thegentlemancollects · 7 months
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islieb · 6 months
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isfies · 1 year
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islieb und isfies-Comics im Web.
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one-flower-blue · 11 months
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unicyclehippo · 9 months
One word prompt: splinter
this is set in an au i have been toying with for the last mm week or so. enjoy
ASHTON 2 might be the most talented craftsman Imogen has ever met. And once she started thinking about how many craftsmen she knows, the list was actually decently long. Growing up on a farm’ll do that for a girl, she supposed. He’s not as good coming up with a name for himself—hence his newest name, which Ashton was happy to loan for the week (anything to piss off Hexum). Ashton was going to borrow Orym’s name—who asked his boyfriend for a new name and Will suggested “Achilles” straight away—except then Fearne wanted to be Orym and no one knew how to - nor intended to - resist her pout so Ashton took their name back and now Ashton was ASHTON 2 (capital letters and all) and Imogen’s headache was knocking insistently at her temples but it was worth it to have so many friends that they could do dumb shit like this.
The issue remained, however, that ASHTON 2 didn’t have a good name for himself and, as much as he liked to fuck around and pretend like it didn’t matter, Imogen knew it had been bothering him. Which was why she was risking splinters in her ass sitting on the woodshop tabletop—gallantly dusted off for her—and trying to find a way to broach the topic that hey, she might’ve spent the last fortnight compiling an insanely extensive list of names that he might like or take inspiration from. It had seemed like a good idea at the time, she so badly wanted to help, but now that she had to explain herself and the project, she was thinking herself into knots about whether it was weird or too personal and yeah it’d been four months and he hadn’t picked one yet but what if he didn’t want her help with it or anyone’s help and actually it was pretty shitty that she’d done this or—
‘Did you want something or did you just come to stare at me?’ He gasped. ‘Imogen! Wanted to get me all on my lonesome? For shame! I’m not a piece of meat to be ogled and objectifi—‘
‘I’m not here to stare at you.’
ASHTON 2 barely paused before flexing his arms like a bodybuilder, striking a few slow poses. ‘No offense but that’s dumb as hell. These puppies are a hundred per cent certified Wildemount meat! Nothin’ hotter on the market!‘
‘Didn’t you just say you’re not a piece of meat?’
He sighed, shaking his head. ‘Imogen, Imogen, Imogen. This is a fundamental of business! Misdirection, redirection—‘
‘That’s close up magic, I think.’
‘—getting the customer on the back foot so we can reach a mutually sa-hat-isfying agreement!’ At the vaguely sexual tone, Imogen just rolled her eyes.
ASHTON 2 laughed and, dropping his pose, moved back to the wood he’d been examining for whatever his next project would be. He hauled one back to his workstation—a square stump, distressed, splintered, weathered, like it had been part of something else before it found its way to his table—and clamped it in place.
He needn’t have bothered posing, she thought idly. There was something so capable and confident about him when he was like this, focused on his woodworking; it didn’t hurt either that he cut a handsome figure in his stupid (and definitely not workshop safety approved) shorts and henley.
Once the set up was done, he turned back to her and scratched thoughtfully at his scruffy beard, his beloved beard just now growing in and so fiercely maintained. Sawdust and wood chips puffed out of it, making him cough.
‘So what is it then? You got someone handsomer to stare at? No, no, not possible. Well, maybe Ashton. Doesn’t seem your type though. Aha—you got someone prettier to stare at? I know what you’re thinking, it’d be difficult to find someone prettier, I’m a prime specimen no matter which way you cut it, but maybe…tall, dark, and weird is more your vibe?’
Heat burned across her cheeks. Imogen levelled a glare at him. ‘Not everything is about who is pretty,’ she snapped, pointedly ignoring the way he waggled his brows, way too fucking knowing. ‘I came here, you dick—‘ she said, throwing her pen at him when he muttered that she wasn’t the first, ‘—because I spent the last two weeks putting together a list of names you might like, alright?’ ASHTON 2 stood straight in a jerky motion. Surprise slashed across his face. Imogen continued hurriedly, ‘If it’s weird and you hate it then we can just pretend it never happened but we—‘
‘We?’ ASHTON 2 asked, all the brash volume gone. He sounded odd.
‘Yeah, everyone gave me a few names to add to the list. Orym said I should be the one to show you but they really did most of it.’
He fixed her with a shrewd look. ‘Right,’ he drawled. ‘Like how you totally weren’t involved in the fire alarm glitch? Or how that fight was all Voe’s fault and you had nothing to do with it?’
Imogen smiled ever so slightly but didn’t reply. Instead, she flipped open the first page of the notebook. ‘Ashton.’
‘It’s ASHTON, actually,’ he said, half-yelling the name in the way they all had been. ‘And actually it’s ASHTON 2.’
‘No, it’s the first suggestion.’ She tapped the first entry. ‘Ashton’s pick. They’re “so up for maximum chaos”,’ Imogen relayed, air quotes and all.
‘Could be fun,’ he laughed. After a second, he shook his head. ‘Nah. Pass.’ Imogen nodded, moving her finger down the line. Before she could read off the next one, he continued, in that odd tone from earlier, ‘It should be all mine. My name. Right? Not borrowed from a friend. I don’t - wanna do that anymore.’
