actualbird · 2 years
Would like to make a small correction on my previous ask about bad endings! ToT does have a similar system to routes, the personal stories and cards including and after the 1st Anniversary!
Gonna be operating purely off of Global Server knowledge here, but I still don't think there'll be bad endings in those, especially in the Sweet Chapters since those seem to be more or less fluffy and cute stories after mc and the chosen boy get together. Having to choose the right options or risk a bad ending...kind of ruins that vibe. I don't know if any Sweet Chapters in the CN server go a different direction though!
If bad endings were to occur, I'd think there'd be a few sprinkled in the Blossom Chapters since those had higher stakes as the story progressed and some had good spots for bad endings. Same thing applies to the main story, chapter 6 had the perfect spot for a bad ending but didn't have one. This doesn't mean hyv won't ever have bad endings in those stories, but as of now it doesn't seem like there are plans to include any.
If there were a multiple ending system I'd like to see implemented in ToT, I'd honestly put it in the AU cards. The stories aren't super long so implementing the traditional dialogue choice determines the ending you get system won't be extremely painful if you get a bad end compared to something like the personal stories where you'd have to comb through multiple parts of multiple chapters to get dialogue right, and the AUs are non-canon anyway so there's a little more leeway to explore ideas in them.
I hope you didn't mind me expanding a bit more on my thoughts of possible bad endings! I found the idea more interesting when I thought about it and I thought it'd be neat to share my own thoughts and ideas about the concept and its possible execution.
irt bad endings ask 1 and bad endings ask 2.
gmorning milkyway!! no worries on the expanding, it is indeed pretty interesting!! while im personally not a fan of bad ending routes, i do agree on u that AU cards would be the best way to go about it, purely from a subjective personal point of view.
like, the only pieces of fiction and media i experienced that Had bad ending routes were stories where everything was present from the get go; a finished book, finished visual novel, finished video game; everything is there upon release. meanwhile tot does not work like that, obvi. and idk why, but tot's nature of continual updating of more story in increments builds more anticipation and, to a certain extent, investment too. and having bad ending routes in a story thats gone for 3 years+ seems like...Ouch, to say the least JKVKSJHDF. which is why i like it best in AU cards! since those card stories are less intertwined with the overarching LI story routes, and are relatively self contained
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