#It's making it hard for him to talk to Koli-
playcaroplay · 11 months
I just finished A Fire in the Flesh and have spoily thoughts
I really wanted to like this book. I want to like this series so badly, but the last four books in this universe have felt so rushed and poorly edited. It has felt like Sera’s story exists solely to retcon plot points to buttress Poppy’s plot inconsistencies. And Sera’s mirror image personality is explained away because of Sotorias soul, and family lineage. They’re the same personality type with different hair.
1) Dialogue - I find the same dialogue being recycled has fallen flat for me. Sera and Poppy’s “tempers” and “stubbornness” feel like an easy way to introduce conflict or tension but it doesn’t often advance the plot or character arc. There are so many stagnant beats where Sera/Poppy and any character have this type of conversation:
Character A: slightly controversial but logical opinion
Sera: NO that is Wrong.
Character A: Rationalizes point
Sera: Do you want me to stab you?
Character A: oh shit
Sera: I’m known for my temper
Character A: I’m impressed/insulted.
(And if it’s Nyktos then you follow up with)
Nyktos: Your anger makes me horny
Sera: Ew, but also same.
Nektas: you two are so funny with your arguing/mean girls mom beat - you guys ok? Want condoms?
Sera: *walks away feeling empowered because she spoke her mind*
I would hope an editor would catch on to these repetitive beats and try to either pare them back or vary them enough that there’s purpose behind it.
2) Secondary characters are just there to watch the scene. You’ll notice in many instances, Sera and Ash have a blow up, and the side characters are there purely to comment on what’s happening and narrate Sera’s character arc. If you took them all away the scene would remain the same.
Ex. Sera fighting Ash in the courtyard in book 2. The secondary characters provide nothing but audience commentary.
Or in FTIF when Rhain is speaking to Sera about her deal and freeing him, and then Ash wanders up and they have another “you don’t know the meaning of the word argue” argument and the side characters literally step away from them and they repeat the age old conversation beat I listed above.
What’s the point in introducing a huge cast of secondary characters if their only purpose is to bear witness alongside the reader. Instead you could have them take an active role in the plot, and have impactful relationships, opinions and action that drive the plot home. They’re just padding.
This entire series could take place in Ash’s bed and you wouldn’t notice the difference.
3) Weak conflict- Using Kolis as the example. We understand from book 2 that he’s a monster. But the stakes are significantly lowered when his and Sera’s opinions stay the same the whole way through FITF.
Consider what the story would have been like if he and Sera found moments of genuine empathy and understanding. What if they shared moments of humour or appreciation for each other? Think of how conflicted Sera would be about destroying him.
Is his kindness just manipulation? Or is there a deeper reason behind his actions that she doesn’t know yet? The fact that Sera is always aware of his tactics makes it hard to invest in her goal of becoming his weakness.
I care less about Kolis seducing Sera or vice versa because I know it won’t actually happen. We already know Sera is devoted to Ash and she’s revolted by Kolis. So her conflict about “becoming nothing” and fulfilling her duty is a nonissue.
4) Show, don’t tell. Seras discoveries while in captivity are quite passive. Either Kolis or Callum just straight up tell her the secrets. She’s in a cage so she has to rely on characters telling her what’s happened. It feels like the plot of the book happened outside the room, and we are just getting reports about it.
Consider Sera manipulating Kolis into giving her time out of the cage where she has opportunity to wheel and deal with other gods and discover secrets in more active ways. (Ex hunting down a revenant and having them talk through their transformation. Or talking to an Ascended about their blood lust and their fight for humanity.)
Even in the final chapters. Ash confesses to Sera that he had visions of her and removed his Kardia after he met her. He tells her that removing the Kardia was irrelevant in the end. Yet again another plot point that’s rendered useless and discussed in a passive manner. Such a let down after all that conflict in book 2. It almost felt like these scenes were drafts of the dream walking beats and JLA added in at the end because she liked them.
Consider those revelations happening at the lake as she’s trying to say goodbye to Ash. The anguish and betrayal she would feel about his decisions, but still clinging to their last moments together.
All in all, I feel like JLA was done dirty in the sense that pumping out these books every year hasn’t given her the time to dig into her own universe.
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cringeyvanillamilk · 4 years
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Modern AU! Koli x Fuegoleon~! 😏
Imagine being rich and having your own car, but taking the local bus to see your crush. 😬💦
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flashyfucker · 3 years
so i mentioned I broke my ankle and he helped me a lot, from actual physical help to emotional help, but he won’t accept gas money or anything and he did a lot of driving out of his way for me. i texted him and said boy let me at least make you dinner and at first he said no, we’re friends and I was just doing what friends do, and then I told him I wanted to and I like hanging out with him so he said I’m super busy rn but we’ll do it soon. Cool.
i texted him last Friday and was like hey I know you’re busy but don’t forget I’m making dinner for you what day are we doing this. He said sadly he had two tests on Monday (so yesterday) but he was “definitely down to have dinner” and mentioned getting a gift for some of our friends because they’ve had a rough time recently and he’s a good person who likes to do nice things for people. i said something about the gift and then said just let me know about dinner and he said he’d let me know when he got his hockey team for the second league he plays in and then I didn’t respond.
so Saturday, as I said, I hung out with him and my other friends after the baby thing. he teased me for the normal things he teases me for, his favorite being that adult minty toothpaste is too spicy for me and I have to use kid’s toothpaste. he loves to tease me for it and frankly I love it when he does i laugh so hard every time.
