#It's kind of sweet that it's living a new life with Papyrus :) Sweet children wearing cool scarves!
sysig · 8 months
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Something old and borrowed (Patreon)
#Doodles#UT#Handplates#Sans#Papyrus#Gaster#Gaster is visiting again - and has once again ended up in Sans' crosshairs#Papyrus knows about it but there's only so much he can really do - reminders are good! He sees you both!#It's never really brought attention to once Gaster is back that Papyrus is wearing his childhood scarf :0#To be fair there's a lot going on at the time lol - what they're wearing is definitely low on the list of priorities#Realigning with reality > what are my children wearing#And they're wearing all of his hand-me-downs! Unwittingly but they were all his clothes other than the stuff they found and made#But the scarf was from Gaster's childhood - has Feelings attached#Not that he's getting any of what the boys have claimed as theirs back haha#It's kind of sweet that it's living a new life with Papyrus :) Sweet children wearing cool scarves!#Obviously Sans would not interpret any of Gaster's reactions charitably haha - deservedly!#But he's just looking because he's reminded of himself! Actually that probably wouldn't be taken well either lol#Can't help what he feels - and it's generally harmless :)#As long as he's good about it haha#Just avoiding another lecture by not bringing it up haha#He's learning!#Drawing little Gaster was fun too ♪ Stripes for kids! A cute little lad#Sans also disengaging - they're both improving :) - mostly because if Gaster's not up for the fight then why expend the energy#Conserve his energy in case he does and otherwise for when Papyrus gets back
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alottanothing · 4 years
Left to Ruin: Chapter Two
Summary: The young prince meets a servant girl called Nouke. The two become best friends, spending many days in the West Garden. As Ahkmenrah grows older, he learns that he must sacrifice his time with his friend to learn the lessons his father has to teach him. Responsibilities shift and Ahk and Nouke’s friendship is tested.
Previous Chapters
Word Count: 5939   
Warnings: none      
Tag List: @xmxisxforxmaybe​, @r-ahh-mi​, @theultraviolencefan​, @hah0106​, @rami-malek-trash​, @diasimar​, @sherlollydramoine​, @flipper-kisses​, @ivy-miranda-2390​, @txmel​, @sunkissedmikky​, @concentratedsassandcandy​, @babyalienfairy​ (Let me know if I missed you, or if you would like to be added to the tag list)
A/N: I’m so SO glad y’all are enjoying this so far! Thanks a million for the likes, the reblogs, the comments and the gif responses! They make me smile!! 🥰 Again, as a disclaimer, I am not an ancient Egyptian expert and google only knows so much. So yeah, I took so historical liberties while writing this to make my life easier, but tried to keep it as “authentic” as possible
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In the westernmost part of the palace was a garden, small in comparison to the grand courtyards were the king and queen hosted festivals throughout the year, but lusher and inherently more magical by far. On every side, the green paradise was surrounded by sturdy walls of sand-colored stone, apart from the open corridor that led back into the palace. The majority of those protective walls sat hidden by abundant foliage; lilies and shrubs and trees that fostered the illusion of no barriers at all.
At the center of the garden was a fountain with wide ledges perfect to sit and marvel at the prisms that danced across the surface of the water where lily pads floated. The air was always fragrant. Jasmine and lotus bloomed in abundance; their sweet perfume coupled with the fresh air created a welcomed reprieve from the scent of torch fire and papyrus that permeated the palace corridors. Beds of grass grew between the footstones and pathways while large palm trees sprung from the earth; their fanned leaves offering shade for the hottest afternoons. Within those walls, amid the green and vibrant blossoms, Shepseheret watched each of her children grow and play for many years.
That glittering, private oasis- nestled in a palace of gold, was Ahkmenrah’s favorite place in the world. Fore in that garden everything was soft and whimsical unlike the stone walls he called home. And in the shining green gem of a garden, the young prince met Anuksamun.
She was his age, with long wavy hair and skin a tone or two darker than his own. Her eyes were brown, but they sparkled like amber in the sunlight--not that Ahkmenrah paid much attention to such things at the age of six. It wasn't for many years that those flakes of gold would make his heart flutter.
Anuksamun was the daughter of Maketaten: the queen’s maidservant and dear friend. Her father, Ramentukah was a soldier in the pharaoh’s army. The three of them lived humbly in the palace with many of the other servants--happy for the shelter the king and queen provided in return for their service and loyalty. It never occurred to Ahkmenrah that he was (as some would claim) better than his friend; all he knew was that she loved the West Garden just as much as he did.
