stompyrr · 7 years
Platform: Atari ST
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Shadoworlds is an isometric RPG published in 1992 by Krisalis and developed by Teque Software Development.
From the back of the box
On the three planets of the Magna 6 system you have set up a modest research facility. Nothing too extreme. Just a few personnel, a Galaxy-class space station and the most powerful weapons development facility the Universe has ever known.
But now you have a problem. The regular daily contact schedule on the sub-space station network with Magna 6 has gone a bit quiet. Well, silent actually. In fact, you have had no word from the facility in 2 months.
You need to send trusted yet expendable men in to get answers and carry out a discreet efficient operation.
Pick your four man team and “Deep Sleep”, the cryogenic computer will keep them in suspended animation until they arrive at Magna 6, an interstellar journey of almost 17 months. And then wait for their report. But what possible explanation could there be for trouble on Magna 6 - there is no power in the universe capable of disturbing the facility. The known universe, that is.
Designed by: Dean Lester
Coding by: Barry Costas
Graphics by: Mark Anthony
Music by: Matt Furniss
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stompyrr · 7 years
Platform: ZX Spectrum
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Gunship is a combat simulator published and developed by MicroProse Software in 1987.
From the back of the box
Gunship is a highly accurate simulation of the AH-64 Apache, one of the most advanced warrior helicopters.
You’re the pilot. Experience the thrill and excitement of attack helicopter flying.
Go on challenging missions to combat hotspots around the world. Each one is dangerous, each one demanding.
As outstanding 3-D graphics put you in the middle of the action, you’ll use the same flight controls, instrumentation and weapon systems as real AH-64 pilots. And you’ll have excellent flying manoeuvrability to race low and deadly, however, sideslip, fly backwards, rotate, or go into a screaming powerdrive.
Yet, to accomplish each mission you’ll need to use your intelligence and judgement. Even your cunning.
Have you got the nerve to climb into the cockpit?
Gunship Features
Simulation of high-speed, low-level flight
Revolutionary 3-D graphics
Hundreds of exciting real-life missions
Advanced weapon systems and instrumentation
Rewards for succcessful missions
Comprehensive Flight Operations manual
Keyboard overlay
Endless hours of constructive entertainment
Game Design:  Arnold Hendrick & Andy Hollis
Software Development: Andy Hollis, Gregg Tavares, Sid Meier
Software Graphics: Michael Haire, Michele Mahan, Kimberly Disney
Technical Advisors: William Force Jr., James NoePlaytesting: Bruce Meier, Jim Karl, Alan Roireau, John Harris, Bill
Stealey, Guy Watkins, Steve Byrne, Frank SzilagyiDocumentation: Arnold Hendrick
Manual Graphics: Michael Haire, Kimberly Disney
Cover Painting: Ed Valigursky, David Phillips
Typography & Layout: The Composing Room, Inc.
Warranty Card
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Keyboard Overlay
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Other Contents
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stompyrr · 8 years
Dizzy Down the Rapids
Platform: ZX Spectrum
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Dizzy Down the Rapids was published in 1991 by CodeMasters for the ZX Spectrum.
From the back of the case
Dip into Torrent river in the craziest barrel race ever! Amazing action as you dodge Trolls, leap waterfalls and ride the rapids. Inspiringly adventurous splashing fun.
Dizzy and Daisy were out in the enchanted forest picking blue berries for a pie they were making for a dinner party. "These berries aren't very big!" muttered Dizzy, plucking the minuscule fruit from a bush. "I can see some bigger ones over there" said Daisy. Dizzy trotted over to the bush "These are still too small", he said forlornly, "we're never going to get enough!" "How about these?" pointed out Daisy wandering yet further into the wood. Before they knew it, the two eggs had wandered far into the forest. By the time they reached the banks of the Great Torrent River, the two knew they had become hopelessly lost. Suddenly, Daisy heard a twig snap. Dizzy span around to be confronted by Rockwart the Troll and a gang of ferocious looking Henchtrolls. "I have you now little Egg!" breathed Rockwart in his most sinister voice. Quick as a flash Dizzy grabbed Daisy's hand and the pair ran desperately toward the river. "Hee HEE HEE!" laughed Rockwart manically as the trolls moved in ever closer.
