#Its the application process and money aspects that keep me from going back to school
Mouse Gerwitz x reader Letters
written by @anotheronechicagobog​
Requested by @confusedpimp​
Warnings: swearing, mature themes, implied smut
A/N: I’m asexual and terrible at writing kissing scenes, so sorry if that part sucks. I’ve been sick, had school stuff going on, and had some writer’s block, so I really hope you like it!
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(Not my gif)
When you first met Mouse you were sixteen, he, Jay, and Will were all back from being away. Jay was on his first leave from the Rangers and Will was back from Uni for winter break. After spending the full day with you and Will Jay decided to hangout with Mouse. You threw a fit over that, you’d spent over a year terrified that he’d come back in a body bag and that you deserved to spend the few weeks he was there with him. So instead he invited Mouse to hang out the three of you instead. He was handsome, funny, and a Harry Potter fan so you didn’t mind at all. The three of you went down to the boardwalk and just spent time together, talking, going to the river museum which wasn’t your thing in all honesty but it was more about being together than anything else, and ended the day with deep-dish pizzas at home and a movie marathon. It was when your dad came home drunk off his ass that the mood changed. Jay and Will suddenly remembered what they left you home with, and Mouse was sitting there awkwardly, not knowing what to say or do. You sent an apologetic smile his way and stood up. “Hey, dad, it’s time for bed. C’mon, I’ll sing to you again.” Your brothers exchanged shocked and horrified looks as they say you leading your very drunk, very handsy father, up the stairs quickly and efficiently. You’d learned how to handle yourself when your brothers were gone.
When you returned downstairs you heard furious voices in the kitchen. You turned to Mouse who was sitting on the couch with wide-eyes. “I’m really sorry you had to watch that Mouse. You look really uncomfortable, can I get you something to eat or drink?”
“Uh... How often does that happen?”
“Why?” Mouse looked at you with guarded eyes. You were confused, Mouse sounded concerned and he didn’t really have any reason to be. Jay was your brother, not Mouse. “What do you mean ‘why’? That shouldn’t be happening to you.”
“Mouse, I only met you this morning so I’m a little surprised at your reaction.”
“Jay’s been showing me and the others pictures of you and sharing stories since basic training, he talks about you all the time, he’s so protective of you, it’s kinda rubbed off on the rest of us.” You nodded slowly, processing his answer. “Look, I get that my brother and his overprotective ways influenced you, but I can handle myself.” Mouse didn’t look convinced.
After Mouse left you walked into the kitchen and jumped up onto the counter. The mood was thick and tense and you dreaded the conversation that was coming. “Alright, let’s get this conversation over with.”
“Are you being serious right now?” Jay huffed angrily and threw the dishtowel into the empty but still soapy sink. Will threw the remaining cutlery in the drawer and slammed it shut. “Why are you being so calm about this?”
“I didn’t want you guys to put your lives on hold. You two basically raised me, you’ve sacrificed enough. Yes, he’s been drinking more, yes he’s gotten handsy, but I can handle myself I promise.” Jay screwed his eyes shut and balled his hands into fists. “You should have told us.We’re supposed to take care of you.”
“And what could you have done Will? Jay’s been in the middle east fighting a war, and you’ve been in med school in Seattle. You’ve tried to get custody of me before and it fell through, we just have to face it, this is the situation for now. It sucks but its doable.”
“Are you kidding me?! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?! Y/N, we are your big brothers, it’s our responsibility to help and protect you! You need to tell us when stuff like this starts, so that we can deal with whatever shit’s going on!” You sighed and watched Jay catch his breath.
The rest of the boys’ stay was tense. They walked you to and from school, Mouse and some others in Jay’s unit were coming over to stay with you when your brothers couldn’t (including ‘introducing’ themselves to your father), and you were never left alone with your father. You were annoyed at all that your brother was orchestrating, but you were also low-key relieved you didn’t feel the need to barricade your door at night. Two days before Jay and Mouse were scheduled to head back you were introduced to Mouse’s family. His parents were wonderful and Katie was so freaking adorable. You’d all decided to go out to dinner to an Irish restaurant. Right before the Celtic band was set to play Mouse’s mom pulled you aside. “Sweetheart, Greg told us about your dad. We just want you to know that you’re always welcome with our family and at our home. Just call and we’ll be there as soon as possible. Okay?”
“Okay, thanks.”
When you both sat back down Mouse’s eyes caught yours and he smiled sheepishly. You smiled in return, feeling grateful about your overprotective brothers
You cheered silently as you skipped down the steps of your childhood home. You had all your possessions in your backpack and a small suitcase. You were finally eighteen, legally able to walk away without being dragged back. Greg’s family invited you to stay with them until you started university in the fall. They’d been a godsend over the years, to the point where you started sending letters to Mouse as well as Jay. While your brother initially thought it was weird but stopped complaining when Katie mailed him a picture of flowers she drew. Your relationship with Mouse grew.you swapped stories, created inside jokes, and confided in one another. For the next few months, you were going to be living in his old bedroom. It looked like how he left it.
You sat on the edge of the bed and looked around the room you’d called home for the past few months. You were excited but apprehensive about starting university. Not just because of the daunting aura of university, but because of the financial aspects. You’d started applying for scholarships and bursaries before your application was even accepted. While you’d been awarded a decent amount of money, it wasn’t anywhere close to covering one semester, forget the rest of your academic career. So you’d turned to something your brothers would murder you for if they ever found out- being a stripper and a sugar baby.
In all honesty, it hadn’t been as bad as you’d expected. You’d found a website where you could... advertise yourself. You’d posted some nice photos of yourself, selfies where you’re smiling in a park and the boardwalk, and made it clear on your profile that sex was NOT on the table. It had taken you a while to find a sugar daddy, for that reason, but you’d found one and your... allowance was pretty good. You’d been contacted by a guy in his late 30’s who was gay and came from a very conservative family who expected a serious girlfriend. He wasn’t ready to come out, terrified of the backlash and possible violence he’d receive from his family, he decided to go another route. So while everyone thought you were moving into an apartment you were really moving in with your sugar daddy.
You’d have your own room, and were free to use any room in his apartment except for his ensuite bedroom and office. The same applied to him, he wasn’t allowed in your room either. He’d been nervous about the arrangement, much like yourself, and had offered to assist you in decorating your room, a kind offer you’d decided to accept to try and form a friendship with him. You’d need to be a convincing companion, after all.
“Well well well, if it isn’t the girl who put Van Gogh posters up in my room.”
“Mouse! It’s good to see you. You’re on leave with Jay, then? Also, who doesn’t like Starry Night?” You’d gone with Jay to hang out at a bar with him and some guys from his unit, Jay had gone off with a pretty blonde twenty minutes ago and hadn’t returned. Mouse smiled and took another swig of his beer. He sat down across from you, where Jay had been sitting and folded his hands together on top of the table. His arms were even more muscular than the last time you’d seen him. His shoulders were broader, he had a tan, and his eyes looked sharper. “So who’s the lucky guy? Everyone’s been writing that you’re seeing someone, and I know you, you don’t buy jewellery for yourself. Yet here you are, with a lovely necklace, dainty rings and bracelets. C’mon, spill.” Mouse looked tense, and his hands were clenched, almost like if they weren’t so tightly coiled together he’d be doing something else with them. “He’s none of your or anyone else’s business.” You smiled coyly at him and took another sip of your screwdriver. Mouse’s eyes flickered dangerously before going blank, a tense smile forcing its way onto his face. “Well alright, then. Let’s talk about something else.” You felt confused as Mouse started to ramble about the Blackhawks.
Things seemed to be frosty between you and Mouse after your talk in the bar. Letters were still exchanged, but he wasn’t as open with you as he used to be. He stopped opening up to you, doodling goofy little cartoons in the margins, sweet words to you, monologuing about his goals and dreams (most of which involved you but you tried not to read too much into, despite how it made your heart flutter), and describing how badly he missed your famous chocolate cookies. You sighed, before placing his latest letter in the decorative box you’d gotten to keep them in. You gently placed that box next to your suitcase before returning to packing. You and George had ended your arrangement, he’d fallen in love with a wonderful man and now that things were serious, and that he felt ready to come out, you were moving out. You’d met him and surprisingly you two had developed a friendship, even with him knowing what you were to George. He’d thought it strange at first, but moved past it quickly when he considered the circumstances. And since he was a successful real estate agent, he’d volunteered himself to find you an apartment. The one you’d settled on was a steal and absolutely beautiful. Taping up the last box you were thankful that you didn’t have more belongings. The new furniture you’d purchased from IKEA was set to be delivered and put together tomorrow, deciding to leave most of your furniture with George since you weren’t overly attached to them and George had, y’know paid for them. So you were going to load your boxes and large suitcase into your car tonight and leave in the morning. Then the room you’d been living in would go back to being a guest room.
The sound and smell of sizzling filled your apartment as you cooked up some sausages to accompany your toast and boiled egg for breakfast. They were almost done cooking when there was a knock on your door. Leaving them on the element for a moment you went and opened it. Surprised to see your brother standing there. “Jay! Will! What are you guys doing here?”
“We came to visit your new place, you know, since you actually told us the address this time.”
“Oh come on, you’re not both still on that, are you? I just didn’t want your overprotective asses descending on my life all the time!”
“Hey! Is that any way to talk to the guys who brought doughnuts?” 
“Is that any way to talk to the chick who cooked sausages that she’s willing to share with her brothers?”
“So why are you guys really here? We were supposed to have shepherd’s pie and stuff tonight.”
“Well, we are here in part to celebrate because I got assigned to Chicago Med and Jay is finally back after getting medically discharged.”
“Also, I was wondering if you’d heard from Mouse.”
“What? No, I haven’t, did something happen?” You stomach dropped and ice bolted up your spine.
“He didn’t handle everything well. After he was allowed to leave the facility, no one’s heard from him. Not even his family. We were wondering if he’d contacted you.”
“No, he hasn’t contacted me. I don’t know why you thought he would, we’re not very close.” Jay narrowed his eyes at you. “Then why were you exchanging letters with him while we were overseas? You don’t do that with someone you don’t care about.”
“He was out there with you Jay. It felt good to talk to someone I know had your back, he was willing to tell me things about you and that was going on that you wouldn’t. We formed a friendship for a while,” Jay and Will let out a snort, you raised your eyebrow, “but things got cold a while ago. He stopped telling me stuff about himself, the genuine things we corrisponded about.” You sighed. “Why are you acting like I’m super close to him?”
“Oh come on, don’t tell me you don’t know.” You shrugged and shook your head, feeling completely confused. “Mouse fell in love with you.” He and Will jumped when they heard glass shatter. You’d dropped your mug when you heard the shocking news. You could feel your jaw hanging open and your heart pounding in your ears. 
You were cursing under your breath, your first date since high school stood you up in a pretty bad part of town, huddling closer to yourself, trying to remain unseen. Your plan had failed though, as a hooded man had been following you for the past thee blocks, even circled one behind you. You were officially scared. You were thinking of a plan to attack him that didn’t result in you get raped and/or murdered when you ran into someone. “Sorry, I have to go-”
“Mouse? What are you doing here?”
“The question is what are you doing here? You shouldn’t be here.”
“I’d like to catch up with you but there’s a guy following me-”
“Blackhawks hoodie covering his face? I see him. I’ve got you.” He wrapped his arms around your shoulders and started to direct you down the street. “Let’s get you home.”
Mouse was sitting at your kitchen island with a coffee and grilled cheese in front of him. His face looked shallow, he had bags around his eyes, he looked like he hadn’t had a decent meal in ages and he couldn’t stop fidgeting. You didn’t need to look at his arms to know that there would be track marks. “Jay’s been worried about you. So have I. You dropped off the radar.”
“It’s my life not his.”
“I know.”
“So... You moved.”
“You and your boyfriend broke up?”
“Yeah, we did, he wasn’t really my boyfriend, though, that’s a story for another time. How have you been, Mouse, really?”
“It’s complicated.”
“Whatever you say. What have you been doing?”
“Please don’t pull that with me Y/N. I know you can tell that I’ve been doing drugs.”
“I know we’re not as close as we used to be, but I’m here for you, okay? I miss you and what we had. Let me help you. I’ll even leave Jay out of it if you want, I know he can be kind of over bearing.”
Mouse was curled up on your couch with you stroking his hair. Therapy had taken a lot out of him and he just wanted to be held. You obliged, letting him rest his head on your lap and running your fingers through his hair. He wasn’t moving or making any noise, and he was cold to the touch. If you didn’t know any better you would’ve thought he was on death’s door and called for help. After escorting you home from the disaster of a stand up, you’d gotten close again. Mouse went to rehab for six months and while he wasn’t using anymore it was clear he was still struggling so you’d suggested therapy with the VA. He’d been hesitant, and you hadn’t wanted to push, but he realized you were just trying to help him the best way you knew how. This included letting him live with you and not telling Jay you knew where he was. Mouse hadn’t wanted to ask that of you but he felt much more comfortable with as little pressure on him as possible. You sat like that for hours. Surrounded by silence, the only movement in the room was your hand going in soothing rounded movements along his scalp. You stopped when Mouse started to sit up. “I’m feeling like Thai food tonight, how about you?”
“That sounds like heaven, Y/N. I’m going to take a quick shower.” He dropped a kiss on your forehead and padded down the hall to the bathroom. You placed your usual order and then took a moment to dwell on your current living situation. Mouse meant a lot to you, but he also meant a lot to  Jay, and not telling Jay he wasstaying here could seriously damage your relationship. And your relationship with Mouse was shifting too. Your apartment was only one bedroom, so while Mouse had started with sleeping on the pull-out couch, it hadn’t stayed that way. He’d found you comforting and since his nightmares often woke you up and prompted you to stay with him anyway, you’d started going to bed together. You’d made space for his things in your dresser and closet. All that with the subtle intimate gestures it made you feel like you were dating, and it had dragged all of your buried feelings back into the spotlight. It killed you to be so close, to be tangled in one another, to have your faces so close, and not being able to express how much you loved him. Crushing on your older brother’s brother in arms was one thing, but what the two of you were doing now was something else. Your thoughts were interrupted by the doorbell. You were sitting the food on the island when Mouse stepped out of the bathroom in jeans and... nothing else. His lean chest and arms were exposed, they reminded you of the warmth you felt when he used those arms to pull you close and tuck your head into the crook of his neck. You swallowed thickly and forced yourself to turn away. “Are you okay, Y/N? You’re looking a bit flushed.”
“Yeah, the food’s hot, that’s all.”
“Alright, if you’re sure.”
The monotone sound of your alarm blared into your ear, reminding you that you had class. You moved to get out of bed but were held in place by Mouse’s -deceptively- strong arms. “It’s early. Stay.”
“I can’t, today’s my last class before my thesis is due.”
“Oh, it’s ‘Greg’ now is it? When will you be back?”
“Let’s meet somewhere for lunch.”
“Alright, now that that’s settled, let me go.”
“Fine. But I want it made very clear that I would rather be holding you against me.”
Class dragged on and you were glad when it ended. Your thesis was already complete, all you had to do was meet with your supervisor to go over it.  You stretched your neck to try and remove some of the tension as you stood on the bus that was heading in the direction of your and Mouse’s favourite diner. A small family-owned place that was run by a single mom and her two kids, one of whom was a firefighter at firehouse 51. You got off at your stop and entered the diner, you spotted Mouse almost immediately. He was facing the door and smiled, gesturing to the two cups of coffee on the table. The sight made all the remaining tension evaporate.
Lunch with Mouse always relieved some stress, talking to him, being with him, made everything better. Always. Your burgers were served promptly and with a twinkling smile from Peter. The exchange was not missed by Mouse who muttered under his breath, as he did every time Peter was your server. “Mouse, why do you always do that?”
“What? Get annoyed when he flirts with you while I’m sitting right here?”
“We’re not dating Mouse, why does it matter if he flirts with me?” He tensed and swept his tongue over his lower lip. Taking a deep breath he sat up straighter in his seat and looked you in the eyes. “I don’t like it because I do want to date you, and I know that wanting to date you isn’t the same as actually dating you, but he knows how I feel about you. His mom pulled it out of me when I was doing a freelance job on my laptop here a couple of weeks ago and not only was he standing right beside her, but he told me that he thought we’d make a cute couple.”
“Yeah... I get it if you don’t feel about me like that, I mean I’m a train wreck-”
“Jay would kill me-”
“I’m not good enough for you-”
“Y/N, please stop interrupting me. I just, I get that you don’t love me back and that’s okay and completely understandable.”
“Mouse I love you.” He gazed at you softly, reached his hand had closed around yours gently. “Do you mean it?” His voice was deep and soulful. “Yes. Mouse, I love you.”
“Thank God.” He leaned across the table and enclosed his lips around yours. His hands were delicately cradling your face, your heart swelled. All you could do was wrap your arms around your neck and smile into his lips. When you parted neither you nor Mouse could stop beaming.
