#Isiah Jesus x reader
When You Fall Asleep On Their Shoulder
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Finds it ridiculous that you even fell asleep on him but doesn't move while you continue to rest against him and if asked he'll simply say he was already busy and that it wasn't for you.
He's noticed that you start out with a little lean, your head resting on his shoulder. Soon that turns into a full-on nap. He finds it endearing and makes him feel like an old softy. He'll give you a little kiss on the forehead. He'll sit around thinking to himself, "Maybe there's more to life than violence" and that he could get used to this.
Doesn't let anyone wake you up and quietly threatens anyone who dares to make too much noise when your resting on him, will act like nothing happened when you wake up nor does he say anything as he sits down next to you the next time he sees how tired you are.
If you fell asleep on his shoulder, he would feel touched and humbled. It would remind him of the great trust you have in him, and he would be incredibly moved by the vulnerability and intimacy of the moment and would be careful not to disturb your sleep.
He feels like he can't describe it in detail because it's such an amazing feeling. If you're relaxed enough to fall asleep on his shoulder, that says that you feel safe with him and that's the best feeling in the world.
Will try to keep noises to a low volume but simply can't help it especially when someone starts messing with him which will cause him to get loud but will try to help you fall back to sleep if your still tired.
He thinks you are nothing short of adorable but that does not save you from him messing with you as you fall asleep on his shoulder.
He'll poke at you, try to move you, make jokes to you even as you sleep, and makes fun of it when you are awake.
It is a moment of intense intimacy, a moment of deep connection which he values. It’s like you're showing him this softer side of yourself which he's only been honored to see a handful of times.
She'll smile to herself once she realizes this and gives you a kiss on your head as she sits still so you stay comfortable.
Loves that you found comfort in her to do this and feels a protective need come over her.
Checks up on you afterward to make sure your doing okay and getting enough rest while making sure you don't feel too embarrassed.
He would be smiling to himself, leaning his head closer to yours. And then try to sleep with you, but he would be in his head not able to fall asleep. He would kiss your forehead and pull you closer.
He loves it. There’s no better feeling in his world. He hopes you are comfortable and will lay his jacket over you. Thinking about how peaceful you look. So content. In love. All around him.
This has never happened before and he can't help but find it very cute and endearing, and he would be very comforted. He would feel so grateful for the trust that such an act would demonstrate, and he would be very inclined to protect and support his partner’s well-being.
She would let you sleep. She would try to keep everything quiet so that you wouldn't wake up from those noises. This love would mean the world to her, and she wants to make sure you have the best sleep possible even if she does tease you a little after you wake up.
It's very sweet. It's like a sign of trust. It doesn't happen a lot, so, when it does she knows that you really trust her. She feels like she needs to protect you, and will force everyone to quiet down especially if they want her attention.
She will let you sleep as long as you need. She will make sure no one wakes you up, she will stay by your side and hold you closely. She will protect you from anything or anyone that tries to do you any harm. You are her world.
He would be thrilled. This would be a sign of great trust, and, as someone who craves intimacy with the people he loves, this would give him a great sense of contentment and safety.
He can get annoyed because it’s an inconvenience if he's busy or meant to go do something. First of all, this shouldn’t be happening because if you were tired you could've gone home. Secondly, now he has a dead weight on his shoulder and he can’t move but will try to gently move you so you can keep resting but would make anyone regret waking you up.
He would let you sleep peacefully. You both would have plenty of time to speak once you wake up. He would try to keep others quiet, but he would not be upset if they were not perfectly silent. His partner is sleeping and deserves to rest without being disturbed.
You’ll never believe this but it makes him happy. That you feel safe with him and comfortable enough to just drift off. It’s nice, and it means you need him in your life. He's never felt anything like it before in his life. It feels right to him.
He's feeling pretty lucky to have you and he thinks you're an absolute sweetheart. He knows that sounds cliche, but it's true. He does love it when you fall asleep on his shoulder because it's a sign that you feel safe and content with him. It's something he cherishes and values. And he also just finds it really, really cute.
He'll give you a hard time and tease you but does also flirts with you to show he enjoyed having you close for however long you slept for.
Can't help but enjoy this tender moment with you and how innocent it all is or how warm he gets from getting to hold you while you rest, can't help it as his thoughts start to wander about what life with be like with you and does bring it up to you once you wake.
It’s like a little victory for him when you fall asleep on his shoulder. It’s the biggest compliment for him because then he knows he's been doing something right. He loves you so much and it always brings a big stupid smile to his face when you do this.
Adores this with you and thinks you are so cute when you do that. He loves the feeling and tries his best not to move so you won't wake up. He can stay in that position for hours, just looking at your beauty while you are sleeping and knowing that you feel safe with him. This might be his favorite moment in life.
Thought it was adorable. You were tucked into his shoulder all snug and he knew at that moment that you and him were gonna be all right.
He's an absolute sucker for the quiet, close intimacy - when you're sleeping on his shoulder he feels like he could be in this moment for an eternity.
Another absolute menace on the list, he'll be teasing and messing with you by blowing in your ear, tickling you, poking at you, giving you kisses. You're vulnerable and he's in control, the possibilities are endless.
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themultifandomgal · 10 months
Isaiah Jesus- We’re Getting Married
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When I told my brothers that Isaiah and I were getting married, they were not happy. I am the youngest Shelby, as Arthur puts it 'our baby sister'. Thankfully though my brothers came around and now here I stand smoothing down my dress as Esme places my vail in my hair
"You look beautiful YN" Lizzie gushes
"Thank you, but so do you both" I look at Esme and Lizzie through the mirror in front of me
"Yeah" I smile turning around to Lizzie
"I'll go let Arthur know" she says leaving the room. A few minutes later Arthur knocks the door with his hand over his eyes
"We're all decent you can come in" I tell him. He takes his hand away and I can already see the tears in his eyes "don't cry because you'll make me cry"
"I'm sorry. It's just... my baby sister is getting married"
"Ok no smudging the makeup" Esme says stopping both me and Arthur from crying
"I think Isaiah is waiting" Lizzie places her hands on her hips
"Your right. Come on" Arthur holds his arm out for me to take.
As I wait for the doors to open to reveal Isaiah I start fidgeting
"Don't be nervous"
"I'm not. I'm excited. I love him Arthur"
"I know you do" finally the doors open and in walk Lizzie and Tom, then Esme and John. Then in walk my bridesmaids and finally Arthur walks me to Isaiah who's stood at the end of the aisle looks so freaking good. I notice he's got a tear running down his smiling face which cause me to cry a little. Arthur gives Isaiah my hand then kisses my cheek before taking his seat next to the rest of my family
"Welcome" the priest starts "today we are here to witness the marriage and bond between YN and Isaiah. Are you prepared, as you follow the path of marriage, to love and honor each other for as long as you both shall live?"
"I do"
"I do" we both respond
"Before we start. Is there anyone here who has reason that these two should not marry?" Thankfully neither Isaiah or I have to be nervous about anyone standing up "since it is your intention to enter the covenant of Holy Matrimony, join your right hands, and declare your consent before God and his Church" Isaiah and I hold hands
"I, take you , to be my wife. I promise to be faithful to you, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love you and to honor you all the days of my life" Isaiah says looking into my eyes. I repeat what he says
"May the Lord in his kindness strengthen the consent you have declared before the Church and graciously bring to fulfillment his blessings within you. What God has joined, let no one put asunder. May the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, the God who joined together our first parents in paradise, strength and bless in Christ the consent you have declared before the Church, so that what God joins together, no one may put asunder. receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the father, and the son, and the Holy Spirit. Who has the rings?" The priest asks. Charlie steps forward with both of our rings. Isaiah then takes my left hand
"Receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the father, and the son, and the Holy Spirit" he then places the ring on my finger. I repeat
"Now let us humbly invoke God's blessing upon this bride and groom, that in his kindness he may favor with his help those on whom he has bestowed the Sacrament of Matrimony. In the sight of God and these witnesses, I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may now kiss" the room is filled with applause while Isaiah and I share a kiss.
It's now the after party at the Garrison and I've changed into something a little more comfortable so I can dance in. Isaiah and I had our first dance then Arthur clears his throat
"Can I have everyone's attention" I take Isaias hand in mine "I'd like to raise a toast to my sister and now brother in-law. Now when you first starting courting I wasn't happy" this makes us all laugh "in all seriousness though, I saw the way YN looked at you and the way you looked at her. It's a love that can't be ignored. I can't wait to see where life takes you both, but no babies yet I'm still not recovered from this wedding" again this makes everyone laugh "to YN and Isaiah"
"To YN and Isaiah" everyone shouts before we all take a sip of the champagne. I turn to my now husband and look up at him
"I love you"
"I love you too" he leans down and kisses my lips.
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evita-shelby · 1 year
Reader insert Masterlist
Part 2
(Masterlist 1)
Ran out of space lol
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Tommy Shelby
Only Joys will come (part iii of nights on the January)
Happy wife Happy life (drunk!Tommy x wife)
Promise (tommy x sick!reader)
Chance (tommy x ex!reader)
Ths Red Room (tommy x reader x eva) vampire!au
Torture (tommy x wife!reader)
Fatal Attraction (tommy x assassin!reader)
Cuddling(part 2 for happy wife happy life)
Death shall set you free (tommy x wife!reader)
The Devil of Small Heath (kelpie!Tommy x witch!reader)
A Dull Party (Tommy x Eva/Reader x Tatiana)🔞
Moon (tommy x witch!reader)
Lamb(sequel to moon)
Crawl home to you(tommy x wife!reader)
Dad!Tommy fics
Ghosts of New Year's Past (Tommy & Diane(oc daughter) & Polly’s Ghost)
Promise? (Tommy & adopted!daughter)
Luca Changretta
Persistence (luca x shelby sister)
The fabulous miss shelby (part 3)
Two for One (Luca x reader x Eva)
Jack Nelson
The professor
Hunt(vampire hunter au)
Michael Gray
Finn Shelby
Preacher's Daughter (kid!finn x Jeremiah's duaghter!reader)
Isiah Jesus
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Ok, I’m Curious…
Feel free to share and say why in the tags!
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queenshelby · 1 year
Caught Stealing (One Shot)
Pairing: Thomas Shelby x Fem!Reader x Isiah Jesus
Warning: CNC! SMUT! MMF! There is a twist at the end for those who are uncomfortable reading this. 🤣
Do not read if you are uncomfortable with this topic!
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As you stumble into the dimly lit room, adrenaline surges through your veins, clutching at your throat. Your heart races against your chest, threatening to burst from the tension consuming every fibre of your being. Your vision blurs slightly, and your body trembles involuntarily, a shiver rolling through your frame, betraying your nervousness.
Tommy leans in close, his breath ghosting across your cheek as he whispers something only you can hear. "Don't worry, Love," he murmurs, his voice carrying the same menace that always seems to lurk just beneath the surface. "If you obey me, this won't be as painful as you may think." His words swirl like an alluring dance in your ears, enticing you further into the darkness surrounding you.
His hands glide over your skin, sending a wave of shivers coursing through your veins. Despite your resistance, you find yourself unable to pull away. Your willpower weakens under the relentless pressure of his touch.
Isiah, another member of the gang, stands close by, watching with an air of expectation. His eyes are alight with anticipation, his gaze fixed upon you with an intensity that borders on disturbing mixed with a hint of surprise.
Your thoughts spiral wildly. Your escape seems impossible now as Tommy's grip tightens, holding you firmly in place. Panic wells up inside you, threatening to choke you as you struggle against his grasp. With each desperate attempt to break free, you realize just how little control you have over the situation. The thought of giving in terrifies you even more than the potential consequences of defiance.
Isiah watches, unblinking, his expression betraying no emotion. His arms folded across his broad chest, conveying a sense of power and dominance.
As you try to wriggle free from his grasp, his grip only tightens. 
"Hold her for me, Isiah. I want to make sure she obeys," Tommy orders and suddenly, you feel another pair of hands gripping your waist. Your entire body quakes with apprehension, your breath catching in your throat.
"Now, what I am going to do to you, Love, will bring me great pleasure, and you should consider it as payment for your indiscretions, eh?" Tommy then says before ordering you to drop onto your knees, but you refuse. 
"No," you whisper, your voice barely audible above the thudding of your own heart. But Tommy's smile widens, knowing he has gotten under your skin.
With a sudden, swift motion, Isiah lifts you off the ground effortlessly, placing you onto your knees.
“Do as he says!” he spits as you collapse to the floor; the cold, hard surface bites into your flesh, causing you to wince in pain. But the agony is momentary, replaced by the burning sensation of sweet humiliation.
Tears well up in your eyes, but you refuse to shed them. With your face contorted in silent fury, you look up at Tommy, meeting his eyes head-on, determined not to let him see what is consuming you from within.
"You are going to put that mouth of yours to good use now, won't you Love?" Tommy chuckles as Isiah maintains his grip on you, his presence looming large in the background.
Your gaze flickers towards him, unable to hide the mix of humiliation and defiance within it. You can tell he finds immense enjoyment in witnessing your torment, his smug grin making your skin crawl.
Despite your resistance, Tommy continues to manipulate you, expertly twisting your feelings into a knot of confusion and dread. Your heartbeat quickens, and sweat breaks out along your brow as you struggle against his unwavering control.
The taste of bile rises in your throat, threatening to consume you whole. Your muscles tense, ready for battle despite the odds stacked against you. But Tommy remains unfazed, confident in his ability to break you.
As Isiah continues to hold you in place, you can't help but notice the malicious gleam in his eyes, mirroring Tommy's. It dawns on you that they both share a common trait - a sadistic pleasure derived from inflicting pain.
Soon, Tommy unbuckles his belt and Isiah pushes down on your shoulders, holding you in place for his leader.
