#It saddens me to see people who can look at Edelgard's story
bowbowis · 2 years
Edelgard the Underdog
Something that tends to get overlooked because the Empire has the biggest army in Fódlan is that Edelgard herself is by far the biggest underdog among Three Houses' leaders. Yes, she is a princess of the Adrestian Empire but she was never meant to be Emperor, she only became the heir because she alone among her siblings was able to withstand the torturous experiments they were subjected to. By that point the Insurrection of the Seven had already happened and whoever held the position of Emperor was little more than a puppet dancing on the Prime Minister's strings. Dimitri's status was assured the moment he popped out of the womb with a Crest. Claude just had to convince his grandfather he was who he claimed to be and could always fall back on trying to stake his claim to the Almyran throne if things in Leicester didn't pan out. Rhea and Thales have run their respective organizations for over a thousand years. In contrast, Edelgard's position granted her right to little more than a fancy title and a gilded cage (once they let her out of the literal torture dungeon that is). She didn't have any power, and she was never meant to have any power, whereas everyone else either already had power or was set to inherit it in due time.
So yeah, she ends up with the best army by the start of Part II, but only because she fought tooth and nail for it, using every ounce of cunning and political acumen she had, all while keeping the Those Who Slither in the Dark in... well... the dark, as to her plans.
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lochnessies · 3 years
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@cockati3l the church isn’t ruling people from behind the scenes. even the devs confirmed that. the church in adrestia doesn’t exist, the church in the alliance is ‘toothless’ and nobody pays attention to them as said by lorenz, and the western church is in open rebellion against the central. also, when does the church control anybody in the game? nobody is forced to follow them and they even take on nonbelievers as staff.
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once again, what corruption are you talking about? it can’t be what edelgard mentions in her speech because that’s been proven false.
it can’t be killing the western priests because they attempted assassination more than once, grave robbed, and attempted to kill students. not to mention are racist af
it can’t be changing history a little because in your own words “what the fuck so u want her to do?” humans killed her race when they found out the amount of power stored in their bones, blood, and hearts. at that time in fodlan’s history clans were fighting for power with the relics of her family and she had to find a way to broker peace as said by intsys: “seiros and co. meddled with history not in order to rule over humans, but to quell the flames of war and chaos as much as possible, and to also keep a steady balance about humanity.”
also yes, rhea was about to step down. she says so herself. even calling herself a “mere proxy” for byleth.
tell me how claude piggybacked off of edelgard’s war to further his own aims? the game tells and shows that he’s spending his time trying to just keep the alliance together.
she’s literally called the hegemon. there is no freedom under her rule. she centralizes all power onto herself and makes herself the supreme ruler. what she says goes and in order to achieve that result she murdered, lied, and stole.
she literally said “i have no regrets.” why? because she doesn’t. she may feel kinda bad about all the dying but obviously not enough to stop what she’s doing and find another path.
also her words about the followers of seiros are far from kind. she calls them “mindless” multiple times (even in her s-support). the faithful are forced to flee from her. people even lose contact with the believers in the empire, and it’s not even allowed to be one in the first place. not to mention in hanneman/manuela’s ending the church can come back but only under the empire’s supervision. so we have a state controlled church. look at all the freedom!
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when does dimitri leave crestless people to get fucked? he literally talks at length that he believes that people with crests and people without need to work together and recognize each other’s strengths.
also the church isn’t the one behind the “crest system” (if you can even call it that since the way each house interacts with it is so different). crests/clans became noble houses because of their strength (aka the empire’s meritocracy in the beginning) and the strong aka crest bearers rose to the top bc in the 91 years it took to kill nemesis his elites had already started their own bloodlines and families. the nintendo interview says that rhea lied about the origin of the crests and relics bc she wanted the wars to end and the only way to have gotten rid of the crests humans had would be to genocide them.