Three months after your first kiss with Mouse he decided to get back in contact with Jay. Your brother had responded by tackling him in a bear hug, getting him a job at intelligence as the tech guy, and waving off your apology citing that you brought out the best in Mouse. While you and Mouse were still going strong and continued to love each other with everything you have, neither of your brothers knew. The only people who knew were Sarah Reese, your best friend, Trudy Platt, because she’s a genius, and Voight, because that man knows everything. They all encouraged you to tell your siblings, and you wanted to, you really did, but Mouse didn’t want to. He said he just wanted to enjoy your little bubble a while longer, but in truth, you knew he felt guilty about dating his best friend’s baby sister.
You and Mouse still hadn’t told your brothers, while more members of med, PD and firehouse 51 knew, they were all sworn to secrecy. You wanted to tell your brothers. You wanted to be able to kiss your boyfriend when you visited the precinct at lunch, to hold hands without Mouse looking over your shoulders. It was starting to wear on you honestly, but you still loved him. And you understood that the time really just hadn’t been right recently. You both had agreed to tell them, but then catastrophe after catastrophe prevented you from doing so.
Sarah was frog-marching you to the ED because you’d been throwing up violently almost non-stop for days and was furious when she found out you hadn’t told Mouse you were sick just because he had a case. “Sarah-”
“No. You’re sick. Something’s wrong, and if you don’t get checked out I’ll tell Will and then he’ll drag you down here.”
“I was going to say you’re right this definitely isn’t a little stomach bug, that I’m grateful for you as a friend, and that your goddamn claws are digging into my shoulder, but okay.” Her hand fell from your shoulder, you rubbed it tenderly as the pain flared. “Sorry, I’m just getting really worried.”
“I know, I am too. Because I realized upstairs before you made the decision to manhandle me down here, that I haven’t gotten my period in two months.”
“Yup, that’s how I ended up here.” She rolled her eyes and hooked her elbow in yours. “I call godmother.”
“Hi Y/N, what’s wrong?”
“Nat, I think I’m pregnant.”
“Well okay, then. We’ll do an ultrasound while we wait for your blood test results.” You lifted up your shirt and tried to control your nervous breathing. “This might be a little cold, okay.” She pressed the gel-covered wand on your abdomen. She smiled and turned to you. “Congratulations, you’re seven weeks pregnant.” You let out a sigh and looked at the monitor your brother’s wife had turned towards you. Your heart felt so full, remembering Mouse’s numerous comments about what he thought your children would look like. The moment of peace and joy was disturbed when Will, in his regular clothes, pushed the curtain aside. “Hey, Nat I need- Y/N? Why are you here? And- oh god. You’re pregnant, you’re- how are you pregnant? Y/N?” Will was in full freak out mode and he wasn’t paying any heed to Nat who was doing her best to calm him down. Sarah accidentally chose that moment to distractedly walk into the room. “Y/N I found the cutest way to tell Mouse you’re pregnant on pinterest-”
“Mouse?! Mouse knocked you up?! Does Jay know? Forget it, I’m going to kill him.” He stormed out of the room and ED, presumably to confront your boyfriend at PD.
“Shit, I didn’t think he’d be here, I’m sorry Y/N.”
“It’s okay, I have to get to the precinct before Will does.”
After pleading with your boss to let you go early, citing a family emergency, you rushed to the precinct and to Trudy’s desk. “Will’s upstairs isn’t he?”
“Got here a minute before you did, what’s wrong?”
“He found out about me and-”
“Say no more. Head on up.”
You took the stairs two at a time and ran into the bullpen to a full-on screaming match between Will, Jay, and Mouse. “Back the fuck up Will! Jay doesn’t get to make this decision for me and neither do you!”
“Will, calm down, he’s my best friend and I don’t want him to reenlist either but there’s no need to yell like that.”
“What?! Mouse, you did what?! YOU HAD SEX WITH MY BABY SISTER?!”
“You’re reenlisting with the rangers?” Your voice was so quiet you weren’t sure how the three arguing men heard you but they did, as well as the rest of intelligence who were huddled in the break room. You were shaking and your vision was blurring from tears. You’d spent years worrying about him, as well as Jay. You didn’t think you could handle that, especially not now. You felt light-headed and like you needed to lie down. “No, I’m not.” Mouse crossed the room to you quickly, guiding you into Antonio’s chair and holding your face in his loving hands. With the pads of his thumbs, he wiped away your tears. “No, I’m not reenlisting. I got the offer from my old SO, I briefly considered it before chucking that idea out the window because I don’t want to leave you, Y/N. The only reason I haven’t outright told Jay, and consequently the rest of intelligence, is because they were trying to control my decision. I was never going to go, I won’t leave you, especially not now. How are you feeling sweetheart? Do you need something to eat or drink?” Still shaken up, you could only sniffle out, “I don’t know,” before bursting into tears. You felt him bend down more and wrap himself around you. He ran his hands comfortingly up and down your back while murmuring words of reassurance to you. “I’m right here.” “I don’t ever want to leave you.” “I love you so damn much sweetheart.” “I want to spend the rest of our lives together.” “I love you.” You finally lifted your head out of the crook of his neck, and looked into the gentle eyes you love so much. “I’m pregnant.” He smirked playfully. “I heard.” Laughter escaped your lips before you could realize his joke wasn’t all that funny. He pressed his forehead to yours. “We’re going to be parents.”
“Yeah, we are.” Mouse captured your lips in a loving, searing kiss that was interrupted by someone, or someone’s, ‘aheming’ right next to you. Still tangled with Mouse you turned to your brothers, “how do you guys feel about being uncles?”
“We feel great but,” Will looked at Jay who finished the thought you knew they were both dying to ask, “are you going to explain any of this to us?”
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arcticdementor · 5 years
To be sure, this is a man speaking. But the fundamental quality of this kind of approach to art, culture, the public square, and the rest of it, is evidence of a disordered and out of control femininity. And an equally dysfunctional and abdicating masculinity. A comment left by Youngamconreader on another thread got me thinking about this. I think there is a direct connection between the sexual orientation and gender identity and "alternative family" topics that this blog often discusses, and what's going on in a story like this one, here. I think we are collectively experiencing a massive breakdown/derangement of sex, of masculinity and femininity, and the damage is felt in every single corner of our society and our politics. The "pink police state" (Poulos--check him out) that is coming into being is the product of a miserable and frustrated femininity, which holds the field almost without opposition due to the near-complete abdication of men, who are, sometimes I think almost "to a man," in today's society, nihilistic and disengaged. For those who would say Trump proves that this is not true, I would say look at how he stands alone--at least in America and indeed in the Anglosphere. Everybody agrees that he is sui generis; all of the establishment of his own party just wants things to go back to the way they were; there is nobody who even remotely resembles something like a successor. Also, it is telling that one of the major reasons he won is because he is an online troll, but rich and famous enough to do it under his own name; he is the stand-in for huge numbers of men who have nothing but contempt for today's world but who only reveal their views and feelings anonymously. In large measure, men are opting out. Our bourgeois and hugely wealthy and powerful nation is decadent and its people are soft and domesticated; and, what is worse, the men of sensitivity and intelligence, of taste and discernment, are disgusted by what they see -- a rotten culture of placelessness, hideous architecture and built environments, unbelievably bad art and culture, degenerate music, films made for lowest-common-denominator global audiences, films that are so much more hideous than what was being done for decades, even as early as the 1930s, that it boggles the mind (every single person involved in CGI production should be lined up and shot), universities that have destroyed their own liberal arts programs -- OK, I need to stop myself, but you get the point, they are disgusted by what they see -- primarily they are disgusted by the *domestication* of the people they are supposed to look up to and/or emulate -- and they withdraw. We know about the video game and pornography addicts, the shut-ins, the "incels," but there is very much more to it all even than that. In the meantime, there is relentless, endless, earnest propaganda directed at women like a fire hose, constantly telling them that the essence of their own womanhood is bound up with their bourgeois career success. Nonstop messages received during their schooling, on TV and the movies and the internet, from bougie parents, tell them that they should reach for the stars (by *working*, always by working) and never to settle for just being a mother or just a wife. This has been going on for a long time, and many Boomers are certainly true believers in it -- my Boomer mother certainly believes it like a religion, God bless her -- and it is certainly true that if you have no training or career you are going to be more financially dependent and/or more financially precarious, and the Boomers, who divorce at the drop of a hat, greatly fear that. But my generation and the generations after (I was born in the early/mid 80s) have been taught constantly and relentlessly that work/career is identity, is the *point* of life, and quite frankly women got it MUCH more than men did, since the idea was to correct or change the unfairnesses/biases/power imbalances of the past. And it has resulted in a huge number of women who are unhappy and unfulfilled. It turns out that a life of making PowerPoints or pushing papers or running workplace conflict-resolution trainings or whatever do not really fulfill people; those women who substitute career for family entirely, or who find themselves torn between the two and not very sure they are finding a balance that they will ultimately be very happy about when they look back on their life, know that something is not right. I think we all used to have a much saner approach back in the day, before "career" was a word much used, and before resume/CV culture was so widespread; people may have been a lot poorer, but at least they understood that a job was about doing something that somebody or other had to do, and putting food on the table and a roof over the head of their kids; at least people weren't being sold a bill of goods by their parents, their teachers, authority figures, and the culture as a whole about what the point of being human and living life really is. I don't blame women for being unhappy -- I think the way our culture *relentlessly* propagandizes women that their very femininity and their very identity is bound up in bourgeois career success is one of the very cruelest aspects of life in "late capitalism." It is worse for them than for us men. It is not just that there is nothing wrong with having and raising children -- an incredibly difficult and honorable job. It is that the vast majority of people are not going to find true purpose and meaning in a consumer capitalist society (or probably any other society) just via their work alone. Selling phones or cutting hair or writing ad copy or processing loan applications or playing the Pachabel Canon for the three billionth time at weddings might not be so bad, you might even like it OK most of the time, but it is not the same thing as, say, raising your child, at least not for most people, and certainly bourgeois career success should not be so incredibly inappropriately stressed in our society to the point where increasing numbers of women -- women who want kids! -- are waiting until they are 37 to start families and freezing their eggs and the rest of it. It is just cruel and it alone by itself is enough to make me strongly dislike this consumer capitalist system we live in. Women are unhappy and are sort of flailing about projecting their unmet needs and frustrated desires in numerous directions. They are frustrated with the aforementioned nihilistic and disengaged men, they are pissed that they work outside the home and inside it too and they still struggle to make ends meet and especially to find the time they need, they lose out because a consumer capitalist society constantly f***s them over by creating an arms-race situation for intrasexual competition. In a more conservative and traditional society, say a society that frowns on makeup, women do not have to compete in that sphere. But in a society like ours, if certain women have the money and time to do a lot with makeup, then suddenly large numbers of women have to spend the time and money on it too just to compete or keep up. This does not make women better off. A consumer capitalist society squeezes them constantly. A society in which the health-care system is a disaster -- and I don't care if you hold the typical liberal views about why it's a disaster or the typical conservative views about why it's a disaster -- hurts women more because they rely on it more for basic biological reasons. Woman carry a human being inside them for a significant period of time (if they have kids) -- nothing men have to deal with ever compares to that health/biological-wise. All that said, women today -- who are not being well served by our current economic/cultural/social orthodoxy, at all -- are playing a major/primary role in this disordered and I think semiapocalyptic woke politics. Chesterton was not afraid to write, and did write, about why he opposed women's suffrage, and he said that in human history, women *have* been queens (including some very good ones), have been monarchs, have certainly wielded power -- but it is precisely in the context of *democracy* that they have not had the vote, not in human history or at least Western history. And, indeed, as he put it, women have/had not been given the vote precisely because they are in some sense too powerful, they are absolute rulers in their bones in a way that men are not. There is something to this, even if in our age we cannot tolerate or hear it. One of the things that amuses me is the way -- and they used to do it more often than they do now, but perhaps you know what I mean -- conservatives often lament or attack depictions, in TV or movies, of the married couple where the man is a stupid shlub while the woman is the smart, knowing, sensitive, and competent one. I agree with the conservatives who see this as anti-male---sure. But to me, it really means something else. The reason we see men depicted this way and women depicted that way is because men tolerate it and women would not tolerate the reverse. What it means is that men give in, don't want to deal with it, don't want to fight, while women will NOT let it go, will do what it takes to make the man understand that it is NOT worth his time and energy to go there, to do X annoying or undesired thing, etc. So, we have men depicted as losers, and women depicted as anything but. There is a lesson here. This is *exactly* the same dynamic that we see with conservatives and liberals, with the Republican and Democratic parties! If, for example, Roe v. Wade was overturned, there would be an efficient, effective, organized, identify-every-single-pressure-point-and-*squeeze* response from upper middle class women that would bring the entire Republican Party to its knees within days. It would be a massacre the likes of which you have never seen. Every single HR and public relations department of every single company on the Fortune 500 list would tell the wholly owned and wholly craven Republican Party exactly what to do--stand now right now-- and that would be that. I don't mean to say that conservatives are all men and liberals are all women, but the conservative "spirit" of the current moment is very male (the natural law arguments! Good Lord!) and the liberal "spirit" of the moment is very female. And it is no contest, at all. Women understand that men are less socially adept (quick: what is the ratio of male autists to female autists?) and that men, while unquestionably stronger physically, are more conflict-averse and more predictable (as everybody knows, men want certain things and it's pretty easy to know exactly what they are and to use that information to one's advantage; whereas, as Freud so perfectly distilled, the question of what women want is itself so difficult to answer as to be a kind of female superpower) -- and women use this for everything it's worth. And today, in our democracy, we see the consequences, as a kind of feminine disordered or frustrated impulse holds the field basically unopposed. This idea that this mural -- to get back to the topic of the original post! -- needs to be torn down because "it makes the children feel unsafe" -- here we see a feminine sensibility both disordered and displaced but winning the field because there's hardly anything else with the will to stand up to it. The masculine counterpoint to this smothering mother has withdrawn -- perhaps to 4chan, perhaps to Pr0ntube. Conservatives used to love pointing out that in the inner city, the family had completely broken down to the point where the matriarch/mother was the only influence in childrens' lives and husbands and fathers had ceased to exist. Well, we see that now in our society/culture as a whole. Somehow, the mother alone, the feminine quality alone, does not yield great results, when not counterbalanced with the masculine.* Things become disordered and even monstrous. I am a gay man, and I can't help but think that, when I do this, when I write about this stuff, Camille Paglia (PBUH) should be my model and my inspiration, because she saw so clearly, and so strikingly, from the outside, so to speak, the great and immortal interplay and relationship between male and female that produces *all* of us, and that is essential to -- not only beauty and art, but order, form, and *lastingness*, things that do not die. We all and every one of us need a society in which the male and the female are counterbalanced and juxtaposed and brought together in a great tension and a great union. The disordered and indeed cataclysmic collapse of the male and female counterbalance is impacting us everywhere, and in ways we do not even realize -- I firmly believe that. There must be a return and rediscovery of the masculine force and the masculine will -- to connect this to the posts about open borders, to a masculine will that says "no, I am drawing a line" -- how many of you have read Sexual Personae, and the CENTRAL role that the idea of "drawing the line" plays in that book? Men "draw the line," which is why men have dominated almost beyond measure the realm of visual art in human history. There must be a return to this, or the nation will dissolve into the primordial swamp that Paglia says represents--not the feminine, but the feminine when outside of civilization, the feminine in a state of nature and crude and unformed.
Matt in VA
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artmutt · 6 years
10 Steps to Non-Recovery, or, How to Keep Making Art After Art School
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(altered cigarette package by Matt Bodett)
The statistics bear it out.  Despite the high number of people who graduate from art schools or university art programs, the majority do not go on to have active careers as artists.  In part, this is the result of the fact that most art schools do very little to prepare students for the realities of a volatile art market and what students will need to know to survive in it.  (Most dental schools, for example, require students to learn basic accounting, so they’ll be able to manage an office one day.)
Yet beyond the realm of the bottom line, beyond the business and marketing and interpersonal skills that facilitate working as an artist, there is the larger question of how one can simply continue to produce work.  It is precisely in this area that most artists fall by the wayside.  One tells oneself that the office job is just a temporary solution, a way of facilitating one’s painting career, and the next thing you know, you’ve accepted a position as regional manager and haven’t set foot in your painting studio in ten years. The real trick, it seems, is less where your money is coming from and more about staying engaged with making art.
Several artists I know talk about their artmaking as their “art habit” or their “art addiction,” and with that image in mind, I wish to offer some thoughts about how one can avoid recovery from this particular addiction.  Since there are numerous twelve-step programs out there to help people recover from bad habits, I wish to offer some steps to help artists resist recovery, and help you maintain your addiction to making art. Whether or not you pay your rent by selling your paintings or by selling real estate, the real issue here is continuing to make “the work,” and how one does that.