But Dizzy had a plan... "Jump in here Daisy" he cried as he somersaulted towards an abandoned apple barrel. "We've escaped" he shouted back to the trolls in glee. Daisy screamed because she could only see what was in front of them...
Original Design: The Oliver Twins
Program: Paul Griffiths
Graphics: Michael Sanderson
Director: Paul Ranson
Production: Pat Stanley + Stewart Regan
Art Manager: Shån Savage
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stompyrr · 8 years
Dizzy, Prince of the Yolkfolk
Platform: ZX Spectrum
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Dizzy, Prince of the YolkFolk was published in 1991 by CodeMasters for the ZX Spectrum.
From the back of the case
Battle Rockwart the Troll and meet Dizzy’s new friend Pogie the Fluffle in the latest game. Summon King Arthur from his cursade and wake Daisy from her hundred year snooze!
Grand Dizzy was feeling very down one day, so Dizzy and Daisy decided to cheer him up by baking him his favourite food, cherry pie! So off went Daisy to get some cherries from her cupboard but there were none to be seen!
“Pogie’s pinched the cherries!” she cried, as she saw Pogie’s pawprint in the cupboard, “That darned Fluffle. Come here you!” and Pogie promptly darted off into the Enchanted forest to escape Daisy’s rage.
Dizzy and Daisy decided to go into the forest to catch Pogie and gather some more cherries at the same time. Whilst searching for Pogie they got lost and found a castle, where they thought they would find help, but it seemed deserted. They looked in the castle for Pogie, but Daisy caught herself on a mystic spinning wheel. She started feeling really sleepy, so she found a bed and went to sleep.
“Wake up Daisy, wake up!” shouted Dizzy. but before he could wake her up, Rockwart the Troll caught him and locked him up under ground!
Design: Big Red Software
Program: John Cartwright
Graphics: Peter Ranson
Project Director: Paul Ranson
Production: Pat Stanley + Stewart Regan
Art Manager: Shån Savage
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stompyrr · 8 years
9 Lives
Platform: Atari ST
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9 Lives is an arcade platformer published in 1990 by ARC Software and developed by Frames.
From the back of the box
Bob Cat has a girl in every town, but there is one who’s special to his heart; Claudette cat. Claudette has the biggest eyes you’ve ever seen and Bob aims to make her his queen.
Off Bob goes to sing his night song, but arrives just in time to see his beloved being whisked away in a net by two of the mad Scientist’s men. What horrendous experiments will the Scientist carry out on old cutie paws? Can Bob save her in time?
Four Massive Levels with Hundreds of Rooms
The Ultimate in Playability
Stunning Animation - Dozens of Characters
Original Game Soundtrack
Amazing End-Game Scene
Program Design by Graham ‘Kenny’ Everett and Simon Butler. Coding by Graham Everett. Graphics by Simon Butler. Music by Simon Butler and Martin Walker. Documentation by Graham Everett and Robert Katz.
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stompyrr · 8 years
Defender II
Platform: Atari ST
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Defender II is a shooter published in 1990 by ARC Software and developed by Llamasoft (Jeff Minter).
From the back of the box
It’s official - Defender II - the coin-op is here! Written by arcade shoot’em up king Jeff Minter, DEF II is the fastest fame yet to hit the ST and AMIGA. Play the original DEFENDER, try the amazing STARGATE or dive into the all-new DEFENDER II.
They’re back and as mean as hell! The battle begins again, five  years after rescuing the Earth the aliens are back to grab more humanoids and suck their brains dry. This time they have improved technique, experience and above all, better craft, fortunately so do you. Use your Invisio, hit your Smartlasers, drop your Smart Bombs. DEFENDER is back and it’s better than ever.
Three cult games in one
Eight weapons available at once
Rock Soundtrack
Free colour poster
Fly to Live - Live to Fly
Program design by Williams Electronics, Inc. and Jeff Minter. Coding by Jeff Minter. Graphics by WJS Design and Simon Butler. Music by Martin Walker. Sound FX by Jeff Minter.
