#He WILL achieve his goal
buggachat · 11 months
imagine, say, Bunnyx went back to Origins Season 1 and pulled Gabriel aside as he was considering picking up the Hawkmoth mantle and showed him, "Look, Gabriel. If you continue on this path, you WILL succeed in getting the Ladybug and Black Cat miraculous. You WILL make a wish. But getting there will tear you apart. You will lose what humanity you have, you will literally rot away from the inside, spend the last months of your life in agonizing pain, Nathalie and Adrien (the only two people in your life you can even pretend to care about) will spit on your name and Nathalie will grow to despise you so much she will attempt to kill you. And your wish? It will NEVER bring Emilie back. You won't even be able to bring yourself to do it, because you'll realize that you've become everything that she hated and never wanted you to be. Emilie WILL STAY DEAD, and in the end, all you will be able to wish for is an end to your now-miserable life. All this gamble will win you is your grave."
idk I just don't think Gabriel's response to that would be "oh yay! I win!"
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artgletic · 1 year
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case study of the self-identified god
#obsessed with the fact that rain world is a game about survival#yet every character we meet has the express goal of trying to optimize killing themselves#every creature in game seems perfectly content fulfilling their role in the ecosystem no matter how many cycles they do the same thing#(rly obvious with gourmand's entire route. guy who lives their life to the fullest without the slightest hint of resentment)#it was really only the ancients who thought they were above it and thought of it as something to escape from#5pebbles is so interesting because the only reason hes “”“godlike”“” is because of his vast knowledge. if he was in any slugcats shoes he#would die instantly which is ironically what hes been trying to do this whole time#this comic was kind of exploring the idea of awareness (divinity) as something that drags down ones enjoyment of life (walking).#if 5p would humble himself down enough to walk around like any other creature#he would a) be much happier in life and b) achieve the ascension he's been gunning for for millennia like all the slugcats did#but he never will.#getting rid of all his work on the problem or even his awareness of it entirely#would just be a trick of convenience that steals away his godhood#and him calling himself godlike is kind of a cope LOL#a cope being faced with a problem he was never meant to solve#a cope being faced with what he did to moon#a cope being faced with the rot inside him#oh well.#anyway fuck 5 pebbles i hate that guy#rain world#rain world fanart#rw five pebbles#rain world five pebbles#rw gourmand#rain world gourmand#five pebbles#rain world void worm#rain world ancients#also JUST KIDDING ilu 5p. you suck but i💛u
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mishiami · 1 year
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is anyone in the crowd normal or has everyone else been thinking about them for the past 12 hours since this episode
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blood-orange-juice · 5 months
It feels so weird having a centrist stance (if it can be called so) in most Childe debates. People want him to be just one thing so badly.
I think whatever dichotomy you can come up with he's probably both.
He's a sweet boy and also an abyssal horror, neither part is a mask.
He obviously has cPTSD but also a lot of his behaviours that look like trauma-induced responses are just him, real him. To deal with trauma you have to dig deep enough to find the real you and, well, that's what he found.
He's obviously Abyss-tainted but it's for his goals and seems voluntary and he's very much in control of himself, so can you really say it's not him?
He does need help and acceptance but no way it will make him "normal".
Remember that domain inside Canotila's book? A dog who was a dog and a rifthound at the same time. I think he's that.
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chidoroki · 11 months
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"Unstoppable" by Donna Ashworth
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fisheito · 6 months
at last....yakumo with CHIKEN
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AEIWAM: WHY does Aizen eat mayo on white bread?!!
There's a lot of things wrong with that guy.
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hongsasum · 8 months
I love that Alastor’s act around Charlie changes so quickly whenever and however it fits best in his situation.
He gets all handsy with Charlie when Lucifer first visits the hotel to make him think they’re romantically interested in each other, but that kinda falls through when Charlie introduces her actual girlfriend Vaggie (which I think is part of the reason why Lucifer seemed so enthusiastic upon meeting Vaggie — because he realizes that Charlie and that stupid red guy aren’t a thing, thank god)
Then Alastor quickly picks up on Lucifer’s insecurities regarding his absence in Charlie’s life as a supportive parent, so he switches gears just like that and starts acting like Charlie’s father figure, despite never acting like this before. It kinda works because he succeeds in both pissing off Lucifer and making Charlie trust him.
Finally, he approaches Charlie when she’s all alone with no one else, especially Vaggie, around to stop her from making a deal with him. “What’s a favor between friends?” he says as he rubs his cheek against hers. So now all of a sudden he claims they’re friends, which implies Charlie should do what he asks of her. And then he totally ignores Charlie as she rants to Alastor about her girlfriend on their way to meet Rosie, although it’s natural for “friends” to rant about stuff and listen to each other.
So no, Alastor doesn’t view himself as Charlie’s love interest, father figure nor friend nor does he try to be. But he can switch out masks to take on any of these roles without hesitation if it means he can manipulate Charlie (or others, in Lucifer’s case) to see him as such.
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vi-138 · 9 months
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remnants of a moon
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irishyuri · 8 months
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welcome back tenrose doomsday wall scene
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grogumaximus · 9 months
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olasketches · 2 months
another thing I love about yuuji is that he doesn't mind resorting to violence. he doesn't enjoy it or even dislike it, he just doesn't mind using it as a means to an end. yuuji's main principle is that he doesn't want to slash won't kill another human being but he has no problem with hurting someone if it means he'll get what he wants.
