#It burnt me out so fast back when I'd be churning out responses to asks that I just went dead on here for a while
ratcandy · 2 years
Hey clam be honest
Do you honestly still enjoy AHIT? I’ve noticed a lot of your posts being complaints. If this game is causing mainly negativity I’d suggest you try to drop the interest. Try to focus on interests that actually make you happy. I’m sorry if this comes off as weird but I don’t want you to have to stay in this fandom if all it does is irritate you. You don’t have to cater to us. Do whatever makes you feel best.
Oh worm, I kinda figured something like this would come up eventually.
Do I still enjoy AHIT? - Yes! Uh-huh! I'll be the first motherfucker who jumps on any new content to come out from GFB and I'll consume it readily! I still very much like playing the game and have a great time fucking around in it!
But I think what I enjoy the most at this point is just messing around in my own little versions of the game, plot/story-wise. Fucking around with funny ideas and world-building or my oWn silly character development.
Where most of my complaints come in is well. Yknow. Canon plot and story just frustrates me endlessly, and I think that's been made obvious by the fact I'm writing a whole rant about it. The only other issue with canon being so, uhm, lackluster, is that sometimes fanon or the fandom's interpretations aaarreee nnnott much better - which I think we've all been witness to at one point or another, especially with uhh recent takes - leaving me to just kinda sit here like Well. My city now ig!
So yea. Either canon pissing me off beyond reason or just an interpretation of canon that will (at times irrationally) set me off due to me being an argumentative little pissbaby.
But what I think I should make clear is that I fuckin love debate. Arguing is fun to me. Picking apart what doesn't make sense or outlining why something is wack or wrong is something I find enjoyment in. I love ranting. Specifically in a literature/writing sense because god no do not try to spark argument with me about real world morals or politics or whatever sdKHKJH-- So when I rant and get "mad" and bark and maim and kill over this game oh I'm having a grand old time of it. MmmmOST of the time, because there are certainly exceptions (that has to do more with certain people as opposed to certain game elements, and no, I will not be naming any names because I'm not that much of a bitch lol)
In conclusion yea no, I'm not catering to anyone! I think the fact that I just about readily argue to anything should in and of itself be proof of that pfff I've dropped ahit and meandered around to other interests rather frequently! I just also come back and pick it up again whenever reminded of it. Thinking or ranting about ahit isn't putting any strain on my mental health, don't you worry lmao. If and when I get tired or bored of it I quite easily kick that thing to the curb and go think about zote for a few hours pfff
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