with nemesis gone and the adrestian empire now in charge of the continent, a meritocracy started to form among the nobility. hanneman in his support with dorothea says this about the founding of the empire: “consider this. at its inception, the concept of nobility assumed that the greatest among the populace would rise to power. in my mind, i believe that those who value knowledge, those who strive for more, and wish to protect and guide their fellow man. however, in practice, nobility often serves to keep those deemed commoners down, segregated from those who, by chance, were born to a noble family.” this is also paired with ferdiand’s support with edelgard: “certainly, we must recognize the common folk who strive for greatness and attain it. but for those of us born into nobility, things are more complicated. from birth, nobles must excel. if we do not, we will be forced out of our houses. this environment breeds superior individuals, and they, in turn, recreate the rigorous environment for their own children. without that cycle, there would be no political elite guiding the world towards prosperity.” so from these supports we learn that the empire was founded on the idea of the strongest shall rule and they would be replaced if they didn’t reach a standard. however, over time, the nobility started to abuse this power of theirs and the idea of meritocracy was forgotten. which, ironically, is how it always works in the real world as well. that’s where the concept of nobles often bearing crests comes from. it’s comes from the empire not the church. and when faerghus and the alliance break off from it they kept the tradition. also, if you talk to rhea in verdant wind when she talks about zanado you can tell she hates crests. at the very least she hates the fact that humans have them due to how they were acquired. you know, through genocide. it’s also in the book of seiros that the reason the goddess left was because people were abusing crests and it saddened her and she went back to the blue sea star. so no, the church isn’t propagating anything. and they can’t force the noble houses to adhere to their religion so they don’t.
i’m not sure what you mean by “squander any rebellion”. i think you mean squash/stamp out? well the only rebellion we see in the game is from the western church and as i said previously, the priests were punished because they attempted assassination more than once, grave robbed, and attempted to kill students. not to mention are racist af. the church wasn’t the aggressor and only stopped the rebellions because they were dangerous and were also attacking innocent people. however, we do know that in crimson flower there are rebellions under edelgard’s rule and they are put down as well by the empire secret police aka hubert.
the devs also mention that azure moon was written to be a counter to crimson flower. and that is the route where dimitri has to learn to rely on his friends and work together with his people in order to usher in a bright future. in crimson flower edelgard berates people who lean on anybody else for support (all while taking some from byleth) and believes humans need to stand on their own two feet. in azure moon she says: “if after all of this you believe the weak will still be weak, that is only because they are too used to relying on others instead of on themselves.” to which dimitri responds: “yes. perhaps someone as strong as you are can claim something like that. but you cannot force that belief onto others. people aren't as strong as you think they are. there are those who cannot live without their faith... and those who cannot go on once they have lost their reason for living. you path will not be able to save them. it is the path of the strong, and so, it could only benefit the strong.” so yes, there is someone who represents human unity in the game: dimitri.
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edelgard doesn’t make fodlan better. she’s the game’s hegemon (called this in three routes). there are rebellions under her. her people are starving (ashe says on cf), she attacked two nations she had no rights to, and defamed an entire race/religion.
crimson flower ends in flames and darkness. this is made VERY clear by the ending mural. unlike the others, which all show a very joyful scene; am has dimitri being loved by the people with archbishop byleth at his side, ss has byleth being held up in the crowd of people as it talks about how they are now the arbiter of every soul and mother of all life (which are the exact words used to describe sothis), and vw has claude talking with the people and the almyrans are visiting; which infers peace between the two nations. however in cf, we have edelgard standing on the flags of the nations she has conquered. she holds a napoleonic staff in her hands, and the mural portrays people with their heads bowed in obvious sadness and defeat. the biggest indicator that this is not an ending to be celebrated, but rather lamented, is the border. In all the other endings, the border is white and is accented by the color of the route. in cf you can see that the border is black. black and red: colors synonymous with evil or darkness. the epilogue also mentions rebellions against her rule that she has put down.
edelgard’s role in the story is that of nemesis 2.0. someone that is manipulated by twsitd and is fed false information to lead her to finish what nemesis started over a thousand years ago - the extinction of the nabatean race.
