#It's no wonder I play a Miqo
humblemooncat · 2 years
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This is still my absolute favorite head bonk screenshot and I will use it again for the theme of love if I want to. No one can stop me.
#MiqoMarch - Day 21, Love
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Since I have no way currently to get new shots of him with his husbands, I will share these old ones along with shots I took of dialogue and moments where Ki'to here just could not contain his love and I just had to capture it.
I figure that way you can see love through his eyes.
Also, spoilers ahead. I can't mention everything unless I give some spoilers. But! Everything is in chronological order, so you can skip any parts you have yet to see!
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Finally got to sit down and just have a quiet moment with Aymeric.
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Starlight '22 spoilers. Gods, who let this man look so cute in that outfit? I need to thank them. (Also ngl seeing Aymeric being so sweet with a child made Ki'to's heart swell)
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This ain't just about the husbands, btw. Soft Uri had me on the floor in my feels. I love him so much.
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✨ S h e ✨
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This still reads like a proposal to me. This was when Ki'to knew he was in it for the long haul.
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When these goobers walked in unannounced with bags of food in their arms, this boy was so godsdamned happy. Dinner with the gang is one of his favorite things.
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Hyth has a special place in Ki'to's heart. I like to think it's because Azem really loved him as well, and that love carried across shards.
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The relief this gave Ki'to was immense. He never wanted to burden the others with his troubles because he knew they had their own. So Raha telling him this eased so much tension within him. And instead of walking away like he does in the cutscene, Ki'to asked him to stay so they could talk. In all honesty, this was probably the most loved he'd felt in a while. His struggles were seen and acknowledged, and his lover made sure he felt comfortable sharing them.
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Being an inspiration to young adventurers made him extremely happy. If he can inspire generations after him to go out, explore, and learn about the world around them, then maybe Eitherys could be a kinder place in the future.
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Gods, this man loved Venat/Hydaelyn with his whole heart. The way she saw the world was so beautiful to him. He wished things could have been different so she could see the world as it is now, but she went out on her own terms and he respects that. Though to say their battle brought him happiness would be a lie. She'd been there every step of the way and he wept for her before being unceremoniously dragged out of the aetherial sea.
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I cannot even begin to describe the complex emotions running through Ki'to's mind at this point...
There was a S I G N I F I C A N T pause before he answered G'raha here. I hovered on the lower option for like 5 minutes.
"You can't do this to me. Not again..."
It's what he wanted to say. 'You can't sacrifice yourself again. I've watched you seal yourself away, try to cast yourself out with the light of multiple Wardens, be consumed by crystal, and now you want me to watch your very aether be dispersed?'
But in the end he chose to give him strength. 'I can't be selfish when we've come this far...'
Even when Devotion overtook him as he made his climb with the twins, Azem's crystal never left his hand. Stuck as far into his glove's palm as possible. If he was able. If fate allowed. He would summon them all back. He had to.
This shot was taken out of love because he wanted to cling to his words. His promises. The light of hope that they could be realized.
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And here's the relief.
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And lastly, he was happy to see that Meteion finally got her happier ending. She deserved it.
In lieu of being able to just make a post about his husbands and the love they share, I thought I would share the moments where you could see the people and things that he loved through his eyes.
Hopefully that translated well, and that you enjoyed!
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helladventurers · 1 year
Rip my ass going to fantasia my catboi into a bnnuyboi and I didn't know I couldn't change the character's name when fanta-ing 🫠 so I'll have to replay ARR ***again*** to get my red mage viera
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lesenbyan · 4 months
Trying to sleep more but I think the reason Madoka works is bc like. She's the central focus but it's Homura's story from start to end. From Madoka's dream to the way she's slowly in more and more of the story until she's the central focus of Rebellion and that's not what feels off. Like, not even as a Homura kinnie, that's the kind of shit I love. Where the main character isn't really the main character except yes she is (bc Homura's whole life is Madoka now)
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astrxealis · 2 years
oh next halloween ffxiv i can cosplay some chainsaw man character actually
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talesfromeorzea · 17 days
FFxivWrite 2024 Day 6 Prompt Halcyon
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*warning injury and death descriptions below cut*
As the cherry petals drifted down in the warm spring morning Ruru couldn't help but let her mind drift back to when she had been so much younger. It had been another Little Ladies Day when she had been roughly twelve summers.
She had been walking the streets of the Ruby Road exchange when a young Miqo'te kit scarecly seven summers came up to her and bowed low shyly asking, "Miss may I be your Seneshal for today?"
Ruru blinked in surprise and asked, "Why me?"
The little Miqo's face turned bright pink and he squeaked, "Cause…..your really pretty and seem nice and I just wanna be there for a lady today but all the others have seneshals already and…
She gave him a sweet smile and said, "I would welcome the company then my dear Seneshal shall we?" and with that she reached her hand out to him.
He beamed at her then took her hand on his arm and began walking with her during the festivities waiting on any preceved need she might have.
Each year after that he had sought her out and repeated the ritual. It wasn't until many years later she had learned that the Miqo'te's name was U'taln and the reason he was usually alone on Little Ladies Day was because the majority of his sisters and mother had died in a sickness that had swept through the U tribe in the forgotten springs. She had also learned how shy his was and that she was as far as anyone knew his only friend. After learning that she began to spend as much time with him as she could and he slowly grew to be more than a simple friend.
As she walked her mind played through all of those happy times both during the festivals and others. All of the wonder and excitement they had shared when they began as adventurers. The simple times around a campfire or in a tavern discussing where they were off to next. The nights curled together in either their bedrolls or inn rooms. Ruru halted as she walked as her mind unbidden then brought her to the end of those sweet days.
"Theres not that many Ru we have them lets go," he said rushing forward
"Wait Tal, we don't know that for certain….Tal!" she screamed as the first few arrows embeded into his body and then the hidden bandits charged forth intent on ending him.
Then her vision went red as she waded through the group hacking and slashing at everyone who came near. Rivuels of blood streaming down her armor as she slaughtered all of those who were attacking. Once her vision cleared there was a pile of bodies around her and silence that was broken by a gurgling breath. Whirling she dropped her blade and cradled Taln's head in her lap blood staining the corners of his mouth as he wheezed, "Sorry luv….I…thought that we could."
"Hush, I got ye," she said swiftly and began rummaging in her belt pouch searching desperately for a certain soul stone that she didn't use often but knew was there.