Every evening, Ahkmenrah would gleefully follow his mother and baby sister to the garden, excited to see his friend. The queen and her maidservant would lounge in one of the patches of grass or on the edge of the fountain watching their children play; ducking in and out of the foliage or splashing in the cool waters of the central pool when the desert heat was significantly stifling.
Ahkmenrah never felt like a prince when he was chasing after his friend, giggling as the fresh air swept through his curls as he ran. She only ever called him “Ahk”; never once did she speak of him with the title of “my prince” like so many others. He loved that shortened version of his name. Every time she called for him; it made him smile, and in return, he called her Nouke--a name that found her smiling back at him just as widely.
While the sun was high overhead, Ahkmenrah was with his father, learning what it meant to rule a vast empire. Those mornings and afternoons never lent the same joy he found in the evenings with Nouke in the garden. Nevertheless, the prince cherished the teachings his father gifted unto him. He felt a sense of pride when he stood at his father’s side during civil meetings in the throne room and council meetings. Every aspect was enthralling for his young mind.
The older Ahkmenrah grew, the more he understood and admired the way his father ruled. Merenkahre was firm when he had to be but often kind when the circumstances could warrant gentleness. The respect he bestowed upon his subjects and advisors never went unreciprocated, and Ahkmenrah noted it all; filing it away safely in his mind, so he could remember in the future. He yearned to show the same devotion and compassion to the people of Egypt when it was his turn to wear the crown. The prince learned quickly and eagerly.
No matter how old he grew, or how long his lessons would take, Ahkmenrah would always return to the West Garden. The moment his father’s teaching would come to a close, the prince would thank him for his wisdom and guidance then run through the halls until he was encompassed in the magic of the lush green, and reunited with his favorite person in all the palace.
Since meeting Nouke, Ahkmenrah always missed her. Her spirit matched his own: that unwavering need for adventure. Nouke was warm like the sun but always changing like the moon; she constantly kept him guessing, and it thrilled him. Every game was her idea, and Ahkmenrah never failed to follow her lead- whatever it may be. The whole of his childhood was written within the limits of that garden, and when he was with Nouke, he wasn’t a prince of Egypt--shackled from birth to his duty. He was just Ahk; no more, no less.
For six years that was the routine Ahkmenrah was used to: days with his father and evenings with his friend. However, as they got older, a piece of him came to realize that before long, their adventures in the serenity of the garden would come to an end. By the time he was twelve, most of his lessons ate into the hours the prince was used to spending with Nouke. It made him sad to think of her alone in their garden with no one to keep her company, but a large part of him understood how important it was to learn his father’s trade. He could only hope that she understood too.
It was exceptionally hot the afternoon Ahkmenrah followed his father out of the palace and into the training yards located on the grounds. He’d often heard his brother speak of the open field where the pharaoh’s soldiers trained along with the Medjay. It was a new sight and Ahkmenrah’s hunger for adventure lent him attentive eyes. Men and boys, most around his age, were practicing with all manners of weapons; spears, bows, and the khopesh. Ahkmenrah watched them all, wondering why his father had brought him to such a place.
“Three times a week, we will be meeting here so that you may learn to defend yourself,” his father noted as though he had heard his son’s thoughts.
Merenkahre stopped a good distance away from the other sparing soldiers and turned to face his son. Kamuzu stood at his side, holding the same stoic expression that Ahkmenrah could never really make heads or tails of. The Medjay deftly removed the khopesh from its place on his hip and offered it wordlessly to the prince. Ahkmenrah’s brows furrowed and he blinked at the curved blade apprehensively, confused as to how this lesson applied to being king.
“Take it,” his father encouraged, easily drawing his own matching weapon. “Test its weight.”
Ahkmenrah bit his lip, eyeing the khopesh wearily a moment more before obeying. A gasp escaped his lungs in mild shock when the heavy weapon fell from his hands, and into the dirt--it was much heavier than he had thought. Quickly, he retrieved the blade and held it with a firm, two-handed grip, looking sheepishly back to his father. The ghost of a smile played around Merenkahre’s lips, which put Ahkmenrah more at ease.
“Test its weight,” he said again, slowly gliding his own blade through the air with one hand.
Ahkmenrah mimicked the movements as best he could; the weapons cumbersome weight almost too difficult for him to manage properly.
“Very good,” Merenkahre grinned.
“Am I going to learn everything as Kahmunrah has?” Ahkmenrah asked, suddenly more interested to learn.
His older brother only liked weapons and fighting; he found no beauty in gardens or shared the young princes' sense of adventure. Thus, Ahkmenrah knew; Kah never wanted to be the big brother he wanted. But if he learned to fight, maybe he would like him more--the prince hoped so anyway.
A slight frown tinted the pharaoh’s expression, but he quickly hid it. “To a degree, I will teach you bow and spear and khopesh until you are comfortable enough with each.”
