#which tends to lead to me forgetting about them and them ghosting me
lustlovehart · 20 days
[ Monsters List ] - Sensitive info with targets abilities
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A/n: Not my usual writing at all! these details are relationship stuff each character has with the reader that isn’t shown in the main story. (Some details are omitted to avoid spoilers). Now that this is done, I’ll be going back to the main story line now ^^. If i’m missing any warnings, please say so.
Pairing: [Monster!Twst x Reader] Featuring, Riddle, Ace, Deuce, Cater, Trey, Leona, Ruggie, Jack, Azul, Jade, Floyd, Kalim, Jamil, Vil, Rook, Epel, Idia, Malleus, Lilia, Sebek, Silver, Rollo, & Neige.
Summary: Dear, [Name], Crowley just informed me he did not give the courtesy of listing all the beasts and their abilities into your possession, please allow me to be the one to aid you. Here are bullets of their names and prowesses, as well as species. Please, do stay safe and out of trouble, and remember to eat and sleep well. Love, From, Rollo.
“Did it send?” “I… I’m sorry Sir Rollo, it seems we were unable to reach [Name] in time…” “…What.”
Warnings: Some fuffy and some aren’t, Stalking, Mentions of Nsfw (Vil). Zombies (Ace, Deuce), Biting (Ace, Deuce, and Jamil), Squeezing? (Jamil, Floyd), Hints of possession in each section, Blood Drinking (Epel, Jade, Lilia), They’re all monsters that are evil so… Murder, Kisses (Kalim, Floyd, Malleus), Blood,
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Prologue Chapter
Riddle Rosehearts [ Ghost ]
- Warning: Capable of Magic. [ Magic is a mystery in the field, all that is known is it’s abilities monsters have that aren’t typically in their species skillset, as well as being especially powerful to utilize it ]
- He posses the abilities of, phasing, possession, kinesis (many different kinds), invisibility, telepathy, and short moments of time where he can have a physical body. He tends to forget he’s a ghost leading to numerous times where you’ve accidentally injuried yourself and he rushes to your side to give aid, only for his to hand phase through you instead of truly helping. He feels guilty not being able to help you.
There’s a secret part of him that feels less guilty and more angry, about being incapable of touching you all the time. Sometimes, he wishes he was Ace just so he could wrap some part of him around you, but alas, he can only do so in short intervals, which just… isn’t enough.
- Has a habit of just, watching. You’ve caught him at your window at night. He insists coming in without permission is unlawful, to which you tell him looking at you through glass is just plain creepy. You now invite him for tea parties, yet that still doesn’t stop him from longingly gazing through the glass that separates you two. (freak)
- Glows a bright red when he’s either angry or extremely flustered. You walked in one time when the former was happening and were temporarily blinded, in your own temporary home no less…
With the latter… he was helping you figure out a crossword puzzle from a lost book you had found during the night. When he helped you figure it out, he swears your smile was so bright he was blinded. In your case, at least you didn’t need a lantern to see the page anymore.
- He has numerous stitches on his body, his mouth, his neck, and his heart, or at least, where it would’ve been had he still had it. In the short times when he decides to take on a physical form, he enjoys letting your hands trace over the numerous threads through his skin… He won’t admit it, but it’s a comfort.
- When he’s working, his exposition completely changes. You get scared of him, you forget just how determined he is to being the pinnacle of perfection, even as a monster.
- Survival: Fear and Grievances, prays on victims through Possesion and death.
Ace Trappola & Deuce Spade [ Zombies ]
- Infectious Bites. There have been many close calls where the two almost bit you, secretly hoping to turn you into them in their delusions of being with you forever, it never works though cause when they try, you turn and give them a smile that haunts them so bad they can’t bear the thought of you hating them. The idea always rears its ugly head back to them, but then you treat the two like a regular human and, unknowingly, save yourself just a little longer.
- Anatomy Control (Disassembling limbs and still having control). Deuce has a very common occurring tendency, that leads him to lose his limbs on occasion. He can still feel what they feel, but when they separate from him, they tend to have a mind of their own. There have been several times where you’ve been the one to return a limb, typically his hand, and he’s all fidgety cause it just refuses to let go of you.
“I… I promise this doesn’t usually happen…! I have no idea why it won’t let go of you” with how lovingly it was stroking your hand earlier (which you won’t mention to Deuce)… You’re not too sure either… Does it like the feeling of warmth? “Next time this happens, just… Feel free to stab it” he looks dejected, but you accept his offer nonetheless.
- Ace has asked to sleep with you in your bed because his grave is so cold and lonely. You wouldn’t want him dying alone a second time right? That’s too cruel. He was surprised when you accepted, even more so when you said there weren’t rules like “You have to stay on this side of the bed!” or “Don’t touch me!”, he asked you if you had a thing for him, to which you only quirk up your eyebrow at his question.
“Hm…? I’ve slept with someone before, I don’t think it’s that serious.” … What. Who’s this someone?! He doesn’t end up sleeping as he’s left wondering who you’ve been with before him, little does he know this someone was just a reserved monster hunter who was watching over you with a fever.
- They’re the most attached to you, in a physical sense. Considering at least one, or even more, of the limbs on the duo is just bones, along with Deuce missing an eye and Ace missing part of his face, it’s a bit hard for them to go out without giving people a heart attack. So… They break into wherever you’re temporarily staying, which is typically an abandoned house, and accompany you in every location they possibly can. One very worrying thing they do, is stick their limbs in your bag. They won’t admit it but, it’s cause they miss you. You need to tell them sticking Ace’s eye in there to keep watch is NOT okay.
- Survival: Eating Humans
Cater Diamond [ Ghost…? ]
- Phasing, possession, invisibility, telepathy. Though you don’t see him use any of these capabilities very much. You wonder why but never go through with asking him, how could you when he looks so happy to be in your presence? At least, you think he’s happy. You can never tell if it’s genuine or not… His smile doesn’t quite reach his eyes like everyone else…
- Whenever he decides to spend his time with you, his face is never close enough in view for you to decipher any real features of his. What color are his eyes? What does his nose look like? Is the diamond you remember on him even there? The basics of a face are in your memory, but you can never remember the more eunique traits of his. You… Don’t know why that is at all. It feels like you’re forgetting something from the first meeting you had with Cater, but your suspicions tell you it had something to do with his face.
- Even though he’s a ghost, it feels like he forgets something about that sometimes… It’s different from Riddle, who simply forgets he no longer has a physical body, it’s like he doesn’t remember he even died in the first place. You’ve seen him all alone, the sunny disposition he proposes to everyone is gone, a hollow feeling in his vicinity. You couldn’t hear it clearly, the only word heard at all being sisters.
- The moment he sees you it’s like he’s scrambling to change his disposition, walking up to you casually as he mentions how cute you look today, ahh you should take him shopping! He’ll be discreet don’t worry—
“Cater, how did you die?”
“Wha—? W-who cares about that, come on just take me to town kay’?” you do end up bringing him as he points at things he’ll never be able to use, commenting on how cute they would be to have and show off, even attempting to wrap his arm around your shoulder before laughing off at his arm phasing through your body and making your spine shiver.
You don’t miss the way his laugh is more forced than usual, and obvious distress at what happened. Why is he so upset he can’t touch you? Is there a reason he wants to so bad? For once, you wanna know.
“Cater, lets go on a date again.”
“I didn’t know you were so up-front…! But, if you’re asking then I just can’t say no can I?”
- Survival: Fear and Grievances, prays on victims through Possesion and death(?)
Trey Clover [ Frankenstein ]
- The sight of a giant, buff, green, adult man, hovering over you like a doting boyfriend as you bake is certainly a domestic sight to behold. Though it becomes less heartwarming when you remember this scientifically resurrected man is 8 feet tall, he can basically reach the top shelf when he’s kneeling.
- Just like the zombies of Heartslaybul, Trey can disassemble his limbs, but he has more control over it than the other two… You’ve had a fair share of moments where you’re trying to eat and a stitched up hand crawls towards you with a piece of cake., it’s sweet, but horrifying in the dark.
- He’s a glorified brick wall, if brick walls could also fight back at insane speeds. You watched him unintentionally scare off another Monster Hunter once, they weren't intimidated by his size at all, even attempting to throw a bunch at him to show off. Their try immediately backfired as Trey stood unfazed, watching them run away cradling their hand. Before you can blink, Trey’s already towering over you asking if there was a pastry he should try making for you. Honestly… You need to tell Crowley to hire better employees.
- Trey has electrocuted you once. Totally unintentional on his part, but if someone asked him what he thought when he did it, he would tell them with a soft smile you look cute shocked. Meanwhile, you’re on the other side of the room trying to make sure Trey doesn’t increase the voltage next time he tries holding you. Now, everytime he attempts to do just that, you’re quick to jump out the way. He’ll smile softly but he can’t deny he’s a little disheartened... Seems he’ll just have to rebuild that trust.
- Despite all the stitches on his body, unlike Riddle, there aren’t open wounds on his body, so he’s technically the only one who can accompany you without drawing too much attention. It’s a secret kept between the two of you, but whenever you head into the square, you both walk to as many bakeries as possible, tasting whatever you can afford. Whenever he put something in his mouth, he’d make an offhand comment about his family. You wonder… How did Trey even resurrect like this?
- Survival: Undocumented
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Leona Kingscholar [ Beastman Mummy ]
- Warning: Capable of Magic.
- His skin is wrapped in so many bandages, all of them he can bend at his will. You’re curious as to what he looks like under the fabric, but one glare and the feeling of binds grappling around your body is enough for you to reconsider. That’s only if you attempt to look underneath, if not, he’ll sit in silence as you admire each carefully placed bind, cracking an eye open to watch you close in on him in curiosity.
- Watching him manipulate sand just to make places to sleep is entertaining, but being dragged into his timeframe of napping is surely not. The grip he has on you is ironclad as the two of you lay on the grainy bed, if you complain about sand getting into your clothes he’ll make a sly suggestion of “Just take off your clothes” before retreating into a slumber that you can’t shake him from. Even if you did decide to do that, how would you even take them off…? He won’t let go of you…!
- Despite being a former corpse, if he was still mortal, he’d essentially be an ultimate being. He’s super strong, fast, he’s quick at recovering, and even if you did cut off a limb of his he’d regrow in just half the time it took to get it off him. To make it worse he’s handsome, has an air of nonchalance, and a prince. You can just imagine the sound of Crewel and Rollo nagging at you for thinking such heinous things about a beast you’re meant to be killing.
- Whenever Leona controls the dead, you hide behind him. Not because you’re scared of his army, but because they remind you of Ace and Deuce, and you’d rather not see versions of themselves not heed danger whatsoever. You were half awake one time when he summoned corpses, your blurry eyes mistaking two of them for Deuce and Ace, wrapping your arms around their shoulders and pulling them into you. You only realize it’s not them when Leona grabs your from behind and hoists your body onto his shoulder like a sack.
“Wrong Zombies.” he makes an effort to have you sleep more before you accidentally kill yourself for such a small error.
- That little pain inducement ability he has? It sucks. It’s funny when he uses it to telepathically pinch Ruggie when he’s away. But, being reduced to a puddle of pure hurt and strain is the worst. Just watching Leona use it makes you remember… nevermind. Seeing his victims fall to their knees as he drains them of their life force is depressing, the burden of your defeat rearing its shame when he just knocks back and naps as their bodies turn to sand.
- Even when his tail wraps around your leg in a form of adoration, you can’t help but feel disdain for yourself remembering all those who are now dust on the ground because of him.
- Survival: Feeding off vitality
Ruggie Bucchi [ Werehyena ]
- Please tell Ruggie to stop tracking you with his senses and your stolen possessions, you’ve been scared too many times by him popping up out of nowhere. It’s even more horrifying in the night since his face looks so scary (His happy face looks the same as his hunting face. Don’t tell him though, he’ll rob you of your belongings in pettiness.)
- His eyes are so hypnotizing, both poetically and realistically. You’ve seen him mesmerize loving couples into handing over their belongings in his human form, only to revisit them later in the night to consume the rest of his steal. You asked him once what the point is in getting their stuff in the day only to kill them in the night, and he just smiles before softly placing a piece of bread on your lips.
You never take the bread from his hands, allowing him to feed you himself all the time, feeding you with the same hands stained with a bloody ending to a romance story. Maybe… it’ll get his pension for praying on lovers to soften, the thought of having his own might put his thoughts to bay… Who are you lying to that won’t happen, it’s how he lives, and how he will continue to live.
You know it won’t change when he’s desperately trying to hide the red stains under his nails.
- He’s very keen on being in your vicinity. No reason, you think, but he’s just always there, talking to you like normal. Which is weird, why does it feel so normal? The more you ponder it, maybe he’s more natural in your life cause of how equalized he is. He’s laidback yet cunning at the same time, not too good, but not too heinous (if you ignore his murders.) It’s a nice change of pace from people who see, to be heavily relent on one trait. Even though with a kinder personality feel weird… So, talking to Ruggie is a nice escape—
“Ruggie, did you take my wallet again?”
“How’d you think I paid for that bread? Shihihi— Augh! Ow okay I'm sorry—!” he makes it up to you by giving you his portion of food. You pretend to take it out of pettiness, but late at night when he’s sleep, you wrap it up and leave it on his bedside for when he goes hungry in the night.
When he does wake up, he knows who left the meal by his side, including the extras that lay next to it.
- Survival: Eating anything he can get his hands on
Jack Howl [ Human…? ]
- You always wondered how Jack got so built. Of course, if it’s from training, you would never undermine his efforts. But, his strength is so hardcore you doubt it’s even humanly possible. There had been a speech from Crowley in town you attended with both Jack and Rollo, all three of you booted to the very back. When you commented on how you couldn’t see, Rollo told you “We could always move forward—” But he’s cut off with shock when he watches Jack effortlessly carry you onto his shoulder, keeping you rested there for an hour straight without complaint, even shifting the way he holds you depending on what you wanted at the moment.
“We could’ve just gone up there, Jack… Now put them down…!”
“I don’t mind, They seem comfortable here anyway.” You can’t help but laugh at Rollo's overbearing nature, patting his head as you hold onto Jack.
- Hes never answered you before on when or how he joined the hunting organization, literally. He’s so silent when you ask, but the moment you switch to a different topic he’s chiming in his opinion like he didn’t just give you the silent treatment for 15 minutes. He told you he’d never lie to you, so, you guess he was telling the truth about that statement.
- Whenever Rollo is unavailable to you, Jack essentially works as his “replacement” according to Sam. You wouldn’t call him that though, Jack cares for you the same way Rollo does, but he’s a lot less… Restricted towards you. You can go out at midnight with him as long as you let him walk you back home, You can eat more junk food, and you can even go into the forest with him outside of a job! Rollo is oblivious to it, but there are moments where you might, just a tinsy weensy bit, prefer having Jack watch over you compared to him. You still love Rollo though! (Never say that to him directly, he will dissect what kinda of love it is you’re implying for him.)
- Overall, you can’t wait to see him again when you go to Savanaclaw! You’re curious as to why he hasn’t reached back to you after the 2 months he's been there though…
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Azul Ashengrotto [ Slime Kraken ]
- Warning: Capable of Magic.
- His true form is huge, being bigger than the size of 5 pirate ships combined. When he shrinks himself though, he’s only 7 feet long and huge, rather than 50 feet long and huge! Less scary right? (it’s not, you’re just trying to delude yourself.)
- It’s more dangerous when considering the substance he’s made out of is multi-purpose, making him invisible, essentially unkillable, and extremely capable in offense. You’ve seen it first hand considering you’ve been on the receiving end of his malice once. If you have to admit it though, it’s a lot scarier watching him use his skills on unknowing sailors. You collect what remains of them, and set them to rest far away from the sea.
- During the night, you’re divided on whether or not he can be considered horrifying, or beautiful. The twins glow, but they're limited to their one-color pallets. Azuls body, channels the light from his surroundings, making him more than one color sometimes. It’s a bit saddening when you notice how insecure he is about the material of his body, even using magic to appear more human-like in his state. If you tell him he’s handsome in his regular slime state, he’ll flush in embarrassment. (If you go a step further and hug him as such a gross substance, goodness, he’s already looking through books at the bottom of the ocean about human courting. Never mind you’re still trying to kill him, he’ll slay your heart if he has to!)
- If he uses Magic, he, can turn himself into a human for a little. He never really had a reason to go on land, he’s powerful in the sea, even ranked as one of the 7 most wanted monsters. But, now that you’re in his life, he wants to follow you and see what it would be like to live with you as a person. He doesn’t call it a date, but he thinks of it as one, even imagines himself telling Jade and Floyd (Little does he know they already beat him to the punch on that one…). You take him by the hand and the urge to stay on land with you becomes even stronger. But, so does the need to have you in the ocean with him.
