#Isola RP ad
frostycoldironwitch · 1 month
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been a hot minute since the last one & so give this a like for a small starter! (Non event related still)
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amoirsetpacis · 5 months
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Long overdue, but here's finally Vash's permanent starter call.
Liking this post means you're letting me know it's okay to hop into your inbox with either memes or whatever random ideas might pop into my head-- and vice versa! It also means that you'd be up for either receiving semi-spontaneous starters or just throwing them like so many rocks in my general direction, whether they be event related or not.
It's also an invitation to create pre-existing relationships with Vash, given some discussion, in the event you want to skip directly past the initial meeting thread.
Finally, it means that even if I post a starter call with a cap, I might ignore the cap for you if we've already worked through some relationship dynamics, hehe.
A list of what I'd be interested in is below the cut! Feel free to either IM me over tumblr or find me on the isola d/iscord as well if any ideas jump out at you!
★ Friends! Most people end up here by default, especially if you've known him for longer than five minutes. He considers a great many people friends, even if they're not close. Vash could make friends with a literal rock if you gave him more than a couple of minutes. But in reality, Vash is the sort of person who either turns others off immediately, or he grows on them like a vine-- whether they particularly want him to initially or not. He has a tendency of worming himself into other people's lives with how much care and love he has to give. He's always willing to lend a helping hand or give advice where he's able. However, he also has a tendency to keep others at arm's length while simply giving them the illusion that they're becoming just as close to him. While he cares so deeply about others, he still has a lot of trouble letting most people get any closer than surface-level with himself. There are very few people who have seen him deeper than he's wanted to allow, and even fewer among those on the island.
★ Frenemies! Despite Vash making a fair few enemies over the course of Trigun, he's also got quite a few antagonists that end up giving him some grudging respect even if they don't agree with his point of view on life. He's got a bad habit of accidentally 'befriending' people who he very much shouldn't-- and by befriending, usually it means he's managed to get himself tangled up in their schemes and has to get himself un-pretzeled. It's just that most of the time this ends up keeping said frenemy alive as well-- or sometimes also accidentally breaking them out of prison. Who's to say. A lot of antagonists end up in this category specifically because of his usual tendencies, even if he remains fairly warry of them. His self-preservation may be in the dumpster, but it's not entirely zero.
★ Enemies! Sorry, you've gone past the point of Vash's high propensity for shenanigans. You've directly threatened someone he loves in ways that he can't easily forgive-- and this is saying a lot, considering he forgave his genocidal twin. He'll still have the belief that you're worth saving, that you are capable of good and change, but he won't sit idly by if those he cares about are threatened, nor will he do so if you treat human life as disposable or lesser-than ( and go on to act upon it ). He is a pacifist though, so more than likely he won't be the first to jump to violence unless it's absolutely called for. Even then, he's committed to being non-lethal; and has significant trauma around when he had been lethal, if you'd like to toy with him about it. There's a chance he'll push himself past the brink of his capabilities, if you find the right buttons to press. One of my favorite categories, because throwing him against the wall like a wet piece of spaghetti repeatedly is one of my favorite hobbies.
★ Interactions with child characters! Vash loves kids, and has a great time horsing around with them, playing games, etc. He's very protective of children while also being just as playful as them if given the chance. He's been treated as a walking-talking-screaming jungle gym on many an occasion, and will often go out of his way to make sure that kids are safe and happy and having a good time. He's already an over-dramatic clown, but with kids it gets even worse just to crack a laugh and a smile out of them.
★ Interactions with humanoid-non-human characters! Some of my favorite threads that I've ever done have been exploring the differences in life; Vash has spent his entire life feeling othered, in some form or fashion, no matter how much he loves humans. He knows he's different, and for a long time considered himself a monster because of it-- and still does, sometimes. At the same time, he's also felt disconnected from others of his kind; before the end of the series, he and Knives were the only independent Plants on their planet, and his destructive powers vary greatly from the creative ones of his immobile sisters. Connections with others that aren't human, that have something else about them, are really interesting for him to explore.
★ Discussions on religion/belief! Challenge him. He doesn't believe in God, not really, and his ideals rub most the wrong way. Despite his bending into grey areas at the end of the series, he's still a pacifist and doesn't believe in the taking of life. Despite his goofy personality and the way he tends to phrase things, he's got a lot of philosophical thoughts-- no matter if they're hesitant to budge or not. A lot of enemies/antagonists tend to get spawned this way, honestly.
★ Annoy the shit out of him. A la Spamton and Zelos. For funsies. Why not.
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forgottendevil · 28 days
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gonna get a follow post up sometime tomorrow/the coming week but!
this is an UNCAPPED STARTER CALL for miss cecilia
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hggsbury · 8 days
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behold… a starter call for wilson ! like this list and i’ll write you a starter of varying lengths capped at 4 ( cast members are exempt ) ( i’ll try to get these done now but they may be later when i get off of work )
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solspectre · 14 days
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alright now that i got more icons made!! consider this a starter call, currently uncapped because i'm excited to write the commander and will be woe, shepard be upon ye to everyone
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archaictold · 17 days
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( OOC. ) hi yeah so i think my brain is fried and in desperate need of small new minis to get goin' again. if u'd like one of those, smack this post with a heart! capped now!
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ciphertone · 5 days
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bill is NAVY BLUE ; representing self hate , avoidance , and emotional repression , all coming from a deep well of depression . side effects include inescapable melancholy , playing your worst moments on repeat , guilt and self destructive thinking , and possibly lashing out at others to try and make yourself feel better . or you can ignore all that and be replaced with a welcoming blanket of despondentcy instead ! or maybe you’re lucky and have a different emotion to cover that up with .
seeing as I’m still out on vacation, these starters will take a few days to get to !! with that and other threads in mind , i’m capping this starter call at 5
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captmercr · 1 month
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time to get this ball rolling :) like this post for a starter ! i'll probably cap it at three for now.
since i already got to the first three relatively quickly i think ill add another three to do when i get back from work !
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infernofcrged · 8 days
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cutely places a starter call down . capping at 4 , cast members exempt ! i'll be putting down a small character introduction and a pinned post by the end of tonight !
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indivines · 15 days
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a lil starter call to get going! no cap for now & feel free to message me if you'd prefer to plot something before we start writing instead <3
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recgistrator · 2 months
and a small uncapped rp ad to get things started here! leave a like if you'd like an non-event, probably short starter!
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grmadon · 24 days
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okay well. i'm still in the process of making icons, but like this for a starter! i'll be leaving this uncapped for the time being, but may close if it starts to get too much! capped thank you!!
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yeahgen · 24 days
you, me, RP?
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driving home tonight so have an rp ad for daggerboy in the meantime aye
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manifcst · 24 days
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aaand i'm ALSO gonna go ahead and post a starter call, uncapped!
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togabcy · 24 days
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hell yeah brother time for a STARTER CALL!!! currently uncapped, but that may change :)
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mewnipendent · 25 days
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heY! i want to get star some homies.... so here's an rp ad! like this to get a starter! uncapped for now... ( will i regret that, probably ) UPDATE: ITS CAPPED AAAAAAAH
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