Saturday night he texted me out of the blue and said “do you eat any kind of Asian food” and I replied “is this about the spicy thing” and he said “no just curious.” Interesting. So I said “yeah I’m waiting on my Asian food door dash rn” and he said “oh excellent good to know for the future.” FOR THE FUTURE??? SIR??? so I said “yeah I just get mild spicy” and he said “you’re picky but have no structure” and then immediately after “it’s just completely random so I have no idea” and I didn’t think much of it because we had talked about things I eat and things I don’t eat at lunch (I have adhd it’s weird)
so Sunday. I go to hockey and keep score because it’s the closest I can get to the ice without being on the ice. he was in a hurry bc he had to study and do homework (and man’s is insanely busy every single day he does not Rest which is another reason why I wanted to make him dinner). we always chill after the games, and he started packing up his stuff and he grabbed me and our other friend that plays dnd with us to talk about this gift for our friends. We talked for a sec then he had to go and as he was grabbing all his gear I said “hey boy don’t forget to tell me when you know your second league team for dinner” and he said “oh i can’t play in that league for six weeks” and I was like “okay but im still making you dinner so just tell me what day you’re free”
AND HE WENT “I actually had an idea about that the other day” and I was confused I thought he was still talking about our friends’ gift so I said “what for the gift?” and HE SAID “NO, FOR DINNER” And I was like BOY WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOH ON and so I said “boy, I’m MAKING YOU dinner” and he slyly went “we’ll see” and I said “BOY IM MAKING YOU DINNER” and he said “WE’LL SEE” again kinda cryptically and then he had to go so i said bye and wished him luck on his tests
But what do YOU think this means bc like… IM SO CONFUSED
girl what do I think it means???? i think it means he’s takin you out. obvi.
ive maintained he’s into u since the grandma circle thing. a man is only circling you in a pic to a) show his friends and family (affectionate) or b) send it to the boys gc for bullying purposes and based on everything else you’ve said i doubt he’s doing that (like he’s not driving u and ur broken leg around and taking you to hockey games only to bully you u know) so there’s only the first option baby he likes u!!
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basine · 4 years
Chapter 1- First Sight (Axan)
Early in the morning…
Axan and Hedran were walking down from the top of the monastery winded from a class with Master Yolira, the orc monk. They walked in silence with huffed breaths as they reached the base of the mountain. These crumbling rocky steps wouldn't last long, Axan thought. Axan hoped that day would be soon because by the time all of the trainee’s made it up to the top of the monastery, everything already hurt. As Hedran and Axan walked down the path looking at all of the first years gathered for their tour of the church.
“Man, these first years look so young, huh?” Hedran said
“I guess. Maybe you are just getting older, Hedran. I was able to beat you in 9 seconds today. That is a new record for me.” Axan replied.
“That was just a fluke. You know Master Yo was training me extra hard today. Also, you used your stupid tail to knock me off balance, how is that fair?”
“Maybe as a monk-in-training, you should notice these signs before you fight.”
Axan loved poking Hedran. He got so mad it was kinda funny. However, this time Hedran brushed it off.
They continue down the path on their way to the cafeteria. They could smell the greasy meat as they got closer and closer. Axan was so hungry because he didn’t get a meal yesterday. He stayed at the top of the monastery to learn some extra tactics with his shield. He learned how to grant his magical energy to someone else for a brief time. This exchange of energy through his shield can help them protect themselves.
He wishes he was there that night.  That night when his father died. Why did it have to be him? Why did they do it? He was just a man living his life, performing for those who wanted a show. He died for it.
“Axan, you okay dude?” Hedran said, interrupting his thoughts.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just thinking of some things...” Axan paused and thought for a moment. “Did you ever regret anything, Hedran? Not like eating and drinking too much, but like… serious things?”
“Yeah I do… I really don’t want to talk about that though. It is something that brings up really bad memories.”
“That is okay, Hedran. I just wanted to see if I was the only one who thought about these things.”
Axan and Hedran walked in silence the rest of the way to the cafeteria. The walls were covered in snow and ice (per usual), which made the ground slick. Hedran saw a bunch of first-years slipping and sliding on the cobblestone ground as they entered the warm cafeteria. Hedran went to grab their lunch and Axan went to go find a table. He found a table at the south side of the cafeteria where he saw a few friends of his. He really wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone besides Hedran at the moment. He was lost in his thoughts about many different things.
As Axan thoughts started wandering back to that night, Hedran plopped the trays on the table. Axan looked at the variety of colors on his plate. The rare piece of steak, the dark green beans, and the rustic looking mashed potatoes. Axan started to devour this meal until he heard Hedran sigh.