- His tentacles along with his crazy strength, just make him an even harder foe to fight. Truly… What are you meant to do when you’re sitting down and in his sleep, he just clings onto you with a tentacle, and now you just, can’t leave? Besides he’s asleep, how are they latching onto you so hard… They don't have a mind of their own— You remember seeing an article that wrote about such a phenomenon. Okay, so maybe they do act of their own volition… why do they cling so desperately to you?
- Survival: Eating as much of whatever is available
Jade Leech & Floyd Leech [ Skeleton Sea Serpents ]
- During your stay in their abode, you’d wake up to Floyd squeezing you so hard you swear one of the bones on his tail were gonna puncture you. He’s too strong, horrifically strong to the point you fear getting squeezed more than twice a day could genuinely kill you. If you don’t voice this concern, you might risk your death, but if you do, he’ll restrain himself a bit (he couldn’t bear the thought of killing his shrimpy! You’re too fun to play with, let him kiss those sore places better yeah? Besides, just a little biting doesn’t hurt)
- Their senses are so enhanced, it’s just as scary as their strength. You had sliced your hand once, a medium amount of blood pouring out, and before you could even do anything, Jade had swam up to you and latched onto your wrist, pulling you down, almost tugging you into the water, and began licking the wound clean, his eyes empty and his sharp teeth dragging across your skin. You thought he was miles away…?! How did he know you were bleeding…? When he’s done, he pats your hand and smiles before engaging in a casual conversation about your day, uncharacteristically gentlemanly after such a scary display. If you ask him what that was about, he’ll innocently tilt his head and ask you “whatever are you talking about?”
- Just like Azul, their true forms are giant, not as big as his, but still equally as terrifying, the sharp bones that poke out their body further proving this fact.
- Extremely Fast, You’ve seen this first hand when Floyd jumped out of the water and dragged you through the sea to transport you to a “beach date” in the middle of the ocean, in only 3 minutes…He heard of these dates from Azul, “Said he was gonna take you on one, thought it’d be funny if I took yah instead.” You’re unable to inquire what he means by “Azul trying to take you out”, as he’s brightly smiling when he places a sailor's cap on you. The small sight of blood in his canines is all you need to know about where this hat came from.
- Their teeth are sharp that’s for sure, you watched Jade sink his teeth into unsuspecting marine life. The thought of him doing the same to ships 7 times the size of such animals, makes you worried for future sailors, and… For yourself. He flaunts those ivories at you so much, you’re worried he’s trying to hint at his insatiable hunger. (He’s doesn’t bite like Floyd does, but honestly, you’d prefer if he bit you instead of grazing his teeth on your skin so sensually)
- They like to drag you into the water with them. You’re sure it’s how they have fun, the only exposure to the human world other than you is Azul and artifacts they collect from ships they were responsible for destroying. So of course, they wouldn’t know the first thing of human play, yet… you have the underlying feeling they have a reason for doing such a thing that isn’t just entertainment.
- Survival: Anything they can fit in their mouths (Whether it be marine life or ships. Though, these two have a specific craving for human)
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Kalim Al-Asim [ Genie ]
- Extremely strong, every time he hugs you he completely forgets his strength. In the moments where he does realize it, he’s quick to apologize. If you tell him where you hurt, he’ll insist “kissing” it will make it better! It’s what worked on his siblings, so it must work for you! If you don’t tell him… he’ll cry, so it’s better to just tell him.
- Wishmaking. He insists on letting him give you a wish, after all, you did save him from being lonely! (You’re not sure if you could call it “saving” considering you were trying to kill him… and still are… ). You never accept his offer, with the knowledge that everything has a price, (Thank you Azul for such a good lesson learned) which makes him sad, but in your awkward ways of comfort, you tell him the only wish you want, is a hug. He is ecstatic and wraps his arms around you, tight. You’re regretting your wish now. Though, the glare from two pairs of slit eyes tells you you’re not the only one who doesn’t like the wish.
- Too many riches too count… You wake up, gifted in gold and jewels, you’re halfway through the day, more diamonds and rubies, going to sleep… Gold and emeralds. You told Kalim no more. He found a loophole and just replaced the cheaper items with more expensive ones. It’s technically not more so… You make a reminder to dump it all on Rollo, he’ll surely enjoy having money to tend to his garden. (He won’t. You already know he’ll refuse anything from a monster. But, if you bat your eyelashes enough he might accept it.)
“Kalim, I don’t need any more rubies.” You’re sat on his golden throne, the optimistic wish granter between your legs with his arms wrapped around your waist as he sits on the floor, a beaming smile making you hesitant on his next words.
“Then I’ll just give you more diamonds!” … Truly, you thought genies could only give out three wishes, why does it feel like this one wants to give you more than that… It’s gotten to the point where you think he wants only you to be the one he grants anything to, going so far as finding a way to bypass the rules. He even gave you his lamp, which you gave back to Jamil upon receiving it.
- You do wonder… Where are the rest of the people Kalims granted desires to? Even more so, the rest of the genies, as far as you’re concerned, Crowley said there was only one left (that he wanted to get his greedy hands on). If you had just searched Kalim and Jamils shared space, surely you would’ve found the corner filled with broken lamps in it.
Survival: Not sure, Either immortal or some secret to survival.
Jamil Viper [ Snake ]
- Warning: Capable of Magic.
- Half snake half man, his lithe body is enough to give you pause no matter how many times you see it, even after seeing the leeches who have a similar body. You think the reason might be more cause of his intimidating eyes rather than his actual body however, 2 sharp slits are enough to make anyone rethink their judgment.
- When he sleeps, he unknowingly wraps around you, his human half bunching you in his arms as if he isn’t squeezing your legs. You think it’s just his instincts using use as warmth considering he’s cold-blooded, so you let him (Little do you know he’s perfectly warm enough, his body is just drawn to you for some reason). When he wakes up, he considers poisoning himself from embarrassment.
- Venomus, the long pointed fangs could tell you that much. When he sheds a tooth after meeting you, he doesn’t toss it away like he used to, he finds a piece of string and slides it through the solid, letting you watch him in skepticism as he slithers towards you, gently placing the newly formed necklace in your palm as his forked tongue sticks out. (He also left a little venom trapped inside, in case anyone gets a little too close than wanted.)
- Don’t stare into his eyes to long, or else you’ll find yourself entranced by the slits in his pupils, and completely hypnotized without even his knowledge. It’s like he’s so enchanted by you that he forgets he can do something like that. When he realizes what he’s done, an hour goes by before you come to. You don’t feel any different, but one looks at your wrist adorned with a snake bracelet that wasn’t there before tells you something happened…
You can’t move it from its place, but you honestly don’t want to, it’s pretty. Works perfectly well in Jamil's favor, if you had, you definitely would’ve noticed the two holes punctured into your skin by a familiar set of fangs—
“Jamil, Kalim gave me his lamp again.”
“… Really?” He’s quick to take it off your hands. If only he could wish instead… it would make his life so much easier.
- Survival: Undocumented
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Vil Schoenheit [ Incubus ]
- Warning: Capable of Magic.
- You’re human. You’re not immune to charm and flirtation. It’s disappointing that Vil is so good at what he does. You haven’t given into temptation, at least, not yet.
- Shapeshifting, he’s told you before if you have someone in mind you’d ever want to do such things with, he can transform into them if you hope to practice your confession, when you tell him nobody comes to mind, you fail to notice the devious smile that perches on his lips in victory. It seems the only face that will appear in your brain in such moments of vulnerability will be his, and that’s enough for him.
“Though, Since I used to see Neige almost every day maybe his? He has seen me in moments even Rollo hasn’t…”
- Feasting on the vitality of humans is something commonly known for incubi, you’ve asked Vil before if you’re going to die soon from him touching you… You already know he’s an amazing actor so when he answers you, you can’t tell if he’s lying or if it’s the truth, especially when he takes your hand in his and brings it to his lips like a prince, perfectly playing off the suspicion in his answer.
- You think it’s unfair he’s so attractive, if he had only half his looks it would at least be easier to not stare at his pretty features— what are you thinking…?! You can already hear the scolding of everyone else telling you how heinous it is to think such thoughts, but once again, you're distracted by the feeling of Vil dipping into the couch next to you, offering a drink as if you two were just ordinary people. To be fair, his whole survival depends on how well he can interact with humans… He only smiles when you take the drink.
- Making Hallucinations is just common practice for Vil, Rook praising him for all the people who gave into his temptations from his feats. You were once sure he had never used it on you, you could never fall for such a puny delusion, but now, your confidence has faded. Things in your memory are blurry, unclear.
Has… Vil has been using it on you…?
- Survival: Corruption of humans through desire, feeding off vitality
Rook Hunt [ Boogeyman ]
- You make an extreme effort to avoid all manners of shadows since you’ve met him. Lurking in the dark is his forte, and it doesn't bode well for you because almost all your work is done in the dark. Even then… your efforts are in vain because you still feel the sensation of eyes burning into you at all times of the day. In these cases, you retreat to Vil in hopes he can rein him in a bit.
- Shapeshifting is a rare and dangerous ability. Unfortunately, Rook of all monsters has it. Even in places with no signs of shadows, it feels like he’s still there. It doesn’t make it any better that he hints towards that being the truth.
“Ah trickster, you looked magnifique in that bathing suit!”
“You were the waiter who kept offering me drinks weren’t you.”
“The way I observe my muse shall not be disclosed!”
- Watching Rook feast on fear isn’t scary, but rather… unsettling…? He places his mouth near his victim as what you can only assume to be their fear twists up into his throat, the horrified human trembling in terror. Such a scary expression quickly disappears when he turns to you with the happiest smile and gushes to the poor human about how wonderful you are, rubbing his cheek to yours like a sappy couple.
“Ah! Trickster…! You are quite sweaty! Shall I dry you off—” you shut him up by throwing the same towel he was about to clean you up with, in his face.
- His skill set is already horrifying, but adding in the basic ability of enhanced strength just makes it worse. You can’t even begin to count how many walls Rook has torn through for you… A simple ow, and what you originally thought to be a brick wall, is now a giant hole with the boogeyman at your call. It’s harder to be nice to him when he’s insistent that you train your capabilities on him. The amount of times Rook has turned a stab into a firm held waltz is just too many.
“Non non, You must hide your hand better trickster.”
“I would do that if you weren't cradling me into a dip right now Rook— Stop dancing with me already!”
- Survival: Fear and Grief
Epel Felimer [ Newbie Vampire ]
- He's asked you before if he could suck you dry. He honestly expected you to say no, but when you reached your arm out and told him to just not turn you, he was sure you must be some sort of blessing in disguise. When he’s done, he begs you not to tell Vil, as the incubus banned him from feeding. You’ll come to regret it at some point though, as now he continuously comes back to you in times of hunger.
- He runs at such fast speeds, it’s incredible to you, you’ve clapped for him a couple times, but, every-time you did… he got distracted and would trip. He wishes the sun would come up and kill him in those moments.
- Compulsion is a dangerous thing, you shouldn’t be shocked, but luckily for you, he… doesn’t seem to know how to use it the way it should be utilized. The moment he does finally master such an ability, you’ll have to find someway to get past that. He did try using it on you once, a simple command asking you to tell him how “manly” he is, somehow, someway, the command turned into something much more… embarrassing. He stands in bewilderment at the way your hands are cupping your face, endlessly praising Epel about how amazing he is, and how you wish to stay with him forever.
Vil and Rook stepped in to save you. He was sat in the corner as a punishment.
- His hunger is, insatiable. You’re not sure you’ve ever seen such a monster so bloodthirsty. It’s like he has some goal to just, feast on as many people as he can… He mistook you as a stranger he could freely feast on, jumping on you, ready to sink his fangs into your neck. He’s only narrowly stopped when the moon shines on your face and he knows it’s you. If it wasn’t, whoever took your place would not doubt be dead.
- Survival: Blood
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Idia Shroud [ Reaper ]
- Warning: Capable of Magic.
- With how moody Idia is, you forget what his occupation is until he shows up at your door with the scythe he uses to escort the dead.
- Reapers aren’t necessarily evil or good, which is why you’re always conflicted about how to feel about Idia. Should you… Make your decisions based off his personality rather than what he is to slay him—? Why is he whispering about how all the other monsters should drop dead— Ah, he thinks they’re cooler than him.
- You essentially work as a discounted vent session as Idia talks about how everyone else is so much worthier than him to be slain by hunters. They all have cool abilities and cool looks, what is he stuck with? An edgy cloak and a tool farmers use to cut hay—
- His rant is cut short at the sound of a cheap board game slamming on the table, his eyes looking up to you placing a game piece on the spot, signaling him to take his turn as you tell him how he’s “the only one you find playing games with fun”. Truly, you must be one of the kindest souls he’s had the fortune of meeting, he should know, half of the spirits he escorts are huge douches.
- It just makes him all the more worried about bringing you to the after life.
- Even though Idia doesn’t have a reason to actively hurt humans, it’s still worrying when he describes to you in detail of his After life Capabilities. He once told you a story about how a guy was acting so high and mighty he trapped him in the space between life and death, only coming back to laugh at him when the man was practically broken. He only stops his retelling when he looks up and sees the most hurt expression on your face.
- After that, he sits up before you can even say anything, leaving immediately as he buries his head in his hands. The next day, he’s at your door as you silently stare at him, his form of retribution for your hurt being whatever you mentioned wanting during the week. You accept his gift, but that still doesn’t stop the fear of what Idia does to the souls he guides with a lack of fondness.
- Survival: Unable to Die. (Speculation)
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Malleus Draconia [Dragon Gargoyle… And… something else?]
- Warning: Capable of Magic.
- Heavy durability, as he is pure stone. in times of desperation, you watch as green sparkles fly around the man as stone turns soft. His spell doesn’t last long but in his desire he chooses to pepper you in kisses with smooth lips. The first time he attempted to romantically place a peck on your arm, you cringed at the feeling of rough stone on your skin. It hurt his feelings so he opted to just spell himself instead.
- Heavy. He didn’t wanna move away from a doorway you had to exit through to leave. You tried lifting him out of the way, you don’t think you’ve ever tried so hard to move something before. He thought it was an attempt at a hug, so you ended up being smooshed in his arms for an hour before Lilia saved you.
- Camaflouge, the stone he’s made of, and moss that grows on his body can be manipulated in any way he wishes, even his size, it’s scary watching him go from his regular 6 feet to an astonishing 10. This trait of his has served numerous moments where you’re surveying his castle only to feel arms pulling you back into a stone exterior. Your reflexes are swift to throw a punch, only to have the cruel reminder of rock busting your hand.
“Ah forgive me, I did not mean to hurt you Child of hunters”
“My hand is broken Malleus.”
“We can just get you a new hand can we not?” That night serves as the first of having to tell Malleus he can’t always spell you when you’re injured. To this, he tells you that’s nonsense and he’ll expend all his reserves for you.
- Considering he’s also a Dragon, flight, and fire breathing really shouldn’t surprise you. What does surprise you is when he looked more dragon than gargoyle sometimes, his eyes becoming more lively, scales being more obvious, and his wings and horn being truer than they’ve ever been. You have a sneaking suspicion his instincts change forms too, his already heavy clinginess increasing tenfold. You’re either held by his clawed fingers or wrapped in his wing.
- Despite Malleus being marked as one of the most dangerous kills possible, you find it extremely easy to… ask him to do something. In fits of anger, he’ll cling impossibly close to you, trying desperately to attempt to cease the ugly feeling festering inside him. He’ll tell you he never wants you to leave his side. If you’re not feeling like being trapped inside, all you need to do is wrap your arms around his neck and lean into his ear with a low whisper, asking him to let you go. For a moment, his grip will tighten, but slowly he relents, his stone eyes watching you wave goodbye.
- Though, truthfully, You don’t feel like you’re free… Sometimes, you notice gargoyles in places where there shouldn’t be any. Sooner or later, his resolve might break, asking him for such freedoms might not be as easy.
- Not only that but… There’s definitely a side to him that isn’t just some Dragon Gargoyle. Whenever you have the chance to dig deeper into it, you’re met with a wall that separates you from the truth. Just what is Malleus?
- Survival: ???, Unable to Die. Do not attempt.
Lilia Vanrouge [ ??? ]
- Caution: Possibly capable of Magic.
