#Is Costco dog food the same as Diamond?
petanimalscare01 · 2 years
Who makes Kirkland healthy weight dog food?
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Who makes Kirkland healthy weight dog food?
Do vets recommend Kirkland dog food?
What dog food is equivalent to Kirkland?
Is Kirkland dog food made in China?
Which company makes Kirkland dog food?
Is Kirkland dog food made by Blue Diamond?
Is Kirkland dog food safe for dogs?
What dog food do vets most recommend?
Who makes Costco’s Kirkland dog food?
What brand makes Kirkland dog food?
Is Costco brand dog food the same as diamond?
Is Costco dog food the same as taste of the wild?
What dog food has no ingredients from China?
What dog foods are made in the USA?
Who makes Kirkland Nature’s domain dog food?
Is Kirkland Dog Food Safe?
Is Kirkland dog food Aafco approved?
Is Costco dog food the same as Diamond?
What brands of dog food are made by Diamond?
Is Costco Kirkland Dog Food Safe?
What brand of dog food is killing dogs?
What food do most vets recommend?
What is the number 1 healthiest dog food?
What dry dog food do vets recommend most?
What is the most healthiest food for dogs?
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tinctures · 8 years
100 Things I Like About My Dumb Idiot Husband
Doesn’t smoke
Has a (free!) Costco membership
Takes me to Costco at least once a month
Good taste in alcohol and makes tasty cocktails
Can (and does) drive a car
Likes Ono Hawaiian BBQ and Costco as much as I do
Hates the same things I do
Fun to complain with
Understands that food is a big deal
Not a misogynist or racist or homophobe
No criminal record
Treats me with respect and like an equal
Likes most of the foods I like
Likes most of the music I like
Smarter than most people
Sometimes has a beard
Tall enough to reach things on the top shelves in the kitchen
Makes good beer
Is frugal/doesn’t waste money on dumb shit
Doesn’t dance or make me dance
Likes dogs, especially wieners
Nice teeth
Amazing and bizarre sense of humor
Makes comics sometimes
Pretty much completely shameless (in a good way)
Good taste in television
Really warm/lets me steal his body heat
Cleans the house/isn’t a slob (except for the piles of receipts)
Never expects me to do the household chores even though I am home way more than he is but is appreciative when I do
Really good at vacuuming the stairs
Picks up my prescription for me every month
Drives me to all my appointments
Goes to work even though he hates it so we can afford to live indoors
Comes home after work to hang out with me
No babies
Likes going to the zoo
Is understanding about anxiety and ADD
Doesn’t make fun of me for constantly eating/doesn’t care that I’m a fatass
Isn’t embarrassed to be seen with me even though he totally should be
Good at video games
Doesn’t fight with me at IKEA (why does everyone else seem to fight there? I know it sucks to shop there but it’s pretty easy if you know what you want and park near the exit)
Likes Lego
Rubs my back when it hurts, which is often
Brings the garbage cans back in every Tuesday night because I always forget
Isn’t grossed out by women talking about poop (which is somehow a common thing still???)