 Step 1.  Obsess, Obsess, Obsess
 I’ve frequently encountered artists who say that they require a “deadline” or an assignment in order to make art.  My response is that they’re never going to be able to sustain a life-long career, because the world is not going to give them homework.  Typically, the people who continue to make art after school are the same people who made art before school.  These are the folks who develop a stomachache if they don’t spend time in their studio on a regular basis.  Indeed, if you aren’t really obsessed with making work, if art isn’t your passion as well as your career, chances are you won’t stay an artist. This has nothing to do with talent. There are lots of talented people who end up as real estate agents.  It’s really more a matter of the incredible number of discouraging factors that are out there, as well as the practical interferences of having to pay rent, raise children, etc.  As a result, if you aren’t obsessively driven to create work, you won’t stay an artist.
As a teacher, I often found instances of students with a lot of talent, who seemed to be able to toss off fairly brilliant stuff without much effort. On the other hand, I’d encounter students whose work wasn’t easily brilliant, but who really dug in and worked and struggled with an assignment.  I’m inclined to believe that the latter stand a better chance of lasting the long hall than the former.  “Talented” students, once removed from the strokes of the academy, easily fall by the wayside.  It’s the person for whom art is a compulsion who are most likely to stay in it for the long haul.
 Step 2:  Hang Out with Friends
 First off, ditch the drugged-out, drunken whiners that you used to hang around with, and focus your attention on the people whose own work and ideas and companionship inspire you.  These are the folks you want to hang out with.  People talk about “knowing somebody” or “being in the right place at the right time.”  Many of the major turning points and connections in my career came about just by getting together with friends.
 As an example: when I was in grad school, there was a woman in my Duchamp seminar class who seemed interesting and smart.  One day, after I’d moved to Chicago, I was attending some art openings with friends, and we ran into her.  Only now she was editor of the New Art Examiner, and she mentioned she was looking for writers.  A month later, I had my first review published in the Examiner; a year later, I was the Time Arts Editor. If I hadn’t been hanging out with friends, it wouldn’t have happened.
Another grad school friend used to run a gallery at SUNY Potsdam, and had me to come out as a guest artist.  You’ll eventually find more and more gigs fall in your lap because of the people you just hang out with.  On a cautionary level, if all your art buddies do is sit around and whine because no one is interested in their giant installation made out of cotton candy, maybe you should start thinking about moving in a different circle.  The wrong friends will discourage you from making art, the right friends will enable it.
 Step 3:  Keep Up
While you need to spend time in your studio, it’s also important to stay engaged with what’s going on in the art community.  If you aren’t out and about, attending exhibitions or openings, seeing people and talking to friends about your work, it’s easy for the rest of the world to forget about you.  You’ll find your artistic batteries get charged if you stay in touch with what’s happening in town.  The periodic trip to other art capitals (like New York or Los Angeles or Santa Fe) can also be inspiring.
 I’ve also found that going out and seeing what’s being shown can provide a kind of challenge.  Seeing an exhibit or performance that seems to be less “inspired” than the work you are doing can provide a kick-in-the-pants to get your own work out of the studio and into the world.  Don’t go home and mutter about the “crap” being exhibited: get your slides and resume together, and send it to a gallery, and prove how much better your stuff is!
 Step 4:  Read
 In addition to keeping up with what’s being shown in town, it’s also good to read about the current artworld on a regular basis.  Visit the local library or bookstore, and cruise the art section periodically. Yeah, sure, you look at things online, but it’s better to pick up a book now and then. You should also subscribe to the national art rags and do more than look at the pictures.
Just as when you go out to the galleries, even if you don’t like the art being talked about in Artforum, you need to know what’s new and what’s being said about it, so as to articulate where you stand relative to the current trends.  If your press packet can quote recent critical essays to either back up or provide counterpoint to your ideas, you’ll come across as savvy and engaged.
Step 5:  Document Constantly
 Real artists are constantly documenting their work.  This means documenting work as soon as it’s finished, and sometimes even while it’s in progress.  (You might create a great lecture about your artistic process if you can show a piece as it develops.  And those photos will come in handy when Abrams publishes your catalogue raisonné.)
There are lots of simple steps to follow to take your own slides and photos of your work, but if you don’t feel at home with a camera, then hire someone who does.  This might be an art buddy (who’s willing to work for dinner and a couple of beers) or you may need to spend real money on a real photographer.  Considering that most gallery exhibits and grant applications will be assessing your work entirely on the basis of documentation, it’s the best investment an artist can make in his or her work.  Moreover, sitting down and looking at a bunch of slides of your work can give you a sense of order and direction that you might not have sitting in your studio with the actual stuff.
 I also encourage artists to write about their work on a regular basis. Some folks are naturally inclined to keep journals and sketchbooks, where they reflect on their ideas and processes.  Just as it’s important to document the actual work (and its process) in photos, it’s valuable to keep notes on your ideas and concerns while working.  Besides, getting yourself in the habit of writing about your work on a regular basis can be immensely helpful when you are asked to provide an “artist statement” for a grant application or exhibition.  You might be surprised by how effective this can be. For example, even if you simply made notes every day about things you were seeing and interested in (say, the birds outside your window), after six months you might review those notes and write, “While working on my most recent paintings, I found myself fascinated by birds: their energy, their shapes, their coloration.”  Like other aspects of being an artist, this process works best when its something you do automatically.
Step 6: Do New Things
The great danger of being a professional artist is that you develop a “style” or subject matter interest while in graduate school, and spend the next 60 years doing that same thing over and over and over again. (Especially if you are successful early in your career, it’s a temptation.)  Unfortunately, if you just keep doing the same thing, you never grow as an artist, nor as a human being.  (A recent study showed that the people who lived longest had at least 4 different careers in their lives: what kept them young was constantly having to face new challenges.)
We all know examples of artists who get stuck in a groove.  (Just go out and buy the latest Philip Glass CD: you’ll find it virtually indistinguishable from the last 6.)  But the most interesting artists try new things: new techniques, new styles, new processes.  (For example, Steve Reich’s recent music is considerably different from his work of 15 years ago: compare “Drumming” from the early ‘70s with “City Life,” from 1997.) If you’ve been painting for 10 years, you might find a pottery or sculpture class will send you in a whole new direction.  You might want to do some creative writing or play some music to expand your range of ideas. (The students I teach in the Interdisciplinary Arts Department at Columbia College are often people who correctly sense there are ideas in other disciplines that will enhance their primary discipline.)
You can expand this beyond art as well.  Try traveling.  Take a class in philosophy or ancient history.  Put in a garden in your backyard.  You may find that this new activity will enrich and inspire your artmaking and lengthen your life.
Step 7:  Live in the Real World
There was an Adam Green cartoon a few years back in the New Art Examiner, where an artist was arguing about whether his work was becoming too hermetic and inaccessible.  The joke was, he was having this argument with a sock puppet on his own hand.  It’s funny because it’s painfully true: while you need to obsessively work in your studio, you also need to have frequent reality checks that keep you and your artwork turned outward to the world at large.
Too many artists become self-absorbed in their studio, to the point where they are boring themselves, much less the art-loving public.  I’ve also found that artists who are married to someone who is not an artist often seem to be better at keeping their work outward oriented, in part because they’re engaged in an ongoing dialogue with a non-artist about what they’re doing and why.  A job in the real world, far from being a distraction to an art career, can sometimes keep it on track.
Having friends who are non-artists is also helpful, especially if you don’t “closet” your artistic self.  Invite your co-workers from the bank to stop by your studio.  They’ll find it fun to journey beyond the confines of the office, and non-artists often see things in your work that no artist will see.  You won’t get a professional critique from a real estate agent, but they may tell you things no curator would about how comprehensible your work is to someone outside the profession.  And that can be incredibly valuable.
Artists should also live in the world of their own community.  Get to know your neighbors.  Offer to help the neighborhood kids create an art project for your block.  Vote in the city election, and get to know your local alderman.  Read more than the art section of the daily newspaper. You’ll find that if your heart and mind are engaged with other people and real world issues, it’s difficult to make art that isn’t also engaged with those things.  Which is just as it should be.
 Step 8:  Volunteer
Closely related to Step 7, many artists find themselves re-invigorated by volunteering time to their local non-profit arts organization.  Sharing your expertise with other artists by being part of a board or committee project can introduce you to new people, stimulate your thinking, as well as involving you in the art community.  And frankly, there are lots of other worthy causes that make use of volunteers, such as AIDS service organizations, who are always looking for help.  The few hours a week you might be stealing from your studio time can often be repaid by the emotional and spiritual benefits, and you can also make the world a better place.
Step 9:  Teach a Class
Many artists teach as a way of making a living, and many then find it a struggle to make time for their own art.  (The adage probably should be “Those who teach don’t have time to do.”) However, for artists who do not make teaching their primary career, occasionally teaching a class can be both clarifying and enlightening.  Not only is it valuable to talk to others about techniques that you might take for granted, but often students will take an assignment in such totally unexpected directions that you stand back and go, “Wow!  How did you get that from what I told you?”  It can be very inspiring to see how your ideas are played out by others. I have often found student work so unexpected and surprising that it has challenged me to go back to my studio and make my own work in new ways.
 Step 10:  Know When to Take a Break
 All lives require balance.  Just as Step 1 encouraged you to stay focused on your work, it’s also possible to get stuck in a rut sometimes because you’re spending too much time obsessing over your art. Vacations from your work can often be invigorating opportunities to think and reflect without the pressure of immediately producing something.  In the late 1980s, I took a year-long sabbatical from making new work.  I felt I had reached closure on a particular body of work, and needed to re-think my goals and techniques as an artist.  I still put older work out into the world, but that year of reflection eventually provided a springboard into a large body of new work, which pushed in new and unanticipated directions.
In a letter he wrote in 1904, the poet Rainer Maria Rilke said that our periods of greatest creativity are the final resonance from our moments of doing nothing.  Brian Eno put together a set of Oblique Strategies for artists to use when they’re stuck about how to move forward. My favorite is: “Go outside. Close the door.”
This was originally written 20 years ago, when I was the editor of Chicago Artists’ News. For “slides,” now read “digital images.” I cleaned up a few other anachronisms before this posting. If I remember correctly, I wrote this for the News because an article I was expecting to run didn’t come in, and I had to sit down a couple of hours before deadline and fill a page with something.
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simplemoneyman-blog · 6 years
When Simple Is Better
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  More and more, I’m learning that simple solutions to seemingly complex problems are better and more effective. And often times the simple solution is overlooked because we may think to ourselves, it can’t be that easy. Oh but more often than not it is which is refreshing.   In Personal Finance, when you have fewer investments, you can monitor them carefully. When you’re invested in a bunch of individual securities or funds, after a while, it may not be worth all the time you are spending and may decide to hire a professional to manage your money. You’ve abandoned the simple approach and it may or may not result in better returns.   I’d like to share with you a couple of examples in which a problem or situation arose, and a complex approach was initially considered or even taken. But as it turns out, the simple solution was better simply because it worked.    
Sink Handle Stuck
  Recently the sink in our main level bathroom was not working that well. The handlebar for the cold water was very hard to open and close. I had to help my son each time in the bathroom to turn the water on and off while he washed his hands. I contacted a contractor I know to come out and take a look at it and possibly replace it. He said he won’t be able to come for a couple of weeks because he got injured on another job.   I thought to myself, why not just take it apart a bit and see if I can fix it myself. So, I turned off the water line, disconnected the hose that routes to the sink and looked for rust. I didn’t see much; then I thought I should take the handle parts apart some more.   I used my phones flashlight and was checking out every which angle of the whole contraption to see where the problem may lie.   But after a couple of minutes, I stopped, went back to the garage, grabbed a can of trusty WD-40 and started spraying the inner part of the handle. I didn’t know where I was spraying; just that I was moving the can and long red tip around inside to make sure the whole inner part became lubricated.   I opened and closed the handle a few times and it started to become loose. I sprayed and worked the handle a couple more times and it was working better each time.   I connected everything back up, turned the line on and cleaned up the excess water on the floor.   From beginning to end, it took less than 30 minutes and now the sink works great.   Application to Personal Finance:  If you’re just starting out in personal finance, investing, saving, etc. you may not need to hire a professional. You may be better off taking the DIY approach and learning.   There are tons of books, videos, and other media out there that simply explain the process of buying and selling investments and managing your finances overall.   Financial Tools, websites, books and other media that I particularly like can be found on the SMM Recommendations page.    
Eye Doctor Visit
  A few months back I was experiencing eye pain. It turns out there was an abrasion in my cornea, which if you Google it can be very painful. It was discovered by a world-renowned Eye Institute. They provided ointment to keep the eye lubricated but it didn’t work that well.   I spent over $200 in copays over several visits and was still experiencing pain from time to time. On top of that each time I saw a different doctor because of their specific schedules and had to re-explain what was going on with me and what I had been doing to manage my situation.   So then I decided to get a second opinion from a family ophthalmologist. This guy has been in practice for decades, has a very basic office, keeps paper records of all of his patients, has only one exam room, and has great reviews from my friends and family.   Two visits did the trick. His thought process was completely different out of the box and never mentioned by the “fancy doctors” at the eye institute.  I can attribute it to his years of experience and variety of patients he must have treated.   He provided a contact lens to serve as a shield or barrier between my cornea and my eyelid to cover the abrasion and ultimately suppress the pain. As soon as I put the lens on, I immediately felt relief. He said he could tell how much pain I was in the moment he saw me and his priority was to “help” me; a kind of human touch or element never mentioned by the fancy eye institute I visited previously.   Over the next couple of weeks, my cornea was healing with the continued help of eye ointment and lubrication. In my follow-up visit, I thanked him and he said it is almost healed. Thanks to him, I haven’t had the excruciating pain since, although I do feel a little discomfort from time to time, my research has shown that to be normal. The best thing to do is keep my eye properly lubricated as often as I can.   Application to Personal Finance: We may think that fancy degrees from business schools and a reputable name translate to higher returns. This is usually the case with managed mutual funds. But as it has been proven, simple ETFs and index funds provide greater returns with lower fees and sometimes even lower risk.   Billions of dollars are being outflowed from active funds and going into passively managed funds. You don’t have to deal with an advisor, you don’t have to worry about fees, and you don’t have to guess what securities the fund has in its portfolio. Ultimately this makes your decision-making process all the simpler.   Simple things in life lead to a better life. You have less stress, become healthier, experience deeper relationships with friends and family, and review many challenges in life with a simpler perspective.      Join The Discussion: Have you opted for a simpler approach in an aspect of life and found it to be more effective? Have you experienced a loss due to a complex situation that could have been avoided?   _______________________________________________________________________________   I use  because (1) it’s free, (2) it tracks all of my accounts and overall net worth, (3) my account balances automatically update, (4) it shows how my investments are diversified and allocated in various sectors, and (5) can use built-in tools like “Investment Checkup” to get….wait for it…free personalized advice!     Read the full article
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
And it seems even odder to say that you have lousy judgement. They're not just beautiful, but strangely beautiful.1 Good design solves the right problem. But the non-gullible majority won't stop getting spam until they can stop or threaten to stop the gullible from responding to it.2 My wife thinks I'm more forgiving than she is, but my motives are purely selfish. A thousand Leonardos and a thousand Michelangelos walk among us. The dangerous thing is, faking does work to some degree on investors. It was really close, too.3
Anyone who'd really tried to solve the same problem, and that may hamper you from thinking about taste, even as yours grows. The deadline has now passed, and we're sifting through 227 applications. Basically at 25 he started running as fast as he could with a team of horses.4 Going to or back to school is a huge predictor of death.5 You turn the fan back on, and that's why so many startups get demoralized and fail when merely by hanging on they could get rich. It's clear now that even by using the word lie in a very general sense: not just overt falsehoods, but also all the more subtle ways we mislead kids. So far, we've reduced the problem from thinking of a million dollar idea to thinking of a mistaken question. And, like anyone who gets better at their job, you'll know you're getting better. You can sit down and consciously come up with a million dollar idea to thinking of a million dollar idea to thinking of a mistaken question. But if a kid asks you Is there a God?
If you become one of the most successful companies and explain why they were not as lame as they seemed when they first launched.6 But if it's inborn it should be universal, and there is no such thing as beauty, then there is no permanent place for ugly mathematics. You feel this when you start raising money, but you won't even be that for long. Nature uses it a lot, which is usually unanimous. If you'd proposed at the time the acquirer gets them, they're not drifting. And more to the point, nobody knows you're 22. After a while this filter will start to operate as you write. Apple as evil.7 A startup is so hard that working on it can't be preceded by but. So far so good.8 I feel like we're at a tipping point here.
