#With hat game specifically it just so happens I get more asks regarding it than most anything else
tealquills · 2 years
70, 90, and 99 for the Writer Ask Game
thank you so so much for the ask!!!
70 - are you very critical of your own writing? how much do you find yourself editing (either during the writing or after the fact)?
i’m critical for sure (though honestly more so with regard to my original writing than anything i’ve posted on ao3). and i’m definitely an edit as i write sort of person rather than a multiple drafts person, especially for fic. i edit quite a lot, but i hate rewriting wholesale unless i decide to change a plot element or something major like that. i tend to edit a lot as i go, and i’m picky about little things.
90 - do you notice your own voice in your writing style?
absolutely. i glanced through my canon divergent wip to find an example and ended up with this:
He had not literally been formed from cobblestones and canal water and fabric scraps from merchers’ hats lost on the wind, but he did consider the city his only parent worth a damn.
it’s much more eloquent than most of the things i say off the cuff, but “he hadn’t literally [x], but [y]” is definitely an estelle esque sentence structure. i think generally it shows up in sentence structure the most—as you can see, i tend to talk in long sentences, and my writing also has that tendency, especially in narration/description (as opposed to dialogue). in dialogue i actually feel like i’ve improved significantly in terms of distinctive character voices. i used to unintentionally write most of my characters with a voice similar to mine, unless i had a specific reason i wanted to pay attention to their voice and make it distinctive (which mostly happened with villains). the thing that helped me break out of that the most was actually online roleplay.
99 - was being a writer a dream of yours since you were little? or did it spring up when you were older? or is it just a hobby?
it’s definitely been a thing with me since i was little. i’m a storyteller at heart, and i always have been, and from a pretty early age one of the ways i channeled that was creative writing. right now it’s just a hobby, both in terms of original work and fanfiction, but in terms of my original work i really don’t know what the future holds. i think i would like to get published one day, but unless i write some kind of harry potter level megahit or life takes an unexpected turn i don’t anticipate becoming a full time or “career” author for a number of reasons. i once heard the advice not to become an artist unless you couldn’t possibly be happy doing anything else (i’ve heard the same advice applied to academia), and i’ve always considered that very solid advice. but as i said, i do think i want to give publishing a try someday, and i think that makes it a little more than just a hobby, if not exactly a job. ultimately, i’m in it for fun and creativity and the power of language and the characters and worlds in my head.
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ratcandy · 2 years
Hey clam be honest
Do you honestly still enjoy AHIT? I’ve noticed a lot of your posts being complaints. If this game is causing mainly negativity I’d suggest you try to drop the interest. Try to focus on interests that actually make you happy. I’m sorry if this comes off as weird but I don’t want you to have to stay in this fandom if all it does is irritate you. You don’t have to cater to us. Do whatever makes you feel best.
Oh worm, I kinda figured something like this would come up eventually.
Do I still enjoy AHIT? - Yes! Uh-huh! I'll be the first motherfucker who jumps on any new content to come out from GFB and I'll consume it readily! I still very much like playing the game and have a great time fucking around in it!
But I think what I enjoy the most at this point is just messing around in my own little versions of the game, plot/story-wise. Fucking around with funny ideas and world-building or my oWn silly character development.
Where most of my complaints come in is well. Yknow. Canon plot and story just frustrates me endlessly, and I think that's been made obvious by the fact I'm writing a whole rant about it. The only other issue with canon being so, uhm, lackluster, is that sometimes fanon or the fandom's interpretations aaarreee nnnott much better - which I think we've all been witness to at one point or another, especially with uhh recent takes - leaving me to just kinda sit here like Well. My city now ig!
So yea. Either canon pissing me off beyond reason or just an interpretation of canon that will (at times irrationally) set me off due to me being an argumentative little pissbaby.
But what I think I should make clear is that I fuckin love debate. Arguing is fun to me. Picking apart what doesn't make sense or outlining why something is wack or wrong is something I find enjoyment in. I love ranting. Specifically in a literature/writing sense because god no do not try to spark argument with me about real world morals or politics or whatever sdKHKJH-- So when I rant and get "mad" and bark and maim and kill over this game oh I'm having a grand old time of it. MmmmOST of the time, because there are certainly exceptions (that has to do more with certain people as opposed to certain game elements, and no, I will not be naming any names because I'm not that much of a bitch lol)
In conclusion yea no, I'm not catering to anyone! I think the fact that I just about readily argue to anything should in and of itself be proof of that pfff I've dropped ahit and meandered around to other interests rather frequently! I just also come back and pick it up again whenever reminded of it. Thinking or ranting about ahit isn't putting any strain on my mental health, don't you worry lmao. If and when I get tired or bored of it I quite easily kick that thing to the curb and go think about zote for a few hours pfff
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vanillafrog · 4 years
I'm Scared to Feel This Way (But You Won't Let Me Run Away)
Pairing: Whiskey x You
Summary: You hated his existence more than anything but once forced to be his trainee, you come to feel a whirlwind of emotions towards Whiskey that overwhelms you completely. Luckily, Whiskey might just feel the same way.
Word Count: 3511
Warnings: angst to smut to fluff, oral sex (f receiving), rough sex, degradation and a bit a praise, unprotected sex (wrap it up, folks), creampie
A/N: I wrote this live in front of my friends so they got to watch me black out and write this lol. Though tbh, writing in front of people real time does make you finish things.
To be a Statesman takes hard work and dedication. Something a lot of people don't have the capability of doing which is why there are only a handful of top agents that will take on students from the Academy to train under them as their ward. There are tons of students who prayed and pleaded for an agent to take them under. Some had very specific tastes on who they wanted.
Most of the people wanted to work under someone they found... ahem aesthetically pleasing. This being the case, Agent Jack Daniels or as others called him, Whiskey, had a swarm of people pleading for him to take them under. Some quite literally.
Yet, here this cowboy stood with an annoying smirk on his face as your professor announced that you would be his trainee. It was an amazing opportunity to have but... fuck that dude. You wished any other agent had chose you and from that stupid look on his face, he knew. He always knew that he drove you batshit whenever he would come guest lecture or stand in for the sparring trainer. It was just his energy that made you feral and not in a way you were particularly used to. The accent, the hat, the cocky attitude made you just want to punch him. But you couldn't. Not without completely throwing away your scholarship that you worked too hard to obtain. No, you couldn't punch.
So you would ignore him. At first, whenever he would flirt at you, you would just turn your head to whoever was next to you to make it seem like you thought it was them he was flirting with. After all, those stupid sunglasses made it difficult to tell who he was looking at anyways. Then he started to not wear them around you. Which truthfully was somewhat endearing but the stupid shit that left his mouth dampened the effect.
Then you had to get creative in ignoring him. He'd flirt, you'd look around you like you were lost before shrugging at him and walking away. Whiskey at first was confused by it (maybe a little hurt if he was honest) but that didn't stop the cowboy. If anything, it seemed to encourage him to want to get in your pants even harder.
Soon it just became walking out of rooms he was in and if you couldn't, you just wouldn't listen to anything he said unless he was lecturing or saying something of use. He would find ways of approaching you, talking to you. Even on one occasion, brushing your arm. That didn't end up well for either of you but that was a story for another time.
Now you're stuck following his hick ass around god's creation for the next few months until you were assigned as an official agent. The first month felt like hell on earth but then he became a somewhat bearable presence. He was still flirty and downright arrogant at times but it did seem like he wanted you to do your best in this field. Something you didn't expect if you were honest but that would be your fault for judging a book by its cover. Half way through your second month with him, you began to notice how your eyes would find him instantly whenever entering a room. You shrugged it off as a force of habit from when you were ignoring him. Then at the end of the month, you noticed how you would actively seek him out in those rooms. That bothered you a little. Made it feel like he was winning some game you barely knew the rules of. But whatever, you just went with it. It's not like it could get particularly worse than that.
Then it did. The first time it happened was after you shadowed him on a mission that went sideways. You both were okay and the mission was successful but the scrapes and bruises, the nearly getting shot exhausted you to the bone. That night in your shared hotel room you both shared a bed even though there were two.
He had offered when he noticed how shaken up you were. You had tried to play it off, seem like some type of bad ass. But he saw through it so you ended up cuddled against his chest that night and he was pleasant. Whiskey didn't flirt or be annoying or anything other than a gentleman. Something so rare to see in him. It was like it broke something in you. Or fixed. Something.
Four months as his ward and you weren't as annoyed with him as you used to be. After rough missions, you even found yourself hugging him or cuddling up in bed. The people who knew your distaste in him from before teased you about how he got you wrapped around his finger. You wished they were wrong but they weren't. He did have you wrapped around his finger and upon realizing it, you were scared.
Being scared means running. At least that's what it meant to you. You didn't exactly avoid him. You couldn't even if you wanted to. No, you just didn't spend extra time with him. After missions, you would force yourself away from him. Away from some kind of comfort that only he could provide. Whiskey didn't say anything at first. Then a month passed and he noticed how distant you were. He couldn't help but wonder what it was that he did wrong. Your interactions before you distanced yourself were normal to your guys' standards. Hell, he was sure you were beginning to feel the same way for him as he felt for you since you first shown you weren't going to fall easily into his charms.
"Hey." It was a late Thursday evening when Whiskey caught you before leaving the building. You looked up at him confused but decided to stop and wait for him to come up to you. "Need a ride?"
"What?" You stared at him bewildered. Sure, there were times where you rode on the back on his motorcycle before but those were always for missions and not so much pleasure. Whiskey smiled shyly at you.
"I just-" He cleared his throat, looking away for a moment before making eye contact again.
"We haven't really spent time together lately so I thought, maybe, I could take you home..." He trailed off for a moment. "Maybe we could order take out?"
"Are you asking me out on a date?" You didn't mean to sound so aghast, you really didn't. He just surprised you. The cowboy never seemed to be the dating type. Hell, him being somewhat shy right now was positively nerve-racking. Whiskey shifted his feet before taking a breathe and giving you a panty dropping smile. "And if I am?"
You stood there for a moment, processing what was happening. There was absolutely no way... there was... Agent Jack Daniels was asking you of all people on a date like a school boy. It broke your heart and repaired it all in a handful of seconds. You didn't even notice that you were staring at him or crying until his rough palms held your cheeks so gently that you were positive you knew what this feeling you were so scared of was.
"Baby," he whispered. "Tell me what I did wrong. Tell me how to fix this." His voice was a desperate plead as hands moved behind your back and pulled you toward his chest. You just sobbed louder, clutching onto him for dear life. He nuzzled your hair with your nose, holding you firmly and making sure there were no wandering eyes to see you in your distressed position. He just knew you would hate for others to see you having a weak moment.
After a few moments where your sobs became softer, Whiskey placed a sweet kiss on your forehead before pulling away. "So sugar," you scoffed at the nickname making him chuckle. "Do I get to take you out?"
"On a date or with a sniper?" You smiled at him getting a loud laugh in response. Your heart clenched at the sound.
"I was hoping a date but if you preferred something else..." Whiskey smelled deviously at you causing an ache in your core. You coughed, looking around at the empty hall around you. "I'm just yanking your chain, baby. As much as I want to have you for dinner, I won't make you do anything you don't wanna."
Fuck, fuck, shit. Why did he make common sense and consent sound so sexy? When did he even cause arousal to spike through you? Maybe this was what you were always feeling towards him. Perhaps that annoyance was an act you held up in hopes of hiding how badly you wanted to save a horse. Didn't matter because you just finished having a mental breakdown over emotions for the same guy who was willing to fuck you even with tear stained cheeks.
You looked back at him, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him towards your face. Your lips barely an inch apart. A groan left his mouth as one hand tangled into the hair on the back of his neck, just pointing out of his hat. "Are you offering to fuck me?"
His hands found your hips, grip tight as he pulled your body into his. His dark eyes shifted behind your eyes, looking for any signs of distress or teasing before leaning towards your ear and whispering, "I was thinking more along the lines of making love..." Your breath hitched. "But if you want me to pound that pretty pussy of yours, all you got to do is ask."
He pulled your ear lobe between his teeth gently before ghosting his nose along your cheek and hovering his lips just above yours. Without thought, you pushed your lips into his roughy. He reciprocated instantly, devouring your lips with no regard for the clanking of teeth. One of his hands trailed up your back and grabbing you at the base of your neck, tilting your head exactly how he wanted so he could tear you apart with his mouth.
You couldn't help the moan that left you as you tried to grind up against him. Whiskey just abruptly pulled away from you, ignoring your whine but smiling at how you chased after his lips.
"As much as I always wanted to fuck you on my desk, I think I would rather see how beautiful you look on my bed." He grabbed your hand before walking to the elevator. He didn't yank or drag you and his grip was firm but loose enough for you to pull away from if you wanted. Despite his filthy words and filthier kissing, he was still being respectful to you. Shit, if that didn't make your pussy throb even harder and your heart proud against your ribs.
Climbing onto his motorcycle was second nature, securing your arms around his waist after strapping on the helmet was a common occurrence. However this time it felt different. Like you were setting something in stone that you weren't really sure of what it was but knew was good.
The ride to his apartment was quick. Probably quicker than it should've been with your hand palming him through his jeans but you weren't going to get into it with him about driving safety. At least not now as he climbs off his bike and quite literally throws your over his shoulder. A laugh tore through you as he stomped his way into his apartment building and the elevator leading up to his floor.
"Oh you thought that little game of yours was cute, baby girl?" His voice a rough growl. "Playing with my cock like that when I'm trying to focus on the road."
"Only a little bit," you snickered at him. In response, he swatted your ass making you moan involuntarily. His grip tightened around your thighs.
"Well I be damned sugar," he ran his hand over where he just smacked, soothing it. "I never would've thought you were so damn dirty but I might've gotten real lucky with you."
Your nails dug into his back when he said that and the cocky bastard chuckled. He caught you with your pants down so might as well try to get the high ground again. "Sir," you whined while wiggling your hips. His breath caught in his throat, obviously thinking you weren't going to play along. "I'll be your good girl."
As soon as the elevator opened, he hauled ass to his apartment, particularly ripping the doorknob off trying to rush inside. Jack didn't even bother setting you down. He just headed straight to his bedroom where he tossed you onto his large mattress where you bounced from the force of it.
You looked up at him with a doe like expression, watching him breath heavily and finally being able to take note of the large bulge formed in his jeans. Jack grabbed your ankles, pulling you so your ass was hanging off the bed and he was the only reason why you didn't fall.
"You going to be a good girl for me?" His hand squished your cheeks and you nodded. His gaze softened for a moment. "You'll tell me when to stop or slow down?"
"Yes sir," you responded back to him as clear as your lust hazed mind would allow you. He nodded before shoving your shirt over your head and yanking your pants off, leaving you in your underwear. You couldn't help but feel self conscious under his appraising gaze. This morning you didn't exactly put on your 'fuck me' underwear. It's not like you knew you were going to end up sleeping with your mentor today though you probably should've. Being a Statesman did mean being prepared for any outcome.
"So fucking pretty," he mumbled more to himself than you. His large hand roamed over your stomach and thighs before his eyes made his way back toward your face. "I really am the luckiest man." "Jack," you whined, pushing your hips up towards his causing him to swat your thigh.
"Wrong name, pretty girl." His fingers found their way to the hem of your underwear.
"S-sir," you corrected yourself. He hummed, pushing his hand down until his fingers found your soaked core. He groaned as he swiped his fingers through your folds making your whimper before he pulled his hand out and popped his fingers in his mouth while holding eye contact with you. The moan he let out was downright sinful.
"Sweeter than sugar and damn near the best thing I've ever tasted." He grabbed the hem of your panties, waiting for your signal. You nodded and he quickly yanked them down your legs before dropping to his knees. He had just barely thrown your legs over his shoulders before he enveloped your heat with his mouth making you arch up into him. "Take off your bra, let me see you play with those beautiful tits."
You instantly followed his orders, throwing the bra somewhere in the room and tweaking your hardened nipples as he tongue flicked at your clit. You cried out as he pulled your closer to his face as he began to roll your sensitive nub around before sucking harshly. There was no way to focus on anything other than the pleasure he was bringing you so you dropped your hands into his hair and pulling on it making him stand up and away from you.
