#It's just that I think Gepard feels grief the way one feels chronic pain
feroluce · 2 months
No wait!! What was Gepard's second letter?!?!
One was business but the contents of the second weren't mentioned, is this a secret jus for them? T-T
Absolutely adore your writing btw. My heart broke with the first part and I am on cloud 9 with how the second part ended!!! <3
((The context: Lucid Dreamer ficlet part 1 and part 2))
His second letter was personal, give the man some privacy, Anon!!
If you want an actual answer though haha, I've decided it's best left to the imagination. Like I think it would be actively detrimental to the story if I wrote it out word for word. Sometimes part of writing is knowing what to flesh out and what to not.
I don't think it would be a confession, though.
I think Sampo has a hilariously hard time laying himself bare, even though he LOVES getting attention from Gepard. For being a personal letter, it probably doesn't get TOO personal, and the only reason Sampo would leave such a thing behind for him at all is on the off chance he'll never see him again. I think it would take a pretty extreme circumstance, like death, to make Sampo be honest. But then, what does honesty matter at that point? Is it worth it, will it only make it worse? Does it change anything? Sampo will still be dead and gone. Gepard will still be left behind. Does Sampo want Gepard to know anything? I'm not sure he would.
(That said, it does make for a good scene, doesn't it? Gepard pokes through the safehouse, and he finds the beat up metal box, full of letters. He sees one with his name. And he slowly sinks onto the bed, carefully pulls it open.
The letter is still never shown. But it's not the words that are important.
It's the way that Gepard holds it tight between his fingers, realizes that he's creasing the paper, then urgently smooths it out again. It's the way that every successive sentence makes his breath stutter. It's the way he gets to the end of the page and is suddenly so, so exhausted that he sits curled over the letter, heart too heavy to hold until it's unbearable weight bowed his back.
And finally, Gepard drags himself up. Sighs all the air out of his lungs. He grabs the box, and he makes his solitary march back to Belobog.)
((When he returns, he reports straight to Bronya, and shows her what he found. Bronya notices that there's only one letter in there with Gepard's name, one with nothing but detailed instructions, and she elects not to say anything. She doesn't want to rub salt in the wound, especially not one so fresh.
She completely misses that Gepard has kept the second letter separate, tucked away in his armored coat, in the inside pocket against his chest.))
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