You feel your stomach turn, the sight of him looming so close, sending shivers down your spine.
"Remember, Love, this will hurt a lot less if you cooperate, so open up that sweet little mouth of yours," he warns, his voice low and dark.
The sound of his zipper lowering causes your heart to race faster, the dread building within you. Tears brim in your eyes, threatening to spill over as you forcefully clench your jaw.
His hand grazes your cheek tenderly, his voice taking on a softer tone. "I promise you, it will be over soon." You shake your head violently, but Isiah's grip on your shoulder tightens, his fingers digging into your skin.
Your body shudders, your nails digging into your palms as you resist him.
"Please don't, Mr Shelby," you whimper, your voice raw, and Tommy laughs mockingly, leaning in closer still.
"Why are you doing this to me?" you ask, though you know fully why he's here. His smirk deepens, a mixture of arrogance and cruelty.
"Because I want to," he answers simply, without remorse. "And because you belong to me, Love," The words sear into your soul, leaving you feeling utterly defeated.
"Now open your mouth," Tommy ordered, his voice commanding. You could almost taste the anticipation simmering beneath the surface as you slowly complied, parting your lips.
As you submit to his will, you fight back, clenching your teeth together when you have a chance.
Isiah releases his grip on your shoulder, moving behind you to stand by Tommy's side. Their combined presence sends shivers down your spine, the air thick with their perverse desire.
You look at them, emotions burning brightly in your eyes as thoughts scream out of your mind. In a world where you once had control, you now find yourself helpless amongst these men. Your heart pounds furiously in your chest, the beating echoing loudly in your ears, drowning out any lingering contradictory thoughts.
"Open wider," Tommy orders, his voice laced with authority. You follow his command, opening your mouth as wide as you can. Your lips stretch to accommodate his size and Tommy pauses, his eyes narrowing, assessing your submission. "Good girl," he whispers, his voice dripping with sinister sweetness.
He presses forward, his erection filling your mouth. Your jaw aches from the strain, but you remain stoic, unwilling to show him any sign of weakness.
Isiah watches intently, a faint smile curling his lips as he takes in the spectacle unfolding before him. He revels in your misery, drawing strength from it.
Each groan of discomfort is music to his ears, fuelling Tommy’s ego as he pushes his length into your throat. Your tears, falling freely down your cheeks, serve as a testament to his power over you. Yet, you refuse to give him the satisfaction of breaking you completely.
The weight of his erection presses down on your tongue, choking you with its size as he withdraws and then pushes in again, groaning. The room recedes into the background, leaving you isolated in a pool of darkness. You are consumed by a profound sense of anguish as the taste of his precum in your mouth mingles with the bitter tang of your own humiliation, a combination that makes you want to gag. But you resist, maintaining your composure despite the unbearable discomfort.
Your resolve was steadfast; you refused to break, even when he began to thrust inside your mouth with more force. The relentless movement sends waves of pain coursing through your skull, threatening to shatter it. Each thrust elicits a guttural growl from your throat as you fight the urge to gag. Your stomach roils, your vision blurs, and your knees buckle under the strain.
The pain you are experiencing becomes too much to bear, but your determination not to surrender fuels your tenacity. Gritting your teeth, you refuse to collapse under the pressure. The corners of your mouth turn up grimly, fighting back the tears that sting at the back of your eyes.
You feel your body tremble with the effort of staying upright, yet you refuse to crumble under the strain. Your willpower alone serves as a barrier against the onslaught of his brutality.
Your eyes eventually lock with Tommy's, seeing the twisted glint of satisfaction in his gaze. He knows he has you right where he wants you, your power drained away by his control.
His hands clasped firmly around your neck, his grasp tightening ever so slightly. You choke back a sob, struggling to breathe. You look into his eyes, trying to find any hint of mercy, but all you see is his desire to dominate you completely. His hold on you only increases, your body quivering under his touch.
Isiah watches silently, relishing in the power dynamic between you two. His eyes betray nothing but pure satisfaction, knowing that he plays a crucial role in this domination game.
"I am close, Love, and I expect you to swallow, eh?" Tommy groaned gruffly, pushing deeper into your mouth as Tommy was nearing his climax.
You clench your jaw tightly as you attempt to hold back a gag when he bottoms out in your throat again. The pressure builds, becoming nearly unbearable, and yet you refuse to give in to the impulse. Instead, you focus on the task at hand, pushing past the agony to maintain your self-control.
Isiah's eyes gleam with excitement, observing your struggles with a keen interest. He revels in the challenge, anticipating the moment when you finally succumb to the overwhelming sensation.
As your eyes widen with panic, Tommy holds his breath, savouring the taste of victory just beyond his grasp as his length begins to throb and he groans more loudly. 
"Fuck Love, that's it. Let me cum in that filthy little mouth of yours." he spat out, his voice hoarse and raw with desire. Your eyes widen as you can already feel his release drawing near. With renewed determination, you summon every ounce of strength within you, battling against the onslaught of his imminent orgasm.
Isiah watches closely, his face etched with anticipation, waiting for the final act to play out. As Tommy's breath quickens, you feel the first stirrings of his release before; finally, his cum pours into your throat,
His body shakes with the force of his orgasm, the hot liquid spurting forth, splashing against the walls of your mouth and throat. Your mouth fills with the bitterness of his semen, the tang hitting your tongue. Your lips part involuntarily, allowing some of the vile fluid to leak out onto your chin.
You can feel the warmth as it drips down your face, mixing with your tears. The taste of his semen lingers on your tongue, and Tommy steps back, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he tries to regain his composure. His eyes are dark and dangerous, his expression a mix of triumph and arousal. Isiah, having witnessed the entire exchange, watches you with a cruel smile, revelling in your humiliation.
Your heart races wildly, your body trembling with exhaustion.
Your breath comes in short, shallow gasps, and you try desperately to wipe the traces of his semen off your face. But it lingers, a reminder of the events that transpired. You are filled with shame and a potent cocktail of emotions that boil within you.
"Now get up, Love. I will have your cunt next," Tommy then orders with a grin, his words dripping with malice.
You rise slowly, your legs trembling from the aftermath of what just transpired. The lingering taste of his semen still coats your tongue, and your eyes burn with unshed tears.
Isiah watches, his gaze cold and calculating. He knows how far Tommy can push you without losing control entirely.
"No. You are done, Tommy!" you cursed, causing Tommy to become angry. 
"I am done when I say I am done. Now bend over the fucking desk," Tommy said as he held your gaze, his eyes narrowing with menace. You could feel the air in the room grow thick with tension, like the seconds before a storm breaks. Isiah stood silently behind him, his presence adding to the mounting pressure.
You hesitate, your body trembling with fear and dread. But you know that resistance would only provoke him further, so you comply, bending over the desk as instructed.
Tommy grabs a bottle of lubricant from his desk, uncapping it with a practised gesture. The smell of it fills the air, causing your stomach to churn. His eyes drift downward, taking in your vulnerability, his predatory instincts aroused.
"Do you want me to hold her down for you, Tommy?" Isiah asked with a sneer, enjoying the prospect of participating in the act.
"Yes, do that. I don’t want her to move" Tommy ordered, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.
Isiah stepped forward, his hands wrapping around your waist, pulling you closer to the edge of the desk.
Meanwhile, Tommy leans in, pressing his lips against your ear, his breath sending shivers down your spine. "Relax, Love. It will only hurt a little bit," Tommy lied, his voice cold and devoid of empathy.
Isiah's hands tightened their grip on your waist, forcing you into position. Your body feels on edge, anticipating the pain and fearing the unknown. As Tommy prepares himself, you brace yourself for the assault. 
The feeling of vulnerability intensifies as Tommy positions himself behind you and runs his fingers over your slit.
"No lube needed Love. You are wet enough," he determines as his fingers tease your entrance, igniting a wave of fire in your core.
Your breath catches in your throat, and your muscles tense in anticipation as Tommy lines himself up with your core.
With a single swift thrust, he penetrates you, filling you with a sense of helplessness and violation. The pain that ripples through your body causes you to cry out, unable to suppress the pained sobs that echo through the silent room.
Isiah leans over you, watching intently as you writhe beneath Tommy's onslaught. His eyes glow with sadistic pleasure, his face devoid of sympathy for your suffering. You feel utterly abandoned and vulnerable, caught in a web of their depravity.
Your body aches with every thrust, your mind reeling from the reality of your situation. Desperate to escape, you yearn for a chance to break free from this nightmare.
Tommy's movements grow more forceful, his hips pumping faster and harder. The feeling of being taken by him is exhilarating and terrifying, leaving you in a whirlwind of conflicting emotions.
As you struggle to hold back the rising tide of pleasure, Isiah watches, a sinister grin playing across his lips.
His hands clamp down on your shoulders, anchoring you to the desk, trapping you in this hellish torment. Your eyes fill with anguish, the pain of his assault overwhelming your very soul.
"You are nice and tight, aren't you?" Tommy groaned in a rough tone, pulling you closer to him. His movements became more demanding, his body shaking with the force of his passion. Your eyes sting with unshed tears, your heart racing in your chest. Isiah watched, his grin widening as he saw the growing agony on your face.
He knew exactly how to inflict pain, knowing it would be his weapon against you. You felt the searing heat of his touch, your body trembling in response.
"Now, perhaps my friend here can get to the other side of the desk and use your mouth while I fuck this tight little cunt of yours, eh?" Tommy proposed, his voice dripping with sinister intent. Isiah obliged, striding around the desk with a predatory grin, the anticipation of his turn clear in his eyes. He grasped your head firmly, using his free hand to pull your hair back, exposing your neck.
Your heart raced as you struggled to remain composed under the weight of their depraved plans as Isiah unclasped his belt.
The sound of metal clinking against metal sent shivers down your spine, a mixture of fear and anticipation coursing through your veins. Isiah's hand slid along your cheek, his touch both soft and cruel, mirroring the duality of his nature.
"So tell me, Love," Isiah purred, his voice low and seductive. "What do you think about being used by two men at once?" Isiah asked as he finally pushed down his pants, revealing his reaction.
“Are you excited or scared?" Isiah continued, his voice full of anticipation. His grip on your neck tightened slightly, causing you to shiver involuntarily. You forced yourself to appear composed, trying to mask your true feelings from these monsters.
"There is nothing to be afraid of, Love," Tommy interjected, his tone cold and mocking before telling Isiah to get into your mouth.
Isiah moved closer, his gaze holding yours captive as he positioned himself over your face. His proximity made you feel even more vulnerable, your breath coming in rapid gasps. Your heart raced as you awaited his next move, the anticipation of his touch heightening your anxiety.
As Isiah pressed his hardened member against your lips, your mouth opened reflexively, instinctively seeking to accommodate his size. The sensation of his rigid flesh pushing against your lips evoked a mixture of repulsion and fascination.
Your face flushed with embarrassment, struggling to maintain eye contact with Isiah. The tension in the room grew thicker, and the atmosphere charged with sexual anticipation.
Tommy, meanwhile, continued his assault upon your body, his rhythm becoming more forceful as he relished the power he held over you. His eyes were dark and intense, burning with raw desire. He took pleasure in your suffering, relishing the fact that you were powerless to resist his advances.
Isiah's hands grasped your head firmly, his grip imposing and unforgiving. Your neck bore the brunt of his grip, straining against the pressure as he guided your head towards his engorged member.
You took him into your mouth, keeping it open so that he could use you and, eventually, the room fell quiet as the tension reached its peak, their eyes locked in a battle of wills.
Neither Tommy nor Isiah would relent, their malicious intentions clear in their determined expressions. As they both held you captive, bound by their twisted desires, your thoughts raced wildly.
Eventually, after about 15 minutes of torment, Tommy pulled out of you and ordered Isiah to do the same.
"I still have her ass to fuck, and time is running out," Tommy determined.
"We better hurry up then, Tommy," Isiah agreed.
"I need you to hold her down for that. She won't like it when I shove my cock into her ass," Tommy said, and as you processed what had just happened, they began preparing you for their next act. Isiah moved around the desk, positioning himself behind you again. Tommy held a small vial containing a strange liquid substance, which he applied liberally onto his erect member.
Without warning, Isiah grabbed your hips, pulling you up and back onto the desk. His eyes burned with hunger, his lips curling into a snarl.
"I want you to know what it feels like to be owned," Tommy whispered, his words carrying a dark undertone. Your heart pounded against your ribcage, fear and anticipation melding together in a cocktail of emotions. Your skin prickled with goosebumps, your body betraying your terror as you tried to compose yourself.
"And what better way would there be to show you than to fill your stomach with my seed, eh?" Tommy groaned before instructing Isiah to hold you down while Tommy penetrated your anal cavity with his finger. 
Isiah obeyed without hesitation, his strong arms clenching your hips and pinning you down. Your entire body shook with dread, fearing the agonizing pain you knew was imminent. As Tommy's fingers probed your tight, virgin passage, you writhed in desperation, attempting to break free from the confines of Isiah's iron grip.
Tommy laughed cruelly, taking delight in your misery. "Just relax, love. It will only hurt for a little while," He assured you, his eyes glinting with malice as he pulled away his finger and replaced it with his cock.
The thought of him entering your most private place was repulsive, your body tensing in anticipation of the inevitable pain. You could feel the pressure building, the muscles in your abdomen clenching as you tried to brace yourself for the impending invasion.
As he prepared to push forward, you braced yourself, mentally preparing for the agony that would follow. Isiah tightened his grip on your hips, his strength making escape impossible.
You tried to scream, but his large hand covered your mouth, silencing your pleas. Fear consumed you as you felt the cold tip of Tommy's member pressing against your opening. Despite your struggle, you could not stop him from forcing his way into your most intimate space.
