#It's not that deep this is headcannon based on lore information I have read and things in the game
dreamingofthewild · 6 months
Hi there! I was just reading your post on Mystra grooming and I thought it was very well articulated I just had one question on it. You mentioned that Elminster reached out to Gale when Gale was 8 years old and I haven't seen that mentioned in the game or in other lore for the game. Would you mind letting me know where that was sourced? Mostly because I'm interested on reading on that more, thank you
Hello there kingtycoon13
The reference to Elminster reaching out to Gale comes from a letter that Elminster writes to Gale when he ascends to Godhood. The letter can be found in a basket full of letters the player can read in the epilogue.
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More under the cut
In the Forgotten Realms Wiki, it does say that Elminster took on apprentices from time-to-time. Sometimes they were by Mystra's request.
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We do not know why Elminster appeared on Gale's doorstop when he was eight years old. We do know that Gale was a child prodigy who could summon rabbits when since he was toddler (I cannot find the dialogue for this on the web). If magic was unstable at the time this makes his power an even more impressive feat.
So Elminster had connection with the Blackstaff and was prominent in Waterdeep.
There is every potential that he heard about a boy prodigy who was living with non-magically inclined parents and rocked up to their doorstep to offer help. He might have been thinking about how Mystra will need more chosen when she returns, or he might have just decided that it was time for another apprentice.
On the forgotten realms Wiki it says that Elminster spoke to Mystra who possessed the body of a bear and asked him to find new candidate's to become her chosen. Gale would have been 22 at the time if we go with his cannon age of 35.
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I think that Elminster may have suggested Gale as a candidate when Gale was 22. Elminster has helped train her chosen before, such as Sammaster.
There is also a very interesting tidbit I found upon looking him up where he says he left the encounter feeling as though he and Mystra were in love;
I do not know to what extent Mystra's presence could be felt whilst she was gone. But Midnight was said to have felt a 'presence' and her spells which might've failed succeeded and she felt like she was being groomed, before becoming the next Mystra. I cannot find any evidence to support a theory that Mystra was behind Gale's ability to cast magic at such a young age. But it is an interesting theory nonetheless.
Anyway, back to my original point. When I said that Elminster had a part to play, I meant that he is a renowned wizard and former chosen of Mystra. And he inserted himself into Gale's life when he was 8. It is implied that he did help him, and potentially recommended him if she did not already have her eyes on him herself.
Elminster does mention making a mistake in his letter, so could that be the mistake he refers to?
We don't know if Mystra sought Gale out as her chosen because of Elminster or vice versa. She may have set her eyes on him regardless but perhaps at a later stage. Either way, Elminster had a part to play in Gale being selected as her chosen.
My idea also stemmed from a post a read a while back where someone wrote Meta's on each BG3 character;
The final point I wanted to make was that grooming does not always involve one person. It can be an organisation or an entire industry which is set up to suck the souls out of people who have talent. Be it academia, sports, the film and music industries or the fictional industry of Wizardry.
But in general the process of becoming a chosen is exploitative and manipulative. We witness that in game with Shadowheart and Lae'zel. They were all groomed in different ways.
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dragon-fuccer · 2 months
Hi!!! If u're reading this u're probably the author of this absolutely amazing fic ✨
And if u're not, go read it;!! It's so good u won't regret it<33
First some fanart jumpscare !!! (I hope u're ok w it bc I haven't asked for permission 😭)
It's just how I imagine Jack to look with a few smaller headcannons based on the fic, and there will be more fic related doodles soon, so prepare for that >;D (ofc as long as u're ok with it!!)
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Second, the thing I lured ya here with, aka mine n my bfs ocs, art and description for ya to use in the fic if u want to ^^
TYSM for this offer, both me and my bf feel hella honored and it actually gave us a ton of motivation to actually expand on these two!
Tws : body horror, brief description of violence n death, mentioned suicide and brief description of murder
Smokey belongs to my bf and Something is mine !