“Look at that group of people.” Hedran said pointing to the left.
At that table were a gnome, a goliath, an aarocockra, and an elf. They seemed to be locked in a match of lip wrestling at the moment. Axan sighed just like Hedran.
“You ever think that will be us someday?” Hedran asked.
“You mean like me and you. I told you…”
“No, not you, you dummy. I mean like finding love and all that ooey gooey shit.”
“I hope someday. I never really thought about a life after the monastery. I don’t know where I’ll go. I can’t go back home.”
“Of course you can Axan. The people of your town love you! You could go back anytime you wanted! Also, imagine all of the girls you will get because you will be an Official Paladin of Oghma.”
“Hedran you are sooooo off base. You know I’m not like that. I’m not into that sort of stuff. Would I like to get married someday, sure. But drawing myself in self-indulgences with bunches and bunches of women, no thanks.”
“Have you ever had your eye on anyone?” Hedran said as he slurped up some of his mashed potatoes.
“A few yeah. I had a crazy ex girlfriend a few years before I came here. She was super crazy. Like batshit.” Axan laughed.
“You’ve never told me about her! I demand some stories!”
“All in time Hedran, all in time. To answer your question, yes I have had an eye on a few women. It’s different you know, in here. They all seem so intimidating. Like they could beat the living crap outta me. Not that it is a bad thing. It’s just different. Any guys catch your eye?”
“Nah, no one here is into me like that. I’ve kept my sexuality quiet for the most part. They only ones who know about it are you, Master Yo, Koli, and Rooka.” Hedran said looking around.
The rest of the meal was uneventful. Axan couldn’t stop thinking about “love”. When would he find the one. When would he find someone who appreciated him as much as he appreciated them. That was his biggest downfall. High expectations. That and he is terrified of getting shot down. Axan would never admit that to anyone though. He couldn’t help but keep looking at the four of them and thinking about Thalia, his crazy ex-girlfriend who literally tried to burn him. Axan laughed quietly to himself.
Once the boys were finished with their meal, they started to head back to the dormitories. Still obsessed on the thought of love Axan stayed quiet. Which was really unlike him. He was getting too self-conscious at the moment so he tried to make something light happen.
“Hey, Hedran. How does an angel answer somebody who says hi?” Axan asked.
“I have no clue. Is this an attempt at a joke or something?” Hedran asked.
“They say… Halo!” Axan starting laughing.
Eventually, Hedran cracked a smile and even a little laugh. That is how Axan knew the joke was good. Hedran never laughed at anything that Axan did. 
“I finally got you to laugh at one of my jokes, angel boy. Who knew it would take such a simple joke to get you to laugh.” Axan exclaimed.
“Yeah,yeah yeah. It was kinda funny I guess.” Hedran thought for a second,” Doesn’t everyone say hello?”
“Yes, but it is different coming from an ang-” Axan was saying before he fell backwards.
Axan fell hard on his back and was covered in books. Why were there books? He wasn’t carrying any? He looked around and said that he bumped into a woman who was a first year carrying books. Axan felt really bad and immediately started picking them up. He was thinking about all of the things this girl could be thinking. “How stupid is this upperclassman, Shouldn’t he know that this is a first-year’s hallway”. Just thinking about it made Axan panic. As the woman was starting to stir Axan walked on over and helped her up. As she stood up he could see the half-elven features of her. The darkish hair, The semi-pointed ears, the little tiny freckles under her dark green eyes. Axan for the first time in his life, wasn’t thinking of anything. Time seemingly stopped around him. He couldn’t move. He wanted to hand the books over but he couldn’t. His arms wouldn’t move forward. The girl stood there perplexed and eyed Axan up and down. She let our the most gorgeous smile he had ever seen.
“Hello” she said.
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ladyemberswrites · 5 years
I’m Not Crazy, You’re Crazy!
Some ficlet stuff from my Redemption Universe!Au
Melenor x Alfor 
Alfor never considered himself a very bitter person. Sure, he’s held grudges, but he never found himself embroiled in absolute bitterness. There may be a widening drift between him and Zarkon, but knows in it his heart that it’ll pass. Or so, he wishes to believe. But, the truth of the matter is that he never knew what it was like to feel unholy rage- 
He found Melenor struggling to tip-toe around at the dawn of mid-night looking ragged and sickly pale as she slumped against the walls to keep herself steady, and hurdling to the floor. Her hair stuck to her face, and her legs wobbled, buckling, struggling to keep her weight. 
Her body went rigid “Sire” she turns herself around, only for her knees to hit the floor.
“Melenor!” he rushes to her side “what are you doing out of bed?” he frantically glances over her noting that she had prespirated through her white, dress shirt. She felt cold, and clammy to the touch. 
“I just-” she clenched her teeth, pressing a hand to her belly as her head fell to his chest “I need out of that room.” she murmurs “I can’t stand it. I’m a warrior, not a invalid” she mutters into his sternum, her breath hot on his throat. 