Dark eyes met hers. He had been through a lot of changes in the last months and for a second, Imogen saw him starkly as he was. Firm, square jaw. Scruffy beard and brows. A splash of pimples across his cheeks and chin. He spoke loud and often because he liked to hear his own voice, deeper, puberty cracks and bassy. He wore his shorts and cuffed his uniform shirt up to his shoulders to show off his hairy legs and Ashton-killed-me-at-the-gym arms because he could, wanted to. He revelled in becoming, in being himself. He revelled in boyhood, in every part of it, and the transformation too, pointing out the weird and wonderful. What was woodwork if not reshaping? Was that why he liked it?
What she wanted to ask felt too much, like always. She tried to tame it, soften it, but failed. As always. Asked, ‘Are you scared?’
‘No!’ he scoffed. His head dropped and he scuffed at the sawdust floor. ‘Maybe a bit. It’s a bit final, isn’t it? Seems like a waste, containing something as majestic as me to just one name.’
Imogen shrugged. ‘You don’t have to. And we don’t have to. Read through this list or do anything you don’t wanna do. I just thought it might be nice to know that we cared. That…we want you around,’ she said. She’d planned on saying it for a long time, ever since parents day, really. Every time she had imagined saying it, it had come out quiet, tentative, like she wasn’t sure how much she was allowed to confess to caring but now—it was loud. Certain. Did he know that’s what he did for her? That he showed her how to care loudly for her friends? ‘It’s a big choice, or it isn’t and you pick again in six months or whatever, but—it’s you. We love you.’
It was harder to cry on T, he’d told her months ago. Emotions felt different—he felt it in his hands and his shoulders and his ears. It didn’t always hit his chest anymore. It didn’t always crackle up to his eyes. If it was easier to cry, he would be crying now, she thought. He swallowed harshly.
‘Show me this list, then. And afterwards,’ he added, hopping up to sit next to her on the table, ‘you can tell me about how the fuck you got dragged into helping with the Winters Crest Fest.’ Her cheeks burned, remembering how Laudna had only had to ask very sweetly if she would help and she had nearly fallen over herself agreeing; he cackled, seeing the colour in her cheeks. ‘Someone’s got a girlfriend,’ he crooned, digging a sharp elbow into her ribs.
‘We’re not talking about that - shut up! We’re not—we’re talking about you. Isn’t that your favourite topic? What about Albert?’
He settled—still smirking though, the dickhead—and said, ‘Was that Ashton as well?’
‘Pass. You know what that’s a reference to, don’t you?’
Imogen groaned. ‘That fucking dick.’
She crossed it out. Twice. ‘There’s good names in here, I promise. Archie.’
‘Don’t hate it.’ He watched her draw a star beside it but held his tongue until she had drawn two next to “Charlie” and one next to both “Courtney” and “Jordan”. ‘Did you…come up with a rating system? To help me pick a name?’
‘Laudna suggested it.’
‘Oh did she now. Clever,’ was all he said. Imogen suspected it was because he was navigating that weird not-crying space again, more than him deciding not to tease her.
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f10urishing · 1 year
hi!! just wanted to say thank you for the support i've gotten with my writing 🫶🫶 i see everything every like, rb, tag/comment and i appropriate it all!! it makes me really happy that people enjoy my writing :,)
i'm writing the second chapter to i should forget you even tho i'm fighting demons while i do it OTL FBEKFHWO i'm hoping i can finish in the next few days! i know what i want to write when i finish but after that i'm not really sure 🤔 besides continuing isfy ofc!! so if anyone wants to suggest anything know that you can at anytime ^__^
also if anyone prefers reading on ao3 i cross post on there its linked in my bio and i have the same username!!
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bantennewscoid-blog · 12 days
Kisah Dimas Ikuti Program Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka di Unsera
BANTEN – Program Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka (PMM) Batch 4 akhirnya membawa Dimas Kalinggo ke kampus pilihannya, yakni Universitas Serang Raya (Unsera). Bagi mahasiswa asal STIKES ISFI Banjarmasin ini, merasakan program PMM di Unsera memberikan cerita yang begitu beragam. Sampai pada Februari 2024 lalu, Dimas mengaku senang bisa menginjakkan kakinya di “Tanah Jawara”. Didampingi tim PMM Unsera,…
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dariranakamera · 2 months
2 april 2024
Selasa, terus aku menghitung hari, mixed feeling deh, satu sisi gak sabar ketemu kamu, satu sisi ada rasa takut, tapi insyallah, kalo memang baik dan kita saling baik, segala sesuatunya akan lancar.
Jujur aku gak tau apakah kamu puasa atau enggak, kamu sahur apa, kamu tar buka sama apa, atau kamu bisa tidur atau enggak, semoga khawatirku hari ini gak kejadian yah, cuman rasanya memang dari bangun tidur udah gak karuan aja ada yang ganjel, walau demikian, hari itu serasa lebih tenang dari 13 hari kebelakang. Aku bangun siang btw, lemas badannya, dan baru dapet tidur rada panjang selama sebulan ini yang cukup enak. Langsung mandi, dzuhur, ke kantor, cek dan review kerjaan anak2, dah beres ngantor (literally) jadi lanjutin nge print buat kado kamu eheheehe. Singkat waktu ya, tiba tiba udah sore aja, aku discuss lah sama isfi dan jojo perihal kantor, gaji, manpower, dan sekarang yang bermasalah adalah mirsha dan rafly.