“Oh,” Ahk said, slightly disappointed. Kah only liked people who were as skilled as he was. “Okay.”
Ahkmenrah followed his father’s guidance, swinging the blade how he was instructed in repetitive motions, each one faster than the last until the weapon no longer felt so clumsy in his hands.
It was weeks before he was truly at ease with any kind of weapon in his hand. Still, he knew he would never harbor the same joy his brother seemed to when it came to such things.
“Am I going to learn how to strategize war next?” Ahkmenrah asked idly after a long day in the training yard.
His muscles ached as he walked back to the palace alongside his father and Kamuzu. Merenkahre didn’t answer right away, taking his time to think as his features grew pensive, causing Ahkmenrah to wonder what it was about his question that warranted such careful study.
“Your Consul of Montu will be responsible for such dealings,” Merenkahre decided, finally. “You must trust his word, should a time ever come that you need such knowledge."
That made sense, but Ahkmenrah pressed anyway, “but didn’t you know how to--”
“I learned because my father needed men to fight in wars he wanted no part of,” Meren explained sternly. “Do you plan to seek out war during your reign?”
Ahkmenrah shook his head, folding under his father’s unusually intense gaze, “No.”
“Then what you have learned will suffice,” the pharaoh’s expression lightened as they neared the palace. “We are done for today. Your mother tells me you are missing a friend of yours--go.”
Ahkmenrah’s face lit up, all previous thought of war and fighting long behind him. He quickly thanked his father and took off running.
The sun had only begun to sink into the distant horizon when Ahkmenrah made it to his favorite garden. He'd only stopped on his journey long enough to scrounge up a snack that he could share. As a servant, Nouke and her family were given small rations and often went hungry--a thought the prince hated. It only took her offhandedly mentioning she’d gone without one day for Ahkmenrah to make a habit of bringing something from his own, abundant supply. She had refused the first time, too proud it seemed to want his help; it was only when he offered to share that Nouke would accept his offerings. He would purposely eat slower, letting her take as much as she needed, and he would smile; happy to have helped his friend.
Nouke sat on the edge of the shallow pool; her dark hair pulled into a loose braid- the slightly darker tan pigment of her skin glowing in Ra’ s golden rays. Her face was turned away, eyes fixated on the lily pad she glided over the water's surface in absent motions. Even from a distance, and without the benefit of seeing her face, Ahkmenrah could tell a sadness had taken root in her. Something even the magic of their treasured garden could not properly deter. How long had it been since he had seen her? Days? Weeks? Much too long.
Her somber aura shifted however when Nouke caught sight of him with an idle glance. A gasp sounded on a quick inhale when her eyes met his--the lily pad forgotten. All of the gloom that had been constricting her spirit no longer bound her. She dazzled him with a smile that matched the sparkle in her eyes, and when she ran to greet him, she did so on fumbling feet, excitement quickening her gait to nearly a fault. Catching the blunder painted a grin onto the prince's lips as his pace hastened too, eager to be near her.
“Ahk!” Nouke’s honey-sweet tone was like a song to his ears after weeks of nothing but his father’s gruff voice in his head. 
The sound alone was enough to pull his smile tighter and prompt his heart to beat more fervently (for whatever reason). Unceremoniously, she threw her arms around his shoulders, enveloping him with a friendly embrace, with sufficient force to almost send Ahkmenrah stumbling backward.
“I thought maybe you’d forgotten me.”
“Never,” he assured her, returning her hug with just as much warmth.
She was smiling even brighter than before when they pulled apart, her eyes meeting his gladly.
“Sorry I’ve been away so long,” Ahk said, brandishing a peace offering: a linen-wrapped bundle of fresh dates and figs to share.
She glanced at the proffered fruit, then back to him with silent rejoice before tugging him by the arm across the garden to one of the shady patches of grass. She gave his arm another yank, tugging him down to sit beside her.  The cool patch of grass was a welcome contrast to the hours he spent under the sun in the training yard. He sat with his legs out in front of him, leaning back on his hands relishing in the soft textures and the company of his friend. Nouke waited patiently for him to pass her a portion of the food he had brought--like usual--and together they ate in content silence.
“I missed you,” Nouke said suddenly, in a rather sheepish tone that was unbefitting of her usual ebullient demeanor.
When the prince chanced to meet her gaze, he found she had spoken more to her food than to him, still, he smiled. He was so used to her exuberance, but he liked this timorous side of her as well.
“I missed you too,” Ahk said, sliding her the last two dates.
He could have eaten them easily, having worked up an apatite swinging a blade around the better part of an afternoon, but he had the luxury of ample meals whenever he called for one, unlike her.