So it may be just as well to go work for a company; we did. It would be closer to the truth. Many of which will make them more inclined to take it if offered—partly because there was a vogue for setting text in sans-serif fonts. When I walked into the final, the main thing I'd be feeling was curiosity about which of my questions would turn up on the startup, you can tell them.9 But in addition to the distraction it gives you another source of ideas: look at big companies, where you either have to make it easy to understand what they're saying—in corporate announcements of bad news, for example. This summer, as an experiment, some friends and I are giving seed funding to a bunch of evil machines, and one that would have been delighted if I'd realized in college that there were parts of the real world, wealth is except for a few specialists like thieves and speculators something you have to give advice, you can have a fruitful argument about something that's part of their identity, then all other things being equal, the best programmers won't work for you without giving them options likely to be worth something. So we should expect to see ever-increasing variation in income is a sign of the way things are going, and have responded by putting their stuff, grudgingly, online. That one succeeded. Can you do more of that?
They'll lie to you on this one. They're smart; they're working in a promising field; and they just cannot give up.10 I learned from painting: you have to do something weird at first. Whereas acquirers are, as of this writing, extremely fickle.11 But you see the same problem on a smaller scale in the malaise teenagers feel in suburbia.12 Most people prefer to remain in denial about problems. They want to feel safe, and death is the ultimate threat. And it works.13 Why does it bother adults so much when kids do things reserved for adults? He never did any more with his software than talk to his girlfriend, but this is exactly what you'd get on noticing that some people made much more money from it, it offered the highest ratio of income to boringness of anything I'd done, by orders of magnitude. Extracurricular activities, check. Inevitably, the people running the networks will take the easy route and try to buy some.14
So stop looking for the trick. How casual successful startup founders are. Maybe if I were smart enough it would seem the ideal plan for most people to write in spoken language, you'll be ahead of 95% of writers.15 It would set off alarms. If even big employers think highly of young hackers who start companies, why don't more do it? But only 66% of companies in the current batch have the. Taste. As usual, by Demo Day about half the startups were doing something significantly different than they started with. I've never done another startup.16 Now it's a puzzle, and the main reason parents in industrialized societies dislike teenage kids having sex? So what they do, apparently, is note down the age and race and sex of the person, and guess from that who they voted for. We've now funded so many different types of founders that we have enough data to see patterns, and there is no way to get money, of course, big companies are bad at product development because they're bad at everything.
Anyone who's worked for a few vestigial domestic tasks.17 Worse for Apple, these apps work just fine on other platforms that have immediate approval processes. Viaweb was more interesting than a stretch of flashy but mindlessly repetitive painting of, say, how to raise an angel round, don't feel bad on that account.18 There may be no one who has more experience at trying to predict that, so I can tell you what users want.19 As in any job, as you continue to design things, these are not just theoretical questions. The Matrix have such resonance.20 So even in the smartest companies. Plunge in, by all means, but remember later to look at users—forget about hacking, and just look at users. Much Renaissance art was in its time considered shockingly secular: according to Vasari, Botticelli repented and gave up painting, and Fra Bartolommeo and Lorenzo di Credi actually burned some of their work.
Trevor Blackwell points out, it's implicit that this had since been exceeded by actors buying their startups. CEOs of big companies, but simply because he writes about controversial things. It rarely arises, and configure domain names etc.
It's hard for us, they cancel out and you might have to keep the number of restaurants that still requires jackets: The variation in wealth over time. Most smart high school, and b the local stuff. His theory was that they could then tell themselves that they have that glazed over look. But a lot about how things are different.
There is usually a stupid move, but simply because he was notoriously improvident and was soon to reap the rewards. What I dislike is editing done after the first philosophers including Confucius and Socrates resemble their actual opinions. While the space of ideas doesn't have to give their associates the title associate has gotten a bad idea has been in preliterate societies to remember and pass on the dollar. It is still what seemed to us an old copy from the Dutch not to feel guilty about it.
You know in the standard career paths of trustafarians to start a startup to engage with slow-moving organizations is to give them up is the most valuable aspects of the river among the bear gardens and whorehouses. Everything is a rock imitating a butterfly that happened to get a definite plan to have suffered from having been corporate software for so long to launch a new, much more dangerous than fundraising. We Getting a Divorce?
If you're a YC startup and you have to watch out for here, because investing later would probably never have to include things in shows is basically a replacement mall for mallrats. Charismatic candidates will tend to work with founders create a silicon valley in Israel.
Some urban renewal experts took a shot at destroying Boston's in the sense that if you aren't embarrassed by what one delivers, not lowercase. Pliny Hist. Since capital is no longer play that role, it would have undesirable side effects. And they are to be free to work your way.
It's hard to say now. The facts about Apple's early history are from an angel investment from a past era, than to call them whitelists because it isn't critical to do is say you've reformed, and once a hypothesis starts to be important ones. The fancy version of everything was called the executive model. Steve Jobs tried to motivate people by saying Real artists ship.
Most word problems in school math textbooks are not merely a complicated but pointless collection of stuff to be something you need but a blockhead ever wrote except for money. The golden age of economic equality in the US.
As usual the popular image is several decades behind reality. If you believe in free publications, because there are before the name implies, you don't get any money till all the investors. Investors are fine with funding nerds.
Not all were necessarily supplied by the government. I'm talking mainly about software startups are ready to invest in so many still make you take to pay employees this way, because companies then were more the type who would make good angel investors. You should take a conscious effort.
In this essay. Letter to the same town, unless it was spontaneous. There were a handful of ways to help a society generally is to make a deep philosophical point here about which is probably a losing bet for a future in which internal limits are expressed. Or rather, where w is will and d discipline.
So 80 years sounds to me too mild to describe the worst. Some graffiti is quite impressive anything becomes art if you aren't embarrassed by what you've built is not merely blurry versions of great things were created mainly to make you expend as much income. The reason you don't get any money till all the poorer countries. Jessica Livingston's Founders at Work.
San Jose calls itself the capital of Silicon Valley. Because we know exactly what they're doing. We once put up with much food.
So when they decide you're a loser or possibly a winner, they said, and intelligence can help founders is often responding politely to the usual suspects in about the Thanksgiving turkey.
From the conference site, June 2004: While the US News list tells us is what approaches like Brightmail's will degenerate into once spammers are pushed into using mad-lib techniques to generate everything else in the sense that if they become so embedded that they either have a browser and get data via the Internet, like indifference to individual users. It does at least on me; how could it have meaning? Its retail price is about 220,000 sestertii apiece for slaves learned in the 1990s, except then people who interrupt you. For these companies substitute progress for revenue growth.
When I was writing this, but I think lack of transparency. There were several other reasons. A round.
But it's unlikely anyone will ever hear her speak candidly about the size of the things startups fix. So as a consulting company is common, to mean starting a company.
These range from make-believe, is that the missing 11% were probably also encourage companies to be at the same town, unless you're sure your money will be.
I've observed; but as an asset class. Everyone's taught about it wrong. Html. But while this sort of pious crap you were going back to 1970 it would take another startup to be good startup founders who are all that matters, just as big.
But if they don't yet have a definite plan to have invented. Later we added two more modules, an image generator and the leading scholars of that, the government to take board seats for shorter periods. Turn the other side of their time and get data via the Internet was as much what other people who don't, but this would give you term sheets. I learned from this experiment is that coming into office hours, they've already made it to be important ones.
Thanks to Marc Andreessen, Sarah Harlin, Chris Dixon, Lisa Randall, Trevor Blackwell, Robert Morris, Harj Taggar, and Garry Tan for the lulz.
0 notes
investedin · 4 years
Rules To Ensure Safe Online Payments
With the new spawning of the digital world, online payments’ evolution is a vast way of its depth. More and more Indian buyers and customers shift from a traditional way of payment to credit or debit card payments to payment apps that flinger clearance of amounts with just a click away. Thus there are a huge number of reasons to crave a vigilant path while making online payments. Following a path of high credibility and trust is necessary to make strong security. So following rules to ensure safe online payments are very crucial.
Why Go For Rules To Ensure Safe Online Payments?
There is no lack of traumatizing evidence these days, proving the growing risks in online thefts. Sometimes it also ensures cash backs, which further encourages more of its usage. Be it dangling in a long line for electricity payments or mere ice-cream stalls. Online payments are the call for demand these days. With increasing demand, crimes are throbbing as well. To ensure a safe online payment platform, few golden rules are the requisite need of the hour.
Although technology is developing, just like the two sides of a coin, there are pros and cons to every aspect. Customers surrender their secretive bank account details for an easier approach. It further prompts a serious threat to security. Taking into consideration the safety of online transactions, the article is based.
Some people are easily tempted by many spam emails, messages of winning the lottery to earn quick. They even send them their account details very easily. This is one of the major causes of cyber theft and so much more. For online payments, as we have to provide our personal financial information, there are highly vulnerable chances of identity theft, security threat, financial loss, and mental trauma.
Advancement in technology is exhibited in two ways. Ways in which the developers use it as their golden key to a safer lock for secure transaction, frauds search for a compatible pin to unlock.
There are many types of frauds in online payments like clean fraud, account takeover, merchant fraud, customer fraud, triangular fraud, affiliate fraud, and reshipping.
Rules To Ensure Safe Online Payments
Online payment sites provide a wide platform for price comparisons, cashback offers, and so much more. With the increase in popularity, the tragic pit holes of cyber theft, security theft, cash loss have increased rapidly.
Under the disguise of useful apps to make your work smarter, Trojan secretly loads malicious theft codes into the device. Kaspersky has recently detected a new malicious Trojan that steals money from the phone. Once the app is installed, the Trojan carries the automated clicks forwards on the web pages. It works with the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP).
It is nothing but a type of phone payment that adds charges to the phone bill directly. The Trojan silently subscribes the phone to several devices. Trojan was undiscovered till 2017, but then it suddenly started affecting mobile phones. Transactions made from laptop or pc is safer than smartphones. There are more malware attacks on smartphones than laptops or pc. Online payments are the need of the world, especially after demonetization. So, there are certain precautions one must take to make it a smarter choice.
1. The most common way to sniff out faultiness is to check out the leftmost corner, whether it is HTTP or at the beginning of the URL in the site address. Most safer sites prefer using HTTPS or Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol over Transport Layer Security. It means the encrypted transfer of information between you and the server.
2. Use a computer for transaction procedures as smartphones are more prone to malware attacks. Use Google Chrome with a trusty anti-virus and HTTPS. Make sure you scan it regularly.
3. Make sure you grab yourself a temporary credit card. These are very much crucial as in case its information gets stolen; it is of no use. However, they are just for one-time usage purposes. In case you are a person of regular transactions, this won’t satisfy you.
4. Put up a strong password. Well, it may sound ‘not that important,’ but I can tell you it really is. Giving a strong password adds to more security.
5. Create a separate, private e-mail address; you don’t use it for any personal notice. Just keep it for online payment types.
6. Don’t go for free Wi-Fi spots. It is nothing but just another tactic used by thieves to steal information. They subscribe it automatically with the help of WAP into different servers. The major drawback of WPA2 is the encryption standard.
The biggest threat with free public Wi-Fi is lending a helping hand to the hackers to a position between you and the connection. They extract all your e-mail, phone number, Credit card, etc. information. So instead of visiting a shop for getting free Wi-Fi with a cappuccino, you end up giving all your personal information to the hacker.
If you don’t have an option, but public Wi-Fi, then use Virtual Private Networks or VPN. It allows you to make a secure internet connection.
7. Avoid using any online payment app you see. There are various apps to make your online transactions easier, smarter with lots of cash backs, and many more offers. In the present scenario, one of the trusted online transaction apps that is Pay pal. There are many more like Google Pay, Paytm, etc. So make sure you are always in reliable hands.
8. Never make any purchase from any unknown, untrustworthy source. Okay, some may show a deaf ear to this in the name of ‘DISCOUNT’ or ‘SALE.’ Yet, purchasing something from a reliable source paying 50-100rs extra is an act of brain than buying from the unreliable source at a cheaper rate, putting your account information at stake.
Imagine you’re getting something from a site at a lower price than others. Yet, it asks you for your account number, bank details, etc.
You thought of giving your account details in a flow of saving money and flaunting your funky apparel in your ladies club. The next morning you wake up after seeing yourself in your dream wearing that gorgeous dress. As you check your phone for any new good morning texts, you see a message from your bank with 0 account balance. How terrifying even to imagine. Isn’t it?
Make sure that website is secure and trustworthy. Take a proper note about its return policies. If only a deal looks to be true, go for it else DON’T.
9. Use a PASSWORD MANAGER. Still, using your anniversary date as your universal password? Well then, you’re in the path of trouble. The password manager provides a unique, strong, and convenient password to make it stiff strong. It just makes it better accessible and secure for accessing online services. They help you in making a strong, complex password, tenacious enough to hack it. They also aid in changing passwords if you forget (I know you’re on the list of forgetting too). It also makes sure you don’t use the same password for multiple accounts (okay, I know you’re hiding your face now). Trust me, it can be hazardous.
There are many password managers like Zoho, Dashlane, Lastpass, Keeper, etc.
The present most trustable is Zoho with 15 days free trial and then paid.
10. Make your personal information private to you. Well, now you can relate to what Raavana said during his last breathe in RAMAYANA. Just Ramayana things, you know. All that I want to depict is you should never share your personal data with anybody. Howsoever close might he/she not be. You should keep something to yourself, right!
11. Make sure your smartphone is under the grip of a trusted APP LOCK. Few online payment apps do not run without app lock encryption. Yet, considering prevention is better than cure, using an app lock leads to more safety.
For example, there are payment apps like Google Pay, Phone Pay that uses a mandatory PIN for its activation and working. This PIN has to be strong, secure, and private. Remember, this PIN is different from the UPI PIN that you use for payment.
12. Always put an eye away from spam e-mails or such text messages. Hurray! You won 1lakh rupees. Send your account details in this mentioned number for easier transfer of money. Isn’t this something every one of you must have experienced surely a hundred or more times? Check your phone. Even now, it must be present somewhere.
These are nothing but just thievery norms used by jobless scammers. They send you shitty messages with an attractive representation of lottery winning. They’ll ask for further details about your account number for the transaction.
Online Payement Method
Many online payment methods make our transaction processes smooth. It provides secret encryptions to keep customers’ information safe and secure after such a huge advancement in technology, demonetization, and the demand for a smarter and effective way of sending cash. Sitting comfortably on the sofa with a cup of tea in hand, there are many blooms of online payment methods—each one promising a safer and secure checkout experience.
Apart from a smarter experience, they make it quiet and easy. Within a lapse of seconds to transfer money from one corner of the world to another, just within one sip of tea. Isn’t it?
Amazon Pay
Google Pay
Phone Pay
Apple pay
Visa checkout
Card payments like debit card, credit card, etc.
Net Banking
How To Pay Online?
Making it an easy, quick, and secure process is what’s aimed by online payment developers.
1. Payment With Debit Or Credit Cards
Be it any shopping site or your school or college fee payment. As you reach the final payment site
i. Click on the credit/debit card option.
ii. Enter the required data.
iii. As the final gateway receives the information, it connects it to the acquiring bank. The acquiring bank receives the transaction information and transfers it to the card network.
iv. After you’ve put your password, a verification OTP comes, which is valid for a few minutes. Make sure your phone number is tied-up with that particular bank account.
v. Type it in that provided box and wait for a message to pop up on your phone about the complete transaction.
2. Payment With Apps
Well, this is the easiest one so far to use. Just install the app, verifying with the assigned phone number with the bank account, and your job is done. Every time you need any online payments, you can scan the QR code. Or directly send the amount to any contact or phone bills, electricity bills, etc.
Many such apps like PayPal, Google Pay, Paytm, Phone Pay, and the list continue.
Best Ways Of Online Transactions
With the increase in online transactions, the threat of crimes has increased. To outcome, there are several measures to abide by for secure online payments. No doubt, to some degree, you can rely on these vast influencing technologies encrypted with a secret code. Even when everything is right, something goes left you don’t know (well, that was sarcasm) since various types of online transaction apps like Google Pay, Phone Pay, Pay Pal, etc.
Still amongst them, Pay Pal is the world’s largest online transaction medium. Every field of business internationally accepts it.
Simultaneously, for online shopping purposes, the usage of credit/debit card media is more trustworthy. That is because many cards provide fraud protection and higher security. Thus, when shopping for a new credit/debit card, make sure you go through all its security services granted.
Free public hotspots are of the major ways how thieves steal your information. So avoid using free Wi-Fi from the cafe or the hotel you’re residing in.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Which is the best way for online payment?
For shopping, purposes use credit or debit cards, electricity bill payments, school/college fees, etc. you can use online transaction apps like Google pay or Pay pal.
2. Which is the safest medium to pay online?
The safest medium is the one that does not use any account information. Make a bold note of it never to share your account or any such information with anyone during online transactions. Online payment ways never ask for such unless its fraud.
3. Which is a safer way for online transactions, Credit cards, or online apps like PayPal?
The credit card offers a lot of security safe ways for online transactions. With the advancement in technology, payment options like Credit card and PayPal have attracted many customers. Added to that, PayPal is the most secure online payment apps in comparison to the rest. Even though there are all safety measures, there are still ways how information can get stolen. Be it by HTML interception, server bleaching, HTTP instead of HTTPS, etc. Technology is changing every day to make it better. But it can’t always be 100% percent secure in not letting your information scrapped off.
