American Taekwondo Association (ATA) Senior Warrior Clinic
American Taekwondo Association (ATA) Senior Warrior Clinic @ATAMartialArts #AmericanTaekwondoAssociation #Taekwondo #SongahmTaekwondo
Group photo of attendees all young at heart! Master D’Angelo explaining some of the techniques used in Combat Sparring June 22, 2022 (Texas)– On May 14, 2022, The American Taekwondo Association (ATA) held its first Senior Warrior Clinic for members over sixty years of age.  Senior Master Laura Zant and Master Tony D’Angelo of Region 112 in Texas, guided students through a three-hour training…
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grubloved · 2 years
environmental rhetoric class booklist (updated periodically)
Joni Michell, Big Yellow Taxi
Wendell Berry, The Peace Of Wild Things (link here)
Soylent Green (1973)
essays, articles
Aldo Leopold, Thinking Like A Mountain (pdf link here)
Monsanto Magazine, The Desolate Year (a response to silent spring - pdf here)
The New Silent Spring (newspaper article, link here)
Terry Tempest Williams, The Refuge Of Change (link here)
Christine L. Oravec & James G. Cantrill, Tracking the Elusive Jeremiad: The Rhetorical Character of American Environmental Discourse, from The Symbolic Earth
Robin L. Murray & Joseph K. Heumann, The First Eco-Disaster Film? from Film Quarterly (2006) 59
Winona Laduke, Ricekeepers (link here)
John E. Ikerd, Towards an Economics of Sustainability (link here)
Susan Owens, Is there a meaningful definition of sustainability? in Plant Genetic Resources (link to request full copy here)
fiction books
Edward Abbey, Monkey Wrench Gang
nonfiction books
Aldo Leopold, A Sand County Almanac
Rachel Carson, Silent Spring
ML Lincoln & Diane Sward Rapaport, Wrenched from the Land: Activists Inspired by Edward Abbey
Barry Commoner, The Closing Circle
Alan S. Gross, The Rhetoric of Science
M. Jimmie Killingsworth & Jacqueline S. Palmer, Ecospeak: Rhetoric and Environmental Politics in America
Carl G Herndl & Stuart C Brown, Green Culture: Environmental Rhetoric in Contemporary America
Christine L. Oravec & James G. Cantrill, editors: The Symbolic Earth: Discourse and Our Creation of the Environment
Sidney I. Dobrin & Sean Morey, Ecosee: Image, Rhetoric, Nature
Mark Meister & Phyllis M. Japp, editors: Enviropop: Studies in Environmental Rhetoric and Popular Culture
Noël Sturgeon, Enviromentalism in Popular Culture: Gender, Race, Sexuality, and the Politics of the Natural
Simon Dresner, The Principles of Sustainability
Susan Schrepfer, Nature's Altars: Mountains, Gender, and American Environmentalism
Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass
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gatorindo · 4 years
Bridge City Sinners - St. James Infirmary
Sophisticated Stuff
Killingsworth House FB: https://www.facebook.com/killingswort... Bridge City Sinners Merch (support them!): https://www.flailrecords.com/bridgeci... Bridge City Sinners Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bridgecitys... Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/67koL...
From my Season Music of Death
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samanthasroberts · 7 years
Just do it: the experience economy and how we turned our backs on ‘stuff’
New figures show we are continuing to spend less money on buying things, and more on doing things and telling the world about it online afterwards, of course. From theatres to pubs to shops, businesses are scrambling to adapt to this shift
It was an audacious plan for an unloved bit of Manchester. A 25m arts centre to be built on a derelict plot that had not felt a cultural pulse since the closure, 15 years earlier, of the legendary Haienda nightclub. It would be called Home, formed by the merger of two proud but financially imperilled institutions the Cornerhouse cinema and gallery, and the Library Theatre Company and would, its backers hoped, revive a forgotten corner on the citys southern edge.
There was confidence from the city leadership that it would work, but a lot of my peers and colleagues in the arts were saying to me, Whos going to go there? says Sheena Wrigley, executive director of Home, which includes two theatres, five cinema screens, an art gallery and a restaurant and bar. It was a very unprepossessing area with a big car park and one large office block. It wasnt visible or on a main thoroughfare.
Programming would swim far from the mainstream, too. The centre opened in May 2015 with a challenging play about two thwarted lovers trying to survive a recession in a city like Manchester. This week the cinema is showing Lady Macbeth, a subversive Shakespearean noir, and The Handmaiden, an erotic Korean period thriller. The free gallery includes an exhibition of vibrant art from post-Franco Spain and an exploration of the role of vogueing in gay black culture.