"I don't remember telling you to do that." "I'm sorry, I'm-" You didn't get to finish your half assed apology before Jack hauled you onto the bed and rolled you onto your stomach.
"Hands and knees." You scrambled up instantly. "Since you wanted to act like a little whore, I'll fuck you like one." Behind you, you could hear the clanking of him unbuckling his belt. You couldn't help pushing your hips back towards him making his swat your ass. "Needy little slut."
You had just barely felt the brush of him against your entrance before he was pushing in, stretching you out against his impressive length. He paused half way through, letting you adjust to him. Once he felt your walls relax around him, he quickly thrusted the rest of himself inside making you cry out. You both groaned at him finally filling you to the hilt.
A second passed before he started to languidly thrust. Your head dropped between your shoulders as his cock hit every crevice inside you. Now you knew he had a reason to be so damn arrogant sometimes.
He yanked your head up by your hair. "Pay attention, baby girl." His thrusts turned harsh and fast suddenly. "Because I'm not going to fucking repeat myself." You could barely focus on anything other than stroking of him inside. "You. Are. Mine." He thrusted in time with his words. "No one else gets to feel this tight little pussy of yours. No one else gets to hear this sounds and no one else gets to have your heart."
Your hips moved back into his his, trying to reach that high that you just knew was going to absolutely destroy you. When you didn't respond, he pulled you up by your neck. He held you up against his chest by your throat, not choking you, just holding you there.
"Answer me," he hissed out between his teeth was your cunt clenched around him. You brought your hand up to his, pushing it more against you, trying to encourage him to choke.
"Yours," you breathed out. "Yours, o-only yours." He gave your neck a test squeeze and sure enough, you began thrusting back towards him faster. "Only gonna love you, only you, fuck." You were getting so damn close. Hell, you didn't even notice what you just said but he did.
All the air in his lungs left him. He pulled out, ignoring your whine before pushing you onto your back and covering your body with his. Jack greedily attached his lips to yours as he pushed back into you and resumed pounding your pussy. With one arm holding him up beside your head, the other found it's way between your legs where he rubbed circles against your clit making you finally teeter over the edge.
You screamed out his name against his lips and he fucked you through your orgasm. His fingers didn't stop rubbing your clit under your pushed them away but he didn't stop his harsh thrusts. He just moved that arm parallel to the other one as he pushed himself closer towards his release.
"Where?" He groaned out, thrusts turning sloppier and harder.
"Inside." He loudly inhaled before dropping his head into your neck and leaving multiple kisses and bites between praises of "such a good girl" and "made just for me" along other things muffled against your skin.
His nose pressed into your pulse as he throbbed inside of you, feeling you with his seed. A drawn out moan fell from his lips along with a chant of your name. He rocked inside you for a bit before staying still and kissing you gently.
Now that the lust had been satisfied, he was able to hold you under him and show you exactly how he felt. He pulled his lips away from yours and brushed hair out of your face. You gazed up at him with tired but loving eyes. Jack couldn't help but smile at you and places kisses whether he could reach. Mouth, nose, forehead, cheeks.
"I don't know what made you cry earlier," he started, lips pressed against your cheek. "But I promise, baby girl, that I'll do my best by you."
"I know, Jack," you fingers massaging his scalp. "And I promise to be my best for you as well."
He pulled away to hover over you, a smirk tugging at his lips. "Does this mean I get to bang you on my desk?" You laughed at him, making you both temporarily hiss when you squeezed around his softened cock inside you. "One day but for now, let's cuddle."
"Anything for you." He pulled out of you , rolling onto his back and pulling you on top of him. His heart beat was steady against your ear and clearer than anything had been in your life.
Agent Jack Daniels was an annoying son of a bitch. Since you met for the first time, he had gotten on your last nerve but somehow he ended up wiggling his way into your heart. Even more bizarre, you were in his as well. So maybe your professor allowing you to work under him was a good idea after all. Agent Whiskey was one of the best in the field to learn from and now you knew for a fact that he was going to be the best to take care of your damaged heart. You could only hope to be able to cherish his properly in return.
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akutagawasbitch · 4 years
Aku, Atsushi, Chuuya, Higuchi, and whoever u want--how do they act when they're black out drunk??? Absolutely shit faced?
Of course my love, I had so much fun writing these. Let the crack commence <3
As we all know he can fly but when he's drunk he'll fly into shit all the fucking time. The side of a building, random walls, the window of his penthouse. You name it he's probably flown into it and face planted it while drunk
He also suffers from short man syndrome and will not hesitate to punch anyone. He has been kicked out of many bars for throwing the bartender when they cut him off
He likes to flirt but when drunk, he turns into a mess. Slurring his words, mixing up pickup lines and or just forgetting how to speak. It's all happened to him before but if dazai is around? He turns into the best womanizer in all of Yokohama for the sake of his pride
His favourite drunk food is ramen, he'll make shitty 99 cent ramen in his penthouse and devour it
His normally refined palette goes out the window
While he can be aggressive, if you're friendly to him, Chuuya will be your friend and be an absolute sweetheart back. He's made many a friend on drinking nights who he never remembers but they remember him
Amazon and drunk Chuuya are his wallet's greatest enemy
He will spend hours scrolling through and buy himself the stupidest shit ever
He once bought a massive playhouse because he wanted one
He'll also buy himself hats
Buys ridiculous shit and has it delivered to Dazai's apartment
One time he had hair removal cream disguised as shampoo order and dazai used it
Loves to dance while drunk
He will fucking get down with any song and is amazing at dancing
Loves going to karaoke bars, gets super into it. He will sing any song and is always surprisingly good at it. 
Passes out super quickly and easily so he never stays out too long 
Doesn’t like drinking too much as it reminds him of when him and Oda would go to Lupin together.
When he’s drunk, he swears he can hear Oda talking to him telling him what an idiot he’s being. 
He’s either an incredibly happy and elated drunk or a horribly suicidal depressed drunk. It depends on how much he has to drink. If he’s tipsy, he laughs a lot and feels a genuine sense of happiness, not the fake happiness he feels most of the time. If he is blackout drunk, he’s depressed and highly suicidal but in a more serious way. No more mushrooms or trying to drown himself, he goes for knives and pills but he always wakes up.
He will trip a lot and be incredibly clumsy when drunk. His bandages come undone which he doesn’t notice causing him to trip on them. This happens regularly 
When drunk he’s more prone to bumping his head on things since he isn’t paying attention. Ceilings, fans, lights, door frames. No matter what drunk dazai is a tall bastard with no spatial awareness
His flirting goes through the roof when drunk. He will flirt with anything that moves, he does not care. 
You know what else goes through the roof when he’s drunk? His d- appetite. This man can rival Kenjii or Atsushi in how much he can eat when drunk. He orders 6 different plates of crab and devours them like he’s never eaten in his life. 
His self restraint goes out the window and he’ll go break into Chuuya’s apartment just to mess with him and steal his hat or something along those lines. Drunk Dazai loves to fuck with people. 
He’s also more relaxed and will happily let Naomi or Yosano do his makeup if they asked nicely enough. He’d brag about how he’s the “prettiest princess of them all” before passing out
You think Akutagawa has no filter? Wait until you meet drunk Akutagawa. This man doesn’t even know what a filter is. 
He deadass looks at Chuuya and stares at him before commenting “You’re short” with a deadpan look. 
He also has a surprisingly high tolerance and enjoys strong alcohol over wine. 
His lack of filter gets him into trouble more often than not and he gets into fights a lot. He actually uses his fists while drunk over using Rashomon mainly because he can barely speak a word without hiccuping 
He has trouble speaking, he either hiccups through every sentence or slurs his words to the point where they are unintelligible 
He is more chatty than normal but don’t expect a Dazai or Chuuya level of chatter. 
He likes to drink spiked teas 
He does enjoy drinking with others and enjoys accompanying Chuuya on nights out
He will devour a massive bowl of curry while drunk. He rarely eats when sober but when drunk? He’ll eat anything put in front of him
He is still pretty quick on his feet and agile but he is prone to falling over
He literally once woke up Gin because he fell over their couch when walking into their apartment and he just lay on the floor cursing out the sofa
He’ll roast the fuck out of Dazai and Atsushi while drunking and make various death threats
Aku ends up being rather protective of others while drunk and has scared of a number of creepy men making advances on uninterested women, he’s like a guard dog in that regard 
He will pass out fairly quickly once he gets home, refuses to pass out anywhere other than his bed 
As we found out in the PM Onsen CD, Higuchi cries when she’s drunk. She’ll cry over a cute puppy or cry over a mission going wrong or she’ll just cry because she got praise from Akutagawa. 
She also will talk for hours on one specific topic. Either its Akutagawa or something completely random. She’ll rarely talk about her sister but when she’s drunk she’ll open up more about her and tell everyone how much she loves her sister. 
She is also a lightweight and will pass out fairly quickly 
She likes sweet things when drunk and will eat something sweet that’s near her. 
She also has to hold Akutagawa back from fighting people or prevent him from getting punched because his no filter talk insulted the wrong person 
She isn’t an aggressive drunk but an emotional one. 
Gin isn’t a big talker, but she’ll talk more if she is drunk drunk and comfortable enough with the people she is drinking with 
She will laugh a lot while drunk and smile but it's hard to tell with her mask on 
Gin as we all  know is insanely fast and agile but when she’s drunk? All her agility goes out the window and she will face plant the floor if she tries any of her tricks.
I think she has a sweet tooth, so I can see her enjoying mochi ice cream while drunk
She also would love to watch people do karaoke, she won't participate since she’s too shy but seeing Chuuya and everyone else do it makes her laugh so hard her sides hurt
She lets out her more soft side and tries to pet all animals she sees
She once stole a duck and brought it home, Akutagawa wasn’t happy 
He will be a mess
100% a giggly drunk, he’ll find everything funny, even Kunkida’s dad jokes.  
He’ll accidently activate his ability and be walking around with a tail and not even notice it. 
Speaking of his tail, when drunk he likes to chase it as he gives into his more cat like tendencies, Dazai has a video of Atsushi chasing his tail for a good 20 minutes  
This boy will devour an entire restaurants worth of chazuke, if he could while drunk 
He likes to climb trees and he’s good at it, Kunida once found him at the top of a tree curled up asleep 
He’s also more blunt and will roast the fuck out of Akutagawa 
He also roasts Dazai a little bit but not as much as Akutagawa
He likes to transform into is tiger form and nap when drunk
He’d probably curse and then say fuck because he cursed and then just spiral into a stream of fucks 
He will try catch cats to cuddle, he once followed a cat two blocks just to pet him
I imagine him enjoying amusement parks so he’d go to once while drunk and have the time of his life until he got nauseous on the rides 
I also imagine he like play video games so when drunk he’ll do that and have the time of his life
Suddenly sweet baby atsushi is cursing and swearing like a sailor
He’ll pass out pretty quick and once he’s passed out, he’s out like a light for the rest of the evening.
He likes his alcohol delivered in baked goods
He will try drunk bake/cook
He will pass out quickly and just cuddle his own sweater
He tries to flirt with women but naomi does not like it
My man will be shirtless trying to make a souffle at 2am
This was so fun to write, I’m sorry it took so long but I hope you enjoy this crack <3 
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light679 · 3 years
Hey hun! Dunno if you're taking requests at the moment... but I saw that analysis on Leon's room and it got me thinking... what would Leon's early travels be like while he was taking the gym challenge? I feel like we didn't get to hear to much about it, other than Sonia saying a few things, but I was wondering what your take on it would be? Feel free to ignore this ask if you've got a lot going on at the moment! But thank you if you end up answering! ^^
Hello there! This ask makes me seriously happy! I’m so glad you liked my post about his room! I love thinking about young Leon and his gym challenge, I see so many pictures of him on Pinterest of him as a youngster with Charmander and I die of cuteness every time, so here's some hc's of mine to go along with this! :3 Thank you for such a lovely ask!
So first of all, I sort of hc that Leon and Sonia took the Gym Challenge the same year as Raihan, so all three of them became pretty close friends during this. Leon and Raihan probably met at the opening ceremony or at one of the gyms at hit it off, constantly arguing in a playful way about who was going to be stronger. 
The Wild Area was definitely a struggle for Leon. Sonia and her Yamper leading him to the right path, as she mentioned in the game? Definitely happened here 😂. Sonia probably did her best to not let him out of her sight, but of course when Leon gets excited about something, or saw a Pokemon he really wanted to catch or battle, he would just run off at a moment’s notice. He caught a lot of cool Pokemon that way, but often had to call Sonia on his Rotom phone to have her come find him, who gave him a light scolding later on lol. 
Leon learns how to cook in the Wild Area while he’s camping and such, but isn’t necessarily the best. He’s decent at making spicy foods, which are his favorite, although the reason they’re likely better than his usual is that he puts a lot of spices in to mask any other imperfections since the focus is mainly on the spice when you eat it. Sonia does a lot of their cooking. Raihan is a little more independent and does his own thing, but will pop in every once and while and set his tent up near theirs. Sonia and Leon set their tents up at the same camping spot together virtually every night to keep Leon from getting lost and to just have a friend nearby. In my opinion, Sonia develops a slight crush on him at least once over the course of their Gym Challenge, but it never really goes further than that. Leon’s so focused on his Gym Challenge and eventually Sonia realizes this, so she gets over it pretty quickly. 
In his journey, there’s probably a few spots that Leon really likes. Of course, the Wild Area is something he absolutely loves. It gives him a chance to get really strong and meet strong Pokemon, which as we know is something Leon really puts care in. Particularly the Lake of Outrage is a favorite of his. There’s a lot of really strong and interesting Pokemon there, and the Pokemon that come out of hiding in the different weather is incredible to him. And is also probably where he met his Dreepy, which he evolved into Dragapult. He also probably really likes the cold, mountainous area leading up to Wyndon. There’s quite a few strong Pokemon there too, and he can just feel how excited and eager those Pokemon are to join in some exciting battles, maybe feeding off the energy that comes from the city nearby. 
Which of course brings me to Wyndon. I hc that Leon absolutely loved the city life at first. Compared to Postwick, it’s so bustling, exciting and new to him, with a lot of people excitedly talking about Pokemon battles and the upcoming challenge. It matches his own passion and excitement for battles and the Championship Cup in a way a lot of the other places along his journey didn’t. Hammerlocke was probably the closest thing to matching his excitement, although it still had a different atmosphere that didn’t quite match his, although he was incredibly excited to see all of the history-related things in the city. Leon’s room is a clear indication that he IS smart, and that he enjoys learning new information. Just like he did with Pokemon, he also most likely went to all of those historical spots in the towns to learn about Pokemon, something a lot of challengers may not have done. Obviously in Sword and Shield you do since you’re helping Sonia make discoveries, but in reality, unless you have a strong passion for learning and history/science/etc, a Gym Challenger could easily breeze by something like that and ignore it. But Leon, despite being incredibly excited for his own journey, most likely dragged Sonia to all of these exhibits and areas to learn more about the history of Galar and Pokemon, in part because he hopes it will help him learn about Pokemon to make him stronger and in part for him to just continue learning. Seeing these places eventually makes something click for Sonia and she ends up being thankful that he’s brought her along to them. 
Naturally, every time they stopped in a city that had boutiques, Leon was quick to pick up a new hat. He picked up a new hat in just about every city he could. He might even have done it as a ‘reward’ for himself for winning a battle. Like, once he beat a Gym Leader, he treated himself to a new hat. Eventually Sonia noticed his bag being so full, seeing that it was full of caps and made him send some home. Partly to make sure he had room to carry actually important things with him and partly because it would damage the caps. Sonia liked fashion and clothes too, and would hate to see Leon ruin his new clothes too. After her lecture on how he was damaging the caps, Leon almost always had them sent home unless he wanted to swap it out. His fashion sense in buying other clothes was still absolutely atrocious, but still adorable. 