"I'm sorry Ru.." he wheezed again and then gave a gurgling cough
Finally her hand closed around it and immediately the aether swirled around her and gone was her sword, shield and armor instead were the red and white robes and a healers cane. The world suddenly around her also seemed to come alive more as her arcane senses heard the elementals all around.
Swiftly she called upon the life giving energies they gave the world and began channeling them into healing magics. But as hers spells hit him she knew, deep down she knew it wasn't enough but she had to try. She couldn't lose him. Tears pouring from her sky blue eyes she burned every bit of mana reserve she had trying to heal him of the wounds each moment knowing it wasn't going to save him. As his gurgling breaths finally stopped she let out a scream of anguish and still poured so much aether into each attempt but it was for naught.
"Ma'dam are you alright? Do you need help?" a kind voice mercifly cut into those painful memories and Ruru shook her head and saw an elderly Hyur looking at her concerned
"Aye, was lost in memories miss pay me no mind. Ye should go and find a Seneshal fer the festivities." she responded doing her best to give a warm smile.
"My dear Seneshal has gone to get us some drinks, what of you ma'dam have you a Seneshal to look after you this fine day?" the elder woman asked
Ruru gave another tight smile and said, "No, not any longer but its alright. I'll be fine please enjoy the festival and don't bother worryin bout me please."
The old woman gave her a reluctant nod and Ruru quickly moved on through the streets toward the Quicksand. She had quite enough of the Festival today. She'd check with Momodi and see if there was any work to be had far from the city if it was possible.
Work will keep me from dreamin bout the past. Its gone, its over no sense in re livin it over and over. she told herself though she knew full well she never wanted to forget those good times for they were what mattered.
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wildstar25 · 3 months
congrats on finishing eureka i!
anon was wondering, what server is ur miqo on??
o/ Thank you! It's been a good couple months of playing through the content once a week with friends- We called it "Eureka Thursday" lol I still have to go back in to finish up my relic weapon, but its nice to have the story done before dawntrail.
Arsay's home world is Zalera, Crystal.
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catsidhesilvie · 1 year
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~Fleeting Moment~
Decided to do post-processing on this one bc I wanted to stomp her little heart into the dirt :)
Here's the closeup without the glow bc I spent too long reconstructing her eye bc of whatever tf it is that happens to face 4 miqo eyes when you look at them from any angle other than straight-on. Also had to fix clipping from her silly hat and his arm fabric:
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Side note, I really need to look into how to make my screenshots higher quality. I need to play with my graphics settings but remember to lower them back down before raid ahaha.
I mayyyy go back in and actually paint over this for prettier lighting/details with a real tablet pen and not just my mouse ahaha. We'll see.
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Lore/story stuff:
Wyra is demi/bi but never allows herself to get into a relationship (despite being an avid supporter of her friends pairing up/being a romance-reader in her own right) because she is too focused on being the WOL. She doesn't want to place a target on anyone's back. Luckily, she can get by with just a few crushes she has to stomp down since she is never attracted to anyone until they've been friends.
Wyra's Azem, Iris, was also ace, but was in an unspoken LDR/non-exclusive relationship with Themis. They were similar in age (Iris very slightly older), and both had been child prodigies with magic who grew in their roles on the Convocation. They had become friends before, when Iris was still Venat's protégé. When Iris was promoted to Azem, they were attached at the hip when duty allowed, and otherwise kept contact while Azem traveled or Elidibus was too busy with his own duties. The only reason they didn't make it official was because they were both too committed to their duties to commit to each other. Everyone else still viewed them as a couple.
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Wyra is very similar to her Azem in personality, though she is more straightforward (Azem has the power of prophecy and tends to speak somewhat cryptically/be more erratic, generally), less confident, listens to others' opinions more before acting alone, and is a bit less stubborn; she does retain her predecessor's habit of leaping to self-sacrifice over the idea that anyone else dare risk themselves.
When Wyra goes back to Pandaemonium, she is slammed with the soul-baggage/vague memories/emotion of Azem, most of all when meeting Themis. She immensely struggles with this instant crush, as she had hated and pitied Elidibus in her own time... and love at first sight was very much beyond her usual experience.
As they continue the Pandaemonium story, Wyra admits that the Themis of Elpis is basically a different person from future Elidibus, in the same way or even a sadder way than Emet-Selch had been, since Themis had lost part of himself to Zodiark. After this admission, she stops resisting his friendship. Still, Wyra doesn't know what to do with her misplaced Azem feelings, and Themis's overt flirtation and flattery don't help it.
Add the mild inferiority complex Wyra has with her hopes to live up to Azem's legacy, and she spends a lot of time wondering if Themis treats her this way because he is conflating the two women, because he is a creep who likes to be overly friendly with familiars, because he is trying to manipulate her, or because he does truly see her as an individual and likes her for her. She also harbors guilt that only she had the knowledge that she would one day be the one to kill him, so she keeps some walls up partly out of what she deems respect for his Elpis-self.
Finally though, after defeating Athena in the Aetherial Sea of the present, Themis/Elidibus's memory form admits that he does care for HER. Not just as the inheritor of Azem's soul, now that he fully understood that, but as Wyra, and he points out that they are quite different despite their similarities. He expresses mild annoyance that he was fated to forget her until it was too late, though he knows that it all was worthwhile and he couldn't harbor regrets as long as it led to her saving the star. Then he gives her her first kiss before dissolving into aether :)
I think that the real past Themis's friendship and adventures with Wyra in Pandæmonium lead to him withdrawing a little from his relationship with Azem, which is ultimately broken when he becomes the heart of Zodiark despite Azem's insistence that they find another way. She is deeply offended by the idea of sacrificing so many -- especially him -- and is certain there is another option. Azem is off trying to save the world by herself when she dies in the first final days, and no one knows since she refuses to summon friends to a fight she views as unwinnable. That's why she doesn't respond later to invitations to summon Hydaelyn.
After the Pandaemonium story, Wyra is left in a bit of a funk because, while Themis's words helped her to move on a bit from her constant self-comparison to Azem, she obviously was left in an odd place of mourning yet another enemy-turned-friend -- but this time with tragic romance stirred in.
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She does move on, though, and I think she may be more open to romance in the future since her soul has finally gained some closure.
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stephsuxxx · 1 year
Do you play FFXIV? Just wondering if your icon is your kitty :3
i do! that's my miqo!
