artist-of-the-abyss · 6 months
I am alive!
And I have an idea.
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mind-racket · 2 years
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Would you like some fresh jalapeños now? No…but I would like some pickled jalapeños later…so…yeah. #SuperBowlFood #MitchHedberg #ItBegins (at West Liberty, Kentucky) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cokfr5HOghU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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amissastellae · 2 years
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snarkymonkeyprime · 1 year
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whatindarnation · 2 months
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here there be burning man | august 22 2023 . . . . . . . #summerdays #dailyphotos #burningman #itbegins
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catisawells · 4 years
Black Ice
    Not a soul stirred on the Estate in the dead of night, the aspiring sorceress had been fast asleep beside her partner in those lavish chambers. Despite the comfort of the soft bed and presence of her lover, her eyes fluttered open and she couldn’t get back to sleep. After a while she decided she needed some fresh air and rose, snatching up a robe to cover herself as she quietly stepped out onto the balcony. Dairon remained asleep sprawled out like she usually did. It was adorable how comfortable she had become around her.
    The evening air was crisp and nipped at her exposed skin which sent a chill down her spine. It was unusually cold, in fact… her eyes went wide as the courtyard began to ice over and plants withered before her. Her breath was visible as the temperature continued to plummet and snow started to fall from the sky more and more until it raged into a winter storm that would consume all of Redridge. Thick layers of ice coated everything in the courtyard save a lone raven that flew against the harsh winds which threatened to overpower the creature.
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    It looked as though it were about to win in its continued struggle when tendrils of shadow rose from the crevices of darkness everywhere the eye could see. They writhed and lashed out, destroying everything in their path. One latched onto the raven and pulled it to the ground when in the same instant the ice had crept up her legs and locked her into place. Catisa began to struggle as fear took over and broke her out of her stunned trance that had her gawking in disbelief.
    “No, no not again! Please, just tell me what you want!” The mage cried out.
    “Awaken.” Came that voice completely devoid of life and emotion that rang in her head hollow and forced like gravel. As though her pleas had summoned the presence the cloaked figure that usually accompanied the voice materialized before her from the wisps of the shadows themselves. “It comes.”
    “What comes?! Please stop!” She continued to plead. Behind the figure the ice continued to creep along through the open balcony doors and to the edge of the bed. “No! NO! LEAVE HER ALONE!”
    “Cat! Cat it’s okay!” A familiar voice suddenly cut through the ice and fog and shadow, “I’m here, Cat!
    Brown eyes flew open, tears already streaming down her cheeks as Catisa lunged forward to embrace Dairon. She had been trying to shake her awake due to her screaming in her sleep. “Everything was frozen and shadows were everywhere and you were next and I didn’t know what I would do-” The mage only paused when a heaving sob wracked her body, but it was long enough for Dairon to interrupt.
    “Hey, hey! It’s okay, I’m here. None of it was real. Just take deep breaths like we went over, try to clear your mind. I’ve got you and I’m not going to let any of that happen.” The monk’s tone was hushed and affectionate as she tried to console her, stroking her hair as she continued, “I love you, Cat.” It took nearly an hour for the mage to stop sobbing into her chest. Her breathing had finally started to even out as the telltale signs of her drifting off to sleep began to show. Catisa had informed her of such incidents as a forewarning if she were to spend the night, which had prompted her to teach her the art of meditation.
    Though it was uncomfortable to see first hand. It reminded the monk too much of when she first started her training, unable to sleep through the night plagued with her own nightmarish dreams. Other soldiers that fought in some gruesome battles had similar issues, yet this poor girl hadn’t seen such combat in her life. Whatever she saw had to be terrifying.
@ronqueesha​ for mention))
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warenfitzgerald · 4 years
A Meeting of Prophecy
   “Mister Fitzgerald..?” The aspiring sorceress’s small voice asked, uncertain of the choices she was making. Just behind her stood the Monk from earlier that had been rather protective when he had mentioned Miss Wells. Though regardless it was a good sign to hear from them so soon. The old man smiled warmly to the pair and gestured for them to join him at the small table shoved into the corner of the tavern.