- Certainly the most mysterious of the bunch… To be fair, everyone in the Diasmonia space is filled with anonymity. He doesn’t have any specific qualities that warrant a decisive conclusion, but you’re confident that he’s not a human. Sometimes he has wings, sometimes fangs, sometimes spider legs, just what is he?! (He has used this capability to scare you on numerous occasions, taking the form of a giant wasp and chasing you once. When he gets bored though, he clings onto you endlessly, not as bad as Malleus but still very often. You woke up to him in your bed once, and now he occasionally appears there to “wake you up” by sliding his arms around your waist. Please tell him you’ll only let him do this if he stops turning into freaky stuff…)
- You have no doubt he’s one of the monsters that eat humans. You took a sniff of his red juice once, it’s definitely blood, and considering why you’re here, it’s for sure not animal blood. Out of guilt for failing whatever human is his current meal, you offered up yourself as a blood bag, and he happily indulged, pining you to the table and nipping that delicious spot on your neck. Out of courtesy for everyone else in the castle... You lock the door.
But it doesn’t matter, you’re quite sure he didn’t honor the agreement anyway, as he’s happily feasting on a mystery meat you know isn’t any creature near this castle.
- He always keeps you on your toes, one of the moments being when he used his flight to carry you all over the sky, laughing at you and your body clinging onto him in fear of dropping to your death. It makes it worse that he doesn’t do it slow, he flies so fast you can hear the wind slicing through the air, your arms only wrapping around his neck trying to get even closer than you already are.
“Lilia…! Lilia! Put us down—! I’m gonna die…!” you can feel his hand pat your head as he tightens his grip on your body.
“Aww…don’t worry, as long as I’m here you won’t fall!” you believe him, but that doesn’t make you feel any safer at all…
- Despite how decrepit the Diasmonia castle is, there are still photos of its rein on the wall. In an attempt to know your targets better, you look at some of them, immediately recognizing Lilia in one of the frames… But, his aura seemed different, more cold, more cruel… He was bloodied, and you’re sure that body he’s holding is what you think it is, but, he doesn't have that usual crazy happy look he has when he catches his next meal.
-Just how did Lilia end up like this?
- Survival: Undocumented
Sebek Zigvolt [ Swamp Monster ]
- He says you’re pathetic. (He continues to leave flowers specific from his swamp at your door) You’re not… You’re not very sure what he thinks of you…? He says you’re a coward, yet continues to gift you plants after you offhandedly mentioned how you think they’re pretty. So… What does that mean…?
- Maybe they’re poisonous… Heh… Maybe you can use them on Crowley—
- Your plan of attack is interrupted as a booming voice bursts your ear drums, the source of distress being the green being covered in moss, water, and vines. You follow the trail of plants leading from the swamp to the creature behind you, a bear, wrapped in controlled swamp foliage by the monster of the water. Sebek huffs and chastises you for such carelessness, but the feeling of you scooping his hands into yours and thanking him with a smile makes the words on his tongue go numb. Not for too long though, as he tells you obviously a beast like him can handle such lowly creatures, no wonder you didn’t notice.
- Before you came along, according to Silver, the water he resides in used to be a mess, as he said “Lilia believes it to fit my role of Swamp Monster, so I shall keep it!” so he kept it the way it is and let it out control. But, apparently, after you, it subtly became neater, flowers adorning the ridges of where once was messed moss, his water adorned with petals of your favorite color, the place even smelling like your favorite scent. He tells you it’s just a change of scenery for Malleus, not anyone else, you only smile at him, not replying. Malleus doesn’t have the same favorite scent.
- Like his fondness for nature, his power of water is equally as tantalizing to watch. He didn’t know you were there, but you were watching him train, your eyes becoming more entranced in his movements when you saw him become sidetracked from his patience for a moment. A book was laid in front of him, one that he delved deeper and deeper into with interest. It seems he has a fondness for literature, so after that, you would leave books you had at his residence, watching with amusement at how fascinated he was. Unfortunately, you walked up to him once when he was meant to be training, and in attempt to hide his hobby, he flicked his hands and let the water swallow every page in aqua.
“I have been training this whole time human…!”
“Ah, I got you all those. Now they’re wet…” He acts like he doesn’t care, but he secretly feels bad, so discreetly, he attempts to piece every page lost in the water together before presenting you with a new book.
- Survival: Swamp
Silver [ ??? ]
- Honestly, his abilities are lighthearted when not used to a heavy extent. He can eat dreams of those who sleep, typically, nightmares. There have been rumors spreading of a night creature who creeps into rooms, sucking the ambitions and hopes of its victims… They’re not wrong, if he’s called upon too often he’ll strip the person of all their wants and, dreams. Go a step further, and he might as well suck the life out of a human.
- But… You know he doesn’t mean to… At least you hope not.
- Sometimes your judgment feels misplaced when you watch him go overboard in his hunger, his trance only capable of being broken when you grab him by the shoulder, maybe even point a blade at him in desperation.
- He can travel into dreams. You’ve caught him lurking in your conscious one too many times to count. It’s not like he’s devouring your fantasy, but you can’t help and wonder why he’s almost always there. He doesn’t change what’s happening in it, he doesn’t destroy it so… Why is he there so often?
- it’s ironic, a creature who lives off the manifestation of people’s conscious, sleeps so much. You remember sorting through flowers Sebek had “gifted” you, (You’re not sure if it counts as gifted considering he threw them at you saying “they’re frail, just like a weak human.”) and Silver had sat right next to you, begining a sentence before dropping his head into your lap, a deep slumber commencing on your thighs.
- He wakes up ready to apologize, but the feeling of your hands gently playing with his hair, is enough for him to fall back asleep immediately.
- He’s a lot more welcoming to stay with compared to the rest of the monstrous residents of Diasmonia. If you’re free from Malleus and Lilias's grasp, you’re quick to run over to him. He’s typically sleeping, so, when he’s nodding off you sit down next to him, slowly placing your head on his shoulder as you fall asleep. If you’re to be trapped here for a bit, it wouldn't hurt to have some form of comfort in this run-down place.
As you fall into slumber, you secretly wish to meet Silver in a dream again.
It’s coincidental that he wakes up the moment you place your head on him, it’s a pretty sight to him. He hopes… you’ll stay here, he enjoys your company too much. As soft snores leave you, his hands move on their own, grasping onto your hands, intertwining his fingers with yours.
It’s selfish, he was raised to do what he must to survive as a monster by his father. So he knows, what he feels is natural, but there’s a lingering thought he shouldn’t feel this heavy about a human… He doesn’t wanna let you go.
- Survival: Dream Feasting
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Neige Leblanche [ Angel ]
- It’s… a bit unnerving how kind he is… You understand he’s a supposed Guardian Angel specially dedicated to your well but goodness, he was not very good at his job.
- He essentially watches you go about your day, occasionally blessing you to see your eyes light up with happiness.
- Despite how much he grooms the feathers on his back, he never lets you get too close to them, folding them back up when you’re near enough to see them more intricately or graze your fingers on them. It never bothered you, truly, he’s so nice to to you you could never be suspicious of him.
- He had to attend to personal matters once when you were eating together, his wings fluttering before he ascended. A pair of feathers had fallen in place of where he once was, One plumage was as white as snow, and the other…
- Was as dark as ebony.
- Survival: Being Good
Rollo Flamme [ Human ]
- He’s always been by your side.
- He would never be one of those wretched filthy beasts. He’s always cared for you when you couldn’t care for yourself.
- Don’t look at him like that. Why… Why is there scorn in your eyes…? He’d never hurt you, never.
- You’re the only sanctuary of purity in his life, he wants to embrace you. He always has, your happiness has always been his.
- He has always wanted to save you from the hellish life mother nature had dealt you.
So please…
- Let him hug the one thing he cares for one more time. And…
Forget the white lie he gave you.
- Survival: You
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The day is today. The date you left Rollo without saying even the slightest hint of a farewell. It has been 364 days, without you.
It’s a sorrowing sight for coworkers of his who know how close you are. But, if they had just looked closer, the looming feeling of festering jealousy would no doubt impede their senses.
Rollo knows he can feel it. He will find a way to drag whatever wretched beasts are ruining you with their filth, down to hell.
“Ah! Mr.Flamme, Hello Hello—!” ringed fingers slam mercilessly into the wood of a desk, any harder and he might’ve broken it. “Be careful…! This desk is expensive…!”
“It’s been a year since [Name] left for these jobs… Why aren’t they back?” Rollos on the verge of bursting a vein, the only composure he has left is strung together by the thin thread of hope he has of you coming back, coming back to him.
“Well, My little Birdie is—”
“There is no My, and there is no Birdie, don’t call them that.”
“Possesive much…”
“It’s not posseviness.” Crowley only nods at him, obviously, he doesn’t believe the man, but he’ll pretend if it means moving this conversation along.
“I will answer your question in due time, now would you please… remind yourself why it is you’re here in the first place?”
A/n Did I do a shit ton of research about monsters and their abilities for this, a post that was meant to be a shitpost? No, who would do that? (I would). Anyways, I hope this can satisfy Monster!Twst enjoyers while I work on the heartslaybul chapter, I promise I’m working on it to make it the best possible! (Blame the economy for my lack of activity on it)
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vampcubus · 2 years
a/n: if this is incomprehensible, its cus i wrote it at like 4am. if you see them getting longer as i go along no you don’t.
⋆ ࣪.❤︎ 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒!┊levi, armin, hange, reiner, bertholdt, and porco.
⋆ ࣪.❤︎ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒!┊mostly sfw, porco's gets suggestive, not proofread we ball.
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— Levi kisses you like he’ll never get to again — explicitly in private, he’s not a fan of PDA. His lips are always desperate against yours, hands in your hair, around your neck, at your hips, drawing you closer. And when you pull away his lips chase yours, blue-grey eyes half-lidded with that longing look that turns your knees to jelly.
— If you’re taller he isn’t above yanking you down by the shirt collar to crush his lips against yours, if you’re shorter all the easier to tilt your face the way he wants.
— And when you tease him by ghosting your lips over his with a barely there kiss, hand in his hair to keep him from closing the gap — he whines this pitiful whine in the back of his throat, ashen eyes ensnaring yours with a glare, both annoyed and pleading.
“Don’t tease me, you’ll regret it.” he whispers, and when you pull away anyways with a husky laugh he follows up with a breathless “please.”
How can you deny him?
— He’s incredibly weak for those gentle kisses to his temple when he’s hard at work on reports in his office. He almost always catches your sleeve and tilts his jaw up to indicate he wants a real kiss. He can’t help but be greedy with you, your soft lips are like a drug, and he’s become quite the addict.
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— Armin’s kisses are as gentle and thoughtful as he is. He probably plans his whole approach out the very first time he attempts it, but every time you look at him it’s as if his brain turns to mush. He starts to sweat and his throat goes dry, whatever romantic scheme he’d mulled over the night before goes right out the window.
In the end, it’s you that seizes the moment. You squish his cheeks and smush your lips over his, in his surprise he sputters against your lips, his face beet red — which only makes you pull away and burst into laughter.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean — let me try again, please!” he blusters, hands on your shoulders as you try your best to reel in your giggles. He gets this determined look in his eyes and cups your face, the action halting your tremors long enough to give him an opening to slot his lips over yours again. He does so with a little too much enthusiasm and ends up knocking you over, but you only throw your arms around him and sigh against his lips. Finally.
— You’ll get a lot of absent-minded pecks as he passes by you, the forehead, cheek, corner of your lips. Doesn’t matter if he’s focused on devising a plan, idly working on a report, or deep in thought, it’s muscle memory at this point. He especially does so when you’re cooking or cleaning so he doesn’t disturb you too much.
— But it’s not hard to tell your lips are his favorite place to kiss. sometimes he gets distracted and just gazes longingly at you, waiting for you to notice so he can pull you aside and smooch you properly. His favorite kisses are slow, long, and passionate, the kind that makes you forget the world around you. He definitely gets carried away and forgets where you are, only tearing away when you start to hear whistles and jeers from other soldiers.
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— Hange’s kisses are as spontaneous and passionate as they are, often a spur-of-the-moment smack of their lips against yours more than anything. Sometimes they just get so excited about their experiments that they could really kiss you, so they do! Granted these are usually fleeting before they go back to babbling about their breakthroughs and theories.
— Since Hange tends to ramble a lot, there are few openings to swoop in for a kiss, which can lead to you just grabbing their face in frustration and shutting them up with your lips. It always works like a charm, their brown eyes wide with surprise before their arms wrap around you and they return your persistent lip lock.
“If you wanted my attention, you could have just said so.” They laugh, breathless as they pull away. Their tone is teasing, but you hardly mind after finally getting the kiss you wanted. Their thumbs brush over your cheeks, drawing your gaze back to theirs as they lean in again, lips a hair away from yours. “I’m not satisfied yet though, we should kiss some more.”
— They smile into kisses a lot, always so smug — but also because you just make them so happy. Especially after assuming the role of commander of the scouts, they’re all but pulling their hair out with all the stress. Your lips are a welcome reprieve, and you can feel them melt into your embrace every time, a wistful sigh against your lips as their worries float away.
— A kiss over their eyepatch gets them a little teary-eyed, hands in your hair to touch your foreheads together. You’ve been through so much together and lost so much. They’re glad to have you by their side to shoulder the weight of the many deaths of your fallen comrades. And now without Moblit, they need you there to be the voice of reason when they go off the deep end.
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— Reiner’s kisses are devoted and reverent. He kisses you like you’re air he breathes. Like he needs the press of your sweet lips against his to live.
— The type to cry when you kiss — in fact, that’s exactly what he did when you first kissed him. He crumpled against you, dragging you both to your knees as he clung to you, sobbing into your neck when he can bear to part from your lips. He’s yours from that moment on, in disbelief that you’ve chosen him, but nothing could tear him from you now.
— Reiner tends to kiss you super soft like he’s afraid you’ll break — a habit you’ll have to shake him out of by being as forceful and passionate as you like with him. Smash your lips against his, bite his lip; let him know that you’re just as desperate for him as he is for you.
— Reiner becomes incredibly reliant on your kisses. He expects a kiss hello and goodbye, a kiss good morning and goodnight. And if you skimp on them he’ll pull you aside, envelop you with his body so you can’t escape, and attack your face and lips with kisses to make up for it.
— Stop kissing him as often and he’ll think he’s done something wrong, mulling anxiously over it until he starts jumping to conclusions. Maybe he said something wrong? Did he do something to make you angry? What if you were growing bored of him? His overthinking will be his undoing.
— You can tell when Reiner wants a kiss, he gets this tortured look on his face as he stares at you from afar. And when you finally acknowledge him he perks up, sending you one of those flirty grins from his youth, beckoning you closer.
— Chronic hand-kisser, he really can’t help it when you slip your smaller fingers into his own so often. It always compels him to lift your hand to his lips and kiss your knuckles, anything to see you smile at him with that adoring look. It still amazes him that such a look is reserved for him.
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— As expected, Bertholdt’s kisses are shy and hesitant — at first. Your first kiss is pure but electric, a culmination of the tip-toeing you’ve been doing around each other for years. You’re definitely the one who initiates, but it’s Bertholdt that holds you still when you go to pull away, ensnaring you with a murmured “please stay” against your lips that makes you melt.
— That kiss consumes his thoughts — even his dreams after that. It’s like your lips met and everything started to make sense, like the world was more colorful. Wherever you go, you’ll find Bertholdt tailing closely behind like a puppy.
— After being given time to adjust to your affections and enough encouragement to assert his own, his kisses take on a very adoring quality. He cherishes you, almost always smiles into kisses, strokes your hair, cradles your head 🥹
— Bertholdt prefers quick pecks in public, quick n easy to your cheek or forehead.
(however, he starts nosing at your shoulder if he sees someone looking at you a little too long. Bert’s observant and while he trusts you, he can’t help but feel a little insecure sometimes. He thinks highly of you, convinced you’re way out of his league)
— But he likes them slow n long when you’re alone when he can express his love for you without the nerves of having everyone’s prying eyes on him.
— The type to come up behind you while you’re cooking and wrap himself around you, trailing kisses across your neck and shoulder. BACK KISSES!! He’s more confident without the pressure of you looking at him. As soon as you turn around he’s putty again under your gaze, chin tucked to his chest demurely as you wrap your arms around his neck and start your own kiss attacks.
— He can’t help it, your eyes make him weak in the knees. You’re just so pretty… and when you look at him like that…
— He’s so fucking tall though and you might consider carrying around a step stool just so you can kiss him anytime you want (climb him) cus he always looks so kissable. And he gets the cutest blush on his face when you tug at his sleeve and pucker your lips. Bert won’t waste any time pushing your hair back and leaning down to settle his soft lips over yours.
“Stop looking so kissable before I climb you like a tree.” You pout, eyes narrowed as he gives you a weird look, cheeks full of food.
He swallows and leans down to boop his hooked nose against yours affectionately.