another massive red flag is what the devs have said about crimson flower being the supreme ruler route. “edelgard in "crimson fower", or rather known as the, "supreme ruler (hegemon) route" is something we honestly meant to be much more difficult to enter.” (they were talking about why it is harder to enter cf than ss). let’s focus on the word ‘hegemon’. the direct definition is ‘a supreme ruler.’ in another interview they mention the ‘hegemon’s path’ which is a chinese philosophy that goes along with the mandate of heaven that the devs have said that they based cf off of. there is a rule of the mandate of heaven: the right to rule is only granted if the ruler cares about his people more than he cares about himself, and if this is not the case, then the people rise up to overthrow the tyrant. we know for a fact that edelgard is this ‘tyrant/hegemon’ because she is called this in the game.
the devs have also said: “due to all the previous titles in the series, the thought/impression that the empire = antagonists is left upon the playerbase. when you think about the "empire", you usually get some sort of "bad/evil" image, i think. and as for the story, it really feels like it started from the romance of three kingdoms, but we force them all to take part in school life. In other words, a period in which there was peace must exist, before starting the fires of war. and because of that, someone evil (villain) has to exist, and so we had the empire bear that burden.” this interview also blew the common argument pro-empire fans had of fodlan not being at peace at the start of the game. they said themselves that the three countries were at peace. even the game states at the start that ‘these three ruling powers now exist in relative harmony.’
also even if other characters did some things wrong that doesn’t suddenly let her off the hook for her actions just like her’s don’t nullify theirs. if she wanted to peacefully change how things worked in her nation then fine. i don’t care. however, she invaded two other independent nations in order to change their systems and put them under her control. that isn’t morally gray no matter how you spin it. it’s tyrannical.
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actually it was humans as a whole who fucked up the earth first. the agarthans are a race of humans that have been around for over a thousand years at the start of the game. when the goddess sothis came down from her home on the blue sea star she arrived in fodlan and took on a form that resembled humanity and lived among them. she used her blood to birth a race of children called nabateans. in the beginning, these two nations lived in harmony.
sothis and her children helped the humans advance their technology and weapons over time until the humans’ hubris grew to the point that they began to wage war on each other and eventually the goddess herself - the one who gave them the technology to do so. as confirmed by seteth, (who was there during that time) some of the weapons they used in the war are also seen in the game, such as the missile of light that destroys fort merceus. so basically, it was a ye olde nuclear war that almost completely destroyed the land and the humans. during this, a faction of humans left the surface to live below ground. they built a city called shambala and officially became known as agarthans. back on the surface, sothis used her godly power to try and heal the earth. however, due to the incredible damage done by the weapons, so much of her power was used that she fell into a deep sleep to try and recover. so no, sothis didn’t fuck shit up. it was the arrogant humans that took her kindness and decided they wanted to try and kill each other with it.
yes, dimitri and claude do have the rest of fodlan under their command at the end of the day. however, they way they achieved this was nothing like edelgard’s. they had no intentions of starting a war to unite the three under their rule. dimitri was given the alliance (the round table came to an agreement and willingly became part of faerghus) and when he kills edelgard the empire is now, by default his whether he likes it or not. same with claude. he defeats the empire which by that point had taken the kingdom. both are now without leadership and he doesn’t even stay. he fucks off to almyra. edelgard on the other hand started the war to put all of fodland back under her rule. it’s not comparable.
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fe3h-imagines · 5 years
HC where reader is meant to be wedded off to some jerk of a husbandaftwr she graduates but wants to instead marry someone from the officers academy (Dimitri, edelgard, sylvain, Felix, claude)
Hallo! I'm sorry this took so long. School has been running me into the ground with all the art projects I have for my Computer Graphics class and my Design class. These are also long, because I'm me and I write really long and detailed Headcanons XD
They are left on a cliffhangers because I want to add little story endings to them, so keep an eye out for those 😊👍
"I want to marry you!" (Dimitri, Edelgard, Claude, Felix, and Sylvain Headcanons)
When you found out that your parents had set you up to marry some noble brat from inner Faerghus, you were ticked.