As he entered you, your body arched in protest, your muscles tensing to resist the intrusion. But the pain only intensified, burning deep within your core. Tears streamed down your cheeks, blurring your vision as you fought to maintain consciousness.
"Fuck you are tight. You don't want this, do you?" Tommy groaned, pushing deeper into your now quivering body. "Doesn't matter, you're going to take it." His voice held a mix of malice and triumph as if he derived satisfaction from his actions. His movements grew savage, each thrust causing fresh waves of pain to shoot through your system.
Despite your efforts to hold back the sobs, they escaped anyway, causing your body to tremble. Isiah, witnessing your distress, chuckled darkly, finding amusement in your pain.
"She really doesn't like this, does she?" He commented to Tommy, who replied with a smirk. "Oh, but she will once we've had our way with her. Just relax, Love. It will all be over soon." His words did little to reassure you, as the pain only intensified with each passing moment.
Throughout this ordeal, your thoughts were consumed by a mixture of anxiety and desperation. Your body ached, your heart pounding frantically in your chest.
Tears streamed down your cheeks, leaving trails of salty residue on your skin. Every part of you screamed for release, but there seemed to be no end in sight. Isiah's presence loomed over you, casting a shadow of menace across the room.
Their brutish laughter echoed through the chamber, filling you with a renewed sense of terror. Your limbs trembled with exhaustion, and what Tommy proposed next sends shockwaves through your core.
"Lay her down on the floor, Isiah. You can fuck her cunt while I have her ass, eh?" Tommy then suggested, a wicked grin etched on his face.
"Sounds good, Tommy." Isiah nodded, his excitement evident in his voice.
Without further ado, they separated, and Isiah laid down, pulling you atop of him while Tommy approached you from behind, grasping your waist firmly and pushing his length through your tight rim again before Isiah could even penetrate your pussy.
As the unbearable pain shot through your body, your stomach churned violently. This was beyond anything you ever imagined possible, beyond any dream you could have conjured.
"Let's fill her up, shall we?" Tommy then suggested, his voice dripping with malevolence before, suddenly, you felt Isiah entering you as well, causing you to scream and try to get away.
"Come on, Love, hold still and let us both enjoy these tight holes of yours," Tommy growled as his hand clamped down firmly on your shoulder, holding you steady as he thrust into you again. The sensation of being filled again was almost too much to bear, your mind reeling with despair and a hint of pleasure.
Your heart raced, your breath coming in short, shallow gasps. You steeled yourself, trying to ignore the throbbing pain as Tommy's member stretched your tight ring of muscle and Isiah thrust in and out of your pussy. Each thrust sent shockwaves of pain and pleasure coursing through your body, threatening to overwhelm you completely.
As the brutal act continued, your body ached, every muscle in your lower half screaming in protest while also wanting more as you had two men inside of you, filling you to the brim.
Their forceful movements threatened to split you apart, your muscles quivering under the strain.
Cries of both, pleasure and humiliation eventually erupted from your lips, unleashing your pent-up emotions.
"She is nice and full now, eh?" Tommy groaned, and Isiah chimed in, his voice heavy with sadistic pleasure. "Yes, she certainly makes a lovely pair for us."
Their voices echoed around the room, taunting you with each word. The air thickened with sexual tension, their raw power and dominance suffocating you.
"Let's fill her up with cum, make her remember this." Tommy then orders, thrusting harder into your rear passage.
"That sounds right, Tommy. Let's fuck her till she can't walk. Tell me when you are ready to cum inside her, and I will pull out and shoot my load in her mouth," Isiah agreed, slamming into your pussy with renewed vigour, finally sending you over the edge.
“Fuck”, you cursed, trying to hold back your release, but the climax was not something you could stop in it’s tracks. It hit you like a freight train, and with each violent thrust, their cocks twisted inside you, sending shockwaves of ecstasy throughout your body.
"I am ready now. I am ready to fill her ass with cum," Tommy groaned, his words filled with dark passion, spurred on by the evidence of your orgasm.
"Go ahead, Tommy. Shoot your load in her." Isiah encouraged while pulling out of you, his voice heavy with lust as he took his position in front of your mouth.
Then, Tommy's body tensed, the grip of his hands turning vice-like as he reached his climax. 
“There you go, Love. Take my cum" he released his seed into your body, a wave of searing heat coursed through you, engulfing you in its intensity and him spilling himself inside of you felt like gasoline pouring into your body until, eventually, he pulled out.
Isiah followed suit, his powerful muscles flexing as he unloaded his own seed into your mouth. As he released his semen, it cascaded down your throat, filling your mouth with the taste of his power and domination. You gagged, struggling to swallow it all and, just as you did, your sense of self-control broke, and you grinned.
"Not bad Isiah” you joked, while licking the remnants of his cum from your lips.
"Thank your Mrs Shelby," Isiah said, blushing. "I hope we weren't too rough with you," he then acknowledged, causing Tommy to laugh.
"Rough? I doubt that. She usually likes it even rougher than this, with fucking restraints and all" Tommy explained and you nodded, telling Isiah that, next time, you will want him to assert even more control than he did tonight.
Both of them smiled, pleased by your reaction. "Well, we'll see about that," Isiah responded. "Next time Love, we will have you tied up and I get half of my men to take turns" Tommy added.  And you couldn't help but feel a thrill running through you at the prospect of submitting even more to their will.
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geeky-politics-46 · 10 months
HEY! I just wanna say that your write is amazing! Really, I love so much your fics!
I saw that your requests are actually open, and if you still acepted requests, what characters of peaky blinders you write? I have some ideas (for kinktober and in general)
Aww thank you so much! Now that we are in the dead month of Dec for my normal job, I'm hoping to get a lot more writing done.
My requests are pretty much always open, lol. I love working on stories you guys submit. For Peaky Blinders, my main two are Arthur & Tommy. I will also gladly write for Alfie, John, and Isiah. Finn, Michael, and Bonnie aren't my faves but I would write for them too if requested.
Feel free to submit whatever you like! There's not a lot that I won't write, with the exception of obviously underage & other illegal things (consensual non-consent is fine & borderline consent is it depends).
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thesupreme316 · 10 months
Can I make a request with the boys with a reader who is introverted and how the boys make them feel more comfortable (please add Daniel Garcia he’s my pookie🤭)
AEW STARS React To: Having An Introverted S/O
Pairings: Daniel Garcia x Reader, Eddie Kingston x Reader, Max Caster x Reader, Ricky Starks x Reader, MJF x Reader, Hook x Reader, Christian Cage x Reader
Word Count: 837
Supreme Speaks: otay sorry for being late but here is another post. also OVER 300 FOLLOWERS??? thank yall so much for the support and love yall show my posts💖 please remember that you are loved and appreciated!
Warnings: GIFS ARE NOT MINE, slightly proofread, fluffy as shit
Taglist: @hooks-martin @sheinthatfandom @triscillal @cassie0sstuff @eddie-kingstons-wifey @hookerforhook @batzy-watzy @wwenhlimagines
Daniel Garcia (ya pookie):
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Okay I am convinced that DG is an ambivert
Mans is both extroverted and introverted
So he understands when you need to wind down
Would constantly take you to your favorite places
I would also like to think that DG is that person who would drop everything for you if your battery dies or if you don’t feel well
Isiah: Danny, where are you go-
DG: My baby needs me, now move mushroom
Is perfectly fine with you being shy/introverted and doesn’t judge you at all
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As an introvert, he doesn’t give it any thought
He would find your introverted self adorable
I think to make you more comfortable, he would participate with you in various activities
Because of him being private, he won’t force you to do anything that you don’t want to
Keeps a list of many things you like to do
Doesn’t force you to speak or introduce yourself to others
Knows that you don’t have plans so if he needs to run errands; he’s dragging you with him
If anything he’s your security guard while you sit in the corner on your phone or reading
Ricky Starks:
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We know how spectacular (and bold) this man is
But he is super understanding and caring
Know when he needs to tone it down so doesn’t overwhelm you
He will push you to speak to others but he wouldn’t want you to change
Ricky will try to help you find new comforts but is okay with just the two of you sitting at home and watching tv
To make you comfy, he’ll tease you with loving remarks, letting you know that he adores your introverted self
He’ll also talk for you if you want him to (cause Jesus that man can talk)
Eddie Kingston (ma husband):
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In my mind, Eddie is sensitive and can detect how people from first meeting them
So when he first meets you and sees how introverted you are, he immediately attaches himself to you and becomes your guard dog
He prefers to sit in corners anyway, so your introverted life is his speed
Hates to push “out of your comfort zone” but he will support you in whatever you do
Will ditch whoever to come and check on you; it doesn’t matter who they are
To make you comfortable, he will speak up for you (especially if you can’t say no to people)
Tbh, its like Rottweiler x Black Cat type of relationship
Christian Cage: (ma sugar daddy)
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Teehee this man believes you are just adorable beyond relief
Doesn’t mind doing the majority of the talking when you two are together
I feel like he’ll introduce you to others and if you don’t show interest/or speak up, he is quick to leave with you in tow
To comfort you, he will tone down his extrovertness (? Idk if that’s a word) and make himself available for you to warm up to him
He doesn’t wanna scare you off
Christian will even let up on the teasing and “bullying” others just to make sure that you’re okay
But he will buy you gifts to let you know what he likes you
I feel like overall, the man is changing his himself and personality to adhere to you and your interest
Max Caster:
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I will admit it (cause this is how I visualize it)
He initially fucks up
Max is so damn loud and hyper that he scares you off very quickly
After calming down, he apologizes to you and actually becomes close to you before asking you out
He tries to make you louder and (boldly) confident but is told repeatedly by Anthony and Billy that you prefer to be away from the spotlight and like to be quiet most of the time
From then on, Max tries his best to ensure that he’s not being too loud around you
To make you comfy, I can see him trying to make you laugh at any place or time (so he still doesn’t shut up)
Man is whipped for you and will do anything to make you feel comfortable
That includes taping his mouth shut
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Hehe this man
He will gladly be the mouthpiece of your relationship
Unlike other people, MJF will loudly announce that you guys would need to leave and not lie
“Okay you marks, you all with your repulsive faces and boring personalities are draining my lovely yet quiet significant other. So…we are leaving, peace bitches”
He’ll introduce you to others..but that’s it for fear that you’ll get overwhelmed
Like Ricky and Max, he can talk your ear off if it’s what you need
Or he’ll just sit down and watch TV with you like Hook
Since dating you, he’s calmed down with his arrogance and tries his best not to get angry
Around you….he’s still an asshole to everyone else
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cas-kingdom · 2 years
Hi! How are you? If you’re still doing them, could you perhaps write: “How do you deal with it? All this shit?” for Ada Shelby and her sister reader? 🐭
Read the OC version of this fic here.
A/N: This is a bit more of a sensitive topic, so I hope I’ve done alright!
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“How do you deal with it?” you asked. Your voice was quiet but ran with clear intent as you let the baby play with your finger. “All this shit?”
Ada had noticed your undefinable mood since you and Isaiah had come to visit the new baby, but had decided against commenting on it. You had recently become an undefinable person, for reasons unknown. Whether you wanted to speak of what was on your mind or not no longer relied on Tommy’s persistence or Arthur’s attempts to make you smile. You spilled your erratic thoughts only if you wanted to, and it seemed as though today, Ada would be privy to such a want.
The older Shelby shifted on the couch, bringing her legs up to tuck beneath her. Baby Elizabeth lay between you, grabbing for the hand you absently dangled above her, a gummy smile gracing her lips. So as not to give you enough time to change your mind, Ada responded.
“There’s a lot of shit in my life,” she said, an attempt at weak humour. “Which are you referring to?”
You looked up only when the sound of a ball hitting the wall from outside seemed to resound around the room. Ada jolted in her seat and you instinctively shot an arm out to cover the baby. 
“Sorry, Mum!” Karl’s voice wafted in through the open window, followed by a series of bantering reprimands sent the boy’s way by Isaiah.
Ada sank back into her seat and shut her eyes as you withdrew your arm. “That,” you stated simply. “That shit. The shit that has you scared for both yours and the children’s lives. You...how do you deal with it?” At Ada’s silence, you sighed and shook your head, turning to look at Elizabeth again. The baby was so happy, sucking on her fingers, her bright eyes staring innocently up at you. Only last week had she burst into terrified cries when a brick had been sent through the window of Ada’s apartment. Karl was beginning to get affected by the entitled crap the kids at school came up with, obviously filtering through them from their parents. You had honestly had to hide the hint of surprise you’d felt at the fact he didn’t harbour any new feelings about playing ball with Isaiah outside. 
“It’s...” Ada dragged a hand down her face and sucked her lips, turning to blink at the wall opposite. You lifted your gaze to give her your full attention, your curiosity genuine. “It isn’t easy,” Ada told you. “I...am trying to care as little as humanely possible.” She scoffed. “Which isn’t difficult with the constant threats and abuse, of course. At the end of the day...all I care about is that Elizabeth is my daughter, and someone I love more than life itself.” She reached her own hand down to brush a finger across her baby’s curls. “And I cared for her father enough to work on a better world for her. For us all.” She looked up to meet your gaze. “That’s how I deal with it, if it can be called dealing. Every...disgusting remark I hear, every brick through the window, I try to brush it aside, and I think to myself...one day, my Elizabeth will climb higher than them all.” Gazing thoughtfully at the new smile on your face, Ada frowned. “Why do you ask?”
You caught your bottom lip between your teeth as you leant against the back of the couch. “Isaiah...” you started slowly. “I want to have a family with him one day, you know? And...I worry.” You shrugged. “I know he does too. I guess I just wanted to know if it’s worth it.” You righted yourself as Karl suddenly burst into the room, far too exhilarated for this early in the morning. He gave you and his mother a kiss, purposefully missed his sister, and ran into his room. Isaiah followed at a more leisurely pace. He flashed you a characteristic grin, kissed the top of your head, and flopped in the armchair opposite. 