Wrigley admits to having been nervous when she and her team set an ambitious target of 550,000 visits for the first year. But we smashed that in six months and did just shy of a million, she says. And they kept coming: as Home approaches its second birthday, it is about to welcome its two-millionth visitor. Its fascinating to me that you can open a venue of this kind and size and it can find its audience straight away in a difficult period, Wrigley adds. Of course, I would like to say its all about good artistic choices, but something else is going on.
Wrigley is right. A series of studies is revealing strange things about our spending habits. They call it the experience economy, which gives it the sense of a grand theory. And there is science behind it, but its also very simple: regardless of political uncertainty, austerity and inflation, we are spending more on doing stuff, choosing instead to cut back on buying stuff.
The restaurant at Home, a major new arts centre in Manchester. Photograph: Alamy
The latest figures come from Barclaycard, which processes about half of all Britains credit and debit card transactions. Figures for April show a 20% increase in spending in pubs compared with the same month last year. Spending in restaurants went up 16%, while theatres and cinemas enjoyed a 13% rise. Meanwhile, department stores suffered a 1% drop, vehicle sales were down 11% and spending on household appliances fell by 2.5%.
Barclaycard says the trend began to emerge about a year ago. And retailers are feeling it. In March, Simon Wolfson, chief executive of Next, blamed the clothing chains first fall in profits for eight years on the move from buying things to doing things. More startlingly, Ikea, the worlds biggest furniture retailer, told a Guardian conference last year that consumption of many goods had reached a limit. If we look on a global basis, in the west we have probably hit peak stuff, said Steve Howard, the companys head of sustainability.
It would be easy to assume that contemporary influences are at work here. The world is a bit of a depressing place right now, so lets have a nice evening out rather than buy a sixth pair of shoes. But theories abound of a much broader shift. And Ikea is arguably late in calling peak stuff. In 2011, Chris Goodall, a British environment writer, used government data called the UKs Material Flows Account to track consumption of stuff, and identified 2001 as a tipping point, long before the 2008 recession and everything that followed. He believed we had decoupled economic growth and material consumption.
And as we consume less, we are doing more. If you think about the 20th century, the big dominant value system was materialism, the belief that if we had more stuff wed be happier, says James Wallman, a trend forecaster and the author of Stuffocation: Living More with Less, in which he charts the move from possessions to experience. The big change to what I call experientialism is more about finding happiness and status in experiences instead.
The happiness bit perhaps stands to reason, but studies suggest the anticipation of an experience has a crucial, additional value. In a 2014 paper called Waiting for Merlot, psychologists Amit Kumar, Thomas Gilovich and Matthew Killingsworth showed how people report being mostly frustrated before the planned purchase of a thing, but mostly happy before they bought an experience. That feeling lingers longer, too, tied up as it is with memory. We call it hedonic adaptation, says Colin Strong, the head of behavioural science at Ipsos, the market research group. And the hedonic payoff of experiences is much greater.
We are also less likely to compare experiential purchases than we are products, in a way that means we are all happy with what we buy, regardless of what we can afford. So if you have a Nissan and your neighbour has a Porsche, theres no doubt who has the better car, and if you ask the Nissan driver to swap, they will, Wallman says. But if you ask people who went on holiday to the Seychelles or south Wales, its clear who had the fancier holiday, but surveys show the person who went to Wales wont swap because they had an equally good time.
If the experience economy has a levelling effect, research also suggests that part of the reason for its rise is its greater potential as a status booster.This supports the idea, questioned by some (and not backed up by Barclaycard, which does not account for age), that younger people namely millennials are driving the consumer shift. It used to be that our car, or handbag or wallet showed our status. Now we post Facebook pictures from a chairlift in Chamonix or the latest music festival, Wallman says. Social media is supporting this change. Posting pictures of what you just bought is gauche; posting pictures of something youre doing is fine. Strong also thinks the slightly impoverished nature of millennials is compelling them to get out more.
It used to be that our car or handbag showed our status. Now we post Facebook pictures from a chairlift in Chamonix or the latest music festival. Photograph: Yasuyoshi Chiba/AFP/Getty
At Home, however, Wrigley says that while students and young professionals are pouring through the doors, the venues appeal is crossing generations. A lot of arts organisations peak at around age 45, but ours is very flat, she says. We have a lot of older explorers people who worked in professional services or local government, say, and are looking for a quality experience. And baby boomers who have been able to stop work in their 60s and have pensions to spend.