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gothmiqote · 3 months
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some assorted cutscene varhas & me complaining abt blender under the cut lol :p
the head is a fairly quick & dirty port i did, the struggle to put new teeth in there was 1. fucking unreal 2. probably also not something that was as difficult a i made it out to be
on my list of further things to do are more edits around the mouth area, specifically the upper lip. ofc you can't spot the problem in this shot, but the inner area needs some more volume since it's doing a weird think where it curves noticeably inwards when the mouth opens. probably a fix that'll take a few hours max, half of which will probably be spent testing motion until im happy. there's also a bit of a seam down the middle, but idk if that's enough of a problem for me to deal with lmao. the hair covers up the most visible area, and even that's not too awful in most lighting conditions.
speaking of hair, it does look like my go-to styles for her will need the ear replacements done in blender (blegh). miqo ears are attached to the hair model, so while you Can use pre-7.0 hairs without any movement issues, you won't have the updated ear shape and the textures will probably be a bit off. these ones were just run through the loose texture compiler, no manual editing on my side. i can't tell if i'm liking that or if it could be better? idk I've never painted hair maps before, could be fine or it could be a mess lmao
i haven't even looked at converting the scar texture for her body yet, i probably won't until penumbra is back online tbqh. the new textools is fucking fantastic, but i don't love having to open and close the game every time i want to make a mod change. it also doesn't look like the body shape i use will be getting updated (boo) since the creator has a new version they're working on and i don't like it as much lmao which means it might be up to Me to sort that one out. probably not a big deal except i'm also running the ivcs skeleton version which is fghjsdgjk a whole extra Thing to deal with. i like the extra control it gives me in gpose + some custom animations though so worst case scenario, more blender lessons lmfao. if that's the case i might make the switch to skelomae, depending on which dev kit i find easier to actually parse. i'm wondering if it's worth my time to play around with some body scaling mods, never used them before but im intrigued. also a distinct possibility I'll have to update the skin texture i use for estinien, but i know tbse already has a beta out so i'm not too worried about that. at the end of the day body & face textures are probably the easiest things to mess with. fucking love the person who, within 24 hours of early access, released a mod that gave him his lips back. was worried i might have to port that too but nope, someone beat me to it.
oh god right i also still have to do azem's head port. that one had custom texture uvs, which i'm sure will provide anyone layer of weirdness to whatever process i end up performing on it. i am Not looking forward to putting in another set of nicer teeth lmfao but it's worth it. perhaps it won't be such a shitshow this time around. her eye texture is fucked but I've already seen some updated ancient eyes floating around, so it's whatever.
i am Also not looking forward to going through my penumbra wardrobe to see what works and what doesn't & all i have to say is 10/10 for me for having the foresight to meticulously organize those mods into hyperspecific folders.
also i miss my pose mods gfsdhkghysjd i need to take cute pics in some of those new areas okay.
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frrrozi · 3 years
Oh and here I thought you had a cat and bunny for your WoL!
Well I started a Miqo first! Then I kinda fooled around with modding on a hyur annnnnnd I just really liked how her face turned out? eventually grew fond of her,, so she is my canon WoL (Cielle) now! The bun (Rias) is intended to be a Sharlayan, while the cat (A'rumi) is probs gonna be a stray from Ishgard so all three of them can *coexist*
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here have this pic of em together, my babies /sobs/
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valenicedavereaux · 3 years
Hi Valenice! I hope you don’t mind me asking this but I was wondering if I could get some advice? I’m sort of new to CMTools and I’ve began doing poses with G’raha but I find that most male miqo poses don’t work on him (his hair and/or face gets messed up). Do you make your own poses for him every time, or is it possible to find specific poses made for him? Also your poses are absolutely perfect, I love using them!! Thanks in advance and have a great day ❤️
Hello! I have noticed that any pre-made poses mess up G'raha's hair. I don't know why, but it seems pretty common. I have made 99% of the poses you see in the screenshots you see within Twitter/Tumblr/My Discord server. I will say it does take some practice and tinkering to see how things move on the X and Y axis. My biggest recommendation is to keep playing around with it. It will click, it just may take a little time is all. It did for me. And thank you so much! I'm glad you like them. ^^* Hope you have a great day as well!
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inviouswriting · 4 years
A Price For Love.
Got to talking with @candideangel about Kivera meeting G’raha Tia.
It would most likely happen in transition between probably before the final fight in 5.3
Obvious spoilers for shadowbringers and 5.3 patch. Not there yet? Don’t read this.
Also has @maiden-born-in-snow ‘s and mines polyship. May have gotten deep and fluffy in spots. and @meepsthemiqo ‘s character mentioned too.
G’raha knew his time was getting closer, it was a matter of literal time before he could act on his role. He was climbing stairs slower than those that raced to fight Elidibus. He rounded another corner only to be greeted with a face he had seen before, and hoped he never had to interact with.
“You know what you’re doing changes so much. Right?” G’raha has seen her around Shuri, he had a sense of dread every time he was around her. Like a creeping death. Kivera. 
“A little more time.”
“That is not what I am here for yet, and by the way things are looking. You might just escape me again.” She is death, in the form of a miqo like him, but in full black, and sitting on her scythe like a witch. G’raha Tia is confused to her words.
“What do you mean?”
“Oh? You don’t know? The soul transferring. The whole plan to save those scion members?” They were statements more than questions, reminders of what he had been working for.
“So, I’ve come to you because things are being rewritten as we speak. However. Nothing is quite free.” He is confused to her words.
“To chase a new life, with the memories you have. My world needs something in exchange.” Kivera folds her arms across her chest.
“I am content to die here though.”
“You would say that, yet it seems fate has other options for you.” Kivera looks at her hand as she speaks to him. She had to carry out what was in motion. Green eyes stare at G’raha.
“Are you truly resigned to death then? You don’t seem the type. The whole bravado back with Hades when Innocence was dying. Elaborate plot to abandon this world for in favor of greener pastures.” She catches the surprise in his face.
“How do you know of that?”
“What am I.”
The Exarch knows what she is, one of the reasons she is visible is to those about to die. 
“So what do you want of me?” 
“I already told you. Your fate has changed, and I am no longer here for you. Well in a way. This body is dying. Your soul however. Isn’t. Then again a soul doesn’t really die unless devoured.” Kivera rambles as she kills her time. 
“What would I have to offer?” There is a brief change in her eyes from green to orange. Annoyance. 
“I swear women are less complicated than men. I need something from you to carry out this change. Your transfer requires an exchange, something of a payment. What are you willing to give up?” She asks, and G’raha thinks about it. 
“The memories of my old self in the Crystal Tower?” Kivera raises an eyebrow to this.
“Smart one. Sometimes.” He scoffs at her. 
“Smart people don’t die.” She interjects.