   “Yes, yes, please come join me. Order whatever you like.” His voice was deep and inviting as he looked to Dairon, “I apologize if I caused you concern earlier. Your guards haven’t been so inclined to grant me an audience and when I saw you all here I thought I couldn’t waste such an opportunity!” A belly laugh escaped the old man as the girls quietly shifted their way over to join him, “But enough about that, I’m sure you have a lot of questions.”
   “How do you know I’m The Oracle?” Catisa blurted out before her partner could give her snide remark, who opted to simply scowl and fold her arms as she stared him down. “What does that even mean, anyway? And why me?!” Her voice shook as she demanded answers and only paused when the older gentleman held up a hand as though to interject.
   “Well, Miss Wells I presume,” Waren started as he leaned forward with one arm braced against the table to hold himself up. “I do not know why any of us were chosen, but I do know that you are the anchor, the connection to this realm from the other side. Those nightmares that plague you are visions of a future yet to come and it is my goal to prevent it. I too was visited by a shadowy figure who told me I had an important role to play. To gather you up with the other servants and prevent this prophecy from taking root. To which I might add we should waste no time in beginning our search for.”
   “Are you kidding?!” Dairon spat, “You expect us to just give you some kind of free pass because you claim to be some kind of Prophet?” The leather wrapped around the woman’s knuckles tightened audibly. Catisa’s brow knit with worry and reached out with one hand to attempt to help calm her partner.
   Waren sighed as he was about to plead his case yet again to the young monk, but found himself cut off by the mage herself who turned to look her partner in the eyes as she spoke, “I believe him.” She started, “This cloaked figure keeps appearing in each and every dream no matter how the dream may differ from the last. Every time he appears he tells me to ‘Awaken’ and that it’s time. It has to be related, there’s no way this could just be a coincidence.”
   The old man caught himself in awe of the presence that was emitted from the petite mage in that moment and had to wonder what potential truly lay beneath that well kept shell. Some deep power that resonated of something darker, just on the edges of her mind and out of reach. Dairon huffed and offered Catisa a pleading look before she finally nodded her resignation, “Alright. I trust you.”
   “Thank you,” The aspiring sorceress grinned and turned around to address Waren once more, “So where do we start?”
  He was taken aback by the sudden change in the course of the conversation, but it appeared that at last he had found the one. The true Oracle. “Well,” A smile found its way to his aged features as he settled back into his chair once more. “There’s the trouble. Outside of locating you, I’ve had little luck finding the others. The Seeker would probably know where to find them, but that trail fell cold long ago. I have heard a rumor of a Kaldorei that calls herself The Hand gone rogue in Darkshore, however. That’s where I was going to go next after I found you, but now I am beginning to think this might be a job better suited for younger… more versatile hands.” As he spoke he gestured toward the pair of women knowingly.
   “Wha- I don’t know, is that all we have to go on?” Catisa asked with an arched brow after exchanging glances with Dairon.
  “I heard the tale from one of those Kaldorei Sentinels. I expect you’ll gather more information by asking the locals, but I urge caution… The Hand is the most fierce of the Servants and the most loyal. Their role is that of the Enforcer.”
@ronqueesha​ for mention))
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italianoutlanders · 5 years
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#Repost from @barrywaldo . Scotland Angels just might watch #Outlander if this photo is any indication 🤔😇 @jongarysteele took me out to see the Big House on a stunning day- he was stressed getting it ready, noticing what needed to be fixed, I was just in awe #outlanderseason5 #scotland #productiondesign #itbegins https://www.instagram.com/p/B8pXaTFI1I_/?igshid=1w7kn6w0hom2r
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sheiblackveil · 4 years
The Hunt
    Arrows flew through the air as one by one her companions fell to the writhing beast, the projectiles just bounced cleanly off of its hide and did nothing to slow its pace. Centuries of training and tutoring was lost before her very eyes in the claws of the ravenous hunger that consumed them all and she could only watch helplessly as her friends, family, and at last her husband were lost in the haze until only she remained. Deep down in the pit of her stomach she knew, she could feel its hunger looming over her, that she was next.