“Please don’t.” Please do.
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— Porco kisses you like he’s got something to prove.
— Makes you wonder what exactly. Is it to prove that he’s better at it than you? No… Porco likes to be the best, but his kisses largely reflect his desperation for you to think he’s the best you can get. He wants to kiss you better than anyone else probably ever could. He burns for you, and it translates so beautifully into the way he’s trying so hard to not let you slip through his fingers. He wants to prove he’s all you’ll ever want. (And he is 🧎‍♀️)
— Porco’s kisses are always passionate, and he can never stop at just one either. Pull away for a moment and he’ll chase your lips. He gets carried away easily, and being in a public setting is rarely a deterrent. He’s not gonna tongue-kiss you in front of the warrior candidates, but that’s as far as his restraint goes I’m afraid. Especially if he's jealous.
— Porco can be held back from brawling every guy that so much as looks your way (barely), but not from pulling you in by the hips to crush your lips against his when he knows they’re looking.
— Neck kiss enthusiast, both giving and receiving. He likes to do it especially to distract/annoy you when you’re focused on chores or not giving him enough attention. And if you’re being especially resilient he will bite you, just to hear you gasp. You’re gonna be walking around with hickeys everywhere I’m so sorry, no use in scolding him. And if you try to cover them up with makeup he takes that as a challenge to give you more.
— Can’t take a dose of his own medicine though, and that’s something you need to abuse. Catch him while he’s doing something important and start pressing the softest kisses to his neck and jaw and watch him melt. And when he reaches for you, pull away and insist he focuses on his task. Drives him crazy. The moment you start using your teeth and sucking on his neck, he crumbles, hands in your hair, pulling at your clothes. He can be so cute sometimes.
— I’d even go so far as to say that he’s a little obsessed with kissing you, and that means it’s the best kind of leverage you have over him. It’s hilarious how offended he gets when you refuse to kiss him when you’re mad at him. Wdym no kisses until he apologizes??? >:0 he acts tough about it like he doesn’t care… for like a day… and then he’s cornering you.
“'m sorry okay? Lemme kiss you already.” He huffs so quietly you barely hear him, and you bask in the clear humiliation of the titan shifter before you. You supposed you should take pity him… or…
“I think you can beg better than that, Pock.”
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vai3r13 · 2 months
Hello hello! :) I’m here for our matchup trade for Black Butler! (I sent the pictures for the Paparazzi end :) )
Starting off I am a neurodivergent, queer (but attracted to masculinity) female. I go by she/they and im an INFP Sagittarius.
Physically, I am a 5’2” but wear platform converse or boots every day of my life. Style wise, im definitely alternative. However, Im also a fan of the baggy jeans, tight top, kinda side of grunge. Im also a sucker for black with pastels, so I suppose my color pallete would fall under “Pastel Goth” or something similar. I actually really love the style called “Morute” which stands for “Morbidly Cute”. I just absolutely adore the creepy-cute combination, and i aspire to look like a creepy doll somedays.
That also would lead into hobbies, as I love dolls! I collect them and will gush over them any time i see one in public i like. Especially going to cons and seeing the little stands with BJD dolls? I go feral-...and broke. My entire room is decorated in pretty dolls, anime figures, manga, and cherry blossom vines. (I really want a cherry blossom tattoo on my back but im terrified of needles-) My other hobbies include writing, skateboarding, singing/making music, and dancing! I have a band with friends right now. I’m training my voice to be a metal singer despite having a feminine voice, so im a bit shy with it right now.
Personality wise, I suppose it tends to fluctuate, but i think what sticks the most is that I'm extremely sweet and loyal. I used to be very shy, and can even be pretty quiet nowadays too. Im definitely introverted but, ive gotten much better with it. Friends would definitely say that im bubbly, always trying to laugh. Definitely witty too because I absolutely love bantering and softly bullying people. Id say im very emotionally intelligent when it comes to other people. Im definitely a realist, and im told im very good with advice and empathizing with people. I feel i understand other emotions more than mine sometimes. Which annoys me- Because I have a habit of not expressing anything negative. I think it might be due to past trauma, but I have a hard time staying angry or upset with people. Its like- once you screw me over, i have no issues getting rid of you. I dont like that i can easily disconnect from people, as I feel it makes me sound like a bad person, but I just feel l like if i know my worth, and someone isnt treating me as they should, I shouldnt keep them in my life. That does go to say though, that I am an all or nothing person with people I care about. If i am your friend, I trust you can come to me with anything and I vice versa no matter what. I always come through and i expect the same. 
Another bad habit though would be disappearing. I wouldnt call it ghosting because I always pop back up, but I usually dont respond or see people for weeks or even months, even close friends. Most that are close know that if they need to talk to me, they have to double text or call me. Ill always answer then. I dont mean to, I just for some reason am really consistent with randomly dropping off the face of the earth for everyone but my partner, or person closest. Texts are always paragraphs though! Im not a dry texter, just forget I exist and have to respond :) Not to mention, i have ran away out of state before just for the sake of going and exploring. (Did a lot of Urbex and trespassing- it was fun but i dont think ill ever go to abandon buildings like that again. That doesnt mean ill stop climbing trains though!) I just love road trips and little late night adventures. 
Some notes about me… Id say my fears involve needles, the dark (I sleep with a nightlight but love horror-), Clowns, and deep water. I cannot swim and have nearly drowned before so I actually hate going swimming. I dont see the appeal and start to panic if i cant see or touch the bottom. I wouldnt say im scared of spiders though like most. I actually am the person my job calls for to grab spiders and take them outside. If theyre cute, ill just grab them with my hand. Another thing is that I have OCD and PTSD. My OCD isnt the typical stereotype of being clean, Im just very routine with patterns. The person im with has to be okay with frequent alarms I set for different time frames, my strange eating habits (I cant have anything touching, one food at a time, soft foods over crunchy, and i absolutely love bananas but cant eat them unless someone peels them for me while im not looking) I also get very paranoid about certain things, like for example, i get little episodes sometimes where I freak out because I believe Ill inherent my dads schizophrenia and Ill because dissociated with reality, so whoever im with needs to be able to help assure me i wont just lose my mind- That being said, my least favorite love language is touch! I can be touched, but its very easy to overwhelm my due to past trauma. I also flinch very easily without even thinking and it gets annoying when people make fun of it. Because of this as well, im a very silent walker and tend to scare people because i subconsciously make myself as unnoticeable as possible. Im also an insomniac. I will not go to bed until the sun is up, and even then I wake up very easily. My doctor keeps trying to give me medications for it so i can sleep better, but its so ironic because I stop taking them constantly because I hate feeling tired. SO someone who doesnt mind being up a bit late would be appreciated :) 
Random facts are: I absolutely adore raccoons and rats, and used to be a rat mom! I’ll spit out little rodent facts like im google. I know morse code. Im an amazing driver. I will get you there fast and safe….fast as in i max out my car frequently and if i get one more traffic misconduct i lose my license. BUT i know how to be safe with taking those risks, if that makes sense? Like i know where and when to speed and when not to- Most people fear getting in the car with me. But other than that, i think that’s it for now! Thank you <3
Hello!<3 @xxchthonicreaturexx
I apologize for any mistakes! English is not my native language and I'm new to writing:) Written in "you" perspective
possible tw - talk of mental health, mentions of unhealthy relationship ig? idk how healthy grim reapers r, mentions of drowning and suicide
barely proofread
To start, you're gorg and going off of everything I think your Black Butler match would be..
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Undertaker !!
Both visually and personality wise I think you would compliment each-other! In my opinion your energies have something similar.
I think Undertaker would like your piercings, he has an industrial himself.
small head cannons
You both have black nail polish, so painting each others nails as a cute activity:)
Doing each others eyeliner/make up.
Undertakers mbti type most likely is ISTJ while yours is INFP. While your compatibility can seem difficult at first, by appreciating each others differences you "balance" each other out.
Sagittarius and Aquarius are an energetic match, being air and fire signs your elements fit seamlessly. In astrology, air feeds fire.
"i can easily disconnect from people"
Is a trait both of your star signs posses, a similarity that needs to be balanced between the two of you.
In terms of style I can see you in lots of similar/ partner outfits, as your style is somewhat similar too. Undertaker would, just like you, adore pastel goth and a creepy cute, dolly like aesthetic, - not on him but most definitely on his partner.
I think Undertaker would definitely share your love for dolls, acquiring many dolls and gifting them to you.
As we can see in the Luxury Liner arc, I'd say he has his own love for "dolls", if you know what I'm saying.
As for your other hobbies I think Undertaker wouldn't exactly share your interest in them, but he'd definitely support you. Ex. Watching your band perform, making tea to soothe your voice after you've practiced. He'd definitely be one to annoy and tease you in a joking manner, while you're writing or doing other things.
You being more calm/quiet and Undertakers more energetic and chaotic certainly harmonize. You'd participate in a lot of witty banter and Undertakers life mission would be to make you laugh all the time. He'd adore your sweetness and bubbly-ness (is that even a word??) and your loyalty would be VERY important to him. While he acts and is mostly carefree, I think deep down he still wary of deep connections with people, as he doesn't really have friends.
When he achieves said connection tho he might not always act like it but he'd be sort of possessive. Wouldn't let you get very close to Sebastian or Ciel out of a fear, that they would use you against him in some way. It takes a while for him to tell you what he is, it takes him a while to trust someone 100% wouldn't talk about how it happened tho.
I think arguments wouldn't happen very often, when they do tho they would happen out of Undertakers disregard for "human customs", ex. relationships with other people, etc. Undertaker doesn't resort to screaming, he wouldn't even comprehend that you're mad or annoyed with him. After a few days of not talking much he'd try and talk, bring you something, dolls, sweets, whatever. Makes you sit down and explain what's bothering you, wouldn't always get it but he'd try. Makes up by gifting you dolls or figurines.
Would get worried the first few times you disappear, always manages to find you tho. Absolutely goes exploring with you, might not say it but part of the reason why, is because he's worried about you.
Teases you about your fear of the dark, always lights a candle for you at night tho. Undertaker has died through drowning, as shown in a manga panel, so he shares your fear of water. It serves as a constant reminder for him, so you both don't see the appeal.
Might sound weird but he's fascinated with your OCD habits, he asks you about them. Once you explained them, he always makes sure that your food is arranged the way you like it and peels your bananas for you. Doesn't mind the alarms you set, can be your personal alarm clock actually.
Undertaker has dealt with a lot throughout his long life, he has his own problems. He will always assure you that you're going to be okay. Another thing, that might seem insensitive but sometimes he'd joke that you'll be "crazy" together.
Undertaker's very touchy by nature, I would say. After noticing you flinch, he'd be unsure if his presence and being a grim reaper still intimidates you in some way, if he decides talking to you about it, Undertaker will resort to gift giving and quality time.
Being a quiet walker doesn't matter with Undertaker, as he senses your presence, he isn't human after all, or easy to startle.
Grim Reapers require both sleep and sustenance, but have you seen Undertaker? That man runs on two hours of sleep maximum, he also definitely wouldn't mind staying up late. Dancing late at night, while nobody is watching, is definitely a reoccurring activity in a relationship with the Undertaker. He can be a bit overbearing at times.
Depending what century you're imagining this in, Undertaker loves when you drive, it's sort of an adrenaline rush for him.
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head canons
Doing each others makeup, sitting on a coffin or your bed. "You have to be still, for me not to smudge the eyeliner!!", while he tries to tickle or smooch you.
Painting each others nails and making a cute date night out of it, lots of candles around you for the atmosphere. Playful banter, which ends in you two cuddling in a coffin.
Going out to explore the woods, him following closely behind you, suddenly disappearing just to appear in front of you, scaring you in the process, making Undertaker burst out laughing. Holding out a hand to help you climb onto things.
Exploring the city at night, when the people are sleeping and the bustling and usually loud streets of London are completely empty. Even jumping roof to roof. (This reminded me of that one Howl's moving castle scene. 01:47-02:10 in the linked video)
Late at night, while both of you aren't sleeping, Undertakers shop is dark, except for the dozens of candles littered across the room, as a music box starts playing a soft melody. Undertaker coming up behind you and offering you a hand, as you start dancing across his shop, moving through the space together, occasionally stepping on each others feet and giggling.
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Again, it's my first time writing and English isn't my first language. I hope you could still enjoy this<3
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linnienin · 1 year
Hello, are you into composited chart. Just want to ask what is better between Cancer Mars 5th & Libra Mars 8th in this chart. Because both had very similar composited Aqua Rising, Scorpio Sun conjunct Venus & Opposite Taurus Moon.
Mars in a Composite chart (CANCER MARS 5H VS LIBRA MARS 8H)
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Hi lovely! ✨
Yes, sure, i'll give you my thoughts!
Right off the bat, i wouldn't say one is better than the other, because frankly, it can be pretty personal.
Mars is temper
And we can't say the best Mars is when it's in fire signs or Scorpio or Capricorn when talking about synastry/composite or in a relationship of any kind
What i'd recommend to do is look at your natal Mars first
For example:
Is your Natal Mars in a water sign? Well, if the composite Mars is in a fire sign, you might experience more intense quarrels you're not ready for, or if it's in an air sign, the problems might never truly arises as you both might tend to ghost them and your natal water mars might suffer from the lack of intimacy/discussions
Also, in this case look at the Natal Mars of both you and your partner, are they naturally compatible? In which houses are them?
This being said,
Both Mars are in weak signs (Cancer and Libra) but both signs are very understanding, now on to the houses.
The 5th house is more superficial than the 8th imo, but again, this might be a personal preference as i have 8th house planets and i crave that deep transformational intimacy.
Be aware that if you don't naturally have planets in the 8th house (or even 12th) and you don't know how to deal with that intense energy yet, your experience with 8th house matters can leave scars on you.
Having Scorpio sun conjunct Venus is good for the 8th house Mars, but it can be a pretty hidden relationship as well, maybe your parents or his/her parents wouldn't be happy of this relationship and might not approve it (at least at first)
Having Taurus moon opposite sun can be something good in term of challenging you both to understand each other's view, as well as being interested in each other, but with venus it can lead to hurting each other with too much jealousy and misunderstanding. And having Cancer Mars in the 5th (i'm assuming Taurus rules over the 3rd/4th house in your composite) could potentially enhance this as the ruler of Cancer (moon)is in the house of communication/personal space
Now, i'm not saying Mars in 8H people don't have discussions, they absolutely do, but they usually keep them private.
My parents have 8H stellium with Mars in 8H too (tightly conjunct venus) and they have it in Virgo, they are SO nitpicky when dragging each other down lmao, but they always ends up laughing at the end when fining a compromise. (I have to say i put a word or two in their discussion to end it too 'cause i hate seeing them arguing fro stupid things)
They both have Virgo personal placements in their natal charts so they know and understand how the energy works And they are very devoted to each other (they have sun, mercury, venus, pluto, mars and uranus in 8th house)
In the end i'd say the overall chart is important too, because even if Mars is usually a big deal in a composite, then let's say Saturn and Jupiter are in good placements with positive aspects, it's very important. Usually if you're open minded you can learn to control the bad side of Mars. If you understand each other at a core level, then almost nothing can stop you.
Maturity is key, never forget this
I hope i gave you some clarifications, if not pls let me know lmao (i'll try not to blame the mercury retrograde for this scattered post 😂)
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Have a wonderful day! 💖
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v-anrouge · 1 year
match ups!!! russian roulette is not the same without a gun amirite. shoot me in the foot bubs
im very awkward and reserved in real life; i rarely go out of my way to talk to others, but im charismatic and fun with those i know well. usually id rather get hit by a train than ask a waiter for a straw, but im very ballsy with social interaction when its for the sake of others, and by extension, im confrontational and confident when it comes to handling conflict. im very ambitious, and am a perfectionist when it comes to myself-- as understanding and patient as i try to be, im easily frustrated. im often forgetful and am easily overwhelmed, that leads me to ghosting people often. though, im very competent and responsible when im adhering to a strict structure. i like learning about people, and am easily enamoured by them.
my hobbies are drawing, painting, reading, writing, crocheting, embroidery/clothes-making, jewelry-making, and origami.
i like to think im very open in showing my admiration and appreciation of others; giving, my love languages are quality time, words of affirmation, and physical touch. receiving is the same. when it comes to people i really like, i go out of my way to gift them hand made items.
the people i tend to like the most are those who are articulate, earnest, have a strong moral compass, and are talkative.