“High General or not, you just gave birth. You should absolutely not be up and about” he slides his strong arms under her knees, and cradles her back. He lifts her with ease and carries her back to her private infirmary room careful not to justle her. 
Allura’s still asleep when they return, she’s swaddled tightly with only her tiny face peeking out from her cocoon of warmth. He places Melenor back on the bed, her tight grimace and knitted brows betrays her feelings all too well, but given her paleness her discontent loses it’s intensity. He undoes her her high ponytail, allowing the cascade of her snowy lockes to fall about her face, she huffs out an air of annoyance as he places her down. 
She hates having her hair down and shoves it harshly out her face. It aggravates her. It’s why he does it “I loathe this entire situation.”
“The hair or your condition?” he asks with a quirk of his brow. 
“Both. but, mostly you.” he gawks at her with wide eyes.
“What did I do?” 
“For starters stop looking at me like that” he blinks.
“Look at you like what?”
“Am I that pitiful to you that you have to look at me with contempt” her voice nearly cracks, her golden eyes turn from him in that moment.
Alfor sighs “You sound just like Zarkon” Melenor snorts.
“At least I can take pride in the fact that I’m still sane” 
She snaps back towards him her frecious amber eyes boring the cool blue that is his “You know as well as I, that man has clearly gone off the deep end. The rift did something to him, and you know it. It’s only a matter of time before he snaps completely"
“He just needs time.” he says, not sure if he’s trying to convince himself or her, but at this point did it matter “He’ll see my side of things”
“And if he doesn’t? Then what?" 
Alfor doesn't answer and he's not sure why. Because she's right? Or because he's afraid of jinxing himself. It's one or the other, but he's for certain that Zarkon losing the final thread of his sanity isn't something he wants to image, or see be a reality. Clasping his hands together he stares off into the distance and out the window watching the autumn leaves fall.
"I'm sorry…"
"What?" His ears perk up, his head turns to find Melenor's casted away from him.
"I apologize." Her chest rises "I didn't mean to rub salt in the wound, I know how much he means to you." She murmurs, a rare tinge of red colors her pale cheeks and he couldn't help the slight smile that tugs at his lips..
"You're blushing" he runs his knuckles lightly over her cheek.
"I am not. A warrior doesn't blush as you say"
He laughs in good humor "Ah, but I've seen you blush before, haven't I? Remember, when we made love under the juniberry trees, I saw" 
She made a disgruntled noise in the back of her throat, shoving his hand away "It was a trick of the light, fool. I do not blush." She mutters into her pillow. He laughs again but with more heart.
"Will you hush, you'll wake the princess"
"You mean our daughter" 
"Your daughter" she corrects shortly. The good humor in the air dissipates, shattered by the cold reality before him.
"I cannot be that child's mother."
"Biologically, speaking she is you're daughter" he argues.
"Our laws do not allow it. You know that better than anyone. I cannot be queen, and cannot be Allura's mother. It is simply not allowed" 
"Laws aren't always right-I can-" 
"Laws must be unhold. What's the point of them if we break those that we do not like? What then? What example, you as King, would you be setting for your people? Laws are set for a reason, whether we like them or not." Alfor swallowed, he kept his visage passive and unresponsive.
"We've taken enough liberties. We can't take anymore than the ones we've stole"
"We didn't steal anything"
"You should have taken a rightful queen instead-instead I distracted you, I kept you from your duties." 
"You kept me from nothing. I chose not to marry."
"Because of me"
"Yes. But, even if I didn't love you as I do now, I still wouldn't have taken Orla for my wife." 
"She's nobility"
"She's awful. I would rather be manually castrated than ever bed that woman." He muttered. 
Melenor eyed him, her hardened expression softened at the sight of his grimace. It's childish, the twitch of his lip. To her, he looks boyish and young, but he's right, nobility or not Orla's a repugnant woman. She would never wish her on him, not even her worst enemy.
"You're right. I loathe her entirely"
Keith discovers two disturbing truths in one night 
There's a muffled noise from behind the command center's door. He had assumed Kolivan would be alone. Perhaps, not as his sensitive hearing heard soft whispers. He really wasn't paying much attention to what was being said only that he had a message to deliver from Ulaz to Kolivan and be on his merry way for the night.
He took another bite from his apple, chewing and savouring the sweet flesh as he punched in the access code. The little lights lit up, beeping, the mechanic locks twisting and unlocking with a pop, the door slides with a hiss and with one step, and another bite he enters the room without a second thought.
He finds Kolivan, or more like he finds his back turned to him. 
"Koli-" he freezes mid-bite, he sees two legs that don't belong to the hulk of muscle and alien that is Kolivan. They're smaller, slimmer and dangling around his waist. His lips snap shut as the face that peeks over his shoulder is the last person he'd ever thought he'd see or want to see. The flushed, wide-eyed face of his mother staring back at him startled. Shoulders raised to her ears which slowly fall back as her lilac visage pales under the command center's dim lights.