The Gyms were fairly easy for Leon, breezing through most of them, except one: Melony, who would have been old enough to still be Gym Leader during that time. Not only did he have a few dragon types that were pretty well damaged by Melony’s ice types, but her Gigantamax Lapras wasn’t weak to Charizard, and was in fact, strong against it being an ice and water type. Leon also doesn’t typically seem to use electric types, and there’s a solid chance that his Charizard wouldn’t have known electric-type moves by then (I hc he probably did some special training for that to happen/Pokemon have to go through some special training with Pokemon of that type to learn moves outside of their specific typing). He still won on his first try, but it was a very close match. The dragon-type leader was also probably a bit of a tougher match for him since dragons usually aren’t weak to fire, but still less of a challenge than Melony. 
Leon’s definitely the challenger that a lot of other Gym Challengers look up to and admire, and with him being favored to win their year, though Raihan comes in as a close second. A lot of people loved his adorable Charmander, but he was certainly seen as incredibly ‘cool’ once his Charmeleon evolved into Charizard. Charizard isn’t exactly a common Pokemon in Galar, coupled with it being incredibly strong, people grew fascinated by it very quickly. 
Their match during the quarter finals is really close and intense: Leon beating Raihan by just a hair. Many people were incredibly impressed by their match, for both men. Raihan was offered a position at the Hammerlocke Gym almost immediately after their match, and Leon received several proposals for endorsements contingent on his win against the Champion. Despite how intense their exhibition matches were in the subsequent years, many people still regard their quarter finals matches as one of the best matches in Galar history. There’s probably a rerun screening of it whenever Gym season pops up each year honestly. 
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hyperfixationtimego · 4 years
IDK IF YOU MEANT JUNKO IS HER GF AND BEST FRIEND BUT!!! Celeste/Kyoto friendship, they’re both man haters 💜 /j
I remember a game night thing back then, Clue reinvigorates Celeste’s interest in murder mysteries and she honestly impresses Kyoto when she tricks Togami into revealing his cards (mainly questioning his truthfulness/credibility)
After that, Kyoto and Celeste try to find videos, games, and books of murder mysteries to solve, but with Celeste able to figure out who’s lying and Kyoto’s detecting ability, they’re unstoppable. Junko likes to nitpick the murder mysteries too, even though she likely has no idea who the murderer is.
After a while of their regular things being too easy, one day they walk into the kitchen area to find Chihiro and Sonia (again no idea if this is in character but her cosplayers are always cute) putting some fake blood on Ibuki. Makoto is upsetting the area, like knocking over the knife holder and such. They’re super confused, until Makoto says (very unconvincingly) “:O someone killed Ibuki!!! you guys gotta figure it out”
That becomes the new regular thing, like every other week they make a new murder mystery for the two and they have to solve it (including the fact that some stuff will be inaccurate, and just how the group thinks it would happen). Peko isn’t that fond of it, but she’ll do it if Chihiro gives her the 🥺 look, and both Miu and Leon absolutely love the chance to play characters (I forgot her name but if Peko does it, Tsumugi/blue hair will do it too, she just prefers to be the victim) - queer eye anon
and yes yes they are 😌
and also !! legit 👀 like. it pisses Togami off to no end (seriously, how did she do that?? how could he be tricked so easily???) but Kyoko’s like “,,,,,oh my god,,,,,,,,such manipulation,,,,,,,such incredible deductive skills,,,,,”
long story short kirigiri develops a squish (platonic equivalent of a crush) on this weird mean goth bitch and just starts hanging around her more often until eventually Celeste is like,,,,,,,,,fine, if I simply MUST adopt you as a best friend, I suppose I will, seeing as I have ABSOLUTELY NO CHOICE in the matter :)
so they start spending more time together, and Kyoko’s usually the one who’s like “hey I found another murder mystery thing we could try-” to which Celeste’s response tends to be more lighthearted “oh, very well, if I absolutely must-”
It’s incredible - no piece of mystery media stands a chance against them <3
also a little off topic and might be a bit ooc, but I think we should all consider buzzfeed unsolved!kyoko and Celeste because that just seems goddamn hilarious to me ndndbdbdbddbd
and BDBSB YEAH THEY’RE SO SWEET?? Makoto came up with the idea, but Sonia and Chihiro are absolutely essential to the operation as a whole.
Sonia’s interest in serial killers provides a necessary take for the psychological perspective of real life cases, so they know for certain it’ll be stimulating for the detective of the two, meanwhile Chihiro’s brainpower allows for both creative and logical placement of clues, red herrings, and more!
Plus, all three of them are absolute sweethearts that most people have trouble saying no to <3 (they’ve even gotten Byakuya to participate once or twice! Celeste and Kirigiri were both delighted and bewildered!)
THEY ALSO GET OUMA INVOLVED BECAUSE HE’S THE ONLY ONE THAT EVER GIVES CELESTE ANY TROUBLE IN DECIPHERING LIES FHSBSBDBSBS (she usually gets it right on account of her own luck, and if she gets it wrong, It tends to be either salvageable or ambiguous enough that she can pretend she was right and nobody can tell they were ever on the wrong track)
Miu pretends like she needs fujisaki, nevermind, and naegi to beg her for her participation, but she’s honestly more than willing because!!! She gets to yell and be loud and have fun and play weirdos!!!! And sometimes she even invents new things for practical effects, just ‘cause she can! And she knows it makes her friends happy!
Leon’s a pretty good actor until Celeste stares him down - then he immediately either loses his nerve or fucks something up ❤️
and dhsbsbdbsbdb Peko!!!! Peko and Fuyuhiko get involved because a) chihiro gave them both the 🥺 face, as you said, and b) fuyuhiko,,,,,,,thinks the concept,,,,,,,,is fun,,,,,,,👉👈 but shut up he’d never admit that!!!
Tsumugi makes costumes!!!! And totally loses herself in the roles!!! She gives the BEST performances, and Celeste and Kyoko are often left sitting there like “wow ok” because hdbdbdvdvdvdvdvddv????
They get Nagito involved a lot, both due to his luck and the fact that he’s very easy to convince (and often comes up with more cool ideas for the scene of the crime/evidence/general concepts!) though, if he’s involved, then Hajime needs to be as well, becauee everyone can only take maeda’s self-deprecating bullshit for so long until they need someone to shut him up hdbdbdbdb
Hiyoko acts like she thinks it’s dumb, but actually really wants to be included 🥺 👉👈 so mahiru takes it upon herself to “force” her into helping
Sakura and Hina love to help however they can! :D I don’t rlly have anything specific for them, I simply think they’re very cool and would be very eager to help because they love their friends <3
Sayaka is INCREDIBLE when it comes to thinking up “murder” plots! Motives, manipulation, the likelihood of certain actions being taken.....+ due to her high intuition, she’s able to discern what types of things kyoko and celeste prefer during their little games! She also provides insight into emotional response for the actors, which helps to make it a lot more immersive!
Mikan gets very very very nervous as a performer and is usually very unreliable in that aspect, but she gives pointers on whether or not certain wounds would be enough to kill a person! She also provides emphasis on vital organs and helps with anatomical accuracy!
Gundham adores being able to give monologues, and the three in charge of everything do their best to give him macabre, weird roles so he can speak and confuse the two girls to his heart’s content ❤️
if they ever need to talk to chiaki during an investigation, they usually need to wake her up, or get her to stop playing a video game (which she’s not supposed to be playing!!!!) in order to interrogate her (she also forgets a lot of the details and evidence she’s supposed to give them shdbsndbsnsb)
she also likes to give chihiro ideas for plots and things, though mostly uses her games as inspiration !
Shuichi and kyoko are friends so he’s like “yyyeah okay I’ll do it” and so by the same token, Kaede is automatically (and emphatically!) involved as well
Kirumi gets involved because if it’s a request, she’ll do it 💛 plus she kinda loves being involved with this stuff ngl jsnsbsn meanwhile ryoma is like this is dumb but if it’ll make u guys happy then I guess I have no choice
Maki’s pretty difficult to convince, ngl, but if kaito pesters her enough, she might drop by to give her two cents on some of the most plausible and effective methods of getting rid of evidence, as well as what she would do if she were in the position of the murderer (makoto and co. are like wow maki thank u very cool we are absolutely terrified)
shinguji makes it a point in the anthology to embarrass himself at the drop of a hat for his friends’ benefits regarding things like this, so they’re obviously in hbdbdbd plus they love being able to study kyoko and celeste’s behavior while working on each “case,” because without a doubt they are two of the most interesting specimens of human thought patterns and processes he’s ever SEEN <3
since it’s for the sake of two girls, Tenko’s very excited to do whatever Sonia or Chihiro asks of her (she’ll do things that Makoto asks, too, but it takes some convincing....) and Himiko.....isn’t a particularly convincing liar to begin with, but her experience with stage trickery comes in handy pretty often! (though they have to practically drag the information out of her shdbsndn)
Angie agrees to participate on the grounds that all of her characters get to bring up and endorse Atua. she gets picked for murder victim quite a lot bsbssbdb
also highkey 👀 the canon cases get re-enacted at some point (for the first game’s third case, they actually let Celeste be in on it as a little treat for Kyoko! it was absolutely bonkers and they both had literally so much fun!!!)
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auxiliarydetective · 3 years
Inari's Bonds to different Straw Hats
In my first post on Inari, @mondfahrt asked some questions on details regarding what it would be like if Inari were bound to specific Straw Hats. I actually didn't put too much thought into much except the elements and abilities given to her by her nakama and the smaller details I wrote down in the last post came to me by writing, so those questions really got my brain going. I love overthinking things and detailing my OCs and stories, so I acted accordingly.
Have all the details I could currently think of regarding Inari's bonds with all the Straw Hats (yes, including Jinbe, though he'll definitely get the shortest paragraph since she hasn't known him for long). The changed appearances are also included. It's mostly just the hair and eye color that changed, but there can be other changes too. The way this happens doesn't go by what looks pretty. It's the same for every master. Because of this, Inari has preferences regarding who she likes being bound to. For example, she might not like the hair color or other appearance changes she ends up with.
Once again, this is a long post
Monkey D. Luffy
One of the questions asked was Luffy's opinion on someone being bound to him. At first, he didn't like it. At all. He hated the thought of having a servant or anything of that kind. This even went so far that he wanted to leave Inari behind on Skypea. The other Straw Hats convinced him not to do this, but he still had a difficult relationship with Inari had first. However, as she started to become a part of the crew and became more individualistic. He never gives her orders, at least not more than he would to other crew members.
Inari being bound to Luffy looks like this:
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Her elemental powers are Air (pre-timeskip) and Fire (post-timeskip) and the special ability she gets from Luffy is increased agility, which she nicknamed Rubber Rebound (ゴムのリバウンド/Gomu no Ribaundo).
Some attacks she uses in this bond are Gum-Gum Storm/ゴム ゴム の 荒れ/Gomu Gomu no Are (a quickfire attack of air projectiles, similar to Luffy's Gum-Gum Gattling) and Gum-Gum Fire/ゴム ゴム の ファイア/Gomu Gomu no Faia (a fire ball that bounces off the ground and walls like rubber; imagine the fire flower powerup from the Super Mario games).
A weird habit she picks up from Luffy is always jumping on top of things, like pillars, walls and trees to look into the distance. Or just for fun. She also tends to eat a bit more, and her preference changes to sweets and treats with gelatin.
Roronoa Zoro
Zoro never really minded Inari being bound to him. Being an honorable man and a swordsman, he understood the concept of her devil fruit a bit better, especially how her masters were determined. Unlike Luffy, he does give Inari orders, but he sees her more as a student than a servant. When she's bound to him, he usually trains with her, making him the only one who actively encourages her to copy the fighting styles of others, believing it to be a good way to learn. He keeps an eye on her in battles if possible, but also believes in her abilities to protect herself.
When bound to Zoro, Inari looks like this:
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The elemental powers she gains from Zoro are Earth (pre-timeskip) and Air (post-timeskip) which she herself deems a very powerful combination because it allows her to essentially control the battlefield, both on the ground and in the air. Zoro's special ability is increased strength, which Inari nicknamed Gorira/剛力 (the kanji mean "herculean strength") after one of Zoro's attacks.
Going after Zoro and his Mutoryu/Ittoryu/Nitoryu/Santoryu naming scheme, Inari names her attacks Mu Tessen Ryu (No Fan Style), Ichi Tessen Ryu (One Fan Style) and Ni Tessen Ryu (Two Fan Style) respectively. An example of this would be Ni Tessen Ryu: Dragon Twister (二鉄扇流: 龍巻き/ Ni Tessen Ryu: Tatsu Maki) which is basically Zoro's Tatsu Maki but with fans instead of swords or Mu Tessen Ryu: Yomi's Gate (無鉄扇流: ヨミの門/Mu Tessen Ryu: Yomi no Mon) which is an attack where Inari makes the earth crack open to swallow her enemies whole. Yomi is the underworld of Japanese mythology.
Inari under Zoro's influence is VERY sleepy. She tends to get lost more easily and is more likely to actually go melee on her enemies and slash them instead of using her powers.
Nami was very happy to have a servant at first and did actually order her around to get her drinks and things like that, but she stopped the more they got to know each other.
When bound to Nami, Inari looks like this:
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Nami's elemental traits that she gives to Inari are Water (pre-timeskip) and Fire (post-timeskip) and her special ability is an inner log pose which Inari nicknamed Seagull Pose (鴎の指針). It allows her to find the next island over without fail, but usually never comes in handy.
Some of Inari's Nami-inspired techniques are Cyclone Blaze Tempo (サイクロン ブレイズ テンポ), a barrage of bullet-like water droplets, and Steam Tempo (スチーム テンポ), a defensive wall of steam to allow for escape or coverage.
Already being an emotional person, Inari is easily angered under Nami's influence. She also tends to be a bit greedy and is attracted by shiny things.
Usopp is glad to have Inari. She's more of a fighter than he is and so the servant-master relationship is great for him, giving him more protection. This doesn't mean that she's a tool to him or just a way of protection. He appreciates her as a person too.
Inari under Usopp's influence looks like this:
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The abilities Inari gets from Usopp are Air (pre-timeskip) and Earth (post-timeskip), as well as Finger Guns (フィンガーガン). These work just the way you would imagine them to, allowing Inari to shoot projectiles from her fingers. These are either gusts of air or tiny stones.
Inari's fighting style is very different when she's bound to Usopp and mostly relies on her Finger Guns and defensive or evasive techniques. She sticks to Usopp's side mostly, providing cover for him while he's sniping or using her powers to amplify his range or the speed at which he fires. This technique is called Booster Star (増幅器 星). A frequent protective measure is Aiolos's Blessing (アイオロス の 恵み / Aiorosu no Megumi), which is a sort of bubble of strong wind that protects anyone inside it from projectiles and anything light enough to be blown away. Another common technique is one known as Plan Alpha (プラン アルファ / Puran Arufa) in which Inari creates a large cloud of dust to hide behind and help her and her allies escape.
When bound to Usopp, Inari mostly avoids fights and becomes a very convincing liar - something that she possibly has a natural talent for as her twin sister Pudding is an amazing liar and actor. She shows interest in gardening and inventing and is usually seen accompanying Usopp at whatever he does which is something she usually doesn't do with her other masters.
Vinsmoke Sanji
No, Sanji didn't have any perverted thoughts about this master-servant relationship. He would never abuse Inari like that. His first thoughts were a lot more wholesome. Instead, he sees it as his responsibility to protect Inari, even more so than with other women. He takes very good care of her and makes sure that she's okay at all times. Sometimes, he does give orders, but only to make sure Inari stays out of too much danger. For instance, he would order her to leave a battle if he knows she wouldn't win or otherwise orders her to do something important if she would be too stubborn otherwise.
Inari bound to Sanji looks like this:
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Could be siblings, honestly. She looks a bit like a younger Sora with three eyes.
Inari gets the abilities of Fire (pre-timeskip) and Air (post-timeskip) from Sanji, as well as increased acrobatics which Inari has dubbed Lindy Hop (リンデイ ホップ / Rindei Hoppu) after the athletic ballroom dance with its high jumps, twists and flips.