“What’re we talking about?” he asked, tossing the ball in the air.
Ada gave you a knowing smile. “It’s worth the universe,” she said quietly.
Peaky Masterpost
send me the first sentence of a fanfic and i’ll write the next five, except i don’t know when to stop writing so i guarantee there’ll be more than five
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syven-siren · 3 years
On Thin Ice
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Summary: Michael, Finn and Isaiah think skating would be the perfect activity for the day. Unfortunately, you don’t know how, but Michael convinced you he’d be the perfect teacher. You should have known given your group’s history of mishaps that it may not have been the best idea to trust them. 
Warnings: mentions of injury // fluff Word Count: ~700
Requested by Anon: “...Can I request something with the younger peaky boys like Finn and Isiah and maybe Michael where they are all at Tommy’s hours with reader and her friends trying to teach them how to skate? And may the reader falls and knocks her head so one of the boys carries her up to Tommy’s house to make sure she’s ok. And then after checking in her they all have hot coco?” A/N: Happy Holidays Everyone! 🎁 Also, I know his name is spelled different but I’m so used to seeing ‘Isaiah’. Apologies if anyone prefers the proper spelling of his name.
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“Are you sure it’s safe?” 
Like a fawn new to the world, your first step onto the ice is cautious. The frozen pond beneath your feet crackles in response to the added weight and your muscles and joints lock in terror of some expected catastrophe. To stabilize yourself and your confidence, your fingers dig into the coat sleeve of your closest companion.
“Of course.” Michael’s statement of reassurance does little to quell your rising dread, especially when Finn and Isaiah nearly fall as they collide together. 
“Listen to the farm boy! He knows what he’s talkin’ ‘bout.” 
“See, even Isaiah knows. Have I ever led you wrong, love?”
“There was that time you had us sneak in to see that picture. You said we wouldn’t get caught, but we did.”
Skating past, Finn pipes in his own anecdotal evidence, “There was that time you thought it’d be funny to steal from Polly’s liquor cabinet. And she chased us for three blocks.” 
“Yeah, mate. And what about when you made us be lookouts when you went to see that London girl and her father nearly—”
Michael interrupts Isaiah, not wanting you to back out based on previous history, “Alright. Alright. So maybe I have once or twice, but you can trust me on this!” 
You follow his instruction, taking a few marching steps and then allowing yourself to glide over the ice. Your body adjusts to the slippery surface, and you find it much easier to balance as your posture becomes less rigid. Confident enough with the combination of directions and Michael's support, you finally release him from your grasp and begin to skate on your own.
You circle the pond slowly while the boys rough house and rush by in competition. While you enjoy the spectacle of Isaiah and Michael tumbling to the icy surface in a tangle of limbs, you fail to notice the Shelby boy who creeps up behind you. Finn captures you by the waist and twirls with you on the ice before releasing you and sprinting away as you squeal in fear. He roars in laughter as you give chase. But much like every scenario you seem to find yourself in with your boys, it goes to shit. The blade of your skate slips, and your leg buckles under the unbalanced weight of your body and dashing your hopes for retaliation.
Rather than falling onto your butt, your body pitches forward. The skin of your palms is seared with the sting of the ice’s first touch. Forced into a starfish pose, your head harshly smacks against the ice, and the next few minutes are a blur of pain and frantic questions from the boys. 
“Fucking hell!” Isaiah skids to a stop beside you, aiding you in righting yourself, “You alright, love? Took a real good spill.” 
“Don’t cry. Just please, don’t cry.”
“Finn, I’m not crying but you look like you're 'bout to,” You tease before squeaking in pain as Michael inspects your scalp, “Ow. Ow. Stop touching it!”
It takes them several long minutes of debate for them to conclude that you should not walk back to the house on your own. And it is quite a few more as they argue on who gets to carry you. The journey through the snow consists of the trio distracting you from the pain by telling tales of their comedic failures while on errands for Tommy as Finn carries you on his back.  
Set by the fireplace, you soak up the much needed heat; feeling your fingers and toes thaw. The boys putter about you, inspecting your head again and cleaning the raw red scrapes on your palms. 
“You were wrong,” Your bottom lip pokes out in a pout, and you glare at Michael as he offers you ice to soothe the aching knot that is growing on the side of your head, “Again.”
“Okay. Okay. No more skating for a while. How about I make it up to you, hmm?”
“There’s some cocoa in the kitchen.”  
“I could forgive you but…”
Finn presses for you to continue, “But?”
“I want extra marshmallows.”
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Feedback, reblogs, and likes are always appreciated! 
Peaky Blinders Masterlist Coming Soon!
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hb-writes · 3 years
The Routine
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Summary: Routines are nice. Familiar. Predictable. Safe, even when they hurt. Self-reinforcing bits of comfort that have Isiah and his Small Heath girl biting their tongues and swallowing down their desires.
Characters: Isiah Jesus x F!Reader/ Unnamed OC
Content Warning: Some implied sexual content but nothing graphic.
A/N: A little delayed, but this piece is for @amysteryspot's 1k celebration (Congratulations again! ❤️ ) - Read the other submissions here.
Here's the AO3 link if you prefer to read it over there.
Peaky Blinders Masterlist
Peaky Blinders (Little Lady Blinder/ Shelby Sister) Masterlist
The evening sky seemed impossibly light, a hazy veil revealing not even a single star, pale with the promise of the season’s first, and probably only, snow. The winter weather would be a welcome addition to their walk home, she thought to herself with her face tipped to the sky. A pleasant end to a busy week, at least.
And then there was the hope that a snowy Friday night might give way to a slow Saturday morning, what with the covered streets making it so there'd be no place to be before midday. Or at least, she hoped that might be the case.
She hoped the snow would mean John and Esme wouldn’t be calling her over to theirs before the sun was up. The impending snow brought with it a smidgen of hope that John and Esme would spend their morning in, snuggled up with their lot, delaying their usual Saturday outing by a few hours at least. And as much as she loved the routine, she’d be happy to not have John Shelby greet her at his door before six in the morning with a cup of strong tea in one hand and a screaming infant in the other.
Less than six hours prior, she'd almost used the responsibility of sitting with the kids as her excuse to say no to Isiah's invitation in the first place, a justification to spend her night alone at home instead of at the loud, bustling pub. It was such an easy excuse. She'd relented only when Isiah reminded her how many times she'd turned them down lately and when he reminded her she’d be good for nothing by Saturday afternoon whether she went to the pub or not.
Isiah wasn’t wrong. She was never quite sure if it was her or John’s kids more in need of being put down for a nap by the time their parents arrived back. She always spent the rest of the day lounging about regardless. And she never drank much anyway, sipping slowly from a whiskey, maybe a second if she was thirsty or needed loosening.
Tonight she’d needed loosening, enough so that she still felt light, a steady hum ringing through her as Isiah walked her home. Whether or not the snow postponed her morning plans, allowing her a late lie-in, the impending snow meant she would sip her evening tea in a special kind of peace, allowing her mind to clear itself of the fog of alcohol as she looked out the window at the blanket of white steadily covering the dusty Birmingham lane she called home, the cobbled streets pure and clean and untouched while most of Small Heath lay bundled up in their beds, the rest of them still getting properly boozed up, unaware of the wintry weather or anything outside the walls of whatever pub they’d selected for the night.
"He's been after her for two weeks now," Isiah continued on with his report on Finn’s latest romantic endeavors, something they hadn’t been free to discuss at the pub, "a bit hopeless, really, but—"
She giggled as the first snowflake caught on her eyelashes, a second and third quickly following to melt against her warm cheeks.
The sound of her laughter cut Isiah off as he slowed his pace, turning to watch her twirl in the falling snow, his stomach clenching as he watched the unfettered glee on her face.
"Snow's a nice change, isn't it?" she said, tipping her head to look at him, his hands shoved into his pockets to spare his chilled fingertips.
It was better than the rain, Isiah supposed, but it was still bloody cold, especially at this time of night. He glanced up at the same sky she’d been watching for most of their journey and then he nodded towards the row of back-to-backs on either side of the lane. “Yeah, it'll be nice until they’re all up and about muddying the streets.”
She snorted. "Isiah," she whined, "must you always be such a—"
"I'm right," he interrupted. "You know I am."
She hummed, shrugging her shoulders as they got moving again. "You are right about our Finn, I suppose. A bit hopeless."
She idly wondered whether Isiah thought the same of her. She was over a year older than Finn with no prospects of the romantic sort. At least Finn made an effort. No one would say the same of her.
"Maybe you should've gone over, Siah. Help him catch the posh girl."
Isiah grinned as he glanced at her. “Yeah, and who would you entertain yourself with if I did that?”
Celia’s name was on the tip of her tongue, but it was a wasted argument even though Celia was her closest confidant. The girls had only spoken a handful of words the entire night, wrapped up as she was with Michael these days, and even if Celia’s attention hadn’t happened to be directed elsewhere, Isiah rarely left her side if his pestering was enough to get her to the pub. It was simply the way of things between them. Isiah forged on before she could even suggest otherwise. “And what does our Finn need my help for anyway? Boy’s a royal fucking Shelby prince, ain’t he?”
She smiled at that bit of truth. Their dear friend was a Shelby boy, a title that afforded him an edge over most lads in Small Heath regardless of whether he knew how to wield the power or not. But there was another bit of truth that Isiah didn’t always tout—not with her at least—but she knew it anyway.
He was a handsome boy, always had been, even when they were kids. It worked in Isiah’s favor more often than not, but it also meant that the presence of one Isiah Jesus was of little benefit to his friends. His cheeky smile muddled things, and that was before he deigned to open his clever, ever so charming mouth.
Regardless of intentions, the only person Isiah helped in order to bring a girl home at the end of the night was Isiah.
She tried to remember the last time she’d walked herself home from the pub, or the last time it had been anyone other than Isiah escorting her for that matter, but nothing came to mind, not since she’d started working at the Shelby offices, at least.
They’d made a habit of it, slipping out during the sliver of time she’s come to think of as the in-between, the time after homes were shut up for the night but before the pubs closed. The time seemed to belong only to them, like the quiet streets of Small Heath were theirs and theirs alone.
Isiah always made the offer to escort her at just the right time, the gesture always coming just before she’d been poised to stifle a stubborn yawn behind her hand, almost as if she were on some sort of schedule and Isiah had memorized it. Memorized her.
Not that memorizing her would be a terribly difficult thing to do. She wasn’t an enigma like some girls, far from mysterious or intriguing like the girls Isiah usually chased after. She was a bit of routine to him. Easy. Steady. Consistent.
Her nights out at the Garrison were just as predictable as her days at the company offices, tucked away with correspondence letters and rows of accounting from eight in the morning onward, taking her lunch at the same time each day—enjoying the same sad meal, too—always having to be reminded to head home by someone at the day’s end.
By Lizzie or Michael or Finn or Isiah, usually.
By Tommy Shelby or Polly Gray, on the far rarer occasions.
‘Go on. Go enjoy your evening. Must be something you’d rather be doing.’
That’s what they all said, but she found she liked the routine of work. She liked having something to keep her mind busy. She liked that it was predictable. Correcting words and grammar in the correspondence before it went out, tallying up the numbers at the bottom of the page. They were consistent things.
Like her, they didn’t often hold many surprises.
Just like how things were with Isiah.
There was a certain cadence to their interactions—smirks and laughs shared at Finn’s expense, one accepted invitation spared for every three of her declines for a night out with the boys at the pub—all of it the comforting balance of a friendship well-maintained and understood.
She knew their routine, knew him.
She’d done some memorizing too.
She could always be sure that Isiah would keep her company at the pub and predict her yawns, escorting her home before the whiskey glazed her eyes, and by the time she was tucked away behind a locked door, she knew Isiah would be back to the pub. She knew he would end his night with one of the girls sitting beside whatever girl Finn was sweet on for the night.
Tonight, she imagined it would be the brunette. The one who had been eyeing Isiah for half the night. The one he’d smiled back at.
In her mind, Isiah was a different person after he dropped her home or on the nights when she didn’t venture out in the first place. It was almost like there was a side of him he didn’t show her, a side that they both knew didn’t quite fit into their routines. He showed up in the tender moments they both retreated from, the brushes of hands when he passed her drink or a turn of phrase with a particular form of charm.
But she knew Isiah didn’t shy away from girls. He charmed relentlessly and got up to mischief. He always left with someone. He had his own pattern, his own little routine that didn’t involve her.
“Well, she had pretty friends, at least. I’m sure you can take one of them—”
Isiah’s feet skid on the cobblestone as he rounded on her, his eyes on hers, a smirk touching his lips as he watched her, her lips parted in surprise at his sudden closeness.
His hand brushed her waist before dipping into the pocket of her coat, his fingers fumbling around for her keys. “I’ve already got my hands full taking you home and putting you to bed, don’t I?”
Isiah slipped his hand back out and dangled the ring in front of her, his eyebrows raised in wait of a response. Her mouth felt too dry for a rebuttal, her body still searing from the feel of his hand against her side, almost like she could feel his touch in every limb.
She cleared her throat to cover the betraying whimper released from her lips and snatched the keys from Isiah’s hand, quickly moving around him to the door. Her heart pounded in her chest as she worked the key into the lock, struggling as Isiah settled leaning against the door frame beside her.
Part of her wondered if he could hear her heart beating so painfully hard in her chest, She couldn’t imagine him not hearing it considering how quiet it was out on the lane—nothing between them but the crinkle of falling snow and the subtle scraping of her stubborn house key against the lock.