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stompyrr · 8 years
Spellbound Dizzy
Platform: ZX Spectrum
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Spellbound Dizzy, published in 1991 by CodeMasters for the ZXSpectrum
From the back of the case
The BIGGEST and BEST Dizzy game yet! Over 100 AMAZING screens of cartoon FUN! Go SCUBA DIVING! Take a WILD RIDE underground! Explore strange new worlds. Save the YOLK FOLK!
Dizzy’s been visiting his local friendly Wizard, Theo. Now Theo, who may be a dab hand in the waving of wands area, is not much cop at the filling-things-away-neatly department and he’s left his books of Really Powerful Spells lying round in his laboratory. What’s more, the book’s been left open at the page headed A Really, Really, Poweful Spell (That Shouldn’t Be Read Out Loud).
Whether Dizzy actually read the heading is not known but - yikes! - he said the spell and it’s caused a catastrophe: Dizzy’s spirited all his Yolk Folk chums and Wizard Theo into the underworld! Cripes!
There’s only one course of action open to the brave little hero: read the spell again and spirit himself into the underworld to save his rotund group of pals.
Doing the Biz with Diz
Dizzy has to collect five rotating stars and a special object to release each of the Yolk Folk from the underworld!
Check out all the objects and discover if they can help Dizzy - some may enable Dizzy to swim underwater while others help him have a speedy journey through a mine shaft (and some are really tasty!).
Don’t miss out on the mushrooms - they can send Dizzy flying high!
Don’t leave any of the Yolk Folk or Wizard Theo behind!
More than 100 - 100! - different locations await!
Design: Big Red Software
Program: R-Fred Williams
Graphics: Peter Ranson
Project Director: Paul Ranson
Production: Stewart Regan
Art Manager: Shån Savage
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stompyrr · 8 years
Encyclopedia of War: Ancient Battles
Platform: ZX Spectrum
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Published in 1988 by CCS (Cases Computer Simulations Ltd), a strategy war game written by R.T. Smith. The front cover illustration was by Oliver Fray.
From the back of the box
Designed to recreate pitched battles in the world of antiquity, ‘Ancient Battles’ lets you command the armies of Julius Caesar’, ‘Alexander the Great’, ‘Hannibal’ and ‘Attila the Hun’, in the great battles of the ancient world.
An ‘easy to use’ system allows players to design their own armies in a matter of minutes so that every game can be different. Forces can be selected from those available to any one of the 24 different nations.
The game comes with a number of preset scenarios and includes comprehensive ‘Historical Notes’, covering Battle Notes, Warfare in the Ancient World and Army Notes.
GAME FEATURES: 1 or 2 player game, computer control of subordinate generals, hidden movement, automatic deployment, variable sized battles and map designer.
FORMATS: Spectrum 48K and 128K, +3 disc, Amstrad 464/664/6128 tape/disc and PC compatibles with 256K RAM and CGA graphics, 5¼ and 3½ disc.
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stompyrr · 8 years
The Battle of the Bulge
Platform: ZX Spectrum
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Published in 1990 by CCS (Cases Computer Simulations Ltd), a strategy war game designed and written by Steve Thomas.
From the back of the box
"Soliders of the West Front! Your great hour has arrived. Large attacking armies have started against the Anglo-Americans. I do not have the tell you more than that. You feel it yourselves. WE GAMBLE EVERYTHING!”
Field Marshal Gerd von Rundstedt 15 December 1944 On 16th December 1944, out of the mist and snow of the Ardennes, three German armies made a surprise attack on a weak sector of the Allied line in Hitler’s last desperate gamble to win the war.
The Battle of the Bulge is a one or two player divisional level game simulating this epic struggle which was to become the largest battle on the Western front.
Players may command either side in a game featuring hidden simultaneous movement, air and artillery phases, bridge construction and demolition, weather and supply restrictions and historical variations.