“Thus why you get yet another shot at a life. So in exchange for your life here, you sacrifice the memories and basically the life of your young self still sleeping away for this path?” Kivera hops off her scythe and walks up to him, he feels small compared to her, she was a bit taller than him. 
What unnerved him was her eyes. A vibrant green but cold there was no warmth in her eyes. Not from what he has seen her gaze directed at people like Shuri and Meeps. When she stares at him he feels like he is looking at exactly what she is. Death.
“I accept those terms if that is what fate has in order.” He sees her tug out a scroll and from the left white wing she pulls a feather from it. She crosses his name out replacing it with the name he uses in The First as Crystal Exarch. He is one of the few to see how the ink seems alive, feathery as she writes.
“For the sake of Angelique, no more time meddling. That girl loves you more than you realize.” She turns away from him to begin up the stairs towards the fight.
“Wait? Kiv-”
“You will not call me by my name, you do not have permission yet. Reaper works.” She cuts him off from using her name. 
“Reaper. What of this life then?”
“You already know. Can’t change what is already in motion. This life here does come to an end. Now. I am busy.” She is regretful in the next one she does have to take. 
G’raha sees her again, after the exchange is over with Elidibus. She remains unnoticed to the rest of the group, not interfering with the events as they play out. It is after he is turned crystal that he senses her in front of him.
“As promised, this life has ended, but this soul is far from done. Memories from the past to be replaced with the future.” Then there is nothing, at least until he wakes from his stasis in Crystal Tower. Angelique had brought the vessel, and is the first sight he sees. Kindness and warmth in his soul at a face he loves. 
He doesn’t forget glancing to the side and seeing Kivera once as she flits from the tower waving him off.
Kivera had returned to Shuri’s home by this point exhausted she had resigned herself to curl up between Divinity and Shuri. Finding their touches less offensive she did not want to be touched by men and Ardbert and Estinien understand this mood from her. She favors the girls a tad more, her excuse is they’re softer.
“So I take the exchange went well then?” Ardbert prods at the reaper for answers. He is met with Kivera sinking her face further into Shuri’s hair while Divinity winds her arms more around her from behind.
“That miqo should be up and running around in a few weeks. Along with your scion friends.” Kivera presses her face against one of Shuri’s horns rubbing her cheek to it in the manner she had learned when she dons her auri form. Divinity rests her head on top of Kivera’s knowing her tired nature from doing her role.
“He- could be a friend to you too.” Kivera wrinkles her nose a bit.
“Maybe in time, but that boy has made me break some taboos.”
“Wait you said that it was ordained by fate... You mean you stepped in?” Estinien knows her disdain for interfering. He is met with a grin from her.
“I have a soft spot for real love. I also know what it is like to lose someone to twisted fate.” He remembers her memories she had shared of Damien.
“And you say you are this cold-hearted being.” Ardbert feels a sense of proud in her for doing something right.
“I am cold-hearted. I just pick and choose what I want to see happen. Lest we forget my alignment.” She raises a hand to shoo them off.
“You are done asking me questions. I’d prefer some quiet.” Kivera sees the men look at her questioning. Estinien tugs Ardbert off to grant Kivera what she asks for. 
“She’ll answer us when she is in a better mood.”
“She really spared him.” Ardbert was more amazed at how she boasts so much about her conforming to her role. Yet here she was, breaking that role for a friend.
Angelique chances across Kivera after a few days. Seeing her at night in Mor Dhona. She sees her sitting on the edge of a ledge.
“It’s nice to see you for a change.” Kivera lowers her eyes a bit.
“It is, how is he?” She inquires to G’raha’s health.
“He’s up and running around already. Poor Krile though I think she is about to drop.” Kivera listens to her, hearing the amusement in her voice with a brief smile of her own.
“Good. Cherish him. He earns your love.” Kivera tucks her legs underneath herself, and Angelique sees a moment of vulnerability from the elusive reaper. 
“I do cherish him, thank you.. back there.” A brief flit in Kivera’s eyes from their green to a yellow. 
“Angelique!” G’raha finds her, and when the blonde turns away from Kivera she waves to him. When she looks back Kivera has disappeared again. 
“Talking to someone?” He asks, seeing her look surprised.
“I forget she does that. I was, but she left.” Angelique answers a little bewildered, and G’raha figures out who.
“She’s still mad at me?”
“I don’t think she is mad, just keeping her distance.” This seemed to satisfy him for now.
“So there is a chance she’ll come around.” He wants to make peace with the reaper, but even he knows from seeing her, she picks and chooses who she wants to be around. The men he’s noticed are less compared to the women.
“It takes time.” Angelique reminds him, and they both turn to head off towards Gridania. When his head was turned he felt something ice cold and wet hit the back of his head. He turns his head and is met with another water ball. Angelique is surprised at the magic and looks for the source.
Kivera takes a shot at her as well, only with her warm water hits instead of the ice cold that she pelted G’raha with. They both manage to see her a few feet above them at a distance. Mischief in her gold eyes.
“I think that answers our question.” Angelique laughs seeing how she had messed G’raha’s hair with water. She herself wipes the water from her face. G’raha shakes his head, and glances at their supernatural friend.
“Are we even yet?”
“No. Far from it. Don’t you have places to be?” She lowers her eyes a little and magic on her fingertips ready to summon another set of water at him.
“We were about to leave till ack!” Another cold water ball thrown at him. 
“Why throw water at me?!” 
“Why not.” Kivera readies another one, a wild grin on her lips as she makes the miqo dance a bit with a few well aimed water balls. Angelique watches this exchange and it makes her wonder what exactly he did to earn her ire like this. A hand places itself on her shoulder, and she sees Estinien.
“She’s in a good mood. Looks like she is accepting him.”
“A good thing right?”
“If she didn’t like him, he wouldn’t be here.” His attention turns to Kivera.
“Go easy on him, he’s still recovering.”
“It is why I am using water. Unless he is secretly allergic to it like a normal cat.” Kivera pipes up and Estinien sees she is about done with it. A few more barrages of water thrown at him, and she lands next to G’raha. 
G’raha eyes her wearily. 
“Was that necessary?” Kivera looks him over and uses her base element of fire to dry him off.
“It was.” G’raha fidgets with his hands, looking down. Kivera can see what he is about to say, and before he can muster an apology. She flicks his nose.
“I don’t want an apology for something you didn’t do. Just don’t do anything stupid to make that one cry? Then we’ll call it even yes?” G’raha looks over to Angelique and nods after holding his nose.
Kivera goes over to Estinien’s side, she gives one more look to G’raha before she flits once and disappears back to Shuri’s home.
