions associated with them.
Positions: One Person may occupy multiple Positions. A position is a title or organizational role, such as "Executive Co-Director for Business, Investing & Policy"
Subsite Page: Subsite content are daughter or sister sites that are meant to be collected into one "subsite", such as Break Up with your MegaBank, or Green Business Network. Use templates to control of separate categories of subsites.
Secondary Call to Action: Secondary calls to action are used by subsites and other sections of the website.
Directory Listing: Directory items with a name, address, website, map
Frontpage Slideshow: Frontpage Slideshow items
Highlight: Highlight Item for Frontpage
Content Link: May be used where there is a need for an off-website link
Donation Link: Used for different donation links throughout the site
Image: Images to use throughout the site, such as PNG, JPG, and GIF files.
File: Upload a file such as a PDF, Doc, XLS, CSV, or other type of file, such as a report that is to be linked from other pages.
Product: Use products to represent items for sale on the website, including all the unique information that can be attributed to a specific model number (Ubercart)
Webform: A basic page with a webform attached.
Drupal Modules
Originally in invisio. Final approved files sent as fonts, assets, PSDs.
Sketches of “user personas” who visit the current site, provided by our internal team (PNGS and JPGS)
Delivered from WDG after iterative processes to understand sitemap and content architecture https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2YKGxfUoMTCUW9MWjFZVTRkMWM
V1: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2YKGxfUoMTCQWZTWlVvQXdhZGM
V2: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2YKGxfUoMTCazJ6SkxJSXJZeVU
V3: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2YKGxfUoMTCb3pSeGR0MmZaeWc
Download this large zip file then unpack for HTML versions of each content type:
rom Web Development Group WDG: hello (at) wdgdc.com
From MAAN Softwares Inc.: services (at) maansoftwares.com
5 Learnings about the Website Redesign Process: https://medium.com/@monicadear/5-learnings-about-the-website-redesign-process-9f0499d8ee7f
Presented by Monica S. Flores http://linkedin.com/in/monicaflores
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stompyrr · 8 years
Defender II
Platform: Atari ST
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Defender II is a shooter published in 1990 by ARC Software and developed by Llamasoft (Jeff Minter).
From the back of the box
It’s official - Defender II - the coin-op is here! Written by arcade shoot’em up king Jeff Minter, DEF II is the fastest fame yet to hit the ST and AMIGA. Play the original DEFENDER, try the amazing STARGATE or dive into the all-new DEFENDER II.
They’re back and as mean as hell! The battle begins again, five  years after rescuing the Earth the aliens are back to grab more humanoids and suck their brains dry. This time they have improved technique, experience and above all, better craft, fortunately so do you. Use your Invisio, hit your Smartlasers, drop your Smart Bombs. DEFENDER is back and it’s better than ever.
Three cult games in one
Eight weapons available at once
Rock Soundtrack
Free colour poster
Fly to Live - Live to Fly
Program design by Williams Electronics, Inc. and Jeff Minter. Coding by Jeff Minter. Graphics by WJS Design and Simon Butler. Music by Martin Walker. Sound FX by Jeff Minter.
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