#It was so endearing how Steven got sad about Connie not wanting to hang out with him anymore while she was
screwpinecaprice · 1 year
favorite episode of SU? :)
I'd say all the episodes with Connie in it. 😭
But seriously. A really tough choice. 🤔 I think it's Lion 2: The Movie
It's so cuuuute! 😭💕 'Lion's Ocean' specially made it even more so. And the dichotomy of the wholesomeness of simple childish joys, and the sudden distress of facing life-threatening danger, then back to the cuteness is an interesting thing to experience watching it.
I don't know what else I personally loved about it that much. I just know that out of all the episodes, this would be the one I'd be least most likely to get fed up watching on repeat. If not that, it's Sworn to the Sword.
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lunarlocket32-blog · 8 years
Cyrus Kaiser ( my human Steven Universe OC )
Cyrus Kaiser ( my human Steven Universe oc ) Gender : Male Height : 5'3 Age : 14 Skin color : pale ( becomes tan ) Hair Color : black Eye Color : black Affiliation : crystal gems ( formerly ) Bloodstone himself Relatives : Robert Kaiser ( father, deceased ) Gilda Kaiser ( mother ) Allignment : friend turned enemy Friends : Bloodstone Connie ( to an extent ) crystal gems ( formerly ) Enemies : crystal gems Species : Humam ( formerly ) Shapeshifter ( formerly ) human-gem hybrid ( after absorbing a gem who failed Bloodstone ) ( eventual ) gem placement right forearm Weapons : Scythe ( formerly ) shapeshifting ( when he was a shapeshifter ) pincer-arm cannon hybrid ( as a human-gem hybrid ) Physical Appearance Cyrus had a pale complection, as opposed to his parents, who both have tanned complections, because he was underfed somewhat by his mother. Cyrus is taller than Connie When he met connie and noticed how strong and skilled she is in a fight with a corrupted gem, was inspired to join her and started to eat properly and receive training from Bloodstone, as a result, Cyrus's complection became tanned like his parents and got visibly more muscle As a shapeshifting ooze creature, the only noticeable change in Cyrus's appearance were his hair and clothes, both becoming cyan. When he absorbed Parsiolite and became human-gem hybrid version of himself, Cyrus's hair became black again and his clothing became like that of battle armor, Cyrus's eyes tuned green Biography ( so far ) Before Bloodstone Cyrus lived in an abusive household because his mother Gilda blamed him for his dad dying of a heart attack from stress, as a result, Gilda beats Cyrus, so much so that, as a result of being bruised, he got into the habit of wearing a trench coat to cover them up, Cyrus grew afraid of his mother, as a result of Gilda getting a new job in Beach City, Cyrus moved to Beach City Meeting Bloodstone Briefly after moving to Beach City, Cyrus had a run in with a corrupted gem, before the corrupted gem could attack, a gem saved him and poofed the corrupted gem, the gem that saved Cyrus was revealed to be a telepathic gem named Bloodstone, happy at the prospect of thinking that a being like Bloodstone thought of him as someone of worth, Cyrus took a liking to Bloodstone, asking her questions about who she was, where she's from, and why she was on earth, endeared by Cyrus's lack of fear of her and desire to learn more about gems, Bloodstone became friends with Cyrus, with Cyrus thinking of her as a mother-figure, Bloodstone told Cyrus to keep her prescence a secret Meeting Steven and Connie Cyrus met Connie first, having gone to the same school as her and sitting behind her in class, Cyrus was taken aback at her kindness to him, as a result, Cyrus got to know her more and bonded with her somewhat, eventually, after Cyrus was shown to be perfectly willing to comfort her in more stressful moments that she can't talk to Steven about, Connie found him someone trust-worthy enough to be told about her involvement with the crystal gems, Cyrus, amazed, asked Connie if he could meet them, Connie wasn't sure at first, but decided to let him meet them Two weeks later Connie visited the temple, they found that Steven was the only because Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl were on a mission, Steven showed Cyrus the inside of the house, but not Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl's room and showed Cyrus that he could summon a shield, make a bubble, and other abilities, to Cyrus's amazement When Cyrus looked at a picture of Greg, Steven, Connie, Garnet, Anethyst, and Pearl with Steven referring to them as his family, a strong amount of sadness envy took Cyrus, which caused him to grip the frame enough to crack it, Cyrus perked up immeadiately and apologizes, Steven took the apology and paid no mind into the matter, Connie noticed the sadness on Cyrus's face and wanted to talk to him about it when the visit was over When the visit was over, Connie offered to walk Cyrus home, in hopes of getting him to talk about his reaction to Steven's photo, Cyrus responded by repeatively avoiding the question, Connie almost gave up until she saw Cyrus's mom for the first time, who only responded by yanking him inside and looking at Connie with an emotionless expression, giving Connie a hint that something bad might be going on between the two After receiving a beating soon after for being home later than he said, Cyrus found that Bloodstone was in his room to ask him how his day was, Cyrus mentioned meeting Steven and Connie, but lied about Steven his mom not beating him, Bloodstone, out of respect for Cyrus's privacy, avoided using her telepathy The Next Day At school, Cyrus and Connie were hanging out during a passing period, at a point were Connie needed to grab Cyrus's arm to remind him of something, Cyrus winced in pain, Connie asked him if anyone hurt him, when Cyrus responded by saying that he was not hurt, Connie pointed out to him that he would not of winced in pain if he wasn't hurt because she only grabbed his arm lightly, Cyrus, not wanting to talk about his mom, lied about why