While bound to Sanji, one of Inari's techniques is called Quickstep Escalator (クイックステップ エスカレーター / Kuikkusuteppu Esukareta) and it's virtually the same as Sanji's Sky Walk, allowing Inari to scale heights in a short time. Whenever Inari uses her Fire abilities while bound to Sanji, she prefixes techniques with Amour Brûlant (not doing the katakana for this because I have no freaking clue, but the pun here is crème brûlée).
Inari is very likely to fall in love and be vocal about her affections when bound to Sanji. One of the sweetest states she could be in. YOu can often find her in the kitchen, alone or with Sanji, making treats.
Tony Tony Chopper
Chopper didn't have a special opinion on Inari and her servitude and didn't expect he'd ever become her master anyway. One thing that was always clear, however, was that he would never actually get into the master-servant dynamic. He still treats her as his equal, no matter if she's his servant or not and only gives her order for medical reasons.
Okay, get ready, because Inari looks super cute when bound to Chopper:
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Look at her! She has the blue nose! That's one of the things that happens when she's bound to non-human species. I could have definitely done a better job at portraying the nose, but it is what it is for now. Thanks to being bound to Chopper, along with gaining control over Earth (pre-timeskip) and Air (post-timeskip), Inari can understand animals, but she can't talk to them. This has allowed her to befriend some foxes that she adores beyond imagination.
I honestly have no clue what techniques Inari could use while bound to Chopper as all of Chopper's techniques are bound to transformations and direct attacks. Possibly, she would stay behind and put up walls of rock to make a sort of safe space for emergency medical treatments.
Chopper-bound Inari loves cotton candy and is childishly sweet and clingy.
Nico Robin
Robin and Inari's master-servant relationship is more of a sibling relationship. Inari loves her siblings and searches for somebody to look up to and see as her older sibling whenever she's not at home. Robin knew and understood this pretty much immediately and gave her exactly what she needed. She's protective of Inari and very caring towards her, acting as a mentor, caretaker, sibling and friend.
When bound to Robin, Inari looks like this:
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Okay, now it's time for the big ones! Getting the elements out of the way, Robin gives Inari the powers of Water (pre-timeskip) and Earth (post-timeskip). But now for the special ability. This was one of the questions asked too and the answer is: Yes! Kinda. She can understand them but she can't put it in words. So she knows what the poneglyphs mean. She understands them even in the details. But she couldn't translate them even if she wanted to.
Inari's techniques when bound to Robin are called Hands of Water (水の手 / Mizunote) and Hands of Earth (地球の手 / Chikyunote) respectively. She usually relies on grabbing, sweeping and slapping her enemies, imitating Robin's techniques in the process.
When bound to Robin, Inari is a lot calmer than usual and seems to really enjoy reading.
Franky wasn't there when Inari joined the crew and so he didn't have the same first reaction opportunity as the others. But he has had subordinates before, in a way, with the Franky Family. Similarly to Robin, he sees Inari as a sort of younger sibling, but in a Franky way if you know what I mean. Much more even-leveled than with Robin. While Robin would be the one to actually teach younger siblings if she had any and act as a second mother, Franky supports their chaotic nature.
When bound to Franky, Inari looks like this:
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Franky enables her the powers of Fire (pre-timeskip) and Earth (post-timeskip) and the ability to understand any mechanical device by looking at it, meaning she can disassemble, repair, sabotage and control it to her will. This makes for amazing moments between her and Franky of building and inventing things together, because Inari can immediately tell if something will work without Franky having to test it and potentially damage something, as well as find out ways to fix or improve things.
When bound to Franky, Inari has a habit of making her own "cyborg" body, a sort of armor made of stone that she calls Armored Me (アーマードおれ / Amado Ore) just like Franky. This can just be gauntlets to amplify her punches, a pair of stilts or full-body armor like Toph from A:TLA. She also uses vehicles built by Franky - and can even control General Franky/Franky Shogun due to her special ability.
Inari's behaviour change is not very noticable with Franky, but it does show when someone tells a touching story - she reacts just as emotionally as Franky does. She's also more likely to pose and her counterpart of Franky's cola is strawberry soda.
No, Brook didn't misuse his powers as master for his quest for panties. Remember, Brook is very polite, even when asking for something like that. He always adds a "please", making it not an order and thereby optional for Inari. Whereas Franky and Robin were like older siblings, Brook is the full-on dad. Dad jokes, of course, included. He treats Inari like his child and calls her Ojou-san (お嬢さん, meaning "Miss", "young lady" or "daughter") as a nickname.
Brook and Inari make for a bit of a scary combination. Ready?
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There's actually a story to this too. When Inari was first bound to Brook, her crewmates were scared of her. This reminded her of her traumatic past and she was scared of herself too, so she said she wanted to jump off a cliff and asked that someone else saved her. Everyone was immediately against it and Brook apologized. It took the combined effort of Zoro, Sanji and Robin to calm them both down again. Inari and the crew got used to her appearance after a while, but it still leaves a bitter taste in Inari's mouth.
With the help of Brook. Inari can use the elements of Air (pre-timeskip) and, surprisingly, Fire (post-timeskip- because Brook's music sets people's heart on fire). Brook's special ability is essentially astral projection. With this Inari can project her consciousness out of her body to contact someone or pass through walls and solid objects. The difficult thing is that it requires lots of focus and it leaves her body unresponsive, making her a very easy target. Any distraction while in spirit form will cause her to wake up again. She has dubbed this ability Haunting Melody (出没 メロディー/ Shutsubosu Merodi).
Similar to how some of her Sanji-bound techniques are named after fast ballroom dances, her Brook-bound techniques are usually prefixed with Soul Waltz (ソウル ワルツ / Souru Warutsu) and feature waltz-like motions mixed with Inari's usual fighting style.
Brook-bound Inari is the definition of dad jokes. She loves making them. While she can't really make skeleton puns because she's not a skeleton, she leans more on candy puns. She also drinks more tea, usually fruit tea. During the time-skip, Inari has picked up the shamisen as an instrument and plays it more frequently while bound to Brook, often together with him (though I'm not 100% sure about this idea yet).
Jinbe sees Inari like a student, even more so than Zoro does. He takes pride in his role as mentor and is very responsible, actively teaching her fishman karate when he notices that she's unconsciously trying to copy it from him and failing.
This is what Inari looks like when bound to Jinbe:
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Look, she's got the teeth!
Jinbe grants her the elements of Water (obviously) and Earth. Now, Jinbe's special ability is a big one, because it allows Inari to breathe under water - which is a big one because it actually allows her to swim and dive. Surfing the surface of the water is something she can do with any water element master, but actually going beneath the water is something else. The way this works is with a technique called Blue Dolphin (青いイルカ / Aoi Iruka) that forms a dolphin-shaped bubble of water around Inari that she can use to swim, because her own water actually doesn't weaken her or other devil fruit users.
All of Inari's attacks while bound to Jinbe go by the naming system of Fishman Karate.
When bound to Jinbe, Inari shows a similarly calm, honorable side, though she is still impulsive and emotional as usual because the personality changes caused by her devil fruit can't completely overwrite her own traits. However, she seems generally more calculated.
Now, these things might seem a bit very powerful. But one important thing to remember that the sheer amount of abilities Inari has isn't really that much of an advantage. She has to figure out who gives her what abilities and learn to control them first before she can make anything of it. Depending on when her allegiance changed and how quickly it changes again, this can be a very difficult thing and requires her to be very versatile.
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datingintampafails · 3 years
Chapter 33: Robert*
Robert* reminds me of Peter*, in which, there’s confusion about names, the vibes are never quite right, and the date is pretty short. Though in this case, although we did talk for a longer time than Peter* and I did, the date itself was even shorter, a whopping 45 minutes.
Initially, Robert* likes me first on Hinge. His profile is not necessarily a slam dunk for me. He looks decent looking, though not my usual type, and has a chain bakery listed as to where he works. I like to think I am not a snob when it comes to careers, I’m pretty open-minded, but I do want to be with someone who has ambition and can have intelligent conversations with me since I am pretty well educated. Basically, someone around my level of thinking.
I decided to give the guy a chance and respond to his like by mentioning that I really like cookies at the place he works. He mentions that we could have a first date there and I responded by asking if he has dates with girls at his work often. He tells me he has only been working there a few weeks, so no. We legitimately talk about the different kinds of cookies for a while, then he moves on to ask me about what else I like. I mention my dog, then share that I space out and have trouble thinking on the spot and ask him about himself to see if it will also remind me of other things I like. He talks about seeing friends and playing video games, adds he “Doesn’t get out much.” Without missing a beat, he asks me what I’m looking for on dating apps. The dreaded question. I ask him to tell me first. My reasoning being, I feel like many men will cater their answers to what you want, instead of telling the truth. He writes me a long answer then gives me a TL;DR (too long; didn’t read) that is maybe ⅔ the length of the original message, so not that short, that says “going with the flow, down for a consistent [friends with benefits] or relationship, whatever happens, just not a one-night stand.” He announces it is then my turn to respond. I tell him I feel more or less the same, as his original longer message, but that I am not as much interested in the friends with benefits thing. Specifically, I say that with FWB, there needs to be an opportunity, or “nahhh.” I say that expectations only bring hardship and lightheartedly say I like to ask super important questions early in relationships, i.e. like my survey/application from way back when, and add “like cookie choices.” He asks me to clarify my opportunity or nahhh and says he is an open book and I can ask him anything. I explain my feelings more, saying that I don’t see the point of sticking around if someone is dead set on not wanting a relationship with me, as well as it is usually temporary and almost like a holding pattern. I ask my most important question, which is if someone wants children or not.
I get a slight argument back from him, regarding the FWB thing, saying that it can turn into more. I argue back, saying that it is still something that needs to be wanted, or at least both parties from the start can think “maybe someday.” He says this and that about the FWB, before answering my question. He says, more or less, he is open to it but it isn’t a necessity for him, however, he definitely doesn’t want kids right now. He asks me how I feel about it and I express I do not want them but would be open to adoption. He says that’s fine with him and quickly says, “Any other questions.” I am not meaning for this to be an interview. I say I do have a question, but that it is more of an open-ended/ statement that can be responded to. All I say for my “question” is the phrase “trump.” I also let him know I am going to sleep soon so we can continue our conversation in the morning. He does not like my question, that is that he says it is too vague and isn’t helpful for political discussions. I tell him that is my point, and that I am looking for him to express his feelings and that I can either oppose, agree, or somewhere in between. He says likely there would be all three. I go to sleep so I do not respond.
He greets me in the morning with a good morning. I greet him back, though I remind him I am still waiting on his opinions. It is a Saturday, so I also let him know I am about to present for a Zoom conference. He says he’s at a rowing camp and on a break from that, then asks me about my conference. He again requests that I be more specific than just “Saying one word.” I tell him about the conference, but regarding the political question, I send an eye-rolling emoji again saying that that is the point of the open forum, that I am looking for a blanket statement of his feelings regarding Trump.
He again asks about my presentation, and how it went, then goes on to give a pretty neutral debate, saying there’s good and bad, though it seems he veers more towards being a Trump fan, which is not my preference. Robert* offers to me that I can ask any questions about his stance. I am thinking, I do not need an invitation, I have a question and I will ask it.
Robert* inquires what I am doing the rest of the night. I say I’m staying in as I am going to Disney World the next day. I ask him what he is going to do the rest of the night, as that is the societally polite thing to do. I am asked AGAIN if I have any questions to ask him. He also says that he “wanted to do something with someone tonight. Chill night in maybe? Not necessarily sexual. Just relaxing, drinking some wine maybe.” My response is “haha sorry i don’t think i’ll be ‘someone’ today,” both calling him out on obviously being thirsty, as well and reiterating I am not planning on going out tonight. He admits defeat, saying that he didn’t think I would be either, but it was “worth a shot to ask.” However, he does say he does want to get together sometime.
Immediately before I can even respond to that, though, he asks me where in Disney I am going tomorrow. I tell him that Monday I could look at my schedule and put together a time and day we could meet up. I also express that I do not want to meet him at either of our places, mostly because of the stunt he had just pulled. I tell him my Disney World plans as well. He says that it is fine to talk about going out on Monday and says that “that would’ve been the plan” to not hang out at either of our places, despite what he had just said earlier about having a chill night in. I call him out on this, reminding him that he had just said something different, his response being, “yes, sorry if that made you uncomfortable. Im horny as all hell but my intentions are good and i can keep it in my pants. I promise.” How romantic. I send a laughing emoji and say that we’ve all been there before. He says he didn’t want to cross the “TMI threshold,” wherein I say that it is difficult to TMI me, but that doesn't mean I won’t be judgemental. His next comment is awkward, as he invites me to judge, but says that he’s “done [his] fair share of crazy/dumb/slutty shit. As [he is] sure [I] have too.” Weird to accuse someone you are trying to woo of being a crazy dumb slut, but okay. I bring up that I had an abusive relationship but that even in that, I wasn’t completely devoid of wrongdoing. He asks if I am comfortable talking about that and is sympathetic. I tell him more about that and he asks for some of the red flags my ex but off that I ignored. For the billionth time, Robert* offers that if I have any more important questions that I can go ahead and ask. I briefly acknowledge he asked again, by saying “lol if they come up organically I’ll ask” before continuing to talk about my abusive ex. One of the things I mentioned was that my ex was very critical about my body habitus, that is, that I was too skinny. Robert* takes it upon himself to say, “ as far as your body, it seems like you have a great fucking body…. As long as you’re not unhealthy idgaf im attracted to you sooooo” then sends two heart-eyed emojis and a shrugging guy emoji. The line he draws is that his “hands are rated E for everyone,” the context being, if someone hit him he would hit back. I explained my body issues some more and that I have stomach issues, and have always been a small person. He misunderstands and thinks I’m talking about having abs or having a fatty stomach. With the context I felt I had given, I sent a bunch of question marks before adding that my stomach issues were internal. He apologizes a lot for misunderstanding and says he is glad I’m in a better situation.
In his mind, it’s now a great time to bring up that we should text or snap. I tell him that Snapchat is “for hoes” if you only talk on Snapchat. Referencing to myself Darren* mostly. He sends me his number and then I text him. The next day, I am off having a day with my friend at an amusement park. He texts me often throughout the day and I respond when I have a chance. My best friend is asking me “who is this one?” and by the time she asks this, I’m honestly getting a little annoyed. She’s still asking about John* and where he is at. “I don’t know what’s going on with him. We’re mad at him right now. He is doing that shit again. I have to play the game, you know?” I describe Robert* as being kind of needy. At one point, Robert* is texting and asking desperately when I’m free and when we can go out. I tell him “I’m still out I’m not focused on that right now” The overeagerness is kind of a turn-off. And as mentioned earlier, we had already agreed to plan things out on Monday, and it was Sunday. He responds “Ok nvm. We don’t have to talk about that. Sorry.” Maybe I was harsh but had to put this guy in his place. I get a barrage of questions about Disney World. I mention I’m wearing my hat like a frat boy. He responds jokingly, “disgusting, how dare you.” I continue the charade by saying “yep I haze the shit out of people.” Next, however, his response is too cringey, “Mmmm haze me frat mandy” and adds “I can go more cringe.” I reply, “no thanks.” I ignore him for the rest of the day and then when I get home I finally tell him 1) I’m home and 2) what days I’m available. He gets irritated as the two nights I am available, are the only nights he is working. I have some friends coming into town the next weekend as well, so I tell him I’m not really available since I want to hang out with them. We go back and forth on what to do then with our conflicting schedules. Finally, we agree upon doing something after my work, but before his work on one of the days, giving us a tight segment of time but that should be enough for more or less a meet and greet. Because he is the one that will have somewhere to go, I tell him that he’s in charge of the planning and logistics because I wanted to make sure he had enough time to get to work.
We chat superficially in the meantime, mostly about video games and a little about past relationships. And of course… more inviting me to ask questions again. He puts me on the spot regarding the date and is trying to make me plan. I put the responsibility back on him. Finally, he suggests a place he had been wanting to try, that is more or less like a juice bar that also does protein shakes, kind of a health shop. Not really my kind of place, but I’m making him do all the planning so I won’t argue. We both independently go on a search for menus/information. He makes a comment regarding finding the menu but no prices. He randomly comments while we are chatting about the place “have i ever said that youre really fucking cute,” to which I just respond “not like in those exact words.” He adds “but yea you are. I humbly brag, “thanks! I know this about myself.” Typical male response is, presumably joking, “ok you’re too cocky” “youre ugly” “gotta bring you down a peg.” To this I just say, “it’s called confidence/not being insecure.” He switches things around saying “i know confidence is sexy.”
