dinastiatargaryen · 27 days
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shinycreationenemy · 7 months
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What if?
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azaliasage · 8 months
My friend, who is reading Fourth Wing on my suggestion, called to tell me how happy she is that Jack died and Liam lived.
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mundoasoiaf · 9 months
"Sonhou que estava sentada no Trono de Ferro, bem alto acima de todos eles. Os cortesãos eram ratos brilhantemente coloridos lá em baixo. Grandes senhores e orgulhosas senhoras ajoelhavam perante si. Valentes jovens cavaleiros depositavam as espadas aos seus pés e suplicavam-lhe favores, e a rainha sorria-lhes. Até que o anão apareceu, como que vindo de parte nenhuma, apontando para ela e uivando de riso. Os senhores e as senhoras começaram também a soltar risinhos, escondendo os sorrisos atrás das mãos. Foi só então que a rainha se percebeu que estava nua. Horrorizada, tentou cobrir-se com as mãos. As farpas e lâminas do Trono de Ferro morderam-lhe a carne quando se abaixou para esconder a vergonha. O sangue escorreu vermelho, pelas pernas abaixo, enquanto dentes de aço lhe roíam as nádegas. Quando tentou levantar, enfiou o pé numa fenda no metal retorcido. Quanto mais lutava, mais o trono a engolia, arrancando pedaços de carne dos seus seios e barriga, cortando-lhe os braços e pernas até os deixar cintilantes de vermelho." - O Festim dos Corvos // Cersei I
🎨: Papelinkri
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Stay Safe Online
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rekhtion · 3 months
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Rhaenyra by Rekhtion ⚡️ 049
"The Iron Throne is mine by rights. And those who deny my right will face my wrath." Follow Me: @rekhtion
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articoluminos · 3 months
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night king rising GOT
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ash-of-the-meadow · 9 months
Just did the Iron Thone. I love how after Wyll and his dad's touching reunion, it cuts straight to my Tav's and Karlach's dead bodies on the beach. Jeez, that level was hard. I saved as many people as I could.
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clips-u-watch · 11 months
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spacearcher · 2 years
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WHAT IF SER CRISTON COLE HAD STAYED || fanfiction - The passages of Red Keep (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1278103485-what-if-ser-criston-cole-had-stayed-fanfiction-the?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=SpaceArcher&wp_originator=r4hOUmFZVlX%2BTo%2BK5aLPZn04tHRVMGsnF%2F9mFqNwrzV41gi3CD52QJRN0EzCmni0qqY9LiCQ9pjpjE1NZdUJ8FkmWUGmwr3MMBp35sV3HynPGwTJAE6GqvcV6kDa9L52 
 Ser Criston Cole angrily declines Princess Rhaenyra's offer to remain her lover even after her marriage to Laenor. He takes it as an offense to his honor. He becomes her sworn enemy afterward. But what if he had not declined? What if he had stayed with Rhaenyra instead of Ser Harwin Strong? What if Jace, Luke, and Joffrey had been Criston's sons? Excerpt below:
I cannot separate Rhaenyra from the realm. 
But I must need assurance. "Rhaenyra..." 
 I let her name linger on my tongue. I hardly ever get to call her by her name. I remove the scarf on her head hiding her hair and let it fall on her shoulders.
I take her finger in mine. I brush the red scars on her nail beds. I finally speak what is on my mind. 
 "If we marry, the realm will lose a good queen. And I cannot let that happen." She looks at me, still worried. A resolution forms in my head. It is not perfect but will be an acceptable compromise for both of us.
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dinastiatargaryen · 1 month
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thirstylion · 4 months
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The Mad Queen's Reign (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/370068130-the-mad-queen%27s-reign?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=Thirsty-lion Journey into the depths of Westeros' darkest nightmares in "The Mad Queen's Reign." Rayna Stark, daughter of Ned Stark and twin sister of Robb, becomes consumed by a thirst for power and vengence that leads her down a path of madness. With characters from the "House of Dragons" series, including the enigmatic Criston Cole and the fearsome Aemond , this chilling saga delves into the terrifying consequences of unchecked ambition. Brace yourself for a journey through the shadows where betrayal and vengeance reign supreme. Note: All credits to George R.R. Martin for the characters and the world of Westeros.
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arsene-ee · 21 days
This is literally just my opinion b4 anyone comes for me
Cuz like how come the character, who is the closest connected to the plot has 4 hours less content than fucking Astarion, who is the least relevant to the plot.