There's a chill. Something beeps in his ears, and he isn't sure whether the coldness is due to the frigid tension or his body heat just dropped like a sack of iron hammers. The juice of his apple taste bitter on his tongue, dribbling down his chin, and onto his suit. Like his mother's his ears fall back, and his mouth clamps so hard that his fangs dig into his gums until he can taste iron on his tongue.
He steps back out the threshold hold and watches the door slide shut and leaves the Mamora's base ship and back to his room onboard the castle of lions with Kolivan's rigid backside burned behind his eyelids. The only thing that makes the night even worse than the lsd-induced nightmare he's living is accidentally overhearing a bizarre conversation between Allura and Prince Lotor- 
"I know, but it'll help" he heard the prince grumble in the back of his throat.
"Why does your advisor have a whole barrage of fertility teas in the first place" Keith stopped dead in his tracks and blinked. 
...fertility teas? As in conception?
"They're leftovers"
"From what?" 
"Well, Coran had always dreamed of having a family of his own, hence the teas, but due to an injury he was rendered-uh impotent." 
"I see" he said after a moment.
"It was a devastating blow, poor thing, it's probably why he treats me as if I were his own" 
"Still doesn't explain why he kept all this" 
"Nostalgia" she said lamely "I suppose"
"It's creepy" 
"I know your not one to talk, Mr. Pervert" 
"Drink your tea, Allura" 
"You can't even deny it, can you?"
"Drink your tea, mommy" Keith almost swallowed his own tongue. 
"I'm not a mommy, yet-" he couldn't listen anymore, he left before his ears were assaulted again. He couldn't finish his apple, his appetite had been vaporized to kingdom come. First his mother, than Lotor and Allura- a shudder crawled down his spine, his mind kept making a flushing sound in the back of his head. He heard white noise, he could practically taste the static as he entered the lounge room with its bright, blaring screen and Hunk, Pidge, Matt and Lance's beet-red eyes glued to television set. Mario Party 6's theme song blaring in his ears like some sort of sick joke.
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klanced · 7 years
Whenever you talk about Kevin it feels like you’re cocking a gun like. Here he is. Kevin. You do have no choice
that’s exactly the mood and attitude for the night/week/month/year so jot that down!
anyway i keep promising kevin content and then. not delivering. but it’s because i’m writing Lore and that takes way too much time 2 research and develop lol. so have some misc headcanons
Once they reunite and Keith isn’t on like, Duke On Sight mode anymore, he notices that Kevin keeps glancing at him out of the corner of his eye. And eventually he turns to his brother and is like, “Do you need something?”
Kevin, who is used to being Sneaky and Undetected, jumps and blurts out the truth, to his consternation: “You look like Mom.”
Keith’s mood immediately sours, Kevin apologetically shuffles out of the room, and everyone else just gets Really into eating their goo.
Hunk: Did everyone try the goo? I thought the goo was lovely.
A couple of weeks later, Kevin gets a concussion while on a mission and while he’s out of it he bats at Keith until his brother takes his helmet off, slurs out, “You have her weirdass pizza chin,” and is summarily sick on Keith’s shoes.
Kevin has the space equivalent to the Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, etc. accounts and he lords it over everyone’s heads. Pidge can’t even hack his account for some reason which pisses her off to no end.
It’s because he enlisted Matt’s aid and Matt, who is an older brother himself, was like Hell Yeah Let’s Bother Some Kids.
Sometimes Keith will wake up with a sticky note on his face that says ‘On a playdate with Koli-poo, don’t die while I’m gone’ and he’ll smile and very carefully put it with all the other notes he’s collected in the drawer that he and Kevin pretend he doesn’t have.
Keith: (looking at his collection of physical reminders his brother leaves him to prove that they found each other) :’) 
Keith: His handwriting is still ass though.
The team meets Kevin when he’s still Purble and alien looking and stuff, but he’s just as comfortable in his ‘human’ form since that’s the shape he grew up in. So maybe two weeks into his stay with the team he relaxes and shifts human and he scares the Shit out of Lance when the teenager walks into the kitchen and apparently sees Two Keiths.
Lance: Oh god, dude, I’m so sorry-
Kevin: Nah dude, it’s fine. Honestly, it was kind of funny. I’ve never seen goo be weaponized before.
Lance: Oh man, Kev, bro, you gotta talk to Hunk and Pidge about the time the Castle tried to kill them lmaoooo
Kevin constantly pulls the Age Card, but he does it for like… everything.
Kevin: Sorry guys, eldest goes first :( (gleefully takes the last alien candy)
Kevin: Huh? Me? Take out the trash? I’m almost thirty, I can’t take out the trash. What if I break my hip out there?
Keith: You literally just turned twenty-eight.
Kevin: Shhh. I’m writing my will. Keep quiet if you want to stay in it.
Kevin: Please respect your elders >:( I’m talking about me. I’m the elder. And I’m wise, too. Wise and old, so shut the fuck up and listen.
Kevin: Wow… you wild kiddos. You buckaroos. You kids, with your ‘rap’ and your ‘kpop’ and your ‘k-rap.’ It’s all too much for an old man like me. Poor, little little old me. I’m gonna go take a nap now. Because I’m old. And decrepit. 