Normal text is all written by me and green text was written by him ^^
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Art and design by my dearly beloved:
Real name : Victor Wilson
Age : around 26 yo
possible victor lore
used to be victor by marble hornets standards known as smokey
a dropout uni student with raging nicotine addiction (smokey did not retain any uni info but vic used to be psych student (projecting much lol))
prolly watched marble hornets with friends for fun and against better judgement decided to give a visit to rosswood park thinking its a film project in the beginning
turns out its not and they spotted the lanky guy
smokey the horror movie enthusiast wants out at that point before shize goes down but its late and they r deep in the forest so comes to conclusion they r all p much dead at this point
peeps want to go hunt for the lanky man cus cool and internet views
my guy is like f that yall r following basic horror lore of everyone dies im not playin like that and straight up says hes not going and hed rather go and sleep in the burned down psych ward
he gets called a wimp but decides if hes gonna die hes not dying an idiot and decides to vidtape everything on his mid tier phone camera
not sure what happens to the rest but they do their meet cute w slendy and prolly with time like half of em ends up in the arko e way or another
smokey manages most of the night fine but like luck would have it still end up meeting the guy
does not go well
wakes up in the burned down hospital not remembering the last unknown time and broken phone beyond repair
decides oho this is bad lets go back to uni and never talk abt it
meets with most friends back at uni but like 2 of em r missing and they just pretend nothing happened, friend group dissolves
after that he starts slowly having memory gaps, waking up in other places
all comes to head when it turns out he missed 5 months of uni after he wakes up back in rosswood really far from home and skinnier than ever and suddenly no more uni student
after that victor surfaces less and less till hes just kinda gone at that point
Smokey first shows up the night victor goes with friends to rosewood
in the beginning surfaces confused unsure who they are and what is their purpose
with time smokey goes through both phone and computer of vics
binges whole marble hornets in one sitting and decides he has a personal vendetta against the operator
since then they work on somehow stoping it (and terribly fails given the lack of information) leading to continuous trips back to rosewood and sleepovers in the rubble of the ex psych ward
figuring out the nicotine addiction takes a bit of time and leads to pretty nasty withdrawal symptoms as well as a very wrecked dorm room (he does find the cigarettes tho and is smart enough to connect the dots (smart cookie, here have a star sticker))
smokey learns asl and isolates themself a lot in the months of operator research
he still maintains two personas to some extends which is one the masked smokey who uses mostly asl and rarely speaks (to some extent also a tactic against being caught by police) and times when he goes without mask on library searches and grocery shoppings
smokey starts a yt channel dedicated to catching the operator and ending it which attracts at best some people commenting on obvious marble hornets ripoff and few cents into his wallet
with passing time they do start finding victims in order to keep themselves alive n appease the the big slinky leading to series of alleged suicides then turned to series of murders
he starts off with two of his ex friends who go back to rosewood and start showing symptoms he learned from mh
When they commit murder they hide in the trunk of the car and basically hotbox the whole thing due to smoking making the victim whoozy and confused, moving on they connect a pipe (like garden hose or whatevs) to the exhaustion pipe and suffocate their victims with the car smoke
the thing that tips off the police is the nicotine in the system of every victim and an account of almost to be one that got stalked by smokey who upon being discovered (also while smoking and which earned him the name) decided to bolt
since then he continues on just about the same, aka researching the operator, finding new victims and surviving untill they meet Something
His hoodie is dark green, the mask is greyish from the grime n dirt, the big cross on it is black so are his pants and hair
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Real name : Rae Dyer
Age : 23 before transformation, currently unknown
Something used to be a cryptid fan. They worked at a radio station and had a small night show where they played old rock and often rambled about the latest creature they heard about. While out, looking for a new creature to maybe see, they stumbled upon the Slenderman and became obsessed to document it somehow, quickly spiraling out of control and slowly, bit by bit became a creature themselves.
Something doesn't remember much from it's past life. It used to just wander, guided by the static in it's head towards it's victims, always terrified itself but not knowing why. After Smokey found it, they started wandering together. At first they had serious communication issues - Something only able to speak in tap code and Smokey mainly using ASL - but with time they learned to speak with each other, and now they can understand the other almost without words.
Something doesn't really eat, it survives on fear and between itself and Smokey, it always has more than enough of it. It does steal food for Smokey tho, cigarettes as well, usually leaving them in whatever ruined building he decided to stay in for the night. Something got also addicted to nicotine by just being around Smokey so much, leading to separation anxiety fueled by withdrawal when they're apart.
Something cannot speak, and can only communicate using tap code. When it's particularly worried or scared it does emit a small noise, that sounds like a particularly breathy whine, and more commonly when it tries to speak, quiet spider like ticking can be heard coming from it's mouths.
It usually walks hunched over, used to having to duck under branches, entryways, etc bc of it's height.
Something has pale skin reminiscent of porcelain, and is usually wearing a v neck sweater with a white undershirt and jeans or other pants. It's hair is very thin and scarce, floating around it's head down to it's lower back
Also a tiny doodle bonus of how I imagine these two showing up on Jacks doorstep xjbxbcbcb
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We think the most probable case of them showing up would be Smokey getting bonked on a mission (probably by a car or a would be victim) and Something bringing them over to Jacks cabin to get pached up, tho feel free to do something else ya might think fits =w=
Again, thank you so much for the offer, we're both so honored to have the opportunity to show these two off and maybe if you're so inclined getting them a chapter in ur amazing fic<3
If u have any questions you need answered Abt the two don't hesitate to ask them as well! ^^
-Kai n Bean
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