Satu banyak ngeles, satu slow, ahahahha ada aja sih, tapi yaa kurleb harusnya posisi ku hari ini yaa bahas2 yang kaya gini sih bukan lagi macem teknissss mentokkkk segala dikerjain kaya dulu, bukan malah kaya kemaren dan gakerasa udah jam 5 aja. Si papih random tiba tiba ngajak ke ikea ngecek belanjaan buat renov kantor, karena yaaa aku juga gak ada kerjaan plus butuh cari kesibukan biar gak kepikiran kamu melulu, yaudah deh gow, ngajak Billy jugaa. Pokoknya dijalan keburu buka, cari indomaret, terus isfi ngajakin makan pho. Jujur deh, kaya merasa bersalah aja gitu makan yg kamu suka dan enak tanpa kamu tuh, kaya lebay, tapi benerannnn. Ternyata opiq yg gini tuh sentimentil yak ahahhaa, tapi ku senenh billy isfi hepi makan, cuman yaa banyak flashback lah intinya disitu. Maaf yah kalo aku makan malah maen game dulu bukannya ngobrol sama kamu :(
Lanjut ikea, keliling2 dan lagi2, sedihhhhh sayangku cepa, merasa bersalah tiap liat stool, cabinet, rak, dan barang barang yang kamu suka plus pengen. Nanti yaa kita kesana lagi beli rangka kursi yang aku perlu dan sambil dengerin kamu cerita tiap item yang kamu mau dan sukaaa. Nyobain fotobas yg di lantai bawah rak2 gede ternyata bagus! Harus sih kita cobain yaaaa. Sama aku liat ada meja masak2an gitu lagi diskon. Lucu anjirr jadi inget adik bianca :) terus nemu meja dan kursi bocil warnanya lucu, jadi kubeli dehhh. Semoga tanggal 10 pas aku anter kamu ke Bunda, ku bisa hadiahin ke adik yaaa. Pasti suka deh hehe.
Pulangnya kerumah (yadong) terus ngobrol sama ibu. Lagi lagi ibu nanya kamuu, jadi kami ngobrol laah, balik lagi Ibu bilang harusnya baik baik saja dan gausah khawatir. Aku bilang ke ibu, initeh aneh buat aku karena aku gak pernah sebelumnya bisa sedeket ini sama Ibu, mungkin bisa jadi pernah tapi udah lamaa banget pisan. Lucu pula ibu ngobrolin nanti mau nikah gimana dan seperti apa. Tapi pesan Ibu, pokoknya temenin kamu sort out yourself dan sambil aku juga terus perbaikin diri. Gak tau kenapa rasanya kaya direstui banget gitu :) semoga yaaa. Trrus udah deh bobo akuu.
Gitu aja cerita selasa ini, enam hari ke delapan, insyallah nanti penuh haru dan kelegaan. Aamiin
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Adada şartlar çok zor çok...unuma (Avsa, Balikesir, Turkey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpxmJm-IsFY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thegentlemancollects · 7 months
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islieb · 7 months
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Mit den Krakelcomics hier bin ich übrigens nicht nur auf Tumblr immer für euch da, sondern auch auf Instagram, Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter, Mastodon, Bluesky, Telegram, YouTube (aber ohne echte Videos), Tiktok, Snapchat, in der islieb-App und auf der Website. Nur zur Info! Wenn ihr die Comics also mal wiederfinden wollt, könnt ihr einfach googeln, das sollte zum Erfolg führen. Da ich in meinem Leben nicht so viele andere spektakuläre Sachen zustande gebracht habe, ist außerdem sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass ich mit Comics aufhöre, ich hab nämlich nichts Besseres. 😅 Auf jeden Fall jede Menge Dank an alle fürs Mitlesen!
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isfies · 1 year
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mediculling · 2 years
lemon, glauconite
lemon;what’s your comfort food?
I am no+ sure. I have. a comfor+ food. I am very par+ial +o. corn chips. +hough wha+ +hey bring me is far from comfor+able.
raw mea+s. perhaps. +here is some+hing deeply sa+isfying abou+. simply grabbing a handful of ground beefgrub. and no+ having +o cook.
glauconite; describe your body without using any negative adjectives.
ar+. an ever con+inuing work in progress.
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mixelation · 3 years
Ms. Fit?
here's a cheat sheet for nickname suggestions: no variations of "miss" or "mac"
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ifshefavoursyou · 4 years
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If She Favours You, the young adult novel by Harley Rose, is available now worldwide.
It tells the story of 18-year-old Emily Davis, who learns sign language to talk to her hard of hearing neighbour, Alana. Then, she falls in love with her.
They say that love is blind, but what happens when it's deaf?
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lotustools · 7 years
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