The shy exterior melted into the lively attitude he was accustomed to, which had always lent a fullness inside of him that he couldn’t quite place. Nouke was the only person he knew to incite such a feeling.
“What is it your father’s been teaching you?” she asked, noshing on the last piece of fruit.
A tiny frown worked onto Ahk’s features, the shift in the curve of his mouth enough to elicit a slight ache in the muscles of his face. Nouke had always been curious about his lessons, and usually, he was happy to tell her the wisdom his father offered. However, after so much time away, Ahk didn’t want to discuss topics that had been pounded into his brain since he was six.
Ahkmenrah pulled absently at the green blades, and bit his bottom lip as he shrugged, “A lot of the same……just more.”
He sighed and when he caught her thin frown, he mustered a smile for her benefit, not wanting to burden her with his own troubles. It wasn’t right for him to complain, especially to her.
“He has been teaching me how to fight like Kahmunrah.”
“Oh?” she frowned, more out of wariness than sadness, but only briefly. “That must be fun. Is your brother helping?”
Ahk shook his head, “No.”
When he told his big brother that he was learning to fight, Ahkmenrah hoped it would spark some sort of kinship between them--a shared interest. Even a hint of intrigue would have been something. Instead, Kah had scoffed and pushed him out of his way. He didn’t understand why his brother treated him so.
“Sometimes I wish my father would make Kahmunrah pharaoh instead of me.”
Nouke glanced at him, surprise pressing a furrow onto her brow, “Why?”
Ahk shrugged, “I don’t want to spend my whole life in a palace. Kah isn’t going to be pharaoh, and he has traveled and seen so many places. I want to see them too.”
Nouke grew quiet, and he watched her thoughts manifest in waves of her pensive expressions, until a smile steadily unfurled across her features. Ahk smiled too, a reflex reaction to seeing her face light up with restored spirit.
“I think I know a way you can have a little adventure,” she told him before he could ask what had prompted her grin.
When she didn’t impart more of an explanation, intrigue contorted the prince’s face, his question written in the hook of his brow. Without a word, she tugged him off the cushion of grass and to his feet; he barely had time to find his footing before she was yanking him deeper into the garden. Ahkmenrah knew better than to ask where it was she was taking him; he followed her lead and reveled in the surge of thrill the mystery brought.
Nouke led him to the westernmost edges of the garden, skillfully cutting through the dense foliage that hid the towering wall until they were in the small space between the green brush and sand-colored stones. She stood for a moment, her hand still gripping his as she studied the bricks carefully.
“Nouke?” the prince asked, his eyes bouncing between her and the wall, then back to her.
She didn’t answer.
Instead, she surrendered his grasp and began pushing gently on individual stones, causing Ahk’s confusion to grow. He was about to ask her again when one of the bricks fell loose to the other side with a quiet thud.
“Found it!” Nouke beamed proudly.
Ahk’s mouth hung agape in awe, blinking as she pushed more of the bricks free until the breach was large enough to crawl through.
“I had a lot of time to explore when you stopped visiting,” she explained with a shrug.
Ahk frowned, “Sorry.” 
“It’s okay. Now are you gonna follow me on an adventure or stay in these walls?”
She was already climbing through the opening with ease as she spoke. The prince bit his lip as he smiled and nodded. His heart was pounding and his whole body tingled with excitement; of course, he was going to follow his friend on an adventure--he would follow her anywhere.
“Kamuzu!” Ahk shouted, knowing it would be better to have someone to watch out for them than not.
“No,” Nouke frowned, gazing at him with concern from the other side of the wall.
“It’s okay, he won’t tell anyone where we go. He'll just protect us,” he promised with a grin and deftly climbed through.
The sensation of hot sand beneath his feet for the first time was one the prince would never forget; it’s soft but coarse texture so alien but grand. Hundreds of tiny grains shifted and moved heedlessly around his toes--free--like he suddenly was. Ahk had only ever known the packed dirt of the training yard and the hard stone corridors of the palace. Sand was new, and it pulled a tight smile onto his lips.
Directly on the other side of the garden wall was a stretch of rural landscape that grew more arid the further west he looked beyond the Nile. All of it open and dotted with sparse, dried foliage: land that had yet to be peppered with stone structures. Along the banks of the mighty river green sprouted creating a striking contrast to the surrounding dry sands. It was like stepping from one magical garden into another, but this one had no walls.
Something ethereal washed over Ahkmenrah as he took in the grandeur of it all; the sights and smells and the horizon stretching out endlessly with nothing to keep him from running to where the sun was sinking into it. Everything he knew was encased in stone walls. It would have been so easy to venture into that vast countryside, but that sense of duty, that had been all but bred into him, kept him where he stood--yearning.