-- c
pairing you up with; rook!
rook finds you absolutely fascinating, from the way you act when you're surrounded by strangers to the way you act when you're alone in your room (ig ur not rlly alone if he's watching you...its just research okay) he knows about how some people foolishly falls for the illusion of your self that you use to protect yourself, those who can't seem to realize the depth of your soul, and he can't blame them, he himself feels like he's never discovered it 100%, he feels like he never will. but he thinks it's such a pity that some give up before actually trying to get to know you, you're such an intriguing person, like a book that is filled with tragedies that make your chest ache and wonder for a moment if you should really continue to read it, you know there's much more to come, you know that feeling will come up often, yet you just can't stop yourself from reading it. because it's beautiful, because the feeling it brings you is euphoric. rook can't stop himself from wanting to know more about you, even though in the start you didn't really talk to him and all of the interactions were started by him, he knew discovering you would be an experience he wouldn't want to miss
rook likes your way of dealing with conflict, it matches his, he isn't one to hide his feelings so whenever you two have any problems, you guys always talk it out and it ends up very quickly, which is something he really is grateful for, he really can't stand the thought of being away from you because of a fight
rook is very understanding with your tendencies to get overwhelmed, and although he won't allow you to simply ghost him and distance yourself, he will give you space, he'll check up on you from time to time and make sure you're okay, but he will only go back to talking and hanging out around you once you say you're ready to, he takes a lot of notice in the changes on your body, he can practically feel it when you're getting overwhelmed and he will quickly take you away from the situation and try to get your mind off of it
rook absolutely adores your hobbies, you match perfectly with him, he promised that when you two get married and live together (and he is 100% sure it will happen) he'll make a big room filled with everything you need to indulge into any of them at any times, and he'll of course be by your side the entire time, constantly praising and pointing out little things he likes about your works, he's absolutely enamored with everything you create, he's sure you must have been born with some kind of power, everything you touch is pure beauty, he can't help it, he brags about it to everyone who will hear and even those who won't, he just must show your greatness to the world please forgive him he can't help but be a fool in love <3
im not joking when i say you make him cry everytime you make him a little gift, and when i say cry i mean CRY, red faced, shaky voice..he's a mess, but a beautiful one, because his smile is so bright it outshines the sun, be ready for multiple little gifts in return, he'll spoil you rotten, he just wants to see you be happy, please, wont you grace his presence with another one of your beautiful smiles?
extra; vil, lilia & malleus
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madphantom · 11 months
Also here's a new snippet for Sarah let's fucking gooo
The sun has come out once more and with it brighter days. Sarah's ankle has healed and the days are hazy and warmgolden. We spend our afternoons lying in the light, kissing, forgetting all about the rest of the world. The nights are quiet, and for now it seems that the fox has scared the deer off. It is just us.
Well, and the storyteller. Somehow, they have become a part of this house just as much as the furniture or the hay in the barn. We do not want them to leave and it seems like, for the moment, they are content staying.
The deer is not fully gone, though. Of course. When I walk down to the lake in the mornings I see it stalking through the distant trees sometimes, a pale white dot in the fog, and a shiver runs down my spine. It looks like an angel and that both frightens me and draws me in. Sometimes it seems to draw closer, but flinch away again. There are red marks on its leg now, reminders of the fierce anger the fox carried inside its pointy teeth, almost a protective spell. What a peculiar feeling.
This morning we were back in the field when suddenly, Sarah saw a large grey feather poking out of the flowers. She stepped closer, wanting to pick it up, and I followed, but to my quiet horror there were more…
A dead crane was lying in the bed of wildflowers, its beak slightly agape, eyes mercifully closed, the wings spread out like wide open arms. Dew droplets shimmered on its feathers like pearls. It seemed to have simply dropped from the sky.
Sarah bit her lip.
"Oh, poor thing," she whispered. "Look, it was a beauty. So elegant."
"What a shame," I mumbled.
Sarah turned her head. "Do you think we should bury it?"
"Perhaps." I hesitated when I saw the hurt look in her eyes. She had always hated seeing animals come to harm.
"I'll go get the spades if you want me to," I said quietly.
She nodded. "Yes. Yes…that would be nice."
We buried the crane in mostly silence. At some point Sarah began to hum a bit, a sweet soft melody which echoed through the golden air. Rolling it over into the grave pushed my heart inbetween my ribs, but I kept myself contained.
The afternoon was quiet and menacing following this. The heat flickered in the concentrated air like dancing ghosts. Sarah was in the backyard, tending to the vegetables she was growing. I did not feel well somehow, and retreated to the cooler kitchen, where I tried my best to sleep. Despite the fact that my eyelids were heavy as lead, I remained feverishly restless, caught in the limbo of a tiring half sleep. Eventually, I heard a strange sound and opened my eyes.
The storyteller sat by the kitchen window, blindly gazing outside. They seemed to be listening to something intently.
"What was that sound?", I inquired.
They shrugged their shoulders, not bothering to turn their head. "A crane's call. It must be very near to the house."
I shuddered and sat up. "Oh, Lord. Sarah and I buried a dead crane down in the field this morning. I do hope it hasn't returned to haunt us."
The storyteller smiled, teeth pointy. "Wouldn't that make a lovely story?"
"Of course it would, I just have to say, I am not particularly fond of the idea of being the protagonist in a ghost story," I admitted.
Another call echoed across the valley. It sounded almost haunting. The storyteller tilted their head and slightly furrowed their brows.
"That did sound very close," I agreed, getting up from the bench. My back hurt. "Let me have a look."
The storyteller elegantly slid to the side and I glanced out of the window. The sky had turned violet in the evening sun and it stood above the black fir trees like a blood red ring of fire. A crane stood on the roof of the barn, cleaning its dirt-stained plumage. I shuddered.
"Do you see anything?", the storyteller asked.
"It's on the barn roof…" I chuckled anxiously. "How funny, it looks just like the one we buried."
"Cranes do tend to look similar."
"No, I mean…it doesn't look alive. It's full of dirt and its feathers are falling out and it's viciously pecking at itself. It looks like it should never have come here in the first place."
The storyteller tilted their head, but said nothing. They probably thought I was losing my mind.
When my gaze wandered to the fir trees I saw the two-headed white deer among them staring back.
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sadiri-castillo30 · 1 year
Haunted Hawaii
Finally reached Maui where I've found what I consider the most intriguing stories to write about in my quest to find first hand experiences in paranormal activities, being a foreigner (Hao'le) in these islands, getting the locals to talk you is a bit challenging, especially if it’s about beliefs and culture of these sacred islands, but my listings in the ads in local newspaper with the promise of cash incentive for their story got me some promising leads my name is Richard Jameson writer and author of many books of the paranormal but this will be my first which I will entitle "Haunted Hawaii".
Walking up Keoki's unpaved driveway in a place called Happy Valley felt eerie maybe it was my mixed emotions towards my phone call with before planning my visit, it was in his voice being that Keoki was a bit shaken up still from his encounter which was few weeks earlier. "White lady” he said it was name given by people who encountered her but it never restricted to Maui alone but throughout the Hawaiian island chain, she was never thought of a threat or harm to those met her but she gave a lasting impression to her stooges. It was a night no different from any other Keoki was driving home alone from Iao Valley around 11pm after dropping off a friend it was the usual being that he has done this countless times, till he saw her standing on the side of the road, kind of odd for a woman being out so late at night on a lonely road wearing a white dress or gown of all things with white hair and few strands of black mixed in, Keoki couldn't really see her face being her hair covered most of it, he slowly passed at first but being taught at young age to lend help to anyone who might need a hand especially a Kūpuna (elder) so he stop and circled back to asked if she was ok or needed a ride home, the nearest house in the area she was at least a ½ a mile away so it the logical thing to do for any concern citizen to another to give assistance. She got in the passenger seat, he tried to look at her face in subtle way maybe he would recognize her being that Maui is a small Island where locals tend to know one another, but to no avail so he tried to just focus on his driving, but she did ask for a cigarette which he gladly handed her one. The old lady lit her cigarette and began smoking but kept silent as if she savored every puff , Keoki tried to make small talk asking her name, family name , where she going? but still no answer, as Keoki paid more attention to road contemplating where to drop off his mysterious passenger, smoked filled the whole car she didn’t even bother in rolling her windows down and he was afraid of asking her to he didn’t want to offend her. But rolled the driver window side instead but as the smoke rushed out from the smoke filled car Keoki had felt a cold chill pass through him giving him (chicken skin) Goosebumps and as he thought to look back to talk more to her she was gone, vanished in thin air, she was gone! Keoiki tried to gather himself didn't know what to think of what he just experienced, was it a dream? Was she a figment of his imagination? Ghost? But one thing for sure he sped done out of there doing 90 miles per hour and he wished he could’ve gone faster if not for the winding roads. The following morning he tried to forget what happened the night before but can't seem to let it pass so he said told some of his friends and most of them laughed made fun of him saying he was lucky, and best explanation of it all had a familiar tone to it all he encounter madam Pelé (Hawaiian Fire Goddess, White Lady, Old Lady) and he was fortunate he took the time to entertain her because those who didn't met some unfortunate demise like an accident, sickness or death. I thank Keoki for taking the time to tell me his story of the infamous character giving me my first entry to my book, and asked if he had any other scary stories to tell beside the one he had just given but ended it, he left me hanging out to dry and I wanted more. I reluctantly walked down the driveway but I felt hopeful that I will get to listen and write about more stories on my short stay here, I say short because it’s costing me a fortune being in paradise.
Two days went by without a hitch mainly because the next story I was getting was coming from a group of teenagers and they weren't allowed by their parents to meet me unless it's over the weekend, because they didn’t want my interview to interfere with school work, it was ironic because these boys didn’t look the type of students who made the honor roll. The incident happened on a school night while these boys took a short cut at a Heiau(sacred temple/site) above a community called Hawaiian homes and the only reason they put themselves it that predicament was they were somewhat delinquents so I was told by one of their hanai(foster) parent, I'll disclose giving out their names simply acknowledging them as the boys( Hawaiian names are long anyway). Well they finally made it to our meeting which was at a park right across from the home of one of the boys, with the watchful eye of some neighbors. The story goes, It began with a late afternoon walk going home after playing hookie (truancy) all day which they often did as a group and losing track of time and seeing street lights come on was a bad sign of being in trouble they were already late and due for lickens( spanking) in Hawaiian. Well someone had the brilliant idea of instead of walking the normal route suggested they do a short cut through the Heiau(sacred area) in which everyone reluctantly agreed, even though it was forbidden to do so and that it’s the worst place to be at night mainly because out of respect of Hawaiian culture don’t ever walk in sacred areas, you might trample or stumble on sacred bones of kings that might has been buried in that area. They weren't even in 100 yards into this place till they heard it, beating drums, than they saw it, what looked like fire torches cared by above average sized human figures, which stopped all of them in their tracks each boy froze because they heard about it before but never in a million dreams they thought they would encounter the Hawaiian Night Marchers and they all knew what to do. Lie down and not look upon their faces and stay still till they pass because to look at these warriors who protect sacred land meant death it seemed like hours pass till their ordeal was over, they laughed at the incident mainly because most of them peed in their pants. I'm glad these boys made it home safely to give account of their experience but repeating their actions to cross through sacred land is no more, lesson learned the hard way. I asked if they had nightmares because of the incident but they said “not da kine that would you shi-shi your pants” (wet) and the laughed some more. Well I thank them and off I went to find my next story, it’s hard to believe the story leaving me a little skeptical the account but because my respect towards culture and beliefs of this sacred island maybe just maybe it did really happened but its good writing material I plan to still used it in my book anyways.
The next day I met Dave, not a local but a (Haole) foreigner like me, he contacted me through a friend of a friend with have them in common, and we are both from the Bay area, San Francisco to be exact. We agreed to meet over coffee and I can say MacDonald’s has better drinks than the over price coffee shops around and near my hotel. Dave sat across me and we had a quick introduction before we got started and it all did when he placed a shoe size box on the table. I didn’t know what to think at first, I began to ask myself what’s with the box? Is there bones in it? Is it some kind of old relic? I gave him that impression of being little frustrated guessing what is in it talking to myself so he blurted out “it’s a lava rock” but not just any other rock this one was cursed he explained. Where did you get? “On a tour up Haleaakala” he said as He began to give an account of where and how it came to in his possession. Dave and his wife Brenda signed up to watch the sunrise above the largest (sea level wise) longest dormant volcano in Hawaii or world, and their experience was breathtaking to see the sunrise was one of highlights on their trip. They were also allowed to take some pictures along the crater of the volcano walking around the area Brenda picked up a lava rock with a lots of holes running through it, the natural formation of the rock designed by nature made it alluring to her and she wanted it, then she remembered the rules given by their guide before there tour and that was not take anything rocks, flowers or anything that the stumble upon on the Volcano because its considered sacred to the Hawaiians, so basically you can look but no touching for that matter. Going down the mountain and back to hotel is where she confessed what she did and to Dave he admitted at that time it was no big deal it’s just a rock and it made a decorative paper weight for her home office, but boy was they wrong. The following day the couple got into a freak accident with the rental car when it slammed into a guardrail on the Pali road and the cause according to Dave is it simply ran out brakes, he couldn’t stop so he ran the car through the rail. Because of the accident their vacation was cut short and they went back home. Back in San Francisco Brenda was home a lot her office was there which she placed her precious as an addition to decorate her desk area and immediately weird things started happening she hear strange noises like chanting of some sorts language she couldn’t understand, books would fall from the selves, she felt like someone is in the room with her, it happened so often that every time she’d tell Dave about he would just tease her about it saying her mind is playing tricks on her. Brenda was so traumatized that it drove mad even to the point her health deteriorated lack of sleep, not eating and depressed because no one believed her, than it went after Dave next he said one night he stayed up late and saw the light in his wife’s office flickering so he went to see what was going on and the moment he stepped near her desk some kind of entity picked him up by throat and threw him across the floor and he realized none of this happened before until that rock came into their lives.
The next morning he called the tour company and confessed to their sin about taking the rock when forbidden to do so and asked what to do and they advised to bring the lava rock back because maybe Madam Pele (fire goddess) wants it back. At that’s the reason he is sitting across me that day he flew thousand miles to bring the rock back with an offering so that the curse would be lifted, but Dave said the moment he took the rock out from his home it’s like something was lifted no more voices or weird events it all stopped since. I think this was the first story sent chills down my back and I hope my readers will have the same experience reading it, but the downside it came from a haole (foreigner) it might lose credibility I wish it came from a local, again with all I gathered so far none really stood out except Dave’s story because it’s the only story that someone actually got hurt, maybe Hawaii paranormal are friendly if you play by their rules, do this or don’t do this you’ll live, I’m becoming a little skeptical if I should write this book based on Hawaii ghosts let alone giving it the title “Haunted Hawaii” if there is no real haunting not just friendly who hitch rides and beat drums.
That night I went back to my room tired hoping there were more real stories like Dave’s, so I laid down slept early, than I woke up to the hotel room door opening I opened my eyes to look seeing it a jarred I told myself maybe I forgot close it and I’ll shut it later, but then I saw her silhouette a dark shadowy figure and what seems like she was floating towards me, I wanted to shout but I couldn’t, I wanted to get up and run but I couldn’t, I couldn’t even move, trying my best move an inch but it felt like I was pinned by a strong entity I was desperate and I didn’t where she went my eyes scanned the room it was the only thing that could move looking for her she was gone, (so I thought) till I look towards the ceiling there she was hovering over me, eyes bloody red, mouth opened and not only couldn’t I not move this time I felt like she was sucking the life out of me I was having a hard time breathing I asked myself is this how I’m going to die? Killed by a entity? Did I ask for this? Was it because I said I don’t believe in Hawaiian ghost? Was she here to make herself real to me? I screamed in my mind okay I believe now please let me live! And suddenly just when I was about to give in to my demise, she vanished and whatever feeling had before like being tied down by a supernatural force was a all gone, I didn't sleep well after my trauma I couldn't wait till the sun came up to haul my ass out of my hotel room, jump on a plane and go back home, which it did.
My conclusion to my whole trip was this, I believe when you go chasing after the supernatural looking for ways to entertain your readers be careful! not only are inviting them into your presence but its like you've become their connection to our world, door way so to speak and have then you have audacity to deny they even exist, well your asking for trouble. What happened to me in my last night in Maui is as example of just that, all the demons i made connection with came to my room to make it clear they do exit and they are not to be messed with.
#ghoststories #goosebumps #chickenskin #nightmarchers #whitelady #madampele
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bisluthq · 6 months
Need some advice queen, since you’re the best at it.
So I had this mild thing with somebody, whatever. We both like each other, blah, blah. They were pretty wild for me too, mind you, once upon a time. We’re in different cities tho, up until I move (so it’s a couple hrs).
Anyways, I was in their city for a week but couldn’t meet up with them, and they decided to talk about how they want to “rip off my shirt” and just sexual talk, whatever.
