#Connie first showing her rebellious side on that episode.
screwpinecaprice · 1 year
favorite episode of SU? :)
I'd say all the episodes with Connie in it. 😭
But seriously. A really tough choice. 🤔 I think it's Lion 2: The Movie
It's so cuuuute! 😭💕 'Lion's Ocean' specially made it even more so. And the dichotomy of the wholesomeness of simple childish joys, and the sudden distress of facing life-threatening danger, then back to the cuteness is an interesting thing to experience watching it.
I don't know what else I personally loved about it that much. I just know that out of all the episodes, this would be the one I'd be least most likely to get fed up watching on repeat. If not that, it's Sworn to the Sword.
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elonaackerman · 3 years
In a few hour's the spoiler leaks are going to be released for the final chapter of Attack on titan manga and the official translation on April 9th so before all that happens what are you're thoughts and predictions between the character's and the end of the storyline?
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Hello Kian ! I see several of your questions about the ending and I must say I was lost myself with everything happening. However, I think I elaborated a good theory now !
Theory number 1: Eren is alive
This is the theory I acknowledge the most. Many people say that Eren not dying would be too strange after he already survived so much times to his expected deaths, but I don’t think so. Isayama loves to take some clichés and to twist them:
Here is a brief list:
- The MC not dying in the first episodes
- The power of will and friendship (which is shown to be useless in the Trost arc)
- The guy protecting the girl (Mikasa is Eren’s bodyguard, not the contrary)
- The main trio sticking together until the end
- The MC being « special »/being the « chosen one » (Eren is an usurpator)
Something very used in films/books is to use the absence of body as a way to cancel the absolute truth of a death. By showing us a body, Isayama can fool us by transgressing this common rule of « body=dead ».
Also Eren’s death in chapter 138 was just serving Mikasa’s development arc climax. It didn’t solve any matter of their world.
You know I feel like Eren was very relaxed when he saw Mikasa approaching to kill him. He probably already knew what she was going to do and even closed his eyes when she did it (you can see it since on the last panel, Eren has his eyes closed). I feel like if Eren acted this way, it’s because he transferred his consciousness to his body (all this time his head was controlling the titan so he may have regenerated a head on his body). It would explain why this concept was introduced to us with Reiner in season 3 and then never used again.
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Plus, Grisha said everything would go along to Eren’s plan, but if Eren didn’t succeed, the Rumbling is stopped and hell awaits eldians: they will be killed after what happened, considered too dangerous, more than they already were. And even if the titan power is removed, there will still be a large part of hate and of revenge in the Rumbling survivors’ hearts. I don’t believe the « Code Geass theory » which says that Eren did the rumbling so the world could see Eldians defending it, and stand united with Mahrs against him (in the role of the bad guy), especially since some Eldians sided with Eren and that he exposed them in Revelio or even in Paradise with his devoted Yeagerists. It’s not realistic at all and it doesn’t fit nor Eren’s character, nor SNK spirit.
Eren had defined goals: « exterminate them all », and that’s what he did, he doesn’t seem to want to stop the rumbling on this panel:
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Isayama said he didn’t like characters who weren’t true to their goals, that let the story change their plans and motivations too easily. He wouldn’t give to his MC the traits of a writing he despise.
Another reason why I believe the guy is alive is because his POV was hidden all this time. What’s the point of not giving to us Eren’s perspective while his final battle, when it would have been more powerful, if you did not have a big secret/plot twist generator to hide ? I think Eren and Ymir, who smiles like a creep in 138, manipulated everyone: the way Armin came with all the titan shifters in 137 with the help of Ymir was already really suspicious. Kruger, for example, had no reason to stand against Eren.
Chapter 137 was Armin, 138 was Mikasa so we will surely get Eren perspective for 139. And it will be weird if we have it while the guy is dead. Of course we’ll see what happened in chapter 130 between Eren and Historia (I can’t wait for their POVs) and Historia’s baby. The final panel makes me even more sure that Eren is still alive otherwise who on earth would say « You are free » to a new born child ? Eren x Freedom is canon.
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• The Attack Titan
We know the path is a place out of time. It’s in this place that titans are sculpted by Ymir, and that’s why I think it makes sense for Eren to be the first owner of that titan: the attack titan is the only one who ascends in the past instead of descending in the future. If physically it seems to be passed down following the classical timeline, all of it is actually playing in the paths. The Attack Titan was only possessed by rebels, directly influenced by Eren’s mindset. It disappeared at a time, and it was also a part of Ymir’s titan: it’s her rebellious part designed to « attack » the world 2000 years later. I think Isayama might add depth again to the title of the story in 139.
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• Major deaths
I can’t help but think: why did Eren let Mikasa cut his head and even indicated his location with titan marks ? I think that it’s possible he wants his last friends to fly away from the battle, thinking they have won when they didn’t, so that he can restart the Rumbling without killing them. The survivors would be Levi, Mikasa, Armin and probably Annie. I think Reiner will die to let Gaby eat him, so that Falco and Gaby, representing the future, can be saved.
It makes sense for Reiner to sacrifice himself for his little cousin: he lived for the ones he loved even if he didn’t wish to live himself, and since Gaby represents the new generation, hope, and that she was the potential inheritor of the Armored Titan, I am convinced she is the one who will eat him.
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After that the most probable thing is that Levi and Mikasa, who grew incredibly closer, will live together, same for Annie and Armin. Eren will achieve the Rumbling then go back to Historia and we will have that Akatsuki no Requiem ending.
However, a darker possibility is that everyone except Falco and Gaby might die. I am in denial 😄✌🏻
But, I ask myself how Eren will make titans disappear. I think he might have plotted something with Ymir, after all isn’t she free from King Fritz now ? Or maybe Falco will eradicate the worm (bird vs worm is kinda obvious). However I do not think the people transformed into titans will turn back to normal, it’s not Isayama’s style to « bring back » dead characters, it would make Jean’s and Connie’s deaths less tragic. I think that only shifters will loose their ability and the 13 years thing.
Theory 2: if Eren is dead
• Ymir’s manipulation
I don’t wanna believe it but what if all of this was Ymir’s plan ? If he IS dead, it’s Ymir who is the mastermind and manipulated him so that the parasite would die and that she could get out off the paths. « I took the world’s freedom to gain mine » what if it’s YMIR TALKING in 133 ? She could even had sent the dream to Mikasa in 138 so that she would know WHERE Eren was and kill him, all of this after Ymir took revenge on the world. Remember, the titan who protected Zeke came from earth, and Ymir entered in contact with « the source of all organic life », which means she could be the one behind the birds we keep seeing, including the one on Mikasa dream. She could be smiling because her plan WORKED.
Also remember in the paths where Eren was talking to the Alliance ? He was in his kid Eren form, like Ymir, we didn’t see his eyes, showing his slavery and a strange alike-look. Ymir was standing right next to him, in the exact same position, mirroring him as if he was a sort of reflection/puppet of hers. Everybody thought the contrary until now, that Ymir followed Eren. While she was here, Eren was saying that the only way to end all of this was to take his life: what if Ymir made him say that ?
It makes even more sense when Ymir helped Armin with summoning shifters and that they also had their mouths don’t moving.
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• Eldian Society ?
The only way to resolve  everything if Eren is dead is to create an Eldian empire domination with the rest of the world being weak and wiped out. Everybody would live on Paradise and would be teached about the cycle of hate and the heroes who stopped the Rumbling as new Helos, giving us an explanation of that picture in the opening (it could also be Eren’s society as well meant to not repeat the same mistakes as well)
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I hope you liked it ! Let’s not suffer too much during the waiting and organize cottagecore RM and EH weddings with the beach Aruannie one instead of crying 💁🏻‍♀️
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twdmusicboxmystery · 4 years
TWB 1x08 + TTD Clues
Hey Everyone! So here, at last, is my TWB post. Sorry it took me an extra day to get it finished. But before I get into the awesome TD symbolism, I want to say something. Today is Thanksgiving in the states. It’s a day we eat lots of good food and appreciate everything we have and tell each other what we’re thankful for.