“Are you sure she was in a good mood?” 
“She was, she’s a bit of a trickster when she is in high spirits. She’s constantly pulling pranks on Ardbert. And myself. So trust me, she is in a good mood.” He recalls the time Kivera and Shuri ganged up on him with, Shuri being sweet to him in front while Kivera stuck ice cold hands on his back.
“We should get going. Meeps did want to see us.” Angelique reminds him, and knows not to keep Estinien too long. They go their separate ways. 
Kivera lingers a bit on the roof of the house, truly questioning her place in this world. She looks at one of the several multi colored feathers she had gained. She had grown several of them for the realms she had traveled and lives she had spared instead of taking them. Her own mind muddled with after thoughts of whether she is doing right by letting things happen with mild interferences. 
She saw the grief-stricken Meeps, she had seen how the remains of what was Lillith separated from Shuri, she has seen how fate gave Ardbert to her, bound her even. This world she is in, is full of things, the biggest is how many she watches overthrow cosmos and fate again and again. 
She saw how Kiya excitedly ran back to Ishgard to see Aymeric. How she envied her a little in her pure self. Hecate would be happy with her new life if she could remember. Gaining her own knight to love. 
Kivera lost in her own thoughts for once doesn’t notice the hand reaching to the middle of her back. A single finger runs down the middle of her spine between her wings. Kivera reacts by jumping and turning to see Shuri. Her wings poofed up in the manor of a scared owl even her tail puffed a bit, and eyes wide and white, then flash down to pink looking away.
“You’ve been up here ever since you got back. Everything alright?” Shuri notes she managed to startle her, and opens up her arms for her to come into them. Kivera glowers brief at being startled, then finds her way to rest her head on Shuri’s lap.
“Just thinking, do I truly belong with you and yours?” Kivera closes her eyes.
“You do, even if you don’t feel it. Something happened?” She catches on, she knew Kivera went to check on Angelique.
“G’raha. He saved so many lives, yet at the cost of..” She sighs trying not to let what is beyond her means get to her now.
“You did say it yourself, fate has other plans for him, and you have yet to really intervene with what is in motion.  As for feeling of where you belong. You belong here with us.” It takes Kivera a moment to think about it, she is still scared of getting close to this group more for the lives they lead. Any day she could be the one that has to claim them, she’d steal them to her realm first. 
Green eyes flicker a soft blue then settle to gold with a tinge of deep blue at the centers. Shuri sees this, thinking of ways to ease her, settling on petting through her hair the way she has seen Divinity does. Kivera accepts her affections and curls in closer to her. 
She doesn’t need everyone to understand her nature, just the ones she loves. Even if she must be harsh with a few, she hopes her actions can be forgiven by those she must remain distant with.
Kivera was in a light sleep when another person shows up. Ardbert sits next to Shuri and looks over the reaper strewn across her lap. Kivera has her face pressed to her abdomen close to the bump where she is able to detect life. She is half curled around Shuri protective. She herself was denied this life and ability to experience children. She can at least chase a dream of being a secondary parent where she is wanted as one.
“Such a fearsome one she is.” He says teasing, he sees an ear twitch in his direction. 
“She can be, not to me though.” Ardbert chances a touch along Kivera’s back, his hand drifting to her right wing, her black one. Hand smoothing through the feathers finding them softer than most silk he’s touched. One of the few times the reaper does not find his touch offensive.
“A summon came for her.” He says quietly, enough for Shuri to raise a little concern.
“From who?” Kivera turns her head, a yellow eye cracks open.
“Kiya.” Kivera closes her eye again with a sigh.
“I’ll see her when the time is right. I think I know what it is about.” Ardbert drifts his hand to her left wing but feels her shrug his hand away from it. Shuri feels her tense up and looks over to Ardbert shaking her head no. Fingers card through Kivera’s hair again to sooth her a bit.
Ardbert looks Kivera over, wondering what in her changed to make her bristle. She was still getting use to him, and he wanted to earn more of her own affection in the way she shows the others. He let’s it roll off of him, and lets Kivera have her space.
“You both should come down soon, for food and Estinien worries with you up here Shuri.” 
“We’ll come down soon.” Kivera confirms, and raises her gaze to Ardbert. A brief glimpse of purple tints her irises then back to green.
He leaves them be, and it isn’t much longer till they both get down, Kivera using her ability to fly to transport the auri down. Kivera finds Divinity after making sure Shuri is within her husband’s care. 
Divinity keeps her eyes closed as she takes over comforts on her soulbound lover. Remembering the time when Kivera did this for her. Ardbert approaches again, finding how Divinity seems more at ease with her leader resting on her now. 
“She doesn’t like her left messed with does she?” He keeps his voice low.
“It’s a painful reminder for her. What she use to be.” Divinity feels Kivera tense at hearing her talk about her. One of her hands rests on top of her head ressuring.
“She use to be of the heavens right?”
“She use to. She did show you her memories right?” Ardbert was shown them once, they were shown fast to where some of them were hard to make out, ones that were clearly painful to her.
“Aye, I was.” He rather the answers come from them about it, he was shown, but not told much.
“The white one is what remains of that time she spent in Caelum. They do wish to have her back.” Divinity feels a hand dig into her thigh and she ignores it.
“But she doesn’t want to go back.” Ardbert sees her bristle again.
“Correct. They threw her out like she was nothing. You understand that feeling right? What it means to have the height of glory then thrown out like you mean nothing. Name dragged through the dirt. That was her in that lifetime. All because she fell in love with a demon.” Ardbert sees Divinity swat Kivera’s head for biting her leg. Ardbert can see Kivera’s eyes a dark blue, a color he rarely sees.
Kivera’s ears flatten to her head, she was about to leave until she feels Divinity’s hand press at the middle of her back to stay.
“You showed him those memories. You know that they’re common memories in this house if you did. I know they’re painful, but he should hear the causes of why you choose your way now.” Divinity heals herself of the bite. She keeps a hand through her hair. The Libra spirit looks up towards Ardbert, he notes how both of her own eyes are gold in color. 
“If this is too much for her to reveal..”
“You’re bound to know. You know of Damien. You know her feelings surrounding him, in how he was lost to her.” He nods at her question.
“Good, what were your feelings when she showed you those memories?” Divinity holds Kivera still having her lay on her stomach with her face fully buried into her abdomen.
“Heartache. I felt like I was losing someone I loved. I too have shared a pain like that.” Divinity nods.