She huffed when the door finally gave way, stepping in and aside to let Isiah go first, another of their routines. She shifted out of her coat and slipped out of her shoes, watching as he moved about the flat, switching on the lights and surveying the small collection of rooms. He lingered in the living room with the couch between them as she finally stepped out of the hall and started tidying the space, readying herself for her evening in.
“Big plans this evening?” he teased.
She rolled her eyes at him, tugging a blanket from the back of the couch and reaching out for a book, which Isiah picked up first, holding it out for her to take.
He knew what she did once he left her alone just as well as she knew what he did once he made it back to the Garrison. She’d drink her tea and read her book and head to bed once her mind grew clear and her eyes grew tired though she imagined clarity might take a bit longer tonight. She was feeling muddled, something she’d like to blame on the whiskey though a part of her, the part that fluttered at meeting Isiah’s eyes as she took the book into her hand knew very well it was more than that.
“Right, of course,” she snorted as she cradled the novel, flipping idly through its pages. “The nice lad from down the way slips in just after you leave.”
She’d expected a laugh out of it, her attempt at a little banter, her voyage into the unexpected, but when she turned to face him, Isiah’s face was distinctly unreadable. She looked at the floor then, swallowing at the lump in her throat and internally smacking herself for the deviating words.
Isiah cleared his throat, finally steering them forward through her jumbled mess.
“Well, I supposed I should take my leave, then.”
Back on course, she thought to herself, her head nodding without a conscious effort.
“Wouldn’t want to leave the lad waiting out in the cold.” Isiah’s voice was teasing though the meter read as slow and meandering, a bit uncertain even if she was too distracted to hear the distinction. “And it’s probably best to get him in before the snow comes. Wouldn’t want to leave any footprints for the neighbors to find. You know how people talk.”
She let the words settle between them, any chill left over from the walk home leeched from her body as heat flooded her instead, the warmth of embarrassment hot in every inch of her. Hotter even than the weight of Isiah’s hand against her waist had left her as he sought her keys.
This was why she didn’t play, why she left the deviations and forging of new paths to Isiah, happy enough to remain in her lane. This was why she kept to their routines, harder to muck things up that way.
“Right,” Isiah said, stuffing his hands back in his pockets when the silence between them stretched beyond comfort and he grew certain she wasn’t going to give him a response. “Well, I guess I should leave you to it, then. Get back to the pub and make sure our Finn doesn’t hurt himself, eh?”
She forced herself to laugh, to meet his eye for a moment, to rebound with something familiar to them both.
“I’ll walk you out,” she said, dropping her book on the couch, moving toward Isiah and the hall that led to the front door.
She wasn’t sure what it was—maybe the extra glass of whiskey at the pub or the lingering feel of Isiah’s hand against her waist or the arresting feel of his eyes on her as she approached. Maybe it was a magic spell put on her by the unexpected snow—but without thinking, she deviated again, slipping in front of Isiah before he could reach the door.
Her hand closed over the cool metal of the knob and she waited, stuck somewhere in between her desire to keep to their routine and her desire to chase after the all-encompassing feeling that coursed through her veins, the one settled in the pit of her stomach and flooding her mind, the cold of the doorknob against her skin the only thing grounding her.
This was the part of the evening where she bid him goodnight. Where he parted from her with a smile and a bow of his head while he stood out on the walk, always reminding her to lock up after him. She’d roll her eyes and nod before closing the door.
She never knew Isiah waited outside every time, lingering on her threshold to hear the comforting sound of the lock clicking into place. The summation of their humble routine.
“Your lad will be wondering what we’re up to if you don’t open the door soon, love.” Isiah kept his tone light, but tension still welled up in her body. She rolled her delicately covered shoulders, Isiah’s eyes venturing up and down her back as he tried to read her.
“There’s no lad,” she mumbled, breathing deeply through her nose, her eyes closed, her teeth pinching the tip of her tongue as a few other words welled up inside her.
Isiah’s voice sounded so close she imagined his lips were mere inches away from her ear when he responded, his body hovering just beside her, so close she could feel him.
“I know,” he said, a lie, because while a part of him thought—hoped—her words had been nothing more than a put-on, there was a nagging part of Isiah that knew it could be true.
He’d made no move, retreating from his desire every time something surfaced within him, dismissing any of her movements as nothing more than friendship. It was easy enough to believe there could be someone other than him, someone other than the men in her novels.
“You gonna open the—?” Isiah stopped himself as she turned, setting her back against the door, eyes still squeezed shut.
“What if you didn’t go back?”
Isiah wanted to see her eyes. He wanted her to repeat it. He wanted to hear it again to be sure. She squirmed against the door as the silence between them grew uncomfortable once again.
Isiah smirked when she finally opened her eyes. “You want me to stay?”
“Only if you…”
Isiah’s hand caught her warm cheek, stopping her before she hid her face away from him in order to study the hardwood. “What do you want, eh?”
She hesitated for only a moment, her head leaning into the gentle caress of his hand for a cycle of steadying breaths before she reached a hand around the back of Isiah’s neck to pull his lips to hers.
Isiah’s hands found her waist, the same scorching fire from before burning through her as his fingers moved over the thin fabric of her dress.
“I want you to stay,” she said, dropping the entrancing words into the desperate space between their kisses.
Isiah tugged her body to his, slipping a hand from her body just long enough to click the lock in place, a new summation to their humble routine. From now on, she would be the only girl Isiah Jesus ended up with at the end of the night.
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writerinthedark21 · 2 years
The songbird and her lover
Isiah jesus x black!oc
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Summary: Ruby shelby had known isiah ever since she had stumbled into an abandoned church and decided to sing as if no one was watching. Little did she know Isiah was right above her listening to the most angelic voice he had ever heard. 
Word count:  4,170
Warnings: Slight angst (my first fic)
Ruby shelby.
The second youngest in the shelby family. Born only 3 years before Finn
No one dared to question how she inherited her melantied complexion or coily hair that reached up to the heavens above them. 
At least not after Thomas overheard a snide remark made towards Ruby at just the age of 3 and that man was never seen again after he walked out of the garrison. 
Even though Ruby seemed to be born with never ending confidence and a smile as bright as the sun over the years the light within Ruby grew dim as she truly realized the world she lived in.
She learned to keep the parts she loved most about herself secret. The outspoken, radiant, excited parts of herself she learned to be ashamed of.
It was only when she had found herself wondering into an abandoned chapel on a saturday afternoon when she had finally let that side of herself out.
The silent chapel was soon filled with Ruby’s voice as she sang the lullaby her aunt Polly used to sing to help her sleep.
Unbeknownst to her a silent listener was sitting on the church's balcony in a paralysed state as he listened to her angelic voice bounce off the tattered walls and broken windows. 
After a couple minutes of singing, the song had finally come to an end and for the first time in years Ruby had finally felt at peace as she started to walk out of the old building.
Isiah only gained back feeling in his legs when he heard Ruby’s footsteps descended into the distance. 
And that’s when the spark between the two started to light.
A songbird and her listener.
Ruby and Isiah only officially met when he joined the peaky blinders.
“Ruby, Isiah” Thomas says as Ruby had walked in and noticed the new boy in the room.
Isiah was doing everything in his power to not make himself look like a fool in front Ruby.
He had heard so many boys talk about how beautiful and pretty she was and he’d be lying through his teeth if he disagreed. 
Without thinking he outstretched his hand praying that she’d shake it. With a soft smile on her face Ruby took his hand and it was like electricity ran through the both of them.
“I just um....I’ll head up to my room now...” Ruby said feeling a new type of heat run up to her cheeks.
Hearing her voice was like he finally had the finale piece to the puzzle beautiful voice he hears every Saturday ever since he was 12.
Isiah tried not to stare for too long as Thomas continued with whatever he was saying before Ruby walked in.
Over the years the two became closer but it was only in group settings. 
The first time Isiah and Ruby truly had a moment on their own was when Ruby had turned 15 and Isiah had taken her to a cafe that sat right across from the theater Ruby loved with all her heart. 
Little did she know Isiah had secured two seats to the newest show.
As they sat and waited on their food and drinks Isiah finally asked a question that had been itching his brain for the past couple days. 
“What do you want to be when you get older?” 
The question had made Ruby freeze in place. Not from fear but surprise. No one really cared or had the time to ask her what she wanted to be. 
“um I really don’t know...a nurse I guess...I was always good at stiching up my brothers and what not so...” Ruby says fidgeting with the hem of her dark blue dress hoping he couldn’t see through her lies.
“Okay that’s nice....now the truth” Isiah says refusing to look away from Ruby as a small smile spread on her face. 
“I wanna....one day I want to be a singer....to see ‘The marvelous Ruby shelby’ up in lights and sing on some big stage and everyone throwing bouquets at my feet...”
“Yeah....that’s my dream” Ruby finished with a sigh as she gazed to the theater across from the cafe. 
Isiah had never loved Ruby like he did in this very moment. 
“I’m gonna make that happen” He lets out without thinking.
A laugh flies out of Ruby’s mouth not thinking he was serious until she finally tore her eyes away from the theater to find an expression she had never seen before on Isiah’s face.
“I’m gonna hold you to that....” Ruby says a smile forming on her face as she looked back out to the theater.
It wasn’t until Ruby’s 17th birthday when a moment like this happened again.
“Happy birthday, Ruby” He whispers handing her the record.
For years Ruby had been wishing and praying for this album. Every time Ruby had mentioned it in front of Isiah he made sure to rummage through every record store in London.
And finally after months of searching he had found it and he didn’t even look at the price before buying it.
Because Isiah knew the look on Ruby’s face when she opened it was worth the large dent in his pocket.
“Oh my god” Ruby’s voice was filled with shock and joy as she finally tore off all the wrapping paper.
“You like it?” Isiah asks half joking, but picking at his skin to hear her response. 
“DO I LIKE- Isiah-” She set the record down before pulling him for the tightest hug he had ever received.
For a moment Isiah was too stunned to even move. 
The feeling of her soft skin on the back of his neck, the smell of her vanilla perfume filling up his nostrils, and the thought of holding her like this for rest of his life made him paralysed.
It was when he started to feel her pull away when he finally reacted. He pulled her in like he was scared of losing her.
As if she was dying and the only cure was his loving embrace. 
For a moment he had completely forgotten that her whole family was in the room watching them. 
A small snicker could be heard from arthur.
They pull away with heated faces. 
Ruby knew she felt something in that moment but decided to hold it down and bury it until one special day only months later.
Isiah had been become more secretive over the months. Not showing up for meetings, more distracted than ever before, and even pulling away from Ruby.
No one could figure out why until he walked in one day with a girl wrapped around his arm. 
They all had could already guessed it but actually seeing isiah seemingly in love with a girl that wasn’t Ruby had all shocked them.
“I’ll be out for the day I just had to stop by to keep something-”
“Here you go-” Ruby had stopped mid sentence when she realized that it wasn’t just Isiah that had walked in.
“Who’s this?” Ruby asked feeling a bitterness grow within her as she noticed Isaiah's arm wrapped so nicely around the girls shoulders.
At that moment many of the man found excuses to walk out of the room leaving only Ruby, Polly, Isiah and the girl he had brought with him.
“My um....Ruby this is pearl...my date to the theater” 
“Pearl, Ruby.....Ruby, Pearl” Isaiah finished.
Ruby swallowed the bitterness rising within her as she moved the present to one arm and shook the girls gloved hand. 
“Nice to meet you Pearl”   
“You as well Ruby....” A striking silence soon filled the room.
“Well I think we should get going....Thanks for keeping this safe for me” Isaiah says as he takes the present from Ruby’s arms.
“Yeah no problem....hope you two have fun...” Ruby says refusing to truly look at Isiah until they turn to walk away.
Finally looking up to see Isiah help Pearl put her jacket on to protect her from the nightly chill broke Ruby’s heart in two. 
Watching him walk out the door was more painful than it had ever been before. Seeing him hold a certain admiration and care for this girl had hurt Ruby in a way she never thought could. 
“You okay over there?” Polly asked suspiciously from behind the newspaper.
“Yes aunt Polly....” 
“Sure Ruby, Sure” Polly says before getting up and walking to Ruby’s side.
“Just....I’ve only seen that look you have right now on love sick puppies that think their chance at love has passed...”
Ruby doesn’t say a word because if she tried to deny Polly’s words she’d be telling the worst lie known to mankind. But if she agreed than she’d be even more heartbroken than before.
“But I promise you dear...his love for a ruby is nothing compared to that of a pearl” Polly sghs out before walking out of the room leaving Ruby longing looking to the front door.
Ruby had secretly held onto those words until she had finally moved out into her own place in hopes of living a life not filled with the violence she grew up with.
She had a nice day job as a nurse and a secret weekend job at a pub that let her sing her heart out to the willing participants. 
But somehow the past always finds a way to follow you.
That past came in full swing for Ruby on a random Saturday afternoon a bleeding out isiah and beat up peaky blinders showed up at her doorstep seeking for safe keeping.
“Hey beautiful” Isiah said almost unconscious when Ruby finally let them in.
“What the hell happened?” Ruby yells out as they placed Isiah's flailing body on her living room couch.
“He got fucking shot Ruby…get your kit and help us out” Finn yelled as he put pressure on the wound.
Isiah almost forgot he got shot until Finn put what felt like too much pressure on the wound. 
He let out a sharp howl making everyone in the room cringe.  
“Fuck” Ruby whispered as she turned and ran to her bathroom rummaging through the cabinet under the sink.
Ruby always questioned if she really wanted to run away from the life she was born in as she pulled out her emergency kit.
“Lay him on the floor for me and hold him down as best you can.......please” Ruby firm voice silences the frantic voice filling the living room.
The men make quick action to place Isiah on the ground and hold him as still as possible.