So today, I just want to say that I’m extremely thankful for this fandom and for all my lovely followers and fellow TDers. It’s been such a huge part of my life for these past years. It’s kept me company and shaped me in ways even I probably don’t appreciate. So thank you so much for all being on this journey with me. I’ve no doubt that our girl is coming home. And soon!
Okay, onto the episode. First, a quick run-down. Most of the episode is centered around whether or not Silas killed Tony and what they’re going to do about it. We do get a humdinger of a twist at the end: Huck is a double agent.
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I rewatched part of episode 1 because I thought I remembered the lieutenant colonel (Julia Ormond – I’ll just call her LC, okay?) saying something to the girls about having a kid. And she did. It’s in the scene where Hope and Iris talk to her in the dark, still back at the University, and she gives them the map. She says she has a daughter who’s older than them and who is a soldier from the CRM, so she’s away from her mother a lot and LC misses her. Guess who that daughter is? It’s Huck. So, she’s been a spy for LC this whole time, and has been living at the university colony specifically to do her spying. When she “scouts ahead” of the group, she’s often reporting back to her mother.
LC asks Huck how “the asset” is and Huck says the asset is fine. My fellow theorists and I talked about who the asset actually is, and we’ve agreed that it’s probably Hope. I think the most obvious answer is Iris, because she’s more the “main” character and the one LC connected with the most in episode 1. But I think that’s misdirection. 
Not only because of the flashback conversation Hope had with her dad, where he hinted there might be something she needed to know that he hadn’t told her, but also because Huck is always with Hope. She’s the one Huck is friends with. Anytime the group splits up to check things out or look for supplies, Huck goes with Hope. Like she’s protecting her or something. So  for now, our theory is that Hope is the “asset.”
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But let’s turn to Silas. We finally get flashbacks as to what happened with his father. And this is where more his Daryl-ness comes in. His father was super abusive. Silas beat him up in a fit of rage/self-defense. And while his father didn’t die immediately (it wouldn’t be fair to say Silas actually beat him to death) he died later of his injuries. And then as a walker, he attacked Silas’s mother and Silas had to put him down. It’s all pretty brutal and you understand why Silas is kinda messed up.
The point is, he has rage blackouts. That’s what happened with his dad. Silas goes into a rage and actually blacks out and, for at least a time, doesn’t remember what happened. So in the episode, even Silas thinks he probably killed Tony and Percy. I don’t think he did. The best evidence is that, when it happened with his dad, he didn’t remember what happened immediately, but within a few minutes, it does come back, and he remembers what he did.
In this episode, he doesn’t remember what happened with Tony and Percy, and it never comes back to him. And they specifically show us that that’s not how it worked with his dad. So, I’m thinking someone hit him over the head and that’s why he doesn’t remember: he didn’t do anything. But even he doesn’t believe that.
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So, this struck me as being Silas’s Them episode. He’s super sad, hates himself, grieving a lot of things, and at one point even sort of gives up and is going to let a walker bite him until Hope shows up and saves him.
But the biggest thing is that he leaves at the end. Felix and Huck are trying to decide whether to leave him behind or not. They don’t want to, but they don’t know much about him and, in their eyes, he could be dangerous. Even if he doesn’t mean to, he could have another rage blackout and hurt someone.
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Iris talks to him and says “just tell me you didn’t kill anyone and I’ll believe you.” He says he can’t because he thinks he might have done it. Then he just leaves so he’s not a burden on them anymore.
TONS of Beth dialogue at this point. Iris says he’s “gone.” He says he’s glad he got to know Iris (what Beth said of Zack in 4x01). So he leaves by himself and Elton wants to go with him (Hope finally confesses to Elton about his mother, so this episode ends very sad).
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But here’s the real kicker, guys. At the end, we see Silas walking through the woods by himself, and he’s wearing his headphones. A walker comes toward him. The walker immediately caught my attention because it’s blond and female. Truly, it wasn’t any more or less Bethish than any other blond walker we’ve seen, but it still jumped out at me after all the other Beth symbolism around Silas in this episode.
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He grabs a board or a branch and kills it. Doesn’t seem like that big a deal. He does injure it in the forehead, but it’s on the right side. And you know, no gun or anything. 
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But then, at the VERY end, it shows the walker lying in the road up close and we see Silas walking away in the distance. 
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And then it pans over, and his walkman and headphones are on the ground next to the walker. He left them behind. 
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And the thing is, I don’t know why. Did he just abandon the music? Or did it stop working? I almost wonder if the walkman broke when he was fighting the walker.
If that’s the case, it’s a MASSIVE parallel to the broken music box. Lying next to the blond walker. With the forehead wound.
See why I’m having feels about this episode? 
So, either he’s just a massive Beth proxy, or he’s heading toward wherever she is. I almost feel like the writers are telling us Silas is heading toward Beth. (And granted, I’m not at all objective about this; it’s totally my TD hopefulness kicking in. But there’s one other reason I think this could be a thing. I’ll come back to it in a minute.)
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Huck said something weird, too. When Iris told everyone Silas had left, Huck asks Felix, “Do you think he’ll change his mind and come back for us?” It’s just a weird way to word it. Why would he need to come back for them? Besides, they’re going to look for the girls’ dad, so they’re not going to hang around in the same place.
I feel like that’s definitely a foreshadow on the writers’ part. And it really may just be a Silas/plot thing. But it suggests that at some point he’ll return to save the group in some way. …Which is exactly what we’ve always thought about Beth, no?
Let’s talk about Percy for a minute. They couldn’t find his body, but there’s a trail of blood that ends at the river. The thing is, they’re all assuming Percy is dead. They think either he’s a walker and staggered away, in which case the river current simply took him. Or that even if he was alive when he staggered away, he was wounded, and no one can survive the river’s currents and undertow. If he went in wounded, he’s probably dead anyway.
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It just stuck out to me that that’s EXACTLY what we think happened with Beth. The group went back for her, didn’t find her body, but maybe some blood or a trail that Daryl followed for a time, searching for her. But they’re assuming she died/staggered away as a walker (hence blond tree walker in 5x15) but they never found a body.
I siriusly doubt Percy is actually dead. It’s just meant to look like he is. And my main theory throughout the episode was that Percy must have killed Tony and framed Silas. No idea why he’d do that, but we’ve already discussed that Percy has kind of a sinister vibe about him, and I’m happy just going with it and waiting for them to eventually explain what happened and why.
But the reveal about Huck at the end throws a wrench in things. We have a second suspect, now. I still don’t know why, exactly, she would kill Tony and either kill or attempt to kill Percy, but the two of them did know a lot about CRM resources and were kind of flouting their rebelliousness and thievery. If she’s loyal to the CRM (because LC is her mom) maybe that would be enough for her to kill them. Or maybe something else went down we have no idea about yet (kinda like at Grady?). Or maybe it really wasn’t her. No way to know, yet. But it’s an interesting possibility.
There were plenty of other symbols to be had in this episode, but I don’t think I need to go over most of them, because by now you all know how to interpret them. Lots of stars. 
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Boots. Pig references. Clocks. The scene where Elton and Iris talk and he tells her the stars she THINKS are dead are actually very much alive. (If that’s not on-the-nose, I don’t know what is.) And don’t forget the title: The Sky is a Graveyard. Lots of focus on the stars, including a shooting star indicative of Sirius, a blue bird toy at the playground, a song called “The Crosses Made.” Oh, and there were tons of dinosaurs behind Silas, especially in his room in flashbacks, which was interesting.
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So yeah, you get the idea.
I said I had one other reason to think Silas might be heading toward Beth, right? Well, this didn’t come from the episode. Rather, it came from TTD, which they did for both FTWD and TWB this past week.