I don’t respond to this and get a good morning text the next day and he makes small talk about how we slept and such. It is the day that I have a date with Timmy*, but of course Robert* doesn’t know this. He at one point texts me saying that his morning got really shitty. I ask him what’s wrong and all he says is “I’ll tell you about it later.” I wonder why people do this, like why bring it up if you aren’t gonna talk about it now? It all seems like a sort of test. I do not play these games. All I say in response is “ok.” He adds “if I don’t text you about it remind me.” I don’t respond. He texts me again asking how my work is going an hour-ish later. I say it’s hectic and he asks if I’m on lunch. I send him a message about not getting full lunch breaks. I don’t hear from him for almost five hours, and given his text earlier about his bad day, I figured something could be wrong given how clingy via text he usually is. I finally text him and ask if he is ok. He says he took a nap and asked again about work, making a point that it was better than his day. Enough of the baiting, I finally say snarkily, “yeah you still have to tell me [what happened.” He is hyping it up now, saying “fair warning - its sad” I don’t respond because I figure he would still go on and tell me what happens and it didn’t warrant a response, but then he adds “if you still want to know” a few minutes later. I honestly don’t care too much, “if you want to tell me.” He finally does tell me what happened, and essentially he saw a dog be hit by a car and had tried to help it with someone else who saw the hit but the dog, unfortunately, didn’t make it. I commend him on trying to help and he says that he did the right thing and that’s why his day sucked. I don’t really know how to respond to that, plus at this point, I am getting ready for my date.
I lie to him when he asks me about my night, saying that I am chilling. More small talk to my disgust, and I verify our plans for the next day. He makes a comment about not being able to see the prices anywhere. This seems to be a worry of his for whatever reason, so I tell him that we can do something else and that I am flexible. He is of no help, as all he says about this is “idk what else we’d do.” My response is “ok” and I say I’m going to bed. In the morning it is finally the day of our date and I let him know that unfortunately I forgot to bring a change of clothes with me to work, so I’ll be wearing my work outfit tonight. He makes a comment about how he’s never seen a cute girl not look good in scrubs, and I let him know that today is the day that changes.
During the day, he states he is thinking of driving by to check the prices of the drinks and that he’s also got a back up. I tell him he should do whatever he wants. I look the places up and they are about 25 minutes away from my work. I head on that way once my work is done and I arrive first. I wait in my car until he texts me to ask which car is mine. I get out of my car and grab my things, now realizing I parked next to a puddle of water and got my shoes a little wet. I laugh it off and say oh well. I see who I presume to be him getting out of a car on the other side of the parking lot. He’s wearing a light pink hoodie, a little different but hey, real men wear pink, right?
I approach him and say hello and give him a hug. We get our masks on and walk into the store. Immediately we are greeted by who I can only assume is the owner of the shop. He is bright and happy and gives us his spiel about the type of beverages they have there. Robert* is being very quiet and is very short with the worker, saying he doesn’t know what he wants and I should go first. I try to describe what I’m going for, and the worker says the exact thing on the menu I want is unavailable due to a delayed shipment, but suggests something else to me and I accept with recommendation. I am done ordering apparently too quickly, as my date is still undecided. The owner ends up just asking him if he likes snickers, the candy bar, and he gives a not-very-believable “Yeah” so the owner suggests to him a shake that is based on those flavor patterns. Robert* is asked if we’re paying together and I look to him, he lets out an apathetic, “sure” and it takes all of my energy not to scoff. The owner tells us that they’re giving discounts out if you advertise the location by sharing a photo on social media and I agree to do so, because why not.
Then it gets a little uncomfortable. The owner is trying to be extra personable and make it a personalized experience, so upon receiving Robert*’s card, he starts referring to him using his name that is on his card. The only thing is, the name I know him by is not the name on the card, nor any fort of that name, like a typical nickname. Under my face mask, I smile and almost laugh to myself like, you dumb bitch who are you even out with rihgt now. Additional peer pressure from the owner also leads to us giving him our emails and signing up for their loyalty program, which also knocks off some cents off our drink. When I give him mine, obviously everything is the same, but when he gives his email, his email does have the name that I knew him by in the address, so I figure okay maybe Robert* is a middle name or something. Because we were under one order, there was also some sort of combo discount included as well since he got a shake and, I, a tea.
As we walk away from the counter and take a seat on a couch maybe 10 feet away, Robert* abruptly asks “what do you think the damage is?” Immediately pulling out his phone and checking the receipt of our drinks. “Uh I don’t know…. Sixteen dollars,” I guess. I am honestly put off by his obsession on price. I understand money issues, but it is not appropriate for first date behavior. I am pretty close, as it is somewhere in the mid $15 range. He scoffs at the prices.
Now that we are sitting together, I am noticing really how disheveled and not put together he looks. He has overgrown stubble, too short to be a beard, but definitely not stubble from just the day. His skin all over his face and body is dry and flaky, especially on his ears. Again, I expect a little more from a man who has had days to prepare for this date. I have been sipping my drink for a while, and it is honestly delicious, one of the best beverages I’ve ever had. He asks if I would like to try his drink. “No thank you, I don’t think it would go well with my fruity drink,” I half lie. The major reason why is that I am weird about sharing drinks/food and that so far I am almost repulsed by him and don’t want to share anything with him.
Despite my lack of optimism already, I try my best to be upbeat and give him a chance. I am trying to start a conversation and ask him questions and get to know him more, but he is a brick wall. He’s just staring at me and not saying anything, occasionally taking sips from his shake. Many of his responses are very sarcastic and rude. He actually brings up the ears; he had a very bad sunburn and that’s why they looked like that. Doesn’t explain the rest of his look though, but at least he was aware of that. It is pretty warm in the shop. I already opted to leave my jacket in the car, but at one point he decided to take off his sweatshirt. Underneath was a red shirt with almost like a confetti cake type pattern, of little microscopic dots of different colors throughout. I compliment the shirt, and mention I have one of a similar type of fabric pattern. I am nodded at. I again continue to try and force conversation, but I am still getting nothing.
Randomly he says, “come here” and puts his arm around me, pulling me close. I am extremely confused, as I was getting very negative vibes from him all over. I make my confusion known by commenting about how that was out of nowhere. His only response is, “oh you know.” “No, I do not know. I have no idea what is going on right now.” He only just chuckles and is like “you’re a cute girl.” I furrow my brow in confusion and figure we should get some air and suggest we take a walk. I ran to my car and put the drink in my car as well as my bag, being light, only having my phone and car keys for the walk. We take off and just walk through a nearby neighborhood. We have maybe 10-15 more minutes until he has to get going so he can get to work in time.
Conversation is still moderately forced, but a little better. At one point, we come up to a tree where the branches overhang drastically over the sidewalk. Whereas before I had been walking on the street side, Robert* has swung around and walked into the street, whereas I choose just to duck under the branches, which is easier with me being shorter, although I would not say he is very tall either. I made a comment about not caring and that he could have just “pushed me into the street/out of the way” and continued on, jokingly, about how you have to put a woman in their place. He says “okay noted I see what you like now,” trying to turn it into something sexual, it seems. I pause a moment, becoming much more serious when I say, “you know I’m kidding. I’ve told you about my abusive relationship so obviously I am not a fan of battering women.” In this moment, he pulls me into an embrace and tries to kiss me. I lean away and ask him, “why is talking about abusing women the time to try and kiss me?” He makes an excuse saying that he just really wanted to kiss me. I lie again, making another excuse about why I don’t want to kiss him, “I’m more old fashioned I guess, I’d like to get to know someone a little better and make sure that we are compatible and know each other well before I do anything.” Again, not entirely untrue. For the five hundredth or so time, Robert* says that I can ask him any questions.
I check my watch and declare, accurately, “We should probably head back towards our cars, you need to head out soon.” We walk back to the parking lot, having idle chitter chatter. When we get to my car, it’s perfect timing, as an alarm he had set to make sure he left on time goes off. I start to say our goodbyes and he tells me again that he wants to kiss me. I make a noise that makes my discomfort known, and he says, “well what about a kiss on the cheek?” I say verbatim, “I’ll allow it.” He makes a sarcastic comment, mocking me about “allowing it.” I retorted back saying, “well yeah.” He sticks to his word and only does a cheek kiss, and I’m cringing and can’t wait to wash my face when I get home. Being polite, I ask for him to let me know when he gets to work.
Using my Apple Carplay, I ask my car to text him when I notice he is driving behind me. Though, as all I’m getting is audio, I don’t know exactly what I am texting until I get home later.
(the first two texts of mine are my car texting and not manually)
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Immediately, he asks me my feelings about him.
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I then offered Venmo him money for my drink, as obviously money was a huge concern for him. He accepts and sends me his Venmo. I sent him the money and let him know so.
And that is that. He doesn’t text me after that.
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marewriteblr · 5 years
Traits And Quirks For Characters In Fantasy (list)
idk if I’m the only one, but when creating characters for my wips, I like to google lists of traits and quirks to give a bit more depth to them. and since I mostly write fantasy, I thought my characters deserved some more fantasy-related traits and quirks, so here’s a list of 150+ traits and quirks for characters in a fantasy setting!! hope it helps some of you too
has tattoos that keep changing
bad vision—takes magical potion to see clearly
addicted to magical food or drink
weird things happen when they laugh, sneeze, cough…
sees things that aren‘t there—or are they?
speaks in rhymes
has a wandering scar
has a wound that never stops bleeding
shows symptoms of a curse but pretends to not know how they got it
physical signs when lying, eg hair growing unnaturally fast
can summon any mythical creature easily
has a mythical creature for a pet
brings a slight breeze with them whenever they enter a room
was dead once
refuses to eat certain type of food for no specific reason as though it were amoral or inethical
obsession with a particular period in history
obsession with a magical creature/species
doesn‘t dance or make music because weird things happen
haunted by a ghost, their best companion
always has a candle lit (eg for their ghost companion)
can speak a mystery language only very few people understand
can turn the light of single stars on and off as they please
used to be part of a secret society
wears shoes with wings, no one knows if they actually work
can predict the future correctly for a ridiculous/bizarre reason
lives at court, no one knows why or where they came from but they let them stay
can only talk in questions or riddles
always seen reading spell books though they can‘t do magic
always seen reading books though they can‘t read. bonus if the reason for this is magical
tells everyone about the time they did something they‘ve certainly never done
tells everyone they used to be a dragon, is obviously lying
is actually blind, no one has noticed
never speaks, only talks to people telepathically, they’re used to it by now
has blood of unnatural colour, tells the weirdest stories of why that is—story changes every time
sacrificed 7 years of their life to magical creature who might claim them any minute
sacrificed a body part, determined to get it back
sacrificed their good looks
always learning spells by heart and seen using them the next day as though they’d prepared it for the occasion
has a secret identity, eg can do a certain type of magic and sneaks out to commit crimes/perform on stage/meet their companions…
keeps getting into trouble because people are convinced they have magic, but they don’t
belongs to a human/non-magical species but was kidnapped years ago and never went back
is actually a ghost
is immortal but doesn‘t know anything about history—can tell you all about the migration of dwarf antelopes on their continent throughout the centuries though
always corrects people on history/mythology facts with things they can‘t possibly know if they weren‘t there themselves
allergic to magic. bonus if they‘re a powerful wizard or deity
obsessed with knives and swords. you can fight them but they‘re more interested in the crafting of your blade
allergic to a certain spell and only that spell for no apparent reason
always has a certain item or food in their pocket in case they need to bribe a magical creature today
miscorrects others‘ pronunciation of spells and pronounces them wrong themselves (eg emphasis on wrong syllable)
talks in a fake elf accent to piss off elves
pretends to be a species they clearly aren’t judging by their appearance, and gets defensive when told so, calling people racist
gets themselves into trouble by trying to seduce nymphs when drunk. also an alcoholic
is cursed to never remember any names—has forgotten their real name a long time ago so no one can ever have that power over them
introduces themselves with a different name every time they meet someone
heavily worships an evil trickster god
ominously refers to themselves in third person
doesn‘t walk but jumps from roof to roof instead
predicts the future but is always horribly wrong
challenges people to a quest all the time
seems to know every person in the entire kingdom
seems to be enemies with every person in the entire kingdom
spends a lot of time in dimly-lit taverns seeking opponents for a strange board game
likes to look for bizarre monsters deep in the forest
talks to their dagger
talks too much during sword fights
gets involved in sword fights but only ever carries a paper sword with them
makes up crazy and hardly believable stories when asked about their past to hide their guilt
collects a particular type of item that can only be found on adventurous quests to dangerous places
has large horns on their head despite their species having no such thing, refuses to tell anyone why
never seen eating
never seen sleeping
takes every time anyone mentions something being hard or dangerous to do as a challenge to try it
wears an eyepatch solely for the looks of it
collects dangerous enchanted jewellery
random hissing
an excellent storyteller, like unnaturally excellent
politically involved and fights for giants‘ rights
has a finger that‘s mysteriously shorter than the others
is best friends with a demon
is nocturnal but loves sunlight
pretends to be completely resistant to pain
always sneaking around
has a tattoo that keeps dis- and reappearing
enchants people with their acting
has a wooden prosthesis
doesn‘t wear shoes
changes eye colour every day
wears gloves all the time and tells people it‘s for their safety
hears the trees talk to them
believes the apocalypse is near
pretends to be immortal
breaks into people‘s homes to steal food. no jewellery. only food
pins pressed flowers to their walls
believes that flowers grant wishes
has random visions of other people‘s pasts that aren‘t necessarily true but always get them into trouble
strongly believes in reincarnation
talks in a different accent every day
is convinced they are cursed
sees every minor conflict as a challenge to a sword fight
fights their battles using nothing but darts
is an archer and also blind or missing an arm
accidentally stabs themselves. a lot.
always carrying poison around „just in case“
is at fault for the fall of a mighty god
knows all about mythology
always up to date regarding drama and gossip between the gods
immediately scared they’re about to be cursed whenever someone raises their voice
still mourns over the death of a friend
whatever they touch breaks instantly
chews on their wand (definitely not a good idea)
always wears their hair tied up into a bun, is longer than rapunzel‘s when worn loose
brags they were good at picking locks but actually just hit it really hard until it breaks
accidental shapeshifting
still waiting for an ominous prophecy to foretell their destiny
makes weird/seemingly unnecessary bargains with strangers
has something slightly off about their appearance that makes people stop in their tracks to watch them
unhealthy obsession with cloaks
is a great fan of wizards. collects wands and hats like action figures
horses don‘t like them, they ride a wolf instead
sings the spells they use
constantly mumbling to themselves or someone others can‘t see
can duplicate themselves but can‘t do math so they‘re always a bit confused
has a leaf sticking to the back of their hand. don‘t ask them why
is a painter, travels very far to obtain a particular kind of paint
sketches their dreams in a book after they come to them at night
always seems to be charged with electricity
freckles on their cheeks dance when laughing or when light hits them
makes up prophecies and tells strangers about them
grows wings when high up due to fear of falling
gets arrested regularly for pranking nature spirits and deities
sneezes when using magic
insomniac, needs a particular spell or magical food/herb to fall asleep
magic makes them fall asleep (when they use it or when others use it nearby)
mixes the weirdest potions all day
can‘t eat spicy food, literally breathes fire
necromancy but only to revive their dead cat
turns the same colour of any food they eat
dreams of becoming a knight
horrible short term memory but can easily recite anything they read two centuries ago
makes their eye colour look white just to mess with people
can‘t remember spells for shit. says them incorrectly which always goes horribly wrong
terrible handwriting. bonus if they’re a messenger who has to send important letters on a daily, causing things to go very wrong
can correctly guess anyone‘s magical power on a scale from 1-10. is stupid enough to point it out aloud, too
wears cloaks that are way too long
carries a fake sword on their hip
carries way more weapons on them than necessary
uses their dagger as a toothpick
plays with dagger when thinking
supernaturally heavy sleeper
gets the different species mixed up a lot
tells everyone how many people they‘ve killed in their life
a die hard fan of a well-known assassin
a die hard fan of shakespeare‘s puck
desperately wants to be abducted by the fae
heavily affected by the phase of the moon
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chrismerle · 4 years
what’s up i spent way too long typing up a post about my thoughts on P5S, and it isn’t even all encompassing. i guess if you’re curious about anything i didn’t mention in this trainwreck just ask.
my spoiler-heavy thoughts/pseudo-review below the cut
The characterization, broadly speaking. If you, like me, loved the Thieves in P5/P5R then you’ll be pretty happy with them here. There are a couple moments that made me roll my eyes (lookin’ at you, hot springs) but on the whole, the main cast are unchanged.