She took a quick look at the punctured and bleeding hole on the bottom of Isiah’s right side. 
Ruby realized she didn’t remember much as she washed off Isiah’s blood from her hands in the kitchen sink.
The only thing that kept coming back to her was how loud Isiah’s scream was as she stitched him up. 
“Ruby? I’ve been calling after you for a minute.....you okay?” Finn’s voice was almost lost in her state of shock but eventually his voice peaked through.
The only one that stayed after Isiah was all stitched was Finn. 
“Oh um...yes...I just haven’t had my brother and his friend barge into my house and demand me to stich one of them up....”
“Sorry about yelling at you-”
“Finn I’ve been through worse and you’ve done far worse so...” Ruby turned to dry her hands off with the rag sitting on the edge of the kitchen sink.
“Thank you for...I know you wanted to get away from all of that and just live out your life as some mysterious jazz singer...”
“How did you know about that-”
“Isiah...He um he couldn’t shut up about you after you left...he was crying drunk one night and was all on about “never getting you your own club” or something like that...called you his songbird” Finn says reminiscing about how love sick his best friend had become over the years. 
Ruby didn’t realize that had brought a smile on to her face until Finn pointed and started laughing.
“God you’re just as in love as he is...” Finn said under his breath before walking out and into the living room where Isiah’s sleeping body was laying on the now ruined and bloody couch.
“He can sleep in my bed...I’ll take the couch-”
“You know he won’t allow that-”
“Well I guess we’ll find out when he wakes up...won’t we?” Ruby asked slowly turning her head to meet her brothers gaze.
It took only a couple minutes before they had finally reached Ruby’s bedroom and laid Isiah in the bed.
“He can stay as long as he needs...” Ruby says looking at Isiah’s sleeping body in her fresh linens. 
“Thank you for helping me get him up here..”
“Thank you for helping him live...” Finn said truly feeling the weight of everything that had transpired that afternoon. 
It wasn’t long before Finn was walking out the front door and Ruby had found a comfortable spot on the couch. 
Ruby didn’t remember going to sleep on the couch.
“Why are you sleeping down here?” Isiah’s tired voice woke Ruby with a start.
“What are you doing down here-“
“I should be asking you that” Isiah says before feeling a sharp pain shoot up through his body and he starts to double over from the pain. 
Ruby jumps up from her position on the couch and joins Isiah at his side helping him sit down on the couch.
“The second the pain subsides I’m taking you back upstairs” Ruby says as Isiah let out a groan.
“Only if you slept with me” Isiah says not realizing the innuendo in his statement.
Ruby wiped her head around to look at him.
“OH no not like that- I um- Jesus I meant sleeping in the same bed....nevermind I’ll just take the couch and you can have your bed-”
“God no Isiah you’re too big for this couch for one night you can take my bed-”
“No I couldn’t I barged in bleeding out....didn’t even say hello. So just let me take the couch as a thank you”
“You living is thank you enough so just take my bed-”
“No I refuse...unless you take up the empty space next to me...”
Ruby, tired of fighting uphill with Isiah finally gave in and helped him upstairs to her bedroom.
Slowly and with great care Ruby helped Isiah to her queen sized bed.
“There’s enough space for the two of us….plus I always slept better knowing you were safe” Isiah says ginger playing with the hem of Ruby’s nightgown.
“…..fine” Ruby says making a smile spread over Isiah face.
He moved over to give her space to climb in the bed.
After a couple minutes of silence and staring at the ceiling Isiah's voice finally filled the air.
“I’ve missed…. I’ve missed you a lot Ruby….” His raspy voice lets out as he turns to play with Ruby’s loose curls.
“...me too...but I can’t go back there Isiah..”
“I know....I know songbird” Isiah says finally looking into Ruby’s brown eyes.
If he could have burned the way Ruby’s face looked under the moonlight into his eyes it wouldn’t even cross his mind to say no. 
He lets out a soft sigh before turning over and falling asleep the same way he had for the past decade.
Being so close yet so far from the women he would give anything to spend the rest of his life with.
It was killing Ruby inside to not just turn over and embrace him like a lover. So instead she just turned away from Isiah and forced herself to sleep.
Ruby was the first to wake up.
Seeing Isiah’s brown skin under the morning sunlight shining through the white curtains was a sight she’d pay all the money in the world to see.
It was the most calm she had ever seen Isiah and it was killing her to remember that he wasn’t her’s to have and to hold. 
Wasn’t her’s to love and cherish with all her heart, to kiss awake, to always share moments like this with.
Before she could let herself fall to deeply in her imagination of a perfect life, Ruby hoped out of bed and readjusted her nightgown.
She took one last look at a sleeping Isiah before walking out of the room and into her bathroom to freshen up. 
It didn’t take long for her to be ready and head down to the kitchen for some tea and breakfast. 
But before she could get started a certain tune wouldn’t leave her head. The same part just played over and over until finally realized it was from her favorite song on the record Isiah had bought her. 
She raced into her living room and to the record player holder sitting on the floor next to the record player.
Ruby had pulled out the record that helped her through the hardest times of her life and placed it on the player. 
As the notes started to play she lightly danced into the kitchen and turned on the stove burner. 
Right as she sat down after putting the kettle on the stove top she heard a ruckus near her front door. She looked over to find a shirtless isiah doing his best to leave unnoticed. 
“You were always shit at trying to leave quietly you know...” Ruby’s morning voiced made every hair on Isiah’s body stand on end.
He turned around feeling a new sense of embarrassment he never felt before.
“I’m sorry I just thought.....Honestly I wasn’t really thinking...”  Isiah says walking up and taking the seat in front of Ruby. 
“Morning Tea?” Ruby asks gesturing towards the brewing pot on the stove. 
“I’d never say no to tea from you Ruby” Isiah says before the two settled into a comfortable silence as they listened to the record playing in the background. 
It’s not long before the kettle is letting out a loud whistle and Ruby makes quick work of making her and Isiah cups of tea. 
As they sipped on their drinks a question kept passing through Ruby’s head. Before she knew it the question had flew out of her mouth. 
“How are you feeling?” 
A small smile had settled on Isiah’s lips before answering with “Better I guess...but it’s nothing I haven’t been through before..”
“Thank you Ruby... I really wish I could pay you back somehow” 
“You’re welcome Isiah, but you living is payment enough..” Ruby says before taking the last sip in her cup.
“But having you around for a little longer wouldn’t hurt” Ruby let’s out not looking at Isiah. 
“Do you wish for me to stay?” Isiah asks praying for her to say yes.
“Would you like to stay?” Ruby asked finally looking Isiah in the eye.
Isiah lifted the tea to his lips and taking a couple sips before saying “Then stay i will” 
And stay he did, for a whole week the two lived a nice life with each other until it seemed impossible for both of them to stay just platonic with each other.
The close proximity and privacy to the other was becoming all to much for the other to resist their urges.
And it all came crashing down one monday afternoon when Ruby came home from her day job.
“Ruby we need to...we need to have a talk” Was the first thing that came out of Isiah’s mouth when she had set her bag down and took her shoes off. 
A deep feeling of uneasiness settled within the pit of Ruby’s chest as she walked into the kitchen where Isiah was standing and looking out the kitchen window.
“About what?” Ruby asked nervously taking a seat at the kitchen table. 
“About um...about us and how I just....” Before he continued Isiah finally turned around and took a moment before taking the seat across from Ruby.
He took a deep breath before continuing. 
“Ruby I’m more than thankful for you allowing me to stay for so long but I think that it’s time I take my leave”
It took a moment for Ruby to realize what Isiah had just said.
“You can’t....I’m sorry i didn’t mean it like that I just....I just don’t understand where this is coming from-”
“I’m doing well and I know you wish to have your bed back all to yourself so I think I’ll just....”
Ruby followed close behind as Isiah got up from his seat and started walking to the front door.
But before he had the chance to reach for the doorknob Ruby had reached for his shoulder and turned him around. 
“Don’t you dare walk out that door Isiah” 
“Why shouldn’t I? You’ve got your life here and all I’ve done is intrude and disrupt it”
“Is that what you really think- Isiah....why do you think my bed is only soft on one side....you have made these years of loneliness worth it..I want you to stay...” 
Ruby looked into Isiah’s eyes praying for a sign of him wanting, no needing to stay. But after what felt like an eternity of searching she couldn’t find an ounce of it. 
“But you can’t....”
“I’m sorry Ruby-”
“Why? Why can’t you just stay here with me?”
“Because I just...it’s to perfect Ruby-”
“What? Me admitting that I’m falling for you and want you to stay is too perfect” Ruby said 
“YES RUBY...it is because how could I expect for the Ruby shelby to ever even think to fall for me? Hm? The girl with eyes filled with stars and the voice of an angel”
“When there are millions of other boy’s who fawn over you everyday and could give you a life full of happiness. How could you even think to even look at me-”
“They aren’t you Isiah....I could search to edge of the earth and never find a man like you...” Ruby reached her hands out to cup the sides of Isiahs face.
“Even though it took me far too long to realize... my heart has always been yours Isiah Jesus...”
For a moment Isiah thought he was dreaming but the feeling of ruby’s soft hands against his cheeks was far to real.
And finally Isiah had let the space between their lips disappear. 
It took only a handful of seconds for Ruby to react. The years of both yearning for the other had finally come to an end. 
Their hands found perfect placements on each other. They had only pulled away to indulge in the others beauty and to catch their breaths. 
Before they could continue Thomas just had to knock on the front door.
 Ruby and Isiah pulled away from each other with lightning speed. They didn’t realize how disheveled they looked until they tried fixing their messy appearances. 
Ruby took a deep breath before turning to open the door.
The second thomas had a clear view of the two he already knew what had happened between the two. 
A small sigh flew out of Thomas mouth as he rubbed his hand over his face.
“Ruby...please head up to your bedroom I need to have a conversation with Isaiah” 
“Thomas please don’t-“
“I’m not gonna hurt him or tell….just step outside” Thomas all to calm voice fills the room.
Ruby gave Isiah one last look and quick peck before heading upstairs .
The second they heard the door close Isiah started talking.
“I swear to you Tommy I didn’t force her into anything and I only wish to-”
“Stop it Isiah...there’s nothing to prove....honestly I’m glad you two have finally beaten the others pride...been waiting damn near a decade for it...”
“Just treat her well Isiah...I’m sure that won’t be hard for you” 
“But If you break her heart in any way, let’s just say they’ll never find your body” Thomas says, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Understood, Mr. Shelby” Isiah says as Thomas walks to the foot of the stairs before yelling for Ruby. 
Ruby came down the steps ready to fight Thomas for anything bad he dare to say to Isiah. 
“Calm down Ruby I was just about to take my leave” Thomas says feeling her anger. 
“Oh.....see you around Thomas” Ruby says before interlocking her hand with Isiah’s making his face heat up.
“Have a good day you two” Thomas says before walking out the door. 
Right when Thomas closed the door Ruby wasted no time before pulling Isiah in for a heated kiss. 
Isiah pulled away to breath and in doing so let out a small laugh as he pulled Ruby closer to him.
“What’s so funny?” Ruby ask a smile on her face.
“Nothing just...I can’t wait to marry you one day” Isiah says before pulling her in for another kiss. 
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You Cup Their Face
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Thomas: He would be surprised at first, but he would lean into your hand and look deeply into your eyes. He would see your love for him and return it; the touch is tender and loving; it makes him feel warm and calm. He would enjoy the intimacy of the moment, soaking in the affection and holding it close in his heart forever.
Arthur: He would be surprised at first, as it's not something he ever expected from anyone. However, he would smile and let his partner cup his face, happy to receive the affection. He might even close his eyes for a moment, allowing himself to enjoy the closeness. As the moment lingered, he would open his eyes and look directly into yours, searching for reassurance that you were both having a meaningful, loving moment.
John: He would react by cupping your face as well, a sign of closeness and affection, while he gazes into your eyes with a sincere smile. He can see the love and trust that you have for him, which makes him feel at ease around you, and he wants to repay that trust with more affection, more closeness, more love.
Ada: She would be stunned and overwhelmed with emotion and joy if her partner cupped her cheek with any sign of affection. With a small squeal and a smile, she would lean into your touch and press her cheek into your palm gently.
Finn: He would be surprised at the sudden closeness and caressing of his face. It would spark a blush, as he is not used to such physical affection. However, he would let you continue for a moment, before breaking in to ask, "Um, do you need something?"
Polly: She gasps with delight as her partner gently cups her face in her palm, your touch sending a shiver up her spine. She leans into her partner's touch, savoring the closeness of your body and the sensation of your touch. She closes her eyes, breathing in deeply as she lets herself become consumed in the moment. She opens her eyes again, locking eyes with you and smiling softly, expressing appreciation for your attention and affection.
Micheal: He's a little surprised by your touch, but it's not exactly unwelcome. He smiles at you in appreciation and lets you hold his face for a moment, enjoying the intimacy of these moments you both spend together.
Isiah: He'd probably be surprised, as it's not something he's used to. But he'd be excited and honored that someone would do that to him, and he'd want to show that the only way he knew how: by giving you the most loving embrace possible. With how close it'd get your faces, he'd also use the opportunity to tell you how much you mean to him.
Bonnie: He would immediately feel safe and protected. He would lean into your touch and smile, feeling warm and secure in your presence. It would feel like your shielding him from the world, and he would want to return the favor by wrapping his arms around you and showing you affection.
Alfie: If his partner cupped his face, he would be surprised and delighted. He's sensitive to physical touch and enjoys the feeling of closeness when someone he cares about touches him. He would look into your eyes and enjoy the warm, loving embrace. You are a source of comfort and he'd feel secure knowing that you're there for him.
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Isaiah Jesus-Wrapped Around Her Finger
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Here’s another request!