And I'm not even joking cuz like Shadowheart has the Artifact which makes her relevant. Lae'zel is a Githyanki and knows about the mindflayers which makes her relevant to the plot. Gale has his Orb which is basically a last resort to kill the netherbrain making him plot relevant. Karlach was Gortash's (🤢🤢🤢🤢) slave, giving you a reason to dislike him and a reason to fight him, making her plot relevant. Minthara had a thing with Orin and works under Ketheric Thorm, connecting her to the main Plot. Halsin studies the brain worms and He once attacked Ketheric Thorm which caused the shadow curse or something blah blah making him connected to the plot. Minsc and Jaheira both encountered a Baahlspawn before (probably makes more sense when you're playing Dark Urge) and know how to deal with them (they have a fun interaction with Saverok or whatever his name is when you bring them there) making them plot relevant.
AND WYLL, he is the Son of Ulder Ravengard, you know just the duke of Baldur's Gate, making Wyll also the potential Duke incase Ulder dies. Baldur's Gate itself most likely wouldn't be standing if it wasn't for him and the pact he made with Mizora. His dad gets kidnapped and Tadpoled and then he crowns Gortash (🤢🤢🤢🤢) Archduke and then gets imprisoned in the Ironthrone (where you need to go anyways if you want to destroy Gortash's (🤢🤢🤢🤢) tall robots. Wyll is then urged by his dad to find Ansur, which basically gives you one of the biggest plot twists in the history of plot twists and bad love affairs.
Meanwhile Astarion is just a dude, sure he was a corrupt judge like 200 years ago but at this point that is so irrelevant. In regards of plot relevancy you could replace Astarion with a random NPC and it wouldn't change anything. Honestly I think Larian just wanted a conventionally attractive vampire sad white boy for no real reason.
I'm not saying Astarion's personal story is Irrelevant, it's well written and I understand his motivation (altough the fantasy raceism wasn't necessary but what do I know, right?). And hell Neil did a great job voicing him and making him sound arrogant as well as breakable when needed. the fact that Astarion's arrogance is partly what makes me hate him and infuriates me pretty much show's me that Neil is a great voice actor (also on account of him portaying Kamski in DBH whom I also hate)
Certain people Baby Astarion way too much the 200 something year old dude, who already was an adult when he became a vampire, in the end what happened between him and the people he discriminated against was what he had coming.
Meanwhile people say that Wyll was old enough to know what he was doing when making his pact with Mizora and that he shouldn't have been so naive. Wyll was 17 when he made his pact. 17. Idk about you but I, as a 19 year old look at 17 year olds and think of them as Children. 17 year old is not mature enough to make such life changeing desicions, I as a 19 year old am not mature enough to make a desicion like that. Wyll lost everything he ever knew while he was still a child. He hasn't had privacy since he was 17, he spend 7 years being watched by Mizora, without an ounce of privacy.
Also before anyone comes at me for being uninformed that the response to Wyll in EA was to small to warrant more content. I KNOE THAT, I KNOW THAT THE RESPONSE TO HIM WAS LOW. Just the other day I saw a post about it. I also saw a post how, if Wyll was just a fraction as mean as astarion, he would be one of the most hated characters in the game, so yeah, think about that.
all I want is for all the characters to have an equal ammount of content, which either means giving the neglected characters more content or cutting down on content characters who already have more content have.
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mundoasoiaf · 23 days
"Myrcella não derramara uma lágrima, embora fosse ela quem estivesse a abandonar o lar para selar uma aliança com a sua virgindade. A verdade era que a princesa era mais corajosa do que o irmão, e também mais inteligente e confiante. Tinha o espírito mais vivo, as cortesias mais polidas. Nunca nada a intimidava, nem mesmo Joffrey. A força está realmente nas mulheres. Estava a pensar não só em Myrcella, mas também na mãe dela e na sua, na Rainha dos Espinhos, nas belas, mortíferas Serpentes de Areia da Víbora Vermelha. E na Princesa Arianne Martell acima, de tudo nela." - O Festim dos Corvos // O Cavaleiro Maculado
🎨: Rlyeha
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I kneel for my Queen Rhaenyra. The blacks for the win.
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jacemond-addict · 2 years
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I’ve Got My Eye On You
Aemond Targaryen x Jacaerys Velaryon
Modern/Artist/Muse Au
Inspired by @derangedthots post just couldn’t get it off my mind. Just a little different from your idea. I really don’t what this is, I did this yesterday , and quickly finish it for I could be able to post it today.
Aemond yearns for a perfect muse. He travels to the ends of the earth and back to find his inspiration to will him into creating a masterpiece like all his favorite artist has done before him.
With no luck to his side, Aemond is forced back to go home to present himself to the anniversary of IronThrone dynasty and the celebration of his half-sister new position in the company.