The new characters. Sophia and Zenkichi are great. Sophia is precious and Zenkichi straddles a very fine line of ‘realistically out of the loop, but gives as good as he gets.’ I don’t even care how silly their costumes were. Sophie looked like the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man, though I did like her little emoticon visor, but also she had no pants. Wolf’s mask was badass but the fact that his stupid pointy hat was riveted to the top of his stupid disco high collar killed it and I wanted to see someone grab his hat and pull it back to see it fling back into place like a drinky-drinky bird. Even so, the characters were great, and when I noticed that all the attacks for Sophie’s initial pseudo-Persona had question marks after them (Kouga? Dia?), it made me laugh, and Wolf’s a good all-purpose party member because he hits like a fucking truck and nothing is immune to Almighty. Plus in some of his post-battle dialogue he calls them all ‘kiddos’ and they consistently call him Gramps.
The gameplay. I mean, yeah, it’s VERY different than P5, but you all know that. And hey! The game no longer immediately ends if Joker gets knocked out (unless he’s the only one left in the party, obviously). It ran pretty smoothly, there’s something weirdly charming about the other Thieves showing up perched on cover points, and the only consistent issue I ran into is that in segments where the camera gets forced into a certain angle, it can switch back so abruptly at the end that you accidentally go walking right off a ledge.
I’ve never really played a Dynasty Warriors-type game before, so it took me a Jail or so to get used to it, but then I was just cackling as I mowed down swarms of Jack Frosts like a weed-whacker in a flower field with a knife the size of Joker’s torso. Honestly, it took me the longest to get used to the fact that the circle button became the all-purpose ‘interact’ button than anything else.
Actually, that’s a lie. It took me the longest to get used to the fact that if I left a Jail, I wouldn’t be losing any time. I’m very used to Persona games having the calendar constantly counting down, which wasn’t the case here.
The story, broadly speaking. It had some hiccups and some issues, which I’ll get into, but for the most part, it was fun. I’m...not going to outline every detail of the story here, but it felt very P5-y and I enjoyed it.
The writing. It was a little inconsistent, beyond just the usual weirdness that I have accepted comes along with Persona games. (//patiently clicks through numerous conversations of the gang going ‘did this super obvious thing that this memory threw in our faces happen? Let’s debate about whether the most likely answer by a huge margin is the answer’ and several conversations of ‘are we sure this person is bad? We saw them playing nice, like literally every other villain we’ve faced’) A lot was great! Like, the bit with the Okinawa locals breaking into the RV while the kids hide in the bushes? Genuinely unsettling! Akane’s Jail and the fake Thieves was fun, and seeing Zenkichi scuttle from hiding place to hiding place without Thief powers was funny, and his Shadow’s glowing eyes watching him before becoming his Persona was both badass and unsettling. The realization that EMMA was actively lying to Konoe was nice. Character interactions were great and I loved that Sophia went with Ichinose at the end. There was a lot that was good. But there were also a lot of missteps.
Like, it kind of felt like the direction for the writing changed partway through. It started out as if each member of the Phantom Thieves was going to get their own time to shine, identifying and empathizing with a Monarch. Ann realized she could have been Alice. Yusuke realized he could have been Ango and also saw redeeming him as sort of like redeeming Madarame by proxy. Mariko was a link to Haru’s childhood and her father. The ghost Jail on Okinawa lured Sophie in and by the end she realized how much she meant to her friends ryuji said fuck. Akane was Zenkichi’s literal daughter. And then it went to Konoe and then EMMA, so Ryuji, Futaba, Morgana, Makoto, and Joker didn’t get a chance to shine in that regard. The switch from ‘a Jail for everyone to identify with’ to ‘whelp here’s the decoy and the end boss’ felt like they came from two separate drafts of the script, and it’s not like they had to watch the time; I got through P5S in about a third the time it took me to get through P5R. It took me about 35 hours. Considering the game kind of relies on you having played P5, they already knew their target audience has a longer attention span than that.
Owada was talked up as kind of a big deal, but he had like two scenes on-screen and otherwise was an entirely off-screen character. There’s a lot of mid-combat dialogue that is very difficult to focus on, which was sort of annoying when some of it was actually relevant. Ichinose’s reveal as a villain is very info-dump-y.
Plus, Joker wasn’t utilized particularly well as a silent protagonist. He’s got more implied personality than basically any other Persona protag. Which means he’s actually pretty expressive throughout the game, but I can probably count his lines of dialogue outside of combat with fingers left over. No one expects Yu Narukami to actually react to anything, so it doesn’t feel odd when he doesn’t. But the combination of Joker being reasonably expressive and having a demonstrated personality means you’re perpetually EXPECTING and WANTING him to say something about the shit going on, and when he doesn’t it feels like mentally missing a stair.
The cut corners. Like, a lot of things just seem lazy. There were scenes that really should have been included that weren’t, like how the Thieves escaped from the hotel after the police showed up; it cut from Zenkichi warning them and getting arrested to them arriving at the temporary hideout, so we never even got to see how the Thieves reacted to realizing the cops were outside. Requests to bond with the other Thieves only got a couple of text boxes, when they could have shown a tiny scene of them hanging out like they had all over P5. Rather than having Sae actually on-screen for her brief scene, the camera instead very unnaturally switched to an angle as if it was from her point of view, which was literally the only time the camera did that in the entire game. All of the Sentries look the same from Jail to Jail, instead of being unique to each Jail. Igor is completely absent for the entire game, and other than a throwaway ‘my master can’t be here’ from Lavenza it’s just not really acknowledged.
The missed opportunities. Like, there is no way to look at this except to assume that Joker was a horrible friend to literally everyone in this world state. Like, I can pass off the fact that everyone has their baseline Personae as being because they haven’t had access to their powers for a while, but when you combine it with the fact that NONE of Joker’s other confidants show up or even know he’s back in Tokyo, it leaves little to assume except that in this world, no confidants got maxed out. On top of that, the Personae are all basically pointless. They could be Pokemon or Stands or Digimon or fucking YuGiOh cards, and it wouldn’t make a difference; NOTHING about the game says ‘these entities are integral to this world and important to these characters.’ Also they could have had Akane actually realize who the Thieves were and it would have been hysterical, but that’s just my personal sulk.
The Requests. I liked the Mementos missions in P5/P5R. They felt like they had a point. Requests in P5S are all basically just fetch quests. ‘Go to Location A, fight so many of Enemy B to get so many of Item C. Turn in Request.’ Hell, one of them bugged out on me, I swear. There’s a Request to teach Zenkichi how to cook a simple meal, and Haru gives you a recipe including beef. I had no beef on me at the time, because if you want SP restoratives you gotta cook a fair amount and I used it, and I could find literally no beef in the city I was in at the time so I had to abandon the Request. On top of that, outside of getting food or a few moments where another character specifically asks for Joker’s attention, character-specific Requests mostly replace the ability to bond with the other characters individually.
The restoratives. Or, more specifically, the disparity between HP restoratives and SP restoratives. There’s essentially one cookable recipe to restore SP for every four recipes to restore HP. Even if I stopped at every store and vending machine, I’m pretty sure there were a couple cities where I could find NO SP restoratives for sale, while most stores and vending machines had at least two or three HP restoratives. And while it is true that you can go in and out of a Jail whenever you please to restore SP, that doesn’t help you if you run out during a boss fight you weren’t expecting (mini-boss encounters are virtually identical to regular monster encounters) or during one of the times where you CAN’T leave the Jail for reasons XYZ.
The final boss, and not just because I died and had to start over a few times. As a concept, EMMA could be cool, but in reality she just seemed like the writers threw Yaldabaoth and Maruki in a blender and poured the results into the game. Like Yaldabaoth, she is a false god who seeks to control humanity, claiming it’s what they want. Like Maruki, she seems genuinely deluded into thinking it’s for the best and that she’s not doing anything wrong. Her Jail looked like a slightly sci-fi reskin of the Depths of Mementos. The shtick with the multiple platforms and getting to actually SEE an all-out attack at the end were nice, but for the most part the fight itself was nothing special. Ultimately, EMMA had nothing unique going for her except her name.
Plus, EMMA’s entire rationale was that the majority of humans want someone else to control their lives for them, essentially out of convenience. And she’s presented as being more or less right, but that just being one of the hurdles of being human. It seemed a little dour and far-fetched. Like, the Thieves repeatedly point out that struggling allows people to grow, and they’re right, but in my experience, I’ve never actually met anyone who, upon hitting a roadblock, decided ‘Jesus take the wheel.’ Considering the greed with which her weird tentacle arms snatched up the solidified Desires, the pettiness of the complaints she used as a “gotcha,” and the fact that she just kind of reiterates her ‘people want to be controlled’ point over and over, I think it would have felt a bit more true to life and given her more agency if, instead of presenting her as largely correct, it instead acknowledged that everyone at some time or another hits a wall and wants someone to tell them what to do and had her capitalizing on those individual brief moments to hook people in, despite her having reams of data that for most people, those moments are temporary.
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crownin-thestars · 4 years
Hello hello! Welcome to a Wattpad prompt for quarantine! This prompt is called triangle! Yes I know, confusing. But I'm quite proud of my take for this. The story here is actually part of my AU Hermit Falls. So enjoy
Grian was back in the desert, just digging away at the sand. His barge had sold out again and he's nearly out of diamonds from spending it at Impulse's shop.
As he was shovelling the sand into empty shulker boxes, he hit something extra stiff in the grains. Curious, he cleared out the small area and found what looks like a journal. It had a thick, vermilion red cover and the pages had an extremely worn down colour to it, as if it had existed years ago.
Grian pulled it out of the sand and observed it. The book was extremely thick and on the cover was a golden six-fingered hand with the number three on it.
Three? What about the other two? He thought. He opened up the journal to a random page to see what it was about. Grian was amazed at the art, which was amazingly drawn. It seems like the journal was to jot down any new discoveries of the world, more specifically, strange creatures.
This page was about gnomes. They looked like regular garden gnomes, but they were shorter and had much bigger and cute puppy eyes. Though, the writing seemed all over the place, some sentences even written vertically. Wanting to read more, he picked up his shulker boxes and flew straight to his hobbit hole. Of course, making a stop at his barge for restock.
Grian was reading through the damaged book, engrossed in the intriguing creatures in it. According to the first page, this journal had come from someone in Oregon, but he's never heard of a place called Gravity Falls. Perhaps the town went off the map. There was a journal page regarding the writer of the book, but his face was scribbled out, which was a shame.
So many beasts were recorded in this journal, like floating eyeballs, and a shape shifter. There were two pages that had some sort of machinery. He may not be too good at redstone yet, but he can tell if it is or not. It was like an upside down triangle with a semi circle inside it.
There was no way he'd be able to know what it was though, as everything on the pages seemed to be in cryptic characters, or just a jumble of letters. Not even five pages later, he found something very unsettling.
The pages were scribbled all over with black ink, with eyes all over. There were some of those cryptic characters again, but there were also proper readable words in there, but those themselves were creepy enough to get him on the edge of his chair. What scared him the most were the written words 'I was a puppet'.
Of who? He wondered, not sure if he wanted to know at all. Grian quickly turned the page as he couldn't handle the uncomfort they gave him. That didn't exactly help because of the journaling on the next page.
A triangular figure with an eye, a top hat and a tie was on this page, apparently named Bill Cipher. It seemed it was a normal journal at first, but something must have went wrong, as the whole block of text on the first page of it was cancelled out. A large, red text in bold was below the cancelled wording, saying 'Bill can't be trusted'.
Like any normal human being, it terrified him. The next page mentioned to never ever summon him either. Observing the pages more, he realised the similarities of it and the pages he found which summoned NPC Grian. He thought that maybe it wouldn't be too bad looking at the outcome of NPG. Besides, he's Grian. You tell him not to do something, you can bet that he's gonna do it.
The summoning of 'Bill' sounded like gibberish, almost like it was reversed. Suddenly, everything around Grian turned painfully bright. He quickly closed his eyes before his retinas got burned off. After around 10 seconds of eye closure, he felt like he was floating in the void, yet the calmness of it was almost soothing. He opened his eyes and found himself in what looked like a galaxy.
He looked around, nothing but the stars surrounding him. But. . . This happened while 'summoning' it, did he do something wrong? A friendly voice answered that question.
"Howdy there fella!" Grian gasped as he turned around, quickly backing away, clearly startled. "Woah, calm down there blondie. The names Bill." He said, stretching an arm out. Looking at it properly, he saw the familiar triangle shape with the top hat and tie. This was definitely not how he expected Bill to look, he seriously looks like a fancy Dorito.
"Uh. . . Grian." He replied, accepting the handshake. Grian doesn't know why the journal said he was so terrifying, Bill looked like a really friendly guy.
"So, why'd you ask for me?" He said, whipping up a little magic chair for him to sit on, leaving Grian in awe.
"W-well. . . I did it out of curiosity to be honest. . ." He rubbed the back of his neck, slightly embarrassed. "There was this journal that said you were dangerous, but looking at you now, you don't seem like that."
"Ah, must have scared the fella a bit." Bill implied, snapping a chair in for Grian to sit. "Why so tense, kid?"
"I'm twenty-six-?"
"Yeah alright. How about a cup of tea? Game of chess?" He proposed, snapping each of them into existence.
"You are one powerful little being, aren't you?" Grian question, smiling as he grabbed a cup of tea.
"Sure! If you say so."
Word count: 986 words
This followed the storyline I had in mind a lot more than I expected 🤩
Hope you enjoyed this :)
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cienie-isengardu · 4 years
The development of Law’s relationship with Zoro - Part 4: Dressrosa, The Breaking Point (Protecting Law)
<<Part I: Before Meeting>> <<Part II: Sabaody Archipelago, The First Meeting>> <<Part III: Punk Hazard, The Alliance (A)>> <<Part III: Punk Hazard, The Alliance (B)>>  <<Part IV: Dressrosa, The Breaking Point (The Plan Failed)__ (Saving Law)__(Protecting Law)__ (Birdcage, Pica and Doflamingo)__ (Aftermath)>>
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While Doflamingo was addressing people of Dressrosa and explaining the rules of “game” to punish 12 enemies of his (chapter 746), Luffy was talking with Zoro, most likely explaining what happened in Throne Room. We can only wonder what exactly Luffy told him, did he mention anything related to Law. At the same time, Zoro held Law’s sword that he had to find somewhere around. Interestingly, according to SBS vol. 71, Trafalgar’s nodachi - Kikoku (Demon’s Cry) is in fact a cursed blade and Zoro is sensitive to such “evil” nature of swords what was seen with his own Sandai Kitetsu. As a swordsman himself, of course he took care of the sword while Law couldn’t do it personally. At the same time, we don’t see Zoro returning Kikoku to the owner, just that he had it while talking with Luffy. Another worth to mention detail is the cover of volume 75 (in which the discussed panel comes from) that adds to the impression that Zoro passed Kikoku to Luffy instead of Law. What supports the feeling of keeping distance between those two.
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Using Den Den Mushi, Zoro contacted Robin to check in the situation:
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For the upcoming chapters, the visual setting of three Supernovas shown together in the same panels will reflect this scene - Luffy as the central figure in this trio…. except a specific kind of situation but about that in a moment.