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Among others, the actor who plays Silas (Hal Cumpston) was on. At the very end, as Chris Hardwick always does, he asked what the actors could tease about the rest of the season. Various answers were given, but Hal Cumpston said, “Rick.”
Now, don’t anyone freak out. The way he said it, laughingly, made it obvious he wasn’t being serious. He was teasing. It actually reminded me a lot of Lauren Ridloff being asked about Connie and Daryl and teasing a shower scene. The huge grin on her face is what let’s you know that’s not actually happening. She’s just having fun teasing fans about it. This was similar.
And let’s be real: if Rick WERE going to show up in TWB, no way they’d let this kid spoil that for everyone.
But one other possibility comes to mind: Beth. I have no idea if she’s what he was alluding to, but given the “new sheriff in town” symbolism and how interchangeable Rick and Beth symbolism is, it wouldn’t surprise me. I could be wrong, of course. I’m just throwing it out there as a possibility.
And given how many Beth parallels were in this episode, to have him say this on the TTD right after? Yeah, giving this a long, hard, side-eye.
That’s all I have for today. Happy Turkey Day, everyone!  
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leolamin97 · 5 years
Invader Zim x Steven Universe Pitch
   Takes place in Modern Day. Pink is yet to get her colony and there was no Gem War. Pink has yet to be given any chance to prove herself as a Diamond, due to her childish antics, and a few other quirks that tend to lead to destruction (Interest in organics, insistence on doing things by herself, and constant denial of ever being wrong about anything).  Yellow, Blue, and White still baby her which annoys her to no end and threw gas on the fire of her shenanigans. Yellow thinks she’s a nuisance, while Blue thinks she needs constant care and protection. This only intensified after Pink’s biggest screw up that leveled a section of the HW Capital.
   It finally reached a boiling point with Pink Demanding to be treated with respect and given something to do that proves she is just as capable and important as the others. Enter White who gives Pink her wish, telling her that she will take a small entourage to a secret sector to investigate and discover new planets for the empire to conquer. Pink is excited unaware that the sector she was given was a bit of nowhere space the gems couldn’t care less about. White giving her a non-assignment to appease her tantrum and to get her off world for a bit.
   Pink is given a ship a Pearl, a squad of Rubies, a Peridot, and a Sapphire. She takes off to the galaxy and they begin scanning a bunch of lifeless planets. Until they find Earth, Pearl suggests calling the Diamonds but Pink belays that order seeing a chance. She will conquer the planet by herself and prove the others that she is a capable ruler. Due to a fault the ship ends up crashing near Beach City and specifically close to the home of Steven Demayo Universe.
   The 12 year old boy finds the ruler and helps her out, quickly befriending her despite her occasional insults. The other gems find her and attack Steven, but stop on Pink’s orders saying he could be a useful source of information. With Steven’s instruction Pink buries her ship underground and takes residence in the house next to his. She then disguises herself (rather badly) as a 12 year old as well and starts attending school with Steven in order to learn more about humanity. This catches the attention of another new girl in School Connie Maheswaren who quickly sees through Pink’s disguise and calls her an alien despite no one believing her, and she also turns out to be another new neighbor for Steven.
   Thus we follow Pink’s continuous attempts to take over the world and prepare for the Gem invasion. The only thing standing in her way is Connie’s persistence, Steven’s kindness, the beauty of Earth, learning from her mistakes and growing as a person, and her own incompetence.
Pink Diamond- The Wannabe Ruler. Not totally stupid, but definitely not evil dictator material. She lives in a bubble of her own self-delusions believing herself to be the greatest thing to grace the universe and constantly spouting Gem superiority. But she knows there a difference between saying your great and actually being it, which she wants to be. She has both an inferiority and Napoleon Complex, trying her hardest to come off as a terror from beyond the stars mostly coming off as adorable, hilarious, or ignorable. She clearly is intelligent able to come up with complex plans for her take overs, but either flubs it at the end or the point of the plan was for something super petty. In her Human disguise she’s as short as Steven keeping her Large Hair, pink skin, and Diamond eyes (She has a skin and eye condition), she wears a Pink T-shirt with a upside down Diamond on it, a skirt, and her little poof shoes.
Steven Demayo Universe- As always he’s our cheery and optimist who see’s the best in everyone even if they aren’t human. Upon seeing Pink he quickly realized she wasn’t the brightest or most capable and thus decides to help her. Even when she declared her plan to take over the world, he didn’t fully buy it thinking she just needed a friend (which she does). Steven became her teacher to being Human (even if every lesson doesn’t fully click). He helps with a lot of her schemes because 1) It always fun doing stuff with her, 2) He knows it’s either gonna fail or be for something dumb, 3) SHE NEEDS A FRIEND!!! Steven isn’t afraid to call her out when she’s being selfish or dumb to the point of hurting someone, and even he has his limits to her antics usually resulting in Steven saying ‘You Jerk’. Steven’s family is divorced, he lives with his father Greg and is constantly being visited by his mom the Brilliant Scientist Rosabella ‘Rose’ Quartzite.  
Connie Maheswaran- A nerdy and socially awkward girl who has trouble making friends due to her interests. She believes in everything paranormal and wants to expose it to the world, mostly resulting in her schoolmates calling her a Crazy Girl and bullying. She is smarter than most kids her age able to do science and work with a variety of machines due to her mother working with Rose Quartz. She is the only one who sees Pink is an alien and thus takes it upon herself to stop her evil schemes, becoming her mortal enemy. She tends to be a little over dramatic and can get a little to “In” to what she’s doing from time to time. She befriends Steven (unaware of how he’s involved with Pink), he’s being her first true friend and goes to him with a lot of her Paranormal theories which he also believes and enjoys.
Pearl- The Lone doctor in this Pink Insane Asylum. She is desperately trying to stay on task despite Pink’s antics, and seems to constantly be on the verge of snapping. But despite that she cares for Pink after a close heart to heart moment the two had before leaving HW. She knows that she is hurting and her attitude is her way of covering it up and hoping to seem bigger than she is. Upon coming to Earth, seeing Pink befriend Steven, and her conquering attempts despite failing have done Pink a lot of good mentally the Diamond being very happy. Thus Pearl plays along and hides their true doings from the Diamonds. Pearl in her human form became a scientist and works with Rose Quartz.
The Ruby Squad- The barest minimum of protection. This squad of Rubies was sent to protect Pink, though they are not the best at it. They follow her orders to a T (only one questioning it, but relents everytime). Though they are mostly left at home and just kinda do whatever until Pink arrives with orders. The Rubies take the form of small dogs whenever they go out with Pink and others.
Random Ideas:
Pink hates School Food, the tastes causes her physical pain. But she loves other Earth food, especially anything Steven cooks
The Gems are vulnerable to certain sound waves, the waves able to disrupt their forms and have different physical effects. Pink while on Earth has been introduced to a Dog Whistle, whenever it’s blown to Pink and other gems it starts feels like they are burning alive.
Pearl pretends to be Pink’s mother and they also created advanced robonoid to act as her father. It mostly opens the door and interacts with humans to keep them from entering the house. Though it can be a little glitchy from time to time.
Peridot mostly stays in the ship to create whatever tech is needed for Pink’s plans and has no interests interacting with humans and just wants to do her job. Though she will be forced to and thus has to take the form of a 12 year old child as well, saying she’s Pink sister (adopted).
Sapphire tries her best to send Pink down the right path even though she doesn’t always listen. Sapphire then spends her time looking down different paths in the future, intrigued by how many there are on this planet. One path that interests her deeply is the visage of a three eyed figure looking at her. She needs to know who or what that is. When going out she takes the form of a 7 year old saying she’s Pink’s sister (also adopted).