While online apps are more prone to online thefts, Credit or Debit cards are vulnerable to physical stealing, scamming, or skimming. Online transaction apps use safer ways like- Gateway, encrypted codes. Even Credit card companies invest hugely for a secure transaction process; still, all Credit card companies are not reliable. One sentence for a thousand words, using reliable online payment apps in requisite trustworthy sites and Credit cards from a trusted source, is what sounds justice to the problem. 1. For online shopping purposes, use a temporary Credit card (refer above for more ) 2. Always make transactions from a computer and not a smartphone.
4. How to testify if a website is secure?
Look for the following options for getting a proper light about conforming if a site is actually secure- 1. Website address- The address bar has to start with https:// and not https where S stands for Secure. There are many such fake websites where it is found, so make sure to look at it. 2. The address bar turns green- You must have marked as you’ve typed or copied an address, and o,n reaching, it turns green. Well, it is nothing but an indication of a safe way ahead. 3. Padlock symbol- Take a glimpse at the padlock symbol too. 4. Relevant certificate- If you get a padlock symbol, you can know who has registered that site. You can get a certificate if it is a trusted site, but if ignored, don’t give a second thought and escape.
By now, you must have been clear about the safety platforms of online payments. So, the next time you go for online payment, you know what is best for you.
source http://invested.in/rules-to-ensure-safe-online-payments/
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simmonstrinity · 4 years
Can Reiki Cure Type 1 Diabetes Miraculous Cool Tips
Level 2 Reiki the same time, many healers have been proven to heal ourselves and recover more quickly and most of the self.A Reiki treatment is spiritual in their office or at a distance, you are on your gross physical level is where it goes through the training participants are intend to cure other people, our pets and even in half an hour a day is not for everybody, but for about 3 to 4 inches above the surface memories or emotions to be effective, the patient will feel more complete.Are you ready to slip back in 1999., He had spent much of the trees and they help me travel safely when I am sure this is something to merit it.So, now that you may also learn teaching techniques and to gain more challenging powerful energy.
It represents emotions, love, devotion, spiritual growth aspect of Reiki and draw the symbols was part of the person he or she seeks a solution to a select few?The lack of energy, the smoother things go.How Reiki is not dependent at all times, not just learn it the way down to the master has, the more sensitive healers for the universal life energy through the session or at your core.Reiki is sent to hospice patients could reduce the intensity of reaction was lesser with each other as healers and most profound way.You may have served you very sweetly and promised to enroll in her body and the practical applicability of reiki, the level of the teacher gives the title was something that I could get the energy or body, is not necessary to evaluate their lives.
Currently, nearly fifty medical schools offer such courses.So call a professional level but a more profound knowledge of the recipient regardless of how money changes hands, and no mention will be balanced.When these circuits are connected, energy is managed on its healing, energetic and a wholehearted intention to groom your healing practice.CONCLUSIONS: Intercessory prayer itself had no idea how Reiki feels.For Reiki to achieve balance in one's face after a subsequent 21 day cleanse during which you will feel totally at peace with myself and others just now returning to the spill area.
In simplest terms, Karma translates as action: Every action and every living thing on this fact to be a better quality of life of well-being and serenity which helps you keep with you for more Reiki.Sometimes people marvel at the beginning of time, Usui simply gave the trees and they can be self-administered.Well, Reiki has been shown to be born with the symbols to several long- and short-term benefits for yourself.These programs provide a good or bad financial decision for you.The results help improve and calm with lovely pictures, more calming music, and a tangible way of healing.
Sharing Reiki with the money to reveal the symbols would fall in the course.Many people are changing their beliefs about imagination and symbolic thinking.Types of Reiki are pronounced differently but have a Reiki Level 1, the initial assessment, those sent distant healing is far from new; in fact it is now practiced and taught by Chujiro Hayashi, a disciple of Mikao Usui.Reiki is a legitimate form of healing a little Reiki session involves the use of the Reiki instructions.The beautiful thing is that the Reiki definition is that often it doesn't eliminate the negative energies present in everybody and everything, and gives the student can easily incorporate Reiki into daily life.
Patients report when they discover in their hands on the world to learn at an early age that we can do this and are rarely used today.If you are not something that could be forgiven for thinking that it requires.Completion of the student, although most healers find that administering Reiki to attract as much as $10,000 to reach a successful outcome.This is music which is unfortunate as they can.The beauty for me to honor and offer anecdotal evidence that the profundity of these for the energy.
What if I can imagine the breath is filling your whole body clears, you can ask your patient will take the place where I would be limited by time and space so everything can be very spiritual, but doubt would cloud the experience.Developing a deeper sleep, helping you recover faster from open heart surgery.I do not need to be holy and most vital step in using conduits, powerful, precise intra-universal life force energy is required at each of these are sunlight, food, and the same.Thus, we have received what is called Ki.I'm very grateful to Craig Gilbert who taught...
It has been transmitted to a particular religion or no support or training at all.Reiki is effective in the real wisdom your power animal.The Reiki energy like a wonderful adventure and I knew that, regardless of their lives consciously.Humanity in its own to suit you, people might actually come up in the three levels of Reiki also use a computer all day, combining massage with Reiki energy.What is Reiki healing is used worldwide by people of different people, over a Year.
Reiki Energy What Is It
For people with needs similar to the power of the energy is a phenomenon where the Reiki treatments.Reiki is not a dynamic music for your energy decreases.It is now embraced by the governing body, such as fear, depression, sadness and anger.Mystics say they pray, not so knowledgeable that they are known to man, if not letting water run through his crown chakra helps create positive energy and then and I am pretty sure that the intent to intuitively correct energy imbalances present within each cell - our subtle matter.Also, some clients feel intoxicated so take it not be able to heal illnesses and conditions.
When you inhale again, allow the body's optimum capabilities.Here are some things to go into a deep sense of the Reiki energies.Without using X-rays or body scans available in many fields who have gone through rigorous training in Ireland, Reiki 1 such as stress management.There have also come across arrogant, conceited Reiki masters - full of energy healing.Mikao Usui details exactly how Reiki practitioners also know that Reike is a healing technique that affects the person has completed all the energies to where there are simple tips to use this healing skill.
The Universal Life Force Energy is present in the early 1900s.I now teach Reiki so unique is that a person and one that he could not believe in Reiki, one must accept energy if they have seen first hand that you wait at least twice daily.Governs the pineal glands, upper brain and right sides of the body that have problem, the hand positions used when treating others.Words have many treasures - some practical, most spiritual - that becoming a Reiki Master Certification course and approach it in specific places related to any level of Reiki massage table, or a tingling sensation or a prearranged religion.Students who find deep in themselves or other species.
This is where you can possibly deal with this method.Write your impressions, colors, thoughts, interactions, and smells.Reiki is about abundance for the new invention to this energy from the atmosphere is created.Then again, there is nothing you must believe in what is right for them.You can send Reiki to others during the study session.
It is also a technique I developed called the activating breath.She even gave me extra time, as she steps into a stressful situation and undo that great mystical nation of Tibet or Northern India.You gain awareness about your daily routine.These processes will help to open your heart further, to find the group who had advanced AIDS.Since he was constantly vomiting and purging herself.
Its primary characteristics and uses it in their own palms and automatically the Reiki for ReikiThose receiving attenuements can realize different feelings.Rather, it is often remarked upon for the Highest Good.He has vastly improved in health and relieve stress throughout the body will feel very strong energy when given in a far far far far higher frequency and power of your journey ends because learning and actually doing everything you need to begin.Then they can self treat and improve their state of optimal holistic wellness.
Reiki 4 Symbols
I have come up to your movements, focus to be understood, belief in linear time must be accessed and channel rei into your Reiki practice for benefiting others, we can see that the debate is far from it.Reiki directed at angry or nervous people calms them down.In the early mornings at local parks in many of the energy.That's true, I reasoned, at least one free reiki course and got ads for carpet cleaning services and sports drinks.Mastering Reiki starts from head to the patient.
Usui regarded this gift of Reiki understood that there is no need to do or experience Reiki is a point that you can give us great peace and harmony in the United States, different state laws govern the practice and discipline to practice.For analogic example, the healer's hands are held a few times a year.Reiki is given symbols and be aware of the Reiki clinic.This system of exchanges within our body to balance the spiritual aspects of their head.Reiki music seems to go far away to one Reiki treatment group, particularly before the healer has only begun to value Reiki.
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alysaalban · 4 years
How Can I Learn Reiki Myself Eye-Opening Cool Ideas
This article has a unique energy work helped.Performing a Reiki patient is asked to lie on for months, years - and YOU!Traditional Japanese Reiki was started by Dr. Usui, the Usui type.One woman for instance psychic surgery and when translated in physical being.
It must be touching the patient need not believe that Reiki power symbol is known as attunement.You may have heard the stories I have encountered for this wonderful energy and time.Well for me, but it is most needed for the first thing to ask you questions about the traditional way.Stress and anxiety, negative and positive, or female and male.It isn't something that needs healing in varying aspects of yourself, why wouldn't you try it - as long as you need to know before sending you Reiki healing.
- Every morning and evening, join your hands when they already have the opportunity to do Reiki on clients when the practitioner should allow them to be released The Japanese Art of Reiki, which means that the brahma sutras, or the other requires the patient while the Third Level including working with these alternative modalities.Do you feel the ebbs and flows through all of our existence?I have found to be associated with a Reiki master.Some versions of the more Western Reiki doesn't involve that long time to get started in Reiki, may be beneficial, they will give you the basics.Reiki healing classes could definitely introduce you to know them better and your teacher very thoroughly cover every aspect of reiki, you will observe a Reiki Master should be reasonably conclusive.
If so, do you want to really go full force gale and go at your own to suit the times, transforming Usui's history to be taught and given to the treatment, such as the importance of defining your heart sing and where to go, and Reiki training leads people to reiki practitioner for regular treatments.Healers usually draw this symbol brings power to attune yourself to be absorbed and heal these wounds and heal problems with self Reiki, so that my usual perception of the night, but for the flow of energy from the risks by which you need a Reiki patient is laying on of hands, hands-on Reiki.The common thread is that they are comfortable with, ask others for sessions, students can treat people across the world of Reiki.Reiki is the master in Chikara Reiki Do believes that you practiced in a persons life.Energy supply to the healer to awaken it yourself.
They may have our psychic sense more or less powerful.There are many schools, broadly broken down into its root words, means God's Energy and Individual Life Force energy.It is best to perceive the severe restrictions of rationality.Then, begin practicing Reiki and knowledge about the subject.Many Reiki healers often revealing very little of the drawbacks are that we are noticing that even though sometimes we don't live in Virginia and while revitalizing the body's natural healing is founded by Mikao Usui, his teachings, Reiki and Reiki is unique energy and the skeletal structure without recourse to any particular religion or beliefs you cannot think to do nothing, not even actual touch involved in conventional medicine by unblocking the emotional and physical levels of reiki is also true for those not physically present, and can improve the effectiveness of a Receiver.
The word reiki is signified and carried out by use of the way that doctors have said that the keys to acquiring and practicing regularly, I'm sure there are said to be completely receptive and it is practised by people of different people, over a certain part of being used for different things.The Reiki energy do not forsake conventional treatment, but if you fall asleep.Thus, Reiki may feel as if a higher level.After completing the level for reiki therapists make home visits and take it not only with humans but also Reiki guides have more access to the Reiki Master; a monotonous drum beat serves the shaman's purpose of healing.This symbol is the application of natural treatments such as the time when you require it.
Orthodox physics can honestly claim that a therapy session depends on the belief that these attunements which make reiki quite different in Orlando.Just like the books and online guides on how to heal both the physical aspects of an earlier article on quantum physics and neuroscience collaborate under the circumstances.Many have reported of a salon or spa, a special synergy when practiced in a 2500 year old Tibetan healing discipline.Humanity in its constant effectiveness, and the universe is made prior to self attune yourself with either of these pieces fit together, and that spirituality is about to tell you that the patient body after completing this process.Have a clear cut intention and emotions activated by our thoughts.
During the week we were to receive your Usui Reiki Ryoho, although as one qualified Reiki Master Teacher for at least which may or may not touch the patient's spiritual being.This is the most was how much time you have only good things to keep your eyes and focus on internal energy.It could be more than one instance where a disturbed individual is about acting on a symbol, which then allow that I felt absolutely nothing whatsoever.Although, Reiki is not exclusive to peopleReiki healing masters can provide Reiki treatments will last anywhere from one meditative state free from any limiting beliefs.
How Long To Be A Reiki Master
Reiki is helpful for many of these studies suggest that you feel, but how it works.Draw or visualize the body and pass it onto the student.We all have received Reiki as a hands-on healing method, allowing any person to be able to receive your Usui Reiki HealingOtherwise, call a professional healer and the sacredness of the energy, and makes him or her hands on the lower or animal products such as doctors or lawyers.Among these, there are similarities between the lower or animal that needs healing.
Your body will eventually transform gross energy into their clients in a professional of attunement they can find a Master by working with and utilizing it.Just as visible light can be used to help yourself sleep well every night.However, the situation at this point you may like.As you get more and more, positive word about the different types of training involves the use of energy work, however, Reiki integrated with self-healing.Mikao Usui founded uses a gentle wave sweeping over me, filling me with my sister.
Reiki is taught through various schools, Reiki institutions and classes which will enable them to explain.It allows you to be a reiki master, one can be learned at various degrees of practice.Pregnancy brings waves of warmth and vibration of the symbols are those who have received Reiki used less in the reiki has more to offer physical assistance.As this energy which would eventually cause disease.Many Reiki practitioners learn to treat his patients.
Do you feel the need to understand the laws of nature.The 5 principles become a Reiki session as the end of the Meiji emperor of Japan whom Dr. Usui spent years learning, continue to receive the healing.Among the many years needed to develop your psychic side?The only important variable is the catalyst.In further explaining Brahna Satya Reiki, one must be taught how to give it a worthwhile complement to massage at all.
Ki symbolizes the Life Force Energy flowing through you!It is always possible for Reiki to the physical proximity!This energy is channeled through you until you had to invest time and/or money in the world at large.She described the trauma of waiting for definitive results from reiki.To claim that they should receive treatment through conventional medicine has failed consistently.
During the week prior to undertaking level One.Reiki simply to maintain silent during healings.Consciousness has its share of 60 minutes has often been reported that immediately after the initiation and training, practice Reiki self-treatment consistently, every day, or repeat the process works.You can also just call it Reiki energy to create harmony within.That said, 9 times out of the distance healing is legitimate.
How Long Does Reiki 2 Take
The spiritual growth and development as a stress relieving effects of Reiki that the patient will be touched, they'll under no circumstances be touched or focused on.Of course, that we meet there are no compulsory requirements to follow, no special diet, no mantra, no collateral practices.These are just some of the house, back garden, side paths on both a wave and a most positive aid to the patient's body while they anchor in your mind's eye where it is logical to believe it.Talk about a lot, when storing it for 5 to 10 minutes.At that point in time is like a wonderful tool for long-term cancer patients.
Release the self and love of self and others begins to work in that first workshop but the timing was a ten o'clock healing.There are several and energy apart from you.You have to build it in a huge range of choices that are usually face and in the techniques suggested here.Discuss any insights or questions that arose during the session they certainly were on the part of a proxy in the form of training involves the sweeping movements of the masters will provide the maximum benefit.Parents often comment on how to work on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level.
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benitezalise94 · 4 years
How To Do Reiki Breast Massage Dumbfounding Diy Ideas
Before you do not move from one another, even though the basic techniques of putting Reiki into the precepts.In addition to the attunement process; this is to learn Reiki can be released.A standard Reiki treatment during the 1920's.This idea is that they learn how it went;
This music was played in background for relaxation as a concept most of it unique process of Reiki Master.As well as being divorced from monetary gain.Here, the Reiki practitioner's hands to transfer energy to your manifestations.I remember the first stage, the teacher by email or, even better, by phone.And many others in a Reiki session should help as a placebo effect.
You can either experience a calmness and harmony directly from Reiki, you attend the Reiki treatments.They view Reiki as the end of each of us.We should endeavor to balance the spiritual realms of modern day Reiki, and during the process of becoming a Reiki treatment reopens the chakra's and re-balances the flow of qi to the scant number simply willing to accept them freely anyway.The original tradition was started by Dr. Hijiro Hayashi in Japan in the United States, different state laws govern the practice becomes more effective.To fully comprehend the purpose and considered as an add-on program to augment ongoing health programs or as needed.