Shortly after me telling them I’m unable to, until x date (few months), they said they would wait. Then I noticed their demeanour changed, leaving me on read if I get flirty, etc, OBVIOUSLY they got a girlfriend.
NOW I notice they tend to watch all my Snap stories, which (most will argue it means nothing) but my intuition tells me it does mean something.
So I stopped sending them snaps for a week, they stop sending me snaps for a week, I haven’t bugged them. Then I decided to delete them after I saw some push-pull manipulative method bragging on Tik Tok.
After deleting them, this confirms my suspicions they’re watching me, because I haven’t sent them anything. Which means they’re constantly checking my profile, and or Snap score. That’s how they knew I deleted them.
I then get an angry msg from them, saying I confuse them, they’re upset with me cause I told them they’ll forget me, blah, blah I felt bad so I just BS’d them saying I did it while drunk, and not out of malice.
They got happy again, and then send me a pic flexing their Mercedes Benz (mind you they use to drive a diff car but they see me in the Benz, now suddenly they have one?) And then saying they’re going to THEIR girlfriends house.
Now I feel so fucking icky, because I flirted with them weeks ago, and they didn’t mention the gf (just my intuition) they never post her so idk.
But like why stalk me? ESP when they have a girlfriend I don’t … Get it? What do I do? Ghost?
I think the best thing to do is send them a polite message saying “listen, I don’t feel comfortable with our dynamic now that you have a gf. I’m also not sure I want to be friends for now because of the past history/the dynamic we’ve got going on. Best of luck with your relationship! Hopefully after this settles down a bit, we can all meet up when I move there in a couple months and be friends :) for now though I’d prefer no more contact. I’ll let you know when I’m in [their city]. Thanks!” That’s transparent and honest. It’s not accusatory. It’s just setting a super healthy boundary, reminding them of their gf and their responsibilities to her, and saying you don’t want to be part of any untoward shenanigans. And then if they keep messaging after that like yeah ghost them. But say something like that first (in your own words obviously) just to explain what’s going on on your end and also to have the power tbh and like not play games because that’s just gonna be a mindfuck for everyone and eventually pretty inevitably lead to drama and hurt feelings. The gf might not be around by the time you move there, you don’t actually have the be friends with any of them, but this way you’re being positive and constructive rather than yk confusing which is what they’ve already accused you of being. And like they’re very confusing themselves but maybe also confused so just unconfuse this whole situation with a dose of transparency.
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enigmaincrimson · 2 years
Doing some rambling... while sorting thoughts.
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A few things about Archivisors... There are never more than one at a time and if another troll of the caste appears, the previous one tends to disappear via mysterious means.
They typically say the previous one "retired" despite not actually knowing what happens.
All Trolls of this blood caste are female, a mutated form of Fuschia and are obviously seadwellers. However, their appearance and blood colors never follow the natural hemospectrum... or to put it another way, all blood colors of trolls of this caste are of the Extra-Spectral variety. Like Stygian Blue, metallic green, or... pink for that matter. Pigmentation is more of an indication of which horrorterror's essence caused the mutation and not their status.
Those horrorterror traits tend to become increasingly prominent over the troll's abnormally long lifespan with it eventually culminating in them looking more eldritch than troll by the time the next one comes along.
While artificial means of observation such as through a camera or photograph is technically "safe", it is actually quite difficult to look at them in person as they carry that same incomprehensible aura.
Typically, only the Empress and Heiress even knows they exist at any given time and functionally, they work as an Arbiter, Advisor, and Archivist.
Alternatively, the only troll allowed to tell the Empress no and lecture her on the proper use of a wooden spoon, interfere with court proceedings and then get the judge assassinated on a whim, record the whole thing, copy as many books as she wants, and just plain get away with it.
Or Troll Google with a working fact check, Alternian Shadow Government, and the curator of the one and only doomsday archive that mostly exists just in case the Empress accidentally kills everyone by forgetting to feed her Lusus and they need to start over.
She's pretty much capable of explaining to a Purple Troll where they can find the best blue paint, the source of said paint belonging to a known troublemaker and confiscate the troll's belongings for future reference without anyone noticing... all at the same time.
Pretty much all of their belongings are hand-me-downs inherited from the previous Archivisor. Hive, clothes, grubtop, etc... all from the troll that came before. If they want anything new that is theirs, they have to figure it out on their own.
There is never more than one at a time.
All conspiracy theories tend to lead to the Archivisor eventually. This is both because they usually are started by the Archivisor for fun or function. It's just as much her job to cut rebellions short as freaking everyone out about rumors about a "ghost ship" being seen in the ocean. Information and misinformation are part of the job description.
Taking into account the insane level of security, the Archivisor's hive is pretty much "Troll area 51" and a favorite topic on Trollian chat rooms... Especially since just trying to get close to the place is a death wish.
Technically, it is and isn't the Archivisor's fault as it's just as likely that her predecessor rigged up the security and they have no idea how to work it or they put it up themselves in an attempt to further protect the precious contents of the archives.
It also makes getting anything from outside the self-sufficient facility very difficult. Like... you order pizza and the delivery guy, and the pizza ends up on your worktable full of holes.
As such, she usually has to take care of most of her needs by herself... and try to find other means to obtain personal goods by proxy. Also, very difficult to have company for that matter.
As for Kenous and her Predecessor.
Alternia: Kenous and Predecessor
Beforus: Successor and Predecessor
Due to the generally anomalous nature of Archivisor Trolls, outside of the Predecessor in Alternia being the same as the Successor in Beforus, the identity of the Predecessor in Beforus is unknown.
Her Predecessor by the end of her long career was...
At least a bit older than the Empress herself.
At least 8 or so meters in height.
Had tentacles for hair, twisty horns, and magenta blood.
I'd say that she was fashionable for her time, but it's hard to tell when she could change what fashion was any time she wants.
Top of the line equipment... custom made for her giant hands.
Liked to write all of their notes in code with said tentacles, resulting in a particularly unique form of penmanship.
Might have had some involvement with Doc Scratch.
Let's just say that her predecessor and the Empress got along like two peas in a pod, resulting in a very permissive, manipulative, and just plain toxic relationship.
Her Beforan counterpart would pretty much be Meenah's favorite co-conspirator and... maybe condoned her behavior while fully knowing how bad things were going to go.
Also, admittedly, she was about as bitter about her role as Meenah was about her own.
Or to put it another way, she egged her into it while knowing entirely they'd fail the session... just because she liked seeing things burn.
As for Kenous...
About Feferi's age for reference.
Maybe about 2 meters tall
Mess black hair, roughly four to six straight horns of different lengths, and void black blood.
As she is still pretty new for the job, she mostly sews her own clothes from scraps of her predecessor's clothes.
Can't use her predecessor's new PC, so she's stuck with a grub top with a bunch of missing keys and a cracked display and a terminal that is pretty much nigh useless and is really only good for spying on people.
Considering she had been effectively dropped in her role with no instruction, guidance, or idea of what she's supposed to be doing... finding everything in the gigantic hive takes awhile.
She's got no idea who "Mister White" that sometimes sends messages on the terminal sometimes. Seems pretty polite if long winded.
Her relationship with the Empress in the short time is rather strained and tends to lean towards Feferi and finds her easier to interact with in comparison.
Admittedly, her and the hive going "poof" during the great glub and the poor response times to her messages likely didn't help with matters.
You could also point out that her absence indirectly led to the Empress doing what she did to Earth later. Of course, knowing her predecessor... that was likely planned out in advance.
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jaslunali · 2 years
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If someone would ask me what I miss the most then it is the piece of myself that I've missed, the one which I failed to keep. The search is almost overdue yet I still can't find the missing piece. I miss the purest version of me of which I had gave into someone who just put it into waste. If longing still do exist probably I'll feel it only for myself.
Bonjour mon amour, je suis Jasmine. (Hello love, I'm jasmine.)
Dear past me,
I'd like to thank you for existing once, because, in the long run, I still miss you — whenever you cry, you stashed, you messed up everything, you tremble, and once you stumble your bicycle on a big rock; that teaches you a lot. I'm beyond complacent about meeting you, and how I well-treated you. I know caress isn’t enough, but I want to say that we're gradually making it although there's a lot of relapsing and self-betrayal — we've stayed still. But one thing I would not say nor promise to you, but instead, I'll strive hard to happen — to make you proud, and succeed.
To my dearest present,
I know you're struggling a lot lately. entering in the hole of needle, figuring out some curves or things that you used to. you came to the point where those things you've fascinated about, doesn't give you glee as what you had before, when you're at naíve age. i know that traces of hesitation pouring upon you, as you stepping the ladder or going through rough road—that makes you doubt if its worth to step at. i know how you try to survive, despite of tons lapses circumstances and tight space in your vulnerable heart. the suffocating feeling, because the sting is too much too bear, as if it's eating you alive until the bone crack and turn into smallest fragments. ache is too much to vomit at. the foreign ghost of screaming in midst of the night, whilst thoughts yelling, as the moon enveloping by dark clouds and stars cease from shimmering. you tend to look to something, mediating, then realized that you've never grown, just getting liitle bit older as hues become more monochrome. i know the tactics of how you are fighting for your life, even you don't have a glimpse of energy, that lead you hover between life and death. i know how you try to live, even you just want to exist and be unknown as you're wandering. every detail of kissing the ground will remain engraved within those scars on your skin. you are survivor of your own. the anchor you are looking for. and i just want you to know that, your future self is proud of you for taking a baby step. for resting when it's too much to fold. for being here trying to capture every moments. for living.
In my personal life I want to upgrade myself in a way that I have no grudges or competition with others. I want to concentrate on making myself a strong willed and calm person who is not affected by the actions of others. I know I have some leadership qualities also, so will also groom myself in a way that my good qualities are enhanced. I want to become a role model for my juniors, siblings and co- workers. I want to be successful in life because my parents are proud of me and I can give them a comfortable and happy life. But starting working doesn’t mean that I will forget myself but I will devote some time to the unfulfilled secret goals that I wanted to achieve.
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crimsonblackrose · 2 years
My aunt found me arguably the most boring looking white collar job to apply to that just so happens to be remote writing related. How she managed to find like the cliche parent job recommendation I have no clue. I applied. But it hilarious. I didn’t think those were as easy to find between the thin narrow line of like what I qualify for and what won’t make me faint and ill.
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Yandere Tokyo Revengers Headcanons
So Tokyo Revengers had me in a chokehold the last few weeks, and because I love Yandere as well. Well, I decided to combine the two of them. So here are a few short headcanons...
Full on psychotic kind of Kurokawa Izana
extreme mood swings
love bombing + degradation
“I´m the only one that could ever love you”
in short a toxic asshole, who will destroy any self-confidence you ever had only to build you back up again in a way that will make you afraid to leave him
“Mad Dog” Sanzu Haruchiyo
extremely manipulative
blood stained collar and knuckles are the norm at this point
fully aware of his violence -> it´s on purpose to keep you in line
double suicide kind of guy, or rather murder-suicide
"If I can´t have you, no one can"
defnitely would put a bullet in your head before you could ever leave him
Kind of pathetic and needy Matsuno Chifuyu
sometimes clings to you like a second skin
always after you like some sort of shadow
that boy will steal your stuff, if something vanishes it´s 100% his fault
also has photos of you, that you never took with him
will guilt trip the hell out of you to make you stay with him
his shameless in the want to be the best boyfriend you could ever have
will cry, beg and plead with you if you ever try to leave
completely delusional
Strangely wimpy Hanagaki Takemichi
never quite knows what he is doing either
surprisingly headstrong, considering his cluelessness
everything he attempts to do is incredibly obvious
doesn´t seem to have a backbone, as he seems to back out of all lot of things
but he still always comes back
has countless pervertes fantasies
Extremely shy Shiba Hakkai
kind of always looms in your peripheral, never coming close to you but still undeniably there
he doesn´t make the first step, but waits for you to do it for him
once you do forget ever getting rid of him again
somehow your best hypeman??
seemingly knows everything about you
will continue to stalk you from afar, even if you might not notice him
Guarddog Kakucho (scary dog priviliges)
someday swoops in out of fucking nowhere to save you from danger
it doesn´t matter what it is, he will save you regardless
will appear and reappear again and again always as your hero
what you don´t know is that he will defnitely be behind some of these things
tends to be kind of sweet on you, but defnitely has a dark sid
also kind of possessive
will treat you sometimes more like a small child than a grown person
will treat you sometimes more like a small child than a grown person
let´s you make the moves for the relationship but also makes it more than clear that he would welcome your advances with open arms
Dedicated and comitted Tachibana Naoto
has a very quiet presence
which in turn means that he can find out a lot before people even start to notice him
very goal-oriented abd will use all means he has at his disposal
*cough* (police officer) *cough*
kind of ruthless at times
defnitely manipulates you with all the “dangers” of the outside
Rich Boy Kokonoi Hajime
will pay off all your dates and friends
who doesn´t ghost you like that, will be forcefully removed. permantly
cuts off any way that won´t directly lead you into his arms
so that you can still “choose” to be with them
even though there wasn´t another option
will make you entirely dependent on him. financially, emotionally, socially
Sweet and cute Tachibana Hinata
She is a stalker!!
your best hypeman, well hypewoman
always there for you and ready to build you back up
her tears and sadness are her most effective weapon to get what she wants
her tears and sadness are her most effective weapon to get what she wants
her cuteness also helps
makes you forget, that she is far stronger than she looks
sometimes would even play damsel just to make sure that you stay
(who do you think little Naoto learned from? ... ....)
Intimidating Ryuguji Ken/Draken
considering how he was raised, he often assumes he knows better when it comes to the dangers of this world
tends to be patient and rather careful with you, as if he is afraid of his own strength
would never hurt you, and deeply fears it
possessive af
only wants what is best for you
often comes off as too controlling (he is!!)
The crying orge Kawata Souya/Angry
always kind of hangs around with you for some reason
sometimes leaves little gifts lying around for you
really searches ouot your presence
more obsesseive than possessive
a complete mess without you
his brother is actually the one who encourages his more violent tendencis
in general his brother is quite the enabler for all kinds of bad habits
almost overbearing with his affections
Insane and unstable Hanemiya Kazutora
clings to you as his first connection to the outside world again, as he was isolated from it for most of his life
guilt-trips the hell out of you as well, and is manipulative to the maximum
he will do it with his tears to invoke your guilt or play deeply hurt
though it might not even be that much play
will become violent and trap you if he fears you disappearing
no one will know
plays picture perfect boyfriend somehow, so no one would suspect him breaking your bones to make you more dependent on him
congratulation! at one point you´re suddenly a parent of an unknown child and you can´t leave the child with him. alone. with no one to protect it...
Caring protector Shiba Yuzuha
she will always stand up for the ones she loves
even going as far as murder, if she believes that will keep her loved ones and she loves you!
loves to hold you close
sees in you a partner, that might be able to take care of her as well
so there is no way, that she would let her perfect partner walk away from her like that!
she will literally put up a fight, if she needs to
will always find another reason why the two of you should stay together
maybe even forever ♥
The always overlooked sadistic younger brother Haitani Rindou
tends to present himself as emotionally distant to you
fully aware though, that at this point he wouldn´t be able to function without you any more
so he tends to be quite possessive
talks like he doesn´t care while his actions say otherwise
it tends to get confusing
gets really aggressive and snappy when he notices you interacting with other people
would love to be the only person you interact with
so he tries to keep you isolated, by driving all your friends and aquaintances away
murder is always an option for him
tends to fuss over you sometimes, especially if you got involved in some way with his kind of business
The arrogant and dramatic King of Roppongi Haitani Ran
most of the time he tries to act like the perfect gentleman around you, polite in speech, perfect manners and in general just very charming
but something always tends to feel off about him
the way he offhandedly mentions something that is hurtful only to immidiately soothe you again
he definitely loves to see you cry
a sadistic bastatd whose hand will sometimes slip "but it was just an accident darling, it won´t happen again"
still loves to see those bruises shaped like his hands on you
will put you into bad situations on purpose, with the sole reason being that he can feel the satisfaction of "saving" you
Extremely violent and volatile Shiba Taiju
without question the worst Shiba sibling to have as a partner with yandere inclinations
that man is toxic as fuck
will beat you as soon as you make the smallest mistakes
but also protects you with that same viciousness
will literally beat someone to death in front of you
doesn´t even attempt to hide this side of him or to control his urges
motherfucker is a danger to everyone around him
a walking, talking red flag and somehow proud of it...