Nouke was already strolling along the riverbank, free of the yoke of responsibility. He was envious, to a degree, but not enough to hinder the joy he felt seeing her so uninhibited wading in the waters of the Nile. His feet sank into the sands as he stood watching her, finding the grains growing colder the deeper he rooted. Ahk wanted to follow her; he found himself glancing over his shoulder to the hole he had crawled out of.
Kamuzu managed to fit through and placed himself at the prince’s side, wearing the same stoical expression he always did.
“My father wouldn’t approve of me being outside the walls like this,” Ahk mused.
Kamuzu’s austere features softened, and one side of his mouth quirked into a slight smile, “Then we simply won’t tell him.”
With a nodding gesture, the Medjay encouraged the prince to join his friend. It was enough permission to chase away the invisible tether keeping his feet from moving, and with a flash of white teeth, Ahkmenrah grinned and ran to catch up with Nouke.
“Come feel the water, Ahk!” Nouke said, pulling him into the steadily flowing current of the Nile.
The water was up to their knees, and the cool rush around his legs was akin to the sand under his feet. The undeniable essence of life flowed around him, invigorating his senses and tingled every nerve in his body. The stagnant water in the pool of his garden would never compare to the constantly moving surge of the Nile. Ahk paid no attention to how wet his fine linen garments became; he wanted to stand there forever, feet buried in the soft river bed, water flowing freely around him as the sun warmed his shoulders. Nouke, however, took his hand and pulled him along with the current. The further from the palace they strode the less weight Ahkmenrah felt on his shoulders. There, he was just Ahk, and that was enough for him.
That stretch of bank along the mighty river became their second favorite place to venture. Many evenings that followed, Nouke and Ahk would tuck themselves away in their new oasis, a secret hideaway that allowed the masks of their reality to fall, letting them each be more and less than who they were meant to be.
Like the ever-changing waters of the Nile and the shifting desert's sand, the passage of time reshaped even the closest of paths. Responsibilities grew more significant as they grew older; placing a very irrefutable wedge between Ahkmenrah and his friend from the garden. Though they oft fought it.
At thirteen, Nouke was no longer simply a child of a maidservant, but a servant herself. She was expected to see to many chores at any hour, keeping her from the garden of her youth. As for the prince, his time of wistful adventure ran out too; Ahkmenrah was rarely out of his father’s sight. Merenkahre’s lessons shifted into actions. The pharaoh had taken to surrendering his seat on the throne or at the council, allowing the prince a taste of the future that awaited him.
The first time his father sprung such a notion onto his shoulders, Ahkmenrah was sure his heart was going to beat right out of his chest. Every eye was on him, bearing down with a scrutiny that made his throat dry, and his palms sweat. He knew it was a test, one that he had been studying for most of his life. However, despite the years of shadowing his father’s every move, hearing his every command and testament, Ahkmenrah felt entirely out of his element. All his lessons were lost somewhere in the haze of his mind, and he desperately scrambled to recall what he had stored away. The only comfort was his father at his side.
Meren stood, mostly in silence, watching, lending quiet guidance, and solidarity. Even so, Ahkmenrah spent his first time as a ruler, with a white-knuckled grip to the armrest’s of the throne to keep his hands from shaking. That first time was the hardest. In the tests that followed, however, Ahkmenrah's confidence built more and more until he could present himself with the same regality of his father.
After a month of afternoons seeing to civil matters and addressing the council like a king, Ahkmenrah had never been more comfortable with the path the gods had laid before him. However, despite the comfort he felt, the notion of being pharaoh--and not just playing at it--had not yet taken hold. In his mind, he still had much to learn, but when his father summoned him to an early council meeting to discuss how much he'd learned in such a short amount of time; Ahkmenrah knew, his time as ruler was fast approaching.
That particular council meeting began like any other. Merenkahre sat at his normal seat at the head of the table while Ahkmenrah sat attentively next to his brother a few seats away. Most of the talk was the usual chatter: matters that ranged from trivial to pressing. Each warranted equal amounts of discussion regardless of how frivolous--a lesson Ahk learned early much to his childish frustration. When all other affairs had been seen to properly, Merenkahre stood, causing a hush to befall the room.
“My friends, there is but one matter remaining that I wish to discuss,” the pharaoh’s line of sight moved to his youngest son, and Ahk shifted, suddenly nervous. “I have been blessed in my time as pharaoh, and it is my wish that the same will be for the pharaoh who follows me.”
Merenkahre smiled proudly upon Ahkmenrah and gestured for the other men to follow his gaze. “As you are all aware, it was my intention to crown Ahkmenrah during his fifteenth year. But, during these past few weeks, he has shown wisdom beyond his years, and aptitude that far surpassed mine at his age.”