Aemond never in a million of years thought he’d find it , never crossed his mind that he would find his muse in the one who used to hide behind Rhaenyra skirt , who would pester his younger self when he followed him around like a puppy, the bastard that called himself a true Targaryen.
Jacaerys is art itself. Aemond couldn’t withhold the true beauty ,that shines through the orbs of Jacaerys eyes and language his body spoke that his mouth couldn’t ,from the world.
“Nephews.” Aemond takes the initiate to break the silence. It would make it more awkward if the three of them just stare at each other. Aemond wouldn’t mind but he thinks Luke and Jace would feel weirded out.
Aemond waited patiently for Luke to detach himself from Jace throughout the party, but just like they were kids, Luke seem to never leave Jace side.
Aemond hated then and he hates it now.
He wanted to talk to Jace alone, the party dragged on and Aemond feared he might lose his opportunity even he didn’t take it.
“Uncle.”Luke and Jace say with the same enthusiasm Aemond had spoken.
They’ve grown, different but same. Both handsome , wise ; at least what his mother had said, and strong. In the area of height Jace hadn’t been so gifted. His beauty makes it up for it.
“It’s been awhile, hasn’t it.” Aemond never been good with small talk, especially with people he had no interest in making conversation.
“7 years.” Luke grumbled, earning him an subtle elbow to his side. Guess Aemond wasn’t the only one who wasn’t too happy about each others presence.
“The number seven is considered lucky. Someone once told me It is one of the numbers that is a symbol of perfection and eternal life.“ Jace stated, always the peacemaker. Trying to find the greener side of the grass .
Jace was not going to turn away when Aemond is extending an olive branch, even if it came with hidden thorns.
He smiled through every word , gaining Aemond attention to his white bunny teeth and plush pink lips. Aemond eye roamed Jace every single feature, every freckle, eyelash, every curl to burn it inside his memory to not forget.
Luke shuffled awkwardly, but didn’t dare to leave his brother alone with their uncle , that examine every inch of Jace , surveying a weakness to attack. It worried him more when it seem Jace was happy to oblige their uncle.
Jace raise his head high and fix his posture straight and firm . Desperately wanting Aemond to see how much he changed, grew into his dragon skin, to prove him wrong after many years of absent.
His skin tingled from Aemond stare. Jace proudly let himself be scrutinize by the man who exclaim himself as an artist.
With every sweep, Jace confidence grew with the transparent approval and something else that he couldn’t pinpoint in Aemond’s blue eye.
Aemond smirks in satisfaction seeing Jace blossom under his gaze, like a rose.
It’s going to be lucky year.
“Couldn’t agree more , Jacaerys.” Aemond keeps himself from grinning like cheshire cat. He couldn’t show his real colors until Jace lay bare and open.
Later when Aegon approaches him, drunk and slurring his words about their nephews, Aemond eye is still glued to Jace. He deals with Aegon intoxicated presence reminding Aemond how happy he’s was away from his brother. He nod absently at whatever comes out Aegon mouth until he brings up of wanting to get Jace.
“Stay away from him. You can do whatever you want with Luke or Joffrey, whoever you please I could care less, but stay away from Jace unless you want your brains splatter and hanging in an art museum.” Aemond threatens, his nostril flaring and his lip curled in a sneer. He waits until Aegon nods showing he understands to shoves him away from him.
Note: I really don’t remember what was my original idea but it changed into this, uhhhh???, it was supposed to be in college era like the post but this came out. Not that happy how the moodboard came out nor the writing, but I’m never happy with my writing.
Basically, Aemond is an artist moves away, travels ,study, maybe fall in love and along the way he loses his spark, his imagination to create, so he searches in every corner of the world. He fails , goes back home to the celebration of Rhaenyra being the CEO .
Then there’s Jace , hit puberty (late bloomer ) and became all hot meanwhile his uncle was away. Now that Aemond’s back , he wants to show off how much he changed, how ??? Idk???? Jace just want Aemond attention . He just taking notes out of his mothers book.
Luke is always cockblocking them. Aemond literally has to pay Aegon to keep the gremlin distracted. Heleana is added to the distraction plan just in case Aegon fails.
If I could write I would’ve written where they fuck and get paint all over them. Aemond getting his piece in the art galas , inviting everyone to see his work, Jace and Aemond falling in love.
Aemond is like 25 and Jace 23 . FYI
(Random stranger”is that you?” Pointing to Jace and just dips, everyone is looking at Jace and the painting , back and forth. Daemon to Rhaenyra”Hold my jacket , I’m about to murder a rat.” Jace,”I can explain.”)
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