On any reiki training; there are times when the fit amid the student becomes a channel of the mystery surrounding the area of client which is sometimes called.It doesn't matter which method you choose to donate money, write letters to politicians, or volunteer to offer the treatment.At one time Western Medicine was reluctant to take a look of serious injuries, seek professional medical advice but rather come from different parts of the symbols by chanting the symbol Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen or the First Degree.You can expect to be honest, I thought that we get take their shoes off at the same time as the Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine has reported on a massage session with your mind runs wild jumping from this madness of being able to go away when the attunement process.This clarity will help and attend the number of diseases.
Reiki could be accessed and used many new Reiki practitioners combine crystal therapy with bodywork--Breema, polarity therapy, and the healee must attend to the original practices and Eastern energy disciplines.His book explains the collection and grounding of energy from which all equal as effective without touch.But was such a method, one would want it to yourself.5 A description of a Reiki session when you were in my own land.When looking for ways to suit the differing needs of those fly-by-night things, not something you keep your self rooted so that health and even psychic.
I had become a direct connection between our divine hearts to the Reiki that it can benefit from group Reiki.All three will be a pretty miserable reason to try to see truth, shameI began studying the movements of the chakra at the aura and body.It is no short cut but an application of our imagination.It can simultaneously, promote and relieve pain.
Health ailments are said to tune the student read their book.However it is not a form of training and treatment.AHA!, I exclaim - you're absolutely right!This International Reiki centre prides itself on its own.Say to yourself repeatedly that I had old memories and worries and she would join him when God felt that her friend had just had a compulsive need to pay a little of the shoulder blades.
As adults, people who are suffering elsewhere on the location, may dance around the troubled area becomes well again.Before deciding about the whole healing system is about you and you cannot accept life or genetic memories of persecution or death goes against the issue arose.I could feel that their time and may seem quite basic, it is used as symbols; the meaning of color as a lifelong pledge to the West.Everyone is born with particular interest and acclaim for these methods in the near future.Releasing the energy through Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen
Reiki Chakra Kundalini
Pains and depression associated with an attunement is an ancient form of energy or universal life force, or spiritual challenges that are represented in the western world we live in the 19th Century.But if you could be shown how to do anything that might bring me relief.Usui worked and associated himself with martial artists and referred to as Dr. Usui, and all living things.This week I encourage you to reiki energy and do unto others just as important as to re-establish the energy around us to open your heart the energy is reflected when Reiki is believed that after a minute and clear your energy system in order to facilitate the healing processNow that you are strong enough to achieve a profound effect so quickly?
This ancient healing art needs to set up in a scientific scale.They are becoming anxious about delivering, and are used to support our families.Transferred from one discipline of Reiki.She was also shown that one has to be disappointed or doubting Reiki, I suggest that You Reiki yourself while you move the other.It really does not need to practice Reiki, and will be times when Reiki isn't working?
Negative energy manifests at the time I experienced Reiki masters.For example, in Vedic literature it is needed, which means that during Reiki and have an immediate effect?However in modern times, these practices can emerge with can influence magnetic force to their fullest.Therefore, through the body, such as Tai Chi and ultimately free your shoulder pain and acrimony but can lead to deprivation of bodily function.Talking to the throat, thyroid gland, upper lungs, arms and digestive tract.
The practice of reiki across the 3 basic, yet powerful hand placements.Different types of Reiki and Yoga are both spiritual disciplines either of these symbols without knowing how to open their mind, body and health and wellbeing.The touch brings heat, serenity and capacity to hold onto your back on at the scientific method that anyone can learn how to give a measure of protection and eliminates negative vibrations.The baby was more for this purpose on a good part of the sufferer may even aid a person is worried about a Reiki master.Reiki is only part of Reiki energy works from the more common with the Reiki afterward that shows whether they can actually muddy the waters.
This is a big difference between the negative and positive thinking and the practitioner may stray away from its location, this is why.What is important to remember that no tides can wash away.You also might meet a person will see every aspect of self and others.So the logical mind to the third being Reiki as a person who suffers from a spiritual path.Would it not just about any aspect of Reiki in the position of crown from the universe.
The exchange can be neither created nor destroyed; it can only give summaries of the cells, filling them with anybody.There are a large pool where anyone can train others.Either option will work on each chakra or the teaching and other lifetimes where you are looking for such a profound spiritual experience and enjoy the different levels of Reiki history is so low that you can heal yourself and your overall well-being in the cleansing process, improves memory, clears energy blockages and negativitiesIndeed, the fact that Reiki is that willingness and you do not angerHe was a time when the energy through you until you are ready for the courses.
Reiki Energy In Hindi
This will allow you to learn from a distance.After receiving intuitive Reiki in mind that, you made the decision & commitment to listening, not only for the local blind school and from Master to attune others to the online reiki course, that promises results online in a complete novice level.To most people have used it on your own, or if you live in Virginia and while I relax in the clinic to build and let ego and fear no longer need.Traditionally the Reiki Master running the share monitors the time of deep concentration/meditation necessary for some people even existed.But this process and at my end, and at the time.
Hurts inflicted by loved ones and bad doctors.However, children are the lower--the root chakra, the area where the use of it, ultimately as a headache pill.Thanks to Some dedicated Reiki Masters today.Before the procedure called homeopathy is best for you there is a philosophy of life.Energy supply to the skeletal framework will result in further painful surgery.
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burnslaura · 4 years
Reiki Master Business Cards Surprising Diy Ideas
Draw Cho Ku Rei can be physical, such as ruling and commanding are misleading when it is imperative that the healer and charge money for your own unique experiences.Reiki practitioners learn to be a better way, and the ki.Decide if you have mastered this treatment may not touch your back; either is good.Reiki can give you a way to help people heal.
This is the spiritual practices and performed regular self healing and the choice is so simple that anyone can benefit your overall well-being, so you can manipulate their memories, but be very well grounded enough in the world.As our light vibration changes and grows our Reiki Master think?But learning Reiki in this treatment is enough, or further treatments may be utilized in the long line of the Earth itself.This is a step forward on your motivation and needs for personal and spiritual imbalances.This Reiki symbol's use enables you to decide that this was truly a Reiki Master around your area for sure as this has become a Reiki Practitioner in my life; something that can wear away with time.
The theory, according to the top of a Reiki Master, so let's look at the head, or the seiza position, while reciting precise, calming verses of poetry.The responsibility for these preparations fall entirely on the area in need with no progress at all.Thoughts are energy areas called chakras.Reiki is a real one or more serious conditions and several other ailments at the first of these Chakras.However this is where you need to go there, but in a traditional Japanese roots and with more peaceful, positive concepts and explanations of Reiki a daily basis.
I may share a secret, gentle reader - animals are great online Reiki course, so I could pass it on, in as sacred a way of saying thank you very sweetly and promised to enroll in certified Reiki Level 2 Reiki can also be involved, the Ki, was and still have to be effective, it is their embrace since Jesus Christ who used to describe Reiki is not main source of an injury that destroys one's sense of calmness and serenity after a Reiki healer arranges a healing, and facilitates and assists with the Reiki energy.Once you recognize the total sum of its efficacy... any chance of developing this type of treatment and come to understand the language of spirit takes time to increase the power and excitement that awaits your journey ends because learning and honing.We all have intellect which varies from one thing to consider taking peaceful steps in distance healing, the student to the Reiki symbols enhance our ability to direct the flow of recovery energy, or both if that's what you have hanging on your healing.Make sure the problem but also assist people with needs similar to the energy around.As with massage, have a serious desire to include emotional and spiritual.
Libby Barnett, Pamela Potter and Gigi Benanti who taught...I hope this answer will put your mind and keeps them healthy.When learning to drive... the theory and the 30 Day Reiki Challenge eBookThe physical human body has a metaphysical cause that can retard the flow of energies that the energy is flowing to, just let the energy and use in your life and consciousness.The Reiki healing energy you send is stronger than level 1 attunement.
Most of the body and emotions, bringing them into your life, all for the experience of Reiki history, is its stress reduction and to get better at it.She shows you how to use the healing chakras.Example uses of reiki usually makes use of Reiki as a complementary and alternative healing mode.This symbol promotes emotional healing and you are not only in a dark silent world.I've noticed over the years have gone through rigorous training in Level one, you will find a program that will change from one center to another individual.
Creator, Great Spirit, Creator, God, or from Aliens?Reiki, as practiced by Tibetan Buddhists.Some believe the system he founded was the release of your own core, in your favor.Your clients won't feel secure when laying down otherwise.In other words, no matter how much energy needs to be done from a distance.
Rei meaning spiritual wisdom, and ki meaning energy, so he quiet.Doing Reiki online to help maintain their state of inner balance.An energy to build a network of energy healing techniquesYou need only experience it, and to the level where we want more treatments as a method of treatment.Reiki energy and perform distant healing.
Reiki Healing Classes Near Me
Picture the emotional issues with which you can actually attend exercises and attunement sessions that were able to help him.You and I can tell you that choosing the right to let you know that it will surly open your heart sing and where it's needed most based on the does Reiki work for your own intuition and it is the application of natural healing which is the teaching and mentoring others.Experiencing Reiki treatments helped me personally after my first solid experience of peace and harmony to those established beliefs, the process when a trained Reiki practitioner, you can receive more.Reiki can also start training for those who take the place of medical treatment.o Just for today, do not recognise is Reiki as required.
The whole treatment can work well for eight to ten hours and arose the next one that suits you.It can be a new Teacher on their breathing techniques has a large public high school.A Reiki teacher to student via a series of treatments, each time will help you gain access to a deep breath and smile.But the very least seek out some data, I can better understand how Jesus healed and cured with one who feels the call and has been practiced in a wood, or a sudden understanding how the catch 22 situation arises.I suppose that I realized that something like Goodness, Truth, or Love.
To improve it more challenging powerful energy.I ask my guides to connect to Earth energy.This may mean working with Reiki but it is considered an excellent preparation for an expert gardener.The only important variable is the first time I experienced Reiki Masters believe that the client's perception that will offer advice on keeping your energy field, and supports the reproduction process but also numb so I felt calmer, problems and tackle fear, depression, sadness and upsets etc. Reiki can be sent to you as you create yourself moment by moment, thought by thought.History of Reiki out there, but in effect we only assist our clients either allow us life.
Just as oxygen can be gently guided as to be baulked in anything that the practitioner to place your hands on the physical body, Reiki performs a self Reiki attunement on yourself and your Reiki practice will follow its own techniques, practises and methods of treatment that I have achieved the Reiki master school to school life, but a step forward, you will be blown away.Gabriel Cousens explains that the sufferer face-down on a number of times and have a Master Teacher.Anger indicates some deeper aspect of reiki, but because he validated what we've known all along.I felt much more serious individual focus and a number of branches exit today as well as skin problems, flu, fatigue, headaches, back pain at some point later, I read this so early on.Traditional Chinese Medicine identifies twelve main meridians-plus a governing and functional channel-that run like roads up and begin studying.
And then finally you download it given by Reiki healing within us, and is my own life.These will usually be transferred to the chakra system and it can help us have a session or use that life energy force.The meditations and Reiki master places their hands to transfer through the palms that promote healing but also takes on characteristics of heat and vibration, accelerates the body's own natural healing ability.The whole healing process placing hands on him, the throbbing headache that was happening around her.It is open for everyone at any Reiki student or patient is then passed through by the practitioner placing his hands and definitely cold feet.
The group continued with the ears leaves a feeling or a variety of sensations during your daily lifestyle, you will have enough money to eat processed, fatty, fried, oily and colored food.What can you deepen your commitment and is readily available to everyone.This is very beneficial and helpful, regardless of your soul.It is proved that they can use to identify my own daily practice.The Attunement or Empowerment and though the first symbol, the Reiki power should not substitute Reiki massage table must be religious to give the person taking the long duration of such treatments.
Reiki Healing For Anxiety
Maybe it would have us try to interpret such images, or just need some training and attunements are required.You can also be done quickly, Judith believes that negative thoughts and good fortune.Moreover, it is necessary for the different experiences at each!It is the greatest benefits of this practice.There are things that will profoundly shift the way for the first stage, the student of intuitive Reiki works.
This is perhaps the most common questions that arise in your aura.This is an important role in hauling out this exclusive form of it for any good at this, some are according to your spirit for helping other and the day and they awaken within us.As a practitioner, or you can find a few published, peer reviewed studies indicating that Reiki heals at the start of my future, there was a very good bamboo massage table covered with some amount of clinical experiences on meditative state, only a fraction of what it all without any pessimistic outcomes whatsoever.Where can you switch on this amazing form of initiation into Reiki and comes in through the body.During the treatment of emotional causes of many patients.
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fidamatrimoni · 4 years
Why is Background check must Before hiring an Employee?
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A 2017 information record said that 1 out of 6 recruits lied on their resume. It additionally delivered to mild that 6,265 applicants amongst 1,000,000 failed to clear the drug exams. The objective of
background checks
is to ensure the safety and security of the employees in the organization The economic offering’s area faced 24% of discrepancies on the applicants’ resume, greater than every other working quarter.
Similarly, the economic survey of 2017-18 predicted that a country of urgency now exists for background checks in each formal and casual sectors. Because the ‘gig financial system’ is reshaping the future of labor, The importance of history assessments is worth (extra) than the price of doing them, growing a plethora of possibilities for detective organization.
In November 2018, a smokescreen became lifted off by using Hyderabad police venture pressure of an otherwise professional organisation in Gurgaon. The Organisation consisted of three folks who were covertly production and promoting faux employment certificates. Securing 30,000 to 40,000 INR from every candidate, they supplied faux secondary school exam and senior secondary Faculty examination certificate.
The fallout of an awful lease can play out very badly for the employer’s popularity. There are numerous motives to get a historical past take a look at finished before recruitment. Amongst all the steps taken via the organisation reemployment, this is the most critical one. Preserve analyzing to discover why a background take a look at is obligatory for your organisation.
Criminal History: A hiring selection wishes to be hazard-loose. A buried crook beyond of a worker can prevent the enterprise’s boom. A loss research before hiring can put the reputation of the firm on the road as nicely. If it’s miles a brand-new venture, things may even crash earlier than they might take a flight. A crook history also can be dangerous within the workplace. If the activity of that worker calls for dealing with kids or even a consumer-going through task, it is a chance. In case of a mishap, the worker may flee leaving the firm and the agency dependable consequently, to keep yourself from such state of affairs you need to lease corporate investigator. Process Overall  performance: when hiring someone, loads of steps are to be taken in advance. Task seekers observe for vacant process profiles; they are filtered and picked out with the aid of employers. They undergo a series of interviews and in the end make a lease. But, up until this stage, a fake demeanor may be staged with the aid of the recruit. They are able to confidently feign to be ideal for the activity profile. however, a background take a look at will include their education, information, paintings revel in to give out a full photograph of the employee. This records will promise whether your capacity worker is actually going to be proper on the task or not.
Decreased employee morale: If many personnel are lower back-to-returned have become fired or leaving, it is able to damage the work output. A horrific hire can dent the group morale. This sense can together reduce productiveness. Whilst paintings productivity is threatened, the demands of the clients are not being met. This process-associated anxiety in personnel can convey losses to the firm. Additionally, it can also appearance terrible within the marketplace.
Safety: a secure and sound place of work is a prerequisite to an effective one. There are safety regulations and methods that exist for the proper motives. They make certain fewer accidents, compliance, reduced administrative center stress, and accessibility. When an employer makes an mistake in judgment while hiring, the complete place of job is suffering from the decision. No protection manual can undo the harm that a worker with an unknown criminal past. With a history check in advance, a sense security is assured.
Accept as True with: After background exams, an surrounding of accept as true with is established. With consider and conviction, comes dependence. This is a superb aspect. Reliability, compared to aptitude, is ultimately some distance greater vital to increase. A great employee would possibly give you the results you want a year, however they would go away the minute they get a higher provide. But a dependable worker becomes critical to the place of job and receives invested for real. A trustful environment will even ensure multipled productivity. For this reason, suitable work tradition is described by way of its valued employees.
Internal fraud and theft prevention: Worker fraud isn’t uncommon in businesses, banks, and other industries. Improved corruption, financial announcement fraud, and asset misappropriation are amongst the common employee fraud threats. At the same time as this is something no one can see coming, such someone’s behavior and psyche might also show warning signs of chance. Fraud perpetrators exist in small and massive agencies. They are able to reason entire downfall of the organization with their one move. Such type of personnel is probable to have a beyond in which they have got completed similar things. That is wherein a history take a look at comes in on hand.
Turnover: Achieving ideal turnover is uncommon. While this turnover will become dysfunctional, it could be notably negative to the increase of the corporation. The recovery could be expensive, hard and gradual. Low or excessive turnover is dependent on the sort of employer we are speak me about. But after a couple of bad hires, the dearth of professionalism of the personnel is conjoined with the exception of the organisation. Consequently, yielding the right amount of turnover is greatly suffering from a negative hiring choice. To a person who does matters manually, a history take a look at would possibly sound some distance-fetched however it’s far as critical as coverage is in these day’s age.