Ahkmenrah’s stomach twisted into a knot, and his heart was beating rapidly. Still, the prince held onto his composure, listening to his father, while sneaking side glances to Kahmunrah--seeing his indifferent expression meld into a disapproving sneer.
“Thus, I feel it is time, that I step aside and let Ahkmenrah take his place among Egypt's mighty pharaohs.” Merenkahre finished, holding his prideful simper.
A commotion broke out within the chamber as advisors sang praise to the pharaoh’s wisdom, all but one. Kahmunrah alone slouched into his chair, pouting, while the room congratulated the younger prince on his accomplishment. A lump grew in the back of Ahkmenrah’s throat; a cumulation of nerves, excitement, and a little guilt. No one had told Kahmunrah that he was never going to wear the crown, he figured it out on his own. And the bitterness it caused him had never been more palpable than in that moment.
Ahk swallowed that psychological clod in his throat before it grew large enough to choke him, and let his focus fall inward. A part of him considered forfeiting the crown with the demand that it be given to Kah so Ahkmenrah could spend his days exploring with Nouke. However, Ahkmenrah had endured years of teachings, and he wasn’t about to let his father’s teachings be for not. He didn’t want to let his father down, or his people. The prince wanted to be king, just not so soon.
“I’m not entirely sure he is prepared to rule, father,” Kahmunrah noted with an insouciant shrug.
Merenkahre shot his eldest son a vehement glare.
Kah raised his open palms as a sign of surrender, “I assure you; my reasoning does not come from my own desire to rule--”
“Then where?” Meren demanded.
“Your youngest son may possess the mind of a great ruler, but how can he rule the country if he does not know the country?”
The pharaoh’s intense leer waned as he considered Kah’s words thoroughly.
“I have seen much of this land,” Kah boasted. “The pyramids, where the Nile bleeds into the sea--I understand Egypt and her people. Ahkmenrah understands little more than the palace walls.”
The pensive expression on the pharaoh’s face melded back into a heavy suspicious leer.
“Are you suggesting that I crown you because you have seen all of these things?”
Kah’s jaw clenched as frustration strained his features, obviously upset his father gauged him with such mistrust. Nevertheless, Kahmunrah kept his tone even when he spoke his reply.
“My travels hardly give me merit to rule, father. I am simply suggesting the boy may appreciate the land and the people more if he sees them for himself.”
“Your son makes a fair point, my king,” one of the advisors noted.
“Yes,” another agreed. 
“And had you not seen much of the land and your people by the time you came to rule as well, father?” Kah added.
The pharaoh grew quiet again, rubbing his chin as he pondered. Ahk, however, sat, without finding words to speak, not entirely sure what was going to happen. It was rare Kah offered a suggestion that did not somehow benefit himself--Meren and Ahkmenrah knew that, which made the entire notion somewhat suspicious.
“And I suppose you want me to leave you in command while I am away with your brother?" Merenkahre tested, eyes growing narrow again.
Kah’s lips pressed into a firm line, his irritation becoming more difficult for him to stifle.
“You are the pharaoh, father. You will put into command whoever you think worthy,” his caustic tone matched his glance as he looked to Ahkmenrah and back to the pharaoh. “Just as you have always done.”
Ahk let his focus fall to the wood grain of the table in front of him, sinking lower in his chair, feeling Kah’s cold leer like daggers piercing his skin. He hated feeling guilty for something that was not completely his fault.
“Very well,” Merenkahre said finally. “I will think on this matter for a day, but it is likely the young prince, and I will soon be charting a course along the Nile.”
As the council adjourned, the apprehension that had been gnawing and tightening the knots in Ahkmenrah’s stomach slowly began to shift into something akin to excitement. Several of the advisors lingered, speaking to his father and brother about potential places to venture, but the prince didn’t stick around to learn where it was he and his father may be going. He liked the surprise.
It was early in the day, and he was sure there were to be more lessons awaiting him, but Ahkmenrah excused himself without a word, wanting nothing more at that moment then to share the good news with his best friend.
He went to their garden first in search of Nouke, but apart from the colorful birds, flitting throughout the greenery, it was empty. Curiosity pulled him deeper into the garden however, when his eyes scanned the furthest line of foliage, knowing the secret passage hidden behind the bushes. But, all the stones were as they should be; she was somewhere in the palace, and while a frown threatened to curl his lips downward, Akh would not let his excitement be hindered.