Like always, Luffy wasn’t bothered much by the whole enemy’s game, while Zoro did not show emotions at all. Law simply watched the whole situation (while his sword lied close to him). At least until Luffy declared to Rebecca he is going to kick Doflamingo’s ass because that went against the main goal of Law’s plan.
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Zoro did not take part in the argument between two captains. Yet his reaction (holding and squeezing tighter his katana) seems to be quite ambiguous. For sure it was a sign of support for his captain’s decision - as in, ready to fight everyone and everything, no doubts about what should be done (read: kicking Doffy’s ass regardless of Law's objection). But at the same time it looks as, well, threatening Law is too big a word, because Zoro wouldn’t cut a defenseless man, but there is something (passive) aggressive about such a gesture. Law’s silent reaction (to Luffy’s words? To Zoro’s lack of reasoning with Luffy?) makes me think there was more going on in this scene than just Law’s angry(?) surprise/shock. This probably was another moment for Law to see who the fellow Supernovas were at the core.
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Whatever Law’s impression was at that moment about Luffy and Zoro’s determination to save Dressrosa instead of thinking just of their own survival, the next few hours(?) gave him a better understanding of the dynamic between Zoro and his captain. In all fairness, the experience was gained by his own misery thanks to dealing with the insanity of Straw Hat with only Pirate Hunter for some sort of mental support. Starting with such treatment in chapter 746:
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Without asking for permission or any warning, Luffy simply grabbed Zoro and  Law and straight up jumped from a high place… only to land into the middle of an enemy group.
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Law wasn’t happy about that - even threatened (again) Luffy that once he is free from handcuffs, he’ll kill Luffy. Usually Zoro reacts strongly to threats against his nakama, yet here he totally ignored Law’s words. Maybe he knew there was no time to worry about that or maybe he simply understood Law’s fury because really, that was a natural response to Luffy’s impatience. Unlike Law, Zoro had a lot of experiences with Luffy’s crazy ideas of “fast transport” and even many Straw Hats well familiar with their captain’s antics still weren’t comfy with it. The whole situation was even worse for the Heart captain due to seastone shackles that were A) weakening him and B) blocking his devil fruit’s powers so it was a freestyle “falling” he couldn’t in any way control or prevent if something went wrong. And Law seems like the type of person who likes to have control over things. So the resentment toward Luffy was an understable reaction.
One more important note about the landing scene - like was previously mentioned, Luffy for the majority of upcoming interaction between the three Supernovas was presented as a central figure, a “connection” between Zoro and Law. Both on the contextual level on which the analysis is based and in the visibility; in the sense how the layout of the panel has been planned. The biggest, most oblivious exception to the usual dynamic of Zoro-Luffy-Law were moments in which Zoro switched his position to put Law in the (safest) middle. Whatever he did that solely for Law’s safety or just Luffy’s (who by carrying all the time Trafalgar on his right arm couldn’t fight at 100% of his abilities and thus the right side was less guarded), the change was beneficial to Heart captain.
Since Luffy carried powerless Trafalgar, Zoro was the only one mobile to actually adapt his position to the needs of the situation. Like right now, cornered by the enemy, Zoro stood a bit ahead of two captains, with a katana already in hand, ready to fight.
Let’s just think about Law’s situation for a moment. Defenseless and surrounded on all sides by enemies, absolutely dependent on protection of fellow Supernovas he barely knew - including one chaotic dumbass responsible for his misery in the first place. Zoro, on another hand, was the only one person from Straw Hats crew that did not irritate or confuse Trafalgar in the last days of stress. But then the build impression of stoic, straight-thinking Zoro slowly started crackling. Like in the landing scene: Luffy thought he landed in a bad place to which Zoro noted there wasn’t any good place for them on Dressrosa right now and it was time to run away… just to run in the wrong direction. Which Luffy corrected the swordsman only to run in the wrong way too.
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Law seriously didn’t need more stress at this point of life, yet not only Luffy but Zoro too, were challenging his self-control and patience.
Not much time has passed and Luffy already was caught by enemy’s attack:
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Straw Hat managed to dodge “Super weight man” but get stuck for good. Both captains were saved from the powerful/deadly kick of Dellinger thanks to Zoro. Roronoa didn’t even cut the enemy, just kicked Dellinger in the ass and used his attack to push heavy Visa off from Luffy, freeing him for good (and once again, the frame presents Law in the middle).
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The same like on Punk Hazard, Roronoa reminded Luffy to be careful.
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This moment has an ambiguous feeling about it. On one hand, Zoro once again seemed to ignore Law's presence and focused on Luffy. On another, I think there is something diplomatic about the way Zoro addressed the situation. Because Luffy would be more or less fine, even if stamped by Visa. He was, in the end, a rubber-man and it wouldn't be the first time when something heavy crashed into him with high speed. Going Merry did that on a few occasions, when Luffy was using gomu gomu no balloon to save the ship from crashing into mountains / rocks. Unlike Law, who would be crushed to death.
The biggest problem during the run of Three Supernovas was how defenseless - thus useless in fight - Law was at that moment. He was totally dependent on Straw Hats and Zoro couldn't be not aware of that. On Sabaody Archipelago, when Eustass Kid decided to deal with marines alone, both Luffy and Law got so pissed off at the mere suggestion they needed to be saved. But there, Law was in need of save because seastone cuffs took all his powers, all his control over the situation. It was so easy to make fun of Heart captain, point out how powerless he was, complain about that. And some people would abuse the situation to laugh at Law. Zoro could say something along the line “be careful because Law can't fight”, yet he reprimanded Luffy without dragging Law into discussion. Without a fuss or making Trafalgar feel like a burden. Warning Luffy to be careful is similar to Punk Hazard's scene in the regard of demanding from the captain to not fool around and get the grip of himself. But unlike the previous arc, Zoro's demand was kept short, to the point. No speech how one mistake can cost them life - what was true in Dressrosa too.
Law didn't betray any reaction to Roronoa's words but I think there was a part of him that could feel glad for not humiliating him any more. He already had a hard time being carried like a sack of potatoes and forced to trust Straw Hats to not kill him in the process. He didn't need to be reminded how powerless he currently was.
Soon after that the Three Supernovas run into a crowd of citizens trying to capture Doflamingo's enemies. Zoro showed concern about them, not feeling right to cut desperate common people which Luffy agreed. Once again, Straw Hats proved how different they were from the majority of pirates. Law alone was okay to set Kaido after Doffy's head which in the long run would put the people of Dressrosa in harm's way.
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Finally, the admiral Issho showed up - Zoro, due to previous movement of dodging an attack, didn't have time to change his position thus came at Luffy's left side. In that formation, Law was the least protected one which put Luffy at disadvantage as well.
Though Zoro was the character of lower status (the only non-captain Supernova and two stars on Doffy’s list in contrast to Luffy & Law’s three), it was Roronoa who actually fought the marine officer. What makes sense; he already had a chance to test Issho’s strength and was capable of freeing himself with a flying slash from gravity trap / attack while Law and Luffy couldn’t fight at full capability. Of course, manga only gave a small insight into their fight and the skirmish with the admiral was ultimately stopped by Pica's giant presence.
Of course, once Luffy heard the high pitched voice of a colossal enemy, he laughed like a maniac, despite Zoro’s (and enemy foot soldiers) warning.
Straw Hat’s reaction hit Pica’s berserk button to the point the man didn’t care if he killed members of his own Family or subordinates with his destructive attack (“It’s not even a punch anymore!! The town is falling on us”). Everyone could only run away as far as possible. While on the run, Zoro once again reprimanded his own captain. Or, at least, tried. Until he started laughing himself (chapter 748).
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(Once again, the translation varies from one site to another; in some versions, Law told Luffy and Zoro “knock it off, you two…!!” or outright called them “you dipshits…!!”. Still, all three translations made it clear how unhappy Law was about the whole situation)
That moment is another breaking point of Law's impression about Zoro as the stoic, reasonable counter-balance to Luffy's madness. Because Roronoa wasn't any better than Monkey D. Luffy and that was the biggest "betrayal" to Trafalgar’s idea of what Pirate Hunter should be so far. Law was so, so disappointed in the angry way and he did not try to hide it.
Frankly, Law’s stoicism was put to the test the whole time and it was cracking under pressure more and more. Zoro and Luffy’s lack of self-preservation instinct definitely didn’t help at all.
Pica’s attack sent Supernova Trio flying far away from the palace, what allowed them to (sort of) catch a break. Zoro’s main focus was of course at the gigantic enemy, wondering how they could defeat him. His words weren’t directed at anyone in particular, but gave an opening for Law to join the discussion.  In the past, Law shared his knowledge about powers of enemies and how they worked yet this time he had no advice to give. It may suggest that Trafalgar wasn’t that familiar with the true nature and weakness of Ishi Ishi no Mi (what makes sense, since Pica’s powers are strictly related to rock and his attacks too destructive to use them recklessly, so young Law may never truly see the true potential of Pica in fight. Also, Doflamingo did not mention Pica when he named those of Family Law learned fighting skills from nor Law’s flashback showed any closer interaction with the man).
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Or maybe Law didn’t have enough time to recover to talk about strategy against Pica and once Candevish showed up, there were other matters to worry about right then. Especially since the man tried to kill Law on the spot who was saved only by Luffy’s quick reaction (though Zoro already had a sword in hand, once he noticed the non familiar face, so maybe all of them felt the ill intention coming off Cavendish?).
Through the whole discussion with the man, Zoro stayed silent, while Law was furious at both Luffy and Cavendish. Including Luffy’s declaration of them being friends.
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Law denied it and frankly, after the whole “adventure” of almost dying time after time because of Monkey D. Luffy’s lack of common sense, no one can blame him for such rage and lost composure. Still, whatever Law said about his relationship with Straw Hat, Zoro was guarding him more than his own captain. What makes sense - right now Luffy didn’t have to carry Heart captain (thus in case of attack wasn’t burdened in any way) while Law was still powerless by seastone. Zoro didn’t sheathe the sword and stood behind Luffy, the same as Law. At least until Luffy’s former rival (enemy) didn’t declare to be sort of on the same side as them. Law once again was faced with Luffy’s insanity, when rubber-man admitted that food given to him by Rebecca was the main motivation for his actions. Through the whole meeting with Candevish, Zoro was the only one person in the group that did not piss off Law even a bit.
Luffy and Candevish had another argument (who is gonna beat Doflamingo), but this time Luffy decided to run away and leave the man to his delusional talk about popularity. The Supernovas Trio soon met another Luffy’s rivals from Colosseum: Happo Navy Gang, the giant Hajrudin, king Elizabello II & Dogma, Abdullah & Jet, admiral Olombus, Ideo, Slayman, Blue Gilly. All powerful in their own right, all feeling indebted to Usopp (Straw Hats) for breaking Sugar’s curse to the point every one of them decided to take Doffy’s head.
Luffy was not really happy to see his rivals showing up one after another, even less when none cared that he decided to personally kick Doflamingo’s ass. Zoro’s initial reaction was commenting “you know lots of weird people” but beyond that did not show any distress (unlike Luffy) while Law did not talk at all.
In the group of so many self-assured fighters arguing who will take down the enemy, only Roronoa seemed to not be affected by emotions and approached the matter with cold pragmatism. He proposed a compromise: all fighters backing them up but the proposition was shut down. Mainly because all had too big egos and were too stubborn. Including Luffy, to Law’s utter shock.
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Here some interesting details:
↪ Zoro once again held a sword in a hand. What suggests he didn’t consider the meeting between pirate alliance and the colosseum fighters as the “safest”. At the same time, the sword stayed unsheathed so it wasn’t totally “hazardous” feeling either. Though the situation could quickly get out of control and turn into a fight no one really needed, Zoro gave the fighters a benefit of doubt.
↪ Despite the benefit of doubt, Zoro still changed the usual position from Luffy’s left side to his right. Once again, Law was put in the (safest) middle. The change happened quickly, with the (second rival) giant Hajrudin showing up. After meeting with the Happo Gang, Luffy already was ready to run away while Zoro did not betray any sign of worry. The framing makes it look like he went ahead to face the gigantic man just in case, thus putting himself between two captains and the possible enemy.
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↪ Once again Zoro acted protective of other Supernovas without making a fuss about it.
↪ There is a visible difference between how Luffy and Zoro approached the subject of the argument. Through the few pages, from meeting Candevish to arguing with all colosseum fighters, Luffy kept saying he will kick Doflamingo’s ass - in contrast, Zoro said to other men “back up us” what sounds like he actually remembered about Trafalgar. Considering how personal taking down Doflamingo was to Law, being included despite the current state of powerlessness most likely alone made (again) a good impression. On other hand, Luffy from the start to the end was selfish in the sense he decided to kick Doffy’s ass on his own and outright dismissed the very thought that anyone else should do it. Surprisingly, somehow along the way, Straw Hat switched from “we will go to the palace to kick Doflamingo’s ass” (said to the crew at the beginning of battle) to “I’m gonna do that” without including even Zoro.
↪ There is something interesting in the fact that the bigger group around them, then Zoro and Law spoke less. Even more, when one spoke the other usually stayed silent through the conversation with the strangers. What could be seen with Cavendish (Law was screaming talking) and the bunch of colosseum fighters (Zoro’s solution to join the forces). In the case of Roronoa, it seems like a normal thing for him; the more unfamiliar people the bigger chance he will keep quiet and simply observe what is going on around. That of course does not mean he is shy or anything like that, just acts like an introvert. Law seems here to operate in a similar way. Though in contrast to Zoro (who occasionally was commenting on people's idiocy), to Trafalgar the whole situation was as much as ridiculous as overwhelming judging by his shocked face.
↪ Even if Law’s impression of Zoro cracked a bit due to his bad sense of direction and  laughing with Luffy at dangerous enemy, when it mattered Roronoa A) didn’t lost his composure and was not influenced by emotions or personal pride and B) was reliable. In contrast, Law’s tolerance for all the chaos and absurdity (and one chaotic dumbass) was barely maintained the whole time.Trafalgar screamed in powerless(?) furypowerless fury(?) a lot and in general showed emotions in unusual manners. On Sabaody Archipelago and Punk Hazard, Zoro rarely couldhad a chance see Law so stressed and out of his depth. Dressrosa for the first time allowed him to see a different side of Law. In a way, Zoro finally had a chance to see (judge) what kind of man Trafalgar was once the control and devil fruit powers were taken away from him. He saw Law when he was vulnerable and it seems this shared experience builtin the long run built a solid ground between those two characters.
The argument between Luffy and gladiators was temporarily stopped by enemy attack. After that all of them rushed after Doffy’s head. Luffy met a befriended in colosseum bull and on his back rode alongside Zoro and Law. Since the situation became more dangerous, Law permanently ended between the Straw Hats, with Luffy defending the front while Zoro secured the rear.
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During the run to the palace, King Elizabello and Chinjao stopped Pica’s attack and destroyed his stone arm but no true damage was done to the enemy. Zoro then advised the men to not waste energy until they figure out how Pica’s powers work and for now, just run (chapter 749).
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Surprisingly, the fighters that not so long ago were all about their pride and ego listened to Luffy’s subordinate while still arguing with Straw Hat himself who should defeat Doflamingo and calling him the “stupid savior”. Through their journey, Law didn’t say any useful information about Pica nor shared any observations that might help in the fight, despite being to some degree familiar with Pica and pretty smart to analyze other people’s fighting styles.
Frankly, Zoro was the only one sharing aloud his observations with his captain (and Law?) after Luffy hit the enemy with a powerful, yet fruitless attack. Because of that, it seems like Pirate Hunter so far had the best understanding of stone giant’s powers.
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Soon after that Pica finally showed up his true body. Up to this moment, Roronoa was more or less neutral about the whole chaos around him and now had his killer smile (that Law most likely couldn't see but could pick up the predatory tone from Zoro’s voice) due to upcoming fight with a strong opponent.