Restaurants are capitalising fast, opening at a record pace in cities all over the country. In London, restaurant guide Hardens counted 200 new openings in its 2017 edition. Cities including Manchester and Glasgow have seen similar or even greater booms. Russell Norman, founder of the Venetian-inspired Polpo restaurants, is about to open his 12th outpost in Bristol, having taken the chain to Brighton, Exeter and Leeds since it landed in London in 2008. The restaurants are as busy as ever, but Norman has been surprised by booming recent demand for gift vouchers and private party requests. When we opened in Exeter we expected it to be an all-day offering, but were really finding that people are coming for special occasions, as an event, or an experience, he says.
Businesses already dealing in experiences are enhancing them to benefit from the shifting economy. Theatres would once never have considered putting a restaurant downstairs, but now youd be mad not to. The restaurant at Home in Manchester is taking 2m a year, Wrigley says, almost double what was expected. At the Chichester Festival Theatre, where ticket sales are up 12% on last year, the restaurant is booming, too. We dont have to be just excellent theatre-makers, but excellent business people, says Rachel Tackley, the executive director at the venue in West Sussex. Its about creating theatres as destinations where you can spend more than two and a half hours watching the show.
Marstons, one of the countrys largest pub groups, with more than 1,500 pubs, is racing to meet demand for more than pints of beer. Traditionally people use pubs, but go to restaurants, says the Wolverhampton-based firms managing director, Pete Dalzell. The group has shed hundreds of wet-led traditional pubs in recent years, and opened more than 150 pub-restaurants since 2009. Last year revenues were up 7% to 905.8m, and the average pub profit has doubled since 2012. Were opening up a new range of offers for consumers who are choosing to spend disposable income doing something with friends rather than buying something, Dalzell adds.
If the writing is on the wall for the purveyors of things, their response is to make the walls more appealing. Were seeing a fundamental shift in pretty much all categories to retain being much more experiential, Strong says. Increasingly, this means using technology to create the feeling of a meaningful relationship between brand and buyer, online and offline. High-street clothing stores are deploying shop assistants with tablet computers on which they can call up your previous purchases and tastes based on online browsing. And with smart marketing, even the dullest essentials are being sold as part of a brand experience. In the US, one Los Angeles TV producer, frustrated by the high price of razor blades, launched an online subscription service in 2012. Dollar Shave Club began posting blades for as little as $3 a month and, with the help of a viral ad campaign, earned 12,000 orders in the first two days. Deliveries come with an irreverent magazine. Customers felt part of something, free from the cut-throat corporate economics of brands such as Gillette, which is owned by Procter & Gamble. It soon had more than three million subscribers, and in 2016 Unilever, P&Gs big rival, bought the Dollar Shave Club and its members for $1bn. People have got that we can move from a transactional relationship mediated by big-scale advertising to much more of a one-to-one relationship with the customer, Strong adds.
That relationship is strong in Manchester, where Wrigley says she has been surprised by the scale of Homes success. The venue is already being overshadowed by rising office and apartment towers, and a new hotel. It has become the beating heart of a neighbourhood that was a wasteland only four years ago. Thats the magic of experientialism, Wallman says. Its not anti-consumerist or anti-capitalist. Money is still going into the economy and creating jobs were just spending it on experiences. Wallman, 43, has been following the trend for more than 10 years, and has seen it transform his own life. At his wifes prompting, he has just acquired a second pair of trousers, but is holding out with his one pair of shoes and five holey T-shirts. Id rather do things, he says. I took the kids to the Natural History Museum on Sunday. We went camping recently, I go climbing, play football. And it makes us happier.
Source: http://allofbeer.com/2017/08/21/just-do-it-the-experience-economy-and-how-we-turned-our-backs-on-stuff/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2017/08/21/just-do-it-the-experience-economy-and-how-we-turned-our-backs-on-stuff/
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Talking With James Killingsworth
Talking With James Killingsworth @ATAMartialArts @BleavPodcasts @betonline_ag
James Killingsworth, Author and Martial Artist April 5, 2021 (NYC)- Talking With James Killingsworth. Killingsworth is a Pharmacist, 5th Dan Taekwondo practitioner, and author. He speaks to Taekwondo Life Magazine’s, Marc Zirogiannis, about his martial arts career and upcoming book release, Martial Art Over 50: One Man’s Dream-The Inner Aspect. This amazing Taekwondo, and martial arts resource,…
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