Amethyst is a human who likes to be called Amy. She’s Steven’s closest friend in school a year older than him and a whizz at video games and loves Pizza. Almost to an obsessive degree. With a ‘Go with the flow’ attitude she takes everything in stride even more insane space stuff starts going down. She figured out Pink is an alien, but doesn't tell anyone, cause she know Pink ain’t gonna take over anything. She defends Connie one time and befriends her as well, Connie drafting her into her war against Pink though she doesn’t really care, but will step in if things get dangerous for her showing surprisingly capable.
This world is a mesh of Zim and SU, leaning more to the SU side. It’s brighter and a little less cynical and insane. Though it does have its moments and that edge needed for anything Zim related.
Rose and Greg are divorced due to personal reasons, but it was pretty clean and they both love Steven very much. Despite having custody of Steven Greg knows that his son and Rose are close and allows lots of visits wanting Rose to still be apart of Steven’s life. Rose is the greatest scientist on Earth and is constantly busy, but will take any chance and any free time to be with Steven. She can be very eccentric, right on the edge of crazy when talking about science. But has a more calm, emotional, and loving side which she shows to Steven and Greg. She’s terrible at giving advice though usually recounting Steven with stories of her younger more ‘Rebellious’ days as a child, they usually come off as ramblings but Steven after hearing so many can discern the moral of the story.
Possible Episodes:
(This idea is from @bbb35) Pink Diamond believes that boy bands are hypnotic messages by earth government to control the humans, and wants to create a hit song that will be capable of culling the masses.
Pink tries to prepare her Father-Noid for a parent teacher night, thinking she would need both a Mother and Father to appear as normal as possible. But the Father-Noid starts to malfunction.
A field trip to Crystal Labs gives Pink the chance to steal an important piece of tech for her plans. But she has to get through Steven’s eccentric mother who is way into Steven’s new little friend.
When the class gets a bunny for a class pet, Pink thinks it’s cute but also sees a chance to make an adorable army to overrun the humans with. Injecting the Bunny with a special mutagen that causes it to multiply, but it may have gotten out of hand.
Pink attempts to blast Connie and all the other students she doesn’t like into space and towards an abandoned Gem Colony home to an unworldly terror. Can Connie save the day?
It’s Steven’s Birthday and both Pink and Connie are invited, the two determined to prove to the other they are Steven’s best friend and give him the best birthday ever.
(If you like this leave a comment, share your own ideas for expanding this, and maybe this could become a thing in the future. ^^
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introvert-celeste · 5 years
You know, I have to wonder if White actually knew the whole story about Pink Diamond and Rose Quartz from the beginning. Given Blue Zircon's accusation in The Trial that it was one of the Diamonds who shattered Pink Diamond and had the "supreme authority" to "cover it up afterward," it would make sense for it to have some validity. Otherwise, what would be the point of including it? To mislead the audience? That was certainly a reason for it, but the scene places too much importance on the statement for it to be a throwaway, false detail.
White was conveniently absent from this trial--for the murder of a fellow Diamond, no less--and it's clear that she is familiar with this fact by the confrontation in CYM. She states that Pink "took the form of Rose Quartz to deceive [her] pathetic friends" matter-of-factly, without a hint of surprise or betrayal. Logically, she wouldn't have learned about it during that episode. Plus, she does have the most "supreme authority" in Homeworld, and it is specifically noted that she has the ability to judge the other Diamonds like they would their courts. We don't know the scope of her mind powers, but her analysis of the gems under her control shows that she is capable of putting 2 and 2 together, so to speak. At the very least, she could have predicted that Pink betrayed them, then decided to intervene before the war escalated further to protect Pink's identity. It wouldn't be for Pink's benefit, however. After all, if it was revealed that a DIAMOND rebelled, well, that would throw a wrench in the works.
A Diamond is supposed to be inherently perfect, as well as a leader of Homeworld. If it's revealed that one of them rebelled, that would mean they are neither, thus calling to question the validity of the system itself. There would be gems who lose faith in the Diamond Authority, gems who feel emboldened by Pink's rebellion, and gems from Pink's court who would follow her regardless of her allegiances, and all of this spells disaster for Homeworld. Even Blue and Yellow are not immune, either choosing to help the gem they have parented for so long or being forced to confront their own imperfections, thus weakening the leadership. To reduce the risk of this coming out (and perhaps with some deep desire to protect Pink from being discovered and harmed), White stepped in, ordered all Homeworld gems to evacuate, and helped "destroy" the remaining gems. She probably knew that Rose would have blocked her attack to save herself, so this would have also been a punishment meant to isolate her, to take away all the gems she cares about. Her still functioning ship was left on Earth, so it would only be a matter of when Pink decided to come crawling back. She was clearly expecting Pink's arrival, and she informed everyone on Homeworld of this, as they chanted "Yellow! Blue! Pink!" when the ship landed.
So, we have a clear motive and a relatively sound method, but I still have to wonder about the extent of White's knowledge. It is very possible that her correct assumption might have only been that, an assumption. If Pink is Rose Quartz, then this punishment and exile will teach her a lesson. If she isn't and was actually shattered by Rose, then this makes for a great show of power and the all of the rebels would be gone. Seeing Pink's ship and this kid who arrived on friendly terms with Blue and Yellow would have confirmed her first theory, and she would have had thousands of years to stew on this possibility. It no longer surprises her. This is indirectly confirmed with the way she refers to Pink's antics as her "latest little game" and asks condescendingly if she "had fun" and "got everything out of [her] system," namely her desire to rebel.
There is also the matter of how much information she gained from her mind controlling/manipulating. It is very possible that the weird dream Steven had in Together Alone was in some way influenced by White to manipulate Pink. At the beginning, we're shown "Pink" (in her new identity) having fun with her Pearl. Yellow, a gem who Pink has a history of conflict with, comes to check on them, and they are quick to hide the nature of their relationship. Satisfied that they have decieved Yellow, they laugh, only for Pearl to disappear into darkness. Also in this sequence, "Pink" begins to cough up Rose's hair. After, she is surrounded by the accusatory glares of the gems at the ball, and sees images of the CGs being poofed. Finally, White is shown looming intimidatingly. All of this would be used to evoke guilt: her Pearl was taken away and her friends were poofed because Pink's rebellious tendencies encouraged their own poor behavior. The one in CYM is even more telling, beginning with a memory of Blue scolding Pink, mentioning that White will take away her Pearl if she continues like this, and ending with Steven questioning his identity, switching rapidly from his own body to Pink and Rose's forms while the corruption light charges up in the background and again ending with White's face. Again, it facilitates guilt by bringing up her Pearl and by reminding her of her betrayal. While it's shown that Steven has Diamond dreams, the two he had previously were not as clear as the two he has on Homeworld. Granted, the one with Yellow on the jungle moon was influenced by Connie's presence in Stevonnie, and the brief one of Blue scolding Pink on the moon base happened before the big revelation, but neither went beyond his mother's memories in the way his Homeworld dreams did.
As a side note, I also have to wonder how much information White gains when she mind controls someone. The way she accurately describes everyone's struggles in CYM--Yellow's weakness, Blue's need, Amethyst's insecurity, Garnet's dependency, and Pearl's obsession--makes me think that she gets a clear sense of their characters when she controls them. With Yellow and Blue, it would be a simple matter because they are pretty much the embodiments of her own flaws, but the CGs? She knows nothing about them (except maybe Pearl), but she summed up each of their struggles flawlessly, one word each. Did all of their memories flood her mind when she took control? Did that complete her understanding of what Steven is, not Pink herself but a human child Pink has embedded her gem in? Was she able to view Pink's memories through Steven's mind while she (presumably) planted those dreams? Did she take Pink's Pearl after Pip was damaged, under the assumption that they were having inappropriate relations, and only learned the true nature of their relationship when she took control of Pip?
Tldr; White probably assumed Pink was Rose, if she didn't know for sure, and did the final attack to cover up the fact that a Diamond rebelled and to punish Pink. The dreams Steven had on Homeworld were probably influenced by White.