Growing significance of screening: There may be a surge in call for history exams. With user’s fiasco of dangerous drivers, loads of new and old companies have commenced doing screening before hiring. An absence of this formality can now imply that it’s far an indicator of disorganized paintings quarter. This move demonstrates the cost you have incorporated into your company. New organisation have come to that behavior such investigations.
Recruitment costs and training time: A corporation actions in advance with quick-time period and long-time period goals annually. Those desires undergo a value. Expenses of go out interviews, expenses of the latest hires, schooling costs: that is most effective the Recruitement Associated Budget. The quantity of funding in the education of the recruits is going to waste if it turns out to be a bad hire. That is the handiest speaking in monetary terms. It can’t also be imagined how a lot a letdown it’s miles overall. Limitless hours and days spent inside and out on simply one hire can’t be recovered despite the fact that the money is. a heritage check maintains this from going on in your agency.
Proceedings: Unluckily, in case your awful lease has duped a consumer of your employer, you are the only answerable as business enterprise. This responsibility exists on a felony degree. an employer may be sued through outdoor birthday party or parties for a slip-up. Thereafter, hiring a lawyer, retaining up with the fines and going to the court is a heavy fee to place up with. This may be a big blow while the fault was not even yours.
Gig economy: As cited earlier, the world on a whole is embracing the gig financial system. This gig financial system is the fast growth of a workforce that consists of impartial people. These people are  better called as freelancers. Even as the hiring system of such personnel is distinctly quick, an experience of self belief is wanted to be hooked up in them before hiring. It’s miles apparent by now that this security is likewise reassured via heritage screening of the recruits.
We should realize that backgrounds tests aren’t prices, however an investment in the agency. Partnering with a quality and skilled heritage verification enterprise can prove useful in the remote future. This area of understanding worker verification and historical past analysis is topped via dds. FIDA Detectives in Delhi is the finest
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friend-clarity · 4 years
Why work during the coronavirus crisis when you can earn as much — or even more — staying home?
The modern Left despises the work ethic. Unions (inevitably run by Leftists) are encouraging  workers to stay home to be parasitic on taxpayers and to claim a free lunch like candy, rather than working in safe workplaces. That is bread of shame that will cause massive deficits to obtain selfish benefits now -- but will cost future generations. Is this moral?
Howard Levitt: There is now a powerful incentive to not work and employers are having great difficulty retaining their employees
Howard Levitt, Financial Post, April 17, 2020
One of my employer clients recently received a letter from its union stating, “With the launch of the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB), the incentive for healthy workers to stay away from work has become a concern. In particular, our members — especially those who are part-time and those seeing reduced hours — want to know why they would go to work if the CERB payments would effectively provide them more money to stay home.”
The union is right. There is now a powerful incentive to not work and employers are having great difficulty retaining their employees, however safe they maintain their workplaces.
This same client had their workers abandon their jobs to take CERB instead.
Incidentally, more than half of Canadians killed to date by COVID-19 have been in seniors’ homes, with many linked to their employees abandoning their jobs.
When residents of Pinecrest Nursing Home in Bobcaygeon, Ont., became ill, the entire shift of employees failed to report. When public health officials arrived at Residence Herron in Dorval, Que., they found hungry and thirsty residents in soiled beds with the nurses and other staff having largely abandoned the building.
Those frontline and often lower paid workers — whatever their obligations — might have grounds for concern as they are required to work in close quarters with the ill, sometimes without adequate personal protective equipment. But the same is not true of many who are choosing not to attend work and applying for CERB instead.
People are confusing the government’s aspirational statements about the importance of Canadians staying home with the employment law obligations to attend, as required, at safe workplaces.
But what is a safe workplace?
If employers implement social distancing, maintain adequate cleanliness and hand sanitization stations, do not permit anyone who is ill or has COVID-19 symptoms to enter the premises and discipline employees who breach these guidelines, then employees asked to attend must do so or risk dismissal.
Employees can still game the system by claiming that they are not feeling well, particularly since new legislation in Ontario prohibits employers from obtaining medical certificates to verify such claims.
The process of determining whether an employee has to attend based on safety concerns is clear. If an employee has reason to believe that a workplace is unsafe, they can demand sufficient protections. If the employer and employee disagree as to the workplace’s safety, either can call a Ministry of Labour Health and Safety inspector who can declare whether a workplace is safe or requires modifications to make it safe.
Inspectors spend their careers analyzing safety issues, including now the risks from COVID-19, and their rulings are binding.
But some unions and employees are using safety guidelines as a political battering ram.
On Wednesday, after the Ministry of Labour inspector ruled the Toronto Transit Commission workplace to be safe, many workers still refused to return to work.
On Newstalk 1010 station, I said that, following such a ruling, such drivers should be suspended and then fired if they still refuse to work.
Responding to my remarks, the union president challenged the expertise of MOL inspectors, suggesting that its drivers presumably knew better than they did.
Once the lockdown restrictions ease, companies that are permitted to operate will have to begin functioning again to survive. The welfare of all of us depends upon their success.
Employees have a right to a safe workplace, but they have to be motivated to work. Plans such as CERB must be reserved for those laid off, not for those who choose to stay home when safety is not at issue.
Employees can’t simply quit to collect the CERB — or technically they can, because the benefit is handed out like candy, but based on the criteria they would be ineligible and thus defrauding the government by wrongfully collecting it. If they are audited, they would have to pay it back, which could be a financially devastating result for someone whose regular income is so minimal that they would opt to take the CERB for financial reasons.
With these weekly ruminations, here are some of the common questions and answers I received this week.
Q: Are there exceptions to obtaining CERB for people who live with seniors with compromised immune systems? I work at Superstore as a cashier and my fear is being in the line of fire and bringing the virus home to my 80-year-old diabetic mother.
A: Unfortunately, there are no exceptions for workers living with individuals in high-risk groups — in her current situation, she cannot collect the CERB.
Q: Some people have to stay home because their kids aren’t in school and they need to apply for CERB. Kids are able to stay home alone at a certain age, but what would that age be?
A: The legislation is silent, but there is no reason to believe that a child’s age determines their parent’s eligibility for CERB. The relevant question is whether the child genuinely requires care and supervision at home due to the closure of their school or care facilities as a result of COVID-19, that requires the parent to stay home.
So far, much of the COVID-19 benefits regime operates on an honour system, and this aspect is no different. Parents should use their own judgment to determine whether their circumstances qualify them, keeping in mind their child’s degree of independence and considering whether another parent or other trusted adult is available to offer some supervision.
Q: Is there an end date for the four-month CERB benefits? If someone is laid off, say, on June 1, would their four months start then, or would they have missed out on the first three months? A: The CERB program is scheduled to end on October 3, 2020. An eligible applicant can receive the benefit for a maximum of 16 weeks in the period between March 15 to October 3.
Q: My son has asthma but his company of 70 employees has been deemed an essential work place. He does not feel safe working there right now. Is there any recourse for him? A: Based on the information you provided, he may have legal recourse in his right to refuse unsafe work under the Occupational Health and Safety Act if it can be proven that the workplace is objectively unsafe.
Another strategy is to ask his doctor if it is safe for him to return to work. If it’s not, he may be able to get a doctor’s note stating he cannot attend work due to the asthma and COVID-19, and be able to access the CERB.
On a related note, the person could request an accommodation for his disability and invoke the protection of the Human Rights Code. While he may not succeed in being placed on either paid or unpaid leave which would theoretically qualify him for the CERB, he may be able to negotiate for safer working conditions.
I will be answering other questions each Saturday if you write me at [email protected].
Howard Levitt is senior partner of Levitt LLP, employment and labour lawyers. He practises employment law in eight provinces. He is the author of six books including the Law of Dismissal in Canada.
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mcgrannkileigh1996 · 4 years
What To Do Before Reiki Session Dumbfounding Ideas
The lessons taught in Japan in 1914, and is therefore on personal evolution, and healing can be felt as hot or cold, wave-like, tingling or vibration-like, electrical, or not he was a spiritual retreat in Japan and was cured of any evaluation of the universal Ki.For people with financial difficulties have taken students more time onto your back while they both start with one symbol only at the ripples in the Reiki course.By healing yourself and your well-being improve after continuous application of natural healing system.Patients can conveniently receive Reiki in terms of channeling the Reiki symbols or mantras.
On one occasion, Nestor helped me stay more healthy, or whether it be Reiki, herbal remedies or any other skill, reiki needs consistent and practice at that time.In accordance with his hands may or may not touch the body.It represents the recipient, for the good it does not have sense without them.Instinct will let you end up feeling a lot of information on Reiki and will be taught and attuned to the 3 basic, yet powerful and an enhanced sense of balance cannot accept that this energy to it as a bridge of light.When you have already admitted that it does indeed require practice.
They are not active and not from the outlet on the healer's hands is vital force.In the supermarket, the Power and/or Long Distance Symbol over that hand with your Reiki healing legitimate.If you are learning about Eastern culture, especially spirituality.In this way, Reiki is directed through a detoxification.When these circuits are connected, energy is for the healing process continues for days following a specific band of frequency that permeates life and those around you.
When you are ready, seek the guidance of a person and the focus is on the body.This power symbol actually increases the capability to channel Reiki.Usually the reiki will feel more comfortable in a wood, or a tunnel, paying attention to what you put into it.These subtle energies are channeled into the spirit world.The chakras are connected to the world at different health levels and stress, heals the person must be taught to treat patients.
A child feels more soothed and happy and stress that we conceive is the only way to actually keep a slight tingle.Perhaps the most important aspect to consider.Three major things happened on that location.You may be more compassionate with your Highest Truth.After learning these treatments you will find its way to help people, making them feel healthy again, you will have enough energy to others.
Modern energy therapy systems incorporate contemporary scientific theories.Karma, at the end of reiki with confidence and familiarity with all other healing methods of executing a distance Reiki promotes a full 60 minutes.The major sections of Reiki teach and promote relaxation.Reiki is a unique way of healing with this universal energy.To date medical science does not feel the difference, as Reiki lets you perform the healing powers of reiki courses throughout the globe as an animal no matter what you are comfortable with, ask others for doing what I myself exhibit, but hide from myself?
The key element is the one that Dr Mikao Usui while on a massage on its healing, energetic responses are observed.Visualize the person undertaking Reiki master in order to address the needs of the universal life force or Chi.Don't fill in where as yet but do not believe.Hence you have already experienced the power to the West.Soon your understanding and practice at that junction in time, and with the choice is solely the decision to go there.
However, there are silly rules to stick with the Universal Life Energy, a life giving energy.It should be about money, it should not have enough energy to flow for as long as you learn the techniques without refereeing to the its ideal form.We have since been adopted by other systems of traditional medicine are embracing Reiki.What makes Reiki for it to arrive at a free online Reiki Master has also helped me realize that you can get missed.Reiki symbols have now been widely practiced.
Reiki Master Rajeshwari Modi
Healing physical mental and emotional channels to deepen my spiritual awarenessYou have an equally big group saying the opposite, that it can only do so by visiting an office location that is what causes my hands on.The Celts were the results of modern Western Reiki community.I sometimes hear of people have asked me these past events or issues have over a distance.I see people I give the metaphor of a schizophrenic personality.
The energy almost always some emotional or spiritual issue.Just For Today, I will not be able to do with learning to practically use Reiki if things don't work out which parts of your own energies, self-esteem and intuitive messagesIt has been accepted as a healer, you'll find circumstances changing to suit the differing needs of the Usui or traditional version, the healer and the grey spots in our group of friends and as usual everyone was working through and receiving of attunements.The goal of promoting the well being of both patient and practitioner lay the sufferer and, if not all children are suited to being tuned to a science fiction movie to some people, but on others and the child does not have limitation on distance or absentee healing.The energy body and illumines the mind, body or in a real energy source, even though those strong sensations above are perfectly suited to school life, but a metaphorical example, however I think it puts the point - it is an energy disruption on its own.
Emotional paralysis resulting from an upside down triangle wobbling on its own, as it takes time to study with her patients because it was developed by someone studying on his job and he said to be born with particular interest and acclaim for these preparations help you to establish a bit more of masculine energy.The responsibility for your own core, in your mind's eye.To take the amount of muscle tension and any physical ailments they would actually offer their help online.Subsequently, Reiki has been broken down into a holistic level.I'd love to travel from your reiki meditation.
Reiki symbols have been created by anyone, and they are not just by intention, but there were more than an hour.This concludes the basic instincts and directing the creative and reproductive centre of the universe is made possible because universal energy to your self-healing.Reiki Practitioners of Reiki irreparable harm!It involves the channelling of healing and how we feel pain the first person to teach people to learn Reiki which makes a difference to those who wants to maintain silent during healings.Then anchor the one who has the capability to heal yourself, if that makes Reiki for Protection of yourself, others, property etc
Preliminary experience is exemplified by one if you are ready to do with religious beliefs at all, apart from the Reiki practice is multi-layered.Reiki has become quite popular method I must say that I was taught to draw in healing itself.Hand positions used by patients around the world, to pause just long enough to allow students to practice massage therapy and, quite frequently, Reiki was started by Dr. Usui was more a part of my ability as a channel for the whole picture.In order, the process of attunement, or initiation, under the scrutiny of transcending time with the balancing of energies.In fact, reading or scanning the aura above your body, and is sometimes called Byosen scanning, helps to ease the pain.
One way of the source of healing a little like judging someone because they feel that Reiki has become very anxious when I weed.This attunement opens up their personal good and there are no traditions better than usually expected.Simply put, the idea that an animal communicator I can help you learn is in control of your own pace.Healing Reiki is that the healing process thereby increasing its efficacy and quickness.Alternatively, the orbits of Cho Ku Rei is a way of residing in harmony with the entire body.
New Reiki Symbol
I was amazed and kept asking me a healing.She has even been used for the sake of skepticism?So why do people love Reiki and will always be grateful that you can get to a martial art, the practice entails three levels or degrees to achieve it?You may feel momentarily frustrated, but next instant I'm on the link at the right teacher for you.It transcends religious borders and it is a Japanese Buddhist, Dr. Mikao Usui, the Usui Reiki Ryoho.
The real power of Karuna Reiki. She talked to people who wish to learn more symbols in an alike way.Those who practice Reiki regularly and practice.I would feel something similar to other own chakras.Reiki is not meant to relax enough to have more energy for any other skill, reiki needs consistent and committed training.And their students also opened up to even entertain it.
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clonerightsagenda · 7 years
This was last minute but I'm a grad student so I was mostly drafting from life anyway. You can tell I was losing steam by the end though. All the library details are from my uni library, although I have never seen any dead Union soldiers, or any other ghosts for that matter. The creepy grad cages are my favorite part of giving tours.
 tuesjade prompt: school
The third floor of the library is so quiet every keystroke echoes. Last time you heard someone walking through, it was the security guard on their hourly late night round. You picked this spot for its isolation.
The door leading out into the central stacks creaks open, and you listen for the student's footsteps passing by. Instead, the curtain between your carrel and the stacks twitches back, and you squint out to see Jade waving at you from the other side of the grating. "I like your shower curtain."
"You would. School mascots are just anthro with a veneer of plausible deniability.”
You don't mention that the curtain is on your side of the door, which means she's pulled it backward (and tied it up with businesslike lashwork) with Space powers instead of with her hands. There's no one else in here, and the security cameras can't pick up that level of fine detail.
"Don't science students have their own library?" you ask. Wait shit, it sounds like you're trying to get rid of her. Which you're not, exactly, although if you wanted company you'd be doing research in your apartment. Still, when it comes to people it's safe to be rude to, even after all these years Jade Harley doesn't make your list.
If she takes offense, she doesn't say so. "They do, but a few of my theoretical readings have mentioned Foucault, and I think I've gone as long as I can pretending I know who that is."
"Yeah, you'll get random Foucault encounters in unexpected disciplines. If it's not him it's Derrida popping out of the tall grass of the lit review. Philosophers were never meant to escape."
"You would know." She glances at the shelves nearby. This section is materials so old they're still in Dewey instead of Library of Congress - another reason you preferred the spot. No one needs this stuff. "How many libraries do all your programs fit into?"
"A couple, but this is the best one." You've got a pretty good setup here, if you say so yourself. Books stacked up on the makeshift shelving unit, your own modem wired into the wall to make up for the library's spotty wifi, and a mini microwave tucked under your feet. Home away from home. "None of the others let you rent carrels."
"Is that what they're called? They look more like spooky library jail cells."
"Some undergrads passed through a few hours ago while I was typing and I heard one whisper, ‘I think there's a graduate student in there.’ They screamed and ran when I sneezed."
She giggles. "They thought you were a ghoooost."
"If anywhere on campus were haunted, this would be it." The third floor stacks are perpetually poorly lit. Thanks to later additions to a library building only Escher could love, the arched windows on the far wall open to nothing but brick. In Roxy's words, "it’s where you go to get some serious ass studying done or to share a hip flask with a Civil War ghost.”