They said that you would have a say and your opinion on it would be valid, but you cursed yourself as you thought "I should have known this would happen"
When your parents set you up with him, you about passed out. He looked down on everyone that wasn't someone of his status or higher. When out walking, he would shove common folk aside, even once saying they should figure out their struggles on their own and beat it.
"I don't want to marry that jerk-"
"You'll watch your tone," you mother warned.
"You said I would have a say in who I marry and I love Dimitri-"
"I said, watch your tone."
They shut you down every time you tried to argue or speak your mind. On the matter. Your mother was the one who was being stern. Your father was more relaxed with your opinion.
"I want to marry Dimitri. Not him..."
When Dimitri heard the news from you, he was distraught. Seeing you marry anyone else, especially someone like that broke him. Dimitri loved you dearly. Why some Rich snob like them? You were his beloved, and he was your angel.
When he saw you, he quickly led you to where you two were alone and pulled you into a hug upon seeing you cry, and you told him the news.
"I want to marry someone else! I don't want to marry that snob! I... I want to marry you...," You whispered as you started to cry into his chest.
"I'm going to fix this," he spoke. Seeing you cry stirred up anger in him, and he wasn't having it. "I can have something arranged to change their plans."
"What if they don't accept it..?"
"They will, I'm sure of it. I can't stand seeing someone else with you and them treating you like dirt."
You? You're Edelgard's lovely. You're her flower. And the day that she was going to confess her feelings for you, she heard the news.
You were beyond crushed. You were a commoner. Not the very bottom, you were decently off, but your family wasn't nobility.
A noble man cut a deal with your parents, offering you a net of safety with money and a better living space. As soon as the ceremony takes place, your things were to be gathered and you would be off to your new "home". He only liked you for your looks. You were stunning and eye catching, a valuable attention grabber in noble affairs if you were to be on the arm of a noble.
"I'll kill him."
Hubert looked at Edelgard with worry. "Edelgard, I-"
"No. I'll kill him. I know that man, and all he wants are better money and power deals to come his way."
Edelgard sought you out and she was going to confess to you. She had been waiting long enough out of fear, and she was too angry to worry about nerves anymore.
You were in your room. She walked in and shut the door behind her.
"Now may not be the best timing, but I have something I would like to say."
You looked up at her with red eyes from crying earlier. Your heart belonged to someone else. It belonged to Edelgard. She was fearless, kind, smart, confident, beautiful. You held your feelings close, fearing she wouldn't reciprocate. You felt every chance you had was gone.
"(Y/n), I've been quiet for quite some time but I have to say it now because I do not see a better window of time, but I love you. And I don't like what that noble man wants from you."
You froze. She usually is a blunt and straightforward person; very honest. But she wasn't having that nonsense.
"Do you feel the same... About me...?" Edelgard's voice softened as she looked at you, your silence saddening her.
"I have for a long time...  But since I didn't grow the nerve, I don't have a chance to make you happy like I want...."
She sat next to you on your bed and looked at you in the eyes.
"We will fix this. I promise."
This isn't usually like her, but you had a strange feeling it would all work out.
This boy. This calm, relaxed, chill boy, was mad.
How could your parents set you up with some high up brat that doesn't care about you? That abuses power?
Your parents hid this from you for about two months. You only figured out when the noble came for a visit for the first time. And I tell you, you blew up.
"(Y/n)! That's no way to act around your future-"
"He isn't anything to me, father! I'm not marrying this jerkoff!"
"Watch your attitude. I can't and won't have you act this away once we are married," the noble spoke.
"All you care about are looks and status! Screw off!"
The whole Golden Deer house was riled up. They hated what was going on with you, and it ate Claude up inside. You two had been together for a while now, and he didn't want to lose you to some noble douche.
"I hate this... Why won't it all just go away...?" You mumbled, wiping stray tears from your face.
Claude abruptly stood up. You looked at him with wide eyes.
"We're going to see your parents."
"We're what-?!"
"We're going to change this. Right now."
He knew your parents were more concerned about status and wealth than anything, and that's why they set you up with the jerk.
"Claude... Are you sure about this...? I don't want them trying to use you-"
"They won't. It's their weakness to look at status and positioning first, and when they see me, they'll have no questions," he explained with a sneaky grin and a wink. "I'll have no tolerance for corrupt people."