Helps me do dumb things he doesn’t actually care about (like canning)
Flosses every day
Puts up with my family/travels with me to see them
Liked by my dog from the first time she met him
Doesn’t lie or cheat on me
Takes care of me when I’m sick
Remembers to take his vitamins
Pays bills on time/is responsible
Puts up with my expensive taste in sour beers and fancy cheeses
Accepts help
Isn’t weird about going to the doctor when he’s sick
Good at fixing a lot of things
Remembers to put the alarm on at night
Calms me down
Doesn’t make me feel bad about my many food allergies/always makes sure there will be something I can eat when we go somewhere to eat
Is reasonable/thinks logically
Thinks the whole “Man Cave” thing is ridiculous
Doesn’t want to go warm places/to the beach
Actually likes being around me
Sometimes brings home cheese
Doesn’t make me feel dumb even though he’s smarter than I am
Helps me figure things out
Brings a lunch the two days of the week work doesn’t supply one in order to save us money
Is ridiculously good looking and yet is somehow attracted to a bridge troll
Doesn’t get pee all over the bathroom
Reads books
Makes phone calls when we need to and I chicken out
Likes and gets along with my friends
Isn’t into camping
Helps me feel safe
Has good credit
Bought us a nice house some guy killed himself in that is in a neighborhood we both feel safe and comfortable in
Comes with me to all my immigration stuff, even when he doesn’t have to
Isn’t grossed out by or uninformed about menstruation/female bodily functions
Laughs so hard he gets sweaty and tears up
Doesn’t drive drunk because he’s not an asshole and also because a DUI would bar him from entering Canada
Good cook/amazing at frying things and cooking meat
Doesn’t mind/actually likes meatless meals like some idiots apparently do
Impressive knowledge of history
Good taste in art
Understands that new cars and diamonds are incredible wastes of money
Puts a new bag in when he takes out the trash or recycling
Is into growing food with me once we get the backyard fixed up
Good at picking produce
Gets my jokes
Great butt
Doesn’t treat me like a burden
Smells nice
Super likable and charming without being arrogant at all
Good memory
Communicates with me and actually works through things
Sometimes steals seaweed from work for me or brings me home leftovers from their catered lunches
Doesn’t push me beyond my capacity and is patient with me and my brain problems
Makes me hate myself less
Lets me make fun of him and call him a dumb idiot and doesn’t get upset
2 notes · View notes
This Couple Had Their Dream Wedding At Costco, And TBH, This Goal Is Relatable AF
What does your dream wedding entail? Let me guess. Maybe tou want the traditional church wedding at the same church you grew up going to as a kid? Or a beautiful vineyard wedding at a gorgeous Napa mansion? Perhaps a relaxing, laid-back destination wedding in St. Barths? Or maybe it’s something more personal. Maybe it’s at the restaurant where you had your first date, or the same venue your parents got married at, or at the beach where you two first met, or in your friend’s backyard where you shared your first kiss. Well, all of those things are great, but Sue Berkeley and Eli Bob’s Costco wedding took the whole “personal” wedding venue thing to a whole new level.
Yep, the Australian couple from Sydney decided to get married at Costco of all places. Why, you ask? Well, because they love Costco. “I get to spend another day at Costco, that I love,” Berkeley explained in an interview with A Current Affair. “Where else can I get married to the one I love, in a place that I love, surrounded by the people I love?”
I mean, honestly, can you BLAME her? With free samples, delicious hot dogs (and pizza wraps! and soft serve!), friendly service, and everything you could ever possibly want or need for the rest of your life — from computers to diamond rings to comfy socks to Omaha steaks available in BULK — Costco is pretty much the closest thing to heaven on Earth. And I mean, who wouldn’t want to get married in HEAVEN?
This Australian Couple Just Had Their Dream Wedding at Costco — Grocery News https://t.co/sOuiGz1TK4 http://pic.twitter.com/J7KVXLxX4H
— The Kitchn (@thekitchn) September 25, 2017
If you’re wondering what a Costco wedding looks like, let me paint you a little picture here. The nuptials took place in Australia Costco’s Casula location. And how many guests do you get to invite to a Costco wedding? Apparently, you get to include a LOT, considering the couple had 90 guests at their Costco nuptials this past Saturday.
The actual ceremony took place in the food court, which makes total sense, because obviously, everyone who’s ever been to a Costco in their life can agree that the food court is the BEST part of your Costco shopping experience. Well, technically, it’s the second best part if we’re including the free samples.
Needless to say, the “aisle” was fairly simple to create with the shopping aisles already there. Berkeley was able to walk down the Costco aisle she loves so dearly, past the tire department, and toward the love of her life.
How much does a Costco wedding cost, you ask? Well, unfortunately, I don’t have the exact facts and figures of how much it costs to rent out the store, BUT Mashable reports that, as far as food goes, it only cost the couple less than 10 Australian dollars per person to feed all of their 90 guests with everyone’s favorite Costco comfort foods. (This shakes out to around $13 in the U.S.) On the menu was all of our favorite staples, from pizza to hot dogs to those pizza turnover thingies I just can’t get enough of. As for refreshments, there was also an unlimited supply of fountain soda, according to Mashable. Because, DUH.
If you’re not too familiar with normal wedding costs, an estimate by Value Penguin suggests the average cost for food for a wedding is about $30 a head in the U.S (which is about $38 dollars in Australia). So if that average is similar in Australia, that means the newlyweds were able to feed their guests for around a THIRD of the average price! A third!