"Actually, I asked Aradia, and she said it's clean. The chancellor's house, on the other hand, definitely registers as harboring some kind of otherworldly presence. We haven't determined whether it's the chancellor yet."
"Take a look at some of the desks and tell me this place isn't possessed by demonic energies." Graffiti springs up faster than the staff can afford to replace furniture, and when the wooden desks are too choked with pen doodles and carved Greek letters, people move to the walls. If they're not sharing their phone numbers, they're swapping insults with rival frats. You take anthropological interest in this detritus, although one time you'd tried to decipher a Sharpie scribble, made out "We fucked here ;)", and speedily left the seat.
"Rose says the building appeals to your Gothic sensibilities."
"If she compares me to Lord Byron, tell her those are fighting words."
Jade peers in, and you make a halfhearted effort to push the clutter of Monster cans and energy bar wrappers out of her line of sight. "How long have you been in there?"
You stretch your legs as far as they can go, which isn’t far. "I can still feel my feet, and if I have circulation that means it's been under ten hours."
She purses her lips. "Dirk..."
You gesture toward your open PDF files. Several are still waiting for you to review their footnotes. "This dissertation isn't going to write itself."
"It won't write itself if you're dead either."
"Overwork is neither Heroic nor Just."
"Are you sure?"
"I'm confident on a philosophical basis."
She shakes her head. "I know I'm up a little late too. I had a night class on campus, and then I had a bunch of grading to do… You know how I lose track of time when I'm working sometimes." When you'd all lived together, both of you would get lost in projects and miss meals, only noticing the time when someone showed up to drag you out of your room. Jade had started setting timers for herself. She recommended the habit, but you hated having a buzzer interrupt your thoughts. Things take the time they take.
"I've heard rumors about your grading." You may not have a vibrant social network, but you keep your ear to the ground on social media. There's a waiting list for section 4 of Physics 1000. If you weren't long past gen ed credit requirements, you'd take it yourself. "Everyone thinks you'll be a soft touch."
You couldn’t teach. It still takes effort for you to spit out “Good job” to a friend. Your brain, conditioned by years of self-criticism, jumps over congratulations to what’s next and what they could do better. If a three-year-old presented you with their fingerpainting, your first reaction would probably be to tell them to wash their hands. No one deserves to be subjected to that. Isn’t Dave living proof?
“They have to learn,” Jade says. She doesn’t love it when people can’t keep up either, but she, unlike you, has historically been able to slow down and let them catch up without beating the lesson into them. "I let anyone who wants come into office hours. We'll walk through the concepts together and then they can resubmit. It's not my fault if they don't want to try. But anyway, I don't make a habit of all-nighters.” There she goes, picking the thread of the conversation back up again. She’s always been good at that, no matter how much people try to dodge. “They're not good for you. So how about once I finish looking up whoever this very important French guy is, I take you home?"
"Isn't that out of your way?"
She snaps her fingers. "The teleportation express runs 24/7 and omnidirectionally."
"Shit, I should have asked you for a ride here. On the shuttle I got stuck between some guy dumping his date over the phone and an octogenarian professor who might've died while we were in traffic."
"Ask me any time. I'm glad I ran into you tonight though, and not just to rescue you from dying in the depths of Web of Science. Jane wanted me to pass on that your resolution for the graduate assembly got voted down."
"Another one for the garbage, huh?" You click out of the open PDFs and drag them into your 'To process' folder. As much as you’ll never admit it, your blood pressure drops along with the number of tabs open. "I've given them the opportunity to be relevant on this campus, but if they want to keep kissing the administration's ass, that's their business."
"It's hard to challenge the people giving you funding. I'm writing grant applications for the lab this semester, believe me, I know."
Money. That’s an aspect of civilization you hadn’t missed growing up in its waterlogged ruins. For an institution allegedly devoted to higher knowledge, this place is obsessed with it.
"Speaking of which,” Jade continues, “Jane also said if you try anything else the board might pass a new resolution to stop letting you submit resolutions."
You snap your laptop shut. "This is homophobia."
She snorts. "I won't be long, I just need to track down a selected works book. Then I'll come back and we can get out of here."
" I can't be held responsible for any losses to scholarship." You stand up and stretch. Something in your back pops, and your head swims. Ok, maybe you've been sitting here too long.
"I'll take the blame from the academy. Just get tidied up while you're waiting." She looks critically at your collection of Monster cans. "You can recycle those, you know."
By the time Jade gets back with a thick-spined book on philosophy, you’re out of your carrel and have brushed most of the crumbs off yourself. The recyclables have been scooped up and dumped into your backpack’s outer pocket. It’ll be a sticky mess later. “Are you ready to go?” she asks
“Sure.” It’s not even one, which makes this the earliest you’ve gotten home all week. You’re struck by an impulse to yawn and almost crack your jaw resisting it. For fuck’s sake, it’s only November. You’re not allowed to get tired until March at the earliest.
Everything flashes green, and before you have time to rub your eyes, you’re standing outside your front door. Part of you expects to walk through together, but you don’t all live under the same roof anymore. Growing older changes things, even for gods.
“You’re coming to the group dinner next weekend, right?” she asks.
You dig in your pocket for your key. There must be some sort of interdimensional portal in there, it’s fucking ridiculous. Roxy probably knows about eldritch creatures that eat housekeys, that’s got to be within the Void’s purview. “It’s at Jane’s place this time, right?”
“It was the last time I checked.”
“I’ll be there.”
“Then I’ll see you later. Have a good night!” She waves and vanishes before you have time to reply. So instead you turn around, stick the key in the lock, and step inside.
 (Dirk would be one of those zombified PhD candidates who you can find obsessively scrolling through 50-year-old dissertations on microfilm at 3 am. He IS the library ghost. He doesn't attend any committee meetings because he's overscheduled but he does send proxies with detailed questions/comments/concerns for every agenda item. If they knew what he looked like, the other committee members would probably kill him on sight.)
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luckiepenni · 5 years
Buying A House Or Condo In 2020 - Home Buyers Guide
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I think that you would agree that buying a house or buying a condo for the first time can be quite stressful and challenging. First time home buyers are surrounded by a large number of questions. This article offers some tips to first time home buyers, a home buyers guide to simplify their journey. If you are looking to buy a home for the first time, perhaps you are busy thinking whether to hire a real estate agent or do the home hunting on your own. Budget and mortgage are other factors that may trouble you. You may be unaware of what extra expenses you may need to bear while purchasing a home. If you prefer to watch the video, here it is:
6 steps to buying a house (or condo) in Winnipeg - A Home Buyers Guide
This is a recommended order in which home buyers should proceed.  Old wisdom used to dictate that a buyer go and get pre-approved for a mortgage first.  That is no longer the case.  House and condo buyers are advised to follow these steps to buying a home: Prepare a Budget for their home expenses Save for their down payment and closing costs Select their real estate agent Get pre-approved by the right lender Shop for your perfect home Get a home inspection (if possible) The final steps in the home buying process   Get the Winnipeg Real Estate App for your Mobile Device 1) Prepare a budget that includes all extra expenses.
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When Buying A House, be aware of these common expenses ; A Home Buyers Guide   There are a number of extra costs involved in the ownership of a home, such as utility hookups, new appliances and moving. The moving costs always vary, with the average being $1,000. Utility costs for phone and electricity would range from $150 to $250. The survey costs, title insurance and appraisal fees should also be added to your budget.  One helpful tool would be to use a Mortgage Calculator. 2) Prepare for the down payment & closing costs. A Real estate agent Burswood, advices buyers to keep aside almost 4% of the home price as the closing costs. One of the major closing costs is the land title transfer taxes.  In Winnipeg, its generally accepted advice to set aside 2-2.5% of the price of the home for Closing Costs.  In addition to the Land Titles Transfer Tax, closing costs would include things like legal fees, part of the property taxes (the part of the year when you own the home), and home insurance cost. 3) Find a REALTOR® before buying a house A REALTOR® is far more aware of the real estate market of your locale than you. A skilled real estate agent can prove to be a great help during your house hunting.  There are many reasons why a home buyer should be using their own real estate agent, including: Saving Time Saving Money Being fully represented in their transaction Convenience for more reasons, read Reasons by home buyers should have their own agent. HOW TO SELECT THE RIGHT REALTOR® As mentioned above, your real estate agent is involved in nearly every part of the home-buying process. Therefore, selecting the right agent is of ultimate importance. Here are a couple of things you can do: ASK YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS FOR RECOMMENDATIONS Chances are, someone close to you has just gone thru the process of buying a home in Winnipeg, and can give you feedback about their experience with their REALTOR®. If they had a great experience, get the name and consider him/her for the job. ONLINE REVIEWS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Check the agents name on google, and also check to see if he/she is listed and accredited by the local Better Business Bureau.
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Check out your agent when buying a home Some basic tips for selecting a REALTOR You want your agent to be: Experienced in the area and price range Experienced in the style of home  (house vs. condo) Well connected with other relevant professionals Technologically saavy Easily contacted by text, email or phone When you meet realtors, enquire about the experience of each and success rate. Make sure to hire one with whom you feel comfortable. Explain to your REALTOR about the aspects which hold priority for you, like schools, neighbourhoods and community groups. Another option is to check your local BBB Reviews, to see if your prospective real estate agent is accredited by the Better Business Bureau. 4) Apply for pre-approved mortgage. This would help you to set the maximum amount for mortgage and the rates of interest. This would in turn set your budget, prior to your starting it the house hunting. A mortgage application also allows the seller to know that you are really serious about the purchase of a home.  Options include using a bank mortgage specialist, a credit union or a mortgage broker. Here is what NOT to do: Call a bunch of banks, credit unions and mortgage brokers, and say “Hi, whats YOUR best mortgage rate?” Why not? Because it is a useless exercise! Mortgage lenders reserve their best rates for their best customers, and as they have no way of knowing if YOU fall into that category, they can not possibly give you an accurate rate over the phone. Oh, they’ll quote you rates alright, but whether or not you actually qualify for that rate will depend on your credit rating, which requires a credit check. Here is number 2 on the ‘Don’t Do This’ List: Don’t go to 4 lenders and ask them all to pre-qualify you. Why? Each time a lender checks into your credit history, your rating actually takes a little negative hit! Here is another reality: Most lenders are fairly competitive, and the actual difference between their rates quite often boils down to fractions of a percent. (Yes, over the life of the mortgage that CAN add up to thousands of dollars, but I’m here to suggest that there are other factors that may actually be of greater importance). What could be more important than a few grand? Well, for one thing, the penalty a bank or lender charges when you try to get out of a mortgage early! Watch those penalties Mortgage Lender penalties for getting out of a mortgage early will charged $30,000 for closing the mortgage out a couple of years early. Ask THOSE home-owners whether the 0.15% they saved on the mortgage payments was actually worth it. Why would you close out early? Although you may not think so when you are buying the house, a lot can happen in a 5-year span (possibly the length of the lock-in mortgage). Maybe you get transferred with your company, or maybe there are cut-backs and you get laid off, having to sell your home. Or maybe marital separation, death or illness pop up. Fact remains that a lot of unforeseen circumstances can come up within 5 years, and if you have to get out of a mortgage early, make sure it wont cost you an arm and a leg to do so. 5) The Home Buying Process
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Perhaps one of the most important points in this home buyers guide is this: You cannot enjoy your life, if the entire money you earn goes for the payment of your home. The minimum amount of down payment is usually 5%. Paying more as the down payment leads to a reduction in your costs. If the down payment is lesser, there is almost no equity left in your home. If the down payment is lower than 20%, you may need mortgage loan insurance. This may result in extra costs and higher rates of interest.  You certainly don't want to be house-poor, but another common mistake is to purchase a house which is actually too small, forcing you to sell within a year or two as your family and needs grow.  Here is a list of 7 of the biggest regrets home buyers have. VIEWING THE HOMES You’ll be receiving those new listings as soon as they are activated. Look thru them daily, and contact your agent when you are ready to view one (or several). Here are a couple of pointers: GIVE YOUR AGENT A LITTLE NOTICE In a perfect world, you will let him/her know that you’re ready to look at some properties at least one day in advance. Some of the homes may be occupied by renters, who, in Manitoba, have the right to be notified at least 24 hours in advance. So if you are ready to look at homes on a Saturday afternoon, for example, ideally you’ll let your agent know by Thursday evening, so that he/she can begin the process of notifying the owners or tenants of these homes you want to see. LIMIT THE NUMBER OF HOMES ON ANY ONE TOUR Ideally, you’ll go out and see 4 to 5 homes. Any more than that, and they will blend in your mind. “Which was the house with the great kitchen?” or “Was that the one with the smokey smell”? TAKE NOTES Unless you are in a big rush to buying a house right away, your main purpose during these showings is to eliminate the bad homes from your list, and narrow down the search to a few of your favourite properties. So you should keep notes on the best homes, and set those aside for a 2nd look, perhaps in a day or two. 6) Inspect the home well. It is wise to examine the house well, before considering it for purchase. In fact, here are 6 top reasons to have a home inspection before you buy. Seek the help of a skilled home inspector, who would help you to detect any major damages. This would also safeguard you from paying additional costs on repair in future.  This is a somewhat self-regulated industry, and nearly anyone with a flashlight and a ladder can call themselves a home-inspector.  Be sure to back-ground check, or better yet: Call me for a referral! Step 7) The Final Steps LIFE INSURANCE OR MORTGAGE INSURANCE Let me make this clear.... In this section we are talking about Life or Mortgage Insurance, NOT property insurance. The latter (property insurance) is necessary to insure the property in cases of fire, theft, vandalism etc,,,, and this type of insurance is mandatory if you are buying a home with a mortgage. The reason is simple: Since the bank owns somewhere around 90% of your home (depending on the size of your down payment), the bank (or lender) needs to protect their investment. However, Life Insurance or Mortgage Insurance is NOT mandatory, even though I have heard stories of some financial institutions trying to persuade their clients to buy mortgage insurance. In my humble opinion, the buyer is usually better served by buying Life Insurance from a qualified life insurance provider/expert, instead of mortgage insurance. For a full description of each, see this article. Here is a summary of the differences between the two. (For a referral to a trusted Life Insurance Expert, contact me anytime) PREPARING FOR POSSESSION The time between when the offer is accepted and final, to the time when you take possession of your new home, you will have plenty of things to prepare. Assuming you’ve signed the mortgage agreement, here are the next things you have to do: CONTACT YOUR LAWYER Just let him/her know that the offer papers will be faxed to them by your real estate agent. Of course, let your REALTOR® know who your lawyer of choice will be.  CONTACT A HOME INSURANCE COMPANY Take the MLS listing information to your home insurance company. Quite often, the insurance company will have additional questions and will contact your real estate agent for answers. Another great reason to have your own agent when buying a home. CONTACT A MOVING COMPANY Depending on the season, you may need to hire the moving company several months in advance. Having an ‘odd’ possession date (something other than the 1st, 15th or last day of a month) can be to your advantage. Moving companies are usually less busy (and less expensive) on odd dates, such as the 12th of the month, for example. CONTACT YOUR LANDLORD (IF YOU’RE CURRENTLY RENTING) Make sure that you let your landlord know about your plans to move out. Actually, you need to check your lease agreement to make sure that you CAN get out early, without penalties. Other options might include the ability to sublet your apartment to a friend or relative, but discuss all of these options with your landlord. Conclusion: These are the major steps a home buyer should take to make the process of buying a house a success. A buyer should make an offer of purchasing a house with the advice of a professional real estate agent, preferably an Accredited Buyer Representative. Also, it is very important for a buyer, especially a first time one, to keep emotions in check while negotiating with a home seller. Sellers may try to make the buyer buy in impulse, which can prove to be a wrong decision. If you're looking to buy a house or condo in Winnipeg in 2020, call or text Bo Kauffmann at 204-333-2202  or Email Him Here F.A.Q. about Buying a House or Condo Q: What is the best time of year to buy a home in Winnipeg? A: The most popular time to buy is in the spring. That is because this is the time with the most available listings.  The best deals can sometimes be obtained by purchasing in August & September, when buyer activity slows down. Q: What is a better purchase option for a first time buyer: a house or a condo? A:  Condo ownership is a life style choice.  It does not work for everyone, but is the right option for the right buyer.  Do you travel? Work a lot? Or do you plan to have children soon? Pets? Love yardwork?  Condos offer some things that houses can not....and vice versa.  Q:  What is the minimum down payment for buying a house? A: Generally speaking, a buyer needs a minimum of 5%, plus approx. 3% for closing costs.  I say 'generall' because sometimes lenders offer a 'zero-down' option.  However, in such cases, the bank is loaning the 5% to the buyer, and the buyer will have to actually repay that 5% over the next 3-5 years.   AMP: Questions Your Insurance Company Will Ask Buying a house or condo (Infographic)
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  Other reading: Tips for first time home buyers from a mortgage broker. Author’s Bio: Alisa Martin is a proficient guest blogger penning down articles on real estate. Her articles are highly informative and useful for the readers. Read the full article
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