Designer’s Notes
This game has been designed to let the player experience some of the difficulties faced by both sides during the Battle of the Bulge, whilst at the same time, being simple and entertaining to play.
The German player has two main options if he is to achieve a victory. He must either drive all out for the Meuse or he should go for the small solution to a limited attack followed by a holding action.
Although the German player initially has a vast superiority in numbers, the ground is well-suited to defence and the Allied player only has to fight a delaying action until re-reinforcements and air cover become available.
The German player must rely on speed since the lack of supply as the game progresses will become critical. Taking the fuel depots can give the German advance sufficient power to gain a victory.
A problem faced by both sides is the terrain in the Ardennes which was rough and often had a deep covering of snow. This means that movement off roads is slow and you will get into supply difficulties. The roads were not designed for mechanical warfare and many traffic jams occured. To simulate this problem it was decided that no stacking would be allowed. Therefore, the player must organise his columns carefully.
You should be wary of blowing and building bridges. Beware of the large amounts of supply required and also consider the effect on supply routes. The rules for blowing and building bridges are simple in order to make the game more playable.
Always try to attack with more than one unit and with artillery support when possible. Do not forget to use the HOLD command to increase morale and reduce casualties and try to use terrain to your benefit.
German commandos dressed in American uniforms are always mentioned in reports on the battle. After research, I decided to ignore this in the game design since the effort of their activities was negligible.
Finally, I would like to thank Chris Preece and Dave ‘The Butcher’ Barlow for their assistance in the historical research and testing of this game.
An extra piece of history
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stompyrr · 8 years
Platform: ZX Spectrum
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Published in 1984 by Games Workshop, a turn based combat game costing £7.95 on its release. A budget re-release showed up in 1987 costing £2.99.
From the back of the box
Battlecars is a deadly sport of the future... By the year 2080, driving was totally safe, but a rebellion was brewing. In 2081 the first road warriors appeared in cars bristling with armour and weapons. These new gladiators challenged each other to illegal duels to the death.
Now it is your turn to enter the deadly arena. Arm your Battlecar with your favourite weapons: Missles, machineguns and mines. Choose your battleground: A gruelling speed circuit or a town-centre labyrinth.
Battlecars is an advanced two-player game. The screen displays three simultaneous real-time map windows; speed, fuel and damage gauges; and superb graphics. But do you have what it takes to drive a Battlecar?
Written and programmed by SLUG
Based on the original game design by Ian Livingstone.
Cover artwork by Jim Burns
Co-ordination by Angus Ryall
 An extra piece of history
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In this box was the original receipt, something I always love finding when I’ve picked up a game.
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stompyrr · 8 years
Vengeance of Excalibur
Platform: Atari ST Genre: Adventure
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Published in 1991 by Virgin Games and developed by Synergistic Software.
From the back of the box
Shadowmaster - Lord of Demons has stolen the Sword Excalibur and the newly recovered Holy grail, plunging Britain into a time of darkness and death. Your quest is to pursue the demonlord to Spain and recover the sacred relics.
The Shadowmaster must be stopped!
Hand rendered art
Improved user interface
No keyboard necessary! Point and click to perform all game functions
Overview map of Spain
Synergistic Software
Based on a script by Carol and Ivan Manley
Developed by
Synergistic Software, Inc.
Designed by
Robert Clardy
John Conley
Alan Clark
Project Lead
John Conley
Associate Programming
Alan Clark
Michael Branham
Amiga & Macintosh Version
James David Walley
Atari ST Version
Chris Phillips
Art Director & Lead Artist
Robert Stein III
Additional Art
Linda Westerfield
Jeremy Jones
EGA/Tandy Art
Curt Toumanian/Saddleback Graphics
Paper Map by Jeff Theriault
Music Composed by Christopher Barker
Data Preparation by Ann Dickens Clardy
User Manual be Wayne Walker
Introduction By Christopher Barker
Virgin Games
Published by Virgin Games, Inc.
