#It's weird
forgettable-au · 6 months
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Little doodles from whiteboard
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i hate rishi sunak as much as the next person but i do feel bad for him having to read from the gospels at the coronation........ they keep saying that "all faiths and beliefs" are included but our Hindu prime minister still has to do a reading from the Christian bible huh
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theonewiththevampires · 2 months
I love that the show has fixed Anne Rice's weird time line issues; like, I need show only fans to understand that in the books these characters fall in love at the drop of a hat. Romance arcs last a week. Lestat hangs out with Marius for two days. It's nuts. I've seen multiple people fretting about needing to come up with more backstory for Lestat and like, hun no, the show is just going to let his backstory happen over a *reasonable* amount of time instead of the speed run Anne Rice wrote.
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harpoonsnotspoons · 3 months
Just blonde boyz doin' what blonde boyz do
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maatdraws · 1 year
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day 4 @steddie-week HURT & CONFORT
When things aren't going well, they get together, smoke, drink, play games, with the backdrop of a horror movie crackling on TV.
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palidsnake · 3 months
Since this is very common in the Harry Potter fandom—please, if you're going to write a fanfic about time travel where the main character returns to the body of their kid-self, do not make them date children 😭 the main character is still mentally an adult. please I beg you. this is way too common
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justpked · 9 months
you’re like if edging was a person instead of concept
you arrive with an overwhelming aura
then right when it gets good
you fade into existence
I respect it so hard
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Errr... Hi. I'm alive. I'm sorry for disappearing without a word. I tend to do that a lot, now that I think about it... I should really stop doing that.
So, you guys remember when I told you all I forgot my password.
I wasn't kidding. Like literally.
I forgot my password and email address to my COG account, Dashingdon account and a lot of other things. So my access to Fell Star for my Dashindon account is forever gone, but I'll make a new one with the new update. And to make things worse and to top it off about my loss of memory, my laptop finally broke down after serving its life for seven long years.
It lived a long, good life... but the only problem is that it took some files I didn't save yet, with it. Of course, fret not, Fell Star is still alive and going. I managed to get some of the stuff back, but had to adjust new scenes for the upcoming 2.1 Chapter.
It's already at 346k words, I lost 200k+ words, dammit, and I'm not done editing it yet. I told myself no action for the Gem Path, yet, here I am, sitting at my new computer I had to buy to work on this project. I least I was able to buy a computer to play some BG3-
So, er, yeah. Hi. I'm sorry for not keeping you up to date and disappearing. I'm a very forgetful person. I should really write my passwords and email addresses down on a piece of paper or something.
Thank you for your kind messages of asking if I'm okay. I'm okay. I think. I managed to break out of Covid but I was sick for two months. Like damn, my immune system is horrible. Let's hope I don't get sick again. ^^'
Christmas is coming up, huh... I might be dropping something on that special day.
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Let's embrace the sins again, huh? I did promise y'all something. I should at least post something, after my time gone.
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marsosims · 2 months
do u guys think it's okay to recreate alpha meshes using ea hair and then posting it as cc??
i was scrolling through the s4cc tag earlier and saw a hair that I wanted to try and recreate (it's going okay)
got me wondering if it would be okay for me to publish it and credit the inspo?? or do i just not? if they aren't okay with me publishing it bc i got inspired by their stuff, could I still do it? need some advice ^^ ty
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lisiligorvb · 25 days
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eidolons-stuff · 9 months
Wednesday: "Why are you telling me this?"
Xavier: "Ah- well..."
Wednesday: "Are you too flirting with me?"
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smhalltheurlsaretaken · 9 months
time to finally savour battle of the heroes clone wars style!
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deikyrio · 11 months
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Slasher saturday
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pinkwhite · 2 months
the way the IC tries to help each other by pissing each other off is so...
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thepeculiarbird · 22 days
I'm having a hard time finding tv shows I could watch (i'm very picky) and Netflix still decides to cancel them after s1 or just remove them completely of the platform. What's the point of making new tv shows if you're going to cancel because no one watches them, scared that it'll get canceled too ? That's an infinite circle, you're slowly losing people's trust I guess. Oh but yea ! Give us new seasons of stuff actually idk who watches ? And also horrible new seasons of perfectly fine shows ! Thanks ?
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lee-sanghyeok · 17 days
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─=≡Σ((( つ•̀ω•́)つ🏀
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justyefei · 10 months
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A little doodle because I miss them dead people 👍
I'll probably redraw this when I have time cuz this is just a messy one lol, sorry about that.
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