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ebaeschnbliah · 6 years
The lioness goddesses of war and healing, who could only be appeased with the “feasts of drunkenness"
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Some time ago, before S4 aired, I posted about the Prince’s case from TGG, with an addition/revision three months later - Connie Kenny & Raoul . In the course of the last two years, and with the new informations given in S4, some of my former ideas and theories have changed, some expanded. Which can be expected with this story full of surprises. :)  
My interpretaation of the character mirrors in the Prince’s case though, is today the same as in the addition from Dec 2016:
Connie Prince/Mycroft/brain
Kenny Prince/Sherlock/body
Raoul de Santos/Jim/sex
Sekhmet the cat/John/love
Back then I did only a very quick research of Sekhmet, the Egyptian goddess, because my main focus was on the human actors. Still, the combination of warrior and healer in Sekhmet’s attributes, combined with a strong connection to the sun, convinced me that this cat represents John. John is a soldier and a doctor, he hasn’t only a strong connection to the sun (conductor of light) but also to the lion … panthera leo ... family: felidae … cats. 
“Sekhmet. Named after the Egyptian goddess.”  (Kenny Prince, TGG)
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Playing around with the five cases of TGG lately (Bruce-Partington), Sekhmet the cat came into focus once more and I researched that Egyptian goddess a bit more deeply … and found a lot of interesting and astonishing things I never noticed before.
Anyone who is interested in Egyptian goddesses in connection with Sherlock BBC, some musings on cats & lions and a little bit on dogs as well  ...  there’s more under the cut …. 
In ancient Egypt Sekhmet was worshipped as a warrior goddess as well as a goddess of healing. She was depicted in art as a lioness, the fiercest hunter known to the Egyptians or as a woman with the head of a lioness, who was dressed in red, the colour of blood. Sekhmet was also a solar deity, sometimes called the daughter of Ra and bears the Uraeus (serpent), and the solar disk on her head. She is closely associated with the goddesses Hathor and Bastet and the Eye of Ra. 
Meaning of the name Sekhmet:  "the one who is powerful or mighty". Sekhmet was also called "One before whom evil trembles", "Mistress of Dread", "Lady of Slaughter" and "She who mauls". It was said that her breath formed the desert. She was seen as the protector of the pharaohs and led them in warfare. 
The festivals of intoxication 
To pacify Sekhmet, festivals were celebrated … the Egyptians danced and played music to soothe the wildness of the goddess and drank great quantities of wine ritually, to imitate the extreme drunkenness that stopped the wrath of the goddess, when she almost destroyed humanity. 
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She was a major goddess who played a wide variety of roles and was one of several goddesses who acted as the Eye of Ra, Ra's feminine counterpart, and in this form she had a vengeful aspect that protected him from his enemies.
Hathor was often depicted as a cow, symbolizing her maternal and celestial aspects, although her most common form was a woman wearing a headdress of cow horns and a sun disk. She could also be represented as a lioness or a cobra. Titles given to her were: ‘Mistress of the Stars/Sky’, ‘Mistress of Love’, ‘Lady of the Offering/Contentment’.
Myths connecting Sekhmet and Hathor
In a myth about the end of Ra's rule on the earth, Ra sends Hathor as Sekhmet to destroy mortals who conspired against him. Sekhmet's blood-lust was not quelled at the end of battle and led to her destroying almost all of humanity, so Ra poured out beer, dyed red, so that it resembled blood. Mistaking the beer for blood, she became so drunk that she gave up the slaughter and returned peacefully to Ra.
In the ‘Book of the Heavenly Cow’. Ra sends Hathor as the Eye of Ra to punish humans for plotting rebellion against his rule. She becomes the lioness goddess Sekhmet and massacres the rebellious humans, but Ra decides to prevent her from killing all humanity. He orders that beer be dyed red and poured out over the land. The Eye goddess drinks the beer, mistaking it for blood, and in her inebriated state reverts to being the benign and beautiful Hathor. 
The two aspects of the Eye goddess ... violent and dangerous versus beautiful and joyful ... reflected the Egyptian belief that women encompassed both extreme passions of fury and love.
Originally she was also worshipped as a lioness goddess, just as Sekhmet. Along with the other lioness goddesses, Bastet would occasionally be depicted as the embodiment of the Eye of Ra and her festival was celebrated with great amouts of wine. Her name became associated with the lavish jars in which Egyptians stored their ointment used as perfume. Bastet thus gradually became regarded as the goddess of perfumes, earning the title of ‘perfumed protector’. Greeks occupying ancient Egypt toward the end of its civilization changed her into a goddess of the moon.
Eventually Bastet and Sekhmet were characterized as two aspects of the same goddess, with Sekhmet representing the dangerous side of her personality and Bastet, who was increasingly depicted as a cat, representing her benign side.
The Eye of Ra
The Eye of Ra is a feminine counterpart to the sun god Ra and a violent force that subdues his enemies. It is an extension of Ra's power, equated with the disk of the sun, but it is also an independent entity, which can be personified by  goddesses like Hathor, Sekhmet, Bastet and others. The Eye goddess acts as mother, sibling, consort, and daughter of the sun god. She is his partner in the creative cycle in which he begets the renewed form of himself that is born at dawn. 
The Egyptians often referred to the sun and the moon as the "eye"s of particular gods. At times they called the solar eye the "Eye of Ra" and the lunar eye the "Eye of Horus". The related hieroglyphs show the eye iconographically mirrored … from the perspective of the viewer it’s the left eye, from the viewpoint of the god, it’s the right one.
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Source of historical information and images: Wikipedia (Sekhmet, Hathor, Bastet Eye of Ra)
Astonishing details shared with Sherlock BBC
The symbol of the eye turns up throughout the whole story. The sprayed eye from TBB and Sherlock’s eye from TEH.   ( Eyes    Eyes & Questionmarks)
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Women dressed in red. Mary in TEH and Faith in TLD
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A woman wearing cow horns. Mary in TSOT and Janine can also be seen with them in HLV. 
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A woman wearing a snake on her head. Amanda in TBB.
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The ‘Perfumed Protector’ and the moon. Sherlock and Mary from TEH and Claire de la Lune from HLV.   (Claire de la Lune   Clair De La Lune   Perfume Deduction   All things are blue
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Lots of lions. These are both from TBB.  (John is the Lion sculpture  Cupid lions and omnia vincit Amor   TBB - hic sunt leones   Corporal Lyons’ insignias of love   Lions in TAB) 
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The conductor of light. John in TGG and THOB.
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A feast of drunkeness. Sherlock and John in TSOT.
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Sekhmet  (TGG and a pic of the Gayer-Anderson Cat, which is believed to be a representation of Bastet (X)
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Could it be that someone involved with Sherlock BBC is a big fan of Ancient Egypt? Or is all this just coincidence? Anyway, Sekhmet, Hathor, Bastet and the Eye of Ra …. all of them are closely connected to one another. 
one transforms into the other and back again
one develops from the other
they represent different aspects of the same thing
Regarding Sherlock BBC, this duality feels rather familiar. Especially where the ‘canines’ of the story are concerned. As @sagestreet points out in the Follow the Dog metas, all dogs are connected to sex and the fear of sex is represented by the monstrous hound. Two variations of canines serve to express different attitudes towards sexuality. 
At the same time there are also two human characters (male and female) who act as main mirrors for sexuality … Jim Moriarty, who conveniently calls himself Mr. Sex and Irene Adler, the cunning dominatrix. And in one scene from THOB two dogs can be seen in a shop, sitting side by side behind glass.
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Sexuality is a very important aspect in life and in this story as well. Dogs and traces of dogs are interwined with it from the first to the last episode. RedBeard, either Irish Setter or someone else, turns out to be a key element in Sherlock’s past. 
What about love?
