#JGY and NHS ruined each other's lifes and I love their (platonic) dynamic for that
theawkwardvillainess · 5 months
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Some more of my art! This time it's Jin Guangyao and (young) Nie Huaisang, two of my favorite characters in all of MDZS. I think I will come up with my original designs for all the characters in the future, but for now they are based on the donghua which I btw started watching (everything is so fast ahhh)
Also I know I probably messed up some anatomy/face features/other things but please don't point it out! I start to get ashamed and afraid to post my art even with soft criticism... So please let it be imperfect
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crossdressingdeath · 4 years
Okay, rant time. Someone on mxtxconfessions said they didn’t think JC was that tragic, and there was someone who responded who started out strong, pointing out that losing his entire clan is actually pretty tragic, and how the Wens tortured him, but then went ahead and said that he had no idea WWX had given him his golden core, and how JC now had a broken relationship with his brother, which was apparently really tragic, as if JC himself didn’t ruin it, which makes me so mad, because one, WWX also lost all those things, and suffered even more, and two, can we stop portraying WWX and JC’s relationship as something sad? Leaving each other is the best thing they could’ve ever done, and it made me happy that it happened, but this fandom does not agree with me. Also, again, JC was not alone during all of this! WWX was at his side experiencing this things too! Why are these people forgetting that? Also, the worst thing that happened to him was losing his golden core, which was probably the only thing that affected him, as he was completely fine after he got it back. Yes, he had trauma, which is horrible, but I’m tired of fans overplaying it, and acting like his entire life was just so so sad, when he was actually one of the luckiest characters. He has wealth, privilege and status, and no one can say anything against him. And don’t even get me started on the whole ‘hE hAs No FrIeNdS’ argument. He has no friends because of his shit personality. He doesn’t have a wife because of his shit personality. You make friends by being nice, not by being mIsUnDeRsToOd, and cannically torturing people! Also, him doing one good thing for WWX doesn’t automatically make him a good brother. Honestly, I’m surprised WWX didn’t have a more platonic version of Stockholm Syndrome because of what JC has done to him. Also, how JC speaks to WWX is a very well-known tactics abusers use, to guilt their victim! More people need to speak up about that. Also, if y’all are so mad about the core transfer, start writing fics with WWX not giving up his core to JC, and make it seem like actual canon. Wait! You can’t, because JC wanted that core! He wants it so fucking bad, and that’s why he hates it! Also, JC stans need to stop with the whole-victim blaming! Like, shit, because of those stans, it makes me want to dump JC in a ditch, and let him rot as d!e there.
Wow, this got out of hand.
Honestly? Given WWX’s habit of insisting that everything JC does to him is justified even when it’s things like calling him a traitor to the sects and leaving him to die, I think if he’d stayed with JC much longer he very well might have ended up with something similar to Stockholm Syndrome. After all, if I’m remembering right one of the signs of that is the victim thinking their captor is being kind because they’re not as cruel as they could be. That certainly sounds like Yunmeng bros’ dynamic to me.
JC’s life was sad. He lost his home, his parents... it sucks. I’m not going to say he hasn’t been through a lot of shit, because he has. But the thing is, MDZS has a very strong thread of tragedy running through it. Everyone’s life is sad in this! Especially in the flashbacks! WWX lost everything JC did and more; LWJ’s mother died when he was young and his father died when his sect was burned to the ground, not to mention the love of his life dying horribly and leaving LWJ as almost the only one in the world who mourned him instead of celebrating his death; one of LXC’s dearest friends killed the other and was killed in turn by LXC himself, along with the aforementioned parental death; NHS’s brother died horribly right in front of him, killed by someone NHS trusted and loved like a second brother, and he gave pretty much his entire adult life over to revenge; JL’s parents both died when he was a baby and then as a teenager he learned that the man who raised him who he loved dearly had a hand in at least one of their deaths and did a bunch of other horrible shit besides; and that’s not even getting into the Yi City arc... Everyone suffers in this story. One of the major running themes, though, is that you cannot let that suffering make you cruel. Think of XY, who wiped out a sect over a finger; think of JGY, and everything he did. Their atrocities were fueled by their suffering, and the narrative makes it very clear that this is not okay. The narrative makes no attempt to justify or handwave the things JC does as not that bad because he was sad, because that’s not a justification. JC did terrible things. He shouldn’t get out of atoning for them because he had a hard life; the only reason he can is because an accident of birth gave him the power and status the major villains could never have. JC’s situation is tragic, but the kind of tragic that’s only a tragedy because those involved chose to make it that way. JC could be surrounded by people who love him, he could do so much good, he could fight to keep anyone from suffering the way he did again. Instead he wallows in his suffering, brings it down on anyone he doesn’t like, drives everyone who might have stood by him away. Whether he can see it or not, JC is alone because he chose to be.
(And yeah, isn’t it funny how there are no fics where WWX keeps his golden core and JC loses his and remains reasonably in character? Wonder why that could be. It can’t possibly be that even the most hardcore JC stans can’t find a way to make that setup work, could it?)
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