“Now be the one that deals the death to that loved one.” Ardbert recalls that one. Seeing Kivera take the life of Damien was hard for him, he couldn’t comprehend what ran through her or the thought if something like that came to him towards Shuri. 
“But forgive my way of asking, but what does that have to do with her not returning?” 
“Because Caelum offered her to return after his death. Before she spoke to Kronos. After she sent Vanth into the underworld. They offered her, her position back, after the love of her life was taken from her. As a way of saying “The source of your sin is gone, come back to us.” She was just grieving and they threw what she followed into her face. As if he was nothing but what held her down.” Kivera by this point had wrapped her arms around Divinity’s waist face fully buried into her stomach.
“So now... she denies it every chance...” Ardbert understands now. 
“She’s a fallen, but has the chance of redemption. Yet scorns it because of what they’ve done to her in the beginning. She loved Damien. Just as she loves the people here and strives hard to protect them. Whether you see her in action. She broke taboo for alot of you and yours recently. Because she ouch! Damn it Kivera!” Divinity grabs the reaper’s tail and pulls it to get her to quit biting her stomach. She felt her fangs dig in this time.
“Because she actually loves alot of you!” She finishes her sentence and glowers down at Kivera who glares back up through bright pink eyes. Ardbert’s first time seeing the color.
“What? Did I embarrass you? You felt the need to bite me over it?” Ardbert sees Divinity pull Kivera over and pin her down. The taller woman easily keeping her pinned as she kicks her feet out. He notes how she keeps her hands together and pinned above her head.
“Need any help with her?” Shuri pokes her head in at hearing all the commotion of Kivera being somewhat handled rough. She was sitting outside the room they were in listening in on the conversation. She had been shown personally and shared more intimate details to Kivera. She felt a swarm of emotions run through her at hearing how Divinity speaks of what she had lost and why she has no desire to return to the heavens.
“I think I could use your help if it isn’t straining on you at all.” Divinity takes both hands now and rubs at Kivera’s wrists. Shuri sees the reaper restrained in a way where she can dote on her. She grins at her as her hands land on her sides. Instead of rubbing them, she lays on top of Kivera pinning her to Divinity.
Ardbert takes the hint that any further conversation is over for now. He hears laughter follow the girls together, specially once the twins ran in and jumped on the women. 
Shuri glances at Kivera, seeing life back into her green eyes. Divinity takes a moment to inspect the bite she got on her stomach and heals it before anyone else sees them. She returns and eyes Kivera who is pinned under children and lovers now. Resigned to her fate. Freya taking up most of her right wing’s space while Lexan in her left wing. 
She is beside herself in all these faces showing her she belongs that she looks to Divinity who leans over her to let her bury her face into her chest and conceal her tears. Overwhelmed in her emotions at those who care so deeply for her.
“You belong here.” Shuri reminds Kivera, and lets her feel her emotions that she keeps suppressed. Estinien tugs Ardbert in with him, to assist the girls helping Shuri up and announcing that meals were ready.
Kivera lingers with Divinity, glancing up at her from her spot.
Divinity glances down giving her the same kind smile she has always given to her since the pyre.
“We’ll be in, in a few.” Divinity assures them, and cards her fingers through Kivera’s hair again.
“You are loved more than you know and want to be shown.” Divinity is at face level with Kivera who seeks her in a moment and shares a kiss with her. 
“Thank you... even though you didn’t have to tell Ardbert all of that.”
“At the rate you go, it would snow in Thanalan before you’d tell anyone.” She is shoved briefly and Kivera goes to join the others with Divinity in tow.
“You are worth it all.” Divinity murmurs under her breath.
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dholwrites · 5 years
G'raha Tia and Alisaie.
Duo! Lots of Shb spoilers!
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First impression
He’s a loveable dork. Leading up to this point I haven’t seen a lot of male miqo’tes that take center role and the role he plays during this is a big one. I couldn’t help but laugh at his antics. I will admit that I wasn’t really fond of male miqos up to this point but Raha’s appearance and his drive had me quite smittened. (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
Then the fucking bastard locked himself up in the tower without another word and broke my heart. I spent a good year mourning about him before it was revealed that he is going to be in the newest expansions 
Impression now
I love him even more now (´▽`ʃƪ). A lot of it is probably because I’m delighted by the sheer amount of new content that he has (both fanart and canon). A part of me is very proud that I wrote for him for a while before ShB came out. The years of waiting and sleeping have clearly mellowed out his very michevious side, it’s still there but it’s wrapped up under layers of stress. His adoration for the WoL is much more obvious now. 
Favorite moment
A very difficult decision seeing as there is so much to pick from, but it will have to be the “Ohayo” that gets said between the WoL and G’raha when everything is over and done. The tears welling up in his eyes and the fondless in his tone speaks more a thousand words. Thinging about that scene alone is enough for brighten my day and fill me with energy. 
Idea for a story
I have so many, which one would you like to hear about? I want to write about what it was like for him traveling to the First all alone, realizing that he’s far too early to be able to execute the plan correctly. Was it lonely? Have he ever came across people that he thought he knew? How many times does he lay awake wishing for time to go by faster, but at the same time waking up in cold sweat thinking that he have slept another hundred years without realizing?
I want to see what lead the decision he made that caused him to give up the bow and instead to pick up magic, to pick up a sword and shield. Does he ever miss being able to draw a bow? How long has it been since he last sung? (´•ω•̥`)
A lot of the writing I want to explore were inspired by comics and writings have been done by other content creators.
Unpopular opinion
G’raha is G’raha and Haurchefant is Haurchenfant. I don’t want to see them compared to each other, and especially their deaths (or potential in Raha’s case). Yes, they have laid down their live for the WoL but so has the Scions. SE have decided that he is to live despite a lot of the death flags that he accumulated, and we should respect their decision on such a thing. Wishing for him to die in game is cruel.
Favorite relationship
Other than the relationship between him and the WoL, I really enjoy the relationship between him and the rest of the Scions. Alisaie is a good one in particular since she is very clear about her opinion towards the things he do. She can see his dedication to the WoL and that would assure anyone that he only means to do good. 
Favorite headcanon
Everyone knows that the Crystal Exarch has a gigantic fat crush on the Warrior of Darkness, do they say anything about this? No, because it’s too cute to watch him dote on them in public without realizing. Like the time Raha accidentally played sugar daddy by giving them GOLD. 
Part of me wants to believe that he knows the value of that when he gives it to them, but it was probably been well over a hundred years since he had been over there so the value of it is a lot higher than he remembered it being. 