His ability to calm you down and make up relaxed was amazing, and you appreciated it.
"When do we see them?"
"Now. The morning service starts soon and they are always there. They'll have to see me."
Upon hearing the news, Felix didn't really know what to think.
The emotions of shock, anger, and confusion kept flooding him and filling his brain like a flood.
He was more confused as to why they set you up with someone else and not him?
Your family and the Fraldarius house were very close friends, and the fact that he was watching you get set up with a man who had no care in the world for you, really made his blood boil.
The truth was, Felix had grown to adore you. Ever since childhood, he had always been around you because of how close the families were, and he took a liking towards your company.
Him adoring you isn't exactly what made him mad, it was the fact that they set you up with a horrible guy.
He was some Rich guy who looked down at everything, treated his servants terrible, talked bad about and threatened towns people, and if he didn't get what he wanted, he threw tantrums like a three year old.
Why him over Felix? Why overlook someone who cares about their child and settle their eyes on that man? It didn't make sense. It was the stupidity of their decision that riled him up. It's your future they are meddling with.
And you were disheartened because you liked Felix. Did he know? NOPE. You were scared to tell Felix. With Felix being a guy that isn't the best with emotions of other people, you kept it quiet.
You knew he wouldn't act the same with you, but it still didn't stop your nerves and heart from fluttering everywhere at the thought of telling him. You didn't want to make it awkward.
"I want him away from me. I want him away from my family. I'm not having it!" You argued with your parents.
The students had time to go visit their families, and you had went home to combat your parents on the problem. Little did you know, Felix and his father Rodrigue were going to show up.
"(Y/n), please settle down."
"Why should I? You set me up with some guy I don't even know, and he treats people like garbage beneath his feet!"
After a while of arguing, your father tried to shoo you off to have their normal tea time with Rodrigue. You followed.
"(Y/n), enough," he commanded as he greeted Rodrigue.
"No. Why not someone like Felix? Why not Felix? We're friends, we actually care about each other, and I actually like Felix in that way. Why not him or someone that cares about me?"
Felix and his dad had actually gone there to talk your father out of the guy and into Felix. When you saw Felix behind his father, you were a blushing mess.
"Would you be willing to alter your decision?" Rodrigue asked slowly as Felix looked at his feet, an unnatural red covering his face.
No one has ever seen Sylvain so angry and livid.
How could someone so ignorant and rude, be paired with someone as sweet and as caring as you?
When you and Sylvain started dating, you didn't tell your parents. Your parents tended to be a bit snotty, trying to gain status in any way they could.
You agreed not to tell your parents because you didn't want them to try and use him and your relationship for his crest. He was okay with you not telling them because it's your decision. They are your parents.
You were worried, but he said he loved you for you, and your parents wouldn't scare him away.
But you didn't think they would pair you off with some ignorant and snot nosed noble. He would ignorantly blow off his money in the most dumb ways, he was rude to common folk and servants, and he was rude towards your families servants (who you are quite close to) when he visited.
You were a panicked and upset mess, and the fact that you were so distraught, made Sylvain angry. He was going to fix this in whatever way he could.
"I can't do this! I c-can't marry some... Some thick skulled brat like that!" You cried as Sylvain paced back and forth in your room.
"We'll get it fixed. I'm not losing you."
"I don't know what to do..."
"(Y/n)... Would you be willing to marry me...?"
"Of course I would!"
"Do you think your parents would change their arrangements if they knew about us...?"
"I'm not letting them use you. No." You said as you stood up.
"(Y/n)... I don't want you to be stuck with him... I'm more than willing to-"
"I'll leave them."
Sylvain looked at you wide eyed. "You'll what?"
"I'll leave their house hold... I can stay with my grandparents and I can figure something out."
"(Y/n) I'm not letting you risk something like that. With how noble families are..."
"I don't know what else to do, Sylvain. I don't know what else to do."
"Just breathe," he whispered as he hugged you tightly. "We will sort it out."
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