I stand starring at Isaiah after telling him the news that I'm pregnant. We have been courting one another behind my brothers backs now for a year, but this was definitely not planned
"Say something, please" I beg
"Your brothers are going to kill me"
"Bloody hell Is, that's what your worried about? I just told you I'm pregnant"
"Of course that's what I'm worried about. When you tell them I loose all chance of being a father and living" he throws his arms in the air
"Oh don't be so dramatic Is. They won't kill you. Force you to marry me, most likely"
"Whoever said that marrying you would be forced?" Isaiah looks at me with a frown
"Were you really going to ask my brothers if you could marry me?" I cross my arms with a raised eyebrow
"In the future yeah, but looks like we will have to marry quicker"
"Tommy and Grace didn't marry straight away, maybe Tommy will be more relaxed about all of this"
"At least let me prepare myself for the rathe of the Shelby's"
"Fine but we tell them end of this week"
The end of the week comes by way to quickly and now I'm stood in front of my whole family about to tell them that I'm pregnant
"Alright YN. Out with it" Tommy says placing an unlit cigarette in his mouth before lighting it up
"Well erm. I guess we should just come out with it"
"We?" Arthur questions looking between me and and Isaiah
"Yes. Err we have been, involved with each other for a while now and...."
"And what?" Tommy asks with an angry expression
"I'm pregnant"
"What!" John is the first one out of his chair "you better be bloody joking"
"Calm down John. YNs not a kid anymore. She's the same age as we were when we had..."
"We were married" John points at Esme
"Fuck sake YN. I don't care that you've been busy behind our backs because your an adult but how stupid can you be to get pregnant?"
"Arthur that's unfair. You could say the same for me"
"I did" Arthur retaliates looking at Ada. I look at Tommy worried because he hasn't said anything yet
"Well. Can't say I'm not disappointed, but I got Grace pregnant out of marriage and John boy only married Martha because she got pregnant so I can't get to angry. However. I think Isaiah and I should have a little chat"
"Oh Tommy leave him be" Polly says getting up and walking over to me "congratulations sweetheart" she pulls me into a hug and kisses my cheek
"How can you all be so chilled out by this?" Arthur asks annoyed "Isaiah was meant to keep YN safe and away from men"
"He did just that didn't he" John grumbles. A fire is then lit up inside me and I suddenly get very brave
"Ok wether you like it or not, I'm pregnant and I'm having this baby. Isaiah and I aren't getting married just because I'm pregnant. So you can either all act like my family or fuck off" I notice Tommy smirking. John and Arthur both settle back down, still grumbling about how they aren't happy with me. I roll my eyes and then I'm pulled into another hug, this time by Ada and Esme
"Congratulations YN" Ada says
"Thank you"
"So am I going to survive long enough to see my child?" Isaiah asks
"You'll survive long enough to raise the child, love the child and take care of my sister" Tommy stubs his cigarette out and leans back in his chair
"Yeah, yeah course"
"Thank you Tommy" I run over to him and hug him being grateful that he was able to keep everyone calm, or as calm as the Shelby boys can be
"She's always had him wrapped round her bloody finger" Arthur grumbles takes a swig of his drink. I roll my eyes at the comment. All my brothers love me so him and John will get over this eventually.
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evita-shelby · 2 years
Reblog if you write reader inserts for peaky blinders and have been shadowbanned this year for no apparent reason
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comphy-and-cozy · 3 years
Sweetest Taboo - Michael Gray x Isiah Jesus x OFC/Reader
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Summary: An unofficial part 3 to ‘Unravel Me’. The boys celebrate a tropical birthday. Modern!AU.
Word Count: 6.9K words
Warnings: Smut/NSFW. 18+. Cuckholding/hot wifing and threesome (sort of).
Series Masterlist
While Michael Gray isn’t exactly the poster child for cheery celebrations, he does believe that there are a few occasions worthy of celebrating, and a birthday is one of them. It’s one time per year that you can spoil yourself, he thinks, and everyone should indulge now and then.
It’s September, his girl’s birthday month, and he’s made it clear that he wants to spoil her rotten for her birthday this year, pulling out all of the stops on a tropical island getaway. The house he’s rented for two weeks is divine; sleek, modern, and a perfect slice of heaven fit for a Peaky Blinder lavishing his woman in luxury.
From the minute she steps off the plane, the red carpet is rolled out for her, ensuring that she feels like a starlet or some sort of high-end royalty each moment. When she enters the vacation home, there’s a large bouquet of flowers waiting on the counter, along with an expensive bottle of champagne. On the neatly made up bed in the bedroom lies a box of fine Swiss chocolates, and a stack of heartfelt cards from some of her closest friends.
The first few days are easy, catching up on sleep and basking in the sun. Michael’s itinerary is packed full of high living extravagance, complete with several five-star meals, a couple’s massage, private wine tasting, and, of course, plenty of beachside love-making.
On the third day, after a parasailing excursion and a delicious meal, Michael brings her back to the house. She looks beautiful, he thinks, with her floral skirt and glow of her skin, warmed by days in the sun.
“I’ve brought you another surprise,” he says, smiling sleekly at her. Her eyes pique in interest, unable to hide her excitement. As unselfish as she is, it’s nice to be treated like a princess sometimes.
He is pleased with her reaction, smug and confident, as he takes a few paces toward the door, opening it with anticipation.
A gasp is all that leaves her mouth, frozen temporarily at the sight of Isiah standing with one hand in his pocket against the doorframe, looking terribly handsome as he gazes at her, smiling. The large bouquet of flowers he has in his hand covers up the white collared button-up shirt he sports, but not enough to hide the flex of his forearms that are on display with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows.
“Happy birthday, baby,” Isiah all but mumbles, watching her as she takes in the sight of him, allowing a moment for the shock to settle in.
She feels the butterflies in her chest fluttering, excited to have him there, and anticipating all that his presence might bring. Sliding off of her spot on the couch, she steps forward, trying to hide the desire she feels to run to him, instead opting to walk briskly to him to wrap her arms around him. He’s warm against her, his arms folding around her body tightly with a squeeze that transfers more than affection, but love, ardor, and desire.
Whispering a breathless ‘thank you’, she presses a kiss against his cheek as she accepts the flowers from him. She smells them, smiling because he remembered that peonies are her favorite.
“I’m so glad you’re here,” she whispers, looking up at him, and he can’t help but smile at her admission.
“Me too, sweetheart.”
“Did Michael show you this beautiful place he rented for us!?” she asks excitedly, setting the flowers on the counter before jumping back and grabbing his hand. “Let me show you around.”
Isiah follows, partly because he’s being dragged by her, but also because he can’t help but follow her like a magnet, as she gives him the grand tour. Michael is a few steps behind, amused at her excitement.
She leads him into the suite of the bedroom, the sound of the waves crashing outside creating a dreamy ambiance over the fresh, white linens on the bed. Isiah glances at it, wondering how many times Michael’s had her in this very spot, how many moans the walls of this room have soaked in, how her frame looks draped in nothing but the sheets. He’s subtle, but not subtle enough; Michael catches the flick of his eye and smirks to himself, just imagining the thoughts running through his mate’s head.
The breeze is refreshing and warm as she slides the collapsible windows to the side, leading them outside.
“This is my favorite part,” she explains, gesturing at the tall, sleek outdoor shower, a few feet away from the infinity pool that overlooks the vast private beach of the island. It’s open, protected only slightly from the beach view with one sheet of frosted glass, the other two corners lined with a deep cherry wood, a long bench on one end. Isiah observes, thinking he’d be fine to live here with her and this view for the rest of his life.
Michael is quiet, letting the ideas brewing in his head swirl to life.
Her tour at an end, she looks at Isiah, pausing to gauge his response. He grins, “Fit for a king and queen.”
“And you, Zay,” she is quick to add, looping her arm through his as she leads him back into the house.
A few hours pass, and soon enough, Isiah is settled into the guest suite of the vacation home. He’s not staying for long, but he’s pretty confident he won’t be spending much time alone on this trip. Not with the way she keeps glancing at him, fervor deep within the pools of her eyes, despite the fact that it’s Michael sitting beside her, arm around her, his thumb rubbing soothing circles on her shoulder.
They are enjoying a bottle of wine, some expensive bottle of Pinot Noir, with windows all propped open and welcoming the warm, salty breeze of the evening. It’s peaceful and pleasant, and the faint sound of the boys’ deep laughter can be heard even outside in the distance.
Another hour is spent catching up, cracking jokes, and telling stories. Another bottle of wine is split between the trio, the boozy haze combining dreamily with the warm air. She sighs contentedly, closing her eyes as she lays her head back against Michael’s muscular arm. Isiah’s eyes drag over the tantalizing bare skin of her leg, fingers yearning to drag along the outside of her thigh.
A comfortable silence falls in the room, only the sound of the palm trees rustling outside. Isiah wonders if the other two are thinking what he’s thinking, but he doesn’t want to voice his thoughts and spoil the mood or overstep his bounds. He shares a glance with Michael, and it’s like he’s read his mind, for all Michael responds with is a curt, subtle nod.
“Are you glad that Isiah’s here?” he asks her.
“Oh, yes, Michael,” she nods enthusiastically. “The best birthday gift ever.”
Isiah’s heart explodes with jubilation, elated that spending time with him is even a low priority on her birthday wishlist. He offers her a smile, which she returns, and she feels her cheeks go hot under his gaze.
“You know,” Michael continues. “I’m not sure I ever really showed Isiah the ropes.”
She glances up at him, eyes wide and curious. “The ropes?”
Michael nods, humming in the affirmative. “You know, show him what you like, how you like it.” He clicks his teeth. “How you like to be fucked.”
Oh. A shiver runs through her, his words enticing her far more than they should. While they had certainly had plenty of interactions the other way around, they had never played with the dynamic of Isiah watching Michael, and she loves the idea.
“You’d like that?” Michael’s voice pulls her out of her thoughts, and she looks at him, nodding. “Yeah?”
She clears her throat, eyes flicking to Isiah, to ensure that he likes the idea, too; she’d never want him or Michael to be uncomfortable. Fortunately, based on the way that Isiah’s staring at her with a dark hunger in his eyes, it seems he is definitely on board.
“Oh, don’t worry, sweetheart. He’s all in. Couldn’t pass up the opportunity to watch you get fucked, could he?”
Read the rest on AO3!
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theshelbyclan · 4 years
Summary: As much as you love your family, you don’t quite fit in. And when things get more difficult at home and at school, it’s getting harder and harder to hide what has been going on (part 1)
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A/N: Writing about a more vulnerable Shelby sis was new to me, because I always feel she’s tough just like her family. But she is still very young in this and at a difficult age, and I actually really enjoyed writing her like this! (sorry this is so long and I did change it a little, hope that ok!) @stellaridealltheway​ Anon requested: Can you do one where the reader is Finns twin and thinks she doesn’t fit in and some boys are really rude and mean to her except her siblings and Isaiah and one day someone says something really mean and she leaves school and when it gets later and she doesn’t come home everyone goes looking for her and someone finds her crying and she tells them what happened and they comfort her and take her to school from now on and threaten anyone what’s mean to her Part 2 can be found here: Brains
Words: 3628
The Shelby twins were like fire and ice. They came out of the womb together, clinging onto each other, but was one was born with dark hair and dark eyes, the other was born with light hair and freckles. Everyone in Small Heath knew them and they were forces to be reckoned with. Where one was shy and quiet, the other was loud and prone to getting in trouble. However, if one was threatened, the other rushed to their defence, no matter what.
Growing up, Finn tried to be like his brothers and he became a tough kid. Without the war in his head, he was never as cold and ruthless as them, but he came close. He fought, drank whisky, smoked and spit on the streets. You were always shy and hid your face behind a lot of hair. Quiet as you were, you kept away from the hustle, which made you the family’s princess to be protected at all cost. You were also the one who knew Finn best and he was a sweet boy deep down, far more sensitive than he wanted to be or was being allowed to. At thirteen, you still went to school. Finn had stopped going a long time ago, but you’d chosen to go. You wanted to learn everything and anything. Aunt Polly was proud in her own way, but didn’t quite understand. Your brothers may have adored you, but there were no scholars in the family. With your nose in a book they watched you lovingly, but from a distance. 
*** At the kitchen table, you took up a lot of room. There was work do be done, assignments to finish and preparation for classes to attend to. Finn sat next to you, because different as you were, inseparable you remained.
“What’s this?” he asked, picking up a book.
You took it back gently from his dirty hands, “Careful. English homework.” “What’s it about?” “It’s poetry, Finn,” you showed him a page, “Look, it says ‘Sonnet’ here.” You pointed at the word and your twin brother squinted. He couldn’t read and you often showed him words like this, maybe hoping against hope that he’d want to learn. Where he was often embarrassed that he couldn’t read, he didn’t mind when you showed him. Strangely enough, it filled him with pride to know he had a sister who could read. And not only could she read, she actually understood what she read. John came pounding down the stairs like a thunderstorm on a quiet night, “Morning, Shelby’s!”