Executive Product
Dr. Stephen H. Clarke-Wilson
Product Manager
Cathie A. Bartz
Associate Product Manager
David A. Leuhmann
Quality Assurance
Lyle J. Hall II
Seth Mendelsohm
Jeff Wagoner
Manual Produced and Edited by Lisa Marcinko and Cathie A. Bartz as the Assistant Editor
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stompyrr · 8 years
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Platform: Atari ST
Published in 1991 by Virgin Games and developed by Graftgold.
From the back of the box
For the first time, you can take COMPLETE control of your own destiny as you attempt to dominate an entire world.
The King is dead. Long live the King. And the King is you...
Endowed with the divine right to rule, you inherit your father’s Realm on his death. But the fragile peace has been shattered and war rages between the Realms. Now your brief reign has become a fight for survival.
The neighbouring Realms are growing in strength at your expense. Do you build lines of supply to barter with them? Or build armies to battle with them? Each Realm vies to be the ultimate power. There can only be one. Just make sure it’s yours...
Created by award-winning Graftgold development team, REALMS combines the intuitive playability of an arcade game with the depth of strategy usually found in the most complex simulations.
Enter the world of REALMS and you could control:
Over 125,000 square miles of fractally-generated landscape
128 armies, each a thousand strong and with definable battle formations
Countless cities, their inhabitants lives and their money
Six distinct humanoid races
The last word in arcade strategy
Steve Turner Managing Director, Creative Director, Designer, Programmer
Michael Field Artist
John Lilley Artist
Jason Page Musician, Programmer
David O’Conner Programmer
Gary J Foreman Programmer
Andrew Braybrook Programming Director, Creative Director, Designer, Programmer
Graftgold - And the creation of Realms
Graftgold was formed in 1983 by designers and programmers Steve Turner and Andrew Braybrook, with the intent of “bringing professionalism into a market which was at the time very young and unprofessional.”
During its prolific growth period, the company has managed to remain as tight and efficient as when it was founded, and has to its name a string of award-winning successes with both original product and conversion work.
Realms represents the culmination of over eight years of man work based on a Steve Turner first envisaged in 1986. Only now has technology proved viable enough a platform on which to realise Steve’s dream.
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stompyrr · 8 years
Platform: Atari ST
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Published in 1992 by Ocean Software and developed by Sensible Software.
From the back of the box
Wizball got married, had a kid ... WIZKID! And, just like his pop, he can’t resist a challenge. Nifta, the feline family friend, has been catnapped, along with Wizball and Wizard. They’ve all been thrown into the dungeons of Zark’s castle, except Nifta, who has been imprisoned in the Turtle Jail. Got all that? Good, and that is just the start of your adventure in this totally original... well, it’s kinda cute, a bit of arcade, yeh, it’s the best bott’em-up on the software scene. Go for it!
Gorge yourself on a feast of crazy, zany graphics and a game-play that will have your joystick pleading for mercy and your ma screaming, “Your dinner’s still hot ‘cos the bin’s on fire!”
I believe the following to be correct but hit me up if I’m wrong.
Programming by Chris Yates
Graphics by Jon Hare
Designed by Jon Hare and Chris Yates
Music by Richard Joseph
My Thoughts
What attracted me to this game originally was its weirdness which perhaps contributed to this game, in my experience, being similar to Marmite. However, I lapped it up and enjoyed the mix of what was wholly arcade but with some adventure/puzzle elements.
I remember collecting all the musical notes which resulted into what can only be described as a “golden shower” as the notes exploded into golden coins of joy.
I also recall an annoyed canine who becomes swiftly tamed upon receipt of a newspaper, after which he can then be found enjoying said newspaper on the toilet.
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stompyrr · 8 years
Platform: Atari ST
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Published in 1992 by Domark Software and developed by Teque London.
From the back of the box
A completely new and unique role playing experience.
The story is based upon ancient legend. A warrior prince, slaughtered on the battlefields of the Shadowlands, awakes to find that his spirit lives on and that he can control the minds and actions of his subjects. Seeking retribution, he chooses four loyal adventurers and guides them back into the Shadowlands on a journey of discovery and vengeance.
The revolutionary new Photoscape lighting system casts atmospheric light and shadow over the gameworld.