    “The Sssssseeeeeekeeeeer.” Came the voice like that of a thousand ethereal snakes as it echoed from all around, it was impossible to discern the direction it had come from. “It’sssss tiiiiiiiime.” In that very instant endless darkness shrouded her senses and drew her deep into the depths of the bottomless void. The only thing she knew from that moment forward was hunger. Endless and eternal insatiable hunger.
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ashbrickmanor · 4 years
It Begins
It has been several years since I moved into my current home, a dark Victorian foursquare built nearly 120 years ago. Her brick exterior, even when cleaned, has a uniquely ash-colored tone, with shiny specs of a material I have yet to identify.  I knew she was not a normal house the moment I crossed the threshold, however, I was still undeniably drawn to her. There were no stories to speak of, and the nice lady next door said the original owners, who still lived next door when she was a child, were kind and warmhearted people. Yet, there was an unmistakable feeling of someone or something...present. I have never felt animosity here, only intense sadness and longing. After doing some research at the local archives, I discovered the daughter of the original owner passed away during infancy in the nursery. Like her mother and father after, her remains were laid out to rest in the front parlor of the home. Some days I can feel their pain, emanating throughout the house like invisible vapors.
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muffystopheles · 5 years
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Home Sweet Office #corona #coronavirus #covid19 #quarantine #quarantineandwork #itbegins https://www.instagram.com/p/B9-f6-oDBYw/?igshid=32slyl0szmip
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The things one finds at 3am at an anime convention. #katsucon2020 #itbegins https://www.instagram.com/p/B8jI8QCAVZP/?igshid=1ac4qey5f2zuf
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snarkymonkeyprime · 2 years
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jumpingjackalope · 5 years
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frogshunnedshadows · 5 years
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Open the door to Halloween. It is time.
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catisawells · 4 years
A Date!
    After a late night of working in her shop she finally made her way back to her chambers, though she found she wasn’t tired in the least, but instead excited. Along with her promotion to Executive Assistant, she had managed to get herself a larger chamber that had a balcony which overlooked the majority of the grounds. The only one with a better view was likely the Director herself, though most of the rooms had decent views aside from the servants quarters on the bottom floor. She was eager to catalogue her thoughts for the day and opened the drawer she recalled shoving her scrying orb into, but it wasn’t there.
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    She pulled the drawer out just to be sure and it was empty, the same with the next, and the next. Where could she have put it? With a huff she shook her head and opened the balcony doors. “It couldn’t have gone far…” The girl murmured to herself as she stepped outside, a grin upon her features despite her mother’s heirloom gone missing. “Mama, Papa… I’ll find that scrying orb, but for tonight… Tonight I just know you’re listening!” Catisa practically squealed as she spoke in hushed tones to keep her voice from carrying. “I got asked on a date!”
    “I- I know it’s not traditional, for your daughter to like other girls, but I know… I hope you approve. For the first time I didn’t just misread her and she really was asking me out on a date! I’m so excited I just wish you were here so I could…” She began to trail off as the reality set upon her, “So I could know if what I’m doing… the choices I’m making, would make you happy.” Her brown gaze began to tear up as she realized in that moment just how deeply she missed her father and wished she ever got to know her mother. “I just want to make you proud.”
    “You will.” A deep guttural voice void of life and emotion uttered from what sounded like behind her and she practically jumped out of her skin as she whirled around, but no one was there. Catisa shook her head, she was just tired, surely. She moved to step back around and slipped. With her front half hanging limply off of the balcony she nearly screamed as she had flashbacks of the water crashing below as she plummeted in her dreams night after night, plagued with those visions.
    Her eyes slammed shut, “It’s just a dream, it’s just a dream, it’s just a dream.” She kept repeating to herself and slowly pushed herself back to steady herself once more. Once her feet were safely on the ground she opened her eyes again and gasped. Tendrils of shadow had invaded the Estate and burst through every entryway and window, clawing at the staff as they ran away from it and the flames that erupted from within. They writhed to cover everything, consuming all things in its path and swallowing up the light. “It’s just a dream, it’s just a dream, it’s just a dream.” She repeated again and slammed her eyes shut once more as her legs buckled and her knees fell to the floor where she remained, clinging to the railing of the balcony with white knuckles. 
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