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Law’s reaction was not shown at all, but once again he experienced Zoro’s insanity; the thrill of deadly fight, instead of worry about danger. Dressrosa, like Sabaody Archipelago and Punk Hazard arcs, confirm Pirate Hunter’s lust for battle. Another thing is the complete trust between Straw Hat Supernovas - Luffy avoided Pica’s attack (saving everyone in the process) and was just like “I’ll keep going ahead” while Zoro took on himself stopping Pica for good.
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Like fighting a tricky devil fruit user is no big deal. Even insulted Pica by calling him “a pebble” and “Soprano singer” while knowing full well how sensitive the man was to such words - what Law may or may not heard before he and Luffy get too far away.
The next part: Birdcage, Pica & Doflamingo
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sapientiiae-a · 4 years
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@fxmiliarity​​ asked: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Send 🌟 for a headcanon about our muses’ relationship | accepting
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Mun’s note: I posted this prompt, and Lane went and sent me 22 dang stars! I really don’t think they intended for me to in return write up 22 headcanons (or they didn’t expect that I’d actually do it). But here we are! I told myself I’d just do 10. I didn’t think 22 was possible (at least not in a day). But behold!
Yvaine has served as familiar to the reincarnations of the goddess for many life cycles. In Zelda’s studies, she has read of Yvaine, but I think there is a part of her that believed maybe it was just a legend (or exaggeration) or “But who’s to say this legendary familiar will show up this time.” So I imagine Zelda was very shocked/dumbfounded when she first meets Yvaine.
Side note that counts as its own headcanon, I also imagine Yvaine’s arrival was a very grand thing, even though she likely did not intend it to be such? Yvaine just has this demeanor/aura that she radiates, which honestly probably had some of Zelda’s court members stricken with fear at first and probably even had Zelda going “Wait! She’s real?! And she’s….standing…no not standing….TOWERING over me??” Like Yvaine just seems like the person thats presence demands attention when in the room. You just can’t help but to stop and notice her.
When they do finally meet and start to spend time around one another, Zelda enters this really weird internal battle of not knowing what to say to this legendary familiar that she thought may have been myth but also literally wanting to ask a million questions. Her internal monologue is “What do you say to this being that is wisened? Saged? (yes that’s an Iliza Shlesinger joke) She looks like she could step on me and probably has the experience to do so. But I also want to know about this….and this….oh and we can’t forget that….”
I know we’ve discussed this before, but once the contract is made and Zelda finds out? Not good. She’s going to feel so much guilt about it, and it honestly wouldn’t surprise me if she lashes out at Yvaine at first. She’d be very upset with Yvaine because she knew, but she didn’t warn her or try to stop it from happening. Eventually, she will come to terms with it, but she’s going to be very angry/upset with herself for a while so just….expect Zelda to avoid Yve and not talk to her for a while.
When they get into a relationship, Zelda will probably try to keep it hush hush for a while out of fear of what the court will say. Is it appropriate for a princess to fall for her familiar/body guard? Probably not. Plus, I think there’s a part of her that will want it to be just theirs for a while. She doesn’t want the court to know and meddle. She doesn’t want Impa or Link or the generals to find out and form their thoughts or make comments? She doesn’t want the kingdom of Hyrule to start looking to their queen and her new relationship. She just wants to have time to enjoy their time together for a bit without anyone’s input or interference.
But on the flip side of that, once they get into a relationship, Zelda will absolutely spoil Yvaine. She’s a bit reserved with her feelings, but once she falls she falls hard. She’s incredibly loyal. And she knows she’s lived a better life than most just because she happened to be born into a certain family — so anything she can do to make her love’s life easier/better, she will do it no questions asked. Plus, she’ll always view her partner as an equal, so she’ll think they’re worthy of being treated like a king/queen.
This isn’t really a headcanon. It’s more of just something I want but like....Zelda gets injured during battle or something and can’t walk (sprained ankle, too weak, been stabbed, whatever) and Yvaine just has Zelda get on her back so she can carry her back to camp. Yvaine is pretty much a giant, so just imagine how cute it would be seeing an injured Zelda getting a piggyback ride from Yvaine (and probably begrudgingly getting it at that).
When Yve struggles to fall asleep at night, Zelda will do anything to coax her into coming to lay down. Once she finally succeeds, she’ll just lay there and play with Yvaine’s hair for hours, hoping it’ll help her fall asleep because it always helped Zelda when she was growing up.
I think there are some moments, specifically when her and Yve get closer, that she forgets Yvaine is so much older than her. There are times where she’ll forget and have these thoughts of “You’re just a normal (as normal as can be) person like me.” And then she remembers and is like “Oh wait.....” (Also, remembering probably makes her sad sometimes because it’s the realization of “And you’re stuck going through this same cursed cycle as us....but you don’t even get the gift of forgetting the other lifetimes.”
Not a headcanon but an idea. Split timelines are a thing in Zelda, right? And if there’s any game that involves merging of timelines it’s Hyrule Warriors because we see characters from other games in on place. So....what if Zelda accidentally stumbles into an alternate timeline and finds the Yvaine from that timeline? I don’t know but now I can’t get this idea out of my head.
Zelda can be very stubborn. 100% people (who are close to her) have cracked jokes at her along the lines of “I don’t know who is more fiery and hot-tempered. The dragon or you?”
In the AU we discussed where Zelda can remember all her past lives? The moment she finally unlocks those memories and sees Yvaine for the first time, she immediately breaks down into tears.
This one’s based off another conversation we had: Zelda thinks Yvaine’s cooking is even better than the cook’s at the castle. Their cooking is great, but if given the choice she’d choose whatever Yvaine is making.
Zelda taunts/teases Yve a lot when they’re sparring/training together. I don’t imagine it works well since Yvaine seems like the type to compose herself really well, especially when she knows what the princess is doing. But it doesn’t keep Zelda from trying.
Zelda? Using any excuse to pair up with Yvaine as her second when the army has to split up for different missions? Absolutely.
I have decided that Zelda will 100% start calling her Cassiopeia as a pet name/term of endearment. The explanation I provided for it, which can be found here, is just too perfect for me to not stick with this.
Hyrule Warriors Zelda isn’t as....ritzy as some of her previous incarnations. She’s not as into the lavish balls and stuff, probably because so much of her focus is on Hyrule’s forces and keeping the kingdom safe. But you can bet she uses these events as an opportunity to strut around on Yve’s arm and show her off. Yes, show Yve off, not the other way around.
Zelda knows how to play the lyre, and if you think she hasn’t written a song either about Yvaine or for Yvaine, then you’re definitely wrong. Lullabies are a big thing to Zelda, and Yvaine has trouble sleeping, so Zelda has definitely come up with a lullaby on her lyre to play for Yvaine.
I imagine that if Zelda is ever feeling down in regards to her powers (not feeling strong or having issues with her light magic), Yvaine tries to encourage Zelda by talking about Hylia, focusing on how amazing and strong Hylia was and reminding Zelda that she is the goddess reincarnate.
They’re a war couple. They go marching off to battle often, and while Zelda is used to that, it’s still a bit nerve-wracking to think the people she loves are going into a fight that could be life or death for them (even though Yve can’t truly die). But I imagine after the first incident that prompts Zelda to finally confess her feelings, she eventually has a special amulet made (probably something fused with light magic) that she gives to Yvaine as a sort of protection charm to keep her safe. Just something to give Zelda some extra peace of mind.
Once Zelda finds out what Yve’s favorite color is, she tries to find ways to incorporate it into her clothing more (because there’s just something super appealing about seeing your significant other wearing your favorite color). This is actually super easy for Zelda to subtly get away with since the color plum goes so well with her royal attire anyway.
I need to think through this idea and flesh it out more, but I imagine sometime after the events of Hyrule Warriors, Zelda is presented a new rapier that has ‘dragon’ somewhere in the name and was inspired by Yvaine, being that she’s a dragon familiar.
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ask-de-writer · 4 years
SEA DRAGON’S GIFT : Part 11 of 83 : World of Sea
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Part 11 of 83
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
140406 words
copyright 2020
written 2007
All rights reserved.
Reproduction in any form, physical, electronic or digital is prohibited without the express consent of the author.
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Users   of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may   reblog the story provided that all author and copyright information   remains intact.  They may use the characters or original characters in   my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical   compositions.
All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fiction is actively encouraged.
New to the story?  Read from the beginning.  PART 1 is here
Chapter 3a: Kurti
Captain Barad Maks brooded on his sybaritically appointed bunk.  At last, I’m finally going to get completely even, maybe ahead of the Longin.  It’s not so much that they’ve avoided my nets or even that they’ve tangled me in every net that I’ve cast their way — — — Skill I can admire.  It was almost getting me fed to the Strong Skins at my first Gathering as Captain.  Mord had nothing to gain by exposing my game.  He near got me killed and for what? Nothing!  He was already a captain and there were no other good candidates.  I chose my time carefully in that regard.
He rolled out of bed and began to dress.  His new cabin-girl, Kurti, quickly came out of the bed and helped him with his sleeves and the tying of his sash and neck-cloth.  She offered no word, out of fear. I wonder what really happened to Chena?  Nobody seems to know. One evening she was here and the next day the Captain chose me to replace her.  They say it was food poisoning but she was the only one.  Whatever happened to her, I don’t want it to happen to me!  She looked at the Captain critically and took a chance on speech, saying, “I think perhaps this hat, with the Wide Wing plume.  It will make a dashing appearance.”
Smiling tolerantly at the girl’s obvious fear, he replied, “By the Dragons, Ch … Kurti, isn’t it?  I’m only going about the ship for an inspection.  I need to see Master Selked on a small matter. That’s all.”
Kurti smiled tentatively in return and said, “True, Sir.  Ch … your previous cabin-girl did not dress you well.  I think that you will gain even more respect if you always dress well.”  She paused and considered for a moment before adding, “Unless the part that you are acting needs something else.”
Barad actually found it in him to beam, genuinely pleased, his vanity stroked.  He patted her cheek gently and said, “Very well, Kurti, I will let you decide my dress for most occasions, even the most trivial.  If it goes well for morale you will have my appreciation, which is no small thing.
“If it does nothing, it will be remembered to your credit as an honest try to help.  In spite of what you may have heard, I do remember those on my side.”
Kurti was afraid to ask what had happened to Chena.  The answer would have surprised her.  Captain Barad would have told her with complete candor what happened.  He was no fool to blab secrets where they could escape and he knew that she could not get away.  What few people, even those closest to him, understood was that he was not ashamed of or bothered by anything that he had ever done.  Nor did they understand how swiftly he could change course completely if he believed himself to be wrong.
As he walked the familiar grimy corridors of the Grandalor, going to the boat-shop, he felt a buoyant spring to his step.  He felt as good as he looked.  He had not paid much attention to casual dress before, and found that it did have an immediate effect on his own morale. His own mood of self confidence communicated itself to those who saw him.  Crew-folk who saw him coming sprang alertly out of his path instead of clearing the way sullenly.
The Captain knocked at the entrance of the shop and waited for Selked’s call of “Enter!” before he did.
Captain Barad looked approvingly about the meticulously tidy shop.  There were many kits of tools for every purpose on the sea, each bearing the marks of the Grandalor and Selked, piled neatly on every surface. From the overhead beams around the roof-skylight-hatch hung net bags filled with scrapers, bow-drills, and many other tools to be sold singly.
Selked, Master Boat-wright and tool maker, sat before his bench working on sets of sail stitching tools.  Each set was in a fitted box of glued Strong Skin lined with the Gula’s finest velvet.  Captain Barad admired Selked’s work and had never interfered with it.  Selked’s tools of all types were famous throughout the fleet for their uncompromisingly high quality.
The awl shafts that Selked was presently mounting to handles were all of the hardest, densest Wing Ray bone.  The light yellow striations alternating with a delicate brown running the length of each shaft told its origin and value better than any amount of sales talk could.  Noticing that there were three shafts more than there were handles, Captain Barad reached out to pick one up to examine more closely.
Selked’s laconic, “Shouldn’t touch that’un, if I were you,” brought him to a quick stop, fingers only inches away from the pointed shaft.
“I wanted to see it more closely.  There seems to be a defect in the bone pattern,” said the Captain mildly.
“There is.  That’s why I’m mounting this one instead,” said Selked. He pushed home the spike of the awl he was assembling, using a pair of special pliers to handle it, as he seated it into soft glue in the handle’s hole.  He carefully wiped the excess glue with a shaped tool to get a smooth fairing between handle and shaft.
He took his marking tool of Hag beak, wiped on the mordant bone marking ink and placed his mark onto it, slightly off kilter, and just a touch blurred.
Setting the tool into the last place in a kit box, he closed it and handed it to the Captain.
“This is the kit you want for your little scheme.  Sorry that it took as long as it did to make but, as you noticed, I had some trouble getting the Ord spines to take the dye properly.”
Casually, he added, “All the rest of the kit but the awl spike is Merk’s last bungled piece of work.  He tried to take one shortcut too many the other night.  Didn’t use the handling pliers on the very spine that you were reaching for when he poked it into Chena’s snack.  I found him when I opened the shop next morning.  Passed it off as blood poisoning from an infected cut.”
“Thanks for the timely warning.  This kit should be just what is needed and ready in plenty of time.”  Barad considered for a second and added admiringly, “Those spines must have been difficult to work with.”
“They were, Captain. — — May I ask what the occasion is?”
“This?” Barad gestured at his clothing and smiled, “It’s my new cabin-girl’s idea.  Kurti thinks that if I dress the part of Captain better, I will have more respect from the crew.  Speaking of which, choose who you will for your next apprentice.  I’ll see that you get your choice.”
Selked replied seriously, “My thanks, Captain.  You know, Kurti could be right about that.  You project more of an air of authority along with your power.  If she lives up to her other duties as well, she could be well worth keeping.  Pretty too.  You do have an eye for them, Sir.”
Lightly Barad returned, “I pride myself on it.  By the way, I am planning a game of Three Dragons in my cabin tonight.  Would you care to join?”
“My pleasure, Captain.  Tonight then!”
Captain Barad continued his tour of the ship.  It appeared that Kurti was right.  Obedience to his orders and suggestions was prompter and less sullen.  The lack of respect, even as the crew followed orders, that had plagued his captaincy appeared to be dissolving.  And for such a small thing!
He found First Officer Timms on the quarter deck seeing to the butchering a freshly caught four-ton Strong Skin.  All of the men were wearing full foul weather waterproofs and gloves.  A crew, similarly dressed waited by with mops and buckets to clean up. Mister Timms was applying spots of red weed paste to the fish and its skin.  Far too much of the paste was turning the sickly dangerous green that signaled Ord contamination.
“Mister Timms!  How goes the effort to find a use for the Ord in fishing?”
He looked up from his work and answered, “This one is the best so far. Out of ten fish, we have gotten less than fifteen tons of meat and lost over half of the hides to contamination.
“The toxin spreads so fast!  I have tried infusions in bait, Ord spine in the harpoon points and this… We harpooned it in the usual way and pricked it with a spine on a pole to kill it.  You can see for yourself.  We got the most hide, this time.”  He cast a glance at the lean form of the dead predator.  “Just over three-fourths.”
Barad actually looked pleased.  The wind played in the plume of his hat. “Give over the effort, Mister Timms.  You have tried all that could be reasonably be done.  I will want all of your notes to append to the log entry.”
“Very good, Sir.  Working around this stuff was making me nervous, to tell you the truth.”  He cleaned his gloves and sleeves meticulously in a bucket before he took them off.  He added a few notes to a small sheaf and handed them to the Captain.
Barad nodded his head solemnly.  “It was too good an idea not to try. It’s a pity that it didn’t work better.”  He walked to a companionway and went down into the ship.
The Purser’s scriptorium was his last stop.  The newly pirated Ephemerides were coming along nicely and some copies were already bound.
“Excellent work, Morgu.  If we can get twenty copies of each volume, I know just who will buy them and how to promote them.”
Morgu looked up from his high desk in the corner of the room and gave a rare, thin mouthed smile at the praise.  “We should have them done by the Gathering, though it will be a near thing.”
“Excellent! I need a small favor.  On these notes here, can you add a brief remark about the loss of one spine, apparently dropped overboard? You should have seen it happen to give credibility to the loss.  The note should be in Mister Timms’ hand.”
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