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First impression
She’s like a pomeranian but angrier and has a sword. Perferred twin partly cause she’s the sister and is 200% more likely to beat people up if they as so much as look at her the wrong way. 
Impression now
I love how much she has grown since the beginning of ARR. She still have her confidence in her own abilities, but she has started to trust others more. The banter and decisions made by the twins is icing on the cake. 
Favorite moment
I would be her making a proxie. Despite, Alphianud laughing his wits off at her of her poor artistic skills, she still tries her best. I will admit the scene reminded me of how she was at the beginning of the story. Alisaie had previously wanted to remain in the shadows and watch history unfold without doing too much in the process. Now she is actively going out her way to undo what time has caused to the people in Amh Areang. 
Idea for a story
When happens between the time she broke away from her brother in ARR and when she’s found in HW. Not just the coils but what her living situation is like, if she ran into any kind of trouble, and what brought her so far into Coethroes. I wonder what her thoughts were when she is forced to venter out alone because of the arguement she had with her brother. 
Unpopular opinion
Alisaie and Ryne’s relationship is interesting. I like to think that Ryne would be more likely to develop a crush on Alisaie than Alphinaud. Alisaie embodies the characteristics that Ryne which to achieve more and could be someone that the young girl looks up to. 
Favorite relationship
I think I’ve talked enough, but her relationship with her brother. Though I do wish that SE does do a bit more for her and the other Scions. 
Favorite headcanon
An idea from my friend @luxicorde, Alisaie may be able to weild her sword but she is actually very bad at swordplay with anything other than her own sword. Hers is made from a very light material that allows for her to use it without much training, but if given anything heavier than that her balance would be completely thrown off. She’s still heavily reliant on magic despite how she looks. 
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windupnamazu · 5 years
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01. Main Class AST! I was a SCH up until Heavensward, though.
02. 2nd Class BLM! I’m bad at it though and I only take it into expert roulette because I love the aoe rotation.
03. Fave Crafter What? I can’t read this. I hate crafting. It’s weaver.
04. Fave Race Lalafell! I’m also really partial to Miqo, but I could never fantasia to one because the skinny races all kick at my self-esteem-
05. Fave Add-On Is this a question about expansions or the third party tools that we're supposed to pretend we don’t use?
06. Playing Since June 2017! Here’s a pic of my friends during the free trial days. 
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07. Playtime 218 days, 22 hours, 11 minutes, but only god knows how much of that time was used afk in front of a summoning bell.
08. Stupid thing you did when you started playing I did ARR back when glamours were locked to level 50, so when they started giving me ugly clothes I... wouldn’t wear them. For the first like thirty or so levels I just wore the cute i1 glam pieces and I died so many times because I had no stats.
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09. Most memorable moment Two of them - when we first started the free trial, someone ran up to all of us talking in /say down in Bulwark Hall and gave us some gil to split among us once we got our subs. Another time, someone by the Limsa marketboard started talking to me and gifted me some minions when I said I had just started playing and really liked minions. It’s probably cheesy to say but their kindness really stuck with me and it’s part of why I kept playing, even though I’m an inherently anxious person who’s terrified of interacting with strangers and I didn’t think I could ever love an MMO this much.
10. Did you make close friends? Yes! We met Peepo through the game, and now she’s one of my best friends. Elly was already part of our friendgroup, but now we’re even closer because we play together. I’m also really happy that I’ve been lucky enough to make friends through the tumblr community too - I mean, I wouldn’t say close emotionally, but there’s a special kind of bond between mutuals who tag each other’s stuff, y’know?
11. Fave part of the story [thinks about a certain cliffside confession] [starts tearing up]
12. One special place There’s this rock in Cutter’s Cry that you can jump onto. It’s not really special but it sticks with me because we had a silly moment on it and now whenever we get it in leveling roulette Rob always points it out as my rock.
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13. Fave city This will probably always be Limsa Lominsa. The Crystarium comes really close, though.
14. Fave area This might be a tie between Lakeland and Lower La Noscea. Lakeland is so purple and is tied to a certain You Know Who and Lower La Noscea has my earliest memories of running around in the game.
15. Fave housing area The Lavender Beds!
16. Fave NPC Really makes you wonder, huh.
17. Fave Dungeon It was Shisui of the Violet Tides. Then they updated the retainer quick venture pool so they can bring back the mengu without me having to farm them.
18. Fave Trial I still go absolutely nuts when we get Yomi or Suzaku in trial roulette tbh.
19. Fave Raid After at least thirteen runs so far, I can safely say that it isn’t the Copied Factory. Maybe Leviathan or Phantom Train? I don’t run Savage and I didn’t do any of the Alexanders when they were current...
20. Fave Music huauaugoaguhougwuh
21. Fave Mount I think that legally, I have to say the Namazu mikoshi, but...
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22. Fave Minion
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i still love the wind-up namazu its just. him beby.
23. Fave Glamour If I ever answer these kind of things and don’t respond with this outfit, assume that I got possessed.
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24. Are you married? Maybe.
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25. PVP, yes or no? I actually kind of like PVP. Wish it was a lot shorter, though.
26. Fave thing you do in the Gold Saucer Forget to redeem my Jumbo Cactpot tickets!
27. Fave Weapon It’d be Canopus Lux, but also the Mogfork exists.
28. Coolest Attack FELL CLEAVE. And probably everything from MNK. I’m also biased towards AST’s whole kit because it’s my aesthetic, but they’re not really attacks.
29. Fave Emote /brofist, /laliho
30. Best Mogstation item If I don’t say the Fatter Cat my boyfriend might kill me but it’s obviously  Ten Pots of Metallic Green Dye.