The prince wandered the grounds the better part of an hour before he found her among a group of maidservants, hanging washed linens to dry in the sunny courtyard. Immediately, Ahk's heart fluttered and beat faster and his smile spread across his face with tingling fervor. A chorus of surprised gasps echoed as he cut through the gathered women without ceremony. Some dropped to their knees while others bowed their heads respectfully, and all of them greeted him with a hushed “my, prince.” Nouke, however, beamed; giving him no such formal greeting. When Ahk took her hand, another gasp filled the open air of the courtyard, and the prince almost rolled his eyes at the drama of it all. Nouke didn’t ask when he whisked her away from her chores on hurried feet, she just laughed and held on to his hand like she would follow him wherever he wanted to take her.
Ahkmenrah was out of breath when he finally sat them down on the edge of the fountain in their garden. Nouke eyed him with amused confusion, waiting for his explanation with a soft smile painted on her lips.
“I have…to tell you…something…fantastic,” Ahk husked out between labored breaths.
Her dark eyes lit up, teaming with inquiry and that spirit he so admired. He took another moment or two to settle his breathing before he spoke.
“My father is going to take me on a trip to see the cities and landmarks of Egypt!” he was only vaguely aware of how fast he was talking; his excitement made it difficult for him not to. “It was Kah’s idea--he said a king should know his people. My father is going to make his ruling tomorrow and well…if he decides we are going; I'm going to ask that you come too.”
When he’d finished, Nouke’s excitement did not match his own, and that was enough to impede the joy he felt. She wasn’t even truly looking at him; her spirit dulled as she drew into her own thoughts.
“Nouke?” he asked gently, trying desperately to read her doleful aura.
She shook her head as her entire frame wilted, “I can’t go with you.”
Ahkmenrah’s face fell, and he met her sad eyes in silent question.
“I wish I could, Ahk. But I’m a servant. You're a prince. Your father would never allow someone like me to go with you.”
She was right. Servants were not companions to princes. Nouke to him, however, was so much more than a servant, she was his friend; she always would be no matter her station. His father would not understand that though, and the notion yanked ravenously on his heartstrings. All at once, the idea of adventuring lost its luster if he couldn’t share those experiences with her; and for a second time, he considered giving up the crown.
“I look forward to the stories you’ll bring back,” she said casting him a smile he knew was for his benefit and nothing more. “Promise you will tell me everything as soon as you return.”
Ahkmenrah nodded, sadness in his tone, “I promise.”
It fell quiet in the garden for a long time, the only sound coming from the rustling leaves caught in the desert breeze and the songbirds that played among them. Ahk’s eyes followed their sound, envying the freedom their wings granted them; with a few flaps, they could soar miles away.
“I have to get back to work,” Nouke murmured, sounding as though she didn’t want to leave him.
She gave him another rueful smile, and he did his best to match it.
“My father is probably looking for me,” he said, also not wanting to leave.
Before he turned to say his good-bye, Nouke pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek. Pink tinted her features and she smiled again, that time not quite as sad.
“Have fun on your adventure, Ahk.”
The prince watched her go, his fingers caressing the spot where she had so brazenly kissed him, feeling utterly torn. Ahkmenrah yearned to see Egypt’s centuries-old monuments and cultures, but part of him wished to stay in the palace forever where Nouke was. Surely a pharaoh who could do as he pleased could remain friends with a servant. The aching knot in his stomach, however, told him such a notion was not going to be so easy.
Next Chapter-> Chapter Three: Across the Sands
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northwind4 · 4 years
Many WingDingses going around !
Finally, I decide to integrate all the Ships of Wing!Gaster&Handplates!Gaster that I have written since I started shipping them in last February.
★Handplates!Gaster by @zarla-s
★Wing!Gaster by me
It’s really a big project...not including the ship stories that just have a few simple chats, only the ones that have outlines and some plot details.
Which story are you interested in? Just tell me (。・ω・。)ノ♡ I don't have enough time to write the full version now, but I will try my best to tell what you want to know (ง • ̀_• ́)ง
Most of the stories came from the chatting with 遥遥 @technitimr , wow, look at us. ♡(*´・ω・)(・ω・`*)♡
0. Classic WG
The beginning of all stories.
【Stories that based on Zarla's world setting】
Based on Zarla's fellplates setting.
The story of an aggressive Wing and a pastel looking Gaster.
Based on Zarla's deltarune setting.
At the moment when Gaster brought the children to the medical examination, Doctor Wing felt that he had met the love of his life.
*Daily sweet love stories, oh.
Based on Zarla's Ukagaka setting.
*When you started the program, one more Gaster appeared.
【Stories where some vital plots changed】
After discovering the little skeletons that Gaster used as subjects, Wing made the opposite choice from the classic one: he put Gaster in the cell and decided to give him back all the pain that he inflicted upon the children.
Compared with the classic ones, Wing and Gaster's situation has been exchanged. Without the core accident, Wing lived happily with his children in his own world. One day, something came out from the mysterious crack that he opened.
The Gaster who chose mercy fell into the core in an accident. When he left the void from the crack, he was furious to see the little skeletons who are treated as subjects and a Wing who seemed to have no feelings.
The appearance of Gaster almost overthrew Wing's life. In order to protect his children, Wing agreed to be the subject of this monster from the void.
【Stories where Gaster and Wing come from the same world】
7. Adoption line WG
On the battlefield, the military medic Wing found a small skeleton hiding under a coat.
8. Adoption line swapWG
A story of Gaster looking after little Wing.
Day 1: "Sorry sir, but…I'm a little hungry."
Day 7: "Come on uncle, lunch time, I made mushroom soup and noodles and lemon pie and…"
Well, a story of a little Wing looking after Gaster.
9. Tidal WG
With the signing of the peace agreement, the war between monsters and humans finally came to an end. After dealing with everything, the royal scientist Gaster chose to leave the place where he worked for several years.
When Alphys and Undyne went to visit him, they found something strange under the peaceful picture.
10. Bodyguard WG
One day, Asgore introduced a personal guard to his royal scientist.
Wing, who is wearing the heavy equipments, gave Gaster a feeling of war machine.
In the following days, Gaster was always thinking about how to clear this big metal block from his laboratory.
11. Bodyguard fellWG
The king's personal guard, the killer behind the throne, Wing, was sent by Asgore to protect and monitor the royal scientist Gaster.
After discovering the dark purpose behind all the things, the two skeletons decided to leave.
*Fell!Asgore played the villain x1.
12. Colleague WG
After the war, there were so much to do in the monster kingdom that moved to the underground.
Gaster and Wing met at the Royal Academy of Sciences.
It seemed that these two hot-blooded young men do not want to live in harmony, other staffs throght.
13. Little Gaster and Little Wing
Two little skeletons.
Cute. Cuter. Yet cuter.
14. Great Old Ones/SCP/archaeology WG
All kinds of stories about scientist Gaster and indescribable Wing.
Sanity warning.
15. Two kingdoms WG
Wing and Gaster belonged to two monster kingdoms in confrontation. With some conspiracy and betrayal, Gaster was caught by the opponent.
*Fell!Asgore played the villain x2.
16. Magic WG
Human magician Wing bought some magic bones in the material market.
Then he found that they were alive.
Then they discovered more things together.
*Fell!Asgore played the villain x3.
17. Prison Guard WG
The prison of fell world had a new resident today.
At the entrance in the south, the prison guard Wing saw this high-intelligent criminal, and they began to talk under the high wall in the north.
*Fell!Asgore played the villain x4, thank you, your Majesty.
【Stories where they made different choices】
18. Prison WG
Gaster chose to give himself up and was put under house arrest.
After discovering everything, Wing decided to accompany him.
19. SAD WG
Gaster suffered from SAY IT.
When Wing arrived, what was waiting for him was broken bones and a problem of infinite sadness.
How could he save a skeleton with no expectation of life.
*Why do I write this, I'm a bad person orz
20. Machine WG
The story of Gaster being captured by an evil organization and transformed into a war machine.
*This sounds crap but is reeeaaally sad
21. Slow-burn WG
Wing fell to Gaster's world before his emotion was awakened.
The two touched the soft part of each other's heart bit by bit while getting along.
*A very slow-developing love story that can drive people mad
22. Wing and Gaster and little Gaster
This sounds cute but is actually a very sad story.
Gaster successfully cloned himself instead of creating Sans and Papyrus.
He showed no mercy to this innocent child.
Everything was too late when Wing discovered all these.
23. Healing rate WG
Wing and Gaster tried to overcome some PTSD together.
【Stories where the settings are so…wow】
24.Gray door WG
Only Gaster knew that there was a gray door in Waterfall.
He and the monster in the door became some kind of friends, and he saw it as a way to temporarily escape from the pressure.
26. Wing and Cat!Gaster
A scientist cat who had a whole laboratory building.
And his scientist skeleton.
27.Wing's story book
When a scientist wanted to write a fairy tale, things had been out of control.
Snow White Skeleton
Flood Skeleton
Taketori monogatari Skeleton
Thumbelina skeleton
Blue Grass and skeletons
Skeleton statue and the little lizard
Scary monster and a skeleton
Sleeping beauty Skeleton
28.AU Travel WG
After returning to the surface, Gaster and Wing found a way to go to other AU, and the two began to explore among various worlds, looking for the one where Wing came from.
29. Ultimate swapWG
Gaster is drawing a fox while Wing is drawing a purple cat.
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