#It’s bc at least in western countries Islam is associated heavily with/seemingly equates to non-whiteness. that’s why.
ciderjacks · 11 months
(western) Christians and culturally christian atheists Constantly for some reason: Islam is such a harsh and cruel religion…I’m praying 4 the poor Muslims trapped in this evil cult…be free Muslims of the world, be free from the evil of Islam…
Supposed evil Islam: its haram to force anyone to do something they don’t want to do, its haram to force your beliefs on another person, its haram to discriminate against others, if you find that you’re in an unhappy or abusive marriage you should divorce amicably rather than continue to stay married, helping even just one person holds the same weight as helping all of humanity at once, no one is born with sin it’s unfair to place that kind of thing on a baby.
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