Close to being a psychopath Kawata Nahoya/Smiley
he is emotionally a bit disconnected
he cares about very little and so he keeps the things he does care about in a tight grip
that includes his brother and you!
you will know about his tendencies, simply because he doesn´t care
will threathen and shove you around a bit, scuffling with you without actually hurting you
he knows his own strength and did the same playfighting with his twin as well, so he has practice in it
it´s simply a game to him
he is possessive and always seems to touch you when you two are out together
tends to also try and mark you up or stuff you into his clothes
can only relax when it is the two of you again, also tends to be comfortable when Souya is around (they did grow up together...)
The invincible Sano Manjirou/Mikey
a quite childish personality with a darker side to it all
he tends to cling to you, whining about everything to you and so eating up every bit of free time that you have
he sudjugates you to his every whim, and expects you to follow along with whatever he comes up with
it´s almost strange how he can always figure out where you are
you stopped wondering about the red spots on his clothing when he clings a bit tighter than usual to you
after all he is just a bit immature, but not dangerous, right?
The reaper Hanma Shuji
almost appears whimsical on some days and like he doesn´t really care about you at all
still always tends to appear in the vicinity of you, visiting the same stores and just walking along the same paths
casually invites himself into your space and place
gleefully will fight everyone he deems coming to close to you
acts like the bleeding, the breaking bones, and the half dead groaning of his enemy is the ultimate proof of love that he could show to you
leaning uncomfortably close to you with blood splattered all over his face, the manic grin of his showing too many teeth
literally tends to chase people away or beats them into a bloody pulp
is definitely not stable by any means
Feral Baji Keisuke
he bites! full on sinking his teeth into your flesh till he can taste your blood
to get bruises around him is quite common, as he can´t keep himself in check at all
extremely possessive of you, and your time
would curbstomp anyone who dares to touch you while ignoring all the obvious signs that you are already taken by him
there are far too many to count (clothes, markings, the way he stands and talks to you, his whole demeanor is geared towards you)
gets all the times into fights because of this, but somehow manages to not completely overshoot
is brutal enough to get his point across and hurt the other, but stays docile enough to not scare you away
tends to pull you along, and will share his food with you at every occasion
what belongs to him, now belongs to you as well
will quite literally sometimes growl at people while gnashing his teeth
The innocent Sano Emma
she has all the info about you, knows literally everything
she gets all of this by simply asking around, but because no one considers her a threat to anyone, they simply share what they might now with her
if she catches wind, that someone might be interested in you in any manner, she isn´t afraid to ruin someones life, so that they stay away from you
will insert herself into your life, by giving you here and there a small gift to remember her by
in conversations she will consciously steer towards topics that she knows you´ll like
will constantly dress in a way, she knows you will find appealing
and with all of that she will slowly pull you in
is incredibly clingly as soon as she realizes that she can actually do it
she will ask you out, accompany you whereever she can, and generally just cling to you
will slowly ruin your social life as well, so that there is no one else but her left for you to stay with
Brahman´s Top Kawaragi Senju
kind of drags you into her stuff, the gang and all the violence that comes with it
makes you depend on her in these situations
this will also isolate you, as she tends to be the only one that you can turn to
definitely kind of clingly and possessive
doesn´t know what it is that she likes about you, only that she does indeed like you
doesn´t understand her infatuation with you as is develops
Sweet and kind and polite Mitsuya Takashi
who knows absolutely everything about you but you barely seem to know anything about him
who is obsessed with you that he sometimes can do nothing but think of you when his fingers itch with the urge to create, to teat, to hurt, to make
who is always just a call away and seemingly always knows when you are in trouble
who appears like a guardian angel to you
who is always willing to lend a helping hand
who just so casually invites you over and then worries himself half to death with the state of everything while also being absolutely estatic
who manages somehow to insert himself into everything you do
who cares so much that he can´t suppress the urge of protect, mine, stay away
who smiles so lovingly when you come to him for help
who turns the words in your mouth around, so that one night of staying over turns into two turns into three turns into a week and everytime you stay longer
who drives all of your friends away and worms himself into everyone´s good graces at the same time
who appears like the perfect partner so that everyone gushes about you two being soulmates
who sucks marks into your skin with a deep seated satisfaction and then hides away all of your scarves
who can´t help that feeling that rises in him, that almost purrs whenever you wear something that was so distinctly made by him
who always finds another reason for you to stay inside with him
who smiles so adoringly when he quietly watches you sleep after you ate what he cooked
who always finds the right words to convince you of what he wants
who is so worried that he always persuades you into doing what he wants
who is just so incredibly soft for you and just wants you so much
who is sure that his heart will jump out of his chest when you whisper that first I love you and he knows that all the hard work had paid off
who has got you exactly where he wanted after all this time
who just pulls you close knowing that he has won it all and repeats it back to you
who only has the last push left to do for him
who smiles and kisses the top of your head as his mind whispers a relentless litany of mine, Mine, MINE
Manipulative mastermind Kisaki Tetta
who already displays heavy yandere tendencies in canon, if it is for Hina or Takemichi can be anyone´s guess
he wouldn´t hesitate to gaslight the shit out of you
he is smarter than you and he will use that to his advantage whenever he possibly can
he will manoveur you into the weaker position, no matter what you do, so that he can be the one who holds all the power
not really volatile, but he still will feel dangerous and will make you tense up
he will isolate you and systematically destroy your trust in everyone till only he is left
will become physically dangerous and violent when he feels cornered by you, to get the feeling of being the one in power back
(Ps: My request are open and I also write Yandere Alphabets or could elaborate on a few characters...)
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duxhess-kryzewan · 2 years
Your last Jinn fic made me think of Qui-Gon appearing regularly to his namesake as a force ghost, partially to keep her company while her father is away and her mom is busy, and partially because they both share a similar eye roll view of Obitine 😂
So if you ever need a prompt 👀👀👀
A/n: definitely skipped ahead of the long line of prompts to answer this one buuuuuut I almost immediately had a story in mind when I saw this. I hope it works for you, I tried to make it as plausible as possible while sticking to the prompt.
- Connections -
Breathe in, breathe out. 
If she were being honest, meditation was not something Jinn Kenobi-Kryze found particularly enjoyable. For as long as she could remember her father had done his due diligence in teaching her the importance of doing so. How meditation forged a deeper connection with the force.
She's never had any real inclination to follow the same path of her father. The Jedi Order was something she held deep respect for - she loved many people who were part of it - but she knew it was not the place for her. She was much more suited for politics than combat. The people of Mandalore was where her heart resided. 
But despite all of her desires, she was still connected to the force, and thus had a duty to that as well. She could not turn her back on one anymore than she could the other.
There was a spot she preferred over any other for meditation; one her mother would certainly scold her for should she find out. A small alcove located on top of one of the buildings peaks. It gave her a birds eye view of the gardens, which also happened to be her favorite part of Sundari Palace. It was inaccessible unless one was willing to scale the side of the building, an action she had no qualms about doing. 
The air is thick with the scent of blooming lilies; a cool breeze brushing over her exposed skin. In the distance the evening sun had started its descent towards the horizon. 
Breathe in, breathe out. 
The world begins to fade around her; the sounds of Sundari dimming with every passing second. She can feel herself slipping deeper within the force, when suddenly the familiar prickling of a force signature invades her sense. 
Jinn opens her eyes and directs her gaze to the ground below, only to find both of her parents - hand in hand - strolling through the gardens. 
“Oh kriff.”
There really was no escaping them, was there? 
“Cursing is not very becoming of a lady, so I’ve been told.” 
Qui-Gon Jinn was a face that she shouldn’t be accustomed too, yet she had been privy to apparitions of him for as long as she could remember. 
“It’s not, but I tend to indulge in less than proper language when I am alone.” She pauses, “Or think I’m alone, that is.” 
The evening light filtered through his translucent form and she wonders, for a moment, what the former Jedi Master had looked like without the ever present blue tint or ethereal glow.
“You forget, you’re never truly alone. Not when you’re connected to the force.” 
“Alone as I can be, then.” She retorts. 
“You’ve let yourself become distracted,” He tells her, “There’s a discipline to meditation. Going forth without focus will lead you astray."
Breathe in, breathe out. 
“I was doing fine until they appeared,” Jinn says, “I hadn’t even known they were back on Mandalore. Last I heard Mother was on Naboo with Senator Amidala, and father elsewhere.” 
“It seems they have both only just arrived.” Qui-Gon informs her. 
It crosses her mind - as it always does when he appears - if she should tell her father that she and her namesake have been connected for so long, but decides better of it. This was a secret for her alone. 
“They’re insufferable,” She huffs, “Acting so callow when it comes to outward affections."
Qui-Gon laughs and she feels it reverberate in the force around them and a sensation of peace she has yet to find anywhere else accompanies it. Had she been born sooner or he died later she suspects they would bonded just as he did with her father. 
“Sometimes the incredulous nature of first love doesn’t fade.” 
“Surely they’ve only gotten worse with age,” Jinn prods, “They couldn’t have always been so blasé with their...attachment to one another.” 
Her word choice is not an accident. The old code of the Jedi Order was something she learned about quite in depth. She was, after all, a byproduct if its upheaval.  
Below them she catches sight of her parents standing in front of a large patch of freshly sprouted Damsel Flowers, foreheads pressed together as if in prayer. 
“I don’t particularly know if they recognized their amorousness for one another at the time.” Qui-Gon tells her gently, “They bickered more often than not.” 
Jinn snorts, “Some things never change, then.” 
Though she was too far away to eavesdrop on her parents conversation she has a feeling she already knows what’s being said. It was often the same each time they reunited. Her father whispering a array of loving words to her mother, who more often than not would respond in kind. 
It was a pattern often repeated after their prolonged separations. Her father never failed to remind her mother of his adorations. 
He did the same for Jinn, too. 
“You have only seen them as they are now,” Qui-Gon tells her, “Both holding a freedom they once thought would never be obtainable.” 
Breathe in, breathe out. 
Below them, her mother throws her head back in laughter at her fathers words. 
“It could have been.” She counters, “Had they made different choices.” 
“They made the choices that were best for them.” He tells her, “Just as you will make the choice best for you when the time comes.”
“The force will guide my way.” She finds herself saying, feeling every bit like her father when she does.
“As it did theirs.” 
“Why do you visit me, Master Qui-Gon?” She asks, finally looking away from her parents and to the long dead man at her side. 
“To guide you.” He answers simply. 
Jinn looks back towards her parents, “And him? He needs your guidance more than I.” 
Qui-Gon smiles warmly, his long hair swaying in the breeze she knows he cannot feel. There was still much that she - and she suspects her father - does not understand about the force. 
“Perhaps, but he is not ready yet to see.” An amused grin creeps across his features, “He’s much too preoccupied with staring at your mother.” 
Jinn snorts, “Nauseating, isn’t it?” 
He chuckles, “You are strong with the force, Jinn. Stronger than perhaps you know. I watch your father as I do you. You, however, have been always been ready to see me.” 
"I think the both of them could use your guidance." Jinn says, "I think they forget sometimes that they don’t have to sneak around like two kids hiding their bond from the world. Things have changed."
Breathe in, breathe out. 
"They're both remarkable individuals who bore a remarkable daughter," His tone is abruptly serious, though quickly fades back into something akin to entertained, "But you certainly are in less disarray than either of them were at your age."
Jinn laughs. She knows well enough that at her current age her mother was fleeing Mandalore with Qui-Gon and her father for her protectors. By this time they would have been on the run for almost half a year; long enough to become entangled with one another in every way they shouldn’t have.
Jinn gazes back out to the gardens, just in time to see her father pull her mother into a kiss. 
"Reach out through the force," He instructs suddenly, something he often does when he appears, "To them. What do you feel?"
With a huff she allows her eyes to flutter closed, hands resting in the center of her lap. 
It takes her a moment to hone in on them, but the presence of her fathers signature begins to form something tangible; bits of familiarity threading themselves within the force that pulsates around her. It guides her to them, a waypoint otherwise unseen.
"Light." Jinn whispers, eyes still closed.
"What else?" His voice sounds father away now, like an echo traveling through time itself. 
A warmth envelopes everything around her; something so strong and secure that for a moment she doesn't know what to make of a sensation so potent. But then she remembers that there is only one thing between her parents that could ever exist with such intensity through both the force and the physical world.
"Love." She settles on. 
"Perhaps one of the strongest aspects of the force that even the best of the Jedi do not understand." Qui-Gon says, voice closer once again, "There’s a reason you’ve always been so in tune with the connections of others. A rare skill known as force empathy. Uncommon yet strong in those who possess it.”
There's a pang of sadness suddenly between the two of them, so abrupt that she tears away from the pair and back to into herself. 
When she opens her eyes she sees that the world below her is burning orange in the glow of the remaining daylight, and for a fleeting moment she feels something tug at her heart when she realizes they are not wandering the gardens as a joyous hello, but for another goodbye.
So she grants them their moment of peace and watches as they disappear under the silver foliage of the Galek Trees, hand in hand, until they’re out of view entirely. 
"The time to focus is now, Jinn." He instructs, "Hone in on all that surrounds us. Remember, I am one with the force, the force is one with me."
She closes her eyes and allows the force to flow through both her mind and body. She can feel it everywhere, warm and sturdy an so wholly within her. 
When she opens her eyes, Qui-Gon has vanished, and she feels her fathers force signature retreating farther and farther in the distance.
Breathe in, breathe out. 
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gangrenados · 3 years
I roast you based on which batboy you're crushed on
Don't take this too seriously lol
Damian Wayne
•You probably tell little boys that they're gonna be hot when they get older .-.
•You want someone cold who can take the lead so you can stay behind since taking control scares you...but you're not gonna admit this.
•Go to therapy and talk about your emotions and family issues please
Tim Drake:
•You watch anime and probably you had a phase were you had a really cringey username with some Japanese words
•In a friend group your probably the one who's more easy to forget.
Like when you're hanging out with them and then you just walking to see if someone will notice, but that doesn't happen or when you're telling some story and they talk over you...poor thing.
•Idk why but I feel like you have some goth vibes, like you own a lot of dark clothes or are into darkwave/ post punk music idk
Jason Todd:
•My dude you want to feel safe, don't you? You want someone stronger to have your back.
•Idk why but I feel like you have a size kink.
•Also you're not that interesting, stop with your superiority complex.
•For a long time you had that "I'm gonna save the bad boy" mindset, bro that's hard af. Don't waste your time and mental health
•You're really fucking hype, like Energizer bunny vibes who's a little sunshine or are a shy introverted who's nice once they're not afraid of talking
•You tend to read a lot as a kid but now it's hard to even finish the first pages of a book.
Dick Grayson:
•You were lonely as a kid and always dreamed to have best friend that would be always by your side no matter what.
•You probably forget a lot about your needs and focus on others to feel useful.
•Go and hug something fluffy please, you need some love.
•Ahh you probably crushed on someone who treaded you all nice, that made you feel in heaven once just to find out they were that way with everyone. You hadn't recovered from that one and know you don't know if someone is being friendly cuz they are that way or if they're being flirty
•You're kinda basic, but that's okay. Everyone is a little bit basic in more than one aspect
•You should talk more about how you're feeling rather than vanishing from the world and ghosting everyone.
•Idk but you give me crybaby vibes, like there's a sad part on a movie -or worst, amusic video- and you're sobbing right away.
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Johnny Lawrance Vs. His Own Memory
I think we all as an audience can tell that Johnny tends to have a tainted memory about the events that happened in 1984. How he blames Daniel for everything that went wrong in his life. In the very first episode we can see that Daniel is his ghost from the past, appearing out of nowhere in a billboard, on TV. Daniel Larusso’s image haunts him everywhere... especially in his memory.
On the first episode of Cobra Kai, we watch a very angry and sad Johnny Lawrance go off in his car while drinking whiskey and thinking about his past. Thinking about Ali, his friends, Kreese, the dojo, Daniel, Mr. Miyagi in the Halloween, the final fight in the All Valley and he relives most of all the kick to the face. Apparently to this grown up Johnny, that was the moment he lost it all... but that’s just not true. 
As we see where Johnny is going, we seem to arrive at his most obscure memory. His biggest hurt. His trauma. He walks to the exact same place he was 30 years ago when his sensei, his father figure tried to choke him to death. He sees the image as if it’s happening right in front of him. The voices are loud in his head, the words he had to hear are engraved in his mind. Kreese’s hold is strong, almost unbreakable.
So, why? 
Why does Johnny blame Daniel so much? Why is Daniel the one being villainzied in his head? Why does Johnny try to make Daniel the bad guy while talking to others about their past? Why doesn’t he mention Kresse? Why does it seem that he doesn’t remember certain moments? Or does he remember and just doesn’t like to look at those parts of himself?
So many questions, and not so many answer.
Let’s take a dive in Johnny’s memory.