Finn scoffed and you smiled politely at your loud brother. As quickly as you could, your nose was back in the book, writing up a few notes next to it on a piece of paper. “Nose in a book again, little sister?” he laughed, “You know they don’t give out prizes for being brainy in Small Heath, right?” You frowned at him, but said nothing. Finn laughed a little at his joke. “What did they have you studying this time?” John asked, picking up the poetry book, “When are you ever going to need to know any of this?” Annoyed you took the book back, “Maybe I just want to learn.” “Why?” John asked again. At the same time, Arthur came bounding into the kitchen, all rage and pent-up energy, “When will those bastards ever let us just be! Where’s Tommy? Do I have to do everything on my bloody own around here!?” He was met by three pairs of eyes and a lot of silence. Arthur then focused his attention on you and picked up the same book, “Why is this torn?” It was really starting to get on your nerves, how people kept taking your things and making comments about them. Why couldn’t they just let you study in peace? “The girls at school bully her for studying so much. Taking her stuff and throwing it in the mud,” Finn answered your eldest brother. “Is that right?” Arthur’s face darkened even more. You glared daggers at Finn for that. The last thing you wanted was for your brothers to get involved in all of that. School wasn’t great, but you were fine. John was leaning against the mantelpiece, “Guess they’ve never seen a smart Shelby before.” “Speak for yourself,” Finn grumbled. John laughed out loud now, “Arthur stopped going when he was ten, I was too busy making trouble and Finn here, you can’t even read! Sometimes I wonder where Y/N’s even from!” He was joking, but it still hurt. “Get up!” Arthur motioned to you, “Go on, get up. Let me show you what to do.” Sighing deeply, you put down your work, again, and got to your feet. “Now pay attention little sister. Put up your hands, like this, and square your shoulders like you’re a big broad man.” You felt like an idiot, but tried to take on the boxing stance that he was showing you. “Good, Y/N, good. Now throw a punch,” he said, holding out one hand. Feebly, you hit his hand. Laughter erupted from all angles and you moved again to sit down. You knew your family was into all things violent: races, fighting and booze. You just never understood why. “Go on,” John urged you with a smile on his face, “Punch him in the nose!” Annoyed significantly now, you turned around and flung an arm at him roughly. Arthur ducked just in time and your arm swung over his head, only to make you lose your balance and practically fall into Finn’s arms. Arthur ran a hand through his hair and laughed, “Well there’s some force behind that, I’ll give you that.” John had doubled over laughing, “What are you trying to do, Y/N? Slap him into the next room?”
“Just piss off…” you mumbled, feeling embarrassed more than anything. “Alright, leave her be,” Finn said, looking at you with a little worry in his face. John rubbed his nose, still a smile playing on his lips, but he understood Finn. Quietly he left the kitchen for the betting den, not wanting to upset you anymore. Arthur put a hand on your shoulder before he went out the door, “She’s alright, our Y/N. She’s just different from us.” That you were, but still, it hurt again when he said it. 
*** With each day, you felt more and more isolated from your family. Finn was growing up, just like you, but you were going in different directions. He had his own friends and when they went out to play cards, to drink and smoke or got into other kinds of trouble, you stayed at home. Ada had been gone for ages now, always brooding and always fighting family. John seemed to think you were either hilarious or an embarrassment to the family name, you couldn’t be sure. Tommy was Tommy, and even though he admired you for your intellect, he never said much. Arthur couldn’t understand how someone could be so quiet and calm, so the complete opposite of himself. Aunt Polly tried the hardest on you, always saying you should speak your mind and fight back, but you just felt like an utter disappointment: fighting back simply wasn’t in your nature. This was put firmly to the test the very next week after school. A couple of girls were eyeballing you and you immediately walked away, books firmly clung under your arms for protecting. Their hissed comments about your hair and their laughter rang in your ears. A few blocks away, you sat on a barrel and started reading a new book. Books were your safe place, because in their alternative universe, anything was possible. You could be rich and loved, married even to a man who would take you away from all this mud and smoke. You could be the hero, the fighter, the strongest girl out there. You could be free and people could be proud of you. As your mind had started to detach from your body, floating away on the story you were emerged in, three boys from school approached you. You never even heard them coming. “Hey, darling,” one said to you, and as you looked up, you practically touched noses with him. In panic you looked around, but you’d chosen an almost deserted alleyway for your quiet reading. Why? Why did you do such things? They could see you looking around, “What, no brothers?” they laughed. “They’re around here somewhere,” you said, trying to sound tough, but it all came out a little to meekly. “Y/N Shelby,” this first one said, “All alone in an alley…” The third boy stepped forward and suddenly grabbed the book from out of your hands, “What’s this then? Didn’t know Shelby’s could read…” You jumped up, but he held the book out of your reach. Angrily you tried to push past him, but the other two stopped you. Vaguely, Arthur’s lesson sprang to mind, but your body wasn’t cooperating. “Your brother recently beat mine up,” the boy speaking didn’t sound like he was teasing, as the other two had done. There was no humour in his voice, only malice. You were getting frightened now, “Your John apparently took a shine to his girl and he just took her.” “John wouldn’t do that,” but you weren’t even sure. “Wouldn’t he? What if we took his sister? Just to get even. Would he even care?” As they gained in on you, there was nothing you could think to say. Strangely, all you could manage concerned the book, “I need it back, it’s not mine.” So they ripped it to pieces right in front of you. Time seemed to stop, noises ceased and tears welled up in your eyes. You hadn’t even gotten to the end of the story. “Aw, are you going to cry?” one taunted, “Run and cry to your big bad brothers?” “Do you have any idea of what they’ll do to you!” rage had taken over and you shouted through your blurred vision. But before your sentence was finished, one had grabbed you by the throat and pushed you up against the wall. His fingers dug into your flesh and every cell ached for oxygen. Then he whispered, “See those bits of paper? All that’s left of your precious book? That’ll be you if you say anything of this. Don’t forget, we see you at school everyday and remember who’s not in school? That’s right, the Shelby family.” When he let go, you felt like passing out. Knees buckled at once and you fell down on your hands and knees. A few bits of your beloved book floated past you in the wind and more tears fell into the dirt. “Just when I thought she couldn’t get more ugly…” you heard one of them say, voices drifting off. They walked away. You stayed down, for no idea how long. When you saw the sun was setting, you got up and tried to walk home. Along the way you brushed off some of the dirt, realised your stockings were torn beyond repair and fixed your face best as you could. Just stop shaking, you told yourself, just calm down. Because there was no way your family could know about any of this. 
*** At home, Finn and his friends were sitting at the table. Walking in, their eyes were on you at once. You forced a smile and Finn immediately made room for you at the table. “I’m tired,” you said weakly as an apology, and made your way up the stairs. “Is she alright?” you heard Isiah, Finn’s best friend, ask in concern. Finn shrugged, but he wasn’t at all content with your answer. Upstairs you ran into Thomas. Apologizing quickly, you tried to make a beeline for your room, but he stopped you, “Y/N? Are you alright?” “Fine,” you smiled. Thomas looked at your dishevelled appearance. Then he put a hand on your shoulder, lowered himself a little and made direct eye contact with you, “Tell me.” “I fell, Tom, that’s all. I’m just going to freshen up, alright?” Worry was still written all over his face, but he tried to make a joke for your sake, “Better fix those stockings. Aunt Poll will have you if she sees it…” You looked down and felt a sudden pain in your throat where their hands had been. All of a sudden, the tears were back. You ran off quickly, shut the door to your room and bolted it with a chair. Thomas called your name through the door, but you just replied that you were tired. That you just needed some time alone. 
*** Downstairs, Finn knew something was really wrong. He could feel it, feel how upset you were. He got up and went through your stuff. “Finn, what are you doing?” Isiah asked. “Her school books,” he continued searching, “I just have to check.” “What? Y/N still goes to school? Like, she actually wants to?” another friend laughed. Isiah came to your defence before Finn even could, “So what if she does! She’s smarter than me, smarter the lot of us put together!” Thomas came down the stairs and went straight to Finn, “Did you check her books?” “There’s one missing.” “So something must have happened in school,” he concluded, while lighting a cigarette, “Has this happened before?” Finn kept quiet and looked away from his brother’s piercing stare. “I asked you a question, Finn. I know she probably told you not to tell us, but she’s locked herself in that room. We need to help her somehow, eh? Now, tell me what’s been going on.” “She’s being bullied, Tom,” Finn started, “Girls make fun of her for being smart and the boys, they say she’s ugly and pick on her for being a Shelby.” “She is a bit weird,” the other boy at the table spoke up again. When everyone turned to look at him, he became unsure, but continued, “I mean… who reads that much? And why does she even need to go to school, she’s a girl, right?” Without a word, Tommy put out his cigarette, marched over to the chair and lifted the boy clean out of his seat. In a flash he had opened the door and threw the kid out the door onto his ass, with the words, “Get the fuck out of my house, you little shit.” As the boy had flown into the street and was now lying in the dirt, Tommy pointed at him from the doorway and said menacingly, “Don’t go near my sister again.” He closed the door with a bang. “Good riddance to be honest…” Isiah mumbled softly. Finn couldn’t agree more. “Right, I have a meeting,” Thomas announced, still obviously fuming, “Look after your sister.”
Finn nodded, without any idea of how to do that. Once you’d locked yourself away, there was really no getting through to you. He vowed to try and talk to you over tea. You had to come down to eat, right? 
*** Around that time, you were done crying. Embarrassed over your own tears, you were now mainly angry with yourself. Why couldn’t you just stand up for yourself, like the rest of your family so effortlessly did? The situation kept playing over and over in your head. You could see your book being ripped and you could hear them calling you ugly. Out of pure frustration, you had tried to repair your stocking but ended up making the holes bigger. Fuck it, you thought, and you went downstairs. Aunt Polly was already fixing a meal and luckily, she didn’t pay much attention to you. Finn and Isiah were keeping a close watch however and you did your best not to meet their eye. While you were all eating, there was a weird vibe hanging in the small kitchen. John had joined you all, with his wife Esme, whom you loved deeply. Esme saw everything and had no time for pretending, “Y/N, what happened?” As you were just swallowing a potato, you nearly chocked and everyone looked at you. Polly stopped what she was doing at once and instantly recognised your twin brother’s anxiety. “Nothing,” you avoided, “Long day, ‘s all.” “Do long days often give you finger shaped bruises?” Esme cut through the silence again, reaching out to your throat gently. Your face went bright red. Then you stormed off, back up into your room. For the second time that day, you bolted the door with the chair. This time, no voice came from the other side to try and comfort you. Instead, after a few moments, a loud bang sounded and John made his way inside, marching in over the splinters that was once the chair.
“Tell me his name,” he demanded, “Tell me his name, Y/N, and I’ll fucking shoot him!” God you were so tired of it, but you started crying again. All of a sudden, John had softened and he was by your side in seconds, saying, “Oh come on, girl, please don’t cry. Hey? You know I can’t stand it when you cry…” You sobbed for a few minutes and said, “You always make fun of me. Saying I’m weird. Well I guess I am weird.” “What? No, you’re not weird. You’re one of us.” “No I’m not!” you practically shouted now, “You said so yourself: you said you sometimes wondered where I was from!” “Fuck…” John whispered into your hair, “I’m such a dick. I’m so sorry, Y/N.” Relaxing a little, you leaned into your brother now, “At school, everyone says I’m weird too. They rip up my books, tell me I’m ugly and if I told you…” “Then what?” John held your head a little away from him to look you in the eyes, “Did they threaten to hurt you? If you told us?” You nodded a little and then the whole story just came out. John listened to it all, keeping his temper in check but boiling on the inside. You hadn’t seen this side of your brother in a long time, but it was good. After you’d finished telling him everything, he walked over to the door and called Finn and Isiah up. Then he sat back down next to you, smiling comfortingly. “I don’t belong in this family,” you whispered to him. “Do you know why I sometimes make fun of you?” John asked, “Because I don’t understand what you’re on about half the time. I don’t understand and that’s my problem, right? While we were off fighting the war, you learned how to read. We do what we have to do to protect this family and that means you too. You’re the smartest Shelby there is and when you’re older, I’m going to buy you a house with a library in it,” he grinned at you. No idea what it was, but John’s smile was contagious. You couldn’t help but smile back when he did and you couldn’t help but imagine that house he was describing. “I’ll buy you a castle even, with the biggest library you’ve ever seen. With those twirling stairs and different reading tables in it. And no one will be allowed in, unless you let them. No one will ever touch your books again,” he ended more seriously, “Not even me.” As you gave your brother a hug, you could see Finn and Isiah standing in the doorway. They’d probably been there for a while now. Finn seemed livid, “I’ll fucking cut them, Y/N, I fucking will!” “Finn, there’s no need…” “There is,” John interrupted, “This is what happens when someone messes with a Shelby. We will take care of those boys, don’t you worry about it.” Finn continued, “And we’ll walk you to school from now on.” As much as you apprecieated the gesture, you had no intention of being guarded forever, “I am not some weak little girl,” you protested. “Look at your throat!” Finn blurted out, “There is not a chance in hell we’ll let anything like that happen again!” “Every day, someone will go with you to school and someone else will pick you up. We will all take turns, everyone in this family,” John said again, accepting no argument, “Tommy’s not here so I’m deciding. You’re no longer walking on your own, you understand?” Seeing you were about to protest again, Finn said more gently this time, “Y/N, remember what you said about feeling left out? Like the family keeps forgetting you’re there as well? Maybe they do and maybe we have. Just let us fix it. We’ll protect you, but we’ll also just be with you. Like, they could actually try to get to know you better. Like I know you. You won’t be as lonely anymore.” It’s true what they say. No one knows you better than your twin. “Thanks,” you said softly, looking at them all through your eyelashes.
Isiah just stood in the corner during all of this. When you looked at him, he smiled and nodded encouragingly. “Let’s go, boys,” John got up and walked through the door, “Peaky business to attend to!” Finn turned around to follow him determinedly, after sending you another look filled with love.
But Isiah spoke to you directly for the first time, “Just so you know, Y/N, I’ve always thought you were the most beautiful girl in the whole of Birmingham.”
“Oi! What the hell are you playing at!” John’s shouts came from the hallway. Finn grabbed Isiah and roughly shoved him out of the door, as far away from his sister as he could. But you could do nothing but grin from ear to ear for a few minutes.
And from that moment on, you were never seen walking alone again.
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