I’m going to try and flesh out Kevin’s appearance a little more lol. I’ll be retconning some stuff, just ‘cause. In This House, We Improve.
Kevin naturally looks fairly human, which is a blessing since he had a hard time controlling his shapeshifting ability when he was young. Come to think of it, he was probably home-schooled until he was at least eight, just to be safe.
His natural skin is a light blue like Acxa’s (Krolia is Purble and Uunayai was a light teal or smth). His scleroses are tinged yellow because that seems to be a defining trait among the Galra, but they’re also slight yellow because Uunayai is blue as hell. He can sort of pass them off as normal, but people on the street tend to stare, so when he was growing up he was That Guy who constantly wore shades all the time lol.
Kevin has brown-red eyes that are slightly clouded, so you can’t see his pupils (which are oval and more narrow than a regular human’s) that well. Some people mistake him for blind but nah, that’s just Aliens, Babey.
He doesn’t have Krolia’s facial markings because I hc that, as a chameleon like species, Uunayai (and Ezor’s people) tend to be fairly evenly distributed in color (so either one solid color or multiple colors, but clearly defined) to make the shifting process easier.
Kevin does however have Krolia’s markings along the rest of his body (arms, back, etc) that are a dark blue.
His ears aren’t the exaggerated butterfly wings of a normal Galra, but they are slightly pointer than a normal human’s and extend from his head. He also has the slightest hint of fang, woof woof ;3c hgjgdskghkjdsg
Kevin is ridiculously tall (by human standards) at 6′5″ or so. He constantly roasts Keith for being so short, at a measly 5′7″.
Keith, once he gets the training, is actually stronger then Kevin though Kevin refuses to acknowledge it. He’s a lanky boyyyyy
Remember that Earth shop from the Space Mall episode? Kevin goes there all the time. He bought the most sus couch he’s ever seen. He loves that couch.
Kevin ran away from home during the Voltron-equivalent of around 2006 and his lingo reflects that.
Kevin: C’mon guys, let’s bounce. This place seems pretty sketch.
Kevin: Pfft. Whatever, man.
Kevin: Ha! We pwned those suckaaaaaaas.
Lance: (to Pidge) Do you want to tell him or should I.
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azulaphales · 7 years
Important OTP Questions, Kolivantok :3 don't have any specific numbers, so whichever ones you wanna do lol
I’ll do all except the nsfw ones 
1) Who rocks the Ferris Wheel seat and who flips out and begs them to stop?
Antok rocks the seat and Kolivan has a mini panic attack because Antok is too big for this thing, he almost flipped it over
5) Who sleeps on the couch when they get into a fight?
6) Who takes photos of the other while they sleep?
Kolivan’s sentimental like that
7) Who said “I love you” first? and who ends their arguments in a fight with “Because I love you”?
Kolivan said I love you first. Antok is the one who ends fights.
8) Who likes to wear the others sweatshirts?
Kolivan wearing Antok’s enormous sweatshirts and Antok falling even more in love with him whenever he sees him with sweater paws and the sweater down to his knees like a dress and a collar that’s hanging off his shoulder omg I need to draw this
9) Who wakes the other up in the middle of the night to tell them a cool dream they had? Who has the most nightmares, and who sings them back to sleep after?They both have a lot of nightmares. Antok doesn’t want to bother Kolivan when he wakes up from a nightmare, since it’s hard to get him to sleep in the first place, but Kolivan wakes up anyway and helps him go back to sleep
11) Who makes fun of the other for having a crush on them, and who has to remind them that they are in a relationship?
Neither, they’re both pretty serious
12) Who starts a food fight in the kitchen?
Antok, the little shit
13) Who initiates duets? and who is the better singer?
Antok initiates the duets, but he’s a pretty bad singer. He just wants to hear Kolivan sing because he’s amazing at it but very shy.
14) Who starts the hand holding? Who slides their arm around their waist? Who likes to put their fingers in the belt loops?
I think Antok is the one who’s more casual with touching, particularly with his tail
17) Who is more protective?
They’re both suuuuuper protective of each other. If you hurt either of them you’re dead
18) Who talks to the other while they are sleeping?
Kolivan, because Antok is a heavy sleeper
19) Who drives and who has the window seat?
Kolivan drives, Antok rides shotgun
20) Who falls asleep in the others lap and who carries them to bed?
Kolivan falls asleep in Antok’s lap because he’s exhausted. Antok carries him to bed. Let him take a nap.
21) Who cuts the others hair?
Antok, replace cuts with braids, the leader of the BoM does not get his hair cut
23) Who thinks they are not good enough for the others love? and who’s more afraid of loosing the other? Who thinks they keep messing up, only for the other to tell them they don’t need to worry?
ooh an angsty one. I think Kolivan is the one who’s full of self doubt like this. He mostly worries about losing Antok in battle or not doing enough to protect him. Antok reassures him that he’s doing enough.
24) Who starts random slow dancing with the other in the kitchen? Who holds the other just above the ground and kisses them?