OK, now, it’s time to delete all those wedding Pinterest boards you’ve spent years working on and start planning your new dream wedding… at Costco! Let’s just hope your significant other is down for this plan.
Check out the entire Gen Why series and other videos on Facebook and the Bustle app across Apple TV, Roku, and Amazon Fire TV.
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This Couple Had Their Dream Wedding At Costco, And TBH, This Goal Is Relatable AF
from Meet Positives http://ift.tt/2fu4Ln8 via IFTTT
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ashleyjacksonblog · 7 years
This Couple Had Their Dream Wedding At Costco, And TBH, This Goal Is Relatable AF
What does your dream wedding entail? Let me guess. Maybe tou want the traditional church wedding at the same church you grew up going to as a kid? Or a beautiful vineyard wedding at a gorgeous Napa mansion? Perhaps a relaxing, laid-back destination wedding in St. Barths? Or maybe it’s something more personal. Maybe it’s at the restaurant where you had your first date, or the same venue your parents got married at, or at the beach where you two first met, or in your friend’s backyard where you shared your first kiss. Well, all of those things are great, but Sue Berkeley and Eli Bob’s Costco wedding took the whole “personal” wedding venue thing to a whole new level.
Yep, the Australian couple from Sydney decided to get married at Costco of all places. Why, you ask? Well, because they love Costco. “I get to spend another day at Costco, that I love,” Berkeley explained in an interview with A Current Affair. “Where else can I get married to the one I love, in a place that I love, surrounded by the people I love?”
I mean, honestly, can you BLAME her? With free samples, delicious hot dogs (and pizza wraps! and soft serve!), friendly service, and everything you could ever possibly want or need for the rest of your life — from computers to diamond rings to comfy socks to Omaha steaks available in BULK — Costco is pretty much the closest thing to heaven on Earth. And I mean, who wouldn’t want to get married in HEAVEN?
This Australian Couple Just Had Their Dream Wedding at Costco — Grocery News https://t.co/sOuiGz1TK4 http://pic.twitter.com/J7KVXLxX4H
— The Kitchn (@thekitchn) September 25, 2017
If you’re wondering what a Costco wedding looks like, let me paint you a little picture here. The nuptials took place in Australia Costco’s Casula location. And how many guests do you get to invite to a Costco wedding? Apparently, you get to include a LOT, considering the couple had 90 guests at their Costco nuptials this past Saturday.
The actual ceremony took place in the food court, which makes total sense, because obviously, everyone who’s ever been to a Costco in their life can agree that the food court is the BEST part of your Costco shopping experience. Well, technically, it’s the second best part if we’re including the free samples.
Needless to say, the “aisle” was fairly simple to create with the shopping aisles already there. Berkeley was able to walk down the Costco aisle she loves so dearly, past the tire department, and toward the love of her life.
How much does a Costco wedding cost, you ask? Well, unfortunately, I don’t have the exact facts and figures of how much it costs to rent out the store, BUT Mashable reports that, as far as food goes, it only cost the couple less than 10 Australian dollars per person to feed all of their 90 guests with everyone’s favorite Costco comfort foods. (This shakes out to around $13 in the U.S.) On the menu was all of our favorite staples, from pizza to hot dogs to those pizza turnover thingies I just can’t get enough of. As for refreshments, there was also an unlimited supply of fountain soda, according to Mashable. Because, DUH.
If you’re not too familiar with normal wedding costs, an estimate by Value Penguin suggests the average cost for food for a wedding is about $30 a head in the U.S (which is about $38 dollars in Australia). So if that average is similar in Australia, that means the newlyweds were able to feed their guests for around a THIRD of the average price! A third!
OK, now, it’s time to delete all those wedding Pinterest boards you’ve spent years working on and start planning your new dream wedding… at Costco! Let’s just hope your significant other is down for this plan.
Check out the entire Gen Why series and other videos on Facebook and the Bustle app across Apple TV, Roku, and Amazon Fire TV.
Check out the “Best of Elite Daily” stream in the Bustle App for more stories just like this!
Subscribe to Elite Daily’s official newsletter, The Edge, for more stories you don’t want to miss.
This Couple Had Their Dream Wedding At Costco, And TBH, This Goal Is Relatable AF
from Meet Positives http://ift.tt/2fu4Ln8 via IFTTT
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