he was wounded, Connie, not buying his lie, spent the next couple of days trying to get him to tell the truth, Cyrus, surprised that Connie was putting so much effort into seeing if he's fine, chose to tell her about what his mom has been doing to him, Cyrus had explained to Connie that he hadn't told Bloodstone because he thought Bloodstone would get carried away with getting back at her, Cyrus avoided mentioning that he hadn't mentioned this to Steven or the gems out of fear that his problems would be denounced Introducing Bloodstone Weeks later, Cyrus and Connie were attacked by a corrupted gem, Connie was able to beat the corrupted gem, but the most Cyrus was able to do to help was throwing rocks at the corrupted gem, Connie said that she needed the corrupted gem to be bubbled, Cyrus told Connie that he knows a gem who can do that and took Connie to Bloodstone's hideout When Cyrus and Connie went to Bloodstone's hideout, Cyrus told Bloodstone that Connie was able to take down a corrupted gem, Bloodstone was surprised that a human could beat a corrupted gem, Bloodstone wanted to find out how Connie learned how to fight, when Connie told Bloodstone that she learned from a Pearl, Bloodstone was even more surprised, Bloodstone, wanting to see Connie fight herself, asked if Connie could take Cyrus and her to where Pearl is to see her training, Bloodstone, wanting to know more, agreed and let him see Connie's training Cyrus met Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl for the first time when he and Bloodstone went to the temple, Cyrus was nervous at first but was able to get over that when he saw Steven and Connie Cyrus watched Steven and Connie fight against a group of Hollo-Pearls, as this happened, Cyrus noticed how in sync they were, Cyrus then notices that Bloodstone was looking at Garnet and Pearl with a angry look, when the training was over, Bloodstone and Cyrus thanked the Crystal Gems for letting them watch and Cyrus was taken back to Bloodstone's hideout, before Cyrus could ask Bloodstone if the Crystal Gems could train him, Bloodstone looked at Cyrus and said that she will train him Training with Bloodstone Soon after Cyrus got training from Bloodstone, he learned more about how to use a scythe and more about gem history, when Cyrus heard about the bad stuff that the Crystal Gems have done during the rebellion, Cyrus began to distrust Garnet, Pearl, and, by extension, Amethyst, and growing worry for Steven and Connie Through his aptitude with a Scythe and loyalty, Cyrus earned Bloodstone's pride in him Meeting Peridot and Lapis Days later, Steven and Connie took Cyrus to the barn to meet Peridot and Lapis, upon meeting Peridot, Cyrus and Peridot started to dislike Peridot because of her demeanor, Peridot did not like Cyrus for that reason When a corrupted gem attacked, Cyrus witnessed Peridot using her attack drones to take down the corrupted gem before the corrupted gem could attack him, thankful, Cyrus wanted to get to know Peridot more, only for Peridot to be annoyed with him Cyrus, wanting to know Peridot more, wanted to stay at the barn, when he was turned down, Cyrus persisted by making a tent near the barn, Peridot was annoyed with this, but let him be near the barn Cyrus attempted to befriend Peridot through trying to help her while she checked the attack drones, Peridot, while reluctant, wanted an extra pair of hands to help her while trying to repair the attack drone since Lapis was spending the day with Steven, Cyrus tried to make conversation with Peridot, only for the conversations to be brief, when the attack drones were finished being checked, they needed to charge, Peridot sent him out of the barn, only saying goodnight to Cyrus The next day, Cyrus found that Peridot had built new weapons onto the attack drones, Cyrus wanted to help Peridot by testing out the drones capabilities through fighting them, when the fighting started, Cyrus was able to hold his own until they started to malfunction, turning against Peridot and attacking both Cyrus and her with more force, while Peridot was able to cut an attack drone down, another managed to grab her, before the drone could make another attack, Cyrus got in front of Peridot and threw his scythe into the attack drone, destroying the machine and saving Peridot, this victory was short lived as they found themselves surrounded, in fear, Cyrus and Peridot held each other, Cyrus apologized to Peridot for being so quick to judge her, and Peridot apologized for giving him the cold shoulder the night before even though he was trying to help her, Cyrus and Peridot were rescued when several hands of water smashed the remaining attack drones, when Lapis calmly asked if they needed a room, Cyrus and Peridot were quick to let each other go, Peridot going back into the barn and Cyrus going back to his tent Peridot, wanting to thank Cyrus for saving her from one of the attack drones, went to Cyrus to talk to him, when she found that Cyrus had multiple cuts and bruises that were on his arms, Peridot immediately started questioning Cyrus, Cyrus, now more open about talking to people about the situation with his mom thanks to talking to Connie, told Peridot of how his mom beats him When Peridot heard this, she wanted to know if Cyrus knows about Jasper, when Cyrus said that he knows what he was told about her, Peridot brought up to Cyrus that Jasper liked to torture her, Cyrus found out from Peridot that Jasper adjusts the frequency of gem destabilizers to make things as painful as possible, the memory making Peridot shudder Cyrus, not sure how to respond, hugged Peridot, Peridot, while not hugging back, was touched by Cyrus's attempt at comforting her Cyrus and Peridot bonded over them understanding what it's like to have someone bigger and stronger lording over them When the meeting was over, Cyrus told Bloodstone about who he met and Bloodstone, taking an interest in Peridot's gift with technology, wanted to know where she lived
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