There’s another important aspect in life and in this story, besides sexuality. This aspect is love. How farfetched is it to assume that love might be portrayed in a similar way as sex? There exist already two human characters (male and female) who are widely considered to be main mirrors for love … John Watson and Molly Hooper. But is there also an animal who could represent love, like the dogs represent sex? An animal that appears, similar to the canines, in two different variations? 
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Two cats in one pic, sitting in a shop behind glass … very similar to the two dogs in Speedy’s window. There are also two variations of felines who play a role in the story … cats and lions. A tame pet version and the big, wild and dangerous relative of the same species. And while John Watson is connected to lion and sun, Molly Hooper owns Toby the cat. 
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Yes. I am officially going to be a mad old cat woman. I'm 31 and I'm single and I've bought a cat. But he's great. He's called Toby.   (Molly’s blog)
Felines …. cats and lions
A cat can scratch and bite you. It hurts, yes, but it wont kill you. A lion though, that one surely is able to ‘break every bone in your body, while naming it’ and can easily shred your heart into tiny pieces. Lions also often suffocate their prey by covering the muzzle. It’s called ‘the kiss of death’.
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Molly & Irene - female mirrors for love & sex
There exists a striking similarity between Molly Hooper (love) and Irene Adler (sex). At Christmas in ASIB, both women send a gift for Sherlock (Mouth like a crimson wound). On both ocassions the wrapping paper is colour-coordinated with the lipstick. ‘The shade of red echoes her lipstick’ explains Sherlock in Molly’s case while the picture of Irene’s gift comes with a flashback to the beginning of the episode when she decides that a ‘shade of blood’ would be the perfect colour for her lips. Sherlock opens only one of the two presents that day … that of Irene (sex). I wrote about it in Explosive, it’s more me . The content of Molly’s present (love), is never revealed. 
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John & Jim - male mirrors for love & sex
Choices and consequences … that’s a main theme which runs through the whole story and Sherlock seems to be torn between two aspects: John or James, James or John, saint or sinner … friend or lover … the more is less. This topic is adressed in detail in  Solutions or Choices  and  The Big Question - The menaing of Reichenbach. Therefore I leave it here. The picture below shows the strong connection between John (love) and Jim (sex) very clearly.
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Sex and love
Sex - is action. It can be the breathtaking fulfillment of love. It can be given without love, it can be supressed, it can be sold, bought or taken by force. Sexuality can be controlled and locked away somewhere deep down in the hidden places of the soul. 
Love - is quite a different matter. Love can’t be supressed, sold or bought, or taken by force. Love can’t be given if it’s not there in the first place. Love can’t be controlled. Love is what it is. If love is there, it’s there. If not, then not. Love isn’t action. It is emotion. 
Therfore love is a much more dangerous aspect to deal with than sex … if one tries to avoid it because one is afraid of it. 
How to deal with too much unwanted emotion?
If Jim represents sex in this story, Sherlock’s counter measure against Mr. Sex seems to be a padded cell deep down in his mind palace. Here he keeps the unwanted urges fixed in a straight jacket and chained to the wall with an iron leash …. like a monstrous hound from hell  (Shoes for the hound).  A measure probably based on the pinciple: ‘don’t want it, don’t act on it’
LESTRADE: ... but these (murders) do appear to be suicides. We know the difference. The, um, the poison was clearly self-administered. REPORTER 3: Yes, but if they are murders, how do people keep themselves safe? LESTRADE: Well, don’t commit suicide.
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Counter measures against love
If John represent love, how does Sherlock deal with love? This indomitable, uncontainable emotion. How does he react to a feeling he fears and desires at the same time? Comparing love to a powerful and deadly animal like a lion(ess) … what measures does Sherlock take to deal with that lion(ess)? How does one keep a dangerous lion(ess), if one can’t control that creature, that emotion? 
If one can’t chain it … maybe one can change it? 
It is known that Sherlock changes stories he doesn’t like. Could he apply a similar treatment to an emotion he fears? Transforms Sherlock LOVE, the mighty lion(ess), into a harmless cat, so he can keep it without danger. And the only remnant which indicates the actual origin of that ‘cat’ is the name Sherlock chooses for her in the play he creates on his mind stage ….. Sekhmet, the lioness goddess of war and healing. 
The cat breed chosen to play Sekhmet is a Sphynx Cat. Maybe that's not just another lovely nod to Ancient Egypt. It could also confirm Sherlock’s strategy to deal with his fear of an emotion like love ... by diminishing the source of that fear. Because of all cat breeds on this planet, Sphynx Cats are among the most vulnerable and helpless ones. 
Without a fur, their body isn’t protected against sunburn, hot/cold/wet weather, bites/scratches from other animals. They need to be bathed regularly to remove body-oils which would normally be absorbed by the fur. Without the constant care of their humans, those cats would not be able to survive outdoors for long. Maybe as a reaction to this helplessness, these cats have developed a very close and more dog-like relationship with humans. 
Diminishing the source of a fear in order to bypass it, to better cope with it … this strategy is also adressed in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, when Professor Lupin introduces his pupils to a boggart and teaches them how to deal with that creature:
"It's a shape-shifter. It can take the shape of whatever it thinks will frighten us most. Boggarts like dark, enclosed spaces, Nobody knows what a boggart looks like when he is alone, but when I let him out, he will immediately become whatever each of us most fears.” 
“The charm that repels a boggart is simple, yet it requires force of mind. You see, the thing that really finishes a boggart is laughter. What you need to do is force it to assume a shape that you find amusing …. force it to look comical.”  (X)
Transforming a fear into something that is ridiculous or something that is profoundly helpless, achieves quite the same result. The fear might not go away but it diminishes. 
The conclusion of the Prince’s case
It isn’t Kenny, it is Connie who owns Sekhmet the cat and it is also Connie who employs Raoul de Santos. An appropiate choice if Connie indeed represents the brain. Both, the chemistry of love and of sex, have their origins in the brain after all.
The scenario performed in this little play on Sherlock’s mind stage, tells the story of a man (Kenny/Sherlock), of a body, who is clearly ruled and dominated by his brain (Connie/Mycroft). And that body isn’t happy at all under the reign of this government. It’s a brain that ‘works’, that ‘shows off’, a brain that knows exactly ‘what goes best with what’. While the body, the transport, gets constantly bullied, ridiculed and forced into a role it doesn’t want. But apparently there are also parts of the same brain that contemplate thoughts of love (Sekhmet/John) and sex (Raoul de Santos/Jim). 
Mirrored in the shiny surface of the table:  John & Sekhmet (love & love on different levels) while Raoul (sex) is silently lurking in the background.
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By the end of this scenario Sherlock seems to come to the conclusion that sex would be the death of brain. Better and more reasonable to lock sex up somewhere deep down inside himself and stay safely back with the harmless cat. Definitely leave the lion in the bag. Cat/love/John without sex/Raoul/Jim would still be love …. philia/agape …. not eros. 
The outcome of the Prince’s experiment seems to be Sherlock’s basis for the following experiments. At any rate, by the end of The Reichenbach Fall, he comes to a very similar conclusion. Here too Sherlock chooses brain/work over love and sex. This time to save friendship (philia) and he sends his body into hiatus/undercover … into a metaphorical coffin. 
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Then he puts on a facade to hide his true self behind it. And Sherlock keeps the cat/lion(ess) because, after all, he (Sherlock/Mary) is a big cat lover. 
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Thanks for reading this far. I leave you to your own deductions. Thanks @callie-ariane for the scripts. :)
November, 2018
Related metas which inspired me:
Follow the dog Meta-Series   Cats and dogs   Conny and Kenny Prince   John is the Lion sculpture
Cupid lions and omnia vincit Amor   TBB - hic sunt leones   Corporal Lyons’ insignias of love   Lions in TAB   
Sherlock Cats&Dogs   
@gosherlocked @sherlockshadow @possiblyimbiassed @raggedyblue @sarahthecoat @sagestreet @loveismyrevolution @spenglernot
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artsilon · 6 years
So if you don’t mind, I have a few questions about your pfl 2.0 au. First, how much like the alpha fragments are the agents, and how much like the freelancers are the ai? Second, what parts of beta do the ai represent? Third, what did you mean about identity issues? Sorry if this is a bunch, your au is just very fascinating.