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vivalahoni · 5 years
Questionnaire :: Zari’to Honi
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FULL NAME: Zari’to Honi NICKNAME: Honi, Hons, Tempest AGE: 21 BIRTHDAY: 23rd Sun of the 1st Astral Moon ETHNIC GROUP: Keeper of the Moon Miqo’te (tribal) NATIONALITY: Claims Lominsans LANGUAGE/S: Hyuran, Miqo’te SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Heterosexual ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Straight RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single HOME TOWN / AREA: The Black Shroud CURRENT HOME: Maelstrom Barracks in Limsa Lominsa (Also The Spinner's Rest, Plot 46, 15 Ward, Shirogane, home of the FC  Vanguard Sanctum) PROFESSION: Survivalist Instructor for the Maelstrom and Scout
[ Courtesy Cut for Length ]
HAIR: Shoulder length dark hair with blond highlights EYES: Gold FACE: Strong jawline LIPS: Thin COMPLEXION: Sepia tone BLEMISHES: None SCARS: Small scars but nothing visible TATTOOS: None HEIGHT: 5′8″ (she’s tall for a miqo’te!) WEIGHT: Average BUILD: Lean and muscular FEATURES: Standard male miqo’te markings on face, red war paint worn on face ALLERGIES: None USUAL HAIR STYLE:  Switches between letting his hair down and braiding it USUAL FACE LOOK: Squinted eyes, reading the situation USUAL CLOTHING: Lord’s Suikan in black or Company Tabard in black and red
FEAR/S: Finding out his brother wasn’t the hero he thought he was ASPIRATION/S: To help anyone in need of aid against the Empire and finding out the truth regarding his older brother POSITIVE TRAITS: Protective of those in need and willing to put himself at risk for those he cares for NEGATIVE TRAITS: Quick to anger and can often come off as awkward  TEMPERAMENT:  Myterious SOUL TYPE/S: Ninja (Samurai when acting under cover) ANIMALS:  Red, his dog VICE HABIT/S: Eater of all things delicious  FAITH: Believes in destiny GHOSTS?:  Yes AFTERLIFE?:  Yes REINCARNATION?:  Yes POLITICAL ALIGNMENT:  Limsa Lominsa EDUCATION LEVEL: Educated to read and write, Provided tutors by the Maelstrom
FATHER: Tonto’a Yas MOTHER: Zari Honi  SIBLINGS: Sasha Honi (Sister)Toncho’a Honi (Brother)Jhanna Honi (Sister)Chenoa Honi (Sister) Lyra Amberlin (Adopted Sister) EXTENDED FAMILY:  A whole Tribe’s worth NAME MEANING/S:  Honi means little wolf HISTORICAL CONNECTION?: The Honi line descends from  Honiahaka the Little Wolf, a fierce female miqo’te who stalked the Black Shroud years ago and was said to be a great hunter with both bow and knife who’s skill could be matched by few.
BOOK: Honi loves to read about nature as well as the interesting history of ninja and samurais. DEITY: Oschon, for Honi shares a love for wanderer as well HOLIDAY:  Little Ladies' Day (cherry blossoms are beautiful) SEASON:  Spring PLACE: On the rode, Limsa, or Kugane WEATHER: Fresh spring mornings SOUND / S: The sound of a blade cutting the air, the clink of tankards after a toast, the sound of warm heath SCENT / S: Cedar TASTE / S: Fruit... And anything yummy FEEL / S: A warm summers storm ANIMAL / S: Chocobos and most small animals NUMBER:  3, number of times he’s beaten his brother in a archery contest COLORS: Red, black, gray, white
TALENTS: Honi is skilled in archery as well as surviving off the land itself. He can track and navigate and is rather good at reading maps. This later helps him after he joins the Maelstrom and he is trained by a Doma refugee in the ways of the Shinobi. Since then, Honi has proven to be rather skilled at sword play and manipulating aether. He is also skilled with his hands and has taken up crafting, mostly woodcraft, hence why he usually smells of cedar. BAD AT: Picking up hints when someone likes him. Naive at times. TURN ONS: Confidence, someone who isn’t afraid to voice their opinions,  TURN OFFS: Liars HOBBIES:  Wood working, finding new places to eat TROPES: N/A QUOTES: "Not all those who wander are lost..."
Q1 : If you could write your character your way in their own movie,  what would it be called, what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about?  
A epic tale of adventure, love, heartbreak, and humor. It would look alot like Samurai Champloo
Q2 :  What would their soundtrack/score sound like? Anything from Nujabes
Q3 :  Why did you start writing this character? I wanted to represent a little of my Native American background (Taino) and the tribal aspect of the Keepers was rather alluring. 
Q4 :   What first attracted you to this character?  I was a first time player joining a well established community, so Honi’s fresh take on the world as a miqo fresh from the Shroud fit perfectly with my train of thought.
Q5 :  Describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse.  Honi tends to care to much and ends up getting hurt in the end. I wouldn’t say I dislike that about him per say, it’s just become a running gag for the love department not to work out for him.
Q6 :  What do you have in common with your muse?  A sense of wonder about the world and a love for food.
Q7 :   How does your muse feel about you?  Honi would question why I no longer eat meat  >_<
Q8 :  What characters does your muse have interesting interactions with ?   All his FC mates and of course his adopted sister Lyra who has gotten him into more trouble then he can remember... Seriously the girl is a magnet for trouble!
Q9 :  What gives you inspiration to write your muse ?  The time I’ve invested in him and the growth I’ve seen. I can’t wait to see what else happens to... with him?
Q10 : How long did this take you to complete ?  45ish minutes
Tagged by @vivalaezra: My other char! Is it lame I tagged myself? Tagging @shroudblessings miqo’s gotta tag each other and stuff @vylette-elakha and another miqo! @lydha-lran chosen at random ^_^ – And anyone seeing this feel free to go crazy!
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talysings · 5 years
A Miqo’s Tale? (Not Tail!)
I have been thinking about some of my songs. When I first started out, most of my songs were autobiographical, even if I did not explicitly say so. “The Streets of Ul’dah,” for instance, was about my mum struggling to raise me and how she passed away. Almost all of my early work is like that. And even when I sing other people’s songs, they tend to have some personal connection to me.
Anyway, I was wondering to myself if there would be any value to putting together a whole bunch of songs, in a particular order, that would sort of be the story of me. Like, a concert version of my life.
It does seem kind of egotistical for me to think anyone would be interested in sitting and listening to me sing about myself. I’ve never even just done a concert on my own, and if I did, I’m not sure anyone besides those closest to me would even come to that, let alone a concert that had a plot.
Of course, I could just write it for myself, I suppose. There are plenty of writers who write “closet dramas”--plays never actually meant to be produced, just read amongst friends. And, it’s not like my life hasn’t had its dramatic peaks and valleys. Maybe someone would get something out of it.
I don’t know. Normally, I would run an idea like this past Savo. However, there has been nary a peep from that particular mooncat in some time. She probably knows that I am upset with her. I think Eao intended to give her a piece of her mind for not telling me about, umm . . . things. Eao is not one to mince words, so I imagine she is well aware that I am hurt. 
It’s probably a crazy idea. Besides, I have lots of things on my plate for the foreseeable future. Hydaelyn Harmony is coming up fast. And as soon as that’s over, I have to dive into rehearsals for our Palazzo production. I am acting in a play, as well as directing one, so I am going to be pretty busy.
Well, it’s a thought. Maybe someday.
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