Both Antok. Just. Antok loves lifting Kolivan up to kiss him (he has to because of their height difference)
26) Who kissed first?
Antok, and Kolivan had to go lie down for an hour
27) Who orders take out at two in a morning? and who wakes the other up at three in the morning to go downstairs with them to get a glass of water because it’s too dark?
Antok is the one who goes on the 2 AM adventures and also the one who’s a little scared of the dark and wants Koli to protect him
28) Who writes poems/stories and love songs about the other? Do they sing the songs the write for them?
Kolivan is the one who writes sappy songs, but he doesn’t sing them, until Antok finds them and gets all flustered and begs him to sing them, which he does
29) Who does some crazy stunt to try and impress the other and who ends up driving them to the emergency room after it backfires?
Hmmm… maybe Antok is the one pulling the crazy stunt, when they were younger, but I can’t really see it
30) Who is embarrassed when they have to wear their glasses and who thinks they look super cute?
Kolivan wearing glasses in his office and Antok thinking it’s adorable
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cringeyvanillamilk · 4 years
Who are the three or five black bulls each of your ocs, Koli and Adva, are most closest to? And who are the three or five non-black bulls characters they're most closest to? I hope I'm making sense English isn't my main language >_>"
It made a lot of sense so you’re good~! I’m actually very happy that I get to talk about my OCs!! I’ve been waiting for this moment to come-!
Koli Igneus
It takes a while for Koli to warm up to anybody, but these three specific black bulls were able to defrost her cold heart!
Gordon Agrippa - Out of all the members of the black bulls, Gordon is Koli’s closest friend, aside from her childhood best friend Adva. Koli is very intuitive and so it’s easy for her to know whether someone is good or bad, but with Gordon she knew that there were no bad bones in his body. What drew Koli toward Gordon was his genuine desire to make friends with other people. Koli is more of an ‘action speaks louder than words’ kind of woman, and Gordon’s actions only told her that he just wants to be close friends. Koli found Gordon’s attempt at participating with the other black bulls to be very charming, and so she decided to befriend Gordon and hang out with him. Gordon is happy to finally be close friends with someone who doesn’t ignore him or get creeped out by his appearance. If Koli isn’t with Adva, she’s usually with Gordon at the corner of the room.
Yami Sukehiro - Yami was the sole reason why she joined the Black Bulls and it was because of his interesting weapon of choice, a katana. Being a weapon fanatic herself, she was determined to learn how to use a katana and possibly create one using her cinder magic. Yami had no interest in teaching her because that’ll mean he’ll have to use effort, but after Koli’s countless attempts to get him to train her, he finally gave in. During their training session, Koli would learn how to fight with a katana and later other types of weapons from Yami’s homeland. After each session, they got more closer with each other. Koli was able to learn so much from Yami and grew to respect him as a captain. Yami teases her like anybody else, but Koli doesn’t mind since she was very appreciative of his cooperation from before.
Asta - When Asta first joined the squad, Koli was initially very standoffish towards him (and Noelle). But she was interested in him because of his anti-magic sword. The first few conversations they had together was mostly about his sword and how he fought with it. Other than that, she wasn’t interested in getting too close to Asta, despite Asta’s attempt to befriend her. Koli wasn’t that impressed with Asta’s declaration of wanting to be wizard king because she thought he was all talk, but soon realized just how wrong she was. After witnessing him relentlessly train and not giving up despite all the odds stacked against him, Koli grew to respect Asta and his dream. What solidified her to respect and completely befriend Asta was during the Water Temple arc. Koli realized just how much of a good person he was and officially befriended Asta and initiated a lot of their conversations. Koli and Asta would usually train and workout together. Overall, Koli thinks of Asta as a cute puppy while Asta looks up to Koli like an older sister.
Koli has very few close friends outside of the black bulls due to her bad reputation and cold personality. But since her character arc revolves around trusting others and being a team player, she was able to gain some close friends.
Fuegoleon Vermillion - The main catalyst behind her character arc. These two didn't start off on the right foot, mainly due to Koli's refusal to apologize for her actions towards his subordinates during missions and for blatantly disrespecting him. Due to Koli’s past experiences with nobles, she automatically disliked Fuegoleon and purposely acted cold towards him. Koli’s opinion on Fuegoleon changed when they had to work together to protect the citizens during a surprise attack. Koli was about to defend the people alone, but Fuegoleon karate chopped her head and lectured her on how a magic knight should properly act. Fuegoleon’s passionate words resonated within Koli and made her rethink the way she was behaving towards others. His words began to sink in once he was in a coma and Koli felt extremely guilty and strived to change herself for the better. Fuegoleon’s sacrifice made Koli believe that he really was a good person and wanted to show her respect towards him by being a better person. They have a much better relationship once Koli started to open up a bit more and apologize for her actions. Fuegoleon in turn respected Koli’s determination to change and warmed up to her better than before.