Tumblr didn’t show this in my inbox, so I have NO idea when this popped in- If this has been a while, I’m super sorry!The Agents... It’s hard to say, especially since interpretations of some fragments might differ! Some, like Sigma, are pretty different; they specifically went into him and altered - or even cut out in places - parts of his code, which is HORRIBLE, but... They did it so he wouldn’t be a problem. I wouldn’t call base Sigma - which is arguably what we would get with just false memories - evil, but they definitely tore out his too curious tendencies, and rerouted some of his more... Rebellious ones. Omega I’m less sure about the extent of, but I’m sure they fiddled around in his code too, and maybe Gamma’s. But most of the differences are dictated by implanted false memories.Theta’s now a badass and takes after North in the ‘unconventional armour mod use’ category, course.With the AI, it’s more fuzzy, especially since they’re bits of Tex’s memories of her friends, no matter if they’re attached to her own emotions/parts. For instance, Florida is just that happy dad persona, with none of Florida’s creepiness or other distasteful tendencies. Their dominant traits are often a little more exaggerated; for instance, the Maine AI doesn’t even make noise, and instead communicates with Sigma via images and feelings. Dakota - North, though he’s not referred to by that - is intensely protective, an Agent with the code name Columbia who had DID is represented as far more erratic than he actually was, and so on and so forth. Also, amusingly, Tex was oblivious enough to have South and Connie fragment off as twin AI... When they were definitely dating back in my headcanons of the Project.The actual parts of Tex the AI represent are as follows:Maine: Willpower(North) Dakota: FaithYork: PrideCarolina: BraveryFlorida: CheerfulnessWyoming: DeceitLouisiana: SpontaneityColumbia: Rage/LoveSouth Dakota: Resistance/VengeanceConnecticut: acts as the ship AI, but has had her code messed with and used to be Hope/CuriosityWashington Lola: Loyalty/MemoryNow, leading to the issue with Lola... See, as both Tex’s memory of Wash, and straight up Tex’s memories, that is two ENTIRELY DIFFERENT personas - personalities! - residing in one Epsilon-brand suicidal bundle of code. It’s messy, and Lola’s hologram colors are often in constant slow shift between Tex’s black and Wash’s grey and yellow. To make things worse, it occasionally manifests as... Not exactly DID, but episodes where one of these personas completely takes over. They’re not present any other time, probably buried deep, but can be triggered by stress, a too violent reminder of one of those personas, or just sometimes... Happen. Usually, they’re painful, either wrapped up in Tex’s memories of fragmenting or Tex’s last memory of Wash, which is when he was having his breakdown from Epsilon’s implantation. These ‘shifts’ don’t remember anything but that pain, and don’t intrude on Lola in any other way; for instance, if Epsilon was around, a Tex ‘shift’ would likely call him Alpha, not having any of Lola-as-himself’s memories. Either way, Lola must be coaxed to turn off to stop the pain, and sometimes won’t turn back on for several days.Other side effects are Lola can’t project any body but armour - it will only make static if he tries - and one of the few ways he’s managed to reconcile some things is that he’s genderfluid. The name change really helped stop some of the shifts, as being called by either Tex or Wash can actually trigger one.The identity issues Lola suffers from are a little hard to explain since it’s a different personality disorder from DID, probably uniquely an AI thing, so I hope I did it justice.
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melis-writes · 3 years
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In terms of Peaky Blinders (my other love 🥰) just from these still shots and what happens in these scenes, they are very similar in terms of feelings and the action that happens! The characters are almost portrayed the same way but differently.
Without giving too much away, some of the traumatic experiences they have are the same 🥸
Michael & Tommy; Leader of the family (but not by age, by intelligence) powerful, smart and always one step ahead. Very similar demeanour and presence.
Connie & Ada; Rebellious sister who is tired of everyone’s shit, wants to break away but always comes back, in love with someone her brother doesn’t agree with!
Sonny & Arthur; verrrrrrry hot headed, almost animalistic. Will fight anything or anyone.
Tom & Michael; deals with the more legitimate side of business and rarely strays into the other side.
In the still shots, the person in the photo is representing the other in one way shape or form! I could go on but don’t want to ruin the magic of watching it for the first time! 🤩
I must admit, it’s one of those series where you really have to pay attention and it takes the first couple of episodes to understand and get hooked! The brummie accent is hard to grasp sometimes, I’m British and still had subtitles just so I didn’t miss anything 😅
Omg just from the pictures alone I can see the similarities and symbolism! 😳 That’s amazing!! I already know I’ll love this show when I get to it, trust me. Maybe produce a fic or too for it as well, who knows? 👀
Thank you for this!! It’s super informative and has got me intrigued and interested!! 🥰❤️
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twdmusicboxmystery · 5 years
TWD 10x04: Silence the Whisperers - Analysis
How did everyone like the episode? As always, I thought it was really good. The first thing I’ll say is that there isn’t nearly as much symbolism in it as there has been in the past few episodes. Not that there isn’t any, but you know how the past few have just been ridiculously overflowing with it? This one just has less. It’s one of those episodes that’s more action-oriented and setting up for what comes next.
***As always, spoilers abound below for episode 10x04. Don’t read until you’ve watched!!!***
Opening Sequence:
So the song playing in this sequence whispers “1, 2, 3” over and over again, which I think it significant. I already talked in an Ask about the wheel decoration behind Daryl, and how I think it represents the death fake out arc, and may show that Beth’s arc is about to come back around. Beyond that, Ezekiel is sad, Magna is having some issues, and a tree comes through Hilltop’s wall.
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We learn that 9 people got trapped in a building when the tree hit the roof and it caved in. They got all the people out, but this could be part of the Hole in the Roof theory. As the episode proceeds, the noise from the tree brings walkers and they’re afraid the whole wall will collapse. It’s already been weakened by the tree and now all the walkers are pushing in on it.
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This hearkens back to two things for me. The first is the fallen trees in Them, which I always saw as significant. The second is, of course, when the church fell in S6, bringing down Alexandria’s walls and letting walkers in in 6x08/09.
Why would that be significant? Well, I think it’s obvious why Them would be significant, yeah? I mean, it’s after the storm and the fallen trees that the music box woke up. So if you want to draw a direct parallel, you might argue Beth will arrive after the tree falls. Honestly, I don’t see this as a big enough event to herald that, but it might be one of many small events that lead to her. More on that in a minute.
And how about paralleling it to S6? The biggest thing for me there is that that was smack in the middle of Glenn’s death fake out. After the church fell and let the walkers in, Glenn showed up, miraculously alive, and reunited with Maggie. Just saying.
In terms of the plot, I’m wondering (and this is pure conjecture) if Hilltop will eventually fall too. The Kingdom has already gone down, and I wonder if HT will too, forcing the entire group together at Alexandria. I’m not at all positive that’s where they’re going, but it crossed my mind.
Because the wall actually does collapse, but Michonne’s group shows up to help fight the walkers, and they do talk about fixing it. So we’ll see.
Given all the messages and Asks I’ve gotten about this, I doubt I need to explain it in great detail. Zeke has always had heavy parallels with Beth. Just as Daryl and Carol are very similar, so Beth and Ezekiel are too. Here, we have him contemplating suicide, much as Beth did in S2. Much like her, he realized he wants to live. 
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As I mentioned in an Ask, this happened on one side of the now-broken bridge Rick was blown off of. So that connects him to Rick. And he wore a green shirt (Beth). So I think that connects him to the death fake outs and this functions as a foreshadow of Zeke’s own coming death fake out.