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shesnake · 2 years
i also think by fridging tante heleen they took a lot away from inej’s personal journey, the manipulation and abuse she experienced, the horror of being caught back in those fake silks, the triumph stealing the jewel right off her neck, all these things inej worked through herself and did for herself in the books become something solely for kaz to save her from, and sure he’s always played a part in her freedom but those steps were really important for inej to work through her trauma originally. consolidating inej’s trauma from heleen/the menagerie and his own into the one villain who was already always his to vanquish was such a bad move
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island-in-the-shadows · 3 months
Everyone in their Loustat feels after the finale and like yeah for sure...meanwhile, I'm wearing my cunty (sparkly red heart shaped) sunglasses in honour of my Boomer mans wearing his cunty sunglasses on camera...for reasons.
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jq37 · 4 months
So, to recap: Porter developed a time-sensitive plan to turn himself into a god without having the necessary components to pull it off or the means to get them, blundered into (supposedly) getting them throughout Junior Year, encouraged the Rat Grinders to antagonize and therefore draw attention from the Bad Kids, chucked Seacaster Manor into the sky and sent dragons after the Bad Kids BEFORE verifying that he had the right name, didn't check if there were provisions against mind-controlled students disbanding the school, and hinged everything on a squishy Rogue so hellbent on killing Riz that she ran off to solo him in a gym full of lava she wasn't protected against. AND the whole thing might have failed anyway because Fig had already claimed Ankarna's domain.
...Good jorb.
Yeahhhh. Like, even if we don't judge him harshly for not knowing Fig had claimed the rage domain, there were still SO many blunders in this plan.
This one isn't a blunder but being a Pally/Barb and getting successfully parried in physical combat with a child wizard is frankly embarrassing.
He had no way to get the name if the Bad Kids didn't just happen to stumble into it. Which is wild because, in universe, Falinel is an obvious place to look for long forgotten info--Aelwyn mentions that when they're there for Fantasy Christmas. Why didn't they check there? They have a rogue with reliable talent and a wizard. They just weren't clever enough to have an idea that they Bad Kids offhandedly had between bits. All the work was about to be totally worthless if they hadn't last minute gotten it literally mid-battle (which it still ended up worthless but you know what I mean).
Sending Seacaster Manor airborn is such a wild ploy because, otherwise, they wouldn't have even known something was happening right away. And, being airborne, they got there way faster than anything other than a teleport would have done. Why not spike their bad baby milk so they pass out and can't deliver their votes? Or hell, just steal and destroy their votes! But nooooo. You had to get in your petty oracle dig on Adaine and get dragons involved.
Why did they show up, fail to get the name from Gorgug, and then just leave??? Try again until you get the name!!! You need it!!! What if the attack worked and all the Bad Kids died. Cool, now how are you gonna do the ritual? As far as they knew, no one could see them since they were invisible so why not take another 6 seconds and try again? Now is NOT the time to be stingy with spellslots!
Why was Kipperlilly ANYWHERE near that battlefield? She should have been in a secure room somewhere, ready to disband the school as soon as the votes were counted. Her getting killed was was entirely their own fault and the it was the height of hubris to not hide her. Literally she's a rogue. Hiding is her main skill.
And finally, Jace said that he actually told Porter that he couldn't just mind control a student and that's why they didn't do the plan with Mazey earlier.
So yeah. Maybe a part of the reason the Bad Kids didn't want to engage with Porter's philosophy of rage is because it leads to extremely half baked plans like this.
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allebooklover · 4 days
Seeing people hate on bnha’s ending for not being a utopia and claiming that nothing about their society has changed, and I just don’t agree with that.
Even if it’s not perfect, their society did change for the better. Crime still exists, but has gone down to the point that less heroes are needed. There’s less idolization on the pro-heroes career - in Deku’s teenage years the ideal job was pro-hero and only pro-hero, but in the epilogue other career tracks such as healthcare and technology are given equal recognition and value to the pro-hero career track. Therapy used to be viewed as a threat and something to be kept hidden because it is shameful to admit that you needed it, and in Toga’s case used outdated practices that did more harm than help - in the epilogue it’s instead seen as something regular and helpful, and that needing help is nothing to be ashamed about, and more up to date and effective at actually helping others, as seen by the therapy programs Uraraka and co created being talked about on tv. Society is shown (I’m mainly thinking about the old granny and the kid) to be less apathetic to those in need. Things have changed for the better.
It’s not a utopia. Crime still exists. Heroes are still needed. But they’re no longer the sole bandage for the gaping wound that used to be their society. Other people from other careers help serves as bandages too, and all of that ultimately helps society function in a way that benefits everyone better. If utopia is the top of the stairs and the society shown in the story’s beginning is at the bottom of the stairs, the society shown in the epilogue is on the step that is halfway up to the top. Not perfect, but improving, and one that is working on continuing their improvement so that they don’t fall stagnant and backslide back to the bottom of the stairs where they used to be.
(Ngl if I want to be more specific it’s that the beginning of the manga has them in the lower parts of the steps solely because All Might and his Symbol of Peace carried them there, but it’ll muddy the metaphor too much lol)
But anyways. BNHA’s ending does something I find much more interesting than ‘they’ve created a crime-free utopia where everyone is happy’. The ending goes ‘things aren’t perfect but they’re improving, and will continue to improve so long as everyone puts in the effort’. It acknowledges imperfections, and the beauty and importance of small steps that lead up to big changes. It promotes gradual growth as important and crucial, and that’s a message I find much more relatable than a crime-free utopia.
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