#It's the kind of resume submission that makes me feel like overly confident
crimsonblackrose · 2 years
My aunt found me arguably the most boring looking white collar job to apply to that just so happens to be remote writing related. How she managed to find like the cliche parent job recommendation I have no clue. I applied. But it hilarious. I didn’t think those were as easy to find between the thin narrow line of like what I qualify for and what won’t make me faint and ill.
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yas-puckerman · 4 years
WHO: Marley & Yas ( @thisrosewillnotwilt ) ​ WHEN: end of the year WHAT: Yas catches up with Marley sometime after her role changes.  WARNINGS: -
Middle of the day and nothing better to do than spark up and get right then ride around campus. Yas was carving her way down a hill when she caught sight of someone she thought was someone else for a moment. Still she swayed into a few sharper curves to slow down and then slid her board sideways to come to a screeching halt not far off from the fellow switch. "Hey.." She called out, scooping up her board from the ground to pace beside Marley. "Sup?" She grinned, content and friendly smile on her face.
Marley had taken to walks around campus as part of a suggestion from her therapist, something about how the fresh air might make her feel less closed in regarding her new role and what it all meant.  She had to walk a fine line and not do it too often or for too long, but it was nice to explore a little and see who she might run into along the way.  The skateboard that slid to a halt nearby made her look up, and she returned Yas' smile with one of her own.  "Hi - nice stop!"
Yas ginned and added an extra little hop step to her walk for a few strides, "Thanks. I fell a lot learning how to stop like that back when I first started boarding." She said and gave a wheel by her hip a hard spin to listen to the wheel bearing a moment before slapping it silent. "So uh, not to sneak up on you out and about or whatever but, heard about the mark switching and shit. And, well your sister asked me to see if I could help at all I guess. She mention that yet?"
"I can imagine!  Hopefully none of them did too much damage because that looks like it'd be a bad kind of fall."  Not that it was her business, exactly, but she wanted to commisserate somehow and since she knew nothing about how to skateboard it was the easiest way.  Her mouth opened in a small o shape at Yas' admission, and she shook her head.  "Not yet - at least I don't think.  I've been kind of in and out since the results came out, so I might have missed that.  But I still appreciate her asking you."
The Switch lightly knocked the lip edge of her board to the side of her head enough to make a thud noise and shook her head. "I got a hard head so, fall can only get you scratched up if you do it right." She turned around to walk backwards so she could look at Marley, skipping on heel to manage a matched speed. "I'm probably biased because this has been the domain for me but, Switches are the best role. There's not a lot not to like..."
Marley couldn't help but be tickled by the way that Yas knocked the board against her head, and she gave her fellow Switch a bemused smile as she walked.  "I'm just really struggling," she admitted softly.  "My whole life - like, my whole life, I've known what my mark was going to be.  I'd be a submissive, because...and I know this sounds big headed...I am a perfect submissive.  I don't know how to do anything else, you know?  I've never wanted to."
Marley was so much different than Zoe, it struck Yas right as she adorably described herself and Yas couldn't help her laugh. She tossed a wink in her direction, "Me too." The Switch turned and threw her board to the ground under her feet, inching along beside Marley with baby pushes. "I'm overly confident with everything so I'll say straight out I'm fucking E-mmaculate at both." Yas shrugged a shoulder, swaying her weight to zigzag. "I like them both the same too but from what I've heard its not like that for every Switch...bet a lot of people been telling you that though."
Yas' laugh and wink made Marley blush slightly, even in the midst of a conversation about something much more serious.  Her gaze couldn't help but be drawn to the board as Yas navigated expertly beside her seemingly without any effort required.  The self assessment brought a grin to Marley's face and she raised a curious eyebrow.  "Immaculate, huh?  That's an impressive resume."  She nodded a little, smile slipping, at the comment.  "Yeah.  It's what the counsellor keeps telling me - that I don't have to Domme if I don't want to.  But it's like...then why do this to me at all?"
It took a moment because Yas had to think about it. Ultimately she could only shrug again. "Yeah, I dunno." If the test didn't lie then why did they all have to take another one. None of that were questions Yas could answer, or really felt like thinking about to long. She hopped off her board, letting it slow roll on as she sloppily pretend boxed around in front of Marley. The Switch threw a couple mock body shots, shuffling her feet as if she had any idea what actual boxing form was like. "We out here rolling with the punches." She huffed another laugh then took a few quick steps out to stop the skateboard with the toe of her sneaker, gesturing toward it. "You wanna try?"
Marley didn't truly expect an answer.  There wasn't, she was pretty sure, anything that would make her feel better.  The counsellor had given her things to think about, as had her own therapist, but in the end it came down to the same deep unhappiness over something that just felt unfair.  "That's alright," she promised.  "I wasn't expecting you to."  The fake punches made her bring her arms up to block, or something like it.  "I guess we all are, huh?"  Her eyes widened slightly at the idea of using the skateboard.  "You know," she nodded after a moment, "I kind of do."
"Here." Yas said, happily stepping out of the way so Marley could get on. She held out her hands and wedged her foot in along the front trucks in and effort to keep it still. "You can hold on to me." It wasn't what she'd set out to do but Yas wasn't ever one to not give into a distraction. Having people wobbling along on her board had sort of just been a staple thing that happened all the time. People where just curious beings, Yas thought it was dope. "I'll pull you."
She wasn't sure how the conversation had turned into her riding a skateboard, but somehow she found she didn't mind.  It was better than continuing to think about everything that was going on with her.  "I'll definitely be holding onto you," she nodded, making her way onto the board in a wobbly motion and accepting Yas' hands.  "I promise you don't have to pull me for too long, I just want to see what it's like."
"No big deal." The Switch promised, carefully getting Marley going forward. They weren't going in a straight line but they were going. "You've got good balance." She complimented. A lot of the time someone just yeets themselves off by misjudging their center of gravity. "What is it you like about submitting?" Yas asked, trudging them steadily along.
Even at a slow speed, Marley could feel the breeze against her face and it made her smile.  "Thank you - probably just from my time in glee and things, but no matter where I got it from I'm happy it's helping me out now!"  She tried not to think too hard about what she was doing, just swaying a little as the board moved under her.  "I like being able to give all of myself," she answered, without pausing to think.  "And knowing that there's someone there to make decisions for me."
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