Fight to the death using an array of weapons and spells against hordes of grotesque and intelligent adversaries.
User definable characters are controlled independently or in groups.
In-game hints are always available (for a price) if you need them.
The friendly and intuitive mouse-driven control system gives access to the largest, strangest and most fascinating game world. It’s an enormous challenge - but on you can win!
Whether you’re an expert or new to the genre, Shadowlands is the RPG experience you’ve been waiting for.
Barry Costas - Programmer Barry’s previous work before Shadowlands include Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters, Xybots, Badlands and Revelation.
Mark Anthony - Artwork Designer Shadowlands was Mark’s first full project.
Dean Lester - Designer Dean designed Shadowlands but also was the Managing Director of Teque.
My Thoughts
The lighting/shadow engine really impressed me when I first played this game in my teens and the isometric view worked really well. A highly enjoyable role playing game which I felt was unique for its time. 
There is also Shadoworlds, also developed by Teque London which uses the same engine in a sci-fi setting.
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stompyrr · 8 years
ACE : The Ultimate Combat Jet Simulator
Platform: ZX Spectrum
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A simulation published in 1986 by Cascade Games Ltd costing £9.95.
I love how the wording on the back of the case talks about the game having hills and trees as a real selling point. You just wouldn't get that anymore, "FarCry, now with green grass and trees as actual graphics!"
The history of this game is also very cool to me, originally purchased in Boots The Chemists back in 1986. 26/07/1986 to be precise for £9.95. Whoever made this purchase, we'll assume it was a bloke, he gave the young lady with blonde hair and pretty smile one of his hard earned £10.00 notes and received 5p back. However, the fool didn't put his change in the charity pot and the young lady seemed awfully disappointed. For a moment, he was almost the one and she could have been screaming out ACE in the bedroom.
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Your AWAT (All Weather-All Terrain) jet stands fully fuelled and fully armed. A vast invasion fleet is anchored just off your shores. Ground forces have come ashore and are advancing on your positions protected by massive air cover.
You are the last fighter pilot. Your country turns to you and asks . . . "Are you good enough to be called ACE?"
Featuring tanks, helicopters, hills, trees, ships and a totally unique refuelling sequence ACE is the fastest, most exciting air combat game available. With twin flying mode (optional) you can fly and fight with your friend as weapons man.
Ace uses Lenslok copy protection in an attempt to slow down piracy concerns.
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LGR has a great video which discusses the history of DRM and Copy Protection where you can learn a bit more about Lenslok:
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stompyrr · 8 years
Tower of Despair
Platform: ZX Spectrum
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Published in 1984 by Games Workshop, a text adventure costing £7.95.
He has returned...
Malnor, Demonlord of Darkness, infests the Tower of Despair once more. But this time he has the Ring of Skulls, a potent Amulet of evil force and malice, gathering malevolent powers to him. His evil orc legions and demonkin hordes are now poised to ravage the realm of Aelandor.
The Council of Wizards has summoned you, the Warrior-Mage of Castle Argent, in a last desperate attempt to destroy Malnor, the Screaming Shadow. You, the wielder of the Silver Gauntlet, must set out on a quest to find the Gold Gauntlet, for only with both can you take on Malnor. The fate of Aelandor lies in your hands. – Can you survive the perilous journey to the Tower of Despair, and face the ultimate challenge within it?
The TOWER OF DESPAIR offers a new challenge to adventure gamers. It includes two entire 48K programs, and an adventure guide contains vital clues to the adventure, and is essential for play.
The authors all write for WHITE DWARF magazine; and one of them, Jamie Thomson, is contributing to Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone’s “Fighting Fantasy” Series.
The Tower of Despair was written and programmed by: Russell Clarke, Jamie Thomson, Steve Williams and Mike McKeown.
The front cover is by Robin Hidden; the back cover and the guidebook illustrations are by Peter Marin. The Map of Aelandor and the plan of Castle Argent are by Brian Cumming.
The history of Aelandor and the adventure background are by Jamie Thomson and Steve Williams. Production by Brian Cumming.
Overall co-ordination by Angus Ryall.
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