crazy person check: did you see Richie being eviscerated by Syd in steadily personal and intense ways, until he was ultimately bothered / defeated, after belittling and undervaluing her. while also backdropped by past gems of empathy/connection and fondness.
all culminating in them getting in each other’s faces, and Syd brandishing a knife against him, and a part of you didn’t see it as a mere symptom of the chaos erupting in the kitchen, but as a greater manifestation of their tension (despite the good), especially with how needlessly close and frankly abetting/low Richie was speaking, not stepping away from the challenge, which later led you to realize that you actually ship it?
Especially bc he valued Sydney’s words sm that it borderline induced his S2 psychological spiral (which is fckɪɴɢ hilarious lol), exemplifying her impact/value to him, and how she’s equally if not more unhinged than him. and was allowed her retaliation in a grander, more intense way which validates her feelings against Richie, and elevates her above a passive recipient. With this tension transcending into S2, with their pointed tentativeness whenever they would initially interact, although awkward, it was evidently made so by all the things unsaid.
And doubly appreciate the detail of S2 ending with Carmy and Syd on repeatedly bad/disconnected footing and Richie conversely, earnestly imploring Sydney trust him, wanting to be utilized by her, giving himself to the person who arguably holds the most weight (was the one who really saw his inherent issues/needed to prove himself to) and was thusly crucial in pushing him to grow. and how sydney trusted him, chose to in fact — despite everything — which allowed her to achieve a huge part of her dream, actually being there for her - in opposition to his prior trend of self-centeredness (and so becoming endearing to you and smth you really appreciate). And the easy synergy this brought, evidencing their compatibility and natural gravitation — so while sydcarm are mirrors, their fallibilities tend to distance and depersonalize them from e/o - at least in carmy's case. Did this make you admire their depth and dynamicness and their uncanny ability to complement each other, whether piercing under the skin or building the other up? Did their [initial] tension make you think they were gonna makeout, but are you satisfied even tho they didn't (OOC, duh), but lowkey think they wanted to/should, like sydrichie nasty sickonut hɑτefuck when (with knife even)?
Would you lowkey love it if the show trolled and ended up not pairing sydcarm but unexpectedly the two that challenge each other - with sydrichie, despite many ppl falling to their knees in wallmart. Should sydrichie kiss sloppy style with τoɴɢue to make me very happy?
Do I need help? And is it an obvious problem that I ship Syd with any cousin 🐻 that breathes (she can't help that she's so charismatic and wifey 🤷🏿‍♂️)? Yes, yes. Clearly indicative of a hashtag normal person, very well adjusted yes.
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sydrichie are really so folie à deux. like the fact that they're the two that affected each other so primally + drove each other to a point of wounding the other primally.
syd was a key catalyst in richie losing purpose and richie in syd quitting.
and unintentional or not, i love how their biggest slights are so symbolic. richie butts in on syd's prep, reinforcing the inability and condescension he'd not only levied against her, but also represented - encapsulating syd's fear of never self-actualizing or being up to standard.
he defiled the sanctity of her craft, soiled the food in imperfection — an imperfection reflected more to her than in him, a revelation twofold in evidencing how imperfection is tied to sydrichie both, and why exactly richie knifed at syd so sharply.
displaying their symbolizing of each other's biggest vulnerabilities, but despite, and even bc of that - their complementary nature.
mentioning pointed projectiles, syd literally jabbed one into richie's back (his bum, but ok its not like anyone's keeping note, definitely not of the nigh pʜɑllic implications of it all, but you didnt hear it from me), representing syd's encapsulation of not only the inescapability of change and newness, but a devaluing of tradition, of safety. she intimidated him.
she was familiarity and history and control immutably subverted, desecrated, the manifestation of a basal betrayal. and in all her superiority, all her unattainability, its no wonder he took the abeyance she made him feel to heart.
allowed her to peel back the layers.
syd may have pierced into his body, but he peeled back her layers too, brought out the animalistic nature of syd's drive, her passion, pride, obsession, in vocalizing the question of her place at The Beef, as opposed to Richie's almost unspoken ineffectual contributions instead.
they tore into each other.
richie into syd's craft, her food, and syd into richie's sentimentalities, his lifeblood.
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