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He also rode a black horse. It ran by Michonne after he let it go. That made me realize something. It’s not anything groundbreaking, but just a detail I hadn’t really thought of before. We’ve always seen as white horse = Beth and black horse = Daryl. The white horse also = life or being alive. But I realized the black horse also = death, despair, lack of hope. That’s how Zeke felt here, and how Daryl felt around the time Buttons died. Again, nothing we didn’t already know, but I just hadn’t thought of it that way before.
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When Michonne and Ezekiel talk, she says, “it never would have worked between us anyway. We’re both too stubborn.” He says, “maybe in another universe.” I laughed at that. As in, the comic book universe? It’s obviously the writers’ way of acknowledging that this is a nod to their comic book romance, but it’s not going to happen in the show. (Add that to the list of things TD has been correct about.)
This was obviously the biggest story thread in the episode. And I gotta say, I loved it! Gauge and his friends are mean to Lydia and bully her. She talks to Negan about it more and more, which Daryl isn’t happy about.
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I was laughing hysterically when Lydia butchered the squirrel in front of them. How much like Daryl is that? Like father, like daughter, I guess. She’s rebellious just like he is. Which isn’t surprising since they come from similar, abusive backgrounds.
Daryl is older and wiser now and advises her not to provoke them, but he himself would have done much the same only a few years ago.
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The three bullies attack Lydia and Negan saves her. I gotta say, while I was one who thought it would have been more just for them to execute Negan at the end of AOW, it’s really hard to hate him when he’s being sweet to Lydia. While rescuing her, he accidentally kills the woman who used to be with the highwaymen.
So, remember in episode 1 when I talked about how Negan told FG he didn’t want people’s fear of the Whisperers to blow up in his face so that they blamed him and wanted to string him up? I said that was setting something up and this would happen eventually. So this episode is the fulfillment of that. It truly was an accident and he didn’t mean to kill her, but no way people are going to let it go, now. So Negan takes off.
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In truth, I’ve been waiting for him to take off. I’m actually really excited about this story line. Remember last season when Negan escaped and left Alexandria for a while? Judith tried to stop him, and he took her compass? Well, he was only gone a short time, but during that time we saw tons of callbacks to Still, saw him run from dogs, and saw tons of other Beth-ish symbolism. We weren’t exactly sure what it meant at the time, but now I think we do.
That small excursion from Alexandria was a foreshadow of this one. He’ll probably be gone much longer this time and the arc will be much bigger. It’s important to note that we saw not only Beth symbolism, but also saw Negan drink bad water and throw it up. That hints at the radiation/helicopter group stuff.
So I’m not saying Negan will meet Beth in the woods next episode—obviously I’d be great with that, but I’m sure it will be much more complicated and protracted—but just that something about him leaving will lead to Beth. I’m excited to see how it all plays out.
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When Daryl talks to Carol, she says all the drama in the communities—both the stuff with Negan and Lydia, as well as the tree situation at Hilltop—are distractions from the true enemy: Alpha. I know there are lots of theories floating around about Carol being the one to have let Negan out. 
While I don’t think we have much evidence of that either way, I certainly wouldn’t dismiss it. It would mirror her killing Karen and David at the prison in 4a. Not that the action is the same, but this wouldn’t be the first time Carol took it on herself to solve a problem in a less than ethical way, because she thinks it’s for the greater good. But no one knows for sure what happened yet. They didn’t tell us in this episode. So we’ll just have to wait and see.
Meanwhile, when Michonne and Daryl talk on the radio, she tells him to protect Lydia. She’s afraid that if anything happens to Lydia, or if she leaves Alexandria, Alpha will attack them. Yeah, once again, that’s a setup. Something along these lines will happen eventually and bring Alpha’s wrath.
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Near the end, Michonne, Judith and Luke head back to Oceanside because Rachel radioed to say they thought they saw some Whisperers near where the mask washed up in 10x01. So Michonne is going to investigate. She takes Judith and Luke with her. Where Luke is concerned, I kinda feel like he might die. I hope not, but they sure focused a lot on him saying heartfelt goodbyes to his group (Magna, Connie, Kelly, and Yumiko). That struck me as suspicious. Like that group might not all be together again.
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I won’t do a full details post because there were only a handful I saw worth mentioning.
When Lydia said Gauge and his pals deserved what she did (with the squirrel), Daryl said, “I get it.” Obvious Beth line.
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When Siddiq had another freak out, he put his face in ice water. Not a huge deal, but another example of water helping to (temporarily at least) heal him.
When Lydia was in medical, talking to Daryl, we see a bunch of IV bags behind her. Just reminded me of Grady.
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Oh, and Lydia played around with a worm when she was talking to Negan. (Worm Theory.)
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When Michonne talked to Daryl on the radio, she told him to be her proxy for the vote. This really isn’t anything official, but that word caught my ear. It had nothing to do with Beth in the plot, but how often does TD, in our theories, talk about Beth proxies? And I don’t think I’ve ever heard them use that actual word on the show before. So it just got my attention. ;D
When Negan disappeared, FG said the guards reported that the keys were missing. Key Theory. And reminds me a lot of all the keys we saw at Grady.
When Daryl and Carol talked on the steps, Carol had an interesting line. She said, “it’s like time never moves.” I wondered if that might be a reference to the clocks without hands. She also mentions New Mexico yet again.
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We see Michonne and Judith fighting walkers side by side. Just look at this. I think it might be a callback to when Rick and Carl fought walkers together (with guns in that case) at the prison in 4a.
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Finally, this isn’t really a TD detail, but they’re definitely setting something up with Magna and Yumiko. Their relationship is in a rocky place, but I feel like it’s mostly because Magna is kind of spiraling. She seems angry and like she just wants to kill everything. I don’t know what they’re setting up there, but something.
When Lydia butchered the squirrel, which I already said was very Daryl-like, it specifically showed that Father Gabriel (embodiment of the Sirius symbolism/Beth) was watching her. I’m not entirely sure what to make of that, but I found it interesting.
I loved seeing Daddy Daryl taking care of Lydia. It’s really sweet and compelling. I’m enjoying his interactions with Lydia. I always feel like he’s on the verge of telling her about Beth. But alas, he doesn’t. At least, not in this episode.
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Lydia said she let Negan out, though when Daryl confronted her, she admitted she didn’t. But she ultimately wanted to stay in Negan’s cell because she felt safer in there. It just occurred to me that she currently has a Morgan mindset (from 6x06) where she actually feels more comfortable in a cage. Just kind of interesting.
At the end, they repeat the “1, 2, 3” song again. We see Luke saying goodbye to everyone, which I already talked about. Then we see Carol on the roof, looking at a map. (Maybe evidence that she’s systematically looking for Alpha?) Then we see Daryl scrubbing the graffiti off his front door.
Guess what? The vest is back! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
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That’s super important, guys. We really haven’t seen his vest in a LONG time. It’s return now, with the missing wing on obvious display, feels really important. Like Beth’s return (the return of his missing wing, perhaps?) is just around the corner.
The camera pans around, showing all the graffiti (there was more than just the stuff on Daryl’s door). It stops on one particular instance of it. And, this might be hard to hear, but if you put on the subtitles, the song ends, followed by the sounds of walkers. Then the subtitles say that a Whisperer is saying, “Shhhhh.”
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Yeah, that feels like a very significant setup. I feel like these first three episodes were really intros or setups for the season. Now we’re going to get into the meat and potatoes of things. You know, either really get into the Whisper War, or else something else huge is going to happen. And whatever it is, I think it will lead to Beth. I saw the last sequence of this episode as evidence that the arc where Beth returns is about to ensue. That makes me happy.
Okay. Gonna stop there for today. As I said, I won’t do a details post for this episode. Either tomorrow or Wednesday, I’ll do a post talking about where I’m thinking the events of this episode (such as Negan leaving, Michonne going to Oceanside, seeing Daryl smoke last episode, etc) might be heading. So it will mostly be a predictions post. Sort of. Stay tuned. ;D
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