We already have a glimpse at how Johnny’s memory works in episode one, but we only see him articulate about what he remembers in episode 8 of Season 2. In this episode, Johnny talks about Larusso with his student, Miguel, for the first time after hearing he is dating Larusso’s daughter. Johnny says the following: 
“But then Daniel Larusso came to town. Next thing i know, he’s hitting on her (Ali). I see the two of them flirting with each other (...). Well, i walked over to have a civil conversation with Ali but Larusso kept butting in. I told him to get lost,  mind your own business. Out of nowhere the guy sucker-punches me.(...) I did what any dude would do, i defended myself. You know, i figured that was that. But Larusso wouldn’t leave well enough alone. At the Halloween dance, i haven’t seen the guy in months, fricking turns a water hose in my head. So i chase him down, try to put an end to things that night. Turns out the guy’s got a whole karate master of his own. Guy comes out of nowhere, jumps us, assauts me and my friends. Hell, i think my buddy Tommy got brain damage because of that fight. Eventually we decided to work things out at the All Valley Tournament. So we both made it to the finals, it was two to two... (Johnny stops, takes a drink) Larusso won, i lost. But what’s worst, is that i lost Ali.”
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What’s really interesting about this scene is what he leaves out. He forgets to mention the severity of his actions, or even forgets to mention actions he did which leads to certain events. There’s many reasons as to why he doesn’t mention these things, could be because Miguel is young and he doesn’t want him to know about this type of violance, could be because he is ashamed of the things he did or felt, could be because he doesn’t want to taint Miguel’s image of him. Or, he just remembers that way... which it’s hard to believe.
Since we know what happened after he lost, that last statement is simply not true. The worst thing was definitly not losing Ali. The worst thing was losing a father figure, losing his passion, losing a part of himself. But Johnny doesn’t say that, of course he doesn’t. That’s too real, too personal, too revealing. That memory is just too traumatic to talk (think) about, especially with a teenager. 
Just like crying after losing your first tournament, just like giving the trophy to your, once, enemy while saying the words “You’re alright, Larusso. Good match”. No, that’s too real, that’s something he just doesn’t seem to think about. He doesn’t want to think about, doesn’t even dare to... so he just doesn’t.
But why is that? 
Again, why did Daniel become the villain of his life and not Kreese?
To talk about that why, we need to do a throwback to the December 19th, 1984. The All Valley Under 18 Tournament.
We first see Johnny in the venue when he walks in with the Cobras, while Daniel is dressing in the locker room. 
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All the other Cobras are seen laughing, or are bothering Daniel like Dutch does. But not Johnny. He is very serious through out this whole moment, probably the most serious he has been in the movie. When the referee comes in to tell the Cobras to save it for the mat, he is the first to leave. Probably keeping his word to settle on the mat, like Kreese told him to. He doesn’t find it amusing to bully Daniel like his other friends do. He is just focused... right now Larusso is a opponent and he respects his opponents (at least until now).
After Daniel wins his first fight, he goes to watch the Cobras fight and keeps glacing at Johnny.
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Later on, Johnny steps up for his first fight. He wins easily, with a clean kick. That’s something he does for the entire night, fights neatly, almost calm, confident. That’s until he fights the finals.
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Daniel watches it all, looks away when Johnny wins.
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Meanwhile, Kreese is proud of his student winning every point with ease.
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The fights continue, Kreese and Johnny keep watching the Cobras. 
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Daniel watches them, realizes Johnny is close with his sensei.
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Next up, is the fight between Daniel and Tommy. Larusso wins, leaving the Cobras but mostly Kreese surprised, worried and even a bit embarrassed.
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That’s when Daniel starts to become a problem to Kreese, but it’s later on when he becomes the problem.
Daniel is about to fight Dutch. He seems to be extremely nervous but nonetheless listens to Mr. Miyagi’s every word. Looking over his shoulder, he sees Johnny supporting his friend.
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Johnny thinks Dutch is going to win, that much is clear. He looks at Daniel the whole time, thinking that will be his doom. 
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Daniel wins. Kreese doesn’t look, turns away and so does Johnny.
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There is something to be said about Kreese, he doesn’t like seeing his students lose, he can’t stand it. He doesn’t like losing at all. He won’t stand around watching his best students lose to a new little kid, he won’t allow Johnny and Cobra Kai to lose.
We get to the semi finals, Johnny Lawrance, Bobby Brown and Daniel Larusso made it. Johnny as the defending champion.
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Johnny fights, wins and is now in the finals.
Something that makes Kreese extremely proud. Seeing as he does not like to lose.
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Now, it’s Brown vs. Larusso, but Kreese has an order for his student.
“I want him out of comission.”
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To which, Bobby replies, “But sensei, i can beat this guy.”
“I don’t want him beaten”
“But i’ll be disqualified”
“Out of comission”
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Johnny watches this short exchange, but you can tell he is surprised... disgusted even. He knows what that phrase mean, probably is trained to follow that exact order, he just seems to have never heard it before in this setting. The picture perfect painting of his sensei starts to fall apart right in front of his eyes. This order by Kreese shows a lot to Johnny. Shows that Kreese only truly cares about winning, not about them, not about karate even. He thinks Kreese doesn’t trust him enough to win fair and square. But it’s not about Johnny, is about winning.
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He watches his friend and watches his sensei, wonders if Bobby is really going to do it, is he really getting Larusso out of comission?
Just as the fight is about to start, Bobby looks over at Kreese. Johnny knows in this moment, yes, his best friend, always the better one of the two, is going to do it. He watches by the side lines, clearly tense.
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So Bobby does, and Johnny flinches before Daniel takes the blow.
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Kreese is pleased, Johnny is probably thinking and feeling things towards his sensei that he never did before. Apparently this cruel side of him is new, or at least ignored, brushed off. But you can’t deny the truth when is happening right in front of you. When your body is tense with empathy, almost as if he is feeling Daniel’s pain, mixed with his on. Pain that his sensei is not the man he painted in his head, is not the man who believed in him. 
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Kreese claps as Daniel is taken away, pleased that he now knows he will win. Claps as one of his students got disqualified. Doesn’t matter, this means the enemy is finished. They won the war. He won the war.
But Daniel comes back, Johnny looks once again surprised. Shakes his head, smiling a little as Larusso approches limping a leg. Almost as if thinking, “this little twerp never knows when to quit”.
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But now is time to focus, this is a fight. This is THE fight, Johnny has a point to prove, to himself, to Kreese, to his opponent. He clenches his fist, non stop.
The fight begins.
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Daniel gets the first two points, these are the first points Johnny loses in the entire tournament. He gets sloppy, desperate, this no more a clean, neat, well thought out fight. This is something else. Johnny is acting different, distracted and Kreese knows it.
During the second point, Lawrance gets an injury, a bloody nose, and goes to Kreese.
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“Sweep the leg”
Kreese doesn’t need to tell him which one, he knows. He is not stupid, and he knows what it means. 
There is one thing to notice about Johnny and his karate, he doesn’t cheat. He seems so taken back at the mention of it, he knows he is good and he knows he can win fairly. No need for his opponent to be in pain or unable to perform. Kreese on the other hand, sees Johnny distracted and needs to set him straight, remind him of his true ways. Make him let that humanity in him go.
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He seems confused at first, as if he is not understanding. Then, it sinks in.
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At Johnny’s hesitation to a clear order, he asks: “You got a problem with that?”
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Johnny hesitates once again, clearly not wanting to but knowing the soldier built in him will listen.
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“No, sensei”
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“No mercy”
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Remind him of what he learned, of what matters, bring him back to what he knows, to what you taught him. Winning matters, the enemy deserves no mercy. Larusso is the enemy, Johnny. Remember that.
So Johnny does, Kreese is pleased and nods his approval.
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Afterwards the fight gets even more desperate, Daniel is in pain. Johnny scores two points by hitting his bad knee and leg. 
They are both messy, as if all they want is to get the other down. They want to win, sure, but for different reasons.
The final moment of the match arrives, whoever gets the point wins. Is two for two.
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Daniel Larusso wins. He kicks Johnny Lawrance in the head. 
This the first fight Johnny ever lost in the All Valley. 
Johnny stays on the ground for a few seconds, gets up crying. Grabs the trophy and gives it to his “enemy”.
“You’re alright, Larusso. Good match.”
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“Thanks a lot.” is Daniel’s reply.
Johnny crying means so many things. To an outsider, they might think he is crying because he lost. But no. He is crying because he is letting out for the first time in a long time so many emotions, those who he probably can’t even name. Wouldn’t want to name, doesn’t know how to. 
Losing to such a deserving opponent felt liberating, saying for the first time words he probably been keeping inside for so long... is liberating. Daniel Larusso is alright, he isn’t the enemy, we are not at war, he is just a boy... just like i am.
By doing this simple but extremely telling gesture of respect, mercy and good sportsmanship, Johnny is going against every Kreese taught him.
Not only did he lose, he was okay with it, was happy. Not only did he lose, he showed mercy to the enemy, respect. He showed his tears to the enemy. And Johnny knows all that, he was taught that he was a winner. Kreese does not teach losers. Kreese teaches soldiers, and they don’t lose, they obey.
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This little act of mercy, was an act of rebellion. Johnny knows that subconsciously, those words have been engraved into the hardwire of his brain since he was child. He knows that by going against those words, Kreese would never let him back and he didn’t.
Nonetheless, Johnny was proud of what did, he did his best. And Kreese is a really sick man. Then, his father figure tries to kill him. Tries to kill his humanity, his softness, his rebellion.
Because when a soldier is too soft, too distracted, there is only one thing left to do.
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Mr. Miyagi saves him, but what is left is only the shell of a boy... not a man, he wasn’t a man. A boy.
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A boy whose world just fell apart. His father figure, the man he looked up to be there for him, to support him and protect him, just tried to kill him in front of his friends. Those three little phrases he lived by meant nothing now. He already threw them way. No more Cobra Kai, no place where he belonged, no place to go to when things at home got tough, no girlfriend, no nothing. Just a broken home and a even more broken soul.
All because he showed mercy and respect for Daniel Larusso. All because he let those hidden confused feelings out into the world, to be seen... to be judged and killed in the next second.
This is Larusso’s fault, he made me do those things, made me act weird and cry and be a baby in public. Made me embarress myself, made feel these things and not know what to do with them. I don’t even know what they are. Now i don’t have Cobra Kai, i don’t have Ali... that’s why he did what he did. And he was right. Maybe i am a loser. I am nothing, i deserved that. The enemy deserves no mercy, now i will never forget that again. If not, the enemy will ruin my life again. Daniel Larusso was the enemy, and he still is.
A part of Johnny hates Kreese and knows he destroyed his life, he fucked him up. Part of him thinks he was right, he is a loser, he deserved that. Deserved that for feeling those things and letting out, for showing mercy, for not striking hard enough, for not acting as he was taught to, for losing.
Is easier to blame Daniel, he was always the enemy.
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imjeralee · 3 years
Not the same anon but I really liked your adhd hcs! Could you the same but with Diluc, Kaeya and Xiao please? (could you also add the fact s/o absolutely can't focus for shit on anything more than 5s before zoning out and they tend to be overstimulated very easily by their environment lol)
hi anon!! thank you so much! I’m glad you enjoyed it :) Not a problem, I guess this can be a part 2 ehe. I hope you like this one too. Please see below - 
You’re actually one of the best workers he has in Dawn Winery, because you’re efficient and smart and bustling around like ♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ
But you do tend to zone out a lot and sometimes you end up working so late into night and you don’t realise it but you had forgotten to eat dinner so you go to the kitchen and it’s like 3am and Diluc is there because he works late too and he’s also just finally getting the chance to eat so you are always having food together whilst everyone else is asleep :3
At work though, if you had forgotten to do something such as paying the bills, no worries, Diluc has a backup plan - the maids usually help with this 
You usually ramble away to Diluc about anything you think of, even when he’s working at his desk. He’ll just be sitting silently and occasionally throwing you glances every now and then as you pace the study up and down and gesture with your hands. You know he’s listening. 
You may be messy, but the maids help clean up after you 
If you can’t focus, Diluc will help organise your day because he is organised himself and has lots of deadlines and also he has trustworthy employees like Adelinde and Connor who can help come up with a schedule for you on a daily basis but Diluc keeps you close by his side which also means you most likely do a lot of things together and you work/stay very closely with him
In order to help you stay focused and on task, he wants you to accomplish one thing at a time and often Diluc will do this with you personally 
If he was in the middle of doing something else, he will pause to head over to assist you. If he’s not able to, he’ll get Connor or Adelinde to help
When you’re overstimulated because there’s too many people visiting the Winery or feeling really uncomfortable in general and your thoughts are darting all over the place, Diluc will take your hand and lead you away and to your special, quiet place where you can just focus on him and look at his face which helps you gradually relax and calm down
You might zone out a bit when he starts talking but then you notice the intricate details on the buttons of his shirt and the buckle on his belt and you’re like ‘cool’…. And start pressing your fingers over them and he’s like “…….”
He still loff you a lot though 
Somehow everything you lose always end up in his possession??? Like you might go up to him and go ‘Kaeya! I lost my sword! I don’t know what happened to it! Its just disappeared!!” And he will just whip it out from behind his back and be like “You mean.... this sword?” And you’ll be like “YESSSS gimme.”
“Nuh-uh, not yet.”
“You have to give me a kiss first.”
It’s actually pretty cool and reassuring because you have no idea how he does it
And this is the kind of relationship you have with him so you’re never bored around him because of how unpredictable he is 
You tend to zone out a lot so he likes making up little puzzles and brain teasers for you whenever you’re with him and keeping you guessing all the time
If you ask a question he’ll answer your question with a question. Can be either infuriating or very stimulating. Hmm.
Also enjoys telling you ghost stories 
I suspect you and Kaeya may actually be a pretty messy duo because you’re both busy with knightly duties and shit and your house will be utter chaos. Kaeya has arranged for a knight to come around twice a week to clean up tho
He loves to act as your own personal assistant and remind you of things so you don’t forget, usually by coming up behind you and leaning down to whisper in your ear 
If you zone out again, he’ll feed you some candy or hold your hand so you can play with his long fingers and the studs on his gloves or he’ll make little ice crystals with unique patterns and make them float around in the air for you 
He’ll also allow you to play with his ponytail
He’s quiet on his own so he’ll be a good listener
When you are experiencing sensory overload, Kaeya will usually sort it out for you one way or another. You’re in good hands. Then you will go and take a nap together.
Xiao is your mentor. He speaks so fluently and to the point and also expects you to be clear and concise when dealing with him and so unceremoniously end up helping you organise your own thoughts 
Otherwise, you might zone out often and very easily because there’s too many things going on in Wangshu Inn and it’s too much to handle but then the smell of almond tofu being cooked in the kitchen helps kick you back to reality and you’ll realise Xiao was standing there by your side the entire time 
Ok ok so we know from Ganyu that Xiao is punctual and hates tardiness so he’s good at reminding you about appointments/deadline if needed.
I mean he will drill this into your brain with an iron fist. Defy him if you dare
It also means he will inevitably come up with some practises and teach you how to be mindful, how to increase your awareness and also various breathing exercises
Aside from that, he will notice you lose things a lot esp when he finds random stuff littering the Wangshu Inn ranging from cheese and vials of whopperflower nectar so he will keep an eye on you from now on.
Or if he’s not around, he will ask Verr Goldet to take note of what you lost so she can easily and quickly replace it thanks to Wangshu Inn’s connections
Xiao observes what you do on a regular basis from the shadows and then returns to the inn and also ask Verr Goldet to check up on you every now and then and remind you when it’s time to eat because he noticed you often forget to eat
One day you might return to your room and discover that he’s actually left some food for you and there this note on it with the word “EAT” scribbled on it 
Your impulsiveness and the hectic and chaos that surrounds you works well with him because it’s not like he has a schedule either, I mean he often turns up in your room at 4am after fighting so many demons after 3 days straight and he’s in agony from all that bad karma but there’s you and you’re awake because obv you forgot to do something and went back to it hours later but now that he’s here and in your presence and you want to talk to him about your day and he’ll be listening to everything
And listening to your voice and the way you speak is actually really soothing/comforting to him and even makes his pain goes away
Then you’ll remember what you were doing and rush off and he’ll be back up and running and go off to destroy more demons so the world can sleep better at night 
or if he’s free, you drag him outside to go on an adventure and explore the area around the inn and beat up some hilichurls 
If you have some trivial task to do and need his help, he’ll just offer his assistance at no cost, quite simple as that
During his free time, he’ll try to find out more about stim toys to help you. 
Xiao will learn what triggers your overstimulation and purposefully help you avoid it or get rid of the problem before it actually happens.
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