Leopold Vermillion - Having been inspired by Fuegoleon, Koli ended up warming up to Leopold whenever they were in joint missions together. Koli got to know the Vermillion family a lot better through Leopold and Koli found Leopold’s honest and fiery nature to be charming. Leopold’s determined personality also reminded Koli of Asta which is why she found it easier to get closer to him. Koli got better at working as a team with Leopold which made Koli very appreciative towards him. For Leopold, he respected Koli’s skills and sharp instincts and declared Koli as his older sister figure. Overall, these two work well together.
She generally becomes more friendly towards the Crimson Lions whenever she sees them. She acted pretty harsh towards these members, but her change in attitude was able to have some of them forgive her. Other than these two, she isn’t close to anybody else outside of the Black Bulls! She’s slowly trying though! In the future, she might get close with someone like Klaus. It’s either because of his leadership skills and logical thinking or his love for Asta lmao. Charlotte is another person I can see Koli highly respecting! Charlotte is very strong and reliable, and Koli might gravitate towards her type of character!
Adva Euterpe
Adva has a friendly personality and makes friends easily compared to Koli! She has the perks of being an extrovert!
Finral Roulacase - Finral and Adva are basically on the same wavelength when it comes to having a good time. They make a great duo because whenever Finral needs entertainment for his mixers, Adva is always there to provide her service. Adva would even volunteer herself (and Koli) to participate in his mixers! Finral relies a lot on Adva for his past time which made them closer as a result. Finral loves how witty and socially adept Adva is and Adva loves how light-hearted and charming Finral is.They rely a lot on each other whenever the other needs help. Finral usually brings in an audience for Adva to perform in front of while Adva makes sure Finral’s mixer goes well. Adva also helps Finral feel more confident in himself which is greatly appreciated by him. And Adva is happy to perform for a lot of different people thanks to Finral’s help. They have an extremely close friendship!
Noelle Silva - Despite Noelle’s cold front when they first met, Adva was not fazed at all and found her personality to be really cute! Adva is very experienced with different types of people and knows how to melt Noelle’s cold exterior. Noelle was embarrassed by Adva’s willingness to befriend her but quickly warmed up to Adva. When Adva found out about Noelle’s insecurity over her magic control, she was very vocal about her support towards Noelle’s hard work. Adva would frequently encourage Noelle whenever she’s down and play relaxing music to calm her mind. Noelle grew even closer to Adva thanks to her constant encouragement and understanding personality, which made Noelle think of Adva as an older sister she wished she had (OOF). They have a very close relationship!
Charmy Pappitson - Adva and Charmy vibe pretty well with each other! They both don’t want any trouble and just want to indulge in their spare time! Charmy makes a lot of delicious food and so it’s a delight for Adva to join in and eat with her! Adva and Charmy are similar in terms of how carefree and easygoing they both are. They have no trouble with each other which means they always have a fun time together! Adva likes to perform at the base so she’d play pleasant music as Charmy eats! Because of how chill they are with each other, Charmy always offers food to Adva first.  
Vanessa Enoteca - Similarly to Adva’s relationship with Charmy, these two also have a chill and fun relationship with each other! Whenever Vanessa drinks, Adva is there performing songs and sometimes Vanessa would sing as Adva plays her instrument! Vanessa is a great singer and so they work very well together! Adva would ask Vanessa to join her when she performs because Adva thinks Vanessa should show off her singing voice more often! These two are also drinking partners, though Adva doesn’t drink as much as Vanessa! They both just want to have a good time together!
Zora Ideale - When it comes to these two, there’s always a battle of wits. Both are very intelligent people and there’s always a lot of funny banter between the two. Adva doesn’t get tricked easily and so Zora is always trying to outsmart Adva with his rainbow stink bug prank. In turn, Adva would try and outsmart Zora into doing what she wants, but he always figures her out and foils her plans. It’s a fun relationship where they both try to test each other’s intelligence! When they work together though, it’s trouble for everyone. Despite this playful relationship, Zora does help Adva out when it comes to her weaknesses. Zora calls out Adva whenever she’s acting irresponsible or lazy to help Adva be more consistent in changing herself for the better!
Outside of the black bulls, Adva also made some close friends! She usually socializes with normal citizens but these are a few major characters she has a good relationship with!
Rill Boismortier - Adva and Rill would definitely vibe with each other! Adva found Rill’s personality to be cute and entertaining and so she gravitated towards him! Rill was happy to have another friend and so he welcomed her with open arms! Adva doesn’t get easily offended by Rill’s actions and only finds him even more cute! Adva playing different genres of music as Rill paint is a fun session for the both of them!!
Sekke Bronzazza - If there were any stans for Sekke, Adva would definitely be one of them. And it's not because she thinks he’s actually cool, but rather because he’s a fun character to watch. Every time she sees Sekke do his thing, Adva can’t look away from the circus show that’s right in front of her. She gets so hyped up every time she sees him because she knows something hilarious is bound to happen. Sekke mistook her excitement over him as her falling in love with his charm when in actuality she just sees him as her entertainment lmao. They both become very happy when they see each other in the same area.
Another person I can see Adva befriending in the future is Kirsch. Why